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yum , to linuxmemes in Backdoors

I just updated xz in my system. Thanks Lemmy!

jabjoe , avatar

On any server, you want unattended upgrades.

JustEnoughDucks , avatar

Depends, for example Debian unattended-upgrade caused system restarts after many updates that was extremely inconvenient for me because I have a more manual bringup process. I had restarts turned off in its settings and it still restarted.

I uninstalled it and have not one single unwanted restart since then, so manual upgrades it is.

jabjoe , avatar

I’ve been using it for 10+ years on servers and it’s not been an issue for me.

thegiddystitcher , to ukcasual in Tell me this isn't David Mitchell avatar

But he looks nothing like Dav…o wait.

Ephera , to programmerhumor in Your Average IT Department Budget

My favorite part is when I have to take mandatory trainings on security and integrate automated scanners for vulnerable libraries, but none of our projects have funding to actually implement the basics, like encryption+authentication.

Tangentism ,

We have the mandatory security training at my company and they said it was going to be revised after a few of us showed how the advice it gave was insecure and incorrect!

mormegil , avatar

In a bank we work for, there is a mandatory security training for employees, mandated by the parent supranational. The bank tried to correct the mistakes in the training or at least make the training optional, as the bank provides its own, more correct program. Rejected by the mother company, mandatory training is mandatory, even if it is wrong.

solarvector , to memes in It's the same fake argument every time they try to take away your rights

How is this itself not a fake argument?

The arguments in support of tick-tock are a bizarre amalgamation of just about every category of bad faith argument. I haven’t seen one that suggests tick-tock it’s actually a net benefit.

nohaybanda ,

Net benefit to whom? And by what metric? And who gets to apply said metric?

redempt ,

it’s not that tiktok is good, it’s that banning it sets a bad precedent and will be used to justify further control and censorship of the internet

zovits ,

I’m all for setting a precedent if it’s about banning chinese spyware and propaganda weapons.

Jako301 ,

They don’t want to ban it, they want to seize controll of it and let it operate as is, just with different propaganda now.

solarvector ,

That’s a much better argument than what’s presented in this meme. There’s at least an argument to claim that the difference is about curtailing foreign interest through ownership. Ownership does heavily influence a platform. Unfortunately that hasn’t prevented Murdock from owning more formal messaging platforms.

On a side note, how do you feel about a handful of corporations controlling and censoring the Internet?

Adkml ,

The net benefit is that people enjoy it.

If there was some negative that outweighed that you’d think the bill would be banning that practice but the thing they don’t like is its partially owned by Chinese companies so they’re just trying to force it to be sold so it can cobtinye to operate in the exact same way but just for the benefit of an American billionaire instead.

pancakes , avatar

Cocaine is something that people enjoy, same with driving drunk or drinking while pregnant. Enjoyment shouldn’t factor into any policy related discussions/ decisions.

I’m not arguing for or against the app, I do not use it. Enjoyment shouldn’t affect policy.

solarvector ,

Ok, I agree there’s a reasonable argument in there.

On the one side of the scale is people enjoy it. Maybe that’s enough. I feel similarly about drug policies (that is, people want to use it, consequences are on them, not something that should be forced on them by the state).

I also think it’s legitimate to say if there’s a problem, policy should reflect that problem. The idea that it’s about protecting American money is probably fair too. But those aren’t really arguments in support of tick-tock. Those are arguments that others should be included if there’s legislation. I would love to see something passed that actually protected privacy universally. A hope for constitutional protection there was one of the casualties of the Roe v Wade overturn.

Last thing… a nation protecting it’s interests is pretty legit in terms of legislative justification. One country protecting it’s industry is very common and something both countries in question do all the time. Protecting from foreign interference is a pretty standard requisite for sovereignty. If you want to criticize US for not respecting others, I think you’ve got plenty of evidence. That’s still different than saying a county shouldn’t take steps to protect themselves.

SexWithDogs ,

Whataboutism is a form of informal fallacy.

The_Lopen ,

Whataboutism means nothing at this point. Risk analysis? Whataboutism. Considering consequences? Whataboutism.

“Informal” means it’s not actually a fallacy. Prooooobably because people use it way outside of its definition to dismiss arguments they don’t like because they have not thought through whatever they are arguing about.

voracitude , (edited ) to memes in How does anybody think this is a solid plan

No, the concern is not what people will see on TikTok but what data TikTok is offshoring from their devices to servers in China. It’s a massive surveillance operation.

Now, why would you be trying to dress this up as a free speech issue, I wonder?

makeasnek OP , (edited ) avatar

Except they already made Oracle handle all that and they can easily legislate privacy protections without banning TikTok entirely. And, again, it is my right as a citizen to install whatever app I want even if it is spying on me, just like the rest of my apps do. I could film every second of my life and put it up on Facebook or a personal website and the Chinese government could watch it and there’s not a damned thing the US government can do about it.

cmder ,

Why don’t you install chinese wechat version ? Oh no you don’t because government like China restriced acces to it. The point is to protect the mass that doesn’t know they are being spy on, if you want to use it jist grab the apk from internet.

mihnt , avatar

I could film every second of my life and put it up on Facebook or a personal website and the Chinese government could watch it and there’s not a damned thing the US government can do about it.

Sounds like your free speech hasn’t been effected then.

voracitude ,

They’ve still been offshoring all data to China in contravention of direct orders to stop. Your right to be a moron doesn’t extend to compromising national security, not sorry.

bouh ,

That’s quite ironic coming from the USA! Did the patriot act got amended recently or is this sheer hypocrisy?

voracitude ,

Ahh, “but what about”. Not “That’s not true, here’s proof”. Interesting approach, even if ineffective.

bouh ,

What the fuck?! This shit with tiltok is one of the ugliest imperialist shit the USA pulled this century, dropping the rule of trade to the full on empire mode, and you’re talking here about whataboutism?

We have a country literally stealing a company because it’s profitable and can spread influence! And you’re here like “China bad”?

Is this the strategy? Anytime something bad from the US comes up you deflect for it to be about China I guess?

voracitude ,

Oh boy, you think this is the worst thing America has done, even this week? Now I don’t know if I should tell you about the rest…

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005, USA PATRIOT Act Sunset Extension Act of 2006, USA PATRIOT Act Sunset Extension Act of 2009, USA PATRIOT Act Sunset Extension Act of 2011, USA FREEDOM Act of 2015, etc.

WbrJr ,

I would argue in addition to that, that it is the things you don’t see on tiktok. They censor specific content that is criticising china or portraying them in a bad light. I’m shure there is good content on the platform. But I genuinely do not understand how people can still use tiktok, same as meta platforms (though they don’t censor that much). Do they not know? Or don’t care?

voracitude ,

Do they not know? Or don’t care?

Some people one, some people the other, some people both.

Heavybell , avatar

Why don’t they just ban those data gathering practises, then? :P

(jk I know why)

Sentient , to memes in これはロスなの?

I am at a loss on what to say.

KingThrillgore , to memes in Oui avatar

Being french is not a problem in this household.

Being British on the other hand…

felykiosa ,

As a French I approve this

bingbong ,

My condolences

SubArcticTundra , to memes in got em avatar

Why does their president’s haircut make him look like a 1980’s film star

Custoslibera ,

Because he has 1980’s economic policy.

boomzilla ,

I read somewhere (sorry no sauce but it seemed informed) that it’s a deliberate choice by him to appeal to working class boomers or something. Did you all know that a medium channeled his deceased dog which in turn told him to run for president?

Olhonestjim ,

If you’re talking about his hair, you’re not discussing his policies. He’s derailing the dialogue before it can happen, and all he has to do is deliberately look like an idiot.

“Haha, jokes on them. I only wear this haircut to look stupid ironically!”

Sconrad122 ,

Ah yes, the “Boris Johnson gambit”

MystikIncarnate , to memes in Winning the lottery

I’d probably try to keep a lottery win quiet. I don’t want relatives I don’t like crawling out of the woodwork clamoring for my money.

I mean, I wouldn’t give them any regardless, but I just don’t want that hassle.

SuperSpruce ,

If I won the lottery, someone would notice something seriously wrong when they see someone who was previously poor buying brand new motorcycles, a sports car, a house, and donating a crazy amount of money to open source.

Crashumbc ,

Only if you continued to live in the same place.

I would lay down a good false trail. For the 6 months it’d take me to quietly setup trusts and discreetly get the money. I’d be telling everyone and convincing them I’d gone full on prepper and was moving to Montana and prepper compound there. My “new” car would be from the 70’s so it’d work after the EMP blasts. Stuff like that.

One day I’m gone and they’d be like that crazy guy did it…

MystikIncarnate ,

For me, I’d be paying off the mortgage and buying new IT gear for my home, and setting myself up with passive income so I don’t need a job anymore.

If it was enough of a win, I may buy a new property and rebuild my house on it… Making a few small additions and renovations along the way. Stuff we already want to do, but don’t have the money for… The only big benefit would be that the house would be built on quite a bit more land than my current home. The lack of land was one of the things I wanted that I had to give up because of the other requirements we had, so being able to get what we have (which we need) and a bit more land would be perfect. Sell this old house and move into the new one.

Beyond that, any money I have left over would probably be spent to pay off friends debts and mortgages… One friend is still renting. He’s in a great place and his current rent is well below the average for his area, but the land owner is an older lady, and I would want to ensure he has the same security for a place to live as I have. I’d probably try to buy the place from the lady at market cost, and she can stay renting there as long as she likes, at very low rent, just as she has afforded to my friend for all this time.

When she decides to depart, instead of renting the place again, I’d renovate it, and gift the whole house to my friend. He would go from occupying a small basement apartment to owning the whole house. From there he can either take over the whole home, or rent out the upstairs and keep things as they are. It’s up to him.

I have a few other ideas but I haven’t even played the lottery in a long while.

Riven , avatar

Depending on the state it could be hard, California makes it all public.

MystikIncarnate ,

That’s the fun thing. I don’t live in a state. :)

Pika , avatar

“and you said your name was uncle… Bruce was it? who was your dad again?”

altima_neo , to reddit in ... avatar

Is it really a secret that Spez was getting paid a ton and the mods were working for free? I mean CEOs always get paid way too much, or else they wouldnt bother taking the CEO position.

Also, Im pretty sure all those reddit moderators were doing it for the feeling of power. I mean, why else would you have career mods running hundreds of subreddits while power tripping over everyone all the time?

soggy_kitty ,

I do pity those mods who do it for free.

7heo OP ,
altima_neo , avatar

Honestly. They should be paying to be mods. Lol

soggy_kitty ,

It would take a madman to disagree

niktemadur , (edited )

Look at it from the other side.

They were there when their subreddit was starting very, very small. Over time, with great effort and as a labor of love, their community grew to numbers they never dared to imagine possible, a successful buzzing community that gave them great frustrations and thrills, anxiety and joy. In a very real sense, this is their baby, they have been through thick and thin together. To hand this over to some indifferent, greedy and abusive asshole… the thought is too much to bear.

These people are suffering. They have a sense of belonging to a community that is being held hostage. To accept they were tricked and are being exploited is a horrifying thing to do.

Pssdoff , to reddit in ...

Such a scam website - all the content is provided and moderated for free, the CEO steals anything resembling profit, the investors are all left with empty pockets. Fuck spez and anyone still using that site.

Auzy ,

Yeah. And the crap floats to the top too. Places like the Donald and femaledatingstrategy persisted way too long

GregorGizeh ,

fds was such an incredibly hateful place, it really is crazy it wasn’t banned immediately like the other incel communities.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

They don’t advocate violence and their mods cracked down on the TERFs.

It’s really not that hard to not get banned as a sub.

Auzy ,

Not as bad as fatpeoplehate. That wasn’t even trying to be anything except hateful content.

And that stuck around too long too

Auzy ,

They were fairly upfront about banning people who they suspected were male or who were in subs they didn’t approve of though. It was totally toxic and completely inappropriate.

GregorGizeh ,

The whole concept of inceldom is inherently hateful in my opinion. It is founded on the belief that anyone is owed sex and romantic partnerships, and that external circumstances are denying them their natural right to fuck. We are (generally speaking) wired to seek viable mates, with natural preferences for desirable traits. That not everyone is successful is just part of the selection process.

Essentially it is a whole ideology of denying responsibility for their own inadequacies and blaming them on the object of their desires.

jeena , to reddit in ... avatar

For 193 million I would also let people write ‘fuck u jeena’ for two months.

Halosheep , to memes in Just the free market regulating itself

Surge pricing for fast food is a hilarious concept. Maybe if they also offered discounts during their slow hours?

InevitableWaffles , avatar

Youtube tutorials on how to game Wendys out of free Baconators if you go in at 0135AM precisely are in our future.

bradv ,

It’s a pump and dump scheme. YouTuber goes in at 1:47 when no one’s hungry anymore.

Steve ,

Wendys should sell burger futures

ComradePorkRoll , to memes in Everytime
mriormro , avatar

Intersectionality is a thing.

ComradePorkRoll ,

I’m not sure where you’re coming from?

GlitterInfection ,

I disagree. We all enjoyed WandaVision.

wewbull ,

I didn’t

GlitterInfection ,

Well then… CLASS WAR!!!

Facebones , to memes in Preferring X


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