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RinseDrizzle , in All signs point to a rise in Covid

Ripping through my group rn, myself included. This new brew seems to come up quicker, but so far more mild. Here’s hoping it goes as quick as it came. I was definitely eager to catch the new shot when it dropped but lol got the early access

guyrocket , in The GDP gap between Europe and the United States is now 80% avatar

This article, while interesting, seems a bit sensational.

Bottom line for me as an American: Is it a good time to vacay in the Eurozone?

HobbitFoot ,

Generally, yeah. I would avoid the summer, though. Europe is not equipped for high temperatures.

Bye ,

Yes, the whole place is on sale right now. I’m going in a few weeks. Hotels are insanely cheap compared to the states. I’m staying in renovated monnestaries and castles for less than a low end chain hotel costs at home.

Airfare is fucking brutal though, so it’s almost a wash.

afraid_of_zombies ,

It really is. I did a small one this summer and the US dollar went far. Third time in Germany and had a blast. Beer is everywhere there! Imagine walking into a restaurant and getting a craft beer quality drink served to you for $1.50. I can’t get an IPA for that price even at my local liquor store.

Belgium is next on the list. I keep running into people from there telling me how underrated it is.

AnagrammadiCodeina ,

That is a SUPERDOUBT. I seriously doubt the price was that even for a shitty Heineken/becks/dreher beer. We had inflation growing almost everywhere (except Switzerland but they simply keep repeating it to themselves, hotel prices are at least 15-25% more expensive than pre-covid) Also, euro/dollar exchange rate is now the same as it was pre-covid

I’m not saying you cant find good deals but that beer price in a restaurant is unrealistic.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Don’t know what to say. This is what I paid for house beer at 2 different places in Stuttgart. I guess I got really lucky?

Treczoks , in Chinese EVs are now seen posing a ‘real threat’ to Europe’s auto industry

I disagree with the title. The worst enemy of European car manufacturers are European car manufacturers.

They spend loads of money on political bribery to “make that e-car thingy go away”, and now they are the ones behind the field.

Theharpyeagle , in Air Canada apologizes for booting passengers who complained that their seats were smeared with vomit

Okay, I consider myself pretty reasonable in the face of inconvenience, but there’s no way in hell I’d sit in a seat covered in vomit, and I’d certainly make a stink about getting another flight paid for. I know the flight crew probably didn’t have time to fully deal with the situation between flights, but the airline should have some kind of contingency for dealing with a potential biohazard situation.

bigschnitz , in America Has Reached Peak Therapy. Why Is Our Mental Health Getting Worse?

I am shocked that a market based healthcare system that prioritizes profits manages to lock people into lucrative consumer cycles where they’re conditioned to rely on medications or treatments that don’t cure them. I am shocked.

Completely unrelated, it’s very noticeable how everyone is medicated and has mental health problems since I’ve moved to the US, weirdly back in Australia where the health system is different it’s less common. What are the odds of that…

iHUNTcriminals ,

Oi cunt. Strallya!

monkey ,

As it turns out, stress actually increases if people have to trade their savings for mental health services

surewhynotlem ,

So it’s that the treatment is intentionally ineffective?

It’s not that the US is a worse place to live?

bigschnitz ,
xc2215x , in Florida Man Charged Over Failed Attempt to Cross Atlantic in Giant ‘Hamster Wheel’

That is so moronic of him.


Which part

Hellstormy , avatar


lobut , in Republican lawmakers launch an effort to block student-loan borrowers from enrolling in Biden's new plan intended to lower monthly payments

Remember that people still vote for these ghouls.

Saneless ,

The more they threaten to take away, the more people get excited, even though they lose out

stopthatgirl7 OP , in Finding a vacation rental in New York City just got harder avatar

I truly hate that headline. This is a good thing.

Clent ,

I’m sure it triggers the victim response in a lot of people who will never visit the city; aka morons.

ericisshort ,

Agreed. I wish I just was looking to rent a furnished apartment right about now because it’s a renters market, but I’m plenty good where I’m at.

NOT_RICK , avatar

Really not hard to rent an AirBnB across the river in NJ and take a train in anyway

JoMiran , in Elon Musk Threatens To Sue Anti-Defamation League For X’s Lost Ad Revenue avatar

“Free speech absolutist”

ZeroCool OP ,

Oh he’s a free speech absolutist, alright! Free speech absolutely begins and ends with his personal views and those he finds agreeable.

assassin_aragorn ,

It occurs to me that I’ve never heard of an absolutist that wasn’t a hypocrite in some way. They can excuse white supremacy and Nazis, but they draw the line at either being personally attacked or held accountable.

missveeronica , in Trump may have violated copyright law by selling mugshot merchandise

Didn’t Geeen Day also sell t-shirts with his mugshot? Sounds like they broke copyright law as well, then.

RGB3x3 ,

They put “Nimrod” over his face to resemble their album, so that very likely falls under fair use as parody.

habbin ,

I believe copyright resides with the person who took the photo, not the subject.

Wodge , in Elon Musk Threatens To Sue Anti-Defamation League For X’s Lost Ad Revenue avatar

He is remarkably bad at running a business for a billionaire.

Tedesche ,

That’s because he’s not and never was a businessman. He’s a tech guy who got super lucky and became filthy rich. Musk builds and designs shit, he doesn’t know squat about running a company. He should stick to playing with his rockets and making new roadsters. This whole CEO foray has turned out real bad.

orclev ,

He’s not even a tech guy. He inherited his money, and then lucked into a couple jobs with actual tech guys that he could take the credit for. His entire career has been built around buying other tech companies that were just taking off, pushing the original founders out, and then taking credit for everything everyone else did.

Nougat ,

... lucked into a couple jobs ...

Strongarmed his way into other people's success, then slapped his name on it and claimed it as his own.

givesomefucks ,

He’s a tech guy who got super lucky and became filthy rich.

Not even that…

He was (at best) an average coder decades ago who used family money to buy lots of startups and a few made a lot of money.

He was a gambler, not a businessman. It’s just when you start out wealthy you can keep buying lottery tickets till you win. It doesn’t even mean he was good at picking lottery numbers, he could just afford to buy more tickets than other people.

Musk builds and designs shit,

And definitely not that

ZagamTheVile ,

Not mine but… Entrepreneurship is like one of those carnival games where you throw darts or something. Middle class kids can afford one throw. Most miss. A few hit the target and get a small prize. A very few hit the center bullseye and get a bigger prize. Rags to riches! The American Dream lives on.

Rich kids can afford many throws. If they want to, they can try over and over and over again until they hit something and feel good about themselves. Some keep going until they hit the center bullseye, then they give speeches or write blog posts about “meritocracy” and the salutary effects of hard work.

Poor kids aren’t visiting the carnival. They’re the ones working it.

SkyeStarfall ,

Also, we are all looking at this backwards. The very definition of survivorship bias.

We always only see the luckiest people. All the richest people have been super lucky, because if they weren’t, they wouldn’t be the richest. And also the most ruthless for the same reasons.

If you look at all the lottery winners, then by definition you will see people who gambled and won. Because someone has to win. That doesn’t mean the lottery winners have some better skillets or are smarter at picking numbers than those who didn’t win.

ZeroCool OP ,

Musk builds and designs shit

Musk attaches his name to things others have built and designed.

Hiccup ,

He wishes he was a tech guy. He just piggybacks off of everyone else. He’s a leech, a parasite.

assassin_aragorn ,

What’s crazy is that he had fooled a lot of people into thinking he was a tech guy with a very carefully crafted image, but he threw it all away to help the alt right

ZeroCool OP ,

As surprising as it may sound, most billionaires do not arrive there through competence. They get there by way of inheritance and privilege.

someguy3 ,

And lucky timing.

really ,

Is bezos an exception?

someguy3 ,

How? That’s exactly lucky timing.

really ,

Lucky timing is: being a white guy growing up in the 70s/80s America.

Besides that, if you look at the company he started. It started selling books, but he always wanted to sell other stuff. His shareholder letters describe his vision from the very first one and it is consistent. It didn’t change over time. They company got lucky, they talk about prime being a fluke all the time. But on the other hand, the culture in the company was something that supported a fluke like that to bubble up through the idea pond.

Any who, yea. I don’t care for the person that the media portrays him as today. But for his initial years I absolutely give him a lot of credit.

I haven’t heard off Amazon being built on stolen ideas or usurping someone else’s company or being born with a silver spoon.

Yes he was a white male in America in the 70s and has all the privilege associated with that, but there were like another 50 million in that category.

someguy3 , (edited )

It’s more about launching a company right when internet purchases took off. People tried before, but the timing wasn’t right. He had the right skill set, at the right time, and it took off.

CrypticFawn , in US military leaders say Tuberville is aiding US adversaries with hold on military nominations | CNN Politics avatar

What I don’t understand is why he simply hasn’t been removed; he’s not doing his job (on purpose) and is can basically be called a traitor. So… remove him???

Tuberville, of Alabama, has delayed the confirmations of more than 300 top military nominees over his opposition to the Pentagon’s policy of reimbursing service members and their families who have to travel to receive abortion care. In the Senate, one senator can hold up nominations or legislation, and Tuberville’s stance has left three military services to operate without a Senate-confirmed leader for the first time in history.

Like… how is not the actions of a traitor? Remove him from power, hold a new election for his position, and get things back on track.

In July, Tuberville posted on X, “I didn’t start this. The Biden admin injected politics in the military and imposed an unlawful abortion policy on American taxpayers. I am trying to get politics out of the military.”

Lying sack of shit. He’s putting politics in (his own politics).

FuglyDuck , avatar

Because the GOP is complicit.

They like what he’s doing.

phillaholic ,

It’s always projection with these people. If they complain about “politics” or “activist judges” they are really calling for their own politics or active judges to undo the will of the people.

Hazdaz ,

why he simply hasn’t been removed;

Same reason that the Trump appointed head of the Post Office hasn’t been removed… Democrats are cowards who are never willing to go on the offensive and make a huge stink about things.

Do you think for even a second that Dejoy or Tuberville would still be in the positions that they are in if the parties were reversed? Not a fucken chance.

Republicans would have started an endless war if Democrats had someone in the Post Office fucking everything up or they had someone holding up that many military nominees. They would be on the news 24/7 vilifying these people and all hell would have broken loose. They would use this as a perfect example of how Democrats are supposedly anti-military. And the news media would have gone right along with it.

What do Democrats do? crickets… in fact I try to follow the news fairly closely and this is the first time I have heard the name Tuberville.

ZeroCool OP , in Elon Musk Threatens To Sue Anti-Defamation League For X’s Lost Ad Revenue

Elon Musk said Monday that X, formerly known as Twitter, has “no choice” but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League amid an ongoing slump in advertising revenue.

“Based on what we’ve heard from advertisers, ADL seems to be responsible for most of our revenue loss,” Musk wrote on Monday. “Giving them maximum benefit of the doubt, I don’t see any scenario where they’re responsible for less than 10% of the value destruction, so ~$4 billion.”

How to avoid being antisemitic, step one: Don’t blame your incompetence and piss poor judgement on “the Jews.”

Elon Musk: D’oh!

EnglishMobster , avatar

So - Twitter has lost $40 billion in advertising revenue?

Sounds about right. Wonder how much more they can lose.

decerian ,

I’m no accountant, but I have to imagine when he’s talking about “value” it’s not exact loss of sales, but something more like “projected sales for the next 10 years” or something.

There’s no way Twitter, a company that was overvalued at $43 billion, was also making $40billion a year in advertising sales.

garretble , avatar

He needs to learn that just because he was stupid enough to buy it for $44B that doesn’t mean it was ever worth $44B.

paper_clip , avatar

He seems to be saying that the market value of Twitter is $40B less than what it was before stuff happened. "Value destruction" tends to be applied to "stock" (like market cap) rather than "flow" (like revenues).

He's basically saying Twitter is worth $4B, given that he paid $44B and seems to be saying $40B of values was destroyed.

Losing $40B in less than a year is, uh, remarkable.

jackoneill ,

So he’s trying to blame Jewish folks for his retarded investment? What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to wind up there?

Poggervania , avatar

The kind of gymnastics that apparently develop when you’re stupid rich and think you know better than everybody because you “made” some really smart-sounding companies.

AKA being a stupid entitled piece-of-shit.

athos77 ,

What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to wind up there?

Remember, he grew up a rich white boy in full apartheid South Africa, and never matured beyond that. He has no ability for self-reflection or introspection. Which means he's never wrong, so someone else must be to blame. So far, that's included religious, racial, and sexual minorities. He's only going to grow more deranged as time goes on.

Iamdanno ,

If it was never worth $40B, it can’t have lost $40B in value. . .

paper_clip , avatar

Twitter stockholders collectively received $44B from Musk on October 27. So, yes, Twitter was worth $44B at that moment. And, yes, it's also true that Musk grossly overpaid for a company probably worth around $10B because he made the most costly "420" joke in history. Both statements are simultaneously true.

assassin_aragorn ,

Step 2: If you ban someone who says they’re an antisemite/white supremacist, don’t unban them in response to criticism that you’re being antisemitic.

Hazdaz , in US military leaders say Tuberville is aiding US adversaries with hold on military nominations | CNN Politics

…aiding communist and autocratic regimes, and being used by adversaries like China against the US.

“Mission accomplished!” – Republican Tommy Tuberville

TWeaK , in Florida Man Charged Over Failed Attempt to Cross Atlantic in Giant ‘Hamster Wheel’

What a crappy article, it doesn’t even say what he was charged with.

Beginning on an unknown date and continuing through on or about August 29, 2023, upon the highseas outside the jurisdiction any particular state or district, in international waters, while on board a vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, the defendant(s) violated:

18 U.S.C. §2237(a)(2)(A) Obstruction of a Boarding

46U.S.C. §70036(b)(1) Violation of a Captain of the Port Order

Basically he’s being done for resisting arrest while at sea.


Just run across the ocean in a mobius strip and the arrest the world for stowing away. Check mate.

GiuseppeAndTheYeti ,

Well his other option was starvation/dehydration leading to death so…

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