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Zink , to memes in Crop Top avatar

Putting this in a newspaper right would make incredible clicbait… er, readbait?

severien , to news in Deaths and Injuries of the Israel/Palestine Conflict prior to the Oct 2023 war

Hamas is a death cult openly using human shields, so no surprise really.

BraveSirZaphod , avatar

It also has to be noted that a huge element behind low Israeli casualties is the Iron Dome.

If you plotted a chart of attempted civilian deaths, you'd get a very very different picture. Personally, I'm not meaningfully less upset at someone who tries to murder me just because they don't succeed.

Not_mikey ,

Iron dome didn’t come online until 2011 so you can see pre-iron dome on the chart, 2008-2011 and it’s not much different. If you do go out even further like another person posted you’ll see that comparatively high Palestinian deaths characterize this conflict. Before Hamas, before the iron dome Palestiniana have been the overwhelming victims of this conflict.

aesthelete ,

Yeah it’s almost like it’s a group of people with leftover weapons from other anti-Israel forces vs easily the most organized military in the region.

Hiuhokiguess ,

Lol human shields stupidest shit I’ve ever heard

emax_gomax ,

What do you think the hostages they took were for? Aside from later rape after they were tired from all the initial raping and pillaging.

tocopherol , avatar

Palestinian militants take IDF soldiers captive so they can exchange them for their own that are being held captive in Israel.

Hiuhokiguess ,

Your hatred and racism for Palestinians is insane.

emax_gomax ,

You’re just being overdramatic. My comment never mentions Palestine or Palestinians explicitly and to be clear I was referring to hamas, the terrorists, that hide behind Palestinian civilians.

Hiuhokiguess ,

Maybe a lot of people are sick and tired of the absolute bullshit argument of human shields.

Cocodapuf ,

That doesn’t really mean much to Americans. Christianity is a death cult.

Bigmouse ,

Hamas is Jihadist and extremist. It would have been a fatal mistake for Israel to support them to undermine the secular movement for a free palestine. Trying to position Hamas between international support and the palestinian people sounds like a really cynical and bad idea.

There is no way the hard right in Israel would ever pursue such an agenda.right?

YoBuckStopsHere , to news in Deaths and Injuries of the Israel/Palestine Conflict prior to the Oct 2023 war avatar

On this chart, where is the line showing babies and children beheading?

SheeEttin ,

Considering that I haven’t seen any substantiation for those claims, it’s properly charted already at 0.

PenguinJuice ,

Phew. I'm so glad to hear Hamas draws the line at murdering, raping, kidnapping and using human shields. I was really worried they were the bad guys.

nautilus ,

The truth is rarely so convenient

RepulsiveDog4415 ,

Did we look at the same graph? Can you truly say these attacks caused more suffering? Who murdered more innocent children (considering the demographics of Gaza and the indiscriminate nature of Israels bombings in the past)?

I don’t think anyone is innocent here, but if i had to blame someone, it’d be the oppressor, not the opressed.

Why9 ,

You legit looked at this graph, ignored ALL of it, and still went “Hamas bad”.

Why are you here if you’re not going to even try to understand the situation?

Bigmouse ,

Hamas IS bad. They repress secular movements for a free palestine. We shouldn’t forget tho, that is the role Israel intends for them.

Enkers ,

You mean the made up babies that everyone who claimed they existed are now backpedaling on?

wildbus8979 ,
nothingcorporate OP ,

Before we just dig in and point fingers, maybe we can get on the same page? Nobody is saying murdering babies is ok, as others pointed out, that has not been substantiated. Assuming we’re all against murdering innocent people, the point of the chart/linked article, is to understand the circumstances that make a powder keg for violence.

Think of it this way: pointing out that having a table full of wood shavings and gasoline out in the sun is likely to cause a fire is NOT pro-fire or justifying fire; it’s pointing out the conditions that foster the growth of fire because you want less fire to exist in the world.

Seytoux ,

It’s not that hard to read fam.

The title of the chart clearly states prior to the Oct 2022 war. So …

SheeEttin ,


Seytoux ,

You are correct, damn typo, thanks!

RepulsiveDog4415 ,

I always think to myself “No one could possibly believe such blatant propaganda” and then i read comments like these. Why behead them? Why don’t you behead the adults? Do you carry a dedicated baby knife for that?

It’s not like they’d be innocent without beheading babies… But i guess dehumanizing them like this makes it easier to justify the atrocities that are sure to be commited as a reaction to this.

It kinda makes me wonder how much of the things i assume to be true are the product of propaganda aswell.

mrpants ,

They intentionally slaughtered a massive amount of civilians in a blatant act of terrorism. The people that did this don’t believe Jews to be worthy of living. True or not anyone who can believe and do these things isn’t too far off from being capable of beheading babies.

RepulsiveDog4415 ,

They intentionally slaughtered a massive amount of civilians in a blatant act of terrorism.

Yes they did. So did the israely military in Gaza.

The people that did this don’t believe Jews to be worthy of living.

I wonder why. Not saying i agree but i understand their anger and frustration. What growing up in an open air prison does to a mf…

True or not anyone who can believe and do these things isn’t too far off from being capable of beheading babies.

What ever helps you justify the indiscriminate violence Israel will be unleashing on the palistinian population. Realisticly there is no way to distinguish between Hamas fighters and civilians. But i guess those are 2nd class civilians anyway, or are Hamas themselves, right?

Why9 ,

It’s not on the chart. Not only did it not happen prior to the current October 2023 war (as it clearly states in the title of the graph and the post), it didn’t happen at all.

What did happen is the overwhelming murder and maiming of innocent civilians who have no way to defend themselves, against one of the most powerful nations on the planet.

Not_mikey ,

And here we see one of the rights favorite tactics. Focus on the most lurid horrifying story, usually involving a white woman or child, to demonize and marginalize a group of people while completely ignoring the statistics of whose actually being victimized. You saw it in the Jim crow south with stories of negros raping white women, you saw it in nazi Germany with stories of Jews sacrificing German babies, and now you see it in the defense of Israel.

YoBuckStopsHere , avatar

The battle for hearts and minds.

praise_idleness , (edited ) to news in Deaths and Injuries of the Israel/Palestine Conflict prior to the Oct 2023 war

Israel: Uses Iron dome to protect civilians, counter attacks when attacked

Palestine: We have more victims 😢

This kind of visualization is not aiming to be informative. It’s trying to be a propaganda and I genuinely hate that.

deft ,

A little more nuanced than that.

Where did Israel come from? Who lived there first? Why was Israel set there and who deemed it all legal?


People native to the area are shoved aside, money is sent to force those people being shoved aside and nobody is supposed to care they are shoved aside.

I agree chart pushes a narrative but the narrative is not “Palestinians are crybabies about missile strikes”

ParsnipWitch ,

Jews are natives to that area as well. It wasn’t just the people who today call themselves Palestines.

deft ,

Okay. But also so are Palestinians and that was their land until the British changed it (Imperialism)

Now who lives in open air prisons because of the other? Because it ain’t Jewish people.

WaxedWookie ,

Would you mind parsing that out a little further? Surely you’re not saying that it’s fine that the IDF is killing almost 500x the number of civilians Hamas are because they have the iron dome, and pointing out this fact is propagandistic?

Reyali ,

100% not agreeing with this person, but I think their point is that if Hamas attacks, their attacks are likely to be blocked by the iron dome, resulting in no Israeli casualties. But if Israel retaliates, Palestine will have casualties.

I think the thought process is to defend Israel by implying all the deaths they’ve caused is as a counterattack?

Again, not defending it, just interpreting what I think was being implied. Even if my interpretation is correct, so much is still missing from the thought process.

WaxedWookie ,

This amounts to “You tried to punch me a couple of times and landed one, so I beat the shit out of you with 500 punches - it’s racist propaganda to point out that I did that.”

There’s a reason I asked them to expand on what they said - I’m confident they’re trying to defend the indefensible, and I’ll just let them reveal that themselves.

Wogi ,

“the facts don’t align with the narrative I’ve selected! Clearly this must be propaganda”

Not_mikey ,

Yes, cause pre-iron dome, which is on this chart 2008-2011, the death toll was much completely even.

SCB , to news in Deaths and Injuries of the Israel/Palestine Conflict prior to the Oct 2023 war

Still way too one sided against Israel

wahming ,

How people fail to notice sarcasm is beyond me

jarfil ,

No /s, no sarcasm.


You must be a joy at parties.

jarfil ,

I don’t go to parties, I spend my time as a disembodied text balloon 🗨️

JustZ , avatar

Just basic heuristics really. With just cold text, it’s impossible to be sure.

Jaysyn , to technology in Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out avatar

Basically don't update existing games & stop using Unity completely & you're good.

SpaceNoodle ,

No, Unity is still saying they want a cut of old games if they’re ever newly installed.

rockSlayer ,

And this clause will give unity some fun lawsuits for those old versions

nothingcorporate OP ,

I’m really hoping some of the bigger Unity devs, like the people that made Rust or Among Us sue, as most of us don’t have enough money to even stand a chance in court against Unity’s lawyers…especially once they have all that nice runtime money to spend. 😒

GreenMario ,

Thinking small there, there are several Unity games published by big dick AAA corps.

Like Hearthstone, most of Kings catalog, the Doom ports were wrapped in Unity. Plus there’s a lot of Unity games on Gamepass and that’s Xbox 's bread and butter right now so Microsoft could just slap the shit out of em or just buy em out entirely (might be smart just for the King purchase itself).

Vorticity ,

My guess is that AAA developers will just negotiate individual contracts that are more favorable for the developers. They’re not going to sue when they can just work out a special deal.

nothingcorporate OP ,

I really don’t want you to be right, but I’m super convinced that you are.

lanolinoil , avatar

god I hate how right you are here

JDPoZ , avatar


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  • GreenMario ,

    This is what I think. It kinda comes off as extortion.

    thanevim ,

    I've seen the "Microsoft should just buy Unity" argument a lot lately. And while I think it's probably a better management than current, I imagine Microsoft is hesitant having only just come out of a, what, 6 month long legal battle in US and EU courts regarding acquisition of ActiBliz? So a good idea, but one I can imagine might not happen...

    Tarquinn2049 ,

    Yeah, it kind of sucks that Microsoft being an even bigger unstoppable monopoly would have actually helped in these instances… at least in the short term… hopefully something less future terrible comes along to solve the short term problems instead at least.

    SCB ,

    Microsoft gaming is not even an industry leader, much less a monopoly.

    Tarquinn2049 ,

    Gaming isn’t the only thing they do though, cornering multiple markets as one company is the definition of a monopoly. The merger was thoroughly investigated as to whether it would be unfair competitively, that is a different way of saying they were worried it was gonna be a monopoly, and in that case they were even only concerned about the gaming market.

    I’m not just throwing around random terms, it is indeed approaching a monopoly. And could indeed be bad long term, even if it gets rid of kotick and helps clean up blizzard in the short term. And that’s a pretty big if.

    hamsterkill ,

    I honestly don’t think MS really wants to own Unity. Like, sure, there’s a small amount of synergy because some of their games use it, but owning Unity also means committing resources to support and improve it and competing with Unreal to an extent.

    If anyone would be interested in buying Unity I’d think it’d be a Chinese corp like Tencent or NetEase or else a publisher that works with a lot of indies like Devolver or maybe Embracer.

    gravitas_deficiency ,

    Well yesterday, Unity decided they were gonna get Sony and Nintendo and Microsoft to pay the fees for smaller studios (lmao wat).

    I don’t think Unity understands exactly how many top-tier lawyers those companies are going to bring to the table in the interest of legally curbstomping then.

    Seasoned_Greetings ,

    Maybe that’s the point. Unity caves immediately to the big lawyers and says “Sorry guys, we tried. Looks like all you little studios will have to pay up after all. Blame Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft”

    ultranaut ,

    It doesn’t seem like they are thinking that far ahead. Or if that was the plan it’s really not working out.

    gravitas_deficiency ,

    And then their customers sue the ever loving fuck out of Unity and win, because they’re not only looking at breach of contract, but also monopolistic and predatory business practices (they were basically forcing smaller studios to switch from a competitor mobile analytics platform to their in house platform). Either Unity’s exec suite didn’t consult the lawyers, like, at all… or their legal team should be disbarred. Unity is fucked unless they do a complete 180 and clean out the C-suite.

    MimicJar ,

    Does this mean that the “Report on install” feature is already in the old release? It’s a reasonable feature to already have, I assume Unity gives you a handful of statistics “for free” as part of using the engine.

    However there is a difference between “installs” the number and “installs” the billing number. A website might have 1,000 page views. So 1,000 users? Well we need unique page views. What makes a page view unique? What if someone visits your website but leaves after 2 seconds, do we count those?

    In addition to being a terrible decision I don’t think the company is prepared at all for this decision.

    SpaceNoodle ,

    No, they have some magical “proprietary method” for determining those, with additional hand-waving for not counting “illegitimate” installs. Translation: they pull these numbers out of their ass, fuck you.

    A pre-sale cut could be considered “reasonable” since there’s a paper trail with real numbers that basically everyone can agree on. Unity is just trying to muddy the waters.

    Raxiel ,

    My understanding is that one of the services Unity provides Devs is analytics telemetry, and they just have to hook into that to read some telemetry of their own.

    PM_ME_YOUR_SNDCLOUD , to mildlyinfuriating in Google Disabling Phone 2 Factor?

    Even if you turned it back at this point, it still wouldn’t work.

    This is pretty infuriating though; Google works just fine with any device that doesn’t run Android so why would they care that you’re running a custom ROM?

    My guess is something less evil and more mundane: something about your number changed in their system and now they can’t send codes to it, which is why it’s grayed out. Maybe it was previously classified as a mobile number but now is classified as a landline.

    Your only option, if you don’t have any backup codes, is to use that “Get Help” option they have that takes a few days and then either start carrying around backup codes, a Yubikey, or De-Google.

    Hey, maybe all 3!

    skullgiver , (edited ) avatar


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  • brianorca ,

    To be fair, customer support is often the way hackers bypass these protections.

    doctorcrimson OP ,

    As a few people pointed out, it’s only SMS thats being phased out, so using Google Auth is a superior option if you still have access to set it up. But yeah, backup codes would be great for those already locked out by accident.

    skip0110 , to mildlyinfuriating in Google Disabling Phone 2 Factor? avatar

    If you login to the Gmail app on any device, it can also act as 2FA. Does not need to be the one where they send the push…any logged in device will work.

    doctorcrimson OP ,

    Yeah thats the problem, you can’t turn it off.

    capital , (edited ) to news in Deaths and Injuries of the Israel/Palestine Conflict prior to the Oct 2023 war

    C O N T E X T







    Edit: if any of the downvoters would take a moment to reply letting me know what they think I meant by this comment that would be much appreciated. Frankly, I’m a bit lost.

    atetulo ,

    God people like you are insufferable.

    Easy block.

    capital ,


    redimk , avatar

    I think that the downvotes come from a place of not understanding what this comment tries to imply, hence not adding anything to the conversation.

    For example. Someone can read this and think “Context matters, so that’s why Hamas did what they did, and what they did is fine and I stand with them”

    Another person could read “Context matters, it doesn’t matter what Isarael did before, Hamas still did something unforgivable and Israel is still right and I stand with them”

    Ultimately, at least for me, it’s hard to see what you’re trying to say with this comment, especially when the situation is so nuanced. At least that’s how I saw it.

    WhiteHawk ,

    Edit: if any of the downvoters would take a moment to reply letting me know what they think I meant by this comment that would be much appreciated. Frankly, I’m a bit lost.

    Probably since you stressed the importance of context and refused to give any context

    capital ,

    I meant it in the exact way OP did. Which is that these recent deaths aren’t a whole lot in context.

    eramseth , to news in Deaths and Injuries of the Israel/Palestine Conflict prior to the Oct 2023 war

    15 years is a woefully short time frame to look at in a conflict that goes back hundreds if not thousands of years…


    This conflict started in the late 40s. Less than 100 years.

    eramseth ,

    I mean I’m not gonna waste my time trying to educate you on this but you’re wrong. Go read some books, watch some lectures, listen to some podcasts.

    phoenixz ,

    You’re wrong, you need to read some Facebook posts, educate yourself!


    You’re a moron who fell for the natural enemies myth. Jews, Christians and Muslims all lived in Palestine peacefully before the Nakba.

    eramseth ,

    Yes surely 1917-1948 was a time of peaceful bliss…

    SwampYankee , (edited )

    Don’t call people morons when you’re completely ignorant.

    In 1576, the Jewish community of Safed faced an expulsion order: 1,000 prosperous families were to be deported to Cyprus, “for the good of the said island”, with another 500 the following year. The order was later rescinded due to the realisation of the financial gains of Jewish rental income. In 1586, the Jews of Istanbul agreed to build a fortified khan to provide a refuge for Safed’s Jews against “night bandits and armed thieves.”

    The 17th century saw a steep decline in the Jewish population of Palestine due to the unstable security situation, natural catastrophes, and abandonment of urban areas, which turned Palestine into a remote and desolate part of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman central government became feeble and corrupt, and the Jewish community was harassed by local rulers, janissaries, guilds, Bedouins, and bandits. The Jewish community was also caught between feuding local chieftains who extorted and oppressed the Jews. The Jewish communities of the Galilee heavily depended on the changing fortunes of a banking family close to the ruling pashas in Acre. As a result, the Jewish population significantly shrank.…/1936–1939_Arab_revolt_in_Pales…

    Edit - Folks, how is it controversial that this conflict extends further into the past than 1948?

    ParsnipWitch , (edited )

    You are not allowed to say something against Palastine on Lemmy. Sometimes not even against Hamas.

    Not sure if that’s propaganda bots, anti-semitism, or people generally having this biased view.

    VentraSqwal ,

    Still it would probably be good to have the graph go back 70 years to when it started.

    marhensa , (edited )

    it’s not in timeframe of millennia.

    do you think the recent conflict can tracked back to biblical times when prophet Moses lived?

    so many things happened in that region, that includes there was a peace in that region for a time to time.

    the recent conflict can be tracked at WW I, when British Empire take over that region from Ottoman Empire and they drew the lines and promised two ethnic groups of the same region.

    eramseth , (edited )

    WW I was over a hundred years ago. My point stands that only considering 15 years is a very myopic view on the region.

    Can THIS conflict he traced back to biblical times? (By the way, it may even be selling yourself short to stop at Moses… but that leads to the question of how back do you draw the line of relevance…) no of course not. Realistically, while I’m inclined to look back to the late 1800s and early 1900s, there’s no one alive today that was alive at that time. 1 or 2 generations later can you expect everyone to forget the events of the past? Maybe not.

    It’s a really classic example (maybe THE classic example) of violence begetting violence. Unfortunately the violent tendencies and hatred are institutionalized. It’s clearly not an easy problem to solve, but I’m fairly certain that violent terrorist attacks against civilians is not in the running for a solution.

    EDIT: just to add, going back a thousand years takes us to the time of the crusades, during and after which there were Arab attacks driving out non-arabs… and Arab attacks against other Arab factions (not blind to the fact that all Arabs are not a monolithic group).

    Going back a little further you have a history of violence and discrimination against the Jews and Arabs (and pagans and other people) by the Roman’s. You can see how hard it is to find a stopping point in the history of violence in the region.

    So yes while the CURRENT conflict probably only tracks back a hundred or so years, the history of conflict in general in the region goes back thousands of years (probably 4 thousand years but im not sure there are even stories, much less even somewhat reliable historical accounts that go back much further than that).

    SwampYankee ,

    Yes, this is a region that has been fought over since the dawn of human history. It’s centered between the various cradles of human civilization - Sumeria, Egypt, and Greece, so it would have been a strategic location militarily and economically. Jaffa is a port that dates back to biblical times, and during the height of the Roman Empire, Judea would have been a vital trading post on the silk road. It’s where monotheism began, so it holds great cultural significance as well. With the discovery of oil it became an indispensable ally for the industrialized world in a region destabilized by colonialism and the fall of the Ottoman Empire. It truly is a prize to be won, and has been for thousands of years.

    However, Israel is not a center of trade in the globalized economy under American hegemony, and perhaps as our dependence on oil wanes, its military/geopolitical significance will dissipate. The only remaining reason for conflict will be the Al Aqsa Mosque sitting atop the Jewish Temple Mount.

    wander1236 , to mildlyinfuriating in Google Disabling Phone 2 Factor? avatar


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  • doctorcrimson OP ,

    You actually have to buy the unlocked bootloader version of phones directly from Google, not something the vast majority of people could accomplish on their own. It’s a selling feature they provide so they can cut out middlemen at carrier services like Verizon (either that or Verizon locks it themselves, idk). I feel like if they wanted to detect that a device hasn’t been used in months or years before requiring you use it and only it for 2FA, they could.

    thepianistfroggollum ,

    I think the carriers are required to do it after the phone is fully paid for.

    strawberry , avatar

    usually u gotta ask them to do it, but yea. dunno about required but I've never had issues

    thepianistfroggollum ,

    It’s been a minute, but I think some federal agency made a rule about it a few years back.

    EFZL5NM0 , to mildlyinfuriating in Google Disabling Phone 2 Factor?

    You reap what you sow?

    doctorcrimson OP ,

    I never have and will never ask to use 2FA via the device. This isn’t sown, it’s just crappy design.

    squaresinger ,

    How dare you using the phone in a different way than Google intended! /s

    thepiguy ,

    Using your device to do whatever is op’s right. From reading the post, it seems to me that the problem is that they disable other firms of auth. This is for sure intentional, or at least a low priority bug for obvious reasons. I had the same issue, but it was failing to pull up the menu in my stock nothing phone 1. It got fixed later, but why are my backup emails or phone numbers being used as other forms of 2fa. That is when I realised that despite my efforts, I have ended up relying on Google too much. In the process of changing that, even if it costs me money to host the servers.

    meepmeep , to mildlyinfuriating in Google Disabling Phone 2 Factor?

    This is like uninstalling Windows, installing Linux, and then blaming Microsoft because a feature you used in Windows doesn’t work in Linux

    doctorcrimson OP ,

    If installing linux was a feature sold to you by Microsoft, and then Microsoft removed the ability for the feature to work on Linux, then that would be accurate.

    FinalRemix ,

    I stalling Linux is now a feature from Microsoft. They even rolled out a guide recently.

    NRoach44 , avatar

    No, this is

    • buying a surface from Microsoft
    • immediately wiping it and installing Linux
    • Microsoft then forcing you to authenticate using the device that is only tied to your account via purchase, and NOT login records, AND disabling other forms of auth
    thepiguy ,

    It’s like installing Linux, then Microsoft not allowing you to access GitHub from any device.

    danl , (edited ) to news in Deaths and Injuries of the Israel/Palestine Conflict prior to the Oct 2023 war

    Check your axes. You have 2x 25,000s. I genuinely want to know how on someone can create a chart with this kind of error these days. Surely you’re not adding axis labels with a graphics tool after the initial generation. Right?

    livedeified , to news in Deaths and Injuries of the Israel/Palestine Conflict prior to the Oct 2023 war avatar

    I was curious about looking at some recent data being visualized. specifically a percentage of population estimate for the varied areas. (injuries , deaths, missing) anyone know of some credible data sets for some of this info? if I wasn’t at the bar, I’d try to tease it out myself.

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