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jeena , avatar

I really wonder if they got any better, I had such a bad time with my tuxodo computer, had to send it for repair twice and replaced it with a used ThinkPad after less than a year.

jeena , avatar

It’s like 8 years ago or so, I had the InfinityBook with a skylake processor.

Bluetooth stopped working, send it in then it worked and stopped again, then send it in and it worked and stopped again.

The microphone had broken noises, tested it even under windows to be sure it’s a hardware problem.

Discoloration where the hands are left and right of the trackpad.

Plastic bezel around the screen fell off, the tape was bad quality.

Ah I wrote it down last year here:…/wJGQBMj2wDCJRwBH4bYPiz;threadId=…

jeena , avatar

Probably any of the ThinkPads I had. They were sturdy and just ran everything I put on them. Second place would be the Dell XPS 13, I like it because it is very small and light, but in the one I have now they already had to replace the motherboard after a month and when holding it with one hand it bends and sometimes does a click on the trackpad, but I don’t want to send it in a second time because I normally don’t use it like that.

jeena , avatar

I’m paying for the hosting of my single user instance.

jeena , avatar

Yeah something like the CX22 which is € 4.51 / month is enough for lemmy.

What I do instead is I host a series of services on my VPS and I pay about 20 EUR/month

  • Lemmy
  • Mastodon
  • PeerTube
  • my ruby on rails website + blog
  • my old PHP website + blog
  • another old PHP blog
  • my sisters PHP website
  • my sisters static website
  • Firefox Sync server
  • my bands static website
  • a matrix server with some bridges
  • a syncthing instance
  • a TTRSS instance
  • another static website

and I probably forgot some things.

jeena , avatar

Yeah, both with Mastodon, PeerTube and Lemmy I started on my own instances. Actually not quite, I had an Mastadon account for a day somewhere before I decided that I want to use it for real and installed my own instance.

jeena OP , (edited ) avatar

I edited the post and added what our daughter wrote about her experience too.

jeena OP , avatar

The pictures are in the blog :(

Japanese hospitality wears thin as overtourism takes toll (

From one point of view, it is a remarkable success story. In 2000 Japan had 4.7 million foreign tourists a year. The government of the former prime minister Shinzo Abe set an ambitious goal of 20 million foreign visitors a year by 2020, and achieved it five years ahead of schedule....

jeena , avatar

We started to visit the other parts like Hokaido or Kumamoto and it’s wonderful there, I can only recommend instead over full Kyoto, Tokyo and Osaka.

jeena , avatar

Pro tip: delete the app on your phone. Needing to put in the website into the browser breaks the misscle memory and you can then easier replace it with something else.

jeena OP , avatar


jeena OP , avatar

Ah I was searching wrong, now that you mention it I found a very simila.r one !stick

Then I guess it’s better to delete it to nog fragment it in unecessarily.

jeena OP , avatar

Then I have a great nostalgia tip for you, watch the K-drama called Replay 1988:

jeena , avatar

I remember the IDF didn’t let me in to the Muslim part of the old city, even though I’m an atheist, grown up as catholic.

jeena , avatar

This is how it looks like to be in the wrong side of history.

jeena , avatar

If Israel goes out of Gaza the whole war was meaningless for them, similar to Ukraine’s demands for Russia to give back everything. I don’t think they can do that, that would be political suicide at home for them.

jeena , avatar

Once the US and Russia march in in South Africa, that annoying voice talking about the annoying human rights will be quiet very fast.

Did South Africa forget what they together accomplished against Germany? /s

jeena , avatar

I hope they will be able to do the same for the Israeli youth, because there the theocratic fashists are in power right now already.

jeena , avatar
jeena , avatar

The persons great grandfather died in Auschwitz because he was fighting for a independent Silesia.

But yeah, …

jeena , avatar

That’s good, I’m just hoping they could go together with the holocaust survivers who live in Israel and be role models there too, god knows we need them there too.

jeena , avatar

Are you saying German holocaust survivers should only protest German fashists and not Israeli fashists because if they do then they associate the Holocaust with Israel and thus help Netanjahu with it?

I have a hard time understanding your position.

jeena , avatar

My thinking was in the lines why they are doing in Germany too. They say look what the fashists did, never again! Same message would make sense in today’s Israel too.

Report: Vast Majority of Children Under 5 in Gaza Going Full Days Without Food (

According to a food survey conducted by humanitarian aid groups in May, 85 percent of children under 5 were deprived of food at least one day over a three day period. Official death counts reported by Gaza’s government do not include deaths by starvation; at least 30 children have been recorded starving to death in Gaza so...

jeena , avatar

I mean if Hamas orders a ice-latte you need to deliver, they were so nice starting the war for you so you could do your genocide, so that is the least you can do for them.

jeena , avatar

Hm, there will be no air to move sound to your ear so silence.

jeena , avatar

This only would work if you check every line of source code, even the dependencies and build chain, and then build it yourself. See xz utils backdoor or heartbleed, etc.

jeena , avatar

Yes, but we don’t know what we don’t know. There are many problems like that in open source too, and even if we can look nobody does.

Therefore I find it problematic to say that just because you use open source programs you’re safe like the parent tried to.

jeena , avatar

Yes, that is true, but let’s not pretend that just because some one is theoretically able to, that all source code is constantly monitored by 3rd parties.

jeena , avatar

I agree with that.

I don’t agree with how it has been presented by the grandparent here as if open source somehow automatically makes it secure.

jeena , avatar

My whole point is that you can not point to a 3rd party checking for you and claim that it secure because someone else already checked. And I brought two examples which contradict this claim.

jeena , avatar

Very disingenuous of you to fight a strawman and proclaim victory by claiming that I said things which I never did. But if that’s what floats your boat. But for everyone else, try to find any mention of anti-libre software in the original claim.

jeena , avatar

What are you talking about? You are digging yourself in a trench against me for some reason and you dig deeper every time. I have no idea what your agenda is, but I am stopping participation in it.

I don’t know about you but I have always been a free software advocate, see

But anyway, I’m not interested in whatever this discussion derailed into.

jeena , avatar

I save them in my keepassxc, actually I save the 2fA also there. Once someone gets to my password manager all bets are off.

jeena , avatar

I’d like to add KdenLive to the Video Editing point.

jeena , avatar

What’s the problem, in China it’s illegal to protest against the government too and in Russia against the war. It’s just how it is in big countries. /s

jeena , avatar

We are approaching the use of AI in Firefox — which many, many of you have been asking about

Which one of you was it, who asked for AI in Firefox???

jeena , avatar

You can do that already, I’m doing it very often.

On the Desktop go to reader mode and click the play button.

On Android I use… just share any website with it and it starts reading it.

jeena , avatar

It’s really annoying that the unique identifier is the username and domain instead of an ID. My fiance switched her nationality and therefore her legal name, but there is no way to change it in PeerTube where I made an account for her. OK theoretically we can create a new account and change the ownership of each of her videos but there are hundreds of them.

jeena , avatar

I just put everyone’s first name there as the username for the whole family.

jeena , avatar

Probably, but I’d need to understand the database schema for it. Don’t really have time for that.

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