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PolandIsAStateOfMind , in I meant what I said avatar

There ain’t no women in this ship, who do you think we’re fucking?

Historically speaking sadly cabin boys, usually underaged :(

MattWalsh OP , avatar

stop I can only get so hard 🥴

CausticFlames , (edited ) in Never tire of winning

Isn’t biden older though?

Edit: holy damn. wasnt criticizing or trying to point out ANYONE’s age, I really dgaf whos older or by how much in terms of election. I was just asking a simple question

motor_spirit ,

this one does require a “small” amount of “critical thinking”

Kamikazimatt ,

Yes but he backed out and it says oldest candidate.

NoIWontPickAName ,


Kamikazimatt ,

Right, and for this election cycle Biden won’t be a candidate but Trump will. Trump is now an older candidate than Biden was when he was a candidate.

marito ,

So, as I understand with all these comments, they’re only candidates if they appear on the ballot on election day? Regardless if they ran and then dropped out?

rockSlayer ,

That would be correct. The debate and everything up to the DNC has been pure punditry. He was not an official candidate.

Catsrules ,

I am confused if they aren’t candidates until they appear on the ballot. Then what do we call them in the meantime?

dmnknf ,

Someone said in another comment that Biden dropped before he was officially nominated, so technically, he was more like a candidate to be a candidate if I get it right

samus12345 , avatar

He was a presumptive candidate.

MeowZedong , avatar

You’re confused because they don’t know what they’re talking about.

Nominees are the candidates selected by their party. Candidates are those who are campaigning for a position. Neither term is conferred by actually appearing on the ballot (a nominee can drop out before the election), but being officially nominated by their party is how they will get on the ballot.

MeowZedong , avatar
samus12345 , avatar

They are candidates for president when they are nominated by their party. Trump was last week, Biden never was this election cycle.

CausticFlames ,

See If everyone just was able to give a clear and consice, non bullshittery and non-assholish answer like you, the world would be so much better. Thank you, legitimately.

banner80 OP ,

Biden stepped down before getting the official nomination. Trump was nominated by his party last week. That makes Trump officially the oldest candidate nominated by a political party.

MeowZedong , avatar

You are confusing the term candidate and nominee.

Both Biden and Trump were candidates. Trump is now the Republican nominee, Biden was the presumptive Democrat nominee.

Faydaikin , avatar

Jesus, I just realized there’s only 4 years between them. They should both be retired, not running for second terms as president.

SuperIce ,

He’s not a candidate in this election, and Trump is older now than Biden was during the last election.

MrVilliam ,

For those who struggle with math, that means that Biden is less than 4 years older than trump. The people criticizing Biden’s age and not trump’s as well never actually gave a shit about Biden’s age. Look forward to those same people making up bullshit reasons that Harris is less capable than trump. They know they’re full of shit, but it’s not about making sense, it’s about trying to obfuscate what’s pretty clear so that independents and undecideds give up, get frustrated, get confused, and/or get demotivated so that they either stay home or vote 3rd party. There are only two viable parties in this bullshit first past the post system; one of them wants Project 2025 and one of them doesn’t. Look at bullet points for what that is and then get your ass to the polls. It’s that simple. The only people trying to convince you that it’s not that simple are the ones who don’t want you to look at those bullet points because it’s pretty obvious whether most people are for or against that playbook. It’s damning.

NoIWontPickAName ,

First of all vote.

Second of all, I’m sick of this fall in line and do what we say bullshit.

Fuck you!

I will do what I want and if it happens to fall in line with what you tell me to then you’re lucky I’m even still going to do it.

Fucking authoritarian bullshit is supposed to be on their side

Irremarkable , avatar

"Hey, the other guys are fascist, so if you don't like fascism, you probably should vote against them"


Viking_Hippie ,

Fun fact: all fascists are authoritarian, but not all who are authoritarian are fascists.

The other commenter rightly called your condescendingly controlling behavior based on adherence to authority authoritarian without calling you a fascist.

Irremarkable , avatar

You may want to check who replied when bud

Viking_Hippie ,

Huh? You’re saying that the timing of his reply is somehow germane to whether or not telling people what to do is authoritarian behavior?

Btw, just for the record, I don’t believe in not voting and will hold my nose and vote for the lesser evil when necessary. That’s not my problem with your comments.

My problem is you pretty much ORDERING people to follow the example of you and me rather than advocating for it without authoritarian language.

Irremarkable , avatar

I didn't tell anyone to do shit. I was simply pointing out that suggesting if people don't like something they should vote against is in no way fascist or authoritarian or any of those things. What the fuck do you think campaigning and canvassing is?

The sheer level of mental gymnastics you'd have to do to think it is is frankly impressive.

MrVilliam ,

I never said to fall in line. I said to look up bullet points on what Project 2025 is, look up who is for and who is against it, and get to the polls. I didn’t even say who to vote for. Everybody voting will result in the will of the people, and as somebody who likes having a democracy, that’s what I’m advocating for. I have my own opinions about which party is more pro democracy, and it’s probably pretty obvious to anybody who is paying attention to politics, but I was intentionally vague so that people can come to their own conclusions based on “doing their own research”.

But I guess for you, telling people to inform themselves and vote based on factual information makes me an authoritarian. Cool.

tomi000 ,

Please dont vote. I have a good guess where that vote would go

NoIWontPickAName ,

To Harris, just like I said it would

Viking_Hippie , (edited )

The people criticizing Biden’s age and not trump’s as well never actually gave a shit about Biden’s age.

You’re right about a lot of us, just not in the way you’re implying: I and a lot of others objected to his diminished capacity rather than his age itself.

Berne’s a little under a year older than Biden and sharper than people two decades younger.

Nancy Pelosi is a year or two older still, and not showing anywhere near as stark signs of decline as Biden is.

Come to think of it, the media harped on and on about Bernie’s age in both the 2016 and 2020 primaries without ever mentioning the health of Hillary or Biden. Did you come to Bernie’s defense in 2020 since he’s in better health than both, heart stent and all, and less than a year older than Biden?

Look forward to those same people making up bullshit reasons that Harris is less capable than trump

Nobody ever said less capable than Trump. There’s several orders of magnitude between “not fit” and “as unfit as Trump”. That Biden was behind in spite of being a much less awful candidate and president was down to Trump’s religious cult as well as media gaslighting.

Personally, I’m no fan of Kamala but I believe that, unlike Biden, she’ll beat Trump if nominated, so you won’t hear me calling for her ouster like I did for the one who was literally incapable of doing the job.

Btw, notice how my comment is much more easily readable than your wall of text in spite of being of similar or greater length?

Breaking up your points into paragraphs takes literally a few seconds and improves the legibility of any long comment immensity.

MrVilliam ,

Yes, Biden clearly showed signs of losing his mental acuity. I didn’t really believe it until I saw it in the past couple of months. But a lot of conservatives weren’t really articulating acuity, they were saying he was too old.

Age in general is a concern to me as well because these old fucks don’t understand how different the world is now compared with 30-50 years ago. Wealth is also a concern to me because wealthy, privileged people haven’t struggled like average Americans have and/or do. Congress needs more people like Katie Porter who understand what it’s like to make difficult home finance decisions and be thankful that there’s even any semblance of choice involved.

Yes, I was fully on board with Sanders in 2016 and 2020. I also liked Warren. One day in the future, maybe Buttigieg or Jeffries. It’s exciting to speculate on all of the rising, younger Democratic stars.

I have my issues with Kamala Harris, but I think that she’s probably the best person to run against trump in 2024 especially with only 3.5 months (which sounds like plenty of time to pick anybody to me, but I’m not qualified to assess that). She’s not my favorite, but I’m more excited about her than I would’ve been for Biden.

My only real concerns for Harris running are what the media spoonfeeds to the gullible masses and what the October surprise will be this time. There’s a part of me that wishes Biden would resign just to take away the talking point of “trump has been president and she hasn’t; is she capable of running the country?” Plus we would already have had a couple months of a woman running the country before the election, so people could see that that’s not an actual thing to be concerned about.

juliebean ,

Nobody ever said less capable than Trump.

one nit to pick: i assure you, a lot of people harping on about biden’s ‘mental decline’ do in fact think trump is more capable, or at the very least are happy to claim to believe so. you’re clearly not one of them, but they exist in droves.

and if bernie had been elected, i suspect they’d make the same claims regardless of evidence to the contrary.

NoIWontPickAName ,

Still says ever, although op points out that he wasn’t officially nominated, but hell I’m a candidate for president if I say so because I have said i was and I meet the minimum requirements

Visstix ,

I don’t think you meet minimum requirements for a lot of things.

NoIWontPickAName ,

You can do better than that

Empricorn ,

How was your 48-hour nap?

dullbananas , in Bacon tho avatar

What you’re referring to as taste is in fact taste + nutrition

jerkface , avatar

The more animal flesh you consume, the younger you die and the more major diseases you suffer. Google: “all cause mortality meat”.

AnarchistsForKamala ,

The more animal flesh you consume, the younger you die and the more major diseases you suffer

you have no idea what their nutritional needs or risk factors are

rekorse ,

You’ve been shouting at the sky this whole thread.

You do know vegans only want people to be vegan who can do so in a healthy way, right?

AnarchistsForKamala ,

this is a smoke screen. that user made a specific claim and I pointed out that they are making it up

jerkface , avatar

I pointed out that they are making it up

Is that what you think you are doing??

AnarchistsForKamala ,

this is just posturing

jerkface , avatar

Well now, that’s not entirely true. If you will grant me, at least for the sake of this discussion, that /u/dullbananas is a homo sapiens, then I know, to a scientific certainty, that the more meat this homo sapiens consumes, the younger they will die, and the more major health consequences they will suffer.

Would you like to see the several significant and influential studies, some of which span several decades, that establishes this as an indisputable fact or would you just like to keep coming up with the same pat objections that everyone who wishes it was okay to keep eating meat tries to use to rationalize the decision?

AnarchistsForKamala ,

I know, to a scientific certainty, that the more meat this homo sapiens consumes, the younger they will die, and the more major health consequences they will suffer.

no, you don’t

jerkface , avatar

I think you meant to say, “no, you don’t, and I won’t look at any evidence to the contrary, la la la, i cannot hear you, la la la”

AnarchistsForKamala ,

this is a straw man. it’s also not evidence.

jerkface , avatar

I asked you if you wanted evidence and you just said stupid shit at me. Would you LIKE evidence, now?

AnarchistsForKamala ,

it’s impossible to have evidence about the future.

jerkface , avatar

Then why are you so afraid to say, “Yes, please show me your evidence. I will read it and consider your point?” You would rather attack my evidence without ever knowing what it is, because you are not engaging in good faith.

AnarchistsForKamala ,

I’ve presented exactly as much evidence as you have.

boomzilla ,

If you want a nice introduction to why a proper plant based diet is in most cases better for longevity listen to this interview. The 2½ hours are really rewarding and you’ll get some very important (live-prolonging) information:

This 7 min excerpt from the interview briefly touches why changing our diets is imperative for the survivability of future generations:

The podcast of Simon Hill is called “The Proof”.

AnarchistsForKamala ,

the first video says flat out that there is no conclusive science about a single diet that is best (it’s around the 15 minute mark), and the second seems to support what i’ve been saying in this thread: individuals choosing to buy one thing or another is irrelevant. what matters is the systemic impacts and systemic change.

AnarchistsForKamala ,

not afraid of anything. I have no interest in providing any semblance of validity to your specious argument

Alk ,

I eat so much meat that my life expectancy went negative and rolled over to the maximum allowed value of 2,147,483,647 years.

CrumblyLiquid , avatar

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Taste, is in fact, Nutrition/Taste, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Nutrition plus Taste. Taste is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning Nutrition system.

JesusSon , in Jeff's magic money machine avatar

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit homie, I would just buy 335952 acres of west Texas desert for a cool $243 million. Done where’s my money?

Rolando , in Stay alert.

Sounds like german

seid vorsichtig, kinder

das is die VARM-hinder.

StalinIsMaiWaifu , avatar

Varmhinder ist für die kinder

idegenszavak , (edited ) in Isnt there someone you forgot to ask?

ok it seems like this unhealthy strange flag mania is not a us only thing? I thought it exists only on the left side of the ocean, Who cares about this things. You waste so much time debating about unnecessary things

if you want to burn it, burn it, if you want to drop it on the floor drop it, and fold it the way you want. it’s just a fucking flag, a piece of cloth

How could they light that flag at all? There is this video of a guy trying to light an eu flag. But he can’t do it because of eu standards of making flags from inflammable material:

mariusafa ,

Turly Europe moment

khannie , avatar

I remember when that video came out and I was truly impressed at watching good regulations in action.

Luv me some EU I does. 🇪🇺

marcos ,

So, it burns or not? And how well?

There are 5 seconds of preparation to light it, and as soon as the flame touches the flag it’s cut. Who edits video like that?

dabster291 , avatar

The flag seems to be “on fire” for the first second or so before going out, I’m pretty sure that the guy was trying to relight it (the inflammability of the material was already demonstrated, hence the cut).

So in other words, yes it burns, but not very well

NicolaHaskell , in Stay alert.

They called themselves the Kool Kids but we knew them as the Terror Twins, the Masonic Menace. They’d force their way into any bit of joy or loss, a trail of rubble and scars bolstering their smothering presence, the moon’s the only force strong enough to pull them away.

At least that’s what some say happened the night Kool-Aid Man landed on the rocks. Everybody has their say on how he got there, but the facts of the matter are he did get there, the tides were shifting when he did, the moon was full and the sky was clear, and a group of yutes had just started a fire for a clam bake near where shards of glass were later found. All the king’s horses and men gathered to put him together again, but with one piece lost in the sand he bled out entirely.

The coroner informed Warm-Hinder, who froze in place. A sudden strong gust cracked his icy joints in half, sending his upper parts rolling down 95. When he finally thawed out somewhere near Maryland he dragged himself to the woods, to the remotest cabin of the least connected mountain in all of Appalachia.

Out front sat Marge and Paddy, who offered a refill to the dehydrated tumbler and pointed to the trail of sweet tears leading to the stranger on their porch. He drank deep then reached for a horseshoe on the ground near his foot, hurling it at the hosts’ hearts. A cloud shifted as he did, and a ray of light caught the glass in the old couple’s hands. A rainbow fired from between them blinding the guest, who fell to the floor grasping at his eyes.

“I can’t see, I can’t see!” he cried scrambling on all fours, kicking up dust and throwing what rocks his fingers could find.

“What is it you can’t face?” asked Marge.

“I thought if I tried hard enough,” he trailed.

Paddy chuckled through the break in the noise and shared a slice of moldy bread.

The two sat sipping in silence where they had been and where they’ll stay rocking. The one watched as the rain fell and the sea filled with boiling fire, and the earth pulled in closer still. He heard rhythm in his frantic breathing and saw seedlings sprouting out of softened soil. The beating of his heart filled his feet and he began to dance.

Night had fallen by then but the forest was bright and the path was clear. So he danced with the gravity pulling him through forest and flood and ocean until daybreak. And when he arrived home he saw the gates and gears of the city lifting and turning, and a river of Red 40 flowing through.

gnomesaiyan , in can we be all rich together? avatar

Tax the rich
Feed the poor
Till there ain’t no
Rich no more

grrgyle ,

Incidentally, no
Poor no more

Rhynoplaz ,

What?!? But then how will I know who I’m BETTER than?!?

samus12345 , avatar

I have a dream that we will one day live in a nation where we are judged not by the size of our bank account, but by the content of our character.

(Spoilers: we won’t.)

Rhynoplaz ,

If you ever figure out where that nation is, let me know and I’ll start packing.

xilona ,

me too, I have packed already. Let me know the gps coordinates please 😄

samus12345 , avatar

There are probably some small remote tribes/communes out there somewhere that follow this.

doingthestuff ,

They won’t accept large scale immigration.

undergroundoverground , (edited )
JasonDJ ,

That’s because they judge people on the content of their character, and, well, most people suck.

Not me though. I’m pretty damn rad.

Clinicallydepressedpoochie ,

Real bad news for rich people.

samus12345 , avatar

They do tend to be inversely proportionate.

Chakravanti ,

Self education.

PunnyName ,

I’m stealing your edit

celia , in I meant what I said avatar

No they mean their screwmates

Cysioland , avatar
imPastaSyndrome ,

Nailed it

brown567 ,

Omigod they were screwmates…

superweeniehutjrs , in Isnt there someone you forgot to ask?

If it’s your flag, do what you want. If it’s a flag owned by another person, you should ask for permission

PunnyName ,

And obviously acquire consent from the other. Don’t just ask and then do.

marcos ,

Terms of use “consent”?

From your continued visibility from the street, you give consent for burning any flag I don’t like in your property.

nonentity , in can we be all rich together?

I want wealth to be an indicator of a well-rounded member of society, instead of its current role as a proxy for sociopathy.

Also, how about relabelling excessive financial accumulation as something along the lines of ‘financial obesity’.

explodicle , avatar

Obesity used to be a sign of wealth, and confer higher social status. So oligarchs would be introduced as “the biggest, the fattest, the most corpulent of them all, Richie Apartheington!”

psud ,

Now, aside from everyone being fat, the poor are especially fat

Omgpwnies ,

And the rich aren’t because they have the time and resources to be healthy

win95 , in Jeff's magic money machine avatar

Easy. Buy 100 homes in my city. Become a landlord. Barely ask rent so it’s technically not gifting. Use my infinite money to maintain the homes so people have affordable decent housing. Profit for all!

andrewta ,

Short time later your homes are in ruins and your broke from continuously fixing your houses.

OurToothbrush ,

Found the idle rent seeker, or worse, a bootlicker for idle rent seekers.

There is a reason why capitalists and socialists both hate landlords, they are a relic of feudalism.

andrewta ,

You sound like you need a warm cookie and a glass of milk

OurToothbrush ,

You sound like you need a peasant’s revolution

StupidBrotherInLaw ,


  • Loading...
  • andrewta ,

    So when someone calls me a boot licker and other names I should smile and be happy? Good luck with that

    volodya_ilich ,

    If you don’t wanna be insulted, don’t simp for the oppressors. I’d insult you if you said “I love absolutist monarchy!”

    StupidBrotherInLaw ,

    You could always stop and wonder why they’re calling you a bootlicker, but most bootlickers are bootlickers because they lack the ability for introspection.

    DaPorkchop_ ,

    I sincerely doubt that the maintenance bill for 100 houses is going to exceed a billion dollars any time in for foreseeable future.

    humbletightband ,

    Nah, I guess tips will cover the repairs

    andrewta ,

    Tips will cover the furnace or the shingles when they wear out?

    Damn those would be some nice tips.

    humbletightband ,

    Always be sure to leave a good tip to your landlord/landlady

    EmpathicVagrant ,

    I do, it’s called rent is 5x more expensive than it needs to be.

    humbletightband ,

    You need to add 20% to be a good person

    andrewta ,

    What’s the difference between paying rent or leaving a tip (which is going to be used to cover expenses)?

    humbletightband ,

    Rent is fixed, tip is left for great service

    Draegur , in Stay alert.

    I think he should be saying “Hmm, no…?” Because “oh” is an interjection of surprise but “Hmm” is a murmur of premeditation. Also, the vibe of a hesitant question contrasts the excitement and assertive certainly of an exclamation point.

    MrJameGumb , in Stay alert. avatar

    That’s not a goatee! That’s a soul patch!

    swab148 , avatar

    Flavor saver

    Iheartcheese , avatar

    Oh he’s good then.

    NakariLexfortaine ,

    Well, he could still be the douchey lead from a 90’s to early 2000s pop act.

    thedirtyknapkin ,

    yeah, this is coolaide man apologist propaganda. weak as shit propaganda too. it’s his brother that has the addiction and runs around busting down walls for it. mr hotharm here is just trying to clean up after his sloppy ass sibling.

    like, i get it. we all want to believe in nomative determinism, but addiction can effect anyone. don’t let big sugar water normalize busting down walls and assaulting children’s parties for a hit.

    lugal , in I meant what I said


    Edit: sorry, wrong community

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