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foggy , (edited ) in yeah, sure thing.

I wonder if trickle down economics would check out if CEOs were replaced by robots who made decisions on how to allocate funds…

Oh, your company has over x employees or pulls in over y tax dollars? Hello C-suite. Meet AI-C, your entire c-suite replacement AI. You’re all immediately bought out. You may serve on a board of directors but it’s salary will be determined by the AI-C.

A guy can dream.

Feirdro ,

Joke’s on you, the CEO funded the robots and they all gave him a raise.

BluesF ,

The C suite’s purpose is to generate value for the shareholders. Unless AI-C delivers that value the old guard will be back in no time.

seitanic , in They never admit they were just wrong avatar

Everybody who got the vaccine was supposed to be dead by now, too. This is has gotta be the slowest-acting poison in history!

NigelFrobisher ,

I had like four shots now, so it’s possible it killed me so hard that I came back to life again.

ElBarto , avatar

Coved vaccine, so deadly it will save your life!

supercriticalcheese ,

Within the next 100 years it’s a nearly 100% mortality thanks to the 5G receiver by Bill Gates, checkmate!


doctorcrimson , in Beware fellow heathens

It hasn’t taken long for advertisers to find Lemmy.

6daemonbag ,

If db0 let an actual advertiser on our instance I’m sure they’d be nuclear pissed

doctorcrimson ,

Anybody can post here, even advertisers.

6daemonbag ,

I’m aware. Judging by OPs history and the fact they’re dbzer0, a piracy and anarchy instance, I doubt it’s uber would want their name associated bvvqqqqq. I was mostly joking anyway.

doctorcrimson ,

Oooh, I get it now. Thank you for explaining, sorry I didn’t get it right away.

6daemonbag ,

I’m glad you could glean my thoughts out of that abomination of a comment haha. I don’t even know what word I meant to say with that jumbled mess

SnokenKeekaGuard OP , avatar


doctorcrimson ,

Lentils are cool but have you ever kept dehydrated peas in your house?

bernieecclestoned , in download firefox

Made it my default today. Makes the internet actually usable with a few add-ons some brilliant people have made, for free.

__ghost__ ,
Doombot1 ,

do not

Grayox , in Memes needs moderators avatar

Instructions unclear. posts more beef stroganoff memes

cheese_greater ,

The hell u talkin’ 'bout, boyeee?

crispy_kilt , (edited ) in Just the basics

Have you tried buying food instead of whatever the fuck this garbage is?

sparkl_motion ,

That’s my thought as well. They NEED to buy the name brand items as well?

There are PLENTY of corners that can be cut, as well as buying items that can be made into larger meals (soups, pastas, etc.) that reheat well.

Whoever this person was needs to rethink their wants and needs, then shop accordingly to their budget.

Kit ,

It’s a joke.

Nacktmull , (edited ) in Just the basics avatar

Why are there only ready made, highly processed snacks and zero almost no ingredients for cooking meals?

Duplodicus ,

There’s ground beef there

Nacktmull , avatar

Yeah, ok. That is just one product though and my point is not really touched by it.

notnotmike , avatar

That’s for the Hamburger Helper

NightAuthor ,

I should add that to my food repertoire 

betwixthewires ,


johnthedoe ,

This is upbringing and education. If you grow up in a household that eats well and values food and cooking at home surely it’ll make a difference. I wouldn’t solely blame this on the individual. America sells junk food way too aggressively and way too much. I reckon there needs to be restrictions on that and even heavier taxes on junk food.

ShittyRedditWasBetter ,

Issa joke 🤦‍♂️

reluctantpornaccount ,

Upbringing, education and availability. There are towns in the US where the only grocery store within 20 miles is a Dollar General, creating food deserts.

dodgy_bagel ,

That’s 70% horse shit.

With everyone in the house being over worked and under paid, everyone is too exhausted to spend the time to actually cook.

johnthedoe ,

To me that’s like saying everyone’s too exhausted to brush their teeth or have a shower. Simple cooking isn’t hard when it’s ingrained in your life. That comes from finding enjoyment in it and upbringing plays a big part in that.

crypticthree ,

Cooking for one sucks balls. I like cooking for a larger group but cooking for one is only worth it if you do a big batch and eat it for a while

johnthedoe ,

I actually enjoy cooking for myself. I do always make a batch. I feel more relaxed and free to experiment knowing I won’t disappoint anyone if I make a mistake.

crispy_kilt ,

Then do batches!

NightAuthor ,

Ok, so I wasn’t brought up that way. Well, I kinda was, but my mom made a lot of undesirable shit. I only recently learned that vegetables can actually be delicious. Still, it feels like a lot of work. I cook good meals as a treat. The rest is like oven/microwave crap from Trader Joe’s and cooking simple ass stuff.

johnthedoe ,

Cooking simple ass stuff is still cooking and that’s a win. I love cooking one pot dishes. Everything in a rice cooker and press start. There are days I don’t feel like cooking for sure. I guess it’s about finding a style that doesn’t feel like a chore for everyday cooking. And go all out when you have the energy.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

People are just making excuses for not doing for themselves, that’s all.

If you don’t know the basics you have a moral responsibility to learn the basics. It’s part of being an adult. But American culture discourages people from pursuing maturity and enables them to do dumb shit like live solely off of processed foods. And it’s able to do that because most Americans don’t want responsibility. They want their lives lived for them and corporations exploit that.

zephr_c ,

Because $200 worth of real food would be about a quarter of that in America.

Ravi , in Chrome Goodd

Got a pi hole, what are ads in general?

ekky43 ,

I know that I’m at fault here for using such services, but Pihole can’t block the ads that are hosted on the same server as the service, eg. Half the ads on Youtube.

ichbinjasokreativ ,

It’s still really good for privacy though, blocking mIcRoSoFt spyware and all kinds of other stuft. And you can create your own blocklists.

ekky43 ,

Oh, definitely!

Bluefruit ,

I just got a pihole setup and im curious how youd block Microsoft stuff using it. Is it part of a blocklist or is it something you manually filtered?

peopleproblems ,

one of Dan’s list blocks a bunch of them, has something like 500k item on it.

Bluefruit ,

Gotcha, thanks for sharing :)

Number358 ,

Authoritarian government is a very good adblocker for YouTube, though it has a lot of other problems.

DoucheBagMcSwag ,

I don’t get YouTube ads

I don’t get YouTube in my country

Therefore no ads.

Great success

dustyData ,

Lucky you, in my country the only ads that YouTube plays are Authoritarian Government propaganda pieces.

vox , avatar

nextdns is also pretty good.

SnipingNinja ,

This is what I use, made it hard for me to move to Firefox because I already don’t get ads in chrome and it is better supported, which is honestly a personal failing on my end

vox , avatar

dns blockers are not a suitable replacement for Dom/css based blockers

SnipingNinja ,

Fair, but it’s good enough

planish , in Poor dogo

Dude, what the fuck. Fat people walk dogs.

Please try to cultivate one one thousandth of the love for your fellow humans that those people have for that dog.

Laticauda , in Poor dogo

What a garbage meme. Straight out of the worst parts of reddit.

redcalcium , in What will your job be, Comrad?

Everyone talk about doing the fun jobs, yet no one talk about doing the hard and necessary jobs like a plumber, garbage men, or farmer. Poops and garbage aren’t magically disappear and foods don’t magically appears except in star trek utopia.

veroxii ,

Poop gets beamed from the colon back to the food replicator raw material tanks.

MJBrune ,

Literally the comment above this one is talking about wanting to be a farmer because they grown good weed. A lot of people actually want to just clean up stuff. A lot of people like being a plumber. That said communism doesn’t mean everyone just does what they want.

GCostanzaStepOnMe ,

I don’t know man all of these could be fun tbh

cyclohexane ,

What would I rather, collect garbage, or let garbage pile up in my house?

Probably I’ll collect garbage.

And since I’m doing it, might as well do cooperate with a couple members of my community and clean up the whole thing.

Would I rather my house pile in shit or learn plumbing? Probably the latter. And then when my neighbor is having plumbing issues, I’ll give 'em a hand.

And not everyone has to do this. My neighbor and I decide he’ll take the garbage I’ll take the plumbing. Or maybe we both learn both, and just switch.

You seem to forget that these things were born out of a need anyways. There’s nothing stopping people from doing what they need to do to fulfill their community’s needs.

redcalcium ,

You seem to forget that these things were born out of a need anyways. There’s nothing stopping people from doing what they need to do to fulfill their community’s needs.

I actually grew up in a pretty remote village and back then it was devoid of infrastructure, so we did pretty much what you mentioned above. Burnt the garbage in the backyard, dug trenches for drainages, built outhouses (basically just a hole in the ground, but with roof and door), dug wells for water source, etc. But the village is small and everyone know each other, and thus very willing to help each other. However, I’m having a hard time imagining similar stuff would work in a high density modern city. The sheer complexity of plumbing that service a high rise apartment can’t be maintained by some random dude without appropriate training for example.

Krauerking ,

Yeah I’m sorry but all these people who just assume you can just fix some plumbing and learn it easily are really misunderstanding the importance of specialization. I wouldn’t want my neighbor to fix my water heater without prior knowledge.

I don’t really want people doing half a dozen jobs each poorly but having enough people properly trained to do the right job while having enough spares to make sure people have free time and the needs of community is met. Each paid a fair and livable wage for their specialized contribution.

This hippy idea of a utopia in so many people’s minds about communism is not one bound to a reality that works.

cyclohexane ,

That’s a different kind of plumbing than what I was talking about, and I only simplified it for the case of an example. There’s nothing preventing people to organize into a complex team of plumbing specialists, just like they would learn advanced engineering or medicine, and build chemical plants and factories or hospitals. Again, it would still be driven by need. If your need drives you to be an individual plumber for suburban homes, it can also drive you to be part of a specialist plumbing team in a large city.

MuhammadJesusGaySex ,

I suck at plumbing and electrical work. I’ve done Painting and Sheetrock work. I’ve also done pest control, and been a Walmart janitor. I have cleaned Walmart bathrooms, and honestly it was one of my favorite jobs. When people hire you to potentially clean puke, piss, blood, and feces they pretty much don’t fuck with you. I literally cleaned all the bathrooms in about 2 hours then I would hide out. Then spend 2 hours making sure they were clean before I left, and no one ever questioned it.

I don’t mind doing gross stuff. As long as it gets me what I need, and sometimes what I want.

SnipingNinja ,

Idk if they wrote it after reading your comment but it was just one comment above yours, so it was a funny juxtaposition:

TheManuz ,

I would collect garbage, but it should be not the only thing I do, and not for my whole lifetime.

In fact I think everyone should collect garbage for some time of their life, otherwise we would be divided in classes like we are now.

Facebones , in Its sad. .

No shirt No shoes No jews… You didn’t hear that

Edgecrusher35 ,

That’s a scarecrow!

InputZero ,

It shocked me the first time I met a real anti-Semite, in real life, in Tennessee. I’ve worked in a lot of places all over the world and I’ve seen plenty of racism. No one else topped that guy in Tennessee. Other places racism was mostly contained to ‘they stay over there and we stay over here.’ Tons of problems but living together but apart was possible. That doesn’t speak to every experience obviously. That old guy in Tennessee wanted another Holocaust, plain and simple. Anywhere else he’d get the shit kicked out of him, there it was tolerated.

Grayox OP , avatar

Had someone try to sell me on the merits of the Ku Klux Klan while working at a factory in Tennessee, I was a staunch Libertarian at the time so i guess he thought i might bite, he told me how they helped the community out and kept people safe… the guy was dead fucking serious, and when I asked him about them being racist he just changed the subject… Still feels like a fever dream…

IHaveTwoCows ,

To show how pervasive the racist Southerner stereotype is: I was in Hawaii and met a guy from New Zealand. He noticed my accent and asked where I’m from and this happened:

ME: I’m from North Carolina

HIM: Oh really? Cool! Hey, whaddya call a n****r with a new bicycle?

I guess that’s his version of Americans saying “g’day mate!”

Car ,

What happened next? Was he mocking you or telling a joke that he thought you would enjoy?

What a strange encounter

Event_Horizon ,

I suspect the NZ bloke was racist and immediately linked all Southern Americans with racism, so felt comfortable opening up.

Ngl as a non-american if I met a dude in a bar and he’s was from ‘the south’ especially Texas or Florida I would be sitting there expecting some kind of anti-‘woke’, anti-minority, anti-women, anti-brown comment eventually. At least until I had sussed him out for a bit

IHaveTwoCows ,

He thought I would enjoy it. It was a crowded spot, so I just stared disppointedly at him and walked away.

Facebones ,

Can confirm. I’m a 6’4 big bearded mountain looking fucker in the Bible belt, and people REGULARLY think “he agrees with me about this painfully mundane thing so surely he agrees with me that trans people need to shut up and dress appropriately (or whatever)” They’ll often be saying the quiet part to me out loud within 5 minutes of shooting the bull with a total stranger.

jaybone ,

Are your cows cute? I would like to pet your cows.

IHaveTwoCows ,

All cows are cute

GreenTeaRedFlag ,

such an odd thing to do.

Hiccup ,

I drove through Alabama once. That was enough. What a shit stain state? Experience the racism there, even if sort of second hand, was surreal. Sucks I know some people that were forced to move there.

BelieveRevolt ,

In case anyone didn’t get the reference:

papalonian , in save it for later

So I decided while playing Fallout 4 (around the time it came out) that I was going to try to break this habit, because it meant I never got to use any of the cool shit.

I made this decision while retaking the castle, fighting the queen crab thing. I used all the mini nukes I had on it.

Those who have played the game knows what happens next... after killing the queen, the king emerges. Way bigger, way harder to kill.

I've been a hardcore no exceptions hoarder ever since

MyNameIsIgglePiggle ,

Of course, if you had been hoarding, you also would not have used anything on the king

twelvefloatinghands , avatar

Because of the secret double king

MetaSynapse ,

Did somebody say Double King?

tomi000 ,

This made me wish there were awards on Lemmy. Thanks for making me laugh out loud.

Anal_Fornicator_ ,

Maybe I’m having a mandela effect moment but I don’t remember a “way bigger, way harder to kill” mirelurk king after the queen. The mirelurk king in-game is the size of a deathclaw tops and I think it’s stats are definitely weaker when compared to the queens. Is there a special one that spawns after the queen that I am forgetting?

TheBat , avatar

Mirelurk deep king

Anal_Fornicator_ ,

That’s just a higher level variation of the normal mirelurk king. Just like an albino deathclaw is a higher level variation of the normal one. Also the mirelurk deep kings stats on the wiki are still lower than the queens.

UntouchedWagons , avatar

Yeah there’s no mirelurk king that shows up after the queen.

RavindraNemandi , avatar

You are definitely right, not sure what this guy is on about.

Raisin8659 , in It's not the most effective solution avatar

Hey, that’s how I find out the world news nowadays. Submarine implosion, armed rebellion, mysterious plane crash, those all came through.

Dasnap , avatar

I learnt about COVID from a Doge meme.

jaybone ,

Weird. I learned about doge memes from COVID.

The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

It’s a nice way to receive news, for sure.

LinkOpensChest_wav , in Parasitic avatar

several bootlickers are typing

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