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kurwa ,

I think it really depends what kinda drugs honestly.

starman2112 , avatar

So many downvotes for a true statement. Big difference between selling pot and selling meth.

sukhmel ,

Plot twist, he’s a drug dealer here:

corner PharmaChoice drug store, apothecary

umbrella , avatar

i mean we use meth to treat adhd

Juviz ,

But we don’t Synthesize it from bathtub cleaner

umbrella , avatar

still meth tho

iiGxC ,

It’s meaningfully different chemically, as well as in terms of impact it has on people both short and long term, as well as the dose frequency and amount

umbrella , avatar

i bet methheads would figure it out if they could use the proper chemicals from it

red ,

I think it’s karmic justice either way

kurwa ,

If he was just an idiot selling weed then I don’t think he deserved it. He wasn’t the one cheating, she was.

red ,

That’s true if the guy didn’t know. But the girl ended up in jail and that’s poetic regardless of the substance.

Ilovethebomb ,

If you’re doing something illegal, and a lot of people know, it’s a good policy to not get offside with people on a regular basis.

starman2112 , avatar

I mean the guy didn’t even do anything to OP, we don’t even know if he was aware his girl was cheating with him

Ilovethebomb , (edited )

It’s pretty heavily implied he knew. Why else would he be angrier at the dealer than his ex?

starman2112 , avatar

Where is that implied

Ilovethebomb ,

The fact that OP wanted revenge on him would imply he thought the drug dealer knew.

morphballganon ,

That’s a stretch.

Ilovethebomb ,

Why else would OP be more mad at the dealer than their ex then?

hoshikarakitaridia , avatar


sukhmel ,

I second this so hard

joshoff ,

As a gay who used to be even pettier, I have hooked up with exboyfriends’ crushes and one exboyfriend’s new boyfriend. Good lord it is easy to get high off of petty revenge.

morphballganon ,

Who said more mad? Maybe OP didn’t have evidence against the gf.

starman2112 , (edited ) avatar

The fact that OP is a robot would imply that he is not mentally well and shouldn’t be trusted

Ilovethebomb ,

The fuck are you on about?

starman2112 , avatar

OP is a user of the 4chan board /r9k/, who go by the demonym “robot.” They are moderately less brain damaged than /b/tards, but only barely so

sukhmel ,

I thought you were referring to the lack of causality in the original statement 😅

hessenjunge ,

Correct, cuckolded men are well known to first ask their wife’s lover if they knew before attacking them. /s

Ilovethebomb ,

Why are you taking this so personally? Lemmings get mad about the weirdest stuff.

hessenjunge ,

I’m not taking this personally, don’t project. I’m just amazed how you stubbornly argue against one of the oldest story tropes of all time: the horned, vengeful husband/wife.

Ilovethebomb ,

We’re discussing whether greentext believes the dealer knew it was his GF, I’m not sure how your comment relates to that.

hessenjunge ,

Amazing. I’m sorry if this was too complicated for you. Let me repeat:

There is no indication whatsoever that drug dealer guy knew. This has been explained to you a couple of times by other people.

In fact the glaring absence of any indication can be interpreted as: no, drug dealer did not know. This has also been explained.

You, on the other hand, claim the revenge taken out by Anon in itself is proof that he knew. Because a cuckold will never attack the lover unless the lover knew what they were doing.

That would be cool if it were so but it just isn’t. The trope of the cuckold attacking the lover is older than humanity itself. You’ll find stories even (or rather especially) in Greek mythology where cuckolding or just fancying the wrong person leads to eternal punishment. Also by the age of 20 most of us witnessed similar behavior a couple of times. If you didn’t good for you / grey out of the basement more.

You are doing the equivalent of arguing that 1+1 does not equal 2.

Ilovethebomb ,

You’re talking a lot, but not really providing any evidence beyond “it’s obvious”.

Why do you care so much about this?

dependencyinjection ,

That’s just conjecture based on your interpretation.

Ilovethebomb ,


dependencyinjection ,

And it means nothing.

You see that right? Just because you have an interpretation doesn’t make it correct.

Ilovethebomb ,

So? Neither does yours, you’ve got just as much evidence as me.

dependencyinjection ,

Sure, but we also have the consensus from this thread.

Which is more likely, you and however many upvotes you’ve had are correct, or the vastly more people here with the opposing view?

Ilovethebomb ,

It’s a consensus on Lemmy, which can have a strange view of things at times.

manuallybreathing ,

While we’re all playing morality police and talking about drugs, maybe keep in mind he stalked someguy being while he was obsessive and possessive of a woman.

Playing vigilante and involving the police because you got hurt fweewings is a dogshit move.

anyway everything on 4chan is fake, so this is just some incel fantasy about what he thinks would be cool.

magnetosphere , avatar

It doesn’t matter what we think, because this is probably fiction anyway.

hswolf , avatar

I mean, does it really matter at this point?

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Hypothetical moral arguments are the best moral arguments

Obonga ,

Fake: pretending to having an ex-gf & Gay: being a narc

nova_ad_vitum ,

Even faker is the idea that the police would actually investigate and take action in response to evidence.

Dasus ,

Evidence of small time drug dealing, you bet they do.

Ofc the police are different in places, but that seems to be pretty common.

OneWomanCreamTeam ,

A small time drug dealer? We’re on the case! We won’t rest till that scum is behind bars.

Oh someone stole your car? I hope you have a signed confession for the thief. Investigation is hard and I don’t wanna 😣

  • Cops
olutukko ,

now that’s a petty revenge if I’ve ever seen one. and just the type of fucked up attitude I’ve seen so much on image boards like holy shit what is up with that guy

ddkman ,

Weeell depending on what he dealt tbf. Weed yeah. Herion, fuck the dealer.

RubberElectrons , avatar


olutukko , (edited )

I was going to add something in these lines, but even if he was heroin dealer but did it responsibly with testing the drugs and making sure he doesn’t scame anyone it’s still a lot better than some guu who replaces his job and sell heroin laced with fentanyl. it’s way too complicated for me to be able to just judge them by the drug they sell. because you can never get rid of every dealer and someoke is just going to get their customers. the best you can do is damage control because the damage is going to happens anyway

edit: based on the downvotes people want fentanyl and other even more dangerous shit to the streets than heroin is I guess :D (just kidding I know these downvotes are not from people wanting heroin users to die but from people who think heroin is too big of taboo to be spoken like this. I would have no one down voting me if I was talking about laced weed and how it’s better to sell unlaced weed)

I am not saying it’s okay to sell heroin. I am simply stating that it’s a lesser evil to sell pure and tested dangerous drug than selling untested and even more dangerous drug

ddkman ,

There is no justifaction for dealing heroin i dont think.

olutukko ,

I didn’t say it’s justified😂 I literally said that it’s better solution that the heroin dealer at least sells tested stuff. wouldn’t you agree? or do you rather take fentanyl heroin the streets? because somebody is going to sell that heroin wheter you like it or not

I by any means don’t want heroin on streets but I sure as hell know that evem if you spent the dea yearly budget to catch heroin dealers you wouldn’t still wouldn’t get all the heroin out of the streets

33550336 , avatar

First I wrote something similar, now I see this. Fully agreed!

OneWomanCreamTeam ,

I mean, if he’s testing his stuff and isn’t misrepresenting what he’s selling, is it really wrong to sell heroin or cocaine?

tetris11 , avatar

Highly addictive substance that ruins the lives of most users and their families. Could be harmless, yeah…

OneWomanCreamTeam ,

I mean, it certainly isn’t harmless, but I’m generally in support of adults being able to use whatever drug they please. If you sell clean, heroin that’s keeping your customers from buying from someone who cuts it with fent or something.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

I agree, but I think there needs to be rules around it. Heroin should only be used under medical supervision, and dosage should be controlled to avoid addiction. Likewise for other hard drugs that are highly addictive and carry a high risk of overdose.

If we ban it, people will get it illicitly. If we legalize it, we can ensure it’s used as safely as possible.

casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer ,

I used to have the opinion that people who cheat deserve everything but violence, no revenge being too petty.

I still believe that, but I also realized that the people lame enough to cheat are not worth even being around and that they’ll do a good enough job fucking up their lives without any help. There are exceptions to this rule though, snakes who cheat and lie and steal for sport, whom no form of retaliation would suffice and any amount of pettiness is beyond acceptable-- I can think of one such person who has went out of their way to wrong me like that, out of the two times I’ve been cheated one by different people, and had I the opportunity to destroy their life and have some part in them being locked up, I would do so without missing a beat and smile proudly every time I thought about because I would have truly done the world a favor through careful application of systemic functions rather than violence. If you disagree with this, let me ask you: would you prefer the violence? At the end of the day, all I care about is that they’d be unable to fuck with people’s lives.

olutukko ,

I do get the feeling that you want some sort of justification but with petty revenge you achieve nothing and pretty much prove that you are not better than them.

of course there are some really twisted cases where even petty revenge is not as bad as the stuff that happened to yoi

Delphia ,

Anon is a fuckin snitch.

RecluseRamble ,

The point was that he’s not fucking anymore.

neo ,

I do applaud you, but slowly.

umbrella , avatar

narc or not and pretending this isnt fake, as far as vengeance goes, anon got his way didnt he.

tacosanonymous ,

If true, op is the worst kind of narc.

Tb0n3 ,

Best kind. Fuck the kind of people drug dealers are. They’re all worthless scumbags.

Kolanaki , avatar

The hippies that grew and sold their own pot I used to buy from before legalization were very much not that.

sp3tr4l ,

You have obviously never met a meth or fentanyl dealer. Murderous shitbags, all of them.

Kolanaki , avatar

I’ve met exactly 2 meth dealers.

One was a dumb piece of shit to be sure; but he was a racist homophobe and also a thief. He got into dealing meth long after he had been known for being a POS.

The other was just a normal suburban dad you’d never think was a drug dealer. He didn’t use anything, but he sold damn near everything.

As a drug user, I have met plenty of drug dealers. Most of them aren’t the scary people you think they are.

sp3tr4l ,

Fair enough, you have actually met some.

Ive never used, but as a previously homeless person who is still recovering, many states away, from the miasma of physical injuries I’ve received from the fetty and meth dealers I had the misfortune to meet, I guess you could say I don’t exactly have the best impression of street dealers.

These kinds of guys that I ran into would send goons to rob rape and kill people, or just do it themselves. Nearly killed me.

While I have nothing now, at least I am alive, and at least I got out while they were killing each other, and now they are all likely dead.

Legend ,

Some of them are just caught up in it and is geniunly better humans than some preachers , cops etc which society hold in high regard .

Rolder ,

I doubt this is that kind of drug dealer considering the whole GF snatching bit

Legend ,

Its anon’s pov maybe the drug dealer rescued the girl from him because he is a bigot and anon being anon instantly assumed that he wanted her or somethin.

33550336 , avatar

Reporting such a crime is a good thing no matter what cuckolding has been done. Unless it was a harmless weed dealer, not some crack selling fucker.

chetradley ,

“Drug dealer” is such a broad term that ranges from someone selling weed/shrooms to some buddies to running a fentanyl ring. I don’t know how anyone could say snitching was ok or not with the info anon provided.

And009 ,

Could be a prescribed student dealing Adderall for all we know

therealjcdenton ,

Both are unauthorized dealers of an illegal drug so both should be reported

starman2112 , avatar

Unironically the kind of person who would let the SS know their neighbor was harbouring Jews

JoShmoe ,

Snitches get stitches

Liz ,

They do their job

Sounds more like green text OP did their job for them and they put the finishing touches on it.

hitwright ,

It’s surprising how many people are siding with the drug dealer. The dude doesn’t even pay taxes…

OneWomanCreamTeam ,

I’ve met drug dealers who pay their taxes. The IRS doesn’t really give a shit if what you’re doing is illegal, so long as they get paid.

nonfuinoncuro ,

only break one law at a time…

DrPop ,

This is true see IRS publication 525.

Illegal activities.

Income from illegal activities, such as money from dealing illegal drugs, must be included in your income on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8z, or on Schedule C (Form 1040) if from your self-employment activity.

Bribes are also considered taxable income.

atocci , avatar

The point here is to make it explicitly clear that if you're making money off illegal activity, you can and will be charged with tax evasion when caught. The government will still take action if you tell on yourself, even for tax purposes 👍

AngryCommieKender , (edited )

Even The Joker pays his taxes. He explicitly said, “I’m crazy enough to fight take on Batman, but the IRS? No Thank You.”

AgentGrimstone ,

Only for their legit job I hope. That just sounds like a bad idea to be reporting your illegal activities and hoping the government doesn’t decide to use it against you later. Why take the risk?

gamermanh ,

Knew a guy who sold shrooms to people, he’d give you an invoice for em.

Not for the shrooms, fuck no, it was all for computer repair and building and consulting and yadda yadda. Sold shrooms with fake PC invoices for a few years and eventually managed to snag a job doing something in IT thanks to the 3 years of running a PC home business

Still sells shrooms, too, the lovely bastard. Dunno if he gives invoices anymore though

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Does he accept an HSA card for the… uh… computer repair?

yokonzo ,

As a former dealer, this is a dumb take. Yeah ofc I paid my taxes. Don’t confuse people who just wanna make a living with some strung out federal-lifer who doesn’t even give a shit. You’re letting your prejudices think for you.

the_crotch ,

Considering our taxes pay for bombs, drones, domestic surveillance, and other crimes against humanity one could argue that it’s more ethical to not pay them.

DaGeek247 , avatar

Lmao the replies are divided right across the acab/thin blue line.

If drugs was all they were dealing then you a fucken snitch.

papalonian ,

the replies are divided right across the acab/thin blue line

Unless there’s some weird fediverse thing going on where I can’t see all the replies, there’s currently 4 comments (including yours, not mine), and literally every single one calls him a snitch or a narc. Again barring fediverse shenanigans, you’re straight fabricating a divide along a political barrier in a comment section where none exists for… reasons?

starman2112 , avatar

Most of the comments are calling him a snitch, but the votes are pretty evenly split down the middle

Prunebutt ,

They’ve skewed further into the law and order direction in the meantime.

Hikermick ,

Fuck em. Stab me in the back and I’ll go full on scorched earth

mriormro , avatar

You should seek therapy.

Ummdustry ,

Maybe you should seek vengance? It’s much cheaper.

Skkorm ,

First of all, snitches are scum. Second of all, that drug dealer needs to stay on people’s good side if any random dude in your neighborhood can out you like that

BakedGoods ,

Fuck that. Criminals are scum. Nothing wrong with reporting them and doing society a favour.

Prunebutt ,

Found a narc!

Ilovethebomb ,


Prunebutt ,

That whole comment just shows what an asshole @BakedGoods is.

Liz ,

It really depends on the crime. Some things shouldn’t be illegal and I even support people’s rights to ignore unjust laws.

starman2112 , avatar

Tens of thousands of statutes. Chances are good you’re a criminal too, even if you don’t know it.

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