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frostmore , to memes in Another Advertising


a fragrance by S.L.J

Coldgoron , to memes in until we meet again!
hakunawazo ,
Caesium , to memes in until we meet again!

Sword Logic

boredtortoise , to memes in Facts

This needs to be translated to every language and spread to every country

Roflmasterbigpimp , to memes in until we meet again! avatar

I’m pro unconditional basic income, but I would argue that it’s more about you having to make sure you have everything you need yourself. No one would say to someone who lives completely self-sufficient that he needs “to earn a living”.

Rentlar , to memes in until we meet again!

Thank you Mr. Skeletor. It is important to get the occasional outside perspective on living from an undead evil villain. Nyeh.

TheControlled , to memes in It's the same fake argument every time they try to take away your rights
  • Are different, unrelated things
  • Involve different parts of government
  • Involve different people in charge
  • Is smoothbrain understanding of criminal investigations
  • Is smoothbrain understanding of due process

I’m starting to fly down some ‘conspiracy hole’ about this shit: I can’t trust or even hope that the avalanche of memes like these aren’t Chinese (or Russian? they love stirring our shit up for the lulz) in origin. This paranoia reinforces itself in a loop

Spike , to memes in It's the same fake argument every time they try to take away your rights

What in the tankie fuck am i reading

nevemsenki ,

Lemmy being lemmy.

TheControlled ,

You can take the Redditor out of Reddit but not the Reddit out of the Redditor, it would seem.

Maggoty ,

They aren’t wrong though. Every time they want to screw with us they trot out the children. From gun control to banning transgender care.

WarmSoda , to memes in Facts

That’s enough. Get back to work.

wise_pancake , to memes in Facts

I’m the product of two failures with histories of depression, so I just feel like every ounce of joy costs a pound of numbness. No exploitation or too much joy needed.

KillingAndKindess , avatar

I feel ya. My parents literally met at an Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting, and they both continued to use and drink long after that too.

That said, eh, fuck paying for joy. Steal that shit like its a grape at a grocery store. Just make sure you’re not stealing from people in the same boat, cause thats just stealing from yourself in the end too.

Mindfury , to memes in Facts avatar


Tenkard , to programmerhumor in How to regex

Wrote a regex today and realized it looked like two people waving a hand ;D

dukk ,

Donut regex when???

lvxferre , to unixporn in [Trinity] The K Desktop Environment avatar

That post made me go full nostalgia - I started on Linux with KDE 3.5, and Trinity preserves its “feel” rather well.

djsaskdja ,

MATE has the same effect on me.

lvxferre , avatar

It probably would for me too, if it didn’t become my default DE.

…it’s weird to think about it. When that trainwreck of the initial KDE 4 release kicked off, I switched to GNOME 2, so I didn’t give Trinity a chance; but when the trainwreck of GNOME 3.0 kicked off, I simply couldn’t be arsed - instead I kept using it as MATE.

VirtualOdour , to memes in And I'll vote for him again

A lot of my American friends are buying into this both sides thing, they say prices are up and the democrats aren’t doing enough to deal with the climate so neither really care about anything…

I’ve been an eco obsessive since the 90s so to me it’s painfully clear the night and day difference between the two parties, trying to explain it is so hard because they’ve got their talking points like more drilling under Biden than Trump but when you try to talk about the lag effects related to leased land it’s all just hand waved away - they’ve seen people talking about it as true and not mentioning that lease sales are at all time lows which will result in significantly less permits in future years so it’s ‘Biden bad, end of story.’ Saying ‘they say there’ll be less but they say anything, they said there would be less now’ totally ignoring the logic of the argument.

Right wing psychological experts plan these talking points and seed them, the left falls for them every time it’s so frustrating.

I think part of the problem is people want the world to be simple, the immigration issue is another thing a lot of my left voting friends are struggling with at the moment, blaming the housing crisis on immigration for example then I point out immigrants working construction is super common and they say why don’t they work instead of being put up in hotels so I say there’s a complex process involved in getting a right to work designed to protect American jobs and many are rejected and returned to their country of origin without obtaining this right… but again ‘it’s super complex and messy but they’re trying to improve things’ is easily shrugged off just like with the climate argument by saying ‘they only say they’re trying, trying means nothing only actions matter’

The problem is the two parties play totally different games with totally different objectives. One is trying to tangle a ball of yarn into.a mess and the other is attempting to untangle it and knit a cardigan.

multifariace ,

The issue that I am passionate about is election reform. Including things like getting rid of gerrymandering, making voting more accessible, making the houses more representative of the people, and breaking down big donor influence on elections and policy. Neither of the big two parties comes close to making any of this happen.

If these things are not fixed, the parties in control can do whatever they want. They can keep us divided by shouting about one passion-based issue in public then doing nothing about it while serving big donor interests in legislation.

I don’t see how any mainstream issue matters when you can’t trust elected officials to act on any issue you care about. That is unless you are one of the self-interested donors who writes your own bills. Then it still doesn’t matter which party is in power because you can control them both.

GhostTheToast ,

Off topic slightly, but I’ve seen on Lemmy lately where people are saying “get rid of gerrymandering” and I’m curious about the argument for this.

Honestly, I’d love for it to happen, but I assumed it was impossible in a Representative Democracy because of how the system/math worked. Kinda of an inherit problem. Mostly because the ways I’ve heard to remedy this issue is to distribute districts in such a way that they more closely resemble their population ratios. However, isn’t this also a form of gerrymandering? Districts are getting set to way we think they should be. Not saying that wrong persay, just feel like a bandage solution. Like we’re beating a nail in with a wrench. In a way though, this reminds me of the Observer Effect in a way

multifariace ,

There isn’t a perfect way to draw districts. I like sortest splitline for its simplicity and impartial strategy.

The best solution I can see is to evolve the House of Representatives into a body of proportional representation. This could be done in state level houses as well. Single winner, or other small number of winners elections should have ranked choice to make it harder for parties to maintain dominance.

GhostTheToast ,

This was more of the point I was trying to hit but couldn’t think of

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

isn’t this also a form of Gerrymandering?


gerrymandering is editing the borders for your party’s gain.

If it’s done to be balanced and representive, then it isn’t gerrymandering.

there’s a super simple solution: stop having the ruling party be allowed to draw the lines. Have the whole thing be controlled by ordinary government bureaucrats. No-one elected involved at any point.

then, suddenly, impossible for gerrymandering to exist, outside of criminal interference.

MalachaiConstant ,

One is trying to tangle a ball of yarn into.a mess and the other is attempting to untangle it and knit a cardigan.

Building on this metaphor, one of my single biggest frustrations with the left is how many of them won’t accept anything short of a fully knit cardigan; unless they get exactly what they want, they’d rather just hand it over to the tanglers.

pukeko , to linux in Btw

Looks at M2 macbook running NixOS

Ok maybe I do need help.

Eyck_of_denesle , (edited )

Someone was saying in a linux hate post yesterday that linux is not viable for beginners because it is not easy to install arch linux on a vm on their old macbook. Lmao

pukeko ,

My kid (not even a teenager) uses Linux daily. And not in a coy “he’s using a chromebook” way. He’s using full-blown NixOS on a laptop I set up for him. Could he have set it up? No, but he’s a child. Has day to day use presented him with any difficulties whatsoever? Nope. He figured out gnome purely by instinct in a day. He goes between macos and windows and linux effortlessly, because he’s a reasonably intelligent human being.

But, yes, half the time the “linux is hard” crowd seem to be basing their evaluation on things you would rarely do on a mac or windows machine. These days, install Mint, Fedora, or, hell, even Nixos or Endeavor, choose the defaults, and you will very likely have a perfectly usable, intuitive system.

shucks ,

A real linux installation or darwin-nix? If the former, what steps did you follow? 👀

pukeko ,

The real thing.

I wouldn’t say it’s something anyone can do (no graphical installer and updating is a bit manual) and it’s all dependent on the Asahi folks, bless them, but it took me about 20 minutes, other than whipping up a machine-specific configuration.nix and home.nix (about 20 more minutes on either side of the installation). All of the instructions were clear, though I will warn that some of them are not well presented in that there are instructions that should be bullet points that are stuffed into paragraphs. Nothing remotely exotic though–that’s all in the Asahi stuff that is wonderfully hidden from the view.

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