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FReddit , in US military leaders say Tuberville is aiding US adversaries with hold on military nominations | CNN Politics

This is a two-party system at its worst.

I’m old enough that my grandfathers fought in WWI. My mother’s second husband was a B-17 captain. Third husband was a fighter pilot in the Pacific theater. My father retired from the regular army as a LTC. Col.

These bastards would have fought each other to get to the head of the line to beat the shit out of Turderville.

But as others have noted, we have this obstructionist process in place.

As one of the other commentators said, maybe we should change the fucking rule. I just don’t know how.

I’ve never voted Republikklan in my life, but there were some who had honor. Senator McCain, for example. But now we’re stuck with this shit with legs.

MonsiuerPatEBrown ,'s_Rules_of_Order

I really need to read that.

FuglyDuck , avatar

McCain was an asshole, but at least he knew when to play ball.

phillaholic ,

McCain was one of the last respectable Republicans. I disagreed with many many of his ideas, but I think he was honorable as a person and thought he was doing what was right for the country.

FReddit ,

I’m not a fan. But I felt like he had a commitment, even if I didn’t agree with it. Now you have this pond scum

ZeroCool OP , in Ex-Proud Boys leader sentenced to 22 years for role in US Capitol attack

It’s good that he’s going away for 22 years. However, the sentencing guidelines called for between 324 to 405 months (27-33 years) so by the Judge’s own calculations this is a miscarriage of justice and yet another right wing domestic terrorist is being handled with kid gloves. Fucking disgraceful.

charonn0 , avatar

Sentences can include upward and downward departures from the guidelines based on the circumstances of the case. It’s also important to remember that the guidelines are non-binding on judges.

ZeroCool OP ,


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  • charonn0 , avatar

    I was responding more to the “judge’s own calculations” part.

    PR3CiSiON ,

    So it’s like the guidelines are just guidelines?

    GBU_28 ,

    He was an informant right? Distasteful as it is, informing has to be publicly seen as providing a tangible benefit, or future criminals wont talk

    merc ,

    2 decades is 2 decades. And, it’s not like when he gets released he’ll be hailed as a hero. Trump will be dead, most of his supporters will probably be dead of old age or COVID. The rest will be too embarrassed that they voted for him to admit it.

    When he gets out he’ll be 60. Having spent decades in prison, he won’t be able to retire, and will probably live out the rest of his life working menial jobs that hire ex-felons until he dies in obscurity.

    blewit , in A Florida Jewish Community Center canceled a Jewish author’s talk because her novel mentions slavery

    I would suspect this was the actions of an individual at a particular JCC.

    First 2 lines of the article:

    “A Florida JCC canceled a Jewish author’s talk because her book mentions slavery.

    The JCC later issued a public apology and re-invited the author, Rachel Beanland…”

    The article does go on to say that she did speak at other JCCs in Florida.

    (Opinion) I don’t doubt media is affecting the brains of the older folks down in Florida that are ripe for the influence and are spending far too much time in front of Fox News and the like. But let’s not make this a blanket statement against Jews.

    asunaspersonalasst , in Elon Musk Threatens To Sue Anti-Defamation League For X’s Lost Ad Revenue avatar

    lmao cry about it, Mr Melon.

    assassin_aragorn ,

    Hey now it’s not nice to refer to someone by the shape of their face!

    Just kidding, get fucked Musk.

    Mdotaut801 , in Airbnb bookings dry up in New York as new short-stay rules are introduced


    Kit , in All signs point to a rise in Covid

    My partner works at a school and over 10% of their teachers tested positive for COVID this week. It’s gonna be a rough Fall.

    sin_free_for_00_days , (edited ) in Oklahoma State Dept. of Education announces partnership with PragerU

    LOL, I mean I have to laugh so I don’t cry. We won’t get over the damage the Republicans have done, and continue to do, in my lifetime.

    Fredselfish , avatar

    This isn’t funny I live in Oklahoma and have to deal with this fucking traitorous mother fucker being charge our schools.

    He pisses us off daily already outed the Tulsa superintendent. Fucker is destroying our education in our state and now this.

    Goddammit can’t take anymore.

    Edit: reading the article it gets worse now got to sit down and explain the shit that about to happen.

    wintermutehal ,

    I‘m with you bud. It’s killing me.

    surewhynotlem ,

    This sounds like a villian origin story.

    Fredselfish , avatar

    No just another maga moron. Apparently we have a lot stupid people in our state.

    Mdotaut801 , in Burning Man Ends With Hours-Long Traffic Jam

    Isn’t there a traffic jam every year? Look, I know people like to shit on “burners” but really, who cares. Let them have fun I guess? Again, who cares?

    markr , in Elon Musk Threatens To Sue Anti-Defamation League For X’s Lost Ad Revenue

    “You made me do it”! yells the abuser. This utter fucknut psychopathic narcissist can’t possibly consider that the lost ad revenue has anything to do with his turning twitter into 4chan.

    sndmn ,

    Don’t you mean xchan?

    drbluefall , avatar

    I prefer (√-1)chan.

    TheRealKuni ,

    Isn’t that exclusively for Apple users?

    Chickenstalker ,

    Lol wat? 4chan is heaps better than twitter. There’s no cults of personality for example (well, there’s Chris Chan and Moot, but both were objects of fun ridicule). Attentin whoring ala twitter will net you a lot of shit too.

    Serinus ,

    4chan is the single easiest social media to manipulate. You don’t have to have legitimate looking user accounts. You don’t have to post from different places. You don’t even really have to make sense.

    You can just spam your narrative as much as you want.

    abbotsbury , avatar

    There’s no cults of personality for example (well, there’s Chris Chan and Moot, but both were objects of fun ridicule).

    This just perfectly encapsulates how little you know about 4chan, likely from some outdated youtube opinion piece about how its edgier and cooler than le normie websites

    Like, literally use any board for 5 minutes and tell me how many times Chris-chan or moot is being discussed, let alone anything approaching a cult of personality.

    5in1k ,

    That poor Chris Chan. Driven to madness by asshole 4channers.

    whoisearth , avatar

    Seriously 4chan is chaos but c’mon.

    synae , in Oklahoma State Dept. of Education announces partnership with PragerU avatar

    Well this is terrible news

    WhatAmLemmy ,

    Religion has taught us you gotta indoctrinate the kids to grow the cult.

    The nazi’s started the hitler youth org the 1920’s to perform the same function.

    SSX , avatar

    Though not surprising.

    Oklahoma is the only state in America without any blue counties. In the 2020 election, every county was red for every single race. The state sucks and I feel bad for the blue voters in it.

    Sir_Kevin , in US says 52 mln air bag inflators should be recalled over rupture threat avatar

    There was a recall for this years ago. I’m surprised it’s still a thing.

    atrielienz ,

    Arc don’t just make one kind of airbag. Some of their airbags were under recall but it appears that others were not.

    FlyingSquid , in Small American towns seeing some success with disbanding police forces avatar

    Our sheriff is a corrupt piece of shit and apathetic people keep voting him in anyway. So this wouldn’t help here.

    Maeve ,

    My small town’s sheriff is a corrupt, and people vote him in because they know him.

    Blackmist , in Trump may have violated copyright law by selling mugshot merchandise

    “Never surrender”

    Isn’t that exactly what he did in order for that photo to be taken? 🤔

    cedarmesa , avatar

    Its always been his entire schtick. Look at reality, declare the opposite, trailer parks in kentucky erupt into cheers, repeat

    tegs_terry ,

    He could lamp a nun in the clunge and his people would cheer. The flies have picked a shit; now they like what he does because it’s him rather than liking him because of what he does.

    It’s what you get for turning elections into sports matches.

    cedarmesa , avatar

    Thanks for my new username. [email protected]

    legios , avatar

    I wonder if the writers for Galaxy Quest could sue him too! 😀

    bobman , in For 30 years, a memorial to Nazi collaborators sat largely unnoticed just outside Philadelphia. Now it’s drawing outrage.

    All nazi/confederate monuments should be taken down.

    Scotty_Trees , avatar

    The only place they belong, if any, is in a museum.

    Bytemeister ,

    Gotta back urinals with something.

    nutsack ,

    that would be a really boring museum

    wallabra ,

    You’re thinking about a circus. Not your fault, that’s really where most conservative politicians belong.

    Pipoca ,

    More confederate monuments were built in 1999 than in 1869. The year with the most confederate monuments built was 1911, 46 years after the end of the war. That’s like as if there were now a sudden spree of building Vietnam War monuments everywhere.

    Confederate monuments were overwhelmingly built during the Jim Crow era. The Daughters of the Confederacy built most of them as part of their revisionist lost cause project, trying to write slavery out of the war. Then there was also a lot of them built during the civil rights era, to send a message to civil rights activists.

    Sure, it’s worth saving a few of them to put into places like the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia, the National Civil Rights Museum, America’s Black Holocaust Museum, or the National Civil War Museum. But there’s many more monuments than appropriate museums for them. Getting rid of the least historically s significant ones isn’t a big issue.

    yata ,

    This one was only erected 30 years ago. It hardly qualifies for a museum.

    SocialMediaRefugee ,

    So leave it up because these weren’t Nazis

    triplenadir , avatar

    what in tarnation are you talking about?

    The monument, in a Montgomery County community known for its synagogues, is dedicated to the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the Schutzstaffel — the Nazi military branch often referred to simply as “the SS.”

    vacuumflower ,

    This particular kind of Nazi collaborators is actually all the rage now, since Western public has found THE conflict of our age in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, immediately conveniently forgetting all other conflicts and genocides going on where every Western power has consistently shat its pants. I’m pleasantly surprised that there is, in fact, outrage at this.

    In Russian-speaking (those supposedly liberal) parts of Reddit everybody would be justifying this memorial. Cause most of people you’d consider liberal in Russia and Ukraine are in fact disgusted with Putin etc mostly because of weakness and lack of development and corruption.

    Not because of any crimes, plenty of them support ethnic cleansing (say, supporting Russian central government against Chechnya is not cool anymore among them, but for most it was like 10 years ago) and even military aggression (say, Azeri aggression against Artsakh). They just want those things to look cool, and Putin’s empire of decay, theft, incompetence and general despair is not what they’d like to see.

    You know, a bit like people from Hungary/Poland/Baltics just love to say that Soviets were “worse than Nazis”, and have that slightly hidden irritation at being reminded that there are Jewish people in the room.

    orrk ,

    to be fair, the soviets, especially after Stalin took over, were indistinguishable from fascists.

    1. The cult of tradition. soviet iconography literally everywhere
    2. The rejection of modernism. modernism is after all the spawn of the western capitalist.
    3. The cult of action for action’s sake.
    4. Disagreement is treason. off to the gulags with the dissident.
    5. Fear of difference. other than them having created some of the most racist groups in Europe…
    6. Appeal to social frustration.
    7. The obsession with a plot. fucking anti-revolutionary on every corner!
    8. The enemy is both strong and weak. just look at the propaganda.
    9. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. second verse, same as the first.
    10. Contempt for the weak. the modern soviet man.
    11. Everybody is educated to become a hero. and sacrifice yourself for the revolution
    12. Machismo and weaponry. have you seen the soviet leaders? or their weaponry on display everywhere?
    13. Selective populism. literally deporting ethnic groups because they might create a contrary populist opinion.
    14. Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak.

    I invite you to fill out the remainder 3, 6, 14

    SasquatchBanana ,

    And this is why I call tankies fascists. They are just fascists who disguise themselves with socialist populism. And guess what? It is something the Nazis did as well.

    vacuumflower ,

    Nice to see somebody who likes Eco`s definition, but that’d be circular logic - his Ur-Fascism criteria were a result of optimization based on a selection of axiomatically fascist regimes, Stalin’s explicitly included. (Sorry for this sentence being clumsy)

    Also Stalin’s regime became much more fascist in the middle of war and immediately after it. As an attempt to counter the “national liberation” offering of Nazis, with their national legions etc. So all the republics’ anthems are quite pretentious and proud, and Soviet propaganda in the middle of war also turned to nationalism from just revolution and communism and globalism.

    About your invitation - well, 3 and 6 are actually not so easy for me. I’d say these were present before Stalin, as in 3 would be basic Bolshevism, and 6 would be basic Marxism. 14 - see my first paragraph, it was (for Orwell) first and foremost inspired by USSR, and while Nazis or Italian fascists also had distinct public language (Klemperer’s Lingua Tertii Imperii comes to mind), they never went as far.

    orrk ,

    well it’s not circular, it’s definition, for example, the Armenian Genocide fulfills every definition of a genocide, of course this was also the event that defined genocide

    vacuumflower ,

    Yeah, I meant that it’s a truism, it’s not adding new information. I’m clumsy with words, sorry.

    One person (similar for me to the one described as “hell on earth” in the Disco Elysium game) also advised me long ago to read “Homo Ludens” by Johan Huizinga, it approaches (not as the main subject, just in the end a bit, it was written in the 30s) the similarity between various fascist (including Stalin’s) regimes from another direction - sublimation of games, as in imagining and playing and then abandoning games which involve fighting and loss. In addition to manifestations of the 30s noted by the author, one can also look at today’s more militant and generally inhumane societies and see that they have consistent traits in relation to fantasy and sci-fi literature, and fairy tales, and anime and so on, and also that their representatives are often unable to honorably accept defeat in sports.

    I feel that there’s truth to that criterion.

    dethb0y , in Some small towns in America are disbanding police forces, citing hiring woes

    My town didn’t have cops for over three years, and it was totally fine.

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