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Syn_Attck , to memes in Yeee yee

Far right: everything is black and white.

Far left: everything is blue and pink.


cmder ,

The true beauty of the atom.

Grayox OP , avatar

Both sides see in black and white, but for far different reasons, the far left want to eliminate the concept of profit over people, while the far right want to eliminate people that dont fit inside their rigid and arbitrary ‘moral’ structures.

Syn_Attck ,

That’s the left view of left vs right, now do the right view of left vs right.

Cowbee , avatar

No, they were right the first time.

Grayox OP , avatar

Did you notice how you cant refute my statement? Leaving your only option to call this a one sided assessment of the status quo, while in actuality it sums up of the state of current affairs quite succinctly. Popcorn do be good though.

UrPartnerInCrime ,

The left is the party of trying to help the lowest so everyone can live a decent life and the right is the party of trying to achieve the best possible life for a few of the highest

saltesc ,

They don’t understand it, but you just beautifully summarised the problem with American society right now.

Cowbee , avatar

Ah, the classic tactic of “if people disagree, it’s because they don’t understand!”

saltesc ,

Yep. That’s clearly how it has and always will work across the non-US globe. Got me!

Cowbee , avatar

You’re just supporting this clueless “both sides” narrative with exactly no nuance. The right is factually incorrect and is centered around supporting hierarchy, regardless of vibes, while the left opposes hierarchy. Polarization is not what’s wrong with American society, it’s a symptom of the underlying cause, which is Capitalism’s decay.

Syn_Attck ,

It’s interesting innit, that the reddit migration to Lemmy gave the most vocal ideologues a place to gather, and a reason not to go back. I wonder if the discussion on Reddit is a bit more nuanced now?

BurningRiver ,

Nah. If they’re wrong, go ahead and correct them yourself.

Syn_Attck , (edited )

I just like to see the lemmings in action.

But, since you asked nicely, I’ll rephrase it as a conservative would. As I think someone should believe what feels right to them, but at least understand the mind and motivations of your opposition, otherwise you will fail in your goals. That’s something not one of the 10 downvoters and 5 commenters have been able to do.

The far left seeks to eradicate the fundamental principles of individual initiative and free enterprise in favor of a collectivist agenda, they’re in favor of legalization of all drugs and the murder of children and don’t understand that a functioning society is a fragile house of cards. They think that children growing up without one or both parents is perfectly fine, and the child will in turn be a well-adjusted adult, regardless. They want to open the borders to let every spy, murderer, and rapist into their neighborhood. The far right aims to preserve traditional values and defend against the erosion of societal norms by those advocating for radical change.

Internet proselytization is this generations’ version of Vietnam-era I’d Love to Change the World.

I’d love to change the world

But I don’t know what to do

So I’ll leave it up to you.

I get it. The state of the world right now is a sad mess. But if you’re going to fight a war you can win, you must first understand the basics.

Grayox OP , avatar

You lost me at leftists want to murder children…

Syn_Attck ,

You clearly don’t understand the beliefs and motives of your political opponents.

You lost me at

Doesn’t matter, because in this thought experiment you’re not the conservative who believes abortion is murder.

Good luck with your sports team ideological shitposts political memes, I guess.

Grayox OP , avatar

Lmao I understand them far too well.

Dudewitbow ,

i think hes saying the issue of abortion.

verdigris ,

Okay great job you dressed up some hateful shit with jingoistic buzzwords. What’s your point? We’ve all heard this before, no one is unaware of the rationalizations that conservatives tell themselves to justify their hatred and selfishness as tough love and societal stewardship.

Syn_Attck ,

Okay, now what are the rationalizations that progressives/liberals/Democrats/leftists/whatever the preferred term that’s the opposite of ‘conservative’ tell themselves?

Keep in mind, you’re including the entire group here, as you did with ‘conservatives’, so anything any [preferred leftist term] does means it’s representative of the entire group.

verdigris ,

Again, what’s your point? You think you’re being clever but you’re just sniping at strawmen with old ammunition.

Syn_Attck , (edited )

What’s the strawman I’m sniping at?

ETA: yes it’s as old as human nature and organized religion, yes, and you’re continuing it. Everyone with different beliefs is “the other” and “the enemy” and “must be removed from existence to ensure peace for our people.” I’m trying to point out that you’re being taken advantage of, and the truth seems to be evoking strong emotions.

If you say down and had an honest conversation without yelling and turns were allowed to be finished, you’d find you have much more in common with these individuals than “the enemy” as the group you see them as.

But ideological warfare prevents class warfare, so it continues being spoonfed to you, and you happily latch on to every bite so you continue to feel a sense of purpose.

Syn_Attck ,

No logical fallacy buzzwords to falsely throw around? Just a downvote because someone has shared a non-genocidal point of view?

Sad but not surprised.

barsoap , (edited )

The right-wing view is “morally superior, upstanding, decent, hard-working” vs. “godless, naive, degenerate traitors and smelly hippies”.

Syn_Attck ,

Aye, reverse it and replace godless with god-fearing, and hippies with rednecks, and you nailed it!

Dehumanize “the other” and you can say and do whatever you want, as long as it’s against the other team. Populace Control 101.

Sad to see so many people falling for it so rampantly, but inevitable. It’s just the Internet during American election season at this point.

OpenStars , to memes in Yeee yee avatar

“I speak alternative facts, making others do the work of figuring out what I meant.”


“I have researched in-depth and know what I am talking about and why.”

Tbf there are probably far-right people who are more like the latter. Just b/c I do not recall ever hearing those arguments does not mean that they don’t exist!

acastcandream , (edited )


Grayox OP , avatar

For the uninformed: The Alt-Right Playbook

acastcandream , (edited )


OpenStars , avatar

A fascinating series, I cannot agree more. His other works too like protagony/agency. I really hope he can find a way to do more like that, but as a more personal video from him mentioned (not on the channel iirc, search for his name instead) that depends on funding support.

To sum up: it is far easier to tear down than to build up. :-| Also, truth is often stranger than fiction, and much harder to pin down and truly understand.

Really I guess these are not merely two opposing sides of the same argument, but literally represent opposing worldviews.

superduperenigma ,

Tbf there are probably far-right people who are more like the latter. Just b/c I do not recall ever hearing those arguments does not mean that they don’t exist!

Those people are working with the heritage foundation and other far right think tanks. They understand that their brand of mask-off fascism is problematic to a lot of people, so they allow their ideas to percolate through various right wing media outlets and entertainment personalities. By the time their ideologies reaches the mind of your average voter they’ve been neatly repackaged as “hey we’re just asking some questions here, we just want to get the facts straight.”

OpenStars , avatar

Thanks. I have no time lately but perhaps I should research them directly and actively then, e.g. to find out things like if the COVID response was used to bring population numbers down as a means of control and possibly thought to be beneficial for the sake of mitigation of the effects of climate change. But probably I am giving too much credit for even that much level of strategic thought towards climate change effects for the survival of humanity and perhaps it is solely “we do not need the masses anymore so let’s kill them off, or at least not help at all with saving them”, i.e. think of myself first, only, and always, and nothing else.

eezeebee , avatar
OpenStars , avatar

Real (enough) to someone, I suppose.

Right up until they aren’t anymore. e.g. when someone chooses not to take the vaccine, somehow MANY of those (I wonder if perhaps nearly all?) end up in hospitals, spreading their diseases to others and putting stress on the already-overworked system.

I legit would not judge someone who for whatever reasons decided to withdraw from society, like Amish, and not take the vaccine, but DO social distance for the sake of others, and then die but like… fully by their own, informed & rational choices according to their own valuation of priorities in their life. I fully respect that.

It is the hypocritical nature of those who are not informed, yet act to block others’ access from knowledge and benefits of society, that I am against. These people will judge themselves later on, once they finally cannot escape into their fantasies quite so comfortably, except by then they have already dragged others along with them. In short: they are shocked, Shocked I tell you, SHOCKED to find that actions have consequences. But… they should not have been so shocked?! An ounce of preparation is worth a pound of cure, as the saying goes.

TLDR: “irresponsible, childish behavior, from adults who should know better”.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Sometimes they never get it, even when their actions directly lead to someone they love dying.

My buddy won’t talk to his brothers anymore because they took their unvaxxed grandmother out to a concert and she got COVID and died a couple years ago. They (from what he said at the time) accepted no blame for this.

Personally i wonder if the consequences were too horrible for them to accept right away. Maybe with time, but i don’t talk to them either.

OpenStars , avatar

I remember those videos by mothers who killed their children by refusing to allow them to receive vaccinations. They were heart-rending stories told by those who KNEW, whereas before they only THOUGHT that they knew. Before it happened, they were obstinate and ignored all medical advice and did the exact opposite. After it happened… then they REALLY knew that they had screwed up. And they begged, pleading with other mothers not to do the same. They were ofc ignored, by those who similarly KNOW better, despite literally all of the evidence to the contrary.

Or you can go to old graveyards, and see grave after grave of infants who died young, from what are today easily-preventable diseases. Something like 4 out of 5 children died prior to 5 years of age iirc (or even if that is wrong, still more than half?), so much so that religious ceremonies still practiced today make that age a cutoff - like before that the child doesn’t even have a name, but after that it suddenly is considered a likely candidate to grow up into a full person, thus is finally worthy of being officially given a name.

I do have empathy for people with mental illnesses who cannot handle processing in the real world, but I also have empathy for all the people who have DIED b/c of those dumb-shit behaviors. Especially when they push further and refuse to allow OTHERS to have the kind of care that they want. Like, choose for yourself sure, but you do not have the right to choose for someone else. That is not only merely unintelligent, but childish on their parts. At least, that is true in the best-case scenario, while the worst is that it is linked to authoritarianism, which sadly is the most likely one in many cases - e.g. these people would turn you in to the government, if that was asking, just exactly like if we were real, actual Nazis. Like, “hey, lookie here, this person took the vaccine!!” (or had an abortion, or even a miscarriage) Even they do not want to have to live in that kind of world - e.g. having to call someone by their preferred pronouns - but they will absolutely heap that burden upon you if they think that they themselves will be exempt, leopards-ate-my-face style.

JakobDev , to programmerhumor in When you support package managers from A to Z...

You may want to take a look at PackageKit

Ephera OP ,

Ah, hmm, good point. I had been looking for a library to do this, and I’m even aware of PackageKit’s existence, but apparently, the two thoughts never occurred at the same time. 🙃

puchaczyk , to linuxmemes in this doesn't work because it's Linux

One of my annoyances about “switching to linux” discussion is that people seem to think of linux as a “free windows”. Everything has to work like in windows, everything has to be in the same position as in windows, etc. They can’t accept that linux is a different OS, with its own ways of doing things, but somehow macOS get a pass.

IsThisAnAI , to linuxmemes in this doesn't work because it's Linux

What does this even mean? I must have had a stroke while reading this.

SatyrSack ,

I think it means like someone complains about Linux, saying it’s not user friendly, when that same person has just as many issues with a Windows/Mac machine.

sir_pronoun , to linuxmemes in this doesn't work because it's Linux


Jako301 , to linuxmemes in this doesn't work because it's Linux

First, how does one even “fail” on MSO?

Secondly, you switched over the least tech savvy people that relied solely on an existing workflow to get anything done. You destroyed their workflow, denied them the option to use older documents as a reference due to how badly messed up MS documents often get when opened with Libre and you gave them an alternative that’s just different enough that nothing works as expected, but still similar enough to just be seen as a different office version.

These are the last clients id switch over.

brbposting , to linuxmemes in this doesn't work because it's Linux

Can you retype the top/bottom text? 👇

Samsy OP ,

So bad again? I should stop using english.

lurch ,

nah, it’s okayish. it’ll get better

sharkfucker420 , avatar

Nah keep working on it, there will always be someone who corrects your english in the comments so youre essentially getting free english advice even if they are a dick about it

casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer , to memes in But this... does put a smile on my face

I mean why even when Stract is a thing

ICastFist , avatar

And that is…? First google result is something for google sheets, second result is a plugin for Chrome to extract data from ads.

casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer ,

Don’t know enough to give a testimony on it. Majority or codebase is FOSS afaik. Sorta passed the sniff test? Free API is nice and works well, that’s enough for my purposes.

AVincentInSpace , to memes in これはロスなの?

I only took two years of Chinese in high school but this was genuinely how it felt

fullpatchpc , to piracy in "Piracy is a service issue.." (Image is a real story btw, link in post)

Great post! Very informative."

magnolia_mayhem , to technology in This was the first result on Google

This reads just like an AI response

Krudler ,

AI told me 75C/170F is ideal for hot tub water temperature.

Sure no problem. Once I get used to that I’ll work my way up to boiling peanut oil.

Aux ,

75°C is definitely ok for a hot tube for a short session.

viking , avatar

Temperatures beyond 50°C are an acute risk. 75°C can cause lasting damages.

FrankFrankson ,

Yeah but you are talking about hot tubs and they are talking about hot tubes so maybe the rules are different like the tube is really hot but is a poor thermal conductor. Or they misspelled tub and they really like burning themselves… lots of options for interpretation here.

Rinox ,

“Hot tube” seems like a slang for some kind of drug device. Like a weird bong or something

FrankFrankson ,

It could also be a gross sex term for a dick. During sexy time someone could say to me “yeah give me that hot tube” and I would be immediately less interested in sex.

T156 ,

Sounds like something that you would find in a bargain-bin romance novel.

“His hot tube pulsated, throbbing with motion” or something like that.

Aux ,

Ever been to sauna? Especially the Russian one? There’s no risk if you don’t have heart issues.

AProfessional ,


  • Loading...
  • Aux ,

    Ever been to Russian sauna?

    viking , avatar

    I’m regularly going to a Finnish sauna with >80°C, but air with 100% humidity is not the same as immersing yourself in scalding hot water.

    Aux ,

    The Finnish sauna is dry. Russian and Turkish are wet with high humidity.

    Norgur , avatar

    In mother Russia, Sauna evaporates you

    Zink ,

    Sure but you can only do it once!

    Seriously, even 75C water coming out of the tap would be dangerous and negligent.

    Aux ,

    It’s usually 96 if you have a boiler. No issues.

    Zink ,

    So who is your skin graft guy?

    NoMoreLurkingToo ,

    But only if you have purple eyes

    rektdeckard , avatar

    I spilled a half cup of 175F water on my hand and got blisters. You absolutely cannot bathe in it.

    NoMoreLurkingToo ,
    rektdeckard , avatar

    I meant to reply to the parent comment

    Pazuzu ,

    Forget 75°, just 65°C (150°F) will give you third degree burns in 2 seconds:

    Most adults will suffer third-degree burns if exposed to 150 degree water for two seconds. Burns will also occur with a six-second exposure to 140 degree water or with a thirty second exposure to 130 degree water. Even if the temperature is 120 degrees, a five minute exposure could result in third-degree burns.


    Aux ,

    I guess I’m long dead, lol.

    h3mlocke ,

    Just brain dead 😅

    JustZ , avatar

    Most adults? What happens to the others?

    SkaveRat ,

    They will instantly explode into pure energy

    Tehdastehdas , (edited ) avatar

    (Third °F burns)

    Droechai , (edited )

    To be honest three degrees burn doesn’t sound bad. I’m looking at my protractor and as long as you aren’t far away from the tub three degrees shouldn’t burn that much

    T156 ,

    If nothing else, the tub would certainly be hot at that temperature.


    It is at this point that the reader questions their own existence.

    joe_cool ,

    In the tub. For a relatively short time.



    Toribor , avatar

    At what temperature does it cease to be a bath and instead become human soup?

    recapitated , to technology in This was the first result on Google

    Sounds like a jippitty conversation.

    DudeDudenson ,

    Sounds like an AI trained on random people in the internet answering questions while not actually knowing anything about the subject

    Atemu , avatar


    billwashere , to technology in This was the first result on Google

    Jesus… the stupid, it hurts.

    nexussapphire ,

    Before anyone says it’s so stupid it might work, makita beat you to the chase. It has a real heat pump (reversible refrigerator). I really want one though.

    makita 18v heater cooler

    SoleInvictus , to technology in This was the first result on Google avatar

    I looked up the page and it gets worse.

    You will need to shop for a car inverter. Find one that is at least 1,500 watts, and it will help you power your refrigerator for up to five hours—usually without damaging your car battery. Considering how much food we keep in our refrigerators, a $200 car inverter is a bargain!

    TonyTonyChopper , avatar

    Another source says they hold around 700 Wh. So not even 30 minutes actually

    MorganLeFail ,

    At least they don’t run constantly?

    nixcamic ,

    Nah if the fridge starts cold and you aren’t constantly opening the door you can easily get 5 hours on a car battery.

    Blackmist ,

    If your fridge uses 1.4KW you need a new fridge.

    nixcamic ,

    I mean that’s the least wrong part imo. I’ve ran a fridge off of a car battery and if it starts cold you can go a lot longer than that.

    Dultas ,

    Or spend twice that and get a cheap generator that will actually power your frig and other stuff for more than a few hours.

    pachrist ,

    Nah, it’s definitely easier during a tornado to go outside, jack up my car, remove the wheel, remove the wheel liner, and then pull the battery from inside the bumper because that’s a really convenient place to keep a car battery. Then I just have to lug the battery inside, hook it up, and keep 2 small children and 3 dogs away from it. Much easier than a generator.

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