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S.F. bakery won't serve cops, police union claims. Store says it's about the guns, not the cops

San Francisco’s police union says a city bakery chain has a “bigoted” policy of not serving uniformed cops.

The San Francisco Police Officers Assn. wrote in a social media post last week that Reem’s California “will not serve anyone armed and in uniform” and that includes “members of the U.S. Military.” The union is demanding that the chain “own” its policy.

Reem’s says, however, its policy isn’t against serving armed police officers. It’s against allowing guns inside its businesses.

bhamlin ,

If you didn’t want to be a bastard, you shouldn’t have been a cop.

smattering82 ,

In a city where you can’t park your car in the street without the window being smashed or have a business without having homeless harass your customers I thought that you might want to be nice to the cops but I guess I am wrong.

reverendsteveii ,

Assuming you’re speaking from loved experience and not what you heard on Fox News, what do the cops actually do about any of that? They might mosey along and murder the homeless person eventually but they’re not gonna stop someone from smashing your window. Most likely case is they just won’t respond at all.

smattering82 ,

Do you live in SF? Everyone I talk to thst lives there tells me that’s how it is. I don’t watch Fox News you can’t deny that city is in a crisis. I think the police as a institution needs a overhaul but you don’t do that by squeezing them out or spitting at them. That will only guarantee you get the wrong people applying for the job.

Tarkcanis ,

So fucking what? Police aren’t a protected class.

MyPornAlt ,

They’re about to be.

Aux ,

They’re a minority of the population so they should be.

Saurok ,

Except it’s a job not an innate, unchangeable characteristic… I honestly can’t tell if you’re serious or not.

Aux ,

Too bad for you.

stoicmaverick ,

So are pedophiles, what’s your point?

Aux ,

That’s the point!

VikingHippie ,

That’s not how it works. They’re not an oppressed minority, they’re the oppressive tool of the political and economic elite.

Aux ,

Muricans and their lack of understanding irony and satire… Oh wow…

VikingHippie ,

I’m actually not American and you didn’t make it at all obvious to a bunch of complete strangers that you were being sarcastic rather than an idiot 🤷

SpezCanLigmaBalls , avatar

Those type of people would rather blame it on others than themselves at all times

VikingHippie ,

Yup. I have a younger brother who’s like that. Gets pretty damn exhausting tbh…

SpezCanLigmaBalls , avatar

Got an older one like that. But it reflects on his personality as a whole. He’s always a victim and yeah… I could go on but I agree. It’s exhausting

CADmonkey ,

My job that I chose is a minority of the population too, where is my special treatment?

RizzRustbolt ,

Scanner monkey?

smellythief ,

We’re all a protected class. Yay!!

VikingHippie ,

They’re certainly not a protecTIVE class either.

Baldurs Gate 3 spoiler warning

Early Act 1 spoilerThey’re like Anders, the guy who pretends to be a paladin of Tyr, the god of justice, but is actually the willing servant of an arch-devil

WaterChi ,

To be fair, SCOTUS says they don’t have to protect anyone.

VikingHippie ,

To be even more fair though, not having to “serve and protect” like they lie about on their cars is not the same thing as not being ALLOWED TO.

They COULD choose to be decent humans who try to use their position of power to help people because it’s the right thing to do rather than an obligation, but of course, that’s not how a cop brain works.

Also, to be slightly less fair but no less truthful, the current scotus makes a mockery of the very concept of justice and most of them should be recalled and prosecuted for gross corruption.

reverendsteveii ,

Well here’s one civil right the cops can’t easily ignore. If an undercover buys a donut is that covered by qualified immunity?

Drivebyhaiku ,

It would not be required as off duty cops or non-visble ones are allowed. The ban is only on uniforms and guns which makes sense given thw article states some of the employees and regular clientele come from war torn places or have PTSD triggers around uniformed officers.

SeaJ ,

Let’s be honest, this is absolutely directed at police. Sure, it bans all people with guns but 99% of the people coming in there with them will be the police.

That said, they are free to do that. I think it is a little shitty but that’s up to them.

postmateDumbass ,

Just waiting for an entrepreneur to set up a table and operate a gun check service.

Its_not_Dave ,

I’m sure police would be very comfortable giving their gun to a stranger for money instead of putting it in their trunk.

postmateDumbass ,

The trunk you say…

SeaJ ,

“Just hand your service weapon over to me, officer, and you can head right in. That will be one dollarbuck.”

gianni , avatar

As a non-American trying to understand, why do you feel this policy is a little shitty?

uis , avatar

Well, if you are not from America you can look at Russian police, that beats protesting students, pregnant mothers and kills jogging programmers. And all of this in the Moscow, I’m not even saying what happens in regions.

gianni , avatar

What does that have to do with an American bakery’s gun policy?

uis , avatar

What does perception of police to do with an American bakery’s gun policy?

obinice , avatar

Besides US cops doing all of that and worse on a depressingly regular basis, what does Russian police behaviour have to do with the decision to ban guns in a shop in the US?

I don’t want anybody bringing a weapon into my business either, especially guns as they’re the most wildly dangerous kind, and I don’t care who is carrying it. Cops are as likely to kick off and shoot someone as the next person, better to keep all weapons far, far away from my business.

If you’re a cop and you want to buy something from my business, you’re perfectly welcome, but you’ll have to leave your gun somewhere else.

uis , avatar

Besides US cops doing all of that and worse on a depressingly regular basis, what does Russian police behaviour have to do with the decision to ban guns in a shop in the US?

I was answering why police perceived shitty, but you answered it better and in US context.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

I am not a gun nut or anything, but I’m pretty sure those signs are useless. Not only do most people conceal carry, but any robber or shooter coming to your business to actually use a weapon is not going to be deterred by a no guns allowed sign.

It may stop one or two open carry dummies from using your business. Also, cops, obviously. That might be enough of a reason to put the sign up, still. I’d probably just put up a no cops allowed sign.

Wogi ,


Fhek ,

SF recently allowed concealed carry.

deadbeef79000 ,

“Sorry Madam/Sir, I assume you have a weapon on your person. That is against our policy. We cannot serve you. Please leave the premises.”

MSids ,

Police are a little shitty, but that’s up to them too.

Lightor ,

I mean, maybe it’s just me but I don’t like to make sweeping statements about large groups of people. I get it’s the thing to do, shit on cops, but all it does is make the few good ones callus and bitter and turn bad. I’ve seen this with a friend on the force first hand. Most seem like asses TBH but mindsets like this turn the rest who are good shitty too. They feel like everyone hates them but the other asshole cops, so guess what they become…

Croquette ,

That’s a piss poor take. When good cops tell on bad cops, they get kicked out of the force and the PD harass them. There’s been countless cases of that. The institution is rotten to the core and any person that stays in that long enough becomes rotten.

DrDeadCrash ,

This is what people need to understand and accept as reality.

explodes ,

Both can be true.

Lightor ,

Ok, and I think yours is a piss poor take. Someone can want to do good and try to make a difference. You’re saying no one ever can so let’s just demonize the lot. Change doesn’t happen that way.

Croquette ,

At one point, the system is so rotten that it needs to be reconstructed from the ground up.

As we’ve seen with so many PDs, corruption is rampant and the PDs actively discourage going against the club.

Any change proposed to reign in the PDs is met with extreme resistance.

And that’s not mentioning that many PDs have close ties to racist groups.

I get that some people enter to make a difference, but those that really do want to change the police for the better get chewed out by their own. The other that stay turn a blind eye and are not really trying to make a difference anymore

There is no goodwill coming from PDs. Always some dumb platitudes with no real changes.

Lightor ,

You seem to be trying to convince me that the system is broken, I already agree with that. But you’re claiming to know exactly how everything plays out when a person tries to be a good cop. You claim to know exactly how that goes, every time. What makes you so confident, what information do you have? We’re you a cop?

I’m saying there is still the possibility for a cop to join and want to do good. Hate cops all you want, but a few have done good things, a few have helped people. We need to go after bad cops, of course, and try to fix the broken system. But at the same time we can’t ignore the ones who actually do good, that behavior should be encouraged, not shat on.

dustyData ,

That’s a broken apologist argument. It’s not “a couple of bad cops”, the problem is systemic. The system is meant to create assholes and protect assholes and to drive out anyone who isn’t an asshole. Blue line and all that. There are no good or bad cops, there are only perpetrators and enablers.

Lightor ,

I never said a couple of bad cops, I actually called out that the good ones are the minority. This is the problem, people view something complex like this as black and white when it isn’t.

SamboT ,

There are people who agree with you who don’t have the patience to deal with militant teens. Thanks for commenting some sanity.

Lightor ,

Yeah I’m dealing with it right now. It’s easier to hate than it is to understand.

negativeyoda ,

If they’re good people… they wouldn’t be cops. You have to compromise being a good person every day to remain there

I know plenty of ex cops who were chased out or quit in disgust. The system is rotten

Lightor ,

Yes, but good people are needed to fix it. And attacking that good people turns them sour.

Listen I think the system is broken, but if someone is trying to make a change from the inside, they would need to be a cop to do that.

RIPandTERROR , avatar

… no such thing as a good cop

MedicPigBabySaver ,

Cops are massively shitty.

CaptainAniki ,

It’s not shitty at all. What a stupid sentiment to hold.

normalize rejecting pigs.

ZzyzxRoad ,

If cops want the bakery to “own” their policy, they they should own their policy of racial profiling

elscallr , avatar

It’s wholly within their rights to refuse service to anyone for any reason. I hope they stick to their… well, I guess “stick to their guns” doesn’t really work here but whatever.

dogslayeggs ,

If they are a public facing business, they are not within their rights to refuse service to anyone for any reason. There are protected classes, like age/race/sexuality. So if you own a business like a coffee shop, you can’t say “no black people.” However, police and guns are not protected classes, so I think they should be in the clear legally.

ZzyzxRoad ,

What happened to the supreme court cases that said it’s ok to discriminate against protected classes as long as it just so happens to be “against your religion”

visak ,

“against your Christian religion”. Fixed that for you.

dogslayeggs ,

The Supreme Court decision was a very narrow decision based on how the commission treated the business owner, not a broad decision on free exercise vs protected class.…/Masterpiece_Cakeshop_v._Colora…

visak ,

Of course. They’re patient. They chipped away at abortion for decades before finally getting it overturned in Dobbs.

Similarly they went from Masterpiece Cake Shop to the Creative LLC case which widened the exception further because it’s a “creative endeavor”. Don’t for a minute think they’re not queing up a case to deny medical services based on a “sincerely held religious beliefs”.

felixthecat ,

Unfortunately that isn't true. Businesses have a right to refuse service for a wide variety of reasons. Like you said though those protected classes are illegal to discriminate against.

That is why you can have rules, like "no shirt no shoes no service". So in this case it is if you bring a gun you will be asked to leave.

Although now if that store was ever a victim of a robbery I would bet the response time is very slow....

CileTheSane , avatar

Although now if that store was ever a victim of a robbery I would bet the response time is very slow…

So you’re saying people who become cops aren’t interested in the public good and are more interested in power?

raptir ,

Well I never!

Wogi ,

Nooo I’m sure the police are very honorable men and women who would never retaliate against anyone for any reason.

They would certainly never accept bribes for any reason, or destroy evidence, or beblatantly racist.

No no no these are honorable men

Imotali , avatar

Fun fact, if they can prove the police deliberately delayed their response that’s a massive lawsuit.

Wrincewind ,


ArcaneSlime ,

Biggest if.

elscallr , avatar

You still gotta convince the city and then who are you really hurting? If the cops had to pay lawsuits out of the FOP pension fund maybe that would matter. If you sue the city you’re only hurting your neighbors and yourself.

orclev ,

Payments for those things shouldn’t come out of public funds, cops should individually be required to carry malpractice insurance. Cop gets found guilty of violating someones rights? Settlement gets paid by their insurance. I bet you’d see all those “bad apples” suddenly being utterly unemployable once they literally can’t find anyone willing to insure their scumbag asses.

elscallr , avatar

Forcing cops to carry the equivalent of malpractice insurance would be a great step.

elscallr , avatar

It’s not like police departments give a shit about robbery anyway. They take a report and tell you to call insurance. Better off with a guy with a gun.

Drivebyhaiku ,

Also the distinction is “no uniforms, no guns” off duty police are still served. It’s actually a little closer to “no shoes, no shirt, no service”.

As listed in the article some of the employees and regular customers come from war-torn places or have histories of traumatic interactions with police. Hence the ban comes from a place of limiting PTSD reactions.

RizzRustbolt ,

“Stick to their buns” I guess?

Moyer1666 ,

The police complaining about something being bigoted? Are they that blind? Or do they really only care when it effects them…

MonkRome ,

The latter, it’s the latter.

gex ,

This is the worst kind of discrimination: the kind against me

PoliticalAgitator ,

They’re not blind, they just know more forms of abuse than punching their wives.

phaeton83 ,

The right wing very much likes twisting and using the language the left uses against them.

Drivebyhaiku ,

Aa the ban only applies to uniformed and armed cops and not plain clothed off duty ones they seem to be more outraged by the lack of convenience.

They seem to have wheeled out their Victorian fainting couch over the barest hint of being told to respect a PTSD trigger safe space for people who have been terrorized by uniformed and armed people. Oh the bigotry! (snerk)

TheLurker ,

Correct me if I am wrong but didn’t the same people having a whinge over this make the point about how businesses have the right to choose who they serve? I believe this was a few years ago when a different bakery refused to serve gay people.

So it wasn’t about the rights of business to be run without government interference afterall.

Well there is a shocker.

Jaywarbs ,

Being gay and being a cop are not at all the same. One is a sexual orientation and one is a job. Cops chose their job.

TheLurker , (edited )

I think you may have misunderstood my post.

A few years ago conservatives got their back up because a bakery refused to serve gay people and reasonable people found that to be wrong.

Conservatives argued that a business has the right to choose who they serve without government interference. And this was held up in court.

Therefore those same people complaining about another bakery not serving the police is the same thing. But now the shoe is on the other foot and they are crying foul.

My post was meant to point out yet another example of hypocrisy from conservatives.

ngdev ,

The point they made enhances yours. Yes it is hypocritical, but is arguably worse on the conservatives’ part since sexual orientation is something you’re born with.

Imotali , avatar

They don’t believe you’re born with it.

Jaywarbs ,

Thanks for explaining - yes I misunderstood and thought you were saying that those who were mad a bakery refused to serve gay people shouldn’t try to ban anyone else from their own stores. Sorry about that and thanks for explaining!

TheLurker ,

All good. Glad I had the opportunity to explain my position.


deadbeef79000 ,

Fowl: bird. Foul: bad.

Though I’ll assume auto correct.


TheLurker ,

Thank you for picking that up. I have updated the post.


That just makes the hypocrisy even worse!

uis , avatar

Joke incoming: gay community already accepted cops as their kind.

Or is it? Or did they?

cheesemonk ,

Wonder if we can use this to infer something about the thin blue line, back the blue folks…

TheLurker ,

I’m sure there is a message in there somewhere. I wouldn’t know because I’m just a dumb Libtard. But I’m sure those conservative geniuses out there could figure it out.

30mag ,

I don’t think the police unions supported that bakery.

GascOwn ,

Even if it’s about the cops, good. Fuck those bootlickers.

bdesk ,

Police in SF are showin up?

Shush ,

To eat in a bakery? Sure.

bdonvr ,

it’s about the guns, not the cops

Honestly would be cooler if it were about the cops

nostalgicgamerz ,

Ssshh. It definitely is wink

Chickenstalker ,

Even Aragorn and co had to leave their weapons to enter Edoras. Gandalf was a cheeky bugger though.

nwithan8 ,


rynzcycle ,

if you’re going to have policies that discriminate against one group of people, then own it, post it publicly,

...McCray said somehow without even a hint of irony.

DontTreadOnBigfoot , (edited ) avatar

Guess who just got themselves put on the “do not respond to emergency calls” list?

Side note:

Reem’s says, however, its policy isn’t against serving armed police officers. It’s against allowing guns inside its businesses.

It’s San Francisco. Aren’t police the only ones allowed to open carry there? So it’s just a de facto ban on cops.

Edit: gotta say, I’m confused about the downvotes. I’m pointing out that the police are likely to retaliate. Did I say something that gives the impression I’m condoning that?

deadbeef79000 ,

That’s probably for the best.

If they call the cops and they show up, they’re far more likely to get shot themselves.

lolcatnip ,

Sounds like cops are allowed if they leave their guns behind, so it’s not a ban on cops at all, just cops who insist on carrying their gun more than they keep their body cameras on.

fmstrat , (edited )

They’re not allowed to do that while on duty.

EDIT: For those down voting, to be clear I don’t disagree with the sentiment, just providing facts to a comment.

vitriolix , avatar

Shop off duty

Player2 ,

Do they need to eat at a bakery while ‘on duty?’

lolcatnip ,

Sounds like not the cafe’s problem. The police department could change the rules if they want cops to be able to interact with ordinary people as semi-equals.

Imotali , avatar

Yeah I’m not allowed to eat at a bakery while working either. Tough shit.

Laticauda ,

If they would leave people to die in an emergency over donuts then they’re disgusting human beings who don’t deserve anyone’s time of day anyway.

reverendsteveii ,

They won’t leave people to die! That would be terrible! They’ll just shoot the criminals, the victims, a few bystanders and any dogs they happen to see on the way.

Imotali , avatar

And then laugh and joke about how fun it was to get to shoot their “toys”

CaptainAniki ,

Oh no!!! Who will come and take a report and do nothing after they get robbed!!!

SlikPikker ,

They won’t do nothing, that’s slander.

They’ll shoot your dog while they’re already in the neighbourhood, and that is objectively something.

MonkRome ,

Guess who just got themselves put on the “do not respond to emergency calls” list?

Oh no! Anyway…

It’s not like they prevent crime, they show up afterwards, take a report and then you never hear from them again. If you’re unlucky, they show up, get spooked, shoot you and lie on the report and still never do anything to help you. What exactly are you missing by having them never show up?

reverendsteveii ,

“do not respond to emergency calls” list

Bro everyone everywhere is on that list. Cops don’t do anything unless they’re forced to or they get to RP Bad Boys

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