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Phanlix ,

We don’t need anything aside from the word, and you are right about the Israelis.

But you can go fuck yourself for using divisive language like ‘libtard’. One, how are we supposed to work with you or even talk to you when you use such a childish and insulting term? And two, it’s not even accurate. Conservatives consistently prove they’re the idiots.

Let’s just take one example. The economy. Every Democrat in the last 100 years has improved the economy, and every Republican has harmed it. It’s because Democrats invest in people through empowering unions and raising minimum wages. Trickle down economics has been proven to not work for almost 60 years now and conservatives still push that bullshit.

It’s like that on every issue. You’re just wrong.

Phanlix , (edited )

I see we conveniently are just not going to talk about how the Jew-Nazis are absolutely using this as an excuse to maximize collateral damage to the civilian populace of their enclose open air concentration camp of a city. However you want to justify the genocide this is, feel free, but the world is watching, and sympathy for what the Jews went through during the Holocaust is wearing thin since they’ve been essentially running their own genocide for the better part of a century.

Phanlix ,

This is like Holocaust denial in the 21st century. Those that refuse to see what the Jew-Nazis are doing.

Phanlix ,


Same. I adopted a google account a long time ago, but I’ve finally hit my limit on what they’ve been doing with youtube and everything. Free and open source alternatives are the way to go, it may take a while to catch on or may never fully, but who cares. Switching to linux recently was the best thing I’ve ever done.

Phanlix ,

Dude for real. A cheap bidet attachment for your toilet is the way to go.

First off, a bidet is better than toilet paper. I’ve been using it for years, and it cleans you 100%. I use basically 1 square of TP to dry myself after, and it’s always completely clean. If you had a bird shit on your arm would you just wipe it off with paper and call it a day?

I laughed at all my friends who made fun of me for getting one on all my toilets after the great TP shortage of 2021, and a few of them ended up switching over.

For the apocalypse I have a camping toilet with a foot operated bidet. I mean I already use it when car camping, and I have a hand bidet for backpacking.

Solar panels are also in play. I also bought a freeze dryer and have about 5 deers worth of freeze dried jerky, and buy and freeze dry on sale fruit and veggies pretty regularly. I try to maintain around a 1-2 year supply of on hand food. A few steel plates, ar-15 pistol, and enough ammo to hold off the upper floor for quite a while too, but that’s another conversation. I’m as ready to go as I can though, let’s do this.

Phanlix , (edited )

If your stream is at the max setting that’s comfortable and you move around a bit and make sure to get the whole area I’ve got nothing for you other than a recommendation to up the fiber in your diet.

I did get a nicer one that can just about peel the skin off on the highest setting, but even the lower quality one I have on the main bathroom downstairs gets me completely clean. I do tend to use it longer than 30 seconds, I’m pretty thorough about the rinse process.

Phanlix ,

You have no idea the temptation I have to do just that. A satellite connection and a remote job for income and I’d be good. A family member is up in Alaska already, he’s got a plot of land with a natural gas deposit that wasn’t large enough or near enough to a populated area for the US gov to care about. So they’ve got it tapped and have a pretty ideal setup. They bought my grandfather’s tractor a while ago an old restored 1912 John Deere.

I do enjoy the comforts of living near everything. I’m not sure I could give up having 100s of restaurants to choose from and a dozen or more grocery stores in a 10 mile radius. Or the specialty delis, high speed gigabit, and other comforts of civilization.

Phanlix ,

Let’s start calling them what they are. The Jew-Nazis.

Phanlix ,

…because the Zionist Jew-Nazis of Israel have absolutely zero respect for any defined borders. They’ve defied the ones set up in 1938, 1947, and again in the 60s when the UN stepped in again. You can look at the progression maps over time, that 100% is the Jew-Nazis violating repeatedly the treaties set.

Phanlix ,

I’m drawing some very obvious parallels in how they were treated and how they treat the Palestinians.

Phanlix ,

Israel is their ‘promised land’. It is more about religion than people would like to admit.

And while I agree there are a fair amount of Jewish people that are essentially like lapsed Catholics and Christians that don’t buy the full text word of the Bible/Torah, it is essentially wrong to argue that it is NOT a part of their religion when it absolutely IS.

Phanlix OP ,

I started with Fedora which was a bad time all around. Even their Nobara special release for Nvidia users geared towards gaming was completely unfunctional on my rig.

I’m on Pop!OS which I like. Most things were done easily, however I have a router that does Samba shares on the LAN and it uses Samba V1 which required some extensive configuration on linux to get operable.

Phanlix OP ,

Thanks for the extension!

I may give it a shot later. Right now I just spent 4 days getting things set up and to a point where I’m comfortable with it’s use. So I may settle down for a bit right now and just learn to use Pop even more. I like it overall, just had a few small annoyances like the desktop shortcut thing. But other than that everything is just working right now, which has not been my historical experience with Linux.

I just want an experience that’s as dumbed down GUI-heavy and easy to use as Windows, and so far this is fitting the bill nicely.

Phanlix OP ,

ASUS routers chose to make their USB share Samba V1 for some reason, as do other home NAS plug and play servers.

Phanlix OP ,

Pop!OS worked out for me in the end.

Linux users can be worse than Jehovah’s witnesses or crack dealers when pushing you to try a new OS.

Apple’s China ties under Congressional scrutiny after Jon Stewart cancellation | Lawmakers demand that Apple commit to not censoring content critical of China. (

Apple’s China ties under Congressional scrutiny after Jon Stewart cancellation | Lawmakers demand that Apple commit to not censoring content critical of China.::Lawmakers demand that Apple commit to not censoring content critical of China.

Phanlix ,

Ideally we wouldn’t sacrifice our ideals of freedom for money. This is America though and we’re all capitalist whores first and foremost though.

Phanlix OP , (edited )

So confident I’m staying! I have a ton of mixed feelings about Linux, right now even though I have some pretty solid functionality there are dozens of small annoyances that need addressing. I need to get my g502 hero and orbweaver chroma online for real for example.

And, while yes Warhammer runs better, currently it is loading really really slow off the HDD when loading battles, significantly longer than it did on windows. So much so I have questions about if it’s maybe in USB 2.0 mode instead of the signficantly faster modes I know it’s capable of.

The real issue is is that it takes literally someone who’s very familiar already with technology and deep experience in running a computer to run linux even at this level. I gotta say, the everyman would never be able to pick Linux up in the state it’s in now.

Phanlix OP ,

I will be taking future OS recommendations! For now though Pop!OS has my support because after the dumpster fire of an experience that Fedora was, having something that has a specific Nvidia build (that works, looking at you Nobara).

I’ll be looking into surf shark for sure. Nord is gonna be losing a sub here shortly. Especially if it’s on android as well. Well… that’s if they’re transmission speeds are good. Nord is suprisingly fast for a VPN which is why I still use them. and a few others I tried really didn’t cut the mustard years ago.

Phanlix OP ,

nordvpn whitelist add

Fixed it for me, I will look at lan discovery mode, that would be the smarter option.

Phanlix OP , (edited )

nordvpn whitelist add

Fixed my Nord issue, someone did say something about lan discovery mode being a thing, which, as a quality of life thing should be enabled by default I would think, but whatever.

I’m sticking with this distro for a minute, for now I mostly care about text in websites on the big screen and ctrl mousewheel is working fine for zooming a bit for now. Right now I’m all about trying to just get settled and familiar with something before hopping around too much. Pop has been pretty good to me so far. I did try Fedora’s KDEPlasma spin, it did NOT me and I didn’t like it.

Phanlix OP ,

My first experience was with Fedora. The very first install I tried was the KDEPrism version.

You’re really not selling me here. You had me worried for a second with the old version of Ubuntu 22. But that’s just when they diverged, they have a rolling 6 month release as well and are an active OS after my noob few seconds of googling. I also see dev comments that state that they when they release those updates they’re basically modified versions of whatever Ubuntu is releasing. So looks like for all intents and purposes I’m on the latest version of ubuntu. Reading comparisons between the two, this is kind of a slightly stripped down and debloated ubuntu, which almost makes me want to give that a look.

You’re definitely not going to sell me soon on a version that depends on command line installation. That’s just ridiculous in 2023 dawg. You’re talking to a Windows refugee, who admittedly knows enough about DOS and writes his own .bat files and other stuff, but for a lot of things, I want it as dumb and easy as possible. Pop!OS is doing a great job of that.

I also like that they sell their own hardware. It means they have commercial reasons to want their product to work as best it can, and since I have a pretty close hardware profile to their Nvidia setup, I’m actually even more sold because of the sheer level of compatibility of my existing hardware after looking for a minute.

Pop uses x11 by default but can be switched to Wayland at the boot screen by clicking the gear and selecting Wayland. So looks like either or on the fly.

Phanlix OP ,

… I’ll check it out I’m sure eventually. I just got a bunch more stuff enabled and I’m almost fully functional. The next step is installing some pirated games and seeing if I can get those working. Mostly because while I do like Stellaris I’m not paying $250 for the full game.

There’s a new update that releases tomorrow and soon after I’m sure there will be a full install with GoG exes. From what I can tell lutro is the way to go for getting those and older games up and running. That’s really the final functionality of Linux I need to work.

I managed to get a huge mod working called BTA3062 which extensively modified a game called BATTLETECH. I was certain it’d be a major hurdle but it worked just fine which is amazing to me that that’s possible.

Phanlix OP ,

I got KDE running in safe graphics mode, followed the steps to load the nvidia graphics driver, and the instant I did, black screen lol. I followed the exact same process on Workstation 39 and it worked, so I’m not sure what the issue was.

Phanlix OP ,

I appreciate the recommendations. So far Pop!OS has been working great for me. It’s a great replacement environment, I have all my stuff more or less configured, and am still getting things deployed. Once I’m more familiar with Linux I fully do intend to revisit this and try some other OS’s out, but for this moment I’m pretty happy with how things are working.

Phanlix OP ,

Mixed feelings. And we’re still very much so in the beginner phase. I can stand issues with scaling since the fix was to set both to the same and just deal with it for now. That’s fine. Getting all my other stuff, games, various devices, all that is much more important right now. Once I know how to do all that and feel familiar with running as much command line as linux demands, then we can move on.

TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion (

TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion::In a blog post, the company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion.

Phanlix ,

Which is encouraging. It’s been a relatively silent genocide for decades, and while it’s good to see people waking up, it’s almost too late. Kinda like climate change.

Phanlix ,

…you mean at the military checkpoints where Palestinians routinely disappear? How about the fact that Israel conducts human medical experiments on prisoners. Or the systematic rape of Palestinian women. How about the systematic attacks on Palestinian infrastructure that leaves 95% of Gaza without access to clean water. And that was before this current mess.

Grow the fuck up and open your eyes. Israelis are straight up evil.

Phanlix ,

They chose for religious reasons to slowly invade and genocide a people in an area that was extremely hostile to them.

Historically Jewish people have been given land in Spain and Italy to found their own nation. Both times they sold it and invaded Israel in history.

I have zero sympathy for them, because historically, they’ve been the invading aggressors to the region because they feel they have some sort of religious right to it, and since I’m anti-theist and believe religion is the root of all evil seeing both sides die in this conflict is kind of desirable to me.

Phanlix ,

You’re talking about Gaza or Tel Aviv? I’ve been to Gaza man, 95% of them didn’t have clean water in 2014 and that number didn’t change up until today. Gaza itself was a hellhole.

The resorts and stuff you see are on Jewish territory. They’ve destroyed anything nice Palestinians have.

Phanlix ,

How does that track?

Those kids have zero chance of growing up as anything other than the religion they’re raised in under even normal circumstances.

The one good thing out of all of this, is at the end of the day there’s that many less believers in the world.

Phanlix ,

After what I went through at the hands of my ultra religious parents, at the hands of the Catholic church I went to, and finally at the hands of the conversion therapy religious camp I was imprisoned in, I can tell you right now I have absolutely zero capacity for any compassion for any believer what so ever.

If I could press a button and kill them all I’d do it in a heartbeat. No believer deserves even the tiniest iota of your sympathy or compassion. I promise you one atheist to another, they feel the same way about you.

Phanlix , (edited )

Violent anarchists are Libertarians, whom literally state their mission is to remove all government limitations at all costs.

How Libertarians avoid the anarchist label is beyond me. They’re like weird corporate anarchists, compared to the actual anarchy movement.

Progressives are people who value the freedom of religion for all people, the freedom to be who you truly are, even if that’s the opposite gender you were born as, and the advancement of human rights on topics concerning body autonomy and well anything humans rights related. We also tend to firmly believe in addressing income inequality, poverty, availability of medical benefits to everyone as a human right, and an end to monopolies and corporate malfeasance.

I think a lot of conservatives try to paint Progressives as anarchists because we riot. But they ignore the literal mission statements of the right wing which is that smaller government is better and that people should run their lives completely freely. THAT is anarchy my friend. And what that gets us is a dying planet full of pollution with infinitely rising cost of living and slavery to corporations, and we’re dangerously close to that now. You’d better hope like hell Progressives win this fight, because everything you enjoy, everything that’s good in your life, is a result of Progressive policy. Or are you actually going to sit here and argue policies like Reaganomics are a good thing despite almost 60 years of data to the contrary?

Phanlix ,

It literally says it’s good to kill atheists in their holy book, regardless of which abrahamic religion you choose. And while, yes, Christians, Muslims, and Jews can pick and choose what they follow, but in the case of Muslims, clearly you have to see the threat. If you don’t recognize the potential, or hear how they demonize atheists, I really can’t help you. You can allow yourself to be lulled into a false sense of security by some of them that pretend to be better, but I won’t.

Phanlix ,

See, I can’t separate the FACT that their religion calls for our death in their ‘holy and perfect word from god’ called the bible and they follow it still despite that. Their religion also justifies misogyny, slavery, and a myriad of completely immoral things.

Phanlix ,

The Quaran, Torah, and Bible all have passages on killing atheists.

Phanlix ,

They “elected” Hamas. In an election that was never certified, had more votes total than people living there and there hasn’t been an election since.

But even if they legit did vote for Hamas I wouldn’t blame them. Killing Israelis after all they’ve done is just.

Phanlix ,

I’m going to laugh and laugh when the collective Muslim world grinds Israel to the dust one day. I’ll probably even get to see it in my lifetime.

Phanlix ,

Just watch lol.

The problem is the US is getting dragged into that, and, speaking as someone who knows something about the subject, Iran almost certainly has a few nukes smuggled within US borders. The CIA has recovered quite a few soviet era nukes that were smuggled into the US, Vice did a decent job showing how black market nukes are in the US.

Phanlix OP ,

I did get it fixed, in the weirdest way possible.

Phanlix OP ,

When the week is out I’m most likely going to do a fresh install to clear up my sandbox bullshit and changes I made but didn’t fully understand following other tutorials that didn’t help.

I’m worried about some of the files I edited being somehow dependent on this program and getting edited back somehow. I’ve saved it to my ‘in case of bullshit and you have to reinstall here’s how to do things’ file. I pretty much guarantee I’ll come around to it sometime this week as I stumble through getting this fully set up. I haven’t even touched my hotas setup yet, or my elgato stream deck, Nor have I even begun to poke at the full range of apps on here.

When everything is set up and I have a full list of notes on how to do everything I fully intend on running through it again though for real just so there’s not a bunch of inept changes I made and didn’t understand.

Phanlix OP ,

Life in general really.

Phanlix ,

I really wish more people understood the paradox of tolerance.

Phanlix OP ,

Oh Lord Omnimessiah, bestow your blessings upon the machine spirit of this workstation. May it’s sacred code be free of blasphemous error and wasted resources. May the magnificence of it’s function be even a pale reflection of your own perfection. In your name we pray, amen.

Phanlix OP ,

Guess again if it’s a samba v1 share.

Phanlix OP , (edited )

All ASUS routers that have USB file sharing use Samba v1, and only Samba v1. And that’s not the only NAS devices that are still sold with Samba v1 only.

On a current default Windows installation, you can’t connect to Samba v1 at all, you have to manually activate it first.

Also true with linux. The difference is I have to check one box in Windows. In linux I had to edit what are essentially the registry keys for 2 different programs (packages), then add a manual argument in fstab for mounting it. Oh and there was no encompassing tutorial for that task that was easily googlable, me figuring that out was the result of combining like 3 different random bits I got off of forums after almost 8 solid hours of exhaustively searching the subject.

With windows ‘enable samba v1 share’ pulls up result one how to do it, you open one program, check one box, and you’re done.

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