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Antitoxic9087 ,

Now they will start saying that beneath every hospital and refugee camp in Gaza lies a Hamas headquarter.

DoomBot5 ,

Knowing Hamas, that sounds very accurate.

marx2k ,

Do you know hamas?

bingbong ,

Is this hamas with us in the room right now?

Dontcare ,

It’s not disputed that this is what they do

doctorcrimson ,

That doesn’t justify sending indiscriminate bombs for a job trained soldiers could do.

SirToxicAvenger ,

indiscriminate like the rocket salvo that hamas unleashed on October 7th?

doctorcrimson ,

Yes exactly like that. Turns out killing innocent civilians is bad no matter who is doing it.

Sparlock ,

I heard there were IDF soldiers at the music festival. Does that make it ok now?

SirToxicAvenger ,


Sparlock ,

DING, DING, DING ! That is the correct answer.

Though it seems hard for people when it is reframed as…

I heard there were IDF soldiers Hamas guerrillas at the music festival refugee camp. Does that make it ok now?

Suddenly they are tripping over themselves to justify why they answer Yes.

masquenox ,

They train soldiers for genocide?

doctorcrimson ,

Yes, but I was alluding that, if it were there goal, then a ground force could pick terrorist targets without killing excess civilians.

masquenox , (edited )

That’s not how colonialist warfare - oops, sorry, I meant to say “counter-terrorism” - works. You don’t wage “counter-terrorism” against the people actively resisting the colonialist power - that’s ineffective - instead, you wage war against the people the resistance originates from and exists within. That’s the part of “people’s war” that gets left unsaid - it works both ways. That is the reason why so much “counter-terrorism” looks no different than genocide - genocide is the only true effective means of dealing with stubborn and organised anti-colonial resistance.

edit: I have to add - this is the reason why talk of “civilians” is mere propaganda and little else - the nature of colonialist warfare fundamentally rejects concepts such as “civilian” and “combatant.” You are either a member of the “other” or you are not - it’s the reason why white supremacism is such a usefult ideology for colonizers.

doctorcrimson ,

Civillians exist and the majority in Gaza do not support Hamas as of their most recent election, probably even less now. You know that unless you actually adhere to the self identifying white supremacist philosophy you just spouted, so I don’t see any point in your comment.

masquenox ,

Civillians exist

As I have already explained to you… white supremacist settler-colonialist states do not distinguish between civilians and combatants - the enemy is a racialized other who must either be enslaved, repressed and/or exterminated. That is it. End of story - white supremacism doesn’t work any other way and never has.

If you live in the US, you should have no trouble understanding this - unless your history teachers fell down on the job or had a good reason to misinform you.

majority in Gaza do not support Hamas

Most people in Vietnam did not support Ho Chi Minh - but they sure as hell knew who it was that was handing out AKs when colonizers started indiscriminately napalming their villages, didn’t they?

doctorcrimson ,

As I have already explained to you… white supremacist settler-colonialist states do not distinguish between civilians and combatants - the enemy is a racialized other who must either be enslaved, repressed and/or exterminated. That is it. End of story - white supremacism doesn’t work any other way and never has.

As I have already explained to you, I don’t give a fuck what white supremacist settler-colonialist states think about the existence of civilians, nobody asked, and neither should you.

masquenox ,

I don’t give a fuck what white supremacist settler-colonialist states think

Maybe you should tell your government that, then.

frostysauce ,

In Israel they do.

DoomBot5 ,

Wait, so targeting terrorist infrastructure is indiscriminate? I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

Auli ,

Yep when everything you hit is terrorist infrastructure. It’s the old take a shot and say exactly where I was aiming.

doctorcrimson ,

When terrorist infrastructure is homes, roads, utilities, and hospitals where attacking kills thousands of children and innocent civilians, then yes. That is the exact definition of indiscriminate: it kills everyone without consideration.

hark , avatar

Looking forward to the 3D rendering “evidence”.

bingbong ,

They might do it in Minecraft this time!

mjhelto ,

Or even better, Roblox!

Maggoty ,

They’ve been doing that for 20 years. Possibly earlier but that’s around when I started following it.

masquenox ,

Yep… after all - if you see a Palestinian child without a Hamas “terrorist” hiding behind them it just proves how sneaky they are!

(s/ - for the terminally bewildered)

SexyTimeSasquatch ,

Well, I mean, to be fair, Hamas frequently does actually use hospitals and refugee camps as human shields. It doesn’t make blowing up thousands of innocent people okay, but don’t act like Israel is blowing up camps for no reason. They’re doing it because Hamas are cowardly pieces of shit who hide behind children and sick people. Everyone is horrible in this except the innocent people dying in the crossfire.

SaltyLemon66 ,

Glass of juice.

dlpkl ,

It’s textbook genocide. They’ve seen they can get away with anything under the guise of war, so why not just solve all their issues and make sure no one’s alive to return to their homes?

Illuminostro ,

What was the old sarcastic quip from Vietnam vets?

“Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out.”


Charlie can’t surf.

Aceticon ,

The origin of that (specifically “Kill Them All and Let God Sort It Out”) is way older than that, back all the way to the 13th century and the Cruzades.

I vaguelly remembered it being from a source older than that so I went and looked it up.

SwampYankee ,

under the guise of war

There’s no guise. This is the way war has been prosecuted for millennia. The Geneva Convention, UNHRC, etc. are blips. War is genocide and always has been. Only in the late modern to post-modern era has war been something other than the complete annihilation of your enemies and their culture, including all the infanticide and rape that implies. If you’re, for instance, the US prosecuting a war for nebulous geopolitical reasons, then you can slap up a veneer of rules and conduct. If it’s a war of territorial expansion, on the other hand, you’d better be prepared to do what it takes to stamp out any trace of the people who originally lived there, or at least leave those who remain so broken and disempowered that they’ll never pose a threat.

Expect more like Ukraine & Palestine as the US’s grip on hegemony slips, and as we continue to slowly forget the lessons of the World Wars.

Maggoty ,

Not quite true. While there were many wars of cultural genocide, (culture is a great control tool), wars of physical genocide were largely reserved for religious wars and punishment wars. Not gonna pay that tithe or surrender the second you see us? Congratulations, you’re an example. Espouse a different religious truth? You’re a threat that must be made an example.

For the most part they understood the value of human capital and didn’t want to destroy it if they didn’t have to.

assassin_aragorn ,

I think Ukraine has reestablished American hegemony. It’s showcased how powerful it is to have American support, and galvanized NATO once more.

I honestly don’t think you can tie Palestine into this. This conflict has never been indicative of any global influence. This is where global influence does nothing in the face of intense hatred.

ferralcat ,

This is not true. There are hundreds of cultures around today who were conquered and just left to live until their conquerors eventually moved out. The Jews themselves have literally been conquered a dozen times.

dx1 ,

I have one of Mahmoud Darwish’s books right here, goes into pretty significant detail about Israel’s attempts to stamp out Palestinian culture in the earliest years:…/write-down-i-am-an-arab/…/id-card-by-mahmoud-darwish-a-translat…

As the book details, he wrote this and then performed it on a stage in Israel, to their outrage, I think it said around 1958.

assassin_aragorn ,

I admit, I’ve been skeptical of this for a while because I couldn’t think of a reason why they’d want to do this.

And I realized today. There doesn’t have to be some grand reason. Killing them all ensures Hamas is killed too. They’ll destroy Palestine because it’s easier and safer for them to indiscriminately bomb the place. That’s reason enough. :/

ferralcat ,

But it won’t kill hamas. It’ll just breed more of them living in all the countries surrounding Israel.

Wakmrow ,

Well they’re fascist, I’m not sure why you expect them to be consistent or logical

doctorcrimson ,

Don’t worry, in about 23 more strikes they’ll then send in ground forces to sort the survivors. /sarcasm

Maggoty ,

You dropped some zeros there. They did several hundred airstrikes over the weekend alone.

SirToxicAvenger ,

if hamas werent cowards they wouldnt try (and fail) to hide in civilian camps. they do it because they have no actual chance in a real war. end result is more civilian casualties.

tocopherol , avatar

Can you show me the Hamas flags, vehicles, uniforms, etc that proves there even was a military target there?

Gargantu8 ,

So like, is the same position something like: I support Israel but condemn their atrocities while pursuing security and justice? I don’t understand how so many people have a strong opinion on this situation. My opinion is that I’m not educated enough to have one…

MaxVoltage , (edited ) avatar


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  • masquenox ,

    I support Israel

    If you support a white supremacist settler-colonialist state, it means you support a white supremacist settler-colonialist state.

    End of story.

    Gargantu8 ,

    So what is the most rational opinion?

    masquenox ,

    So what is the most rational opinion?

    I’d say… not supporting a white supremacist settler-colonialist state.

    Gargantu8 ,

    Fair enough. I hope Israel rejects their right wing government after this disaster.

    Kage520 ,

    It’s closely linked to the Christian culture. I think in Revelation or something Israel was the good guys during Armageddon, and the US wants to always be aligned with them for that reason. Whatever Israel does is “the good guys”. More nonsense from religion, yay.

    braxy29 ,

    the evangelical christians think this war means the second coming of jesus is imminent. so they are a little horrified but mostly all excited about it.

    edit - and in case anyone thinks i’m making this shit up, i’m surrounded by these people and have been my whole life. i talk to them and i see their media and social media. their eyes light up.

    SomeAmateur ,

    Not all christians share that mindset, but you are absolutely right. Some of them are just way too hyped for the apocalypse. I wonder if they think they’ll get the ez pass or if they’ll suffer with the rest of us until the big man shows up.

    ReluctantMuskrat ,

    Except it’s not even an educated Christian take. Israel rejected the Messiah and continue to. At no time does the Bible suggest the end-time Israel is acting according to God’s will. They are experiencing a period of discipline outside of his will, just as they did in the OT. The Bible does teach God will ultimately redeem them but not before great suffering on their part, and it never suggests the nation is in anyway pleasing him before that.

    Christians offering unqualified support to the Israeli government aren’t representing what their own faith teaches.

    Malfeasant ,

    Xtians getting their own religion wrong? Color me shocked.

    ipkpjersi ,

    CNN isn’t even pro-religion though, and they’ve been very pro-Israel this entire time.

    pomodoro_longbreak , avatar

    Yeah idk it seems to be some kind of liberal purity test these days. Many liberals respect the power of tradition, and religious ideology, even if they don’t believe the text.

    frostysauce ,

    I’m shocked the Corporate News Network is pro-Israel. Shocked

    abuttandahalf ,

    No it’s not. Israel serves the us and the west’s geopolitical interests and that is why they support them. Whatever propagandistic justifications they put out for why people should support Israel are irrelevant.

    Rhynoplaz ,

    They all sound like assholes to me. I just support the innocent people who happen to live in the neighborhood, and oppose both military forces. That’s still an option.

    Gargantu8 ,

    I like this option. My only question is how do you logistically/as a foreign government do this? Like what should I hope my country does for this situation?

    Rhynoplaz ,

    When I become a foreign government, I’ll let you know.

    Gargantu8 ,

    Sounds great haha take care

    Oisteink ,

    What if the strong opinion is that you shall not murder?

    I’ve educated myself enough to be able to have a strong position on the killing of innocents.

    Doesn’t matter if they are Israeli, Palestinian, Somali, Japanese or even Swedish - innocent civilians have a right to live without being bombed.

    Does not matter who’s dropping the bombs or on who they are dropping them. It’s just never the right thing to do.

    themajesticdodo ,

    I don’t understand how so many people have a strong opinion on this situation. My opinion is that I’m not educated enough to have one…

    You think because you’re ignorant, everyone else must be too?

    Gargantu8 ,

    I wouldn’t say I’m ignorant, just admitting I don’t know enough to know how to feel. The pro Israel and pro Palestine people both make sense to me at times lol

    themajesticdodo ,


    People are dying you stupid shit.

    Gargantu8 ,

    Yeah not a fan of that. Don’t think the hostilities are necessary when I’m just trying to learn about the conflict…

    Dontcare ,

    These are dumb teenagers who are yelling slogans

    TinyPizza , avatar

    What is the actual point of you scrolling through day old posts calling people teenagers. Like sick burn dude, way to get out there and correct the record with racist/ageist bullshit.

    loki_d20 ,

    Just to note, they’ve bombed people in cars fleeing Gaza as directed by them as well. There really is no safe way to be in or attempt to leave.

    merthyr1831 ,

    This is why Palestinians are staying at home despite the threats.

    They know that if they leave they’ll be bombed.

    They know that if they stay they’ll be bombed.

    They know that if they leave and survive they’ll be permanent refugees to a world that despises them.

    They know that if they leave and survive and are allowed to return, they’ll be clearing rubble for the rest of their lives (until Israel bombs them again)

    No matter what, they’re doomed to be a tool for propaganda or a corpse. I’d rather be a corpse in my own home in a final act of defiance than a statistic of a settler colonial cleansing project.

    Dontcare ,

    Pals have had millions of chances at peace, they have said they will fight to the death against the existence of Israel. They are getting what they wanted

    merthyr1831 ,

    Not even in death will your soul know peace.

    Dontcare ,

    No, they’ve had days to leave and many of them did. Not sure why Egypt doesn’t open the rafah crossing

    erranto ,

    70 year of atrocities committed in Palestine with the support of western powers and the indifference of western media

    2023 : IDF commits yet another round of genocidal atrocities in Palestine

    western media: Surprised Pikatchu face 🤯

    Blackmist ,

    There’s no surprise. Nobody is. Place has been a warzone since before I was born, and will be long after I’m dead.

    They’re just getting all the juicy pictures of dead kids to sell their papers.

    Give it a week and they’ll be a massive flood in Bangladesh or somewhere, and they’ll forget all about dead Israelis and Palestinians, and we can have a good old look at a load of water bloated brown corpses instead.

    Mrkawfee ,

    Not just indifference. Actively supporting while character attacking opposition.

    Dontcare ,

    Pals despite there constant war live as good or better than most other Muslim countries in the region

    joel1974 ,


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  • masquenox ,

    Israel doesn’t care about the needle - it’s just a pretext to drench the haystack in Willie Pete.

    DeathWearsANecktie ,

    I think Israel is losing the information war on this recent crisis. They’re trying to defend the indefensible. There’s no way to spin “we dropped a bomb on a refugee camp” into something acceptable. And people are seeing the bullshit for what it is.

    chiliedogg ,

    They really screwed the pooch on this one from a messaging stance. Stepping back from the emotions and the war crimes and just looking at their propaganda, it’s just being handled sloppily. Propaganda has always been Israel’s superpower, and they’re doing a terrible job of it.

    You don’t defend the bombing of a refugee camp by saying “There may have been tunnels or infrastructure.”

    At this point you just lie and say you know there were military objectives. Or pull a play from the US and count the bodies and claim that any body of a “military-age male” was a combatant.

    Admitting on international television that you knowingly and intentionally bombed a bunch of civilians you absolutely knew you were killing just in case there might be bad guys among them is a bad look.

    barsoap ,

    Propaganda has always been Israel’s superpower, and they’re doing a terrible job of it.

    They’re using the exact same kind of messaging they’re using internally to their own right-wing and scared centre, “tough guys making hard decisions to keep you safe” kind of stuff. To people who went on school trips to Auschwitz with armed Israeli security – not because visiting Poland wouldn’t be safe, but out of a mixture of security theatre and propaganda. It just doesn’t work if you aren’t part of that particular information bubble. They seem to have forgotten that it doesn’t even work on the Israeli left wing so why should it work on random people from elsewhere.

    Also stunts like the yellow stars in the security council. Come the fuck on crocodile-teared self-victimisation can’t possibly be more blatant, and it’s fucking disgusting how they trivialise the Holocaust with that shit.

    dangblingus ,

    I think you’re underestimating just how much Islamophobia exists in the world. People don’t mind if brown people get killed.

    Buddahriffic ,

    I think it’s a combination of pushing boundaries of tactics that were previously working well enough for them and not realising that over time, more and more people become aware that Israel is a present day colonial country still doing some of the evil shit we’re not proud of our own countries for doing in the past. And people are more willing to challenge the anti-semitism accusations because there’s a huge difference between hating people for existing and hating what an authoritarian power is doing to a population it hates for not quietly letting them take more and more of their land.

    Not to mention I don’t think the response to 9/11 was a good one either and evoking that seems to be one of the prongs of their propaganda attack. There’s a comment a bit higher up doing that exactly, but it’s kinda funny because in the first paragraph it sounds like it’s making a 9/11 reference ironically, but then the 2nd paragraph shows it was serious.

    dx1 ,

    At this point you just lie and say you know there were military objectives. Or pull a play from the US and count the bodies and claim that any body of a “military-age male” was a combatant.

    One of them tried that same claim in an interview yesterday. Not Hecht, but an older guy - he said, seeing the video of the cleanup effort (men sorting through rubble), “a lot of those look like military age males”.

    mjhelto ,

    Well, they keep killing them, but the reporters keep reporting! /s

    fossilesque , (edited ) avatar
    Maggoty ,

    Just nakedly going after the journalists actually shocked me. It shouldn’t have but I honestly didn’t think even Israel could get away with that.

    neeshie ,

    They’ve been doing that for years. They shot Shireen Abu Akleh, showed up at her funeral to beat the shit out of the people carrying her coffin, and then just recently bulldozed the memorial to her.

    SCB , (edited )

    Posted this above but I’ll copy here, since you seem to be making the same mistake as Wolf.

    Friendly reminder this is an urban center with 50k people normally living in it, with permanent concrete buildings. This is not a bunch of tents and soup pots.

    They killed a battalion of Hamas fighters. This is just how war functions

    Blitzer not knowing the facts of this “camp” just kind of makes him look like an amateur.

    Edit: also it’s in the North and bombings are why they said to move south for 2 solid weeks.

    ook_the_librarian , avatar

    There’s no way to spin “we dropped a bomb on a refugee camp” into something acceptable.

    Just wanted to quote the post you’re replying to. Add all the context you want, you’re only making sound more like genocide.

    SCB ,

    I suppose if you hate Jews enough anything can look like anything.

    Post-truth living sure is easy!

    MightEnlightenYou ,

    I’m not the one you responded to, I don’t hate Jews. What I do hate is people like you excusing the killing of civilians as acceptable collateral for the greater good. Fuck off!

    dangblingus ,

    Piss off, astroturfer. We’re WAYYYY beyond the “criticism of Israel is anti-semitism” fallacy. It’s been debunked. Go ride a bike or something.

    SCB ,

    Are we?

    I wonder what he was so mad about?

    frostysauce ,

    Congrats on *ensuring you’ll never have a shred of credibility on this subject!

    ook_the_librarian , avatar

    I suppose if you hate Jews enough anything can look like anything.

    If you think that one being able make bombing a refugee camp that was known to be populated “look” like genocide proves that person hates Jews, then I don’t know what to tell you.

    SCB ,

    That im right

    Sparlock ,

    Yikes. You are astoundingly bigoted.

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    Edit: also it’s in the North and bombings are why they said to move south for 2 solid weeks.

    Civilians not getting out of the way before you bomb is not an excuse for you to bomb.

    If they don’t move, then you need to find another way of taking out your enemy.

    SCB ,

    If they don’t move, then you need to find another way of taking out your enemy.

    Is this really how you think wars work?

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    Is this really how you think wars work?

    Ask someone who is a career military officer someday about the Rules of Engagement that they learn.

    Maggoty ,

    They did not kill a battalion. Not even Israel is claiming that. They may have killed a battalion commander. And Israel still isn’t letting refugees flee through their lines so that’s still a terroristic threat not a warning.

    SCB ,


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  • money_loo ,

    Didn’t they then bomb that though? Leaving people too afraid to use it?

    SCB ,


    money_loo , (edited )

    Israel’s military has been calling for civilians to leave northern Gaza since airstrikes began. But some are too old or ill to travel. Others have weighed up dangers including attacks on convoys heading south and airstrikes in areas in the south that Israel designated “safer” zones, and decided to stay.

    It seems they did…


    Sparlock ,

    Wrong as usual.

    TokenBoomer OP ,
    Maggoty ,

    Going south. That they bombed.

    Sparlock ,

    Were there IDF at the music festival?

    That would make it fair game by your own logic.

    reverendsteveii ,

    they might be losing the information war but they’ll always have the support of the governments of the english speaking world and they don’t actually need to win the information war. they’re winning the kill-the-other-guys war and no one who can do anything about it wants to.

    assassin_aragorn ,

    Even Western governments are getting uncomfortable about this. I think Israel overestimates just how far they can go before the West starts to consider pulling their support.

    floofloof ,

    Even if the West “starts to consider” maybe not wholeheartedly backing Israel’s brutal actions, it will be some time before they do anything about it, if they ever do. Until then Israel will continue killing.

    assassin_aragorn ,

    I know :/

    ferralcat ,

    LoL. Western governments still aren’t even saying “please stop” let alone pulling the billions in funding that’s being used to do this.

    I expect Israel just out and out kill everyone is Gaza this time and take the land thinking it will end this problem forever. I expect in 10 years they’ll figure out they failed when another attack happens.

    atyaz ,

    How will that be a failure? They’ll have finished the ethnic cleansing of the region and added more land. Another terrorist attack that kills a few people will just give them another casus belli to do another genocide somewhere else, probably in the west bank next.

    abuttandahalf ,

    They are only winning if killing civilians is winning. It isn’t, France killed tens of thousands of Algerians before being promptly defeated and expelled. Same thing happened in Vietnam. The Palestinian resistance is inflicting huge losses in the Israeli army. Scores of destroyed tanks and dead israeli soldiers every day

    reverendsteveii ,

    They are only winning if killing civilians is winning

    That is the goal that they’ve stated repeatedly

    Mrkawfee ,

    They will literally want a blood price measured in tens of thousands of bodies. At the funeral of mass murderer Baruch Goldstein a Rabby famously said “one million Arabs are not worth one Jewish fingernail”

    Wakmrow ,

    I’m not downplaying the deaths of 10,000 people or that 30,000 have been injured. There are over a million displaced and over 2 million Palestinians live in Gaza, more in the West Bank and more in the surrounding countries.

    Israel cannot win this. It is impossible to accomplish their genocide. That’s after weeks of bombing spending who knows how much on munitions. Logistically it’s impossible.

    abuttandahalf ,

    They can’t genocide the entire Palestinian people and they are not going to be able to expel the gazans. They think that murdering thousands will deter Palestinians from resisting, but that’s hugely incorrect. We can, as colonized people have shown before us, withstand huge bloodshed. Colonizers cannot. The scale of resistance is only increasing, and once it reaches the tipping point of inflicting what the Israelis can’t endure, this occupation will be over.

    stella ,

    Yeah, but it’s pretty damning to see all the astroturfing on social media, blacklisting from companies, and crackdowns on peaceful protests by governments.

    I think we’re witnessing one big Streisand-effect here where people are fed up at having others choose what they can see and what they can say.

    I’m very proud at how the narrative didn’t snowball in Israel’s favor. If anything, this caused people who blindly supported Israel to learn more about the history of the region and why there is conflict in the first place.

    If you weren’t anti-Zionist before, you’re probably one now.

    calypsopub ,

    Not if you look at my Facebook feed full of evangelicals saying “I stand with Israel cause the Bible says so”

    masquenox ,
    WuTang , avatar

    OK CNN, so ? at least you get clicks and time views.

    where’s the fucking flag "we stand with " you were throwing up at our face during Ukraine invasion ???

    Blackmist ,

    This is how we know they didn’t hit that hospital car park the other week.

    They’re not ashamed of what they do. They just say they were “targeting a Hamas commander” and walk away.

    ChaoticEntropy , avatar

    There was just no possible way of denying this one. There was enough fog of war and misinformation floating around to get away with muddying the water around the hospital, this is clear cut.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    Well israel actually did tweet that they bombed that hospital and “targeted Hamas” but promptly deleted the tweet. Nobody seems to question that anymore.

    israel’s propaganda machine has gone in overdrive since the last week, every comment section on the internet is getting flooded with Zionist bots even smaller ones.

    ghostdoggtv ,

    They’re activating every last account they have access to, the tell is they’re making arguments they know are wrong and they are getting paid to do it so they keep on doing it. There are ones who argue directly and ones who work more subtly to normalize apartheid and genocide.

    SCB , (edited )

    Friendly reminder this is an urban center with 50k people normally living in it, with permanent concrete buildings. This is not a bunch of tents and soup pots.

    They killed a battalion of Hamas fighters. This is just how war functions

    Blitzer not knowing the facts of this “camp” just kind of makes him look like an amateur.

    SankaraStone , avatar

    This is not how war functions. Tell me what refugee camps or other sets of civilians Ukraine is bombing. This is how Netanyahu and his government function.

    SCB ,

    Imagine how different your interpretation would be if you clicked that link and saw that city is not a bunch of fleeing people in tents - you know, explicitly the purpose of my comment.

    Zoomboingding , avatar

    “You shot that guy in the head!”

    “What’s the big deal, he was wearing a bullet proof vest.”

    SCB ,

    More like

    “You shot that guy in the head!”

    “I told him for two weeks that if he didn’t leave the area, he’d probably end up shot, because this is an active warzone”

    “But he was in a refugee camp!”

    “It was a refugee camp 70 years ago and now it’s just a city, but the name stuck”

    “But you’re Jewish!

    SasquatchBanana ,

    “I told them for tWo WeEkS to leave the area after I cut off power, water, and other resources. It’s not like that makes it harder to near impossible for you to get this message, but i did :> and we totally don’t have a heavily documented past of bombing schools, hospitals, and journalists. Also, we didn’t cut the power off to ensure our war crimes aren’t documented :> Also, oops, we killed some hostages in our indiscrimante bombings. Oh! But also Hamas killed babies, here are some pics. What?? We killed how many children already?? Those are jusf casualties of war!”

    Stop making excuses for them. If this was the USA no one would be excusing this shit.

    FarmTaco ,

    They absolutely would be excusing it and they did because the US occupied entire nations after 9/11.

    Are you making excuses for terrorists? or maybe just everyone has a different opinion.

    AngryCommieKender ,

    Yes, we occupied multiple countries because of war. The civilian casualty count of our wars is no where near what Israel is doing. We have the UCMJ. The IDF has no such governance. As far as I can tell, as a US Navy veteran, the IDF doesn’t have/believe in the rules of engagement. They are going full tilt, and indiscriminately targeting civilians. The US military has its own issues, and I will never deny that, but we don’t knowingly target civilians.

    FarmTaco ,

    The death count of iraqi civilians is in the hundreds of thousands, and thats only that one specific conflict, they broadcast the bombings of baghdad on TV, the world excused that as well, so if this was the USA it would 100% be excused.

    SankaraStone , avatar


    This is what I saw before I even came on Lemmy.

    SCB ,

    So you saw it’s a city, which is more than most here.

    floofloof ,

    We know it’s a city. We object to the bit where bombs are dropped on many innocent people living in the city.

    SCB ,

    They should’ve asked them to leave.

    Oh wait.

    SankaraStone , (edited ) avatar

    Go where with what money and fuel to stay where? And are they safe there?

    Gaza is 41 kilometres (25 miles) long, from 6 to 12 km (3.7 to 7.5 mi) wide. Manhattan is 13.4 miles (21.6km) long and about 2.3 miles (3.7km) across at its widest point. So Gaza as a whole is maybe 4 times the size of Manhattan. And they’re using these bombs there?! Have you been to Manhattan?

    Edit: Here’s the overlay of Gaza on Manhattan:…

    These are war crimes. Same as what Hamas did on October 7th. Netanyahu and his government belong in the ICC dungeons of the Hague, the same as Hamas.

    ChaoticEntropy , avatar

    “The IDF said the airstrike on the refugee camp killed Hamas’s central Jabalya battalion, Ibrahim Biari, as well as a few other Hamas militants.”

    It did not kill a battalion of fighters. I can only assume they mean battalion commander.

    snek , avatar

    Ah yes 50k and on top of them another few thousands in tents with soup pots. And Israel killed a shit ton of them.

    Fedizen ,

    half of gaza is kids. Israeli government is the #1 childkillers. good job

    TimewornTraveler ,

    It’s not about what’s right and wrong, it’s about who will stop them. This is America’s war.

    kool_newt ,

    What a sick fuck!

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