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Distributions intended for hardware diagnosis and other related utilities

Within the GNU/Linux ecosystem there are all kinds of tools to diagnose the system, or rather, to check the state of the hardware, but there are few distributions specifically designed to perform this task, or at least that I know of, because the only distribution I know that is intended to diagnose the computer, (Or ​​at...

There needs to be a way to only get one push notification for every new message in a group chat

I dont know about others, but sometimes I am not able to check my phone, or be fully present in a conversation that I’m part of. Maybe I’m concentrating on work, or driving, and not able to look. It gets distracting when my phone is constantly buzzing and chiming for 5 minutes straight. Muting the chat can help, but if you...

Looking for emotional support: I lost all my WhatsApp chats

I was so confident that WhatsApp was backing itself up to Google ever since I got my new pixel but I just wasn’t. Then yesterday I factory reset my phone to fix something else and I lost it all. Years worth of chats from so many times in my past just aren’t there, all my texts with my mom and my family, group chats with old...

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