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paddirn , to news in Trump Makes Another 'Poison the Blood' Comment Evoking Hitler Yet Again

I’m starting to think he may have actually read a single book in his life.

iAmTheTot , avatar

Don't give him the credit. These ideas are fed to him by the other racists around him.

Gazumi , to news in Trump Makes Another 'Poison the Blood' Comment Evoking Hitler Yet Again

He has being using the Hitler playbook from the outset, whether intentionally or not.

mosiacmango ,

His ex wife testified that he kept a book of hitler speeches next to his bed while they were married.

IWantToFuckSpez , to news in Trump Makes Another 'Poison the Blood' Comment Evoking Hitler Yet Again

Because the Trump family is the pinnacle of human genetics

girlfreddy , to news in Trump Makes Another 'Poison the Blood' Comment Evoking Hitler Yet Again

I like most of you Americans, but I don’t wanna share the longest undefended border anymore if that asshole is elected again.

spittingimage , to mildlyinfuriating in New Speaker Mike Johnson Blamed School Shootings on the Teaching of Evolution avatar

Nice suit he’s wearing there.

I believe according to his own rules you can stone him to death for mixing two different fibres.

dual_sport_dork , avatar

I’ll bet he’s also eaten shellfish, and mixed meat with dairy.

BartsBigBugBag ,

Isn’t that in the Torah? I have never met a Christian who didn’t mix meat with dairy, that’s Judaism. Imagine Christian America if you told them they can’t eat cheeseburgers lmao. Actually, I think that might be the best way to beat religion in America. Ban cheeseburgers on religious grounds. Fat white balding men the nation over will revolt, once their arteries clear up from not eating burgers, that is.

dual_sport_dork , avatar

Well, it’s in Leviticus. Which is in the Old Testament in the bible that these fuckheads still espouse. And before anyone comes along and says: “But, Jesus swept all that away!!!” Remember that wingnuts still cite Leviticus (20:13, to be precise) as justification for persecuting homosexuals.

BartsBigBugBag ,

That makes sense, thanks. It’s been a couple decades since I’ve set foot anywhere Christian, and I hope to continue that streak for a few more, so I’d rather ask you than a Christian 😂

Omegamanthethird , avatar

Here’s the trick. Jesus swept away the conviction rules but not the sin rules. As in some things aren’t bad per se, they’re just rules to show your devotion. Jesus made is so you don’t have to do those things anymore.

Now, what’s bad and what’s an arbitrary rule? Who the fuck knows? It’s a free pass to have your own rules.

zerosignal ,

Just like the constitution, republicans only pay attention to the parts of the bible that they agree with.

BeautifulMind , avatar

Isn’t that in the Torah?

Exodus. Exodus is part of the Old Testament, along with Leviticus.

Leviticus (11:9-12) is where shellfish are banned, mixed seed or fabrics (19:19) It is where modern Christians cherry-pick their justifications on being anti-LGBTQ. (Lev. 18:22, 20:13)

Point is, they cherry-pick from the Old Testament when it suits them, and if you look at the rest of the rules in the books they reference that they ignore (e.g. tattoos, touching pig skin, eating pork, shellfish, etc. etc. ) it’s totally fair game to point out the rules they ignore in the same books as the ones they cite.

TexMexBazooka ,

It’s all arbitrary and stupid and differentiating between Abrahamic faiths is a waste of breath

lechatron , avatar

He looks like the kind of guy that would enjoy a lukewarm milk steak.

thetoastmonster ,

The unholy cheeseburger

Sooperstition ,

Thanks, that’s my band name now

Zippit , to news in Trump Amplifies Call for "Citizens Arrest" of Judge and Prosecutor in New York Civil Case

Please just vote this buffoon out. I beg of you as a European. Please vote him out and make him irrelevant in every way possible. Just stop this madness.

captain_aggravated , avatar

We did vote him out. 3 years ago.

Asafum ,

Member when he basically told hillary to fuck off and shut up because she lost and we shouldn’t have to hear from her anymore? Member when his supporters said they’d have backed off and accepted it if he lost?

God I wish this asshat followed his own advice, but a grifting amoral asshole will always do the grifting amoral asshole thing and cultists gotta cultist…

I’m so sick of living here, but I have no marketable skills to offer other countries…

Zippit ,

Yes, but I meant next year. Because it’s like I’m in 2016 again. Everybody thinks Hillary is going to win and NO WAY anyone would vote for this loser. But with Biden this time.

samus12345 , avatar

We already did. He’s trying to get voted back in. I’m afraid nothing short of him not existing any more will release his death grip on the GOP.

iamtrashman1312 ,

nothing short of him not existing anymore

And the thing of it is is that this is exactly accurate. The man could die from anything and there would be a small but not insignificant crowd of people prepared to make him a martyr, claiming it was some “deep state” assassination

samus12345 , avatar

Yeah, but at least they wouldn’t be able to vote for him any more. The hate he represents was there before him and will be there after he’s gone.

FanciestPants ,

Weird hypothetical: what if he dies, but he’s still getting votes? My guess is that there’s a decent portion of his supporters that would vote for his corpse, maybe assuming it’s some conspiracy and that he’ll rise from the dead. I mean he wouldn’t be able to take the oath of office, but would congress have to invoke the 25th amendment if a dead person wins the election?

samus12345 , avatar

I’m sure he’d still get votes after dying, but not enough to actually be elected. If he died while the election was going on and won, I think the vice president would become president, just as if he’d died in office.

macrocephalic ,

If it’s gonna happen regardless, maybe someone should defenestrate him.

Furedadmins , to news in Trump Amplifies Call for "Citizens Arrest" of Judge and Prosecutor in New York Civil Case

Someone should fucking citizens arrest that seditious piece of shit.

Illuminostro , to news in Trump Amplifies Call for "Citizens Arrest" of Judge and Prosecutor in New York Civil Case

Somebody’s going to get killed over his narcissistic rage bullshit.

StorminNorman ,

You say that as if it hasn’t happened already.

tym , to news in Trump Amplifies Call for "Citizens Arrest" of Judge and Prosecutor in New York Civil Case

While Trump deserves our ire and some jail time, I’m more concerned with what his popularity says about our society.

He’s a gift in some ways: he’s shown the true colors of our neighbors to us. If he makes it to the oval office again, so much would have to have gone wrong in the belt-and-suspenders approach being used right now.

I trust that there’s an end game to disqualifying him because that’s the only way we can buy time while figuring out how to address the ugly xenophobic truth about the future in the US.

I STRONGLY recommend reading Susan Faludi’s “stiffed” if you want a play book on where we’re headed (spoiler: it’s the 90s again, but worse because one of the lost boys could be POTUS again)

runner_g ,

We should know Friday on the ruling in Colorado. Judge heard closing arguments today.…/trump-2024-14th-amendment-insurrecti…

ComradePorkRoll ,

Belt-and-suspendera approach? We’re barely using a drawstring to keep our pants up.

Asafum ,

I really don’t know why everyone discounts the propaganda so much. I’ve been a broken record on this lately because, yes, we have assholes in vast numbers, but we also have a massive propaganda problem that is essentially creating a reality that doesn’t actually exist.

In their version of reality there’s actually a real reason why everyone is coming down on Trump and it’s spun in a way to make you think he’s a victim of the “ruling elite” who’s trying to prevent him from Fixing America™. Their version of reality has Trump as a likeable silly person who has a loving family and just wants to use his Business Acumen™©® to set America on the right path. Past that there’s all the Facebook/social media fantasies people make up and spread, qanon shit, etc…

That’s not to say there aren’t hundreds of thousands of people who are just straight up racist hateful assholes, but a very large portion of the people who vote for Trump think they’re actually picking a good person… It’s infuriating, the criminal isn’t a criminal and ol Biden who the right has been attacking forever is somehow actually a criminal that no one can catch…

BrianTheeBiscuiteer ,

He’s a gift in some ways: he’s shown the true colors of our neighbors to us.

I’d be more thankful if there were way less “neighbors” showing their true colors right now.

donuts , to news in Trump Amplifies Call for "Citizens Arrest" of Judge and Prosecutor in New York Civil Case avatar

This dude gets more unhinged and desperate every passing day, but a huge chunk of Americans just can't see it. It's crazy.

be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

I think a lot of them do see it, but he pisses off the libs and seems to be promising to hurt the people they want to be hurt, so they are OK with that.

pete_the_cat ,

He’s literally Hitler, just without the genocide.

be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

There's still time.

Treczoks ,


borf ,

Without the genocide

Are we just going to forget about the family separation border policies? Or the “it’s ok if grandma dies as long as we can go back to Outback Steakhouse again” treatment of COVID?

Amazinghorse ,

Just remember Hitler built up to that. He started off small just like trump is.

Buddahriffic ,

Also it wasn’t Hitler himself that architected the Holocaust. Him being in power gave power to even worse people. He was happy to go along with it, it just doesn’t look like he had any specific plans to actually exterminate the Jews when he was rising to power. So don’t think that Trump’s lack of any specific agenda means that such a thing won’t happen if he is in a position to enable it.

whofearsthenight ,

Stephen Miller

YodaDaCoda ,

Just without the genocide so far

whofearsthenight ,

Yeah, I mean, his agenda if he’s reelected is apparently a genocide, so I wouldn’t be counting any chickens here.

Illuminostro ,


TechyDad , avatar

For a way too large group, his being unhinged bigoted rants are a selling point, not a liability.

For way too many others, they don’t care about his unhinged rants because he’s pledging to hurt OTHER people, not them.

The former are bad, but aren’t enough to sweep Trump into power. The latter, though, could help Trump attain power and then will act shocked when they get targeted.

IHadTwoCows , to news in Trump Amplifies Call for "Citizens Arrest" of Judge and Prosecutor in New York Civil Case

Remember, guys: defending free speech for Nazis is totally the best way to “preserve democracy”

Phanlix ,

I really wish more people understood the paradox of tolerance.

Rednax ,

Tolerance is a social contract, not an ideal. If someone refuses to adhere to the contract, then they are not entitled to the benefits of it either. Hence, there is no paradox. When we say “be tolerant to all” what we mean is “please adhere to the social contract, and assume everyone else does so, until proven otherwise”.

redundantgrouch ,

The paradox still exists. You described a system that is intolerant of the intolerant. That system is therefore not tolerant. The paradox is that no system can be completely tolerant… Because intolerance would have to be tolerated, which would make the system intolerant.

Your response would be like saying the boot strap paradox doesn’t exist because I haven’t invented time travel. But, I still need to fuck my grandma or else I never will! Wait…

Jaigoda ,

It’s not a paradox to say “I will be tolerant of anyone who is also tolerant.” Whether that’s a good foundation for society to be built upon is subjective I suppose, but it’s not a paradox.

redundantgrouch ,

The paradox only exists in a society that claims to be completely tolerant. The society you’re talking about doesn’t claim to be completely tolerant, but it doesn’t solve the paradox of a completely tolerant society. It, in fact, proves the paradox as the intolerant have taken over the system and are not tolerant of all.

I’m making no judgment on the societal system. I also dislike the intolerant. And… people who want to do back in time to have sex with their grandmother!

Jaigoda ,

Yes, but I and the person you originally replied to weren’t talking about an idealized society that tolerates everything and everyone. The paradox only exists when you take the idea to its extreme. It’s very easy to define a system where people are tolerant, and replying with “b-b-but that’s not truly tolerant” doesn’t help anyone here and only serves to muddy the waters.

redundantgrouch ,

The comment I responded to responded to this comment.

I really wish more people understood the paradox of tolerance.

Seemed like I could defend the paradox in a response that ignored the existence of the paradox when the OP was wishing more people could understand it. But sure, i muddied the waters.

CosmicCleric , avatar

paradox of tolerance

From Wikipedia…

The paradox of tolerance states that if a society’s practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them.

Someone needs to explain to me why that’s an absolute/assured (the italicized part).

That seems like one hell of an assumption, and not a foregone conclusion.

infamousta , (edited )

Assume that the tolerant party extends tolerance to the intolerant party. The goal of the intolerant is directly in opposition that of the tolerant, and the tolerant must then tolerate (i.e., not impede) this aim.

The only direction such a conflict can move in is toward the will of the intolerant party, because any push in an opposing direction would require an exercise of intolerance from the tolerant party (or an adoption of tolerance by the intolerant party).

CosmicCleric , avatar

The only direction such a conflict can move in is toward the will of the intolerant party

No, it can stay in a steady state, or if the majority of the population agrees one way it can move back towards tolerance.

because any push in an opposing direction would require an exercise of intolerance from the tolerant party

I would argue the opposite. To be able to deal with intolerance you have to be even more tolerant to be patient of them and their opinions.

You’re making a false statement and a straw man.

infamousta ,

It can’t stay in a steady state, unless the intolerant actually accept/tolerate that state.

There is no way to move back toward tolerance without a force opposing intolerance, and that can’t exist if tolerance extends to the intolerant.

I don’t think I’m using a straw man. The paradox of tolerance is a philosophical abstraction and I’m describing it within that context.

CosmicCleric , avatar

It can’t stay in a steady state, unless the intolerant actually accept/tolerate that state.

Why, because you say so? I completely disagree with this, and America’s proof of this.

We’ve always had intolerance in this country, but it’s never taken over, the tolerant allows them their moment to speak, but when a decision has to be make on what direction to move in, it’s always done in the direction away from intolerance.

There is no way to move back toward tolerance without a force opposing intolerance,

True, and that force is the majority disagreeing with the ideals and ideas of the intolerant, and not joining / following them.

and that can’t exist if tolerance extends to the intolerant.

Again, America is proof that you’re incorrect on this.

You need to understand something,.

Our adversaries will want us to not talk to each other, to be at each other’s throats, and trying to shape this kind of narrative of intolerance is one way of getting to that goal, and must be pushed back against at all costs.

infamousta ,

I don’t think I disagree with what you are saying, but America’s history has not followed the premise of this paradox. That is, America does not unilaterally extend tolerance to the intolerant. Abolition of slavery, the civil rights movement, these things were not resolved by “live and let live.”

Americans tend to allow intolerance to some critical point, which then turns into conflict and usually violence until things simmer down to an acceptable level of intolerance once more.

Legislation does skew progressive, as you point out. That’s another example of society not tolerating the intolerant. And the real-world solution to this paradox: tolerance need not extend to the intolerant. But to explain the paradox in terms of the article you linked, you must start from a different premise.

CosmicCleric , avatar

but America’s history has not followed the premise of this paradox. That is, America does not unilaterally extend tolerance to the intolerant. Abolition of slavery, the civil rights movement, these things were not resolved by “live and let live.”

The Civil War was caused by people being intolerant of each other’s ideas. If the South had actually listened to the North, and stopped slavery, then that war would not have happened.

Plus the concept we’re discussing is about free speech, if physical harm or violence is done then that’s a different matter, and what was done to slaves is definitely something worth fighting for, to save them from that fate.

But Slavery was a boiling point from the founding of the country, where they argued about including that or not in the Bill of Rights, and on forward to the Cival War times.

The Civil Rights Movement was resolved mostly through nonviolent protesting, and the intolerant lost because the tolerant were allowed to speak. If the government had branded the Civil Rights people as being intolerant ( again, who decides who’s being intolerant) would we have our civil rights today? I don’t think so.

And the real-world solution to this paradox: tolerance need not extend to the intolerant.

Yes, it does, or else everyone becomes intolerant of everyone else, no one speaks to no one, and violence begets violence.

100% of people will not agree on what’s intolerant, and those who wish to silence others will use the “you’re intolerant” excuse as a weapon against them, so it must not be allowed to happen.

America’s worked fine so far on tolerance. It’s one of the founding bedrocks of our nation, and society.

As a citizen you have a responsibility to listen to your fellow citizens, even if you don’t agree with what they’re saying. Feel free to tell them back in no uncertain terms why they’re wrong, but don’t try to silence them, and their ideas won’t gain traction, and they will not gain followers.

The center will not hold, if we’re trying to silence each other.

MycoBro ,

That’s what people on here take as facts. A paradox on Wikipedia. Get the fuck out of here. No one needs to read that uslesss garbage. Who defines what is or isn’t tolerate? “Nope, your being intolerant of (insert crazy fucking shit) off the the gulags with ya. These people are as bad as their far right counter parts and can’t even see it. Dripping with the same hate that they feel for the “enemy “

HandBreadedTools ,

Wikipedia lists 17 different references from the last 70 years on this topic. It is not a new concept. It is also literally evident in a variety of places that have tried the absolute free speech approach, such as 4chan.

Your entire comment is either disingenuous or asinine.

CosmicCleric , avatar

It is also literally evident in a variety of places that have tried the absolute free speech approach, such as 4chan.

4chan is not America. Free Speech seems to work fine in America, we’re still here.

And it isn’t about absolute free speech, it’s about giving everyone a turn at the microphone. You can definitely disagree with what someone’s saying, but you should never stop them from trying to say it.

ComradePorkRoll ,

Those who want the benefit of the social contract without adhering to it will be dominant as they have an upperhand.

CosmicCleric , avatar

Those who want the benefit of the social contract without adhering to it will be dominant as they have an upperhand.

No, the intolerant won’t be dominant, because they will require everyone to follow them to have that power, and they won’t be followed.

The false premise doesn’t match the reality ‘on the ground’.

ChonkyOwlbear ,

It’s true the same way that the boxer with one hand tied behind his back will lose a fight. All other things being equal, the side that limits itself will always lose because they deny themselves paths to victory the opposition can use.

CosmicCleric , avatar

they deny themselves paths to victory the opposition can use.

HOW we win, matters.

ChonkyOwlbear ,

Not when the threat is existential.

interceder270 ,

I mean, they should get to say what they want to say.

It’s up to us to recognize it as bullshit and rise above it.

Olhonestjim ,

No, no they should not. Nazi speech should be criminalized. Just like yelling Fire! in a crowded theatre. Nazi speech is even more deadly and destructive.

interceder270 ,

Yeah, they say the same things about pro-trans speech.

The problem is, when you start policing speech, you open up the floodgates for people to pick and choose what is right or wrong to say. If it’s okay to ban ‘nazi speech,’ then what’s stopping the next congress from banning ‘trans speech’ or ‘communist speech’?

Nah. It’s up to us, as a society, to work together to keep these ideas at bay through discussion. If we try to ban people from sharing these ideas altogether, it will create a Streisand Effect and give them more power than they would otherwise have.

Olhonestjim ,

Germany seems to be doing ok with banning it. And the rest of us aren’t doing so hot with allowing it.

Illuminostro ,

Criticize Israel for a week straight, here. When your ban is lifted, tell us how much you love absolute free speech.

ChonkyOwlbear ,

Unfortunately reality doesn’t work this way. A popular lie beats an unpopular truth. That’s a large part of why we can’t make any meaningful progress on addressing climate change.

Blackmist , to news in Trump Amplifies Call for "Citizens Arrest" of Judge and Prosecutor in New York Civil Case

Won’t somebody rid me of this meddlesome priest?

beebarfbadger , to news in Trump Amplifies Call for "Citizens Arrest" of Judge and Prosecutor in New York Civil Case

Translation: “The legal system isn’t sufficiently stacked in my favour anymore like all the previous hearings were, so somebody move to illegal means of nudging the results while I hide behind plausible deniability in saying that I did not mean that at all.”

Zippit ,

Perfect recap.

IamSparticles ,

It’s actually better. He didn’t write the comment, he just re-shared it, boosting the visibility. This is his typical MO. “Lots of people are saying the thing. I didn’t say the thing.” Until the judges tell him flat out to stop using his social media accounts or they’ll throw him in jail, he’s going to keep doing this shit.

some_guy , to news in Trump Amplifies Call for "Citizens Arrest" of Judge and Prosecutor in New York Civil Case

“I wasn’t calling for violence when one of my supporters did violence to these people. I said citizen arrest. They misinterpreted when they thought I wanted violence. The knock-on effect of chilling any future prosecutions also isn’t what I wanted.”

ComradePorkRoll ,

Will no one rid me of this judge?

jimbo , to news in Trump Amplifies Call for "Citizens Arrest" of Judge and Prosecutor in New York Civil Case


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