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FriendBesto , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use

On my laptop, I update my bashrc on Excel, in Wine, then export it as a PDF, OCR to .md, Pandoc it to an .Org, and then finally, write it down on paper and re-type it on my phone’s Termux’s Emacs instance, then TRAMP it to my PC, in the other room.

I use biebian, btw.

NeoNachtwaechter , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use

Nah… vim users fight emacs users, but not nano users. Wrong league. We do not beat little children ;)

skittlebrau ,

Nano is more like fast food. It’s easy and convenient, but it makes you feel a little guilty and dirty afterwards.

ggppjj ,

Nano is the tool that people use when they don’t have a need for TUI editors in general and therefore don’t want to have to memorize how people with teletypes decided things should have been done 75 years ago and who also don’t want to get dragged into endless pointless bickering arguments about which set of greybeards was objectively right about their sets of preferences.

I’m glad people enjoy the editors they use and also I just wanna change a single fuckin line in a config file every once in a while without needing to consult a reference guide.

wise_pancake ,

I don’t have much to say about nano, except the hotkey bindings are weird and unnatural.

They make sense, but they feel wrong.

flashgnash ,

Vim felt like having superpowers when I started with it, after being spoiled by helix it feels like a relic though

olivertzeng , avatar

How about micro

sping ,

And yet Emacs users don’t fight vim users. Emacs users decided vim’s interface was pretty cool and added it to Emacs. Somehow people still call it a war though.

kata1yst ,

Bruh 😂 the Emacs user community absolutely constantly shit on Vim users. When they added Vi(m) bindings they literally named it ‘evil mode’, and they constantly make fun of people who use it, and spacemacs, and the latest flavor of (neo)vi(m), and all the extensions necessary to make vim halfway useful as an ide, etc etc etc.

amw3i7dwgoblinlabs , avatar

Evil or the extensible vi layer is super popular and improves the one area that emacs was lacking i prefer the emacs keybinds but have never seen peeps chat shit about it

sping , (edited )

Which Emacs community? I’ve been following it for ages in a few places (Reddit is the most common) and I literally do not encounter any of that. Calling it evil was humor - as if people who went to all the bother making it would be trying to push people away…

Using the evil package is very popular and often recommended, which means literally using it like vim, but with all the Emacs ability on top. I don’t know what on earth you’re talking about.

kata1yst ,

Oh to be clear, it’s all humor. At least mostly, I’m sure there are RMS level fanatics somewhere that truly believe some of the BS.

This is something as old as time. I’ve seen it prolifically on Reddit (though not in the Emacs community, they generally discourage memes), various Linux forums, old Usenet, various programming forums… I’m not trying to be evasive, but it’s hard to provide examples that aren’t specifically cherry picked, which wouldn’t benefit the conversation much.

There’s even a Wikipedia page dedicated to this:

Opisek ,

How close to vim’s functionality is evil mode? I’ve been toying with the idea of learning Emacs but I rely on Vim’s langmap and that is rarely implemented in Vim emulations / bindings.

sping , (edited )

Although I came from vi (pre-vim and pre-evil) and still have the muscle memory, I don’t and haven’t used it myself.

I hear it described as a “nearly complete” and “very comprehensive”. There is definitely a solid community of people using and enjoying it, but on the other hand there are always some reports of getting tired of having to work through, and sometimes extend, an additional interface layer, so in the long run being happier to just adopt the default bindings.

I know there are a few areas where trying to follow common vim workflows doesn’t work as well. Historically the performance of line number display been weak in Emacs, though I believe it’s recently much improved. A lot of people seem to make heavy and constant use of it in vim but conversely for me (and I think it’s more common in Emacs) it’s only an occasional, transient need when some external log or error quotes a line number, so I have them only displayed when I hit the go-to-line binding.

Overall, I think the most frustrating issues people have trying to adopt Emacs from vim are due to trying to impose their specific familiar vim workflows. The most obvious example is people concerned with startup time, but for more typical Emacs workflows it’s a non-issue. Users typically stay in Emacs rather than jumping in and out of it from a terminal (and if you really want that workflow, you run one instance as a daemon and pop up a new client to it instantly). My Emacs instance’s uptime usually matches my computer’s uptime.

The draw of Emacs is not about it only being an editor so much as a comprehensive and programmable text environment. It is a lisp-based text-processing engine that can run numerous applications, the primary being an editor (the default, or evil, or others…) but also countless other applications like file managers, VC clients, subprocess management and many others. It 95% replaces the terminal for me, and many other tools. So it’s the environment through which you view and manipulate all things text that is very accessible to modify and extend to fit your needs. Hence the joke about it being an OS is pretty apt, though to believe it needs a good editor implies vim isn’t a good editor ;).

wise_pancake , (edited )

Same here.

The biggest diss I have on emacs users, as a vim user, is that emacs is the only text editor where people routinely need to keep a book about it on their desk!

I used to work with a bunch of emacs guys and they all had an emacs book or two on their desk or as a monitor stand. They usually also had one on awk and/or Perl to go with it.

I’m sure they’d probably make fun of me for being unable to edit a file with anything but my specific vim config, which is not compatible with any other human’s vim config.

(I would never seriously judge someone on their editor, but I will bust an emacs users chops and accept a good natured jab back)

ProtonBadger , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use

Greybeard here. I can use vi, emacs, nano, etc. and use whatever is available if it suits the job. For many years I did dev in emacs on my computers and on other systems used vi for quick edits. Currently on my own laptop I have micro as default term editor now. For Rust development - code, though I have hopes for Lapce.

They’re all just tools and so are people who get tribal about things.

Smoogs , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use

Memes like this make me glad I only usd Linux at work. You don’t get this petty micromanaging shit between windows users.

psycho_driver , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use

nano friends rise up!

GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

Looks like you only got one so far.

ipkpjersi ,

There are dozens of us!

scorp ,

nah you’re wrong

GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

Why do you all say that? There were no replies when I added mine so that’s why I said what I said.

lemmesay , avatar

I too use nano.

alias nano=“vi -y”

fallingcats ,

<span style="color:#323232;">ln -sf /bin/nano /bin/vi
fin ,

Just tried it in my terminal and I couldn’t exit, lol

lemmesay , avatar

sorry, i didn’t tell how to quit. it’s ctrl+q

fin ,

Thanks, I finally got my access to the terminal back.

lemmesay , avatar

just when you thought you knew how to exit vim lol
also, this is vim’s “easy” mode.

alexaralvarado , avatar

Well hello there!

mub ,

I like Nano. I think it is quite good. There, I said it.

J4g2F , avatar

Edit a file, writing a quick shell script or whatever in the terminal. Nano is great. I don’t see any use in learning vim or emacs. If I need something more I’m going use a gui editor anyway.

Don’t get triggered anyone it’s just my preference

bigmclargehuge , avatar

This is my thought process exactly.

I get it, for a power user, vim is probably incredibly powerful. However, I just want to edit text files. I don’t want a text editor where I need a cheat sheet just to save my changes and quit.

Quill7513 ,

Funny, that’s what I hate about Nano. The key binds seem completely random to me and the programs solution to this is to display a cheatsheet on the screen

bigmclargehuge , avatar

Control+W = "Where is," Control+O = "Overwrite", Control+X = “Exit.”

Makes just enough sense to me, and those are really the only three binds I ever need for editing config files.

I don’t want to come off like a vim hater, because I do believe it when people say it’s powerful, but… I don’t need powerful. I just need to edit text files.

TheReturnOfPEB , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use

model editing can be fun. it is like weird skill like driving a manual transmission.

that said driving a manual transmission in stop and go traffic on a hot day is a lot like editing in vi sometimes.

kurcatovium ,

Unless you’re European. Then driving manual is considered basic life skill like riding a bike.

dysprosium , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use

For vim I had to config or install something just to be able to COPY something to use outside vim, how backwards is that? Isn’t this the most standard feature one can expect to work as default?

thingsiplay , (edited )


  • Loading...
  • gnutrino ,

    Once again proving that the easiest way to work out how to do something in vim is to post something along the lines of “vim sucks because it can’t do x” online :)

    flying_gel ,

    You mean you couldn’t copy some text from vim and paste it into another application? if yes, what did you have to install/configure for that? I’ve never had any issues copy paste from/to vim, console/GUI windows/Unix.

    dysprosium ,

    Sadly I don’t remember. Sometimes it comes preinstalled, sometimes not, depending on OS or something. (Maybe Manjaro gnome). I could copy and paste inside of vim, but not to/from outside vim.

    flying_gel ,

    What you observes could be OS depended,. Vim has its own copy paste buffers (y,p etc) and the OS has its own. Traditionally highligh to copy and middle mouse button to paste on Unix. Windows has 2 methods, ctrl-c,v but those are also bindings in vim so only the older less known crtl-insert,shirt-insert works.

    Copy paste is definitely built in, there is no need for extra plugins.

    Chewt ,

    it actually does work by default, you just probably missed how to do it in the help pages in vim. For those curious, the system clipboard is its own named register in vim (:help registers to learn more) and can be accessed with either “* or “+ depending on your how your system is configured.

    To copy a line: ”*yy or ”+yy

    To paste a line: ”*p or ”+p

    dysprosium , (edited )

    So I need to dive into the manual to do something as basic and universal as “copy and paste”? Why not make it Ctrl+shift+c or have it shown in the info text when pressing this almost universally accepted keypairs? Or at least make it somewhat similar to this. I find it bonkers why some programs decide to just have radically different shortcuts or defaults, the complete opposite of what feels intuitive. Same with the design of some doors that need actual SIGNS on them to tell you which direction they open. Just bad design choice.

    Edit: just remembered. Same story with tmux. Want to copy something? Surprise, it’s not anything you expect it to be. Some ctrl+b + [ or some shit

    bizdelnick , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use

    Vim (or emacs, or any other advanced text editor) is much easier to use than nano when you need to do something more complex than type couple of lines.

    tetris11 , avatar

    (…once you learn the bindings)

    Jean_le_Flambeur ,

    Better? Maybe!

    More efficient? Surley!

    But easier?! Hell no! Easy means you can use it without a lot of training or studying. It is self explanatory. And there is no way on earth that vim is easier than nano. I don’t need to know anything to use nano I need to check docs for hours before I can even start using vim

    bizdelnick ,

    It is easier after you learn basics. Learning is not easy, but usage is.

    Jean_le_Flambeur ,

    Well okay by that logic playing Beethoven in piano is super easy

    GammaGames ,

    A handful of shortcuts isn’t that hard

    Fox ,

    Right, it’s remembering them and using them efficiently that’s hard. It’s amusing watching coworkers try to flex in vim and then struggle at the most basic tasks.

    bizdelnick ,

    No, some piano plays are still harder than others, mo matter how long you practice. Editing text with vim is easier than with nano after some practice.

    Jean_le_Flambeur ,

    If something is “easy to use” this includes the time you need learn said thing.

    Drinking rahmen from the bowl is easier then using chopsticks (even if you are more elegant with chopsticks)

    Driving automatic is easier then driving manual (even if you may be more efficient with manual if you practised shifting a lot)

    Walking is easier then flicflacs (even if you may be faster with flicflacs if you practised a lot)

    Using Ubuntu is easier than using arch (even if arch gives you more control and opportunities if you understand it)

    bizdelnick ,

    “Easy to use” means that you do less and get more. Learning doesn’t count if you learn something once and then use the skills you obtained many times.

    socsa ,

    This makes it seem like jerking off to MILF porn is hard because there is a learning curve

    leisesprecher ,

    And how often does that happen in the real world?

    VIM may have been a very useful tool 20 or 30 years ago, but today it’s nothing else but a tool for one’s sense of superiority. It’s the vinyl of editors.

    If you have to type that much code in a terminal, your infrastructure is outdated. Simple as that.

    bizdelnick ,

    Every day in my case, except holidays.

    leisesprecher ,

    …so your infrastructure is outdated.

    bizdelnick ,

    Why do you think so?

    timbuck2themoon ,

    Yes it’s so outdated that mostly every IDE offers usage with its keybindings.

    Chewt ,

    You seem to believe that people only use the terminal if they HAVE to. I doubt anybody these days HAS to type any amount of code in the terminal, but choose to anyway. Like probably anyone else I have access to modern tools and infrastructure, but I choose to do work in the terminal because I’m more productive there. I use (neo)vim because I like it more than any other text editor I’ve used, and have no problem writing code and debugging in the terminal.

    leisesprecher ,

    You’re using the terminal, because you’re used to it. It is not the better tool, it’s simply what you happen to know already.

    People who argue with productivity because of some key bindings live in the world of the 80s. You don’t just sit there and type code 12h a day, that’s not how modern software development works.

    And all those blockheads down voting me are caught up in their weird superiority complex. They are the powerful superhackers, and don’t understand that we are just highly qualified plumbers.

    Chewt ,

    I’m actually fairly young and wasn’t around in the 80s. I graduated college with a CS degree in the past 5 years, where I was exposed to many different tools and software. What did I come out of that experience with? I like the terminal more than any IDE I had to use in any class.

    Now in the real world, we don’t always get to use our favorite tools for every task, obviously. I do need to use other, more enterprise, software from time to time for work. But whenever possible I go to the terminal because I’m faster there, and I can quickly automate things.

    I’m not saying the terminal is the best tool for every job, I’m just saying it is the best for ME. Notice I’m also not putting down other tools here. It seems to me like you might be the one with a superiority complex.

    leisesprecher ,

    No, I’d argue you simply didn’t want to invest in the other tools.

    Think about it, you probably spent hours on customizing and automating vim, and then say you’re faster in that. Well, that’s called a habit.

    IDE are objectively more powerful and since you can actually see options and navigate quickly, you don’t need to memorize every obscure feature.

    All the terminal editor enthusiasts are actively holding us back, because they insist everything outside vim is garbage for enterprise and kiddies.

    If your tool of choice is actively hostile to new users for no reason other than “that’s how it’s always been, and thus it’s better”, well then you’re digging a moat to automate your gatekeeping.

    Chewt ,

    vim + terminal is actually objectively more powerful than any IDE, and most IDEs include a way to pull ip a terminal as a crutch for things they can’t do. In any case It seems you can’t be reasoned with. Your argument is just a strawman about what you say other people are saying.

    Theharpyeagle ,

    I actually use VIM bindings in PyCharm, slightly cursed but actually works really well and meshes fairly nicely with the other IDE shortcuts. Being able to use it in any terminal is a nice bonus.

    havocpants ,

    VIM may have been a very useful tool 20 or 30 years ago, but today it’s nothing else but a tool for one’s sense of superiority. It’s the vinyl of editors.

    So, because you don’t understand something, it’s outdated?

    If you have to type that much code in a terminal, your infrastructure is outdated. Simple as that.

    Ok, I can see you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    leisesprecher ,

    I understand it very well. And that’s exactly why I’m writing this.

    Ok, I can see you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Then say, grandmaster delusion, what purpose does vim serve, where it is actually the best tool? Writing code? Hardly, it’s way too limited and requires a ton of upfront investment and headspace. Writing config files? Hardly, because if you write these by hand, you’re living in the 90s, that’s what Ansible, Terraform etc are for.

    You just don’t want to admit, that vim is nothing more than a habit. Muscle memory.

    AnUnusualRelic , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use avatar

    The first time I found myself in nano was when testing a distro fifteenor twenty years ago. I had to edit some files and it was the only available editor. The damn thing was a horror to use. I still have no idea who it caters to. I haven’t had to use it since though.

    Jean_le_Flambeur ,

    Dunno what you used, but nano is literally a text editor that may be simple simple but it just works. Shortcuts are shown to the user, buttons work like you expect them to (arrow keys, ESC, shift, etc)

    With vim you open it and if you haven’t read 5pages of doc you won’t even be able to close it again. I see that its useful for power users, but for casuals who just want to edit a config once in a while nano is absolutely the way to go imho

    AnUnusualRelic , avatar

    It’s not that simplle or user friendly when none of the usual shortcuts work. C-a did something completely unexpected.

    Jean_le_Flambeur , (edited )

    Well its shown to you at the bottom of the screen what it does…

    And if you want Ctrl v,c,s etc. To work like in word etc you can always use nano --modernbindings

    AnUnusualRelic , avatar

    They’re in Linux now, it should show the shortcuts they’ll encounter everywhere. Not leftovers from another system.

    Jean_le_Flambeur ,

    I am with you in this one!

    jaybone , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use

    You noobs. I just use combinations of cat piped to sed to edit my files, which are mainly lisp code.

    WrenHavoc ,

    Amateur! I write my code down on a piece of paper, scan it in, send it to my computer through email, then make a custom-built AI read the paper and print it in the terminal!

    thevoidzero ,

    M-x M-c butterfly

    sundray ,


    lemmesay , avatar
    JackbyDev ,

    `<file foobar|

    Trail ,

    Huh does that actually work? Don’t have a system handy to try it out.

    lemmesay , avatar

    showing the output in termux

    <span style="color:#323232;">storage/documents/programs ro
    </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">></span><span style="color:#323232;"> echo puts </span><span style="color:#183691;">"hello world" </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">></span><span style="color:#323232;"> main.rb
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">storage/documents/programs ro via rb
    </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">></span><span style="color:#323232;"> ls
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">c  js  main.rb  python
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">storage/documents/programs ro via rb
    </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">> <</span><span style="color:#323232;"> main.rb grep hello
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">puts hello world
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">storage/documents/programs ro via rb
    </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">>
    JackbyDev ,

    I think so! I think it’s something like < file works anywhere in the line, not just the end. There may be some specifics about no space when it is the front but I don’t remember lol.

    datelmd5sum ,

    cat pipeing is safer though.

    foobar > file and your file is gone.

    wise_pancake ,

    You can always alias > to < in your shell.

    fossphi ,

    Get out!

    ramble81 , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use

    I’ve come to the conclusion, people who use vim just continue to do so out of a stubborn sense of pride for finally learning the key combinations.

    psycho_driver ,

    That’s funny, I feel the same way about Excel users.

    techwizrd ,

    I am faster, more comfortable, and more productive in Vim. I use the same keybindings in all my editors and IDEs. It’s okay for people to have different preferences.

    JustAnotherKay ,

    In my case it’s not a sense of pride. I can’t use anything other than Vim because I keep accidentally putting random incantations into my word documents.

    “There once was a dduuuZQ:q!”

    lemmesay , avatar

    haha, same. do you use vimium as well?

    JustAnotherKay ,

    Ya know, I might throw that on to my browser but I doubt I’d actually use it much. I only really use my browser for research; notes, music, and most of my work is done in the terminal. Being able to swap tabs faster by not having to cycle could be useful, but other than that I find the mouse to be a pretty rapid way of navigating unfamiliar pages

    lemmesay , avatar

    in my case, my hand hurts if I use mouse(or a mobile phone) for some time. using j/k for scrolling and clicking links via f help me a lot.

    PlexSheep ,

    That extension is actually pretty cool. There is also tridactyl and a browser that was made with vim in mind, but a browser and a text editor are too different for many things to translate.

    lemmesay , avatar

    thanks for sharing, I’ll try it on my work machine

    hakunawazo ,

    It’s just convenient that it’s pre-installed on many servers.
    So I can use it now everywhere with my stubborn sense of pride for finally learning the key combinations.

    Theharpyeagle ,

    I honestly learned it just because I hated having to change hand position to use a mouse.

    Treachery4524 ,

    Can you use a mouse in nano? I always just use the arrow keys, or page up/down and home/end

    I mostly use vim but I barely use the jkl; to navigate the document.

    Theharpyeagle ,

    Ah sorry, I meant using Vim in a GUI program. I wanted something with the flexibility of a mouse (quick navigation, context menu actions, etc.) without using a mouse. Using just the arrow keys, shift highlighting, etc. is just too slow when writing lots of text, and it doesn’t follow the natural position of typing.

    cerement , avatar

    nano -m <file> or set mouse in your nanorc

    Opisek ,

    Even if you use arrows, you still have to reposition your hand.

    catshit_dogfart ,

    I just use vi

    Is that stupid? It’s all I ever bothered to learn, hasn’t failed me yet. Now I’m not some big time linux guru but I’m a sysadmin and regularly find myself elbow deep in a CLI for stuff.

    pixelscript ,

    I mean, yeah, kind of. In the same way pilots fly planes out of a stubborn sense of pride for knowing what all the flight deck controls do.

    Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

    It’s not pride, it’s just that I know how to use it really well and that makes it easy for me to use.

    But it’s really only for viewing files on another system over SSH. For local work I use Sublime Text

    alexaralvarado , avatar

    Somehow it seems this would apply to any linux user

    PlexSheep ,

    What do you mean? The vim users know their key combinations pretty well, that’s kind of the point of vim.

    TheV2 ,

    There is no sense of pride. Every text/code editor has key combinations that many users will learn eventually. Vim has easier key bindings.

    737 ,

    no, modal text editors are just nicer to use

    root ,

    When you only need to hammer a nail every once in a while, any hammer will do. When you’re a roofer, you better have a roofing hammer.

    If you don’t spend your life in a terminal and just need to edit a file, vim isn’t for you. If you want to learn complex strings of arcane wizardry to not only make your life easier but amaze your underlings, use vim.

    KillingTimeItself , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use

    idk man, vims pretty chill, it even has a tutor in it already, what more could you want?

    soul , avatar

    One that’s intuitive and doesn’t require a cheat sheet or what I like to call fingular contortionism discovery.

    SirEDCaLot ,

    A text editor that doesn’t need a tutor because the interface is intuitive enough that someone who has been using text editors (as a concept) for years can more or less instantly pick it up and start working without needing a tutorial to simply edit a config file.

    KillingTimeItself ,

    a text editor that has a tutor because it’s been around for so long and it’s had so many years to establish itself with an outside control interface that’s quite literally about as optimal as it can be. Vim basically allows you to never move your hands away from the homerow keys, even when navigating and doing bulk edits. The sheer amount of gained speed and productivity you get from this combined with the amount of times you’ll have to deal with text editing throughout your life is probably going to outweight any potential learned annoyances.

    bleistift2 ,

    A text editor that doesn’t assume that the keys on my keyboard are in the same order as yours.

    Telorand ,

    I remember looking up how to use Colemak with vim, and the advice was:

    • Change the mappings so the position is the same, but it has the downside that every tutorial won’t match.
    • Keep the mappings and do awkward stretches for common functions like up and down.

    So I just gave up and moved on.

    noisypine ,

    I hit the same wall with Dvorak layout.

    KillingTimeItself ,

    that is a potential problem, though im sure there’s a vim user somewhere that’s fixed it with a bind set.

    Luccus , avatar

    it even has a tutor

    Yes, people are just lazy. I remember when I invented a new login screen and was told it was “difficult”, “confusing” and “took some getting used to”.

    It even came with a free 100-page manual and a 4-hour master class. Some people, I tell you!

    ^This is meant more as a joke than an actual critique, even if it kind of reflects my thoughts. But ultimatly, I thought it was a funny bit.^

    Mwa , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use avatar

    kwrite and gedit friends rise up :)

    pedz ,

    How do you use these when you are connecting via SSH? You enable X forwarding?

    It’s fine when you have a graphical environment, but what do you do when you dont have one?

    Mwa , avatar

    ohh yeahh then nano

    Malgas ,

    A similar argument is what finally caused the value of the vi family of editors to click in my brain:

    They are designed to be fully functional over even the shittiest possible* remote connection. You can’t always count on ctrl, alt, or even the arrow keys being transmitted in a way that is understood by the remote machine.

    *Well, I guess the worst possible terminal would be something like an actual teletype, and in that case you’d probably want to fall back to ed or its descendants. To save paper, if nothing else.

    dan , avatar

    Using X forwarding would require you to install big chunks of GNOME or KDE on the server. A better approach is to mount the remote server over SFTP then use KWrite, gedit, whatever, directly on your desktop.

    greyfox ,

    In any KDE app you can connect with SFTP in the open file dialog. Just type sftp://user@server/path and you can browse/open/edit files the remote server. ssh keys+agent make things a lot easier here obviously.

    dan , avatar

    On KDE, there’s also Kate. They used to be totally different apps, but these days, KWrite is a simplified version of Kate. They both use the same text editor component, but Kate adds more IDE-like features.

    Mwa , avatar

    true but i dont like how they are forced togther so i use featherpad

    ReCursing , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use

    Ugh, I swear vi and it’s derivatives are the absolute worse text editors going. There may have been reasons thirty or forty years ago, but now it’s just complexity and a weird ui for the sake of it

    matthewmercury ,

    I use VS Code on the desktop nowadays, but vi will always be my editor of choice in a terminal. Many of the reasons it was powerful and ubiquitous 30 years ago are still valid, so it’s still powerful and ubiquitous. And I’ve been using it for thirty years, so why would I switch to a training-wheels editor?

    ReCursing ,

    Because you want to get out of your Stockholm syndrome?

    matthewmercury ,

    Stockholm Syndrome was never real, it was made up to explain a situation where hostages recognized an injustice and refused to perpetuate it, so cops called them crazy. So sure, if you call me crazy for my affection for a tool that has served me well for decades, I’ll consider you a cop.

    ReCursing ,

    Okay… because you refuse to actually look at whether there are better options than the absolute trash you are using because you are used to it

    BaroqueInMind ,

    I’ve used other options and carefully elaborated them all, vim remained a superior tool.

    ReCursing ,

    Because you’re used to it. No other reason

    BaroqueInMind ,

    No other reason

    Yep 🙄

    matthewmercury ,

    What’s the superior choice to vim, then?

    ReCursing ,

    Literally anything up to and including poking yourself in the eyes and trying to develop laser vision to manually modify bits on the disk platter

    matthewmercury ,

    See, you’ve realized your blunder, now. Tell us what editor you use in the terminal, ReCursing, the one that is better than vim. We’d love to know.

    ReCursing ,

    If I am forced to use an editor in the terminal, nano generally. But I very rarely need to because I have a functioning modern computer from within the last 25 years and therefore have a gui I can rely on. If I somehow manage to break the gui in a way that requires me to edit a text file (itself very very rare) I can fix it with nano.

    Now, why would you voluntarily use an editor with a ui that’s needlessly confusing and convoluted, an arse to learn, and notoriously difficult to even save a file and close without checking help files if you haven’t already memorised completely random key combinations? I would say we’d love to know, but we already do. It’s because you’re an arrogant dickwad - at least that’s what your last comment makes you look like

    matthewmercury ,

    It’s because my job involves managing and operating systems that are only accessible through ssh or tty sessions. I spend hours every day in a terminal, on a remote session, frequently editing files for stuff: crontabs, configs, etc.

    I learned vi because when I was coming up, university systems only had ed, vi and emacs, with pico on the servers that had pine for email. I learned vi because it was more powerful than pico (and because I couldn’t get the hang of emacs key combos). I read the help files and learned how to use it, because it was foundational.

    Every Unix-like system has a variant of vi. Many of my container images don’t, but it’s trivial to install and use anywhere if needed.

    It’s just a more powerful tool than nano, and consequently more difficult to use. Which is fine, man. It’s okay for you to use a basic text editor on the rare occasion you have to edit something in a terminal. You don’t have cause to learn how to be productive in an advanced editor, and that’s fine.

    For what it’s worth, when I’m writing and testing python, I use VS Code.

    ReCursing ,

    It’s more powerful than nano, sure, but it’s also needlessly more complex a ui. Your use case is legit and that you know vi is a reason to continue using it, but it absolutely should not ever be the default for anything any more!

    kzhe , to linux in How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use

    Me on Micro

    sunbeam60 ,

    100% Micro. Unless you’re only - and mean ONLY - living in the terminal, why would you want all your desktop and terminal shortcuts different from one another?!

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