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Why9 ,

Look, I am just as anti-Trump as the rest of the sane voters but your arguments don’t do you or the Dems any favours whatsoever.

Biden is the one responsible for thousands of deaths in Gaza. He said he’s a self proclaimed Zionist, effectively saying that he supports the Israeli war on a personal level.

OP was right. Biden has been allowing this to go on and without US’ support, this would have ended long ago. And not only denying that what’s going on in Gaza isn’t a genocide, but flat out rejecting that there’s no famine, even when you’re able to count the ribs of children is pathetic.

So what was the solution? Biden should’ve said he won’t run for another term. It’s too late for that now and Dems may pay the price.

Biden really is going senile and he really isn’t fit to lead another 4 years. Yes, you absolutely can’t have Trump return, unless you want the US to become an autocratic dictatorship and spark a civil war, but letting Biden run with this much baggage is suicide. I’d be happy if Dems win, but let’s wake up and stop kidding ourselves. We should not be surprised if Trump wins. The Dems have never been this fragmented and we needed everyone to come together last time to beat Trump (and even then it wasn’t a landslide!)

If your best argument for Biden is that we can’t have Trump, then you’re just ignoring everyone else’s concerns about a guy who has presided over, and actively and consciously encouraged a genocide. It’s not enough this time to simply avoid Trump.

Why9 ,

The entire world agrees it’s a Genocide. The whole world also agrees that the US is an accomplice in the Genocide.

US bombs are constantly found among the corpses of women and children sheltering in tents. If Biden isn’t responsible then you’re as deluded as they come.

Also, I’m not “ignoring everyone else’s concerns”, I’m ignoring your concerns. Some random dude on the internet

I’ve realised I’m talking to a literal child. Grow up and take this seriously. I’m talking about the citizens of Gaza who are suffering here as a result of Biden’s insistence on supporting this war. I’m not interested in exchanging one liners with an internet goblin.

Why9 ,

He wants the presidency to exonerate himself. That’s it. He knows he’s going to prison if he loses the election.

He has zero care or motivation to further the country once he’s in power. He wants to save his own ass and his properties.

Why9 ,

Can you imagine your own mind having unskippable ads?

Can you imagine buying products you don’t want because you’re suddenly compelled to do so and you have no idea why.

Neuralink is going to be hell, purely because the person in charge of it is Elon Musk.

Why9 ,

I mean, it does look like a sensible option. BRICS countries are growing in number and their combined wealth is nothing to sneeze at.

Turkey was never really allowed to be a part of EU and therefore will join the cool new club while the rest of Europe grows in far right rhetoric, and generally anti islamic sentiment.

Why9 ,

To all those people who keep saying that in order to not have Trump back in 2025, everyone must suck it up and vote Biden, this is why that just can’t happen.

Sure Trump is bad in many ways but Biden’s insistence on helping Netenyahu no matter what will lose him the election.

I’m not making a case for Trump, btw. Both things can be bad at the same time. For people who are seeing Gazans die for no reason, Biden cannot come back into office again. Does that mean we want Trump? Of course not, and that’s why voting for anyone else makes sense.

If voting for anyone else means you’re voting for Trump, so be it!

Why9 ,

On September 11, some Saudis attacked the World Trade Centre. America retaliated by going to war with Afghanistan, found they had nothing of value, and then Rumsfeld said since Iraq has oil, they should go after them instead. The unprovoked attack and illegal war that still, to this day, has had zero repurcussions against Bush, Blair and the rest who started it, and caused individuals from militant faction groups to rise up and attack those nations in the form of terrorist attacks, perpetuating a cycle of hate and loss.

More than twenty years later, uneducated people still fail to see the distinction between individual terrorists and an entire people who follow Islam. Islamophobia is on the rise right now simply because people are protesting the war in Gaza, and still equating those protesters to the terrorism from years prior.

I say all this because I can see how hate, and in your case, antisemitism lingers. Your actions are not that of the IDF, your words are not the same as aggrevators like Ben Gvir and your policies are not the same as Netenyahu’s, but because you’re Jewish, those things are all the same now in the eyes of many uneducated people.

It was the same with idiots attacking random (elderly!?) Chinese civilians on the street as a result of COVID lockdowns. The blame lies chiefly with the media and its incendiary bias towards all things that don’t align with their backward views, and allowing people like Trump to stand on a podium and address millions of people with lies and baseless claims.

Why9 ,

While the developer doesn’t accept donations, they do encourage donating to the people maintaining the block lists. I’ve contributed in the past and would happily keep doing so.

It would be a shame if the devs maintaining the block lists stop doing what they’re doing because it’s not sustainable enough for them.

Why9 ,

From this link:

“I do not want the administrative workload that comes with donations. I do not want the project to become in need of funding in any way: no dedicated home page + no forum = no cost = no need for financial support. I want to be free to move on to something else if ever I get tired of working on these projects (no donations = no expectations).

Have a thought for the maintainers of the various lists. These lists are everything. I can not emphasize this enough.”

Why9 ,

With protests as rife as they are across the world, and sentiment against Netenyahu at its lowest as he begins murdering innocent people in Rafah (and crossing Biden’s own red line as well as many nations red lines in the process), the last thing Biden, already dubbed genocide Joe, had to do was throw his full weight behind Israel and drag the US down with him.

We all know that Trump will be disastrous for the US, and a self-proclaimed dictator with followers who literally worship him as the Messiah will turn the US into a nation akin to what we’ve been deriding and attacking for decades. Trump cannot win, of course he can’t. But to expect voters to back Biden when he’s this brazenly in support of a genocide is delusional.

If dems want to win the vote, they MUST front a new candidate. Biden simply has too much blood on his hands this time. Dem voters will most likely abstain, and if not, then they’ll split the Dem vote. Tell Biden to sit down and let someone else run.

Why9 ,

If you’re implying Trump should lead America again, you’re literally insane. Anyone who believes that man should be let near a position of power - let alone the highest office in the US - is either ignorant or has vested interest in the decision.

If you’re convinced that what’s happening in Palestine is par for the course, and that Israel’s actions are justified, and that the people protesting around the globe for Palestine are being over dramatic, you’re ignorant, blind and truly deluded, or, again, you’ve some personal bias towards Israel which fails to allow you to accept reality.

If you don’t agree with both of the above statements, then you cannot disagree with my comment. I said Trump cannot win because he isn’t fit for office. I also implied that Biden is tarnished by the Israel conflict to be seen in a positive light by his voters. If the Dems want the win, they can’t possibly go into an election with a president who is actively leaning into his “Genocide Joe” moniker. They need another candidate.

Why9 ,

Unfortunately LGTV’s can’t be jailbroken unless you were lucky enough to jailbreak it back before they patched it.

I got mine last year and had no idea the security on it was so tight. I’m just hoping smarter minds than mine can figure out new exploits for the LGTV now that there’s demand with the ability to jailbreak PS4s

Why9 ,

I’m holding out hope!

I’m going to disable all automatic updates in the event that it happens!

Why9 ,

I tried to download a music video on limewire once. I was pretty computer illiterate back then and around 13 years old at the time when a friend at school showed me how to download things.

That music video turned out to be a woman being murdered at point blank range. It was ~5 seconds of my life but that video has never left my mind. It was far too early for video editing and far too ‘amateur’ to be a movie production. The way she begged for the guy to stop before he pulled the trigger, it was definitely real.

Why9 , (edited )

There’s a company which will give you a >40in LCD smart TV to keep, for as long as you want it, with the catch that the second screen that comes with the TV (it’s a screen that is a couple of inches tall and spans the width of the device) is on at all times and only plays ads.

There’s also a camera that actively films you and records your audio, video. It’s also on all the time.

The company makes it clear that they’re giving you a free, very well specced TV with all the amenities, and in return they’ll collect your data. It’s surprising how many people (who otherwise can’t afford a TV) said yes.

Found it

Why9 ,

Apparently they review the second screen via the camera. Any attempts to hide/block/hack/break the second screen would result in a breach of contract, which results in a charge for the full price of the TV and extra on top for damages/breach of terms etc.

You’re made to sign a few documents before you receive your TV. I suspect they’ve covered all angles

Netanyahu defies Biden, insisting there’s ‘no space’ for Palestinian state (

Defiant Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu doubled down on opposition to Palestinian statehood, deepening the divide with Israel’s closest international allies, as cracks in his wartime “unity” government became increasingly evident....

Why9 ,

UK’s David Cameron: “to suggest there’s genocidal intent? I do believe that’s wrong”

They’ll bend over backwards to support Israel, and people are asking what Israel has over the UK to make it so. At some point, answers will have to be given.

Why9 ,

Look I get it, and you’re probably right, but this world doesn’t work in that way.

The US just side-stepped Congress to approve an arms shipment to Israel for the second time this month. Missiles and bombs aren’t the answer, but we have to remain consistent.

And what will summoning Netenyahu achieve? He’ll go to prison laughing (assuming the US ever let it get that far!), knowing his successor will reap the rewards of an uninhabitable Gaza full of a resentful, broken population fated to become the next Hamas for us to condemn in a few years’ time. Israel will win land and space for more illegal settlements that’ll go unchallenged because the US will continue to veto any action against them.

I don’t agree military action is the answer but in the middle of a war where one side is being heavily supported, it makes little sense why the other side wouldn’t seek some extra power as well.

Why9 ,

Are you implying everyone there is future hamas?

No, and yes. If Hamas means resistance then sure. I don’t see any Palestinians condemning Hamas because Hamas are literally brothers and sons and relatives of the survivors who have been born into oppression and have no option but to rebel or die.

Let’s say you have a child, completely innocent, born into this world. Within a few years, he has survived multiple wars, seen violence and death dozens of times, and is already desensitised to mutilation and death by the time he’s 7 years old. His family is dead, he’s surviving on the good graces of strangers with no prospects for education and no moral compass in the form of parents to guide him on what’s right and wrong.

By the time he’s 17, he’s being recruited into Hamas, who under a 70 year occupation, comprises people just like him, that want a free Palestine where children can be children and oppression isn’t the norm. You’re not going to reform him without removing his raison d’etre. Until there’s Israeli oppression and no free Palestine, he’s Hamas.

Do I agree with what Hamas did on October 7th? No. But in all forms of media and in history, people who are oppressed and free themselves from imprisonment and oppression are seen as heroes (if they’re imprisoned unjustly, of course!), regardless of the number of people they kill in order to achieve their goals (like blowing up a Death Star, killing everyone on it).

The Star Wars’ rebel alliance is an example. So is Katniss in Hunger Games or the Na’Vi in the Avatar movies. In my mind there’s little difference between them. We don’t condemn them as terrorists so why is Hamas different?

Why9 ,

To protect “their” oil and to have a strategic base in Iraq that they can launch operations from. It’s total BS.

Why9 ,

The casualties suggest Hamas is collateral damage. The target, as has been made abundantly clear at this point, is the civilian population of Gaza.

'Chilling effect': People expressing pro-Palestinian views censured, suspended from work and school | CBC News (

Restaurant staff losing their jobs for cheering on a pro-Palestinian protest. A Palestinian Canadian journalist fired for her social media posts calling for a #freepalestine. Medical residents flagged to potential hiring committees for their support of Palestinians....

Why9 ,

I posted proof that Hamas uses hospitals as military bases

What proof? You’ve provided nothing. You just said they use hospitals as bases. There’s no link, no source, no evidence at all.

Israel destroyed Al Shifa Hospital under the lie that there were tunnels and a command centre underneath, and weeks later there’s still no evidence of anything that resembles a command centre.

There’s no evidence at all that these facilities were being used as bases. Bombing thousands of wounded, innocent civilians under the probability that there might be a base (even though it’s not confirmed) is just terrorism.

The only reason Israel isn’t being done for war crimes right now is the US, and even they are saying the bombing is indiscriminate.

Why9 ,

How can you possibly arrive at this conclusion? There’s no evidence for this whatsoever.

The US asking for China’s help is also a way of getting China to reveal what kind of arsenal it has at its disposal. China staying out if it makes perfect sense.

This conflict would stop if the US stopped supplying Israel, and condemned them and imposed sanctions on them. Following an Israeli ceasefire, the houthis would have no reason to continue their attacks and the problem would be resolved.

Steam year in review 2023 is up, if you want to get disappointed in how much you bought and how little of it you played. 😛 (

Personally, apparently 71% of my gaming time was spent on FFXIV. Although in my defense, most games I’ve played this year were on GOG or old free stuff from Epic I finally got around to.

Why9 ,

You’ve had the opportunity to play almost half of all the games you’ve bought this year, with Christmas round the corner to add to that tally.

That’s a pretty good record, all things considered!

Why9 ,

If someone uses your name to justify cruelty, no matter how insignificant the person may be, it’s always worth speaking up.

People could also take the Museum’s silence on the matter as affirmation.

Why9 ,

The US is the world’s armoury. Sure, there are other nations that could help, but everyone knows it’s the US that Kyiv is hoping for

Why9 ,

He is directly and personally benefitting from the Israeli genocide of innocent Palestinians in Gaza. The huge contracts awarded to BP benefit his wife’s firm directly, so he is allowing it to happen. He can’t say the world is no utopia if he’s directly responsible for the bombing, the daft prick.

The people destabilised there after Israel has bombed the everliving hell out of it, will probably look to move somewhere where there’s no war and their children (what’s left of them anyway) can at least grow to adulthood without being blown up.

It’s human nature, to migrate from a disaster. In every single depiction of apocalypses and disasters in the media, people instinctively run for the border, taking all their belongings. Why not them? There are no wars in Europe. It makes total sense. I’d do the same every single time. If I’ve lost everything I own, it makes sense I have no money or documents to enter those countries legally. I’d have to seek asylum. It makes sense.

'A Spectacle, A Farce, A Rigged Clown Show': Russia Watches As Putin Cruises Toward A Fifth Term (

With all political opposition eliminated and Russia firmly in the grip of what analysts call “mature authoritarianism,” the country prepares for a March presidential vote devoid of competition and, if the Kremlin has its way, ushers Vladimir Putin into another six-year term without surprises.

Why9 ,

Just remember, Trump is watching this and taking notes.

Why9 ,

You need a reality check if you’re surprised to have learned that…

Why9 ,

I’m not going to lie, I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun playing a shooter as I did playing Cyberpunk after the 2.0 patch and Phantom liberty DLC.

It became one of my top games of all time, and despite having finished it and trying to force myself to play something else, I’m itching to redownload it so I can get back to night city.

It took a while but I don’t think it should be excluded from the list just because of its original shortcomings. The game’s come a long way and it’s absolutely a contender for game of the year.

BG3 is still the well deserved winner though

Why9 ,

Yeah you’re right.

That was me just letting my emotions for the game get the better of me. The best and only award it could have won is the Best Ongoing Game award, which it won at TGA.

It’s good to see CDPR finally get back into gaming’s good graces and I’m sure they’ve learned their lesson as the public and critics were far, far more harsh for the release of Cyberpunk 2077, than they were for Witcher 3. Time will tell what state Witcher 4 and Cyberpunk 2077 II release in!

Why9 ,

Yeah, true. It was good of them to get recognised but they really shouldn’t be considered for anything beyond the award they won at TGA (Best Ongoing Game)

Why9 ,

Wait, what polls?

“I’m sorry your house got blown up and you lost all of your family members and are going to have your legs amputated, likely without anesthetic or clean supplies, but do you have time for a quick survey?”

Why9 ,

A more sinister example was Repo Men. In that movie, the tech still worked, but people were no longer able to keep up with the extortionate payments that came with the implant.

Why9 ,

I see what you’re saying, but it’s unviable for much of the industry, and Apex seems to be a rare case where it found success despite the competition of overwatch, counter strike etc and despite being unknown (unlike valorant, which had significant brand recognition behind it).

But it’s unviable. Large studios need to market their games early to recover development costs through pre purchases and get people excited enough to buy day 1 (and to convince investors that there is enough excitement behind the title).

Small studios already do this - they don’t have brand recognition and therefore no money or need to market their games extensively (except on free platforms like Lemmy, Reddit etc), and hope their game somehow gets picked up by twitch and does well (e.g. Among Us). For many, many indie titles, their games die in obscurity, or get just enough attention to cover costs.

In general, what you’re asking for is the following: Don’t tell the public anything. Build a game that’s good enough but has an unknown IP (so that people who are hunting for registered URLs or LinkedIn hires don’t spot anything that could hint at a game), and then release it suddenly, but be absolutely confident that it is genuinely fun, it’s watertight (free from major bugs) and chef’s kiss optimised so incredibly well, that it gets nothing but glowing reviews on day 1 and word of mouth alone, through Twitch and YouTube is enough to propel it into the mainstream and make it an instant hit.

Or be Starfield lmao. If Bethesda is unable to do to Starfield what No Man’s Sky and Cyberpunk did, then there’s absolutely no confidence that Elder Scrolls 6 will be a good game.

Why9 ,

Everyone’s an arse at the moment. There’s zero distinction between Moscow and Washington. I don’t see why the UAE would worry about one over the other.

Why9 ,

Honestly? They should either abstain or vote for a third party.

I’ll preface this by saying that I’m not a US citizen, so what I say below is NOT advice. It’s simply my thoughts to (almost) play devil’s advocate for the benefit of discussion!

I’m well aware of the ‘cowardice’ of abstaining in this election. Yes, Trump has the potential to do harm to Muslims tomorrow, but Biden is harming them today. Trump currently hates Netenyahu, wants him impeached and disagrees with his actions in Gaza (yes it’s because of a petty reason but that’s Trump’s MO!)

Biden is running again, and he is a self-proclaimed Zionist who supports Israel on a personal level, not only politically.

As much as many others want to avoid a second Trump term, voting for Biden means you support him, and support his actions. There’s nothing in your vote that separates you from those who unequivocally agree with what he’s doing in Gaza. If Biden wins and then he continues to assist in genocide in Gaza, then that’s directly related to the democrat vote.

If democrats know they’ll lose the election with Biden, they need to front another candidate fast. Failure to do so is accepting defeat.

Why9 ,

Can you briefly outline why? Just trying to figure out what he’s done recently that you disagree with so passionately, compared to what Biden is going today, for example.

Why9 ,

A lot of us just treat this like the Superbowl and watch it just for the ads.

That is crazy to admit. Here we have people trying to do their best to remove ads from their lives; using PiHoles, AdBlockers and VPNs to get rid of as many ads as possible, but they would sit down and willingly watch ads instead of watching world-class athletes battle for supremacy on their grandest stage.

The closest thing we have in Europe is the Football World Cup. I reckon due to the nature of the sport, they play for 45mins each half and fitting in ads during play would be met with fierce backlash and boycotting. It’s insane to me that you’d look forward to ads instead!

Why9 ,

Ok I misspoke. This shouldn’t be a show where CEO’s get jerked off.

When a game gets an award, it rewards the entire process, from planning till release, with all the numerous developers coming together to make that vision a reality. Starfield didn’t get any recognition, neither did Call of Duty, Overwatch 2 or the many other games that fester with malpractices. Sure, the CEO will pick up the award, but to get there you need to do things right. It’s difficult to stand up on the stage as a truly scumbag company.

E3 died because companies pulled out. If there’s enough community backlash to these events, and people stop actually appearing to pick up their awards or stop allowing their games to appear on TGA (and all you see on there are indie games and smaller studios), TGA will have the music played for them and be told to “wrap it up”.

When the allegations against Blizzard came to light, they were banned from appearing at TGA, and could only be nominated. I do think Geoff is aware of the public perception of the show and is trying to balance making money, and giving time to winners. What happened to Neil was unfortunate as he was one of the first winners and Geoff Keighley did say he found people had too little time to talk and stopped enforcing it as the show went on.

I don’t understand your point about Kojima. Isn’t him calling out the company precisely what he should do? Sure, he needs to do it tactfully, but I don’t see anything wrong with his delivery. That he sequed into a musical performance was hilarious and actually pretty cool.

I do agree with you about the ads though. The OD segment was far, far too long, for what wasn’t even a teaser. I still don’t understand what Gonzo was doing there, and the Alan Wake musical number (as well as the Hell blade 2 one) were fun, sure, but I’ll take longer speeches over those anyday. The show is not without fault but it’s the public who vote on the winners and make it what it is. I’m sure there’s enough discourse this year about his failings for him to fix things next year, and I’m sure he’ll address them.

What I’m concerned about though, is the lack of AAA titles. “World Premiere” seemed a bit grandiose a term to use for many of the titles shown. Everyone was waiting for Elden Ring, Titanfall, a surprise Nintendo announcement or, hell, a Fallout New Vegas remake maybe? Something?

We got Monster Hunter Wilds as the only really big game there. Light no Fire and Hellblade 2 are good offerings from established devs but hardly headliners. Major studios still don’t think TGA is a platform worthy of their products and if public perception doesn’t drastically improve, it may never be.

Why9 ,


Neil is straight up attractive. I don’t understand the disregard for his talents but I’m guessing something else happened that put him on the blacklist?

He has insane talents and I totally agree. Hollywood is vile to the core and it’s no secret, with names big and small, old and young, veteran and rookie all content to say it as it is. It’s sad that Neil was one of the unlucky ones. What’s sadder is all the Neils who couldn’t find a break like BG3 to revive them.

Such a good point about Peter Dinklage too! It was his star power that producers banked on. I’m sure they would never have cast him if he didn’t stand out in GoT.

Why9 ,

It’s an important distinction but a valid one

Yes, the key difference is that you’re choosing to watch ads of the genre that the show is based on, but it felt like this year we were rolling RNG for 4 hours and the best we got was monster Hunter Wilds, Light no Fire, Hellblade 2 and checks notes FOUR Fortnite ads?

Many people felt bad that there was no Elden Ring DLC, no Titanfall, no Nintendo surprise even? Rockstar could have saved their trailer for TGA, but chose to have it on their own day. Absent were the plethora of AAA titles releasing 2024-2025. It felt like we rolled RNG for ads at actually want to see, and came away slightly disappointed?

Why9 ,

Nothing significant has changed since the original modern warfare. At this point they’re bringing back “classic” maps from like 4 years ago? They’re clutching at straws.

Don’t get me wrong; it’s a fun game. It’s probably the best multiplayer shooter out there, but it’s wrapped up in many, many layers of turds and disappointment.

  • The launcher
    I hope the Microsoft acquisition means they do away with it and go back to a regular launcher.
  • The battlepass
    I wish games stopped treating me as a product and made games that were just fun, like Baldurs Gate 3 did. I shouldn’t have a battlepass that prioritises player engagement and forces me to be connected to the game season after season as if I’m on some sort of life support machine. Just let me unlock some cool skins and let me go and play some of the other games without feeling like I’m missing out.
  • Annual releases
    When Warzone came out, and they had their first iteration of the new kind of Call of Duty games (with battlepasses), I won’t lie, it was some of the most fun I’d had since the original Modern Warfare games. Why throw it away and abandon that game for another one that comes out a year later and just sucks? Yes, it makes them more money but it fragments the player base and forces you to abandon all the perks you’ve spent ages unlocking through the battlepass.
Why9 ,

Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll check it out for sure!

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