There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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M500 , to piracy in How big is YOUR collection?

Nice try FBI 😎

matey ,

Came here to say the same thing.

HumanPerson ,

You can say size, just say it’s all old public domain stuff like mine is.

BearOfaTime ,

I converted all my DVD’s so I can watch them more easily.

foremanguy92_ ,

Ah shit we’re uncovered 🤦

Hux , to showerthoughts in A Black woman has never lost the general election for POTUS in US history but 45 white men have lost

Kinda depends on how you are measuring it.

It sounds like you are just going by elected presidents, but quite a few were multiple-term presidents, and those presidents had multiple elections with different opponents.

And sometimes, a losing opponent would go on to win a later election.

Also, no one ran against George Washington, twice.

Out of 59 elections (if you include Washington), I think there have been 49 white guys and one white lady who have lost a US Presidential election at least once (and may or may not have gone on to be President in a later election).


I am exactly as fun at parties as you would imagine.

Shiggles ,

It’s also technically a lot more if you remember that we do in fact have several marginalized parties running in every general election.

grue ,

And multiple candidates per party who lose during the primary stage.

death_to_carrots , (edited ) to science_memes in Pi Day

How about March Fourteenth as “American PI-Day” and 22.07. as “international, sensible and widely understood PI-Day”, each according to the used date format?

fossilesque OP ,

A third excuse for pi, you say? I think it suits it.

Hawk ,

22/07 is already known as “Pi Approximation Day”

lmaydev ,

“widely understood” maybe in certain circles hehe

FryHyde ,

Imagine acting superior about a date format.

repungnant_canary ,

No need for acting when the (non-US) date format is superior

Shareni ,

DD-MM-YYYY is better, but still causes issues. ISO 8601 though, now that’s a superior format.

Semjaza ,

Also the date format used organically in East Asia because of the cultural habit of writing big to small.

English tends small to big, so I don’t know where yanks got their date format from.

dQw4w9WgXcQ ,

Can you elaborate on that last part? I fail to think of anything where its natural for English to go from small units to big units.

Semjaza ,

Addresses is the main one.

But also when talking about objects and categories, e.g. “the oak is a type of tree”, not “trees have a type which is oak”.

dQw4w9WgXcQ ,

Great examples! Thanks!

superkret , to science_memes in Here kitty kitty

Astronomy is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat by analyzing the raw image data of several insanely sensitive cameras, then finding out what the cat looks like, what it looked like right after birth, where it’ll be next year and what its gut microbiome consists of, based on a slight reddish hue in its fur.

Alternatively: Astronomy is like being in a dark room and saying “Something seems off. There must be a black cat in here.”

pruwybn , avatar

There are certain behaviors of ordinary cats which can only be explained by the presence of “dark cats”.

emergencyfood ,

Voids, one might say.

Tlaloc_Temporal , avatar

Some catronomers suggest that ‘dark cats’ might just be bugs, but we haven’t seen any bugs in the room yet.

jballs , to science_memes in Entomologists avatar

Entomology 101 - or Bugs for Thugs, as my professor called it - was the coolest elective I took in college. You could get extra credit for bringing in bugs to share with the class. I didn’t have a proper container, so I spent one class trying to contain an Emperor Scorpion in a Chinese food container and keep it from escaping. Good times.

VelvetStorm ,

I wonder if just photos would have worked if they were good ones. If I had the money, i would 100% take one of these classes.

jballs , avatar

Honestly if you’re near a university, you can probably just show up.

abbadon420 , to science_memes in Linguistics

The same rules apply to gods, according to Terry Pratchet

JoeBigelow , avatar

It’s dangerous not to believe

Klear ,

Take my S word.

I_am_10_squirrels ,

I rattle my kitchen drawers at least once a week

ZombiFrancis ,

Some of the earliest religions were just trying to figure out this whole ‘words’ thing. Describing abstracts consistently was developed over time across generations, sometimes very strictly.

despotic_machine , to nostupidquestions in Are there foods that dogs can safely eat but humans can't? avatar

My dog often eats raw bones of various animals. Last month he came home with a wild boar skull which has now eaten almost entirely, aside from the teeth and tusks.

Yesterday he caught and ate an entire rabbit. There wasn’t even a single hair left.

These are not things any human I know can do, safely or otherwise.

SatyrSack ,

These are not things any human I know can do

You need better friends.

marcos ,

He has, and he has 4 feet.

ramble81 ,

You mean there wasn’t a single hare left

Akasazh , avatar

These are not things any human I know can do, safely or otherwise

Tarrare would like a word

LesserAbe OP ,

Man, Tarrare is always worth reading about

velox_vulnus , to memes in Military top

That’s the remnants of old British English, which probably preserved one if the features of Latin. It means “also/and”.

So penetration-cum-blast round means penetration-and-blast round. On second thought, this really doesn’t fix how wrong it sounds.

AndrasKrigare ,

Ah, that makes sense, like summa cum laude.

scrubbles , to selfhosted in HDD or SSD for a home server? avatar

While I run my own Lemmy instance, I can say with 100% certainty - do not host a Lemmy instance on your own hardware.

It’s tempting, and I did, but don’t. The reason? CSAM. Your hosting stuff for other people, and if someone uploads something horrible to another instance, that is federated with you. That means now you are hosting that content.

The feds then have full rights to kick down your door and seize your hardware. On the cloud however, they’ll seize your VM , but your home stuff is okay.

Hosting Lemmy is great - but it’s something you really have to think about. Hosting your content is awesome, fun, and rewarding. I’ve learned hosting other people’s content is… Not as fun.

CrimeDad ,

Is this really still true about images federating in Lemmy? In any case, I think the problem can be avoided by disabling pict-rs.

Fizz , to nostupidquestions in Why do hacked channels on youtube always post Tesla/SpaceX stuff? avatar

They are fishing for crypto so they target people who are likely to hold crypto and be stupid enough to fall for the scam. Using a video of Elon or space x is a perfect way to attract this demographic.

MeatsOfRage , (edited ) to retrogaming in Here's why modern gaming suuuuucks.

I mean, you’re 40 now (or close to it). A lot of your nostalgia is also wrapped up in being 5. I too was an 80s kid but if the market hadn’t changed your reaction would. You probably aren’t sitting under a blanket learning the names in Dave the Diver. You have an income now so you probably wouldn’t just wait till your parents bought you Hades 2. You’re probably not running around with your friends right now pretending to be Helldivers. Games have changed but so have you. The Indie market is carrying the torch of these bygone days. A lot of the stuff you want wouldn’t have the same impact on you today. I am however watching my own children glom into game characters. My daughter loves Mario and Mega Man without going to Blockbuster to rent the cartridges.

(Btw madden 95 does work on the SNES classic, they’re pretty easy to jail break and fill with your own ROMs)

GolfNovemberUniform , to linux in Running a business using linux avatar

Hmm I didn’t know the UK was THIS bad.

fellowmortal OP ,

I don’t know if the UK is worse than anywhere else (?)

GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

Well it surely is much much worse than my country by the looks of it.

fellowmortal OP ,

Which is?

cygnus , avatar

I’m in Canada and use Linux full-time without any such problems whatsoever. On rare occasions I use Edge instead of Firefox, and that’s it.

krash ,

In Sweden most government provided services are accessible through a web browser, but you need “BankID” which requires Android. Which is kind of Linux, though not fully FOSS.

balder1993 ,

But I’m sure the fact Android is FOSS had nothing to do with it, it’s just a random coincidence. It would simply be the most popular OS.

digdilem ,

Bad? It’s a couple of decisions made by organisations or politicians who are ignorant of free software alternatives and open standards.

Certainly better than the US’s tax system, where you have to pay to file your taxes or at the least, have to spend a lot of your time working out complex tax submissions each year.

In the UK, your income tax is automatically paid by your employer when you earn it. Unless you’re self employed - or doing your own business accounts like OP, you don’t have to submit any tax information, ever.

GolfNovemberUniform , (edited ) avatar

Taxes are not the only things that matter, mister/miss. In the US you at least aren’t legally forced to use Windows and I’m not even talking about the fact that the US supports genocide. But who am I talking to? Americans are fully dead inside and won’t understand. There’s no way to revive them.

digdilem ,

I’m not in the US - and who was talking about genocide? We’re talking about tax and it’s software here.

GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

The original topic wasn’t about tax either.

acockworkorange ,

All these third world countries can’t compete with the powerhouse that is Brazil and its free, multiplataform tax system since the nineties.

Seriously though, it’s not a technological issue, it’s a political one.

StThicket , to memes in USA presidential candidates

It amazes me that one of the largest countries in the world, with the most diverse demographics, can only chose between two candidates. This is not democracy. It’s a shit show that has been going on for far too long.

Cowbee , avatar

America is a one party dictatorship, and in typical American extravagence, it has two of them.

pingveno , (edited )

Said by a man who ran a country that outlawed all but the party he was prime minister of. He was probably a little salty about criticism over the lack of democracy in his country.

Hirom ,

Tradition and inertia.

The USA is proud to have the oldest and longest-standing written constitution. The fact it hasn’t been rewriteen in a long time help explain why there’s still an electoral college, slavery for prisoners (13th amendements), and weak regulation of campaign finance.

PolandIsAStateOfMind , avatar

Oldest active constitution is San Marino.

xor ,

Presumably what the other commenter was referring to is the US having the oldest codified constitution

PolandIsAStateOfMind , avatar

Which is honestly meaningless but very convenient for US narrations. There were also older de facto constitutions, which are usually forgotten like the Henrician Articles of P-L Commonwealth. US constitution is famous because it was the one which was loudly proclaimed and imitated later.

xor ,

Ok 👍

Hirom ,

That’s interesting. Thanks for pointing it out.

My point is having a very old constitution isn’t much of a boast if keeping it as-is causes political issues.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Just mention an alternative and you’ll will quickly understand why.

The parties have done the most amazing job in pretending the world will end at every election if they are not chosen.

capital ,

Is that a 3rd option in a first past the post system?

Hmmmm… what could be the issue there I wonder.

Linkerbaan , avatar

The people are the issue not the system

capital ,

There is absolutely an issue with first past the post voting systems. And frankly I think you know what the problems are.

Linkerbaan , avatar

That people are so desperate to keep it in place.

FTFP is never going go away if you keep voting for it lol.

capital ,

How surprising. A comment meant to discourage voting.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Vote for something different than the ftfp parties.

pingveno ,

That’s not how it works. As long as FPTP exists, it will lock us into two parties. We have had multiple party systems that all demonstrated this principle. Some places are experimenting with alternatives on the state and local level, but it will take time.

capital ,

You’ve already got one response to this which is correct. I want to add to it to help explain how FPTP voting systems result in a 2 party system and simply voting for another party does not solve the issue.

But first you’re either aware of the problem and want to encourage people to vote third party while pretending not to know how the system works or you’re actually just ignorant to the issue.

I don’t normally like video links in discussions like this but this one is especially good and is only 6.5 mins.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Your video does not explain how voting Democrat is going to fix the FTFP system.

People that don’t understand politics have a better understanding than people that have been frog-boiled into voting for a Genocidal Geriatric.

capital ,

The presidential vote isn’t where we fix the voting system. We have to work in the system we have. It’s just reality.

My assessment of you hasn’t changed - you’re either completely ignorant or want Biden voters to change to third party to help Trump.

Every interaction with you has a similar quality. I’m never sure if you’re just this stupid or if you know exactly what you’re doing.

Linkerbaan , avatar

The presidential vote is where it’s fixed. Republicans have already moved to ban other voting types calling them ‘too complicated’. Democrats will join them the second their duopoly is endangered.

Just like how they crack down on student protests and block ballot access for third parties, Democrats have no standards either.

capital ,

The system exists as it is…. I don’t know any other way to say this. FPTP has a spoiler problem that you can’t wish away.

I’m not going to vote for a candidate that’s going to get maybe 2-5% of the vote.

I would like to bet you $1000 that either the Dem or Rep candidate will win. If anyone BUT those two win, I would pay you.

If you ACTUALLY believed anyone else will win, you’d take me up on it. What do you say?

Linkerbaan , avatar

Strange you’re including Republican in there. You believe Biden is winning right? So your money should be on Biden and any other winner would make you lose.

capital ,

I’m sitting here trying to convince you that FPTP results in a two party system. I’m betting on the two parties.

YOU are the one imagining that can change by simply voting 3rd party.

So, you down for a bet or what?

Linkerbaan , avatar

If Biden isn’t winning what’s the point of voting for him?

capital ,

He is one of two possibilities.

And you’re not going to bet because you know it too.

And now we know you’re not ignorant to this fact. You’re encouraging 3rs party votes knowing very well they will not win.

Linkerbaan , avatar

No Biden is zero of one possibility.

There’s no way he’s going to beat Trump.

capital ,

I’m glad we finally got to you admitting 3rd parties won’t win.


Linkerbaan , avatar

I’m glad we finally got you admitting that Biden wont win.

capital ,

Linkerbaan logic:

3rd parties who are lucky to get 5% of the vote can win.

Biden, who won against Trump last time cannot win.


VictoriaAScharleau ,

FPTP voting systems result in a 2 party system and simply voting for another party does not solve the issue.

this isn’t an immutable natural law.

VictoriaAScharleau ,

you’re either aware of the problem and want to encourage people to vote third party while pretending not to know how the system works or you’re actually just ignorant to the issu

false dichotomy

crusa187 ,

It is kind of amazing how even those disenfranchised voters will rally to support the hegemony of the “two party” corporatist rule. I suggested recently we could consider rallying behind a single issue 3rd party candidate who would end the legalized bribes and replace FPTP with a more democratic alternative, and was immediately downvoted and told it’s not possible due to FPTP.


glitchdx ,

In order for a 3rd option to be viable, the entire system must change. I’m not holding my breath.

Between now and then, all we can do is vote for the less bad of two evils.

helpImTrappedOnline , (edited )

It is theoreticaly possible, but praticaly speaking it would be near impossible.

To acomplish this, you need to get 51% of the population (who actually vote) to all vote for one person. However, with FPTP, you get one choice on the ballot. Is the average voter going to risk their vote on a 3rd party, or vote for who they belive to be the “lesser evil” of the two that have a shot at winning?

Even if you do manage to get 51%, there’s the electoral collage. Never forget, our democracy has built in the ability to overwrite the presidential vote.

Your first hurdle is getting any one to name an independent candidate.

Edit: adjusted some wording to be better.

pastabatman ,

I agree with this. But also, this time is the closest to “end of the world” stakes we’ve had in recent memory. We have a literal criminal, rapist, and fraudster who already tried to overthrow the government once leading the polls.

Linkerbaan , avatar

2016 called they want their gaslighting back. Trump isn’t the final form of Fascism. He’s getting close but he ain’t it.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

didn’t you vote in the primary? why not?

Americans got to choose between many candidates, and out of those, it’s down to 6, and of those 6, it’s only really likely 2, that’s true.

But it isn’t quite like you imply.

nobody158 ,

The shitty thing is by the time my states primary pretty much every else has dropped out. We need to run the primary like a real election not piecemeal.

StThicket ,

I didn’t vote in the primary, because I’m not American.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

yes, obviously. but the point stands: there wasn’t just two candidates, and you don’t know what you’re talking about.

StThicket ,

I understand what you are trying to say. Ultimately, there are only two to vote for. Ideally, there should be more than two parties, and more than two candidates. That’s how democracies work. What you have is a dysfunctional system that divides people in two groups, and there are no incentives to cooperate between parties. Proper voting is also suffering due to the two-party system.

In my country, the parties with the majority of votes and the ability to cooperate gets to form a government. We also try to make it easy to get people to vote, insted of your system of gerrymandering.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

there are 6 parties, but only two of the six are large ones at the moment.

StThicket ,

Yes I know, but the voting system favours the two largest. Thats why they are large. Small parties have 0% chance og getting representatives into the houses, so they are basically irrelevant.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

just as long as you know you’re wrong. 👍

StThicket ,

Yes, it’s important to defend the only thing you know, even how bad it might be. 😄

crusa187 ,

The RNC never intended to run a candidate other than Trump because he controls MAGA, which is what remains of their energized base. The primaries they held were “just in case” Merrick Garland actually did something useful and successfully prosecuted Trump for insurrection, which never came to pass.

The DNC did everything they could to prevent primary elections from occurring in various states, and bullied anyone who was floating a run into submission. This included the state dept making calls to state DNC committees to cancel primaries, or remove certain candidates from their ballots. According to them, it was an insult to Biden admin and their legacy to even suggest another candidate should run. And now look where that’s gotten us.

So no, we didn’t actually vote in primaries this year because the establishment refuses to relinquish the status quo.

Sterile_Technique , to memes in USA presidential candidates avatar

Krusty doesn’t deserve this.

Zahtu ,

Yeah Kristy is better than this dipshit orange, fascism and racism spilling trash can of a human meat bag.

Grandwolf319 ,

Although Krusty is a decent human being in the show, he is also shown to be a typical out of touch celebrity while kind of trashy still.

Trump is like the classic trashy celebrity so imo it fits more than it doesn’t.

moonsnotreal , to science_memes in I wish I was as bold as these authors. avatar

Link to the article if anyone wants it

DaGeek247 , avatar

That's actually a fun read

jballs , avatar

Applications of these systems have been plagued by persistent inaccuracies in their output; these are often called “AI hallucinations”. We argue that these falsehoods, and the overall activity of large language models, is better understood as bullshit in the sense explored by Frankfurt (On Bullshit, Princeton, 2005)

Now I kinda want to read On Bullshit

tomkatt ,

Don’t waste your time. It’s honestly fucking awful. Reading it was like experiencing someone mentally masturbating in real time.

naevaTheRat , avatar

Yep. You’re smarter than everyone who found it insightful.

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