There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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Toes , to lemmyshitpost in For those thinking of going back to reddit. Gaze upon this comment section and reconsider.

I bet they are all bots


Love. This. Comment.

Nfamwap ,

I bet they are all bots.

Ekybio , avatar

I bet they are all bots.

partmussels ,

This needs a mug

Metans ,

I’m using this in my daily life now

NigelFrobisher ,

This just became my new favorite saying!

Rekonok , avatar

I need a sugar daddy to bouhgt this on a t shirt with his bitcoins

kilgore_trout ,

Fuck yesss love this

Ekybio , avatar

[Your bitcoin payment has stopped Until it is resumed, this bot will shutt down.]

PoolloverNathan ,

I bet they are all bots.

juxta ,

Boop beep, i mean slay queen?

PsychedSy ,

I didn’t realize how bad the bots were until I browsed while coming down from an acid trip.

Toes ,

This needs a coffee mug

BonesOfTheMoon , to lemmyshitpost in Tipping culture npcs

Every time we go to Toronto we go to the same restaurant because they don’t accept tips, they just pay their staff really well. Fantastic restaurant and I love supporting them.

GreatAlbatross , avatar

What’s the restaurant called? The tipping in CA drives me nuts, it would be nice to have a simple option in Toronto to go for!

BonesOfTheMoon ,

Richmond Station. It’s SO good. The food is amazing.

dangblingus ,

That’s how it should be. Tips supplement incomes so restaurant owners can pocket the profits that would have gone to paying their staff better. If all restaurants moved to this model, everyone would be a lot happier.

BonesOfTheMoon ,

And it’s such a great restaurant and makes you feel like you’re helping hospitality be a great industry.

Jennykichu , avatar

Tips supplement incomes so restaurant owners can pocket the profits that would have gone to paying their staff better.

I hate to defend small restaurant owners because so many of them are complete assholes but they are not exactly Scrooge McDucks dealing with Elon Musk levels of money. Elon Musk could cover the tips of everyone in America.

eestileib ,

I was going to say, most of what restaurant owners do is go broke. It’s a brutal industry.

s_s , (edited )

Most restaurants are chains and owned by a small handful of corporations and mega-franchisees. Their shareholders make a lot of money.

Most small businesses (restaurants or otherwise) go broke because they are undercapitalized or otherwise mismanaged.

It takes money to make money.

And If you want to make the jump from wage earner to small business owner, making higher wages helps a lot.

Higher wages means the next generation of small businesses are more successful. More successful small businesses create more competition and keep prices lower for consumers.

GiddyGap ,

Welcome to nearly every restaurant in Europe.

EnderMB ,

Are you from Europe? This absolutely isn’t the UK, nor is it many of the countries I’ve visited here…

GiddyGap ,

I’ve lived for decades in several European countries, but not the UK. I’ve never paid a tip or been asked to pay a tip or felt like I had to pay a tip.

May be different in the UK.

EnderMB ,

Tipping has been implied pretty much anywhere I’ve eaten in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and Greece.

GiddyGap ,

I’ve never once experienced that in any of those countries.

EnderMB ,

I was literally in Bergerac a few weeks ago, and a tip of 5-15% was expected practically anywhere I ate - and that’s not exactly a bustling metropolis…

I worry that Lemmy fetishises Europe a bit too much as some bastion of freedom, great pay, or amazing rights.

GiddyGap ,

Well, compared to the US, Europe indeed is a bastion of freedom, great pay, amazing rights, and no least, sanity. I’ve lived for many years in both.

I’ve also never experienced tipping in Europe. You have. I guess we’ve had different experiences.


Are you English speaking by any chance? In Germany I often notice that the waiters act totally differently whenever my American parents are visiting than when I’m just out with friends and speaking German.

With Germans they just show up with the card reader and we pay one by one; often people will ask to round up their bill to the nearest Euro but it’s not expected.

With my parents (or other Americans that have visited me) they often act like American waiters and bring the bill and then kind of hover next to us and wait for us to initiate what we want to do next. I think they’ve learned that most Americans will assume ‘this is the part where we work out how much tip to give’ and the waiters often end up with a (for German standards) gigantic tip. At least this always works with my parents since ‘we feel bad not tipping!’

VaultBoyNewVegas ,

Tipping is totally optional in the UK in my experience. Cafes have a tip jar but it’s up to the customer whether they leave one or not. Same with bars/pubs.

EnderMB ,

Well sure, no one tips in cafes or pubs, but it’s definitely expected in restaurants. Hell, we had the tip machines for contactless payment before the yanks did…

infinitepcg , to steam in Steam will no longer pop up at every startup if you use the latest beta

A related thing that annoys me, if you start Steam manually, it takes ~30 seconds to launch and it will steal your focus multiple times during launch. So annoying!

Gabu ,

Yeah, that’s really annoying - it steals focus once upon launching, another time upon loading and another time when the news popup opens.

domi , avatar

I had the same issue and you can do this by editing your Steam shortcut and adding -silent to the arguments.

hperrin , to lemmyshitpost in What are these plants called?

That’s called grass. There are also some mushrooms in the grass.

Mahonia , to aboringdystopia in Poignant post on the state of things

But there’s actually an outrageous amount of wealth in the west. It just needs to be redistributed.

It’s not an easy problem to fix, but it’s relatively simple.

Cowbee , avatar

Unfortunately, much of that wealth was stolen from the global south via colonization. Redistribution of ownership must be done at a global, international level.

Mahonia ,

I can’t imagine why you’d get downvoted for that. Yes that’s absolutely true and I’m all for a globally equitable wealth redistribution.

Cowbee , avatar

It’s the whole “they’re gonna hunt me for sport?!” Meme, I think. They imagine that if we share ownership equitably globally, they will suddenly have to go to eating rats and dying in the streets, when realistically it will just mean a heavier emphasis on industrialization and international public transit, with more equitable distribution of wealth.

For anyone confused: no, I’m not advocating for people taking your gaming PC.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

I am

You have a problem, Lemmings

Goodtoknow , avatar

And harvested from the stolen land of the indigenous peoples of North America!

in4aPenny ,

Not just their land, but their ideas of “freedom”, “equality”, and “democracy”. Europeans didn’t even know those words until the French Missionaries in the late 1600’s were met with the Indigenous Critique, and how Indigenous Americans had equal rights for men and women, were free to disobey arbitrary authority, had a conglomerate of states that conveined in a “federal” central committee, and could impeach their rulers. Of course, so-called “Enlightenment” philosophers who were just rich trust-fund babies stole that idea to create America and call themselves “Enlightened Thinkers” as if they came up with it themselves, while simultaneously degrading the Indigenous Critique by calling them “savages” who were “less advanced” than Europeans based on evidence they dreamed up while staring at a fireplace (I’m look at you Rousseu and Hobbes), stealing Indigenous politics as their own, and thanking them with ethnic cleansing.

Fuck Europeans.

Plopp ,

As a European I agree. The amount of shit we, on our high white horses, caused across the globe is astonishing. It would be interesting to see what the world would have looked like today had there never been any colonization.

TokenBoomer ,
Sami_Uso ,

Careful, you’ll get the tankie label for posts like this around these parts

TokenBoomer ,
aidan ,

Most countries have a largely planned economy, including the US.

captain_aggravated , to lemmyshitpost in text don't call avatar

We really need to go ahead and rip the band-aid off with the telephone network. “Even the small amount of meaning these digits used to have has been lost to time with cell phones and VoIP technology so any user can contact any other user appearing to be any rando with no authentication making the system rife for scams and fuckery and we have no plan to fix it. Participation is as mandatory as we can get without a constitutional amendment.”

Jknaraa ,

They’re not bugs, they’re features.

PopMyCop ,

It’s not quite as mandatory as it can get. The FCC has made rumbles about actually kicking carriers off the networks if they don’t adhere to the shaken/stirred protocols, but never seems to get around to actually doing it.

Obi , avatar

I think they mean that a phone number is required for many official things.

captain_aggravated , avatar

Yeah I don’t think it’s actually illegal yet for a citizen to not have a phone number but try to get a job, go to school, pay your bills or be anything other than a wood chopping hermit without one. I’m a hermit but I heat my home with natural gas so I’m all but required to have a phone.

RedAggroBest , to lemmyshitpost in Doing the important work

When someone says their burritos won’t stay shut I immediately know that they don’t know what they’re doing.

phorq ,

I bought a master lock for my burrito, it can be opened with another burrito.

PraiseTheSoup ,

I’ve picked like 10 locks since Christmas. Lpl and McNally have created a menace.

Got_Bent ,

This is the burrito picking lawyer and what I have for you today is delicious!

TotallyNotSpez , to lemmyshitpost in All workers, your attention please. Your attempt to have a decent work/life balance and be treated with dignity in this facility is going to fail. You have eight minutes to get back to the office.

Bajoran workers, your attention please. Your attempt to seize control of this facility is going to fail. You are valuable workers, and we wish you no harm. However, if you do not return control of this unit to your Cardassian supervisors, we will be forced to take action. You have eight minutes to make your decision.

snek OP , avatar
dangblingus ,

This was the moment that everyone realized that Ellen was a massive piece of shit. Like, Dukat? Have you no shame?

Mirshe ,

What do you mean? He saved Bajor. Honestly, they should be building statues of him. /s

blorg , to lemmyshitpost in Just to be preemptive: I know you hate me for this.

Hate to be that guy, but HD resolutions are only up to 1920x1080 pixels. Yoda viewing himself in 4k would instead be a UHD resolution. Still a solid joke though.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

What did the 1080p TV say to the 4K TV?:


UsernameIsTooLon ,

I wonder where naming schemes are going from here. We got HD, FHD, UHD, and now 8k is FUHD (Full Ultra HD). Are we gonna get Super HD? Super HD that is beyond Super HD? Super HD God?

Vinny_93 ,

Wait till you hear about QHD, WQHD, WUXGA… I think VESA has got it covered though.

Sibbo ,

Full Ultra HD? Really? That sounds like a joke. I mean they really didn’t spend any effort on this name, did they?

UsernameIsTooLon ,

Have you seen USBs?

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

Usb and display resolutions are in a contest for the shittiest, most confusing, naming convention. So far the displays are slightly ahead. We’ll see if it lasts.

Deebster , avatar

I thought at some point they were calling 720p “HD ready” and reserving “HD” for 1080p. It’s all a bit of a mess, but that’s pretty standard for tech names, as well as the TLAs, ETLAs and DETLAs.

narc0tic_bird ,

I was under the impression it’s called 8K UHD, not FUHD.

MxM111 ,

Can you explain the joke? I don’t get it at all.

5ibelius9insterberg ,

“HD am I”

irish_link ,

Almost every time Yoda talks about himself he says “am I” at the end.

So “green colored, am I” instead of “I am the color green”

HD stands for High Definition. 4K is “Ultra” High Definition.

So Yoda says “HD, am I.”

The cords used to transmit the High Definition picture from a blu-ray player, PlayStation, Xbox, or any other HD device is an HDMI cord. They are required as the old cords can’t transmit the amount of data like an HDMI cord can.

This the pun “HDMI” = “HD, am I”

(Edit) - sorry if this was way more than needed and came off insulting. You asked for an explanation, so I covered all bases instead of just one.

lauha ,

Yes, literally ultra HD

superbirra ,

many choose not to be that guy, next time join us and be ackshually-free :P

andrew , avatar

He’d never take up the whole screen though, if we’re being pedantic. If he takes up 1/4 of the screen then he’s 1080p and thus HD.

Fuck_u_spez_ ,

Since we’re being pedantic, one could argue that 720p is HD and 1080p is FHD.

andrew , avatar

True. But Yoda’s pretty small so 1/8 of the screen is realistic too.

Pedantry is a fun hobby.

photonic_sorcerer , avatar

If we’re being pedantic, I’m quite sure there’s been a few close-ups of his face in the films.

ozymandias117 ,

To take it to another level - that’s why he’s saying “HDMI” - it’s a question

If he was right, he’d have said “HD, I am”

rengoku , to piracy in Amazon clearly lying about "ownership" on Prime.

I am on the belief that once I buy something, let’s say Spiderman No Way Home, on streaming services, I am entitled to download it offline from anywhere for my own Jellyfin.

No one, or even biggest corp, can change my view.

miss_brainfarts ,

Downloading stuff like this for personal use is in fact perfectly legal in many countries

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

Even if you don’t pay for it?

ours ,

In Switzerland it technically is legal. Only hosting for others is illegal.

miss_brainfarts ,

Depends on the country

Kamari ,

They said buy, which means paying.

Paddzr ,

If only they allowed you to do it easily…

Blackmist ,

Well it is easy.

It’s just they don’t allow it.

One out of two ain’t bad.

Kamari ,

Laughs in screen record

Chewy7324 ,

In some countries making a private copy isn’t legal if copy protections are in place. Even if those copy protections are useless.

PhlubbaDubba , to lemmyshitpost in SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH 9/11 Was Cringe

Are the front curls really such a zoomer thing? I’ve been dealin’ with’em for decades now because Arabic and Irish heritage means my hair is constantly in rebellion against british beauty standards

Godric OP ,

It’s become a zoomer thing. Last Xmas my friend’s little cousin of Polish and Polish heritage was rocking them instead of his usual arrow straight hair.

Viking_Hippie ,

cousin of Polish and Polish heritage

Sure he doesn’t also has some Polish in him? Maybe a bit of Polish too?

GBU_28 ,

Broccoli cut

flicker ,

I imagine, with that heritage, every part of you is in constant rebellion against the British!

Viking_Hippie ,

As well they should be.

DoucheBagMcSwag ,

Fuckin Birds nest

smeg ,

I thought the Meet Me at McDonald’s was just curly on top, shaved back and sides. Dubya in this pic looks like one of those goldfish with the big sticking-out brain.

Obi , avatar

Article doesn’t explain why they felt the need to ban it?

smeg ,

I see you’re not familiar with the quality journalism of the Metro

Viking_Hippie ,

With a name like Great Yarmouth Charter Academy, I’m guessing it’s just a case of “posh old fashioned British school being posh and old fashioned fuddy-duddies when confronted with anything that departs from their narrow view of propriety” 🤷

carpelbridgesyndrome , to aboringdystopia in Please Joe...

As I have said before and will say again the president is not a dictator.

Spending bills must originate in the house which is currently controlled by the party of no. You can threaten not to vote all you want but you will only hurt yourself.

As it is this meme is just misleading.

Trainguyrom ,

The president has the most powerful tool at his disposal: The bully pulpit.

The president is the de facto leader of the political party, the president can make anything a headline in every news source, and the president has very deep pockets to make use of these powers.

For all of their flaws, both the Bush and Trump administrations used these tools to their advantage. They picked something they wanted, and made it happen through heavy pressure on their part members up and down that various branches of government, through directions given to appointed department heads, through heavy media blitz and through every other avenue of influence they have.

Biden has done a better job than his democratic predecessor to use these powers, but no Democrat in the white house in recent memory has used these powers like the republicans do

Smoogs ,

So you’re solution is to just make everything a sideshow cuz it worked once for a sideshow.

conquer4 ,

He is probably reluctant because being apart of Obama’s use of it to reform social security, Medicare, and pass affordable care act. Only to be burned and be a lame duck for 6 years

Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

Trump begs to different. Why did the right get all the dictators?

zerosignal , to mildlyinfuriating in Weather has stopped making sense.

Without knowing what’s normal for the location, this is meaningless.

JasonDJ , (edited )

The other day I got some water in my basement.

We’ve lived here (in this house) 5 years, never had water in our basement. (I’ve lived in the region my whole 38 years)

It was due to the one inch of snow, followed immediately by 4 inches of rain, that came over the course of 24 hours. Thats very edge-case weather for our area, but that’s weather.

Then I got down to cleaning up and I came across my kids sleds. Realized we got them 3 years ago and still haven’t had one good enough snow day to use them. 3 consecutive years without one good snow day has not happened at all in my living memory. Thats climate.

Shits fucked yo.

I remember growing up my parents and their generation always talking about The Blizzard of 78. Always sounded like tall tales. Sledding out of their second or third floor windows because the drifts were that high. But there are pictures to prove it. I don’t think my kids can conceptualize that much snow. It’s like…maybe a couple inches on the ground at a time and usually matted down to slush or ice because the snow turns to freezing rain partway through.

mesamunefire ,

Every year is record setting heat in our area. Fire season is now a thing.

rekabis ,

In many parts of northern and western Canada, fire season never ended, and is projected to merge seamlessly with the one this year.

As in, permanent year-round fire “seasons”.

Yay for climate-change induced droughts.

abbadon420 ,

I’ve also had water in my basement. Haven’t had water in my basement in 40 years. It’s due to almost continues rain for 3 monthes and all water ways in the region on the verge of overflowing. That’s climate change.

SuperIce ,

Yeah, this looks like pretty standard weather for NJ when I used to live there 6 years ago.

havokdj , to mildlyinteresting in We hit one third of boomers being dead in the last few days.

Keanu reeves is so close to and so engrained in gen x culture that I think it’s unfair to label him a boomer

SuddenDownpour ,

Honorary Xner

soggy_kitty ,

Popular comments like this remind me how mature the user base is here. Such a contrast to other social media

Vespair , to funny in Hint: The answer is nowhere

Wonder Showzen was truly a gift

humorlessrepost ,

It taught me patience. And far too much about the letter N.

negativeyoda ,

The show just went to another level when they ran out of fucks.

I need to re watch the episode where mother nature gets gender reassignment surgery and all the flowers die

Jerkface ,

Kids on the street! Kids on the beat!

NielsBohron , (edited ) avatar

Beat Kids!

Jerkface ,

That’s all I needed to hear.

puts on boxing gloves

FlyingSquid , avatar

I’ve only ever seen the pilot, which was made a few years before the rest of the show and it was just called Kids Show. It became the first episode of the show. I don’t know why I’ve never gotten around to seeing the others. The pilot had me on the floor.

Vespair ,

That is tremendous news my friend, because that means you get to have the gift of watching Wonder Showzen for the first time! You don’t yet realize the blessing before you!

If you’re 420-friendly, I highly recommending pairing consumption with the show ✌️

FlyingSquid , avatar

I’ll get to it one day. I have a big list of things I missed out on because of parenthood.

Vespair ,

A valid reason, to be sure. But as an added bonus, the satire of kid’s shows will probably hit you even harder due to your closer proximity to kid’s media, whenever you do get around to it ✌️

FlyingSquid , avatar

I actually was working on a kids show at the time, so I don’t think it would hit as hard now actually. But I will get to it eventually for sure.

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