There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

AusatKeyboardPremi , to memes in Introvert tip #42

Where are the rest of the tips? Asking for a friend.

unagi ,

My phone’s about to die, but I’ll start typing the rest of the tips for your friend:

  • Never, in ANY circumstance
AlligatorBlizzard ,

Here’s one, set an alarm to go off in the middle of a date, pretend it’s a phone call and if the date is going badly “take the call” and say you’ve got to leave. I could say my roommate has forgot their keys and accidentally locked themselves out for example.

zstix , to unixporn in Arch Linux ARM + Plasma Mobile

😍 That terminal icon is great!

SameExpert OP ,

In fact, many icons look cool 😍

SaltyIceteaMaker ,

Holup is there a WhatsApp for non android? If so where do i find it? because then it would actually be possible for me to use as i need WhatsApp for work.

SameExpert OP ,

WhatsApp in Waydroid.

secret300 , to unixporn in NieR: Automata color scheme for KDE

That’s dope. Been meaning to replay the game for years now after I found out there’s multiple endings.

Reamen , to memes in It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.

To be fair, this should be the other way around. All these foss apps are the teletubbies because they’re clunky and have major bugs. Sync is the power ranger.

drmoose ,

You’re still stuck in 2002 or something? Most of the web is literally FOSS. Gone are the myths of free software being worse when the whole world literally runs on it.

Oszilloraptor ,

(not op)

Sure, but in this case, most of the lemmy-clients (FOSS or not) are bad.

I have problems logging into my accounts (seems like some instances want my email as a username and many clients cannot handle this after I switched accounts), some clients don’t feature editing or deleting your posts, some clients don’t show my saved content, some clients don’t allow to see what you posted

Sure, much of this is because they started from scratch and will maybe surpass sync some day; but right now I couldn’t find something that isn’t worth. (didn’t try infinity yet, tho)

it’s not necessarily “FOSS is bad”; it’s just that the current lemmy-ecosystem is in it’s child shoes (I have the feeling this proverb doesn’t work in english?)

That said: I use Sync4Lemmy since 5 minutes and this is my first comment; so let’s see if/what it will deliver


Never heard that idiom before, (is it German?) Sentiment is clear though, I would probably just say “in its infancy” or something.

Also completely agree with your points. I’m a major supporter of FOSS but at the end of the day, I’m gonna use what actually works - the same as everyone else.

jerieljan , to memes in It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.

I don’t get the point of this.

Since when did Sync masquerade itself as FOSS?

Just use whatever you want. Isn’t that why we’re all here?

Is the Sync noise getting to you? Just ignore it. It’s natural since the app just opened up and there were a significant amount of Reddit refugees that badly wanted their app back.

aaaa ,

Seems to me this has spawned a fair bit of discussion… Which is the actual reason we’re all here.

Sync has gotten a lot of buzz (I don’t understand why, even on Reddit, rif was always better anyway) and that’s always going to bring out the people who don’t agree, for one reason or another.

Don’t mistake an opinion you don’t share for anything beyond what it is. I could just as easily parrot your statement back: if you don’t think this discussion is productive, just ignore it. There’s plenty of other discussions to get involved with on Lemmy

Takumidesh ,

Sync gained a big following because it had a core feature many many moons ago, when having constant cell service was much less common, it allowed you download and save hundreds of posts and all the comments while you were on wifi, so you could browse reddit offline, it did this automatically and in the background (based on your settings ) hence the name ‘Sync’. This was a killer feature back in the day, at least for me. As that became less of a need, the app continued to change and add a lot of nice features, like lots of customizations, random NSFW, a very good OLED dark mode, etc, so there was no point in switching to something else.

My .02¢

klyde , avatar

RiF better? Lmaooo

altima_neo , avatar

I think it’s more the Lemmy userbase having different expectations than that of the Reddit userbase, with Lemmy being such a shift from Reddit.

drbi ,

I agree. SYNC will bring tons of reddit users to lemmy. I for one welcome that change.

jonesy ,

I could use this same logic to talk about your comment. People are free to dunk on other apps, so why not just mute the post?

GenderNeutralBro , to memes in Introvert tip #42

Don’t hang up. Instead, enable airplane mode for increased verisimilitude.

ledditor ,

Thanks for showing me a new word! “Verisimilitude” seems useful.

khannie , avatar

For those like me…

noun: The quality of appearing to be true or real. synonym: truth.

Context implied it but still…Nice word!

GenderNeutralBro ,

I’m glad you like it! I like how it’s made up of three common and easily-identifiable components: it uses the same root as verify meaning true, the same root as similar meaning “like”, with tude being a common suffix like -ness. Basically “true-likeness”.*were-o-*sem-#etymonline_v_52581

outadoc ,

Just keep your phone permanently in airplane mode; problem fixed.

avidamoeba , to linuxmemes in A rough translation of the principle of Ubuntu is "humanity towards others". Another translation could be: "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity". avatar

Memes are cool. Blatant misinformation in the form of a meme to manufacture outrage, not so much.

cypherpunks OP , avatar

huh? what is the misinformation here?

avidamoeba , avatar

Even though this has been explained many times since the whole hullabaloo, I’ll assume you’re genuinely unaware and/or perhaps got rage-farmed by someone else’s meme. The current meme implies that Ubuntu/Canonical have actively disabled safety/security features in the form of withholding security updates, unless you pay for Ubuntu Pro subscription. The Ubuntu package support hasn’t changed with the introduction of Ubuntu Pro. The packages that were supported by Canonical prior to this are supported the same way today. The packages that were community supported prior to this are supported the same way today. Without Ununtu Pro. There is net new support by Canonical that covers community-supported packages too which is available with Ubuntu Pro subscription. Therefore Canonical hasn’t removed any existing, previously free security support. In addition, this newly added security support is available for free for up to 5 machines and it lasts for 10 years.

More info here:

SaddieTheMad , to memes in It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry. avatar

I am disliking this sentiment. I am on the Fediverse because Sync’s developer and many others were betrayed by Reddit and I wanted to show solidarity and to ‘punish’ Reddit by leaving. The Fediverse’s values are admirable, but I do not share them all. I believe in supporting good projects, even some that are private if they don’t pose a risk of destroying something bigger, and Sync is a good project that can be easily abandoned without consequences if something goes wrong.

lotanis ,

I think we need to separate the system from the product. With Reddit they’re the same, with a single owner. With Lemmy/ActivityPub, just like with email, there’s an underlying system that nobody owns. It’s an ecosystem of pieces created by lots of different people.

It is a good thing that people are building products on top of that. Some of them are FOSS and some of them not. As long as no-one gets too much control of the underlying system then that’s great! Users retain choice and can choose FOSS apps if they want, or they can choose something like Sync.

I agree it would be sad if the only apps were paid, but I think a mix is a sign of a healthy ecosystem.

BaconIsAVeg ,

It amazes me the how far Reddit users will bend over backwards to suck this dude’s schlong. Must be a mobile-user thing.

utopianrevolt ,

that’s what you take away from the post you’re replying to? therapy is very much needed.

RavenFellBlade ,

It’s amazing how divorced from reality the FOSS obsessed can be whenever anyone mentions non-FOSS apps. Nobody is bending over backwards, and nobody is sucking anyone’s schlong. If Sync were to have been FOSS, you’d be first in line to sing its praises. This trollish behavior doesn’t win anyone over to the “All Software Must Be Foss” camp at all. Must be a PC Master Race thing.

BaconIsAVeg ,

I had a mobile app for Reddit on my phone, you know when I used it last? 9 months ago when I was sitting in a waiting room waiting for an oil change. Every other time when I’m away from the computer I’m doing non-fucking-computer things.

This guy’s whole shtick was to make enough money to quit his day job, so he wrote a wrapper around someone else’s content using their free API. “Oh he did it all by himself, that’s amazing!” It’s really not, especially if you’d rather not share the subscription profits with other employees.

The FOSS alternatives? Done by guys with day jobs. They’re passion projects. I can respect that.

But you lot, who will drop to your knees the minute the guy wants to repeat his shtick now that Reddit kicked him to the curb? Zero respect at all.

RavenFellBlade ,

“Wrote a wrapper”. Oh, is that all? It’s just that easy, huh?

Then why can none of these FOSS apps deliver the same experience, if Dawson is such an untalented hack?

You either have no clue of what you’re talking about, or you’re a troll. From my perspective, there is no substantive difference. If it’s such an easy shtick, the do it yourself, and do a better job. Put up, or shut up. Nobody asked for your respect, and I’m certain you know precisely where you can shove it.

OtakuAltair , to memes in It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.

Sync is just so much more polished and feature-rich than all of these already… It’s exactly like how it was when it was for reddit, and it’s just one dev! I don’t mind at all paying for a fantastic app.

You guys are taking the justified corpo hate and extending it to talented individual devs just making a living.

voidMainVoid ,

FOSS isn’t about “corpo hate”. It’s about freedom. There’s a philosophy behind it. You can, of course, disagree with it, but I think you should know what you’re disagreeing with.

If the users don’t control the program, the program controls the users. With proprietary software, there is always some entity, the developer or “owner” of the program, that controls the program—and through it, exercises power over its users. A nonfree program is a yoke, an instrument of unjust power.

OtakuAltair ,

I’m talking about the community. A large part of the community absolutely is about gate-keeping and hating on corporations… and now devs too apparently.

baru ,

A large part of the community absolutely is about gate-keeping and hating on corporations

I haven’t seen that at all. Hate doesn’t bring you far.

thoro ,

I have and it’s good and cool.

Well maybe not gatekeeping. But hating corporations…

jerkface , avatar

Yeah, until he gets an attractive buyout offer from an SEO company who wants to get into data mining.

OtakuAltair ,

Hating on someone based on unfounded hypotheticals is fucked up. LJ has always been very open with the community for the whole time Sync was on reddit.

Username checks out ig?

jerkface , avatar

Wow, that is “hating” in your world? I wish I lived there. Take it down a notch, dude.

Yes, I am talking about potentials; potentials that simply do not exist in the FOSS world but happen every day with commercial software. A significant difference between an independent dev and a libre project is that you own the libre project. No one can ever take it away from you. You merely borrow it from the independent dev, and in that way, and speaking as a frustrated developer myself, every single one of them suck in all the same ways that every single corporation sucks. There’s no difference. That’s not hate, that’s pragmatic realism.

naitro ,

So what exactly is the problem here? If Sync gets bought and you don’t like the new owner, you can stop using it and move on…

TangledHyphae , to memes in Big scared

1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

1 Corinthians 6:9 The words men who have sex with men translate two Greek words that refer to the passive and active participants in homosexual acts.

Liz ,

Is that the “lay with another man” bit? I’m pretty sure there’s arguments over the original text, and scholars think it originally meant “don’t have sex with little boys” not don’t have sex with men.

TangledHyphae ,

It’s very specific, and it’s in many places across the entire Bible. It’s written with the same concept, in different ways, leaving no room for misinterpretation when you read the entire thing. I just finished the new testament, can confirm it’s spread across that entire thing in different ways too. Here are 3 of them:

Romans 1:26-27 (NIV):

“Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.”

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (NIV):

“Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”

1 Timothy 1:9-10 (NIV):

“We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine.”

Liz ,

Not that I actually consider the Bible to be an authoritative source on morality (see: slavery), but are those faithful to the original texts? I only ask because it’s my understanding that sexuality wasn’t viewed as a straight-gay spectrum back then, but instead as a dominate-submissive spectrum. Like, if they were to actually have a problem with same sex acts, it was more to do with messing with the social order than any inherit sexuality problems.

InternetUser2012 ,

Good for you for being a good little boy and following bible. I’m sure you just pick and choose but hey, you do you. I think the bible is a terrible work of fiction used to scare and govern people, therefore, I don’t believe in any of it, so your work of fiction means jack shit to me. Try being a good human, you’ll be less scared and angry.

Draedron ,

How many threads are you wearing? Do you kill your kids when they dont obey you? Think owning slaves is fine as long as they survive a couple days after you beat them?

ChallengeApathy , to memes in Big scared

Nine times out of ten, it’s not that anyone is scared of the LGBT community. We just recognize the negative impacts their activism is having on society (especially kids) and we get sick of having a completely contrary worldview shoved down our throats.

Snowclone ,

Well grease up that throat twinkle toes, because a lot of your kids are fucking gay as hell, because that shits in the DNA, not in how ignorant and homophobic your dumbass parents are. Good luck!

CaptainEffort ,

Damn, I haven’t seen someone use twinkle toes that brutally since Toph

InternetUser2012 , (edited )

Weird, religion has been shoved down my throat and I’m not religious. You do realize you can’t make someone gay right? Just like you can’t make someone gay straight. How many hours per day do you watch fox “news”, be honest.

EDIT: words

ChallengeApathy ,

Sure, you can’t force someone to be gay, which is why I have no idea why the LGBT activists insist on forcing their worldview on everyone.

drunkpostdisaster ,

What kind of impacts? I’ve been asking people like you this question for a long time and never got a real answer.

Sas ,

So what you’re saying is you’re scared of the supposed negative impacts on society. The negative impact being less people are depressed and less people kill themselves as they can openly be who they are without someone shoving their heteronormative worldview based on misinformation down their throats. Interesting stance to take

ChallengeApathy ,

Nope, just sick of y’all pushing it on everyone, insisting we agree with your worldview, and making up goofy terms like “heteronormative” to make it sound philosophical.

ChallengeApathy ,

Oh no, looks like I ruffled the feathers of a mod. This crap right here is exactly why I despise Reddit and it seems Lemmy ain’t any better. Every day, I grow more convinced that I might just need to ditch Lemmy entirely.

urska , to memes in Big scared

If you’re so strong why you need the whole world for a month to back up your life decisions, lmao

xor ,

But the serious answer is because LGBTQ people have been systemically discriminated against in pretty much every country

Literally the next thing in my All feed is about the previous US president having a chill time with a man who proposed stoning gay people to death

Midnight1938 ,

The month does just give companies an opportunity to sell different colours

xor ,

Oh sure, there’s definitely lots of valid criticism of rainbow capitalism, but to be clear, it’s not pride month itself that’s the issue there - it’s corporations leveraging it for profit

drunkpostdisaster ,

A whole month that still wont effect you in anyway.

zcd , to memes in Big scared

The louder they are, the more fragile they are

systemglitch ,

That goes both ways lol

umbrella , avatar

how so?

systemglitch ,

Are you truely ignorant, or are you trying to stir the pot here?

umbrella , (edited ) avatar

how else can this go, is my question. i don’t see queers insecure about heterosexual incels.

samus12345 , to memes in Big scared avatar

Why are there so many

Rants against rainbows

And hatred of showing pride?

systemglitch ,

Look. Once upon a time a rainbow was a rainbow and everyone loved them. Then a group of people turned it into a symbol of a political movement and now a rainbow is no longer just a rainbow.

Of course some people are displeased.

samus12345 , avatar

The “symbol” being LGBTQ people asserting their right to exist. Without those “displeased” people, the symbol would have never been necessary.

NigelFrobisher ,

If we could just round up the political people and get rid of them the world would be a much cleaner place.

systemglitch ,

I’m with you there. Now because of social media it’s worse than ever before. The last ten years… oof.

drunkpostdisaster ,

That is nothing to what you people did to the swastika.

InternetUser2012 ,

Those are the people that just do what told to do. They’re told how to feel and think and they gobble it up. They’re easy to see, usually wearing a red dunce cap and have some flags of a washed up felon in the back of their black ram 1500.

mo_lave , to memes in Big scared

It’s really funny. Real alpha males don’t care if you wear a rainbow or not.

Phegan ,

Real alpha males don’t exist. The study on wolves having alphas have been proven wrong my most.othet subsequent studies.

Tlaloc_Temporal , (edited )


Alpha wolves definitely don’t exists, but there is support for “alpha” behaviour in primates, particularly chimpanzees.

“Alpha” is still a stupid and harmful idea, but it’s not without precedent.

Phegan ,

They also found in other chimpanzees that alphas don’t exist. I think we are both in agreement that it’s a stupid construct to apply to humans though.

Auzy ,

And the biggest badasses I know also drive some of the crappiest cars and such too.

When more hilariously, here in Australia, I do a lot of hiking and such, and the badasses these days tend to be women. There’s a lot of macho guys who talk big, but I’ve done some scary hikes with elderly women and a woman with Parkinson’s.

The guys and women i.know who do the most crazy stuff also tend to be the most friendly people

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