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GhostlyPixel , to technology in Humble Bundle expressing their feelings about Unity avatar

I got an email advertising a learn unity bundle from them this morning, I don’t think they have a stance lol

Cheesus ,

Their stance is more money please

Rai ,

same tho

ech ,

Reminiscent of the Elvis manager that sold “I Hate Elvis” buttons along with his “I Love Elvis” buttons.

luciferofastora ,

I mean, if Elvis got a cut of that in some way (or we can bend the logic of which cash went where enough for this joke to work), odds are he spent at least some of it on drinks, figuratively drinking the tears of his haters.

Anonymousllama , to technology in Humble Bundle expressing their feelings about Unity

How are these tutorials overall though. Humble has pushed out some real stinkers before from no-name tutorial mills so I’m always a bit way.

I know from their blender sales that some of the places they partner with are legitimately shit (low quality recordings, poor sound, poor pacing, not showing screen keys, poor instructor guidance etc)

naticus ,

No idea, but if you want to give it a try, let me know and I’ll give you the keys.

learningduck ,

On Godot subreddit, some one complained that the pixel art course, which is worth $50(Zenva’s default price) and included in this bundle has a poor quality and it’s obvious that the instructor isn’t an expert in the field.

phx ,

Yeah was discussing this with a friend and basically this is exactly why I don’t buy these bundles. They’re often not really at the level of proper martial created by an educational institution, but more collections of stuff that you might otherwise find on YouTube etc

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

Zenva’s instructors are extremely hit and miss.

Many feel like amateurs who made 1 test project and are now teaching it.

The phaser tutorial felt like the instructor was a C# developer trying to teach JavaScript.

The only reason I support them because there’s literally no other paid courses on a bunch of game development subjects that are in one easy to read place.

theneverfox , avatar

I actually started writing a Godot course at my friends urging after I taught it to him over meets, but hated the sound of my voice and only recorded the first lesson. Is this something needed that I could make actual money on?

TrickyCamel , to technology in Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out

What is it with tech companies being too shitty lately?

Toneswirly ,

The Venture Capital Well is running dry, tech companies are turtling up their data so other tech companies dont use AI to scrape all their content… its the 12th hour of the tech bubble and they’re all scrambling to become real companies that make, you know, money. Problem is they dont know how, and customers dont want to pay them for the garbage they used to tolerate when it was free.

Karyoplasma ,

Greed and societal acceptance of greed.

pomodoro_longbreak , avatar

And interest rates doing an uh oh and they can’t think of any more innovative a solution than to soak their paying customers

floofloof ,

Not just acceptance. There has been a worship of the greediest people as the most “successful” and those who are “worth” the most.

Khalmoon ,

Capitalism. While the average person is frustrated over their grocery bills being 2x, the corporate ghouls are trying to milk as much money as they can. Not to mention I believe they pulled out their shares before the decision was made so it seems like they were trying to just cash out before shit hit the fan.

Everything is being run on borrowed money, even major studios like Marvel or Blizzard take injections and answer to share holders / venture capital, instead of just making a better product.

vacuumflower ,

Like I answered in another comment, this would be wonderful, as this would mean that they are going to crash hard. Better a horrible end than horror without end. I mean, every magnificent era of development started with a frustrating crisis of this kind. So let it go boom, I don’t care that much about any of the big tech around. Well, Sun was nice, but it’s dead.

tsuica , avatar

The lack of “easy money”. A lot of companies have had accelerated growth due to an influx of investments which were mostly interest-free (or very low interest) loans . You didn’t have to have a good product - just overinflate your value till your IPO, then the value will determine stock price, everyone gets rich.

Now that interest rates are higher, investors want a lot more bang for their buck. Couple this with companies that no longer know how to make good products, now they’re just squeezing shit dry and scheming and scamming their customers to fulfill their one and only legal obligation: make more money for the shareholders.

vacuumflower ,

If I could be certain this is true, I’d be optimistic.

It would mean (because of some things being more profitable than other) that after long labor pains (involving legal battles and IP laws changing for patents and anti-monopoly laws changing back to working state) these companies were going to die and the better ones were going to take their place.

tsuica , avatar

The problem is that the kind of people that run these types of companies will first see the world burnt to ashes before losing profits and power.

So yes, they will fall, but they’ll be taking us down with them.

boatswain ,
Buffalox ,

IDK, but a lot of tech stock got a massive boost during Covid, then when that was over, and we instead got war in Ukraine, there has been a bit of a slowdown. So maybe they think the progress they had should continue, even if the economy doesn’t justify it.

mushroom ,

The Ukraine stuff has nothing to do with it.

It’s the feds attempts to wrangle inflation (caused by dumping trillions into the economy during COVID)by hiking interest rates. Companies with barely profitable or even unprofitable business models used to be able to borrow money at stupid cheap interest rates. Now that it’s 7-8% they realize they have to figure something out.

It was this silicon valley “trade profits for scale and then we’ll figure it out later” approach. That only works when cheap loans could float you until you hit scale or figured something out.

But in Unity’s case I think it’s partially that (they aren’t profitable), but partially related to the stuff apple is releasing and doing lately.

I think unity is trying to get in front of a possible boom in Mac and apple gaming. Charge dev $.20 per install so you insure you get a piece of every game install and avoid a confrontation with Apple about app store rates.

vacuumflower ,

I think unity is trying to get in front of a possible boom in Mac and apple gaming. Charge dev $.20 per install so you insure you get a piece of every game install and avoid a confrontation with Apple about app store rates.

Sounds like a nice plan if you are playing a video game with hundreds more attempts before you.

IRL it’s “was trying”. Now they sure as hell won’t.

ICastFist , to technology in Humble Bundle expressing their feelings about Unity avatar

I think it was mostly Zenva rushing to get some sweet cash while the drama and popcorn around Unity are still hot. HumbleBundle being anything but humble of course would set it up ASAP, I bet the charity was decided from a random wheel they keep around.

I hazard this guess because most other Zenva bundles offer Unity and/or Unreal courses. Also, a large portion of those Godot videos are “HumbleBundle Exclusives”, so stuff that they likely haven’t finished yet

jackoid , to technology in Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out

Well good luck to Unity in fighting massive games like FGO or Genshin.

jormaig ,

Wait, is Genshin made with Unity?

XaeroDegreaz ,


artic ,

Nintendo lawyers:omau wa mou shindieru

greenskye , to technology in Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out

Can someone help me understand? Maybe my understanding of contracts is too simple but in this example:

I’ve developed and published a unity game. The game is complete and will receive no future updates from me, but will remain on sale for the foreseeable future.

My understanding of the current situation is that unity is somehow claiming these new terms will apply to my game. But I don’t see how that’s feasible. Shouldn’t my relationship with unity be at an end as the product was completed? Would I have to de-list my completed game to avoid charges? How is that legal?

time_lord , (edited )

The game is complete and will receive no future updates from me, but will remain on sale for the foreseeable future.

That’s the sticking point. A game could be complete, and receiving no material updates, but still need to be “updated”. Sometimes the app stores require a re-compile and you will be bound by the new terms.

In the worst cases, a highly played but low earning game (like Flappy Bird) requires a recompile to update the minimum API level it supports in the Google play store. There are no gameplay changes what-so-ever. If you don’t re-compile and update it, Google will de-list the game. But you also can’t submit the update unless you accept the new terms.

FourPacketsOfPeanuts ,

Well… I look forward to using Unity’s replacement…

TechieDamien ,
Corkyskog ,

All this talk about development has made me want to dip my toes into it. Is there anywhere you can download free to use art and models? Is there somewhere I should start reading before just jumping in. (Trying to RTFMS before building I guess)

TechieDamien ,

Honestly, just jump in and start making something, either following a tutorial and/or referencing the docs as you go. As for free assets, maybe try the creative commons website? Just make sure to adhere to the terms of any license that you use.

Corkyskog , (edited )

Is there an easy thing to start with? I was thinking of doing something solitaire or tetris related to start with, just because I assume there is tons of guides and stuff to copy for something that old and ubiquitous. While I can still heavily edit the appearance and other aspects of the game.

greenskye ,

So is this something that all companies deal with? For example:

If Google builds an app with an embedded library that costs a license fee, and the company that offered that license decides to raise is price by 10x for future versions and they only give 3 months warning. Now my app has to go without security updates or suddenly be subject to extreme charges. But I don’t have enough time to completely rewrite my app either.

I find it hard to believe companies would leave this sort of thing up to chance. If AWS suddenly decided to 100x it’s price structure would that actually fly legally? If so, why don’t they?

krakenx ,

Unity has had over a decade to establish itself as the main game engine. They have passed the growth phase and are now in the exploitation phase.

AWS and Azure are currently in the growth phase. They charge more for worse performance than self hosting and traditional third party hosting, but it’s close enough execs on the hype train are switching as fast as possible so as not to be left behind by their peers. Once they have destroyed traditional hosting options, they will absolutely move into the exploitation phase and pull this same move, and the ramifications will be much greater than just gaming.

CosmoNova , to technology in Humble Bundle expressing their feelings about Unity

Apparently not enough feelings to take their “learn unity” bundle down that’s still going for 10 days. The little money it raised so far is laughable compared to the Godot bundle.

fluckx , to technology in Humble Bundle expressing their feelings about Unity

I saw this and thought the exact same thing.

crossmr , to gaming in Was Unity lying yesterday or are they lying today?

This is wizards of the cost all over again. Unity learned nothing from them.

ag_roberston_author , avatar

It’s just capitalism.

xantoxis , to technology in Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out

I’m so scared for the Silksong developers right now.

gestalt ,

My faith is unshakable.

I am an ardent worshipper of the holy SHAW and shall continue praying even more devoutly for the second coming of our lord and savior Hornet.

squigglemonster ,

Oh god I didn’t even think about Silksong D:

Metal_Zealot , to technology in Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out avatar

“y’know, maybe Reddit and Twitter are on to something”
-Unity CEO, probably

kubica , avatar

Maybe a tiktok challenge for rich people?

daniskarma ,

Company bankruptcy speedrun any% no hacks

Metal_Zealot , avatar

Egomaniac Category

SinningStromgald ,

“Your right Gary! The best way to endear our current users to us AND make more money is to take a big, heaping, smelly shit right into their mouths. While they are coping with that amazing gift we’ll just sneak off with their wallets. BAM! Money motherfucker!”

HughJanus ,

Reddit, Twitter, Google, Twitch, Meta, you name it, they’re all having to find new ways to make money now that the decade-long bullrun of low interest rates and endless VC money is over.

denemdenem ,

Looks like 2023 will be remembered as the year of big size enshittification. So many companies going to shit. Reddit with restricting API access, Twitter with…everything really, Google with its DRM and now Unity…great year so far, right?

morgan_423 , to technology in Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out avatar

Any idea of why Unity did this?

I mean, they’ll generate some short term cash, sure, but they just lost their entire customer base. No developer of any size can take on the liability and risk of working with Unity again, even if Unity realizes how badly they screwed this up and reverts this.

Zanshi ,

Most likely to sell ads. Apparently the whole “pay us for every install” thing will be waived if the developer will be using their ad platform.

CitizenKong ,

The current Unity-CEO is the Ex-CEO of Electronic Arts, under him EA was named “Worst Company in America” two consecutive times in 2012 and 2013 by Consumerist Magazine and he’s on record saying that game devs that don’t focus on microtransactions are "the biggest fucking idiots".

phoenixz , to technology in Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out

I’m pretty sure there are open source alternatives to this?

Anybody care to shine some light on which projects would be comparable, and how they stack up against unity?

tsuica , avatar

Godot, it’s the most mature of the bunch. It’s a little different than Unity, but it’s definitely very user friendly, really powerful and has an active community.

floofloof ,

Godot feels nicer to work in than Unity. The object model is better designed and more intuitive. I hope this gives Godot a big boost.

gaslec ,

Godot Engine is a nice alternative.

angrymouse ,

There is, unreal besides being a product has its source available and Godot focus on the same niche most of unity games were. But the problem never was the lack of replacement, the problem is, a game with years of development on unity whould not easily switch to any alternative, they have assets from unity store, scripts made for unity, UIs using unity specific stuffs, even network protocols could be bounded with unity. Change this is an herculean task and most of the games are in barely maintenance mode, imagine a full rework. So these games should be pulled of the market and thrown in the garbage to avoid new installations.

Haywire ,


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  • terny ,

    Coders cost money and coding takes time.

    angrymouse ,

    This is true for most of software out there, but most of the game industry operates with a small margin, and when you look to games individually, most of the games that are still selling (think about GoG games) are not worth any developer time

    nybble41 ,

    The most valuable thing is an experienced team who thoroughly understand both the specifications and the implementation as well as the reasoning behind both. Written specifications are great as onboarding and reference material but there will always be gaps between the specifications and the code. (“The map is not the territory.”) Even with solid specifications you can’t just turn over maintenance of a codebase to a new team and expect them to immediately be productive with it.

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    But the problem never was the lack of replacement, the problem is, a game with years of development on unity whould not easily switch to any alternative

    I read that there’s a porting tool from Unity to Godot out there. Never used it, have no idea how well it works, but that is a possible option.

    Buffalox , (edited )

    Godot focus on the same niche

    Not exactly, Godot is 100% free and open source, Unreal is only partially.


    I misread, the meaning is that Godot and Unity is serving the same niche, which is true. Except for those who want true Open Source, then Godot is the clear choice.

    MrScottyTay ,

    I think he meant as the kind of games and Devs that use both tools. They broadly fit the same niche

    Buffalox ,

    Yes, you are right, after reading again I can see that.

    angrymouse ,

    Sorry, I was trying to say that Godot gas the same niche of unity, in the sense of both are widely used for indie and small games

    Buffalox ,

    Sorry, I misread, I can see what you mean now. And that’s true.

    Throwaway4669332255 ,

    Godot is probably the best choice for open source game engines. Its got funding and full time developers working on it.

    Stride3D is probably the closest open source clone of Unity. It was developed by Silicon Studio as a commercial game engine but they eventually stopped and open sourced it. Its got a ton of modern features including vulkan and direct x 12 support. It has an active community too, but no full time staff making new features.

    Impassionata , to technology in Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out

    this means that if Unity sends you a bill, you don’t have to pay it, and if they take you to court, you prove that you’re acting within the terms of the license you agreed to, which keeps your lawyer fees to a manageable level because you already have all the documents you need: the contract and your source code.

    I mean right? IANAL.

    JackbyDev ,

    If it affects your rights then yes. It’s not just that they’re sending a bill. For example, if it is illegal to change a TOS to suddenly charge for something that wasn’t in your jurisdiction then it’s probably affecting “your rights”.

    Even then, it only says the current calendar year. They’re making the pricing change on January 1st, right? If so then you’re probably out of luck.

    jarfil ,

    Hm… does that mean that if you download Unity right now, you can use it until you can no longer stand the bugs?

    themoonisacheese , avatar

    No, because if you download it right now, you’ll be agreeing to the current terms which no longer gives you permission to ignore new terms as they are released.

    Up until now, you could continue using the old engine and never agree to newer terms, and that would be defensible in court. Now, even if you do not update and do not click agree, they will still take you to court and send you a bill, which you probably will have to pay.

    hedgehog ,

    I believe they actually deleted that clause back in April. Source:…/unity_silently_removed_their_gi…

    jarfil ,

    So it was planned for a while… oh well.

    JackbyDev ,

    Use what, Unity or the ToS? Assuming you meant the ToS under the old version you could stop using an updated ToS only if it violated your rights. (Which is such a weird thing to even mention, if a contract violated your rights then it probably already doesn’t apply.) You can stop using Unity whenever you want though because you have free will. Not trying to be sassy about that last point, just explaining why I think I misunderstood you lol.

    jarfil ,

    Yeah, I thought the ToS hadn’t changed yet, but it seems like the “no upgrade” clause already got removed in April. I guess their move is to try and force anyone with more than the max revenue/installs to upgrade to a higher subscription to get the lower royalty tier… and lock them in there, because what if you stop paying the subscription? Do you fall to the free version royalty tier? Quite a dick move.

    JPAKx4 , (edited )

    You cannot update to a modern version of unity, or install any unity version anymore technically. I think bc they outline the ability to use the license without updating versions you should be okay.


    SnowdenHeroOfOurTime ,


    idiomaddict ,


    Ryan , to technology in Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out

    Not a game dev but I’ve had interest in using Unity for machine learning. I’m now trying out Godot since it does have quite a few ML libraries and it seems to be maintained better than Unity’s ml-agents.

    Unity-ml-agents is quite a hassle to deal with but a few months ago I wasn’t able to find any altrrnatives. At least one good thing that came out of this is that I learned that there is an alternative to using Unity now.

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