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FriendBesto ,

Arch is you know how to use Arch. If lazy then something like Bhodi or Q4OS. I put the latter on a couple of friend’s laptops who recently jumped from Windows. Since it is very Windows-like but it uses less than 400mb of RAM to run on a cold boot.

FriendBesto ,

That is certainly what MS will claim within their TOS. Best solution when possible, is to not use Windows.

FriendBesto ,

Neither is Israel. But even just the optics of the ICC ruling on Israel is good for the rest of the world to see. Honestly, same for the case of the USA. Most USA Presidents are textbook case war criminals. Only because their military operations help the USA itself geopolitically it does not make it generally ethnical. Most Americans in this perspective ate very biased. But the rest of the world sees it.

Over 1 million Iraqis are dead because of Bush Jr. actions and their downstream, Obama ordered drone kills above any other previous President, many of those killing civilians, USA has destabilised dozens of governments over the course of the 20th century, Project Condor is a perfect example.

Can Milky Way and Andromeda collision reconcile with an Expanding Universe with galaxies spreading away from each other like "raisins in a loaf"?

I understand that our local galaxy group is considered “gravitationally bound” and therefore exempt from the expansion from each other ((, but we don’t seem to have other galaxies collected into their own “local groups” of gravitationally bound clusters, so are we saying we’re somehow unique? Is there a trick of...

FriendBesto ,

Gravitational pull in local clusters of galaxies can exist and even contradict larger clusters or the universe as a whole, just in a smaller scale. The passage of time is also localised due to gravitational intensity, too. We know the universe is not expanding at the same rate in different places, as well.

This can happen in sets of complex systems of systems. In your query it somewhat analogous to if you were throwing a ball northbound at 100km/h in a train moving southbound at 50km/h. On a planet circling its star at 107,800 km/h in a total different direction. While the star drags the earth along with other planets in its own orbit in a different direction.

FriendBesto ,

That’s the point. But when Israel demands the Palestinians to be forcefully removed, they will exclaim that the pier can be used to have them ported out. To say, the EU or USA. Since removing them has always been the point. Thatich has been clear since the beginning of their invasion of Gaza, killing 35,000+ and herding them into that direction. The issue is if they will get away with it and the rest of the West will allow it. Or they will demand that Egypt takes them, which they won’t unless maybe they get we debt forgiven plus cash. Which I still doubt they will, Egypt is financially broke and has crazy debt anday not want to take millions of refugees.

FriendBesto ,

Tried reading this. It’s seems written by an 11th grader, who has drank too many lattes for the first time. It would benefit from cutting down the comic book type cliché language by a tad.

FriendBesto ,

The ever growing pile of dead bodies burried in my backyard.

But they never seem to mind… For too long.

FriendBesto ,

Jumping off bridges is free, no?

Clearly, this is about a more complex social issue/concern.

What do you think of the term "short king" as a term that's supposed to champion body positivity for men?

Body positivity is such a strange concept to me. There’s efforts to reclaim words while simultaneously calling them bad if used as an insult. Ideally, people wouldn’t be offended by someone describing their body with common descriptors, but socially there is so much value attributed to certain body types that it’s almost...

FriendBesto ,

Who keeps coming up with this bullshit labels? It is like kindergarten.

My advise?

Words only get traction if they are used.

Whether you are short or not, ignore them. Do not use them.

Best way to win at that never ending game is to simply not play.

FriendBesto ,

Remember friends, it is not about reaching your destination --clearly-- but of the 787 or so Safety Inspections you didn’t make, along the way.

FriendBesto ,

And right after that, Israel will continue to bomb the southeast of Gaza as if nothing was agreed on, at all. Oh, typical Bibi.

But this was expected. The master plan is to get rid of the Palestinians, removed them from their land. Hoping someone else will take them, and then be their problem. Oh, typical Zionists.

FriendBesto ,

By statistics alone, we know that if not her then at least many other people think this way these days.

FriendBesto ,

True. It is a really real world geopolitical claim based on nothing but xenophobic myth and legend.

FriendBesto ,

Like others said, focus on living your life and be social. It is likely to happen organically. Focus on social things where you are bound to meet people either way. Do not pressure yourself or it will take away from the fun aspects of the hobby/sport/events.

And for god’s sake, do not use online dating sites/apps. They are bad in so many different ways. The endless dating is tiring and can twist your perception of dating and people in general, especially if you run into bad luck. Albeit this did not happen to me, I had friends from both sexes that hated how people got turned into commodities, and treated others like things to be discarded. A couple to girls I knew were on dates on a weekly or biweekly basis and it really warped their perception of men in general because they tended to picked incorrectly or got tired of the repetitive cycle akin to job interviews for all parties they ended up pausing all dating for ages. As it took the fun out of it. Online dating these days is more for hooking up and bad experiences. Despite that I am sure that many people have met significant others online, dating online is not like 10 years ago.

FriendBesto ,

The conspiracy is a lot simpler. Bibi is in serious, serious shit with many Israeli voters except for, Right-Wing, Zionist, many religious and some moderate Jews. He is looking at possible removal and even jail time for corruption and blatant abuse of power. Not the first time. He tried to weaken their Judicial Branch, too, by removing some of their powers last year. Gee… I wonder why? There were protests Re: that in Israel that did not get a lot of airtime in the West but you can find lots of footage if you look for it. At this point both the Biden admin and the GOP speak a lot of different BS but in the end they both are folding like a house of cards to their masters, I mean moneyed interests and lobbyists. Just look at what they are both doing, laws they are passing or gave just passed, and what they are ‘not’ stopping. Both DNC and GOP are also voting to send even more money to Israel. BLM protests? Let entire city blocks run to the groundfor months. Looting weekend in and weekend out for months . Cops take a knee on command. Pro-Palestinian protests? Sent snipers to rooftoops, send swat teams right always, and try to shut down TikTok. Also, what is with trying to manipulate pro-Palestian sentiment into anti-zionism? Not the same thing. Reasonable people can see this.

This is what they say:…/678088/

This is what they actually push for:…/tiktok-jewish-open-letter-antisemit……/its_time_to_ban_tik_tok/…/tiktok-ban-congress-antisemitism/……/article-773817

Removing the Palestinians from Gaza would be a major victory for him and this party and in some circles Bibi would go into the history books for ‘bringing all of Israel back,’ he is hoping this will safeguard him from any Legal Liabilities. In fact he is aiming for the opposite. We know he wants the Palestinians/Gaza shipped elsewhere, anywhere. Biden and some other leaders are already looking into taking some. The West Bank will be next. He will claim that there are terrorists there or Hama’s and will try to push for more subjugation or worse, removal.

At this point, both the DNC and GOP will do Israel’s bidding. The DNC will just be more careful to not be as blatantly obvious. I really do not think they care who wins. Albeit granted Trump is more obvious with his support on the surface.

The big end game is for Bibi’s party to stay in power and Bibi thinks this move will keep in jail and likely the opposite, be remembered as a Hero for the cause if he removes the Gazans and takes over the land. Which he likely or at least partly get if he succeeds.

FriendBesto , (edited )

Of course it never was. It was about optics positioning, glorified manipulative marketing for the normies and idealogues. To claim to not want to be bombing them back to the stone age and to drive them out.

There was a leaked intelligence paper/memo weeks ago that essentially showed that their entire master plan was to kick them, the Palestinians out of Gaza. Hoping some other country would take them. That is why they were pushing them south too.

FriendBesto , (edited )

If we follow Trudeau’s trend as of late, he is likely to blame this on Russia. He seems to blame external and internal threats and simple fuck ups of his administration all on Russia. He would blame China but he is currently embroiled in an ineptitude scandal where China helpep manipulate elections, seemingly mostly in his party’s favour. Despite the point of it was to seemingly vote CCP friendly MP’s/politcians from differents parties, details are skerchy. Investigations on it continue, but the Liberals are stalling, for exact cause unknown.

Point is that it would be good if he stated that Israel doing this is not alright at all, but he won’t. Even if an activation of Article 5 was never on the table. Which is understandable.

FriendBesto ,

You know, people can actually stop using most of these apps if they really wanted to. At will.

FriendBesto ,

I do not know about you guys, but you know, this issue keeps me awake at nights.

FriendBesto ,

You are really proving his point, eh? Or are you being silly and trolling him? I seriously cannot tell.

FriendBesto , (edited )

Of course and what is it that they want you to do? Just cut your food intake, eat lab meat, lab milk, bugs, and live in a shoebox. When food production in the USA is 9% of all carbon emissions. And out of those 9%, less than 3.8% is meat. While the cruise ship industry is 3.3% of total, worldwide.

Meanwhile, our CEO’s, their boards, and their extended families, and largest stockholders go on, out on yatchs, zipping around in private jets, go to massive, endless, exorbitant decadent private events and eat whatever they want, whenever they want, because… suck it, pleb.

FriendBesto ,

Doesn’t he also allow Far-Right Activists, too?

FriendBesto ,

Perhaps. But the fact that is getting and catching attention is a step in the right direction. Most Americans could not find Palestine on a map months ago. They might still not but at least they have been made aware of it.

This is objectively a good thing.

FriendBesto , (edited )

Really? Name a single policy change that was drafted by BLM that went on beyond chants or slogans? There were none, 0, zip. I checked. Screaming loudly is not really useful in this regard.

By that I mean an actual bill or proposal with actual numbers or data that backed it up, that could have been submitted to a vote by say a city council or State goverment. There were none. BLM, outside chants and causing $2 billion dollars worth of damage, dozens if not hundreds of dead people and making some BLM founders wealthy, did not achieve anything in terms of smart policy changes. Last time I checked out of the $90+ millions in donations, BLM staff could not fully account for about $30-$40 million. And that was like two years I go that I checked. BLM was an idealistic grift, at its core. Some mansions had been bought and some of the founders had hired lovers and family as their staff, with paid travel and food expenses. Who knows what else. One had hired her baby’s dady as head of security because, why not? Most people never bother to look up this up because unless the way BLM presented itself, either you were a sycophant or you were a biggoted racist if you questioned or criticised them on anything. Whether criticism was valid or not, did not matter, until recently, when people sems more even minded about discussing it.

NYC and other cities briefly dropped some cop funding and all that did in the end was for crime to go up. NYC subway now needs metal detectors and the national guard was called in recently due to the uptick in violent crime.

At best some shallow, meaningless changes like a mural or a rainbow or BLM flag painted on a street, hell, maybe even a street name change or something akin to that, and in some cases, it just increased crime and looting statistics in the aggregate in numerous cities. Sorry bro, this is reality.

It also increase social tension and some distrust between races, which ain’t good, either. I dare say that racism, from all races went up since 2016. Won’t fully blame BLM for this but the movement sure did not help.

FriendBesto ,

Too late, Friend. She backtracked already via a spokesperson soon thereafter.

FriendBesto ,

It is now one of the safest countries in the world, which is quite the feat given that at one point, even if briefly, years ago, was the worst in the world. Worse than say Iraq during their civil war caused by the USA after their invasion and their ISIS period. Also safer than the USA.

Also the weather, the world-class surfing, vistas, the food and the party lifestyle. Sister recently moved there.

FriendBesto , (edited )

Size of card aside, the notion of getting local provider sims or pay-as-you-go SIMs while traveling has been a thing in Europe for at least 20 years.

FriendBesto , (edited )

Maybe he learned from what happened to uBO before the “Origin” label was needed.

FriendBesto ,

Wonderboy III

Sonic 2, 3 , & Knuckles, etc.

Altered Beast


US says Israel has not violated international law during Gaza war (

After Israel killed seven aid workers in Gaza, the US says it has not found any incidents of Israel violating international humanitarian law in the past six months. An Al Jazeera probe concluded the World Central Kitchen vehicles were deliberately hit.

FriendBesto ,

That is what we call a lie by stating a correct statement.

Why? It is only a correct statement because Israel has and had already violated International Law before the recent Gaza war.

A truthful statement would be, “Israel continues to break international law in the current Gaza War as it has done for years and per over 30 UN Resolutions.”

The power of words, friends.

FriendBesto ,

These are the hallmarks of either anti-personel smart bombs or drones. The small bombs can penetrate a vehicle and blow up in a small radious. The concusive force and/or shrapnel/blades is what kills.

Perhaps, something like this?…/hellfire-r9x-drone-strike-al…

They are also used for assassinations since they minimise collateral damage or assets due to their small kill radius in comparison to larger, explosive bombs. If they used drones, then they could likely have a operator guiding them, which is even worse. Since how do you, uh, mis-identify volunteers? Or just hit any vehicles that moved, indiscriminately.

FriendBesto ,

Albeit it is impossible to know how many for certain, last time I looked into it, the claim was that they had between 4-7 nukes.

FriendBesto ,

Imagine, a god out of thousands mentioned in Human history, one that creates a vast, vast universe that is about 13 billion years old. A later game star has a planet in its orbit, in its Goldilock zone, where life has been evolving for at least 350 million years… and right next to the end of that planet’s current history, a tiny group of humans, from a tribe out who knows how many others in that region thinks that said god gave them super special dominion over everyone else. Chosen, if you will.

On top of that, a special unique claim is given to a tiny bit, a sliver of land because said god got into a literal fist fight over a stream over a whole night and suposedly made the guy who later became their leader this offer, an offer that no else saw happen… An offer that said tribe, his tribe, would use thousands of years later, with all the science and understanding we all have, to oppress people, and bomb hospitals, and volunteers who gave food to poor, starving people. Because, trust me, bro. Do not ever question the validity of the land claim, because, trust me, bro. 32%3…

FriendBesto ,

They are awesome. To me at least, but only if you save space by hiding the regular tab bar and it is easier to manage tabs since they are now closer together. Also, if you make the right --or left, it is up to you, I pick right-- sidebar auto hide and letting just the icons show. You do gain a lot of extra space. Mind you, you need to enable CSS via About:Config. On too of, before, using say, Sideberry. I like you thought I did not like it but now that I have tried it. I simply will not go back. I have a userChrome.css file that place on all my machines on a fresh install, now.

FriendBesto ,

Stop fear mongering. In real world terms, their range is miniscule. I get what you are trying to say but to think these could hit the USA mainland is fantasy. Unless Russia has planes flying out of Virginia or even Boston, there is nothing to worry.

‘Ecocide in Gaza’: does scale of environmental destruction amount to a war crime? (

Exclusive: Satellite analysis revealed to the Guardian shows farms devastated and nearly half of the territory’s trees razed. Alongside mounting air and water pollution, experts says Israel’s onslaught on Gaza’s ecosystems has made the area unlivable

FriendBesto ,

When the Lobby has such pull on the White House over blatant genocide, do not doubt who is in or is trying to be in real control. So much for conspiracy theories.

FriendBesto ,

Nice to hear. I am all in with keeping Zuck out of the Fediverse. Any initiative in that direction is a positive step, in my view.

FriendBesto , (edited )

How do we tell him, folks?

Literally, watch news outside Western Propaganda, friend. And I say that as someone who thinks Putin this is a psychopath. Ukraine proxy war has been the most propagandized war by all sides.

‘Fall of Kiev’ is a bit too bombastic though. But Kiev has run out of fighting men. They are now throwing old men and women into it.

'Horrifying' Footage Shows IDF Killing Two Gazans, Burying Their Bodies With a Bulldozer (

Video footage broadcast Wednesday by Al Jazeera shows Israeli soldiers gunning down two Palestinians on the coast of northern Gaza, even as one of them waves what appears to be a piece of white fabric. The video then shows Israeli soldiers burying the bodies with a bulldozer....

FriendBesto , (edited )

Maybe… watch the video?

There is also the one where they assassinate 4 people walking down a street, while watching via another drone. Or the one where they blow up a girl’s leg. You can hear the girl being hysterical. Or the other videos of kids with half their guts out or large wounds after bombings.

What I am saying is that you get a lot of choice. The IDF has hooked you up.

FriendBesto ,

Jesus Christ, this is obvious to anyone who has eyes and is willing to spend 30min-60min. Looking for proof/videos/evidence/etc. It does exist by now. Is not hard.

Clearly, everyone seems afraid to call out Israel. Why do you think this is the case? And it is not just the US, UK, France, Germany, Canada, among others, no one wants to do it.

Why does it HAVE to be South Africa, Brazil and now Ireland? Because if not them, no one else?

FriendBesto , (edited )

You know what would really help? More so then cutting actual food intake?

How about halfing the number of golf courses? Stop using grass and let more natural plants for lawns, stop the use of private planes and also just kill or reduce the Cruise ship industry to a miniscule amount. Plus other shit rich people use that has a disproportionate huge carbon footprint. Find it funny that I never see the news --or rich, holier than thou morons-- pushing for this. Nah, they go after our food. Rich people do not care, they can eventually make beef the price of caviar per weight? Because fuck you and all of us. Why? Well they do not care. They can always pay. Easily.

For example: Bill Gates is the largest farm land owner in the USA now, he and his buddies and his rich clients will all get all the natural milk, beef, pork, chickens, lambs, veal they can eat. You? Eat lentils and maybe crickets or give his lab grown biomilq, to your kids or eat his lab meat, like a good and compliant serf. Don’t think, just comply and consume. 'Cause I am sure he ain’t touching the stuff himself or is his family. He is not going to be the long term guinea pig. I wouldn’t either.…/biomilq-artificial-breast-milk


Carbon footprint of food production in the USA is 9% of total. Beef is about 3% of total. So 9 for both beef and crops.

Just the cruise ship industry, for example, is about 3.3% of the world’s total carbon footprint. Let’s kill that. Also private jet use. They can fly Business class, if they are not hypocrites.

FriendBesto ,

Stop boiling this down to just Republicans. Dems do this shit as well. In this context the issues is not a Left or Right or Left vs Right Issue. Is an Up vs Down issue. For the record, I am left.

Those in power think they know better than stupid you or me and will try to get away and lie with what they can and get away with, to all of us, because they think most of us are stupid or gullible. Tale as old as time.

If you are on the Left, you most probably notice the shit on the Right because it is farther away from things you agree with/worldview in the general. So it is more obvious to you, but Dems do the same general corrupt type of shit as well. You likely have a blindspot and if you think you don’t, you are lying to yourself. Just like people on the Right will see the Left shit better than their own because their own bias and miss their own due to their blindspots. They want all of us to be petty. Works for them.

Man, I miss the Spirit of the Occupy XXX movememt, of the early 2010’s, the wealthy and powerful, from both sides got actually scared and worried, if for only a little bit before political correctness distracted everyone and made people fight over trivial things instead of the economy, foreign relations, unions, and going after banks, Pharma, the military complex and other huge corps. Stuff that actually affects everyone and not some tiny minority.

FriendBesto ,

Albeit you are right, the USA spent 2 years propagandising seemingly 24/7 to everyone that they weren’t. And if you thought that they were, despite you being correct, Normies would call you a “Putin Puppet,” or something related for your trouble.

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