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VentraSqwal ,

It also ignores the existence of black trans people.

VentraSqwal ,

I think that’s the biggest crime for a comedian - not being funny. He’s just doing the same jokes over and over now, and it’s being done by other comedians, too, so it’s even more derivative.

VentraSqwal ,

That’s what people said last election. We always have to push them to be better the next election. Always settle for worse. What a shit electoral system the US has. And the hilarious part is that unless that person you’re talking to lives in a swing state their vote probably doesn’t matter anyway.

‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit (

‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit::A mass user protest six months ago over technical tweaks had big downstream effects, and now the ‘front page of the internet’ is changed for ever

VentraSqwal ,

Exactly. The app developers were willing to make changes but they didn’t give them nearly enough time to do it. They dropped the changes at the last-minute and then lied about what they and the developers said in their private conversations. Then they got mad at the Apollo dev for recording it to cover their ass. It’s like getting mad at your partner when you cheated on them lol.

Mexico's president is willing to help with border migrant crush but wants US to open talks with Cuba (

Mexico’s president said Friday that he is willing to help out with a surge of migrants that led to the closure of border crossings with the United States, but he wants the U.S. government to open talks with Cuba and send more development aid to migrants’ home countries....

VentraSqwal ,

It used to be, but I doubt I’d even call it a swing state anymore. Democratics need to stop caring what they think. Florida Cubans are like the most conservative people on the planet. Like, leading the Proud Boys level conservative. They’re never voting for a Democrat.

VentraSqwal ,

Thank God they’re finally building some chip plants here. The fact that our whole economy depends on some foreign island next to a huge country that has always hustorically threatened to take it back is insane to me. Although I think we should have more manufacturing in the homeland in general. Thanks capitalism, for off shoring manufacturing for the last many decades -_-

VentraSqwal ,

Because Trump said what he was going tk do and people didn’t like. He didn’t even win the majority and had revealed himself tk he racist and sexist, of course people were going to protest him.

VentraSqwal ,

People are losing their jobs just for asking for a ceasefire, not even for saying anything antisemitic. It’s insane. I still feel sorry for that Scream 7 actress.

VentraSqwal ,

Thanks for the perspective! So the people saying the US did it, so Israel can do it too, are even more wrong than I thought!

VentraSqwal ,

I use mine everyday. I listen to music, podcasts, and sometimes watch videos at work, basically the entire time I’m working. I usually have my phone connected and charging at the same time through the charge port. Wireless charging doesn’t work because of my Pop Socket.

They also break or I lose them in occasion and it takes a quick trip to any gas station, grocery store, or basically any nearby store during my lunch break, and I’m able to pick up replacements for $10-$20.

Fair to say, I refuse to buy my next phone without headphone jacks. I do use wireless headphones for when I’m working out, but otherwise, at work or on walks, I use wired ones connected to my headphone jack.

VentraSqwal ,

So is everybody just snapping at each other more? Like is the friend group more angry? I’m kind of confused at the nature of the toxicity. But it does feel like the pressure of society making people a lot more tired and stressed, quick to snap. I’ve notice the same thing with some of friends of mine, and it’s unfortunate =(

VentraSqwal ,

Gas is actually the one thing I’ve noticed that has been a lot better lately. But everything else is still expensive from the crazy greedflation every company was trying to pull when we were tolerating post-pandemic cost rises.

VentraSqwal ,

He bullied the Feds into lowering the interest rates low for so long and extended the pandemic, so I content a lot of this is his fault to begin with.

New Yorkers march on Wall St. to demand an end to US funding of Israel : Peoples Dispatch (

People in New York City once again took to the streets to demand a permanent ceasefire in Israel’s war on Gaza and an end US aid to Israel. Protesters marched from Foley Square to NYC City Hall, Wall Street, and Washington Square Park to raise their demands. The protest took place as the United Nations Security Council was...

VentraSqwal ,

The Middle East in general has oil and Israel is our main base over there basically, being an ally in the region. They give us a zone of control. (Also Turkey but Israel is easier to control and it’s good to have backups.)

VentraSqwal ,

50% of people keep voting for it, so some people must love it.

VentraSqwal ,

You mean sending aid to the country defending itself from a much larger more dangerous country rather than the one that’s wrecking a tiny already occupied open air prison just fine by itself? And the first enemy actually poses a danger to our politics and elections, while the second enemy can barely get fresh food and water let alone exert any international influence at all? Hm… Nah, makes too much sense for US politicians… That won’t do.

Calls to reform UN Security Council after US vetoes Gaza ceasefire (

Calls are growing for the UN Security Council to be reformed after the US became the only member to use its veto power to block a Gaza ceasefire resolution, a move welcomed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The UN chief says he will keep pushing for peace.

VentraSqwal ,

Nah they’re doing pretty great at it. Maybe a little too fast this time, normally they’re better at taking the land and killing people slow enough to give the US and other Western allies some plausible deniability, but since no one is stopping them still, you can’t even hold that against them.

VentraSqwal ,

Stop Israel oppression of Palestine so Hamas doesn’t have a cause to recruit people behind? They’re already not supported by the majority of people in Gaza, but if someone is left an orphan because Israel bombed their block, of course they’ll be easier to recruit to Hamas.

VentraSqwal ,

They have a cure already. They have giant walls, the iron dome missile defense system, hundreds of drones patrolling Gaza, supposedly a state of the art intelligence apparatus, mass mandatory recruitment (well… Except for the orthodox Jews), large towers, fences, etc. There’s a reason this is unprecedented. They just had their resources positioned to take over West Bank settlements instead, and ignored warnings from multiple sources about an imminent attack. Their leadership fucked up. And are continuing to fuck up by positioning the rest of the world against their genocide.

The thing is more genocide won’t fix the cancer. The US figured that out in Vietnam, North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. It just makes the survivors want to kill you more. That doesn’t fix the cancer like you think it does. It was fine for the US to fuck up those other places because we can just leave and we often make a bunch of money during the conflict, but Israel can’t. They need to learn to coexist, take lessons from places like South Africa, or the UK and IRA. It was actually negotiating that stopped the attacks in those places. They tried the killing everyone thing for awhile but it doesn’t work.

Personally, I think the cure is teaming up with a local alternative secular group, like the PLO, and empowering them without undermining their authority and support by doing things like the shit they do in the West Bank, or preventing travel between the two sectors from, or controlling their water, power, food supply, etc, or giving up on negotiations because Hamas does an unrelated terrorism. It’s like negotiating with MLK, Jr so you don’t have to negotiate with Malcolm X. Hamas has negative popularity but no one has the resources to stop them, and no random civilians are going to bother trying to while Israel controls more aspects of their daily life in a more obviously negative way (electricity, water quality, incoming supplies, travel, work visas, drone buzzing, etc.). And to demand you do before helping them even though you have all the power in the relationship is like the cops telling a mom and pop shop to try fighting the mafia first before they do something about the mafia extorting them.

VentraSqwal ,

The difference is that he didn’t accept the peaceful transition of power at all. And they’re at it again with their new Project 2025, they’re aiming for fascism.

VentraSqwal , (edited )

Don’t forget filled with the constant sound of drones to the point people can’t sleep or study, a majority of their water isn’t drinkable, they don’t control their own trash, and they restricted the amount of calories into their to be the bare minimum at one point.

VentraSqwal ,

I mean, some did. With special visas and stuff. That still means they’re occupied.

VentraSqwal ,

Wtf are you talking about? The straw manning is crazy. They never said Hamas was the good guys in that comment or that they tried to get land through negotiation. They were talking about the relationship with Palestine before Hamas. Hamas was a result of the failures of those negotiations.

If you oppress people and take their land without a peaceful resolution, of course a violent, terrorist group will result. We’ve seen it in other countries, too, from the IRA in the UK to the ANC in South Africa and the BLA in the United States. If Hamas were to disappear an equivalent is just going to appear again without the underlying conditions that caused them to be created being solved, or without full ethnic cleansing, which is obviously the route Israel would prefer.

VentraSqwal ,

They’d probably need to give them equal rights and not be an apartheid state, too, and stop kicking people out of their homes. But once all that happened, the violence would probably be greatly reduced. The same thing happened with the Ira in the UK, their attacks stopped once they negotiated.

VentraSqwal ,

It at least delays it. And the alternative is voting for Trump.

VentraSqwal ,

I mean, it is. Democracies can do genocides without being fascist. It’s not great, but it’s true. The alternative is Trump, who probably wouldn’t even be making lip service to a ceasefire or mentioning the West Bank settlements like Biden has.

VentraSqwal ,

Israel hasn’t actually wanted a two state solution since Rabin. They pretend to offer it then withdraw it the second something goes wrong, which they goad into happening on purpose by doing things like continuing increasing West Bank occupations while negotiating, or propping up Hamas to do a terrorism while negotiating, so they have an excuse to stop negotiations.

VentraSqwal ,

I like this. It’s applicable basically everywhere nowadays.

VentraSqwal ,

Now we can’t even buy property at $150k without being called out for making bad choices? Holy shit the working class is lowering their expectations way too much.

People used to be able to have a house, a car, hobbies, have medical help, all the house appliances, and yearly vacations on one income at some mindless factory job. Expect more, people. Demand more. You only can’t have it because the rich are hoarding everything and stealing your money. Don’t shrug and take it. Don’t criticize others for expecting it. Fucking demand it for yourself. It’s your work making them rich.

VentraSqwal ,

Or Reddit. But don’t look at Reddit lol.

VentraSqwal ,

I think they mean they just share the land with the Palestinians, the people who they threw out when they got there.

If the US can manage it with African Americans or Native Americans, or South Africa can manage it post apartheid, or the UK can manage it after the Troubles, I think it’s possible. It won’t be easy, but it’s worth the work to stop the violence.

VentraSqwal ,

Was Rabin the one assassinated by a Zionist who was so close to making a good treaty? If so, we need more of those.

VentraSqwal ,

It was external settlers generally, especially starting around the Law of Return being a thing. Wikipedia and other sources says about 50% come from Europe and Russia, and the other generally from the surrounding Middle Eastern countries once Israel became a thing and started calling people towards it. Even today, lots of people immigrate there from Europe or the US.

Are you talking from thousands of years ago? That’s a strange justification to kick people out of their houses in the last 70 years, but I am down to read other sources if you’ve got them. I am admittedly still pretty new to this whole subject.

VentraSqwal , (edited )

Really good write up! I appreciate the effort put into it.

It is really sad the persecution of Jewish people, and I definitely sympathize. But the only part I want to clarify is that you kind of glossed over the nakba in that part where the British stopped holding the peace. If it was just a small continuous trickle of Jewish refugees into Palestine, no one would have a problem with it, except for the normal anti-immigration folks. But it’s that part where you decide to give part of the country away and then the violent disposession of people from their homes to enforce it that seems wrong, and should ring familiar with those who know about the genocide of the Indians in the US.

But I blame the British and UN, too. They’re the ones who offered to cut pieces away from a country to offer to the immigrants. It’s like if your landlord came in and said you’re going to have to rent one of your bedrooms to his nephew, and even though you’re the one who lives there and pays rent, you can’t argue because he’s the landlord.

And I even understand the desire to secure a homeland at all costs after such a huge, terrible event of the holocaust. But that doesn’t mean I agree with it, and the consequences continue to reverberate to this day show partly why. Working for peace and seeing the signs of fascism to prevent it from happening again is the answer, not a might makes right apartheid ethnostate. There’s some lesson here about violence leading to violence.

Black people have gone through their own shit here in the United States, and while some people have suggested just leaving the country and making their own place in Africa, I think Martin Luther King, Jr’s dream was a much better idea (seriously, read the history of Liberia, it’s filled with violence and oppression towards the natives followed by them rising up, and then civil wars even into the 2000’s). Just make the place here the kind of place that’s better. And while it’s not perfect, it’s way better than it used to be, and I think he was proven right.

VentraSqwal ,

Holy strawman! I never said all the Israelis have to leave. I said they should share the land, like every other developed country in the world that has black people and white people that live in the same areas, or natives and immigrants, etc. I’m not against immigration, I’m against using it as manpower to violently disposess natives and sweep people from their homes, then giving the immigrants better rights while pushing the people who lived there to smaller and farther areas until you get all their land. You know, settler colonialism. Just give everyone the same rights and protections.

There’s a reason there’s only 20% Palestinian Israelis. They were all violently kicked out, then kept in these small, dense settlements of Gaza and the West Banks, and they need special citizenship and passports to travel to Israel or even from one to the other.

I was talking about the nakba, but the West Bank settlements also applies, I suppose. We can call them illegal, but Netanyahu has christened a bunch of them despite what the international community thinks, and it’s still happening.

VentraSqwal ,

Ah I see. Thanks again!

VentraSqwal ,

I loved Final Fantasy IX but sometimes I think I dreamed it because no one else ever talks about it, just VI, VII, and then over to X usually lol.

VentraSqwal ,

Wasn’t there some companion game to EVE Online that was supposed to be like that?

Tesla sues Swedish agency as striking workers stop delivering license plates for its new vehicles (

Tesla has filed a lawsuit against the Swedish state via Sweden’s Transport Agency after striking postal workers in the Scandinavian country stopped delivering license plates for new vehicles manufactured by the Texas-based automaker

VentraSqwal ,

Damn that sucks. That guy should quit, or just do the job the slowest they can.

VentraSqwal , (edited )

I’m mostly talking in the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, places in the modern period that have used settler colonialism to displace and destroy indigenous populations.

As for the playbook, generally it’s you move a big population in at once, set up shop, take over, tell any locals to move over and enforce it with violence, use a treaty to keep the land and move them over permanently. Then, individuals slowly expand to their land, sometimes rogue, but usually supported by the government either way. They push the boundaries of the “given land” or take resources from it, the native population plea for help is ignored until they push back with violence, the colonizers retaliate with overwhelming force, enough to keep the land settlers have been slowly taking anyway and probably take more, the populations are displaced more, either put in a smaller box or forced to move over again. Repeat.

And God help them if there’s resources revealed to be in their area, like oil.

VentraSqwal ,

You’re justifying thousands of deaths, including mostly children. It’s not a war, it’s a slaughter against a mostly civilian populace to justify taking out a terrorist group they propped up themselves and continue to inflame with policies like kicking them out of their homes, the blockade, restricting their aid and food and trade, controlling their air and water space, controlling their trash, electricity, and now they’ve been trying to control oil found on their land.

May I suggest you don’t fill your heart with hatred and learn to have some empathy for civilians that look different than you or speak different than you?

VentraSqwal , (edited )

Tbh, the Hamas did get kind of something out of this in that the Palestinian crisis got more attention than I’ve ever seen before. A new generation of young people have seemed to have escaped the Israeli propaganda and support freedom for Palestinians. Hopefully, people don’t forget after the ceasefire and we get some sort of more permanent solution, preferably a one state one, but Joe and other leaders prefer a two state one, but whatever works.

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