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Nastybutler , in Supplier Caught Distributing Fake Parts for World’s Top-Selling Jet Engine

Enjoy bankruptcy, fuckers!

Maximilious , (edited ) in After nearly 30 years, Pennsylvania will end state funding for anti-abortion counseling centers avatar

I hate reading article headlines like this due to my own comprehension skills but after re-reading this several times I realized this is a great thing. These centers pry on women's emotions to guilt them into bringing a baby to term, and then ghost them after their "job saving a life" is done. It's a horrible practice and I'm glad they are being defunded at a government level.

bob_wiley , in College students are still struggling with basic math. Professors blame the pandemic avatar


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  • FlyingSquid , avatar

    I took the SAT the first year they had calculators and no one told me, but I was still able to do enough in my head and on paper to get an okay score. I probably would have gotten a higher score if I could have checked my work with a calculator, but I doubt kids today would even be able to do what I did.

    jz68 , in Burning Man festival-goers trapped in desert as rain turns site to mud

    I’m stuck here in the sex orgy tent…send help…

    but not too quickly, take your time.

    DreadPirateShawn ,

    Help is cumming.

    Acters ,

    Thread is giving me oglaf comic vibes

    electrogamerman ,

    So are the cookers

    Chickenstalker ,

    I tried doing sex acts in water, mud and on the beach. All of them sounds kinky and sexy but in reality are uncomfortable and literally unhygenic.

    kamenlady , avatar

    The beach is also very prone to get really, i mean really, uncomfortable.

    ikidd , avatar

    We’re here to save you from the virgins, Lancelot…

    HellAwaits ,

    Fake. Lemmy users don’t leave their houses ever.

    Alexstarfire ,

    Joke’s on you. He took his house with him.

    Ghostalmedia , in Driverless Taxis Blocked Ambulance in Fatal Accident, San Francisco Fire Dept. Says avatar

    Question is, are they a net positive?

    They’re getting in less collisions. Autonomous vehicles in SF have only been at fault in one death. And it was a dog, and a safety driver was behind the wheel in the AV.

    AVs are going have problems, but are those problems worse than the ones human drivers cause?

    In order to save lives we need to study the bigger picture and not get hyper focused on individual tragedies.

    3laws ,

    save lives

    You are not saving lives by blocking emergency services.

    Bbbbbbbbbbb ,

    Thats not what hes asking. Humans are notoriously awful drivers. Does gradually replacing humans with AI drivers save more lives than unintentionally blocking an ambulance?

    Neato , avatar

    How many drivers cause this exact thing every week? You're only hearing about this because it's novel.

    bobman ,

    Good lord.

    Read what he says with your thinking cap on.

    JoBo ,

    That’s correct. But we don’t have the data. Musk, for example, won’t release it for Tesla and forced the NHSTA to redact it.

    And the raw data is no good anyway. You have to compare autopilot systems with similar road situations (eg mostly highway, or established taxi zones) and similar drivers/cars (they’re not a random selection of all demographics and models).

    It’s absolutely correct to say that we need to compare the new with the old, not simply present statistics in isolation. But we don’t have the data and it needs an established independent body to analyse it because the analysis is too easy to manipulate to leave in the hands of the companies that stand to profit.

    Ghostalmedia , avatar

    Telsa isn’t part of this AV taxi pilot in SF. It’s Waymo (Google) annd Cruise (GM).

    And one of the conditions for allowing robo taxis in SF is that the robo taxi companies have to share their accident / fatality data.

    solstice ,

    I completely agree with you but unfortunately public opinion doesn’t always work that way. People are irrational and don’t understand how numbers and statistics work. They hear ‘driverless car caused fatality’ and brains will just turn off.

    Won’t someone think of the children?!?

    malloc ,

    In order to save lives, USA needs to get off car centric transportation. More cars is not the solution. Neither is automating them in urban and dense environments. AVs belong on the highways only.

    We are trying to solve a problem with “tech” that has been a solved problem by other countries for decades. Netherlands is a great example of how to move people around efficiently without using cars as the primary mode of transportation. Amazing public transportation. Towns and cities designed around alternative forms of transportation such as walking, or biking. Infrastructure is cheaper to maintain since it lasts longer and is not constantly pounded on by multi ton vehicles.

    acceptable_pumpkin ,

    Combined with e-bikes to “flatten” hills and make distance traveling easier, we could really make some amazing improvements to city design.

    Ghostalmedia , (edited ) avatar

    I agree that the US actually needs more public transport. Fatalities aside, that’s often going to be the best solution for congestion and climate change. Congestion alone in SF is still a fucking nightmare. SF is small as fuck, but driving across that town between 3 and 7pm can take 1-2 hours.

    As a local, I feel like the current state of MUNI, BART, CalTrans, AC Transit, and cycling are not going to be a good fit for EVERY single use case. If I’m injured, am carrying bulky stuff, or am trying to hit up a part of town that would take too long with public transport, an AV EV could be a good solution.

    I usually try to avoid cars in SF. They’re often more trouble than they’re worth. But, there are times, IMHO, when cars solve a current route and use case better than alternative solutions. And it if they’re still going to be used for certain use cases, it would be nice if they killed fewer people.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    If I’m injured, am carrying bulky stuff, or am trying to hit up a part of town that would take too long with public transport, an AV EV could be a good solution.

    Why not a car share instead? Or just an Uber?

    Ghostalmedia , avatar

    Because the goal is to have an Uber that removes human error.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    I’d say this article shows that error is still a problem.

    Ghostalmedia , avatar

    It very much is, but the errors are different. An AV isn’t going to get distracted by their phone, by an argument, by rubbernecking, etc. But an AV might encounter something that the sensor AI is confused by, and the cars might Mitch McConnell themselves in the middle of the road. So far at-fault accidents are way down with the AVs, but stalls are way up.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Thank you, that at least is a good argument.

    bobman ,

    US will never stop using cars in the foreseeable future.

    There may be an argument for major cities, but not for the rest of the nation.

    That said, it’s way safer driving outside of major cities. Fewer pedestrians, fewer cars, more space. It’s also more efficient.

    Saying “get away from cars” just screams to me that you live in a major city and think life outside of one doesn’t matter.

    BackOnMyBS , avatar

    San Francisco is a major city

    bobman ,


    Rowsdower ,


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  • bobman ,

    Right. Until you need to carry something or go grocery shopping.

    Sorry, you’re wrong. Small towns absolutely need to use cars unless they want to go back to being hunter/gatherers.

    Rowsdower ,


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  • bobman ,

    How far was your grocery store?

    Rowsdower ,


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  • bobman ,

    Yeah. Around here some people live at least 30 minutes from their nearest grocery store.

    And that’s by car.

    Rowsdower ,


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  • bobman ,

    there’s no reason for amenities to be dependent upon driving

    Except for the surrounding people that use cars to reach them.

    Rowsdower ,


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  • bobman ,

    I don’t think you know what constitutes a ‘small town.’

    You can live in a small town and still be 30 minutes away from a grocery store.

    Rowsdower , (edited )


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  • bobman ,

    You raise a good point. It would be possible for these smaller communities to become less dependent on cars if the services they needed were closer.

    I would actually really like to see that, but in today’s climate I don’t think there’s much viability for opening and maintaining grocery stores in small towns. Perhaps a few decades ago, but now that power is so concentrated, any grocery store that isn’t a part of a larger conglomerate wouldn’t be able to compete with the big names on price. It will almost always be cheaper to drive 30 min to a Walmart than to shop at your local Harp’s. (I’ve checked.)

    Rowsdower ,


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  • LifeInMultipleChoice ,

    Don’t forget to throw in the part where we have to fix humanity. If a 35 year old woman doesn’t feel safe alone around random people now, imagine how they are going to feel sending their 17 year old son/daughter into those scenarios.

    Many people currently use their cars as a safe space. Drive to the grocery store, get out and quickly rush in. Safer inside. Get done what they need and rush to their car on the way out. Public transport turns that into a 4 hour ordeal of no safe spots except in the store. Bus stops and buses aren’t safe spots. That rando that creeps you out in the parking lot now, you are going to spend 20 minutes with walking back to the bus stop and waiting with them.

    Why are they on this bus with me… do I get off by my residence or do I get off elsewhere to hope I lose them before they follow me home. That might be more dangerous.

    Aux ,

    You forget one thing, only 17% of the US population live in a rural setting. A huge majority lives in the cities and don’t really need a car. The rest of the nation doesn’t matter, they can have their cars if 83% switch to something else.

    bobman ,

    I’m not forgetting anything, lol.

    Yes, city people can transition to a mostly car-less life.

    joshhsoj1902 ,

    Driverless cars could really help solve the “last mile” issue in many transit systems.

    I dislike taking transit because I have to take one unpredictable bus from my house to the train, take the train the majority of the distance, then take another unpredictable bus to my destination.

    The issue of infrequent buses through neighborhoods isn’t going to be solved anytime soon. But if I could take an electric driverless car from my house to the train I would be a lote more likely to take public transit over just taking my existing car.

    bobman ,

    I definitely think self-driving cars are the future.

    That said, we shouldn’t rush and put them out before they are ready.

    Ghostalmedia , avatar

    Have they been rushed though? It’s been a decade of testing in public. Regulators forced AV companies to go through multiple trials with increasing levels of road density, vehicle autonomy, and fleet size. After a decade of trials and reporting safety data, SF is only now letting the general public hail an AV at any hour of the day.

    CosmicSploogeDrizzle , avatar

    Right. Where are the corresponding articles about human drivers that have blocked ambulances due to ineptitude? I’m sure we won’t find them, but I’m sure it happens more often than we think.

    This is just like reporting of Tesla crashes and fires by the media. It makes it seem like a big deal, but only because regular vehicle crashes and explosions are so frequent they just don’t get reported. I’ve personally seen several cars on fire on the side of the road, and just a few weeks ago saw a car rollover crash on the highway. None of these ever made the local news.

    Aux ,

    Humans block ambulances even when they’re not drivers…/i-would-block-ambulance-with-… There are way too many shitty people.

    NotMyOldRedditName , in DeSantis' redistricting map in Florida is unconstitutional and must be redrawn, judge says

    Draw a single unconditional map, you lose the right to draw it and it goes to an independent group who’ll do it properly.

    Don’t give these fascists another chance when they do something unconstitutional.

    hglman ,

    Don’t have districts, have proportional elections.

    evatronic ,

    Realistically, geographical representation is important. The low population, rural areas of any state deserve to have a voice, too. Just, not an outsized, disproportionate one that a lot of these shitty maps give them.

    hglman ,

    How does a proportional election remove the ability of rural people to choose someone? Its not a majority wins all election; it’s a proportional one.

    fushuan ,

    The issue si that way more people live in big cities than this ein rural areas. I general humans tend to give more importance to their local issues, and having a proportional vote makes the issues of rural areas go unheard, since the big cities will refer for most of the money to be destined to their issues.

    At a glance it makes sense, for most of the money to be deestined to the majority of people but rural areas also need repairs, upgrades, and projects to renovate them, since they are the ones that produce and sustain the big cities (in theory, I know that with globalization it gets a bit muddled). Districts exist to make the voice of those that sustain big cities louder, to make it fairer for them.

    However, the travesty that is the US has perverted this notion to create completely manipulated regions for their benefit. I would propose for something like “vote power” to exist, so that each vote gets multiplied with some number that is computed from the population of the region that vote was casted or other significant reasons, and then to add all of those votes.

    For example, people living and voting in a small town would have double or triple voting power than those living in a big city. The citi will still get in total way more power, but it would help to balance that difference a bit while not letting those in power to manipulate the districts in their favour. This is vulnerable to those in power to manipulate the vote multipliers, but that is way easier to regulate than imbalanced and weird regions.

    hglman ,

    But why? Why should that minority get more than some other subset of people, why not people in poverty or people where it never snows or people of color or LGBTQ?

    How about ensuring that everyone gets an equal amount of benifit.

    fushuan ,

    It is a way to ensure that everyone gets an equal amount of benefit. As I already wrote, if it were proportional the bit city regions would have way way more voting power than rural areas, and the needs of the rural areas would go unheard, thus them not getting equal benefit.

    If by equal you mean proportionate benefit, sure, but in a democracy the minorities get nothing when their ideas clash with the majority, since the majority wins always. Giving them a boost helps balance thing a bit.

    I say this again, what US has right now is a travesty of the original idea, there’s other places where this works better. For example, in Spain, the big city regions have more congress seats than regional zones, but it’s not proportional to the population at all, the seat amount is inflated in the rural areas. We don’t have weird ass regions though, the regions are separated in a historical way.

    dx1 ,

    Or have proportional votes on bills directly. Cut out all the distortion, make the will of the people law.

    hglman ,

    Absolutely, we can do this .

    AstridWipenaugh ,

    On the other hand, that’s how you get brexit.

    dx1 , (edited )

    Well, that was spearheaded by politicians, I’m saying cut out politicians.

    (edit) Plus that does seem to be people’s go-to example for this, versus, you know, every awful thing where politicians are currently going against a majority of the public. Abortion, war on drugs, etc., not to mention all the things the public just currently doesn’t think about and leaves untouched that end up making us live in a plutocracy.

    dartos ,

    I mean it should always be some kind of removed 3rd party drawing the lines. But nobody in power wants to give that power up.

    roboticide ,

    Draw a single unconditional map, you lose the right to draw it and it goes to an independent group who’ll do it properly.

    Needs to be enforced by an independent party, and as we saw in Ohio, the GOP will just go, “Nah, we think we’ll keep it.”

    Rapidcreek , in DeSantis' redistricting map in Florida is unconstitutional and must be redrawn, judge says

    Had to see this coming and SCOTUS already ruled on similar maps. I say this ruling hopefully sticks.

    LrdThndr , in Officials can’t interfere with local Tennessee Pride festival under anti-drag law, judge rules

    For any interested. I’m from Blount County. I went to pride. It was a great time. Love kindness and friendship all around.

    An acquaintance working the checkin booth said they caught one of the known instigators trying to sneak in, but apart from that, everything went great.

    Also, just saying, but their motto this go around was spectacular - “There’s pride in them/their hills.”

    theodewere , in Brigham Young University Adds Explicit Ban on 'Same-Sex Romantic Behavior' to Honor Code avatar

    did they ban crossing of all swords or explicitly the meaty kind.. i mean what if it's just a little cock fighting to establish dominance.. i understand their hatred of affection, that's a given..

    Elderos , in College students are still struggling with basic math. Professors blame the pandemic

    The pandemic made everything worse, but students struggled with math as long as I have been alive. As someone who loved science and math stuff outside school, but hated it with a passion in school, this text really put my thoughts into words as to why :

    Lockhart’s Lament:…/LockhartsLament.pdf

    TLDR: It is taught wrong.

    Ertebolle ,

    As a dad constantly frustrated with the shittiness of my kids’ math curriculum: thanks, this is wonderful, puts to words a lot of what I’ve been feeling and more.

    intelati ,

    I love this lament.

    Spacemanspliff , in DeSantis' redistricting map in Florida is unconstitutional and must be redrawn, judge says

    It’ll go down just like Ohio. They were told they needed to redistrict, they drew a map, they were told it was unconstitutional and to redraw it, they redrew it, it was deemed unconstitutional and they were told to redraw it, it was deemed unconstitutional and they were told to redraw it. They then were out of time and used the 1st unconstitutional map for the election.

    Rocketpoweredgorilla , avatar

    They know they’d be completely screwed if things were fair, and not stacked in their favor.

    0110010001100010 ,

    Of course, which is why they (republicans) have been working so hard to dismantle free and fair elections. They know they can't win if things are fair.

    If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.

    -David Frum

    captainlezbian ,

    Yeah at a certain point they need to have a constitutional map handed to them

    stopthatgirl7 OP , avatar

    See, THIS. Is the kind of thing AI should actually be being used for.

    bitsplease ,

    You don’t even need AI for this, a very simple easy to audit algorithm could take care of it.

    Hell, have it generate a few dozen versions that are all approximately as good, and let representatives (or even better, the actual people) vote on which to use

    toasteecup ,

    Easier said than done.

    Mapping is a very unique issue with a whole distinct set of mathematics whose is purpose is to try to make it easier,….

    In addition to that, we’ve already seen AI school bus routes that had kids riding a bus until 9pm.…/louisville-jefferson-school-bus-alp…

    Plainly put, having an AI that can understand districting and create districts based abstract ideas like “equal fairness” is quite difficult :(

    stopthatgirl7 OP , avatar

    I’d rather folks working on AI focus on stuff like making mapping better than on to better ways of ripping off artists and writers.

    arensb ,

    And they will, as soon as mapping is more profitable.

    stopthatgirl7 OP , avatar

    Which means probably never.

    FrankFrankson ,

    Unless pirating privateering becomes popular again

    LastYearsPumpkin ,

    AI isn’t magical, you give it instructions to get an output. It also uses history to base its decisions on. Both of those things need humans to guide it, and those same people making shitty decisions now will just use AI to cloak shit in an the guise of unbiased computers.

    Uranium3006 , avatar

    They do, just to rig it instead. Let's use it to make fair maps.

    SeaJ ,

    The issue is that many states task the legislature with drawing the map. The legislature gets to pick who voted for them. If they make an unconstitutional one, they just have to draw more unconstitutional ones until there is no time left. If the Court tried to do it themselves because of the legislature’s failure, they can sue because that responsibility was directly assigned to them. They need to take that responsibility away from the legislature in their Constitution. This should happen in every state.

    Alexstarfire ,

    They would sue the courts? Who would even oversee that? SCOTUS has already said they want no part of state election issues.

    SeaJ ,

    I should have said appealed. A judge will rule that their 5th map is also unconstitutional and they clearly cannot be tasked with making the map. So the judge makes one that would work or tasks a committee to do it. Republicans then appeal that decision because the constitution or a law specifies that the legislature creates the maps. They appeal up to the state Supreme Court.

    MisterMoo , avatar

    I'm glad I left reddit for other platforms where thoughtlessly cynical takes are also upvoted to the top.

    lolcatnip ,

    What’s cynical about thinking Republicans who drew unconstitutional maps in Florida will pull the same shit Republicans in other states have gotten away with?

    Spacemanspliff ,

    What else has ever happened? There has never been any sort of penalty for doing this, they just get away with it. What else is there to do but be cynical.

    SeaJ ,

    That one pisses me off so much. Democrats were working with them on a legal one. Republicans hummed and hawed that doing the assessment of it would put them over the deadline so instead they should just go with the last unconstitutional one.

    Spacemanspliff ,

    Ohio doesn’t actually care if it’s policy is constitutional or not. The way school districts are funded was found unconstitutional back in the 90s.nothing has changed.

    valentino , in Bodycam: Pregnant woman accused of shoplifting shot by police

    Everybody is at fault here. Her for shoplifting, him for shooting. Both for being fat Americans. What a shithole of a country, fucking nuke it already

    Murais , avatar

    Shoplifting shouldn’t carry a death sentence. Ever.

    Zerlyna , in DeSantis' redistricting map in Florida is unconstitutional and must be redrawn, judge says avatar

    Oh no. /s

    totallynotarobot , (edited ) in Brigham Young University Adds Explicit Ban on 'Same-Sex Romantic Behavior' to Honor Code

    Why are shitholes like this allowed to exist? I thought y’all had separation of church and state. Indoctrination farms are antithetical to democracy and human decency.

    Edit: I see from another comment this is a private institution. Disregard.

    Edit 2: apparently private indoctrination farms get federal money. Boooooo

    AlwaysNowNeverNotMe , avatar

    Oh don't worry. The state of Utah takes care of them just fine.

    Uranium3006 , avatar

    They still get federal money though. I shouldn't have to pay for a college with my taxes that would reject me for who I am

    totallynotarobot ,

    In addition to that, which is enough of a reason on its own, the point of giving federal money to universities is to ensmarten the population in general, thereby benefiting all taxpayers. So not only is this a terrible deal for people who are directly and personally affected by this cult’s bigotry, but it’s a terrible deal for everyone who would otherwise benefit from being surrounded by a community of educated people instead of wingnuts.

    I am sorry this is a thing.

    theodewere , avatar

    "religious grounds" just translates to that church expressing its political dominance.. and the need to do that is always seated in greed.. greed for money and power..

    ThePac ,

    I thought y’all had separation of church and state.

    Oh, honey…

    Coehl , (edited ) in Texas drunk drivers will now have to pay child support if they kill a parent, guardian avatar

    The amount of people that either cannot read or cannot fathom that their preconceived notion of how this legislation will work is much too high. And the cockiness of their demeanor…

    The payments end when both criteria are met. The minor turns 18 and they have graduated high school.

    It is in the legislation. Read it before you respond.…/HB00393I.htm

    They may not need to pay after the recipient is 19.

    To all those people that wanted so desperately to get people to leave Reddit and come here, congratulations. It’s apparently working. Good job.

    Kolanaki , avatar

    For someone who is complaining about people’s reading comprehension, it’s kind of weird that you seem to have missed what the comments are actually saying they don’t understand.

    Coehl , avatar

    I’m referring to posts like this

    If people are just asking questions about what it says, I have no issue with that. But I saw none of that at the time of my post.

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