There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

M500 , to technology in Disney+ has started cracking down on password sharing in the US

I am from the US, my wife is not. I live in her country and Disney releases a different app for each country.

This is a problem, because I have the US app store and she has the app store from her country. So, I cannot log into our disneyplus account on my phone. Or I can get the app and subscribe then, she can’t login.

I’d switch my account to the country where we are living, but I can’t or I’d lose access to some of my banking apps. So, I don’t even have a way to watch it without getting two subscriptions.

impersonator , to technology in Ex-Apple engineer sentenced to six months in prison for stealing self-driving car tech

So 120 days or 6 months? Which is it?

maynarkh ,

It’s Mars days obviously

TWeaK ,

It may be a 6 month sentence with an early release after 120 days, followed by 3 years supervision. However, perhaps if he served the full 6 months he wouldn’t have the supervised release.

I don’t know, I’m just guessing.

Kbobabob ,

Could be time served as well. Still dumb to list 6 months in headline then say something else in the article without clarifying.

suction ,

A Monf has 20 dais so do the math, dummy

LazaroFilm , avatar

Business days.

impersonator ,

Ahh he gets weekends at home, how considerate!

Potatos_are_not_friends , to technology in Ex-Apple engineer sentenced to six months in prison for stealing self-driving car tech

Zhang resigned from Apple following a paternity leave and a trip to China, telling the iPhonemaker that he was going to work in the country for XPeng Motors. That reportedly triggered an investigation, since XPeng is also working on autonomous driving technology, which revealed that Zhang was caught on CCTV taking hardware from Apple’s labs and transferring files to his wife’s computer.

6 months is not long enough.

This is stealing trade secrets, then fleeing to a country that doesn’t give a shit about that.

Aatube , avatar

I mean, there's also been five years of trials

isles ,

Yes, we must protect capital.

InfiniteStruggle ,

We should when it’s other capital that wants to steal it.

theneverfox ,

Will no one think of the shareholders???

Overzeetop ,

I’ll agree with you when a corporation is jailed for life when an employee or consumer of their product dies. Until then, this is simple theft and should be financially punished.

KairuByte , avatar

O.o Since when is grand theft just a financial punishment? You realize you can get years in jail for it, right?…

Overzeetop ,

stealing * information* Nobody was harmed; nobody was deprived of life, limb, security, or physical property or currency. Knowledge was transferred without authorization, meaning that only the potential reduction of future profits for a corporation is at stake. It’s a breach of contract - about the least impactful thing that a human can do to non-human. This kind of crime should never result in prison, or else it should be applied to every knowledge worker, ceo, or vc who remembers any part of any business they’ve every been involved with in the past (which it never is).

KairuByte , avatar

Huh? No. Read the article, they literally stole hardware.

That reportedly triggered an investigation […] which revealed that Zhang was caught on CCTV taking hardware from Apple’s labs and transferring files to his wife’s computer.

Emphasis mine.

Not to mention, it would be one thing to do this between American companies, but taking it to a Chinese company, and in China no less, likely has other serious implications.

Overzeetop ,

Nice redirect - this is not about the theft of hardware but the divulging of [checks Republican notecard] Super Important Information (but not important enough to patent, or so simple as to not be patentable) that was given to [Checks skin color card] those theiving, IP stealing, red communist Chinese.

I hope your corporate masters give you a pat on the head and an extra Milk Bone tonight. You’ve worked hard for it.

KairuByte , avatar

… so you admit this was grand theft, but claim he got a whopping 6 months in prison because racism?

Did you need another layer for that tinfoil hat?

uis , avatar

I hate to say this, but there is no Stalin on you.

brlemworld ,

How long do you think Tim Cook should go to jail for stealing?

Tolstoshev , to technology in Midjourney might ban Biden and Trump images this election season

All well and good for text prompts but Midjourney lets you upload an image and modify it, or smash two images together. Are their filters going to detect trump and biden’s faces in those images? Not sure AI is there yet.

Reverendender ,

How do i get midjourney to do this?

Tolstoshev ,

When you do the /imagine command, paste in a URL after the prompt

Reverendender ,

And to smash?

Tolstoshev ,

If you put two image urls after the prompt then it will combine those images together.

Reverendender ,
Tolstoshev ,

You can also upload your own images to discord instead:

russjr08 ,

It has to be a link to a direct image, the image can’t be on a webpage or such. Generally that ends in .png (or another photo-related extension) for convention (but not strictly required, depends on how the server is configured).

gregorum ,

When two urls love each other very much…

thelsim , avatar

You can use the blend command if you want to combine two images without any prompt.

Grimy ,

100% AI is already there yet but I don’t think it’s worth the cost to run it on every gen for them

Skullgrid , avatar

fucking photoshop exists. all of this is moot point

EDIT : stable diffusion too. if you want to make propagada, you’ll make propaganda.

FunderPants , to technology in Midjourney might ban Biden and Trump images this election season

I feel like the cat is way out of the bag on this. Stable diffusion can be run locally. Hugging Face has over 15,000 models labelled with text to image generation.

FaceDeer , avatar

I'm sure there will be (or already are) Trump and Biden Loras.

FunderPants ,

If not the two of them are so public that it would take a bad actor no time at all to train one.

What do you need, 20 pics.

awesomesauce309 ,

1 pic and an IPAdapter

FunderPants ,

Just looked that up, it’s amazing stuff.

altima_neo , avatar

Dont even need them. Theyre such big names that theyre already baked into the base model.

otter ,

I guess it’s a matter of increasing the friction to making one. This will slightly decrease the number of them?

Or they just don’t want to be associated with it

Bogasse , avatar

But that’s not necessary a better thing to do then. It might decrease awareness on the ease of generating fake images for the general public 🙁

Whirling_Cloudburst , to technology in Midjourney might ban Biden and Trump images this election season

That’s nice, but without a law and some kind of real enforcement, nothing is going to change.

TimeSquirrel , to technology in Midjourney might ban Biden and Trump images this election season avatar
Godric ,

Take 1d4 psychic damage

prex ,
QuadratureSurfer , avatar

Well, AI spaghetti videos certainly have come a long way:

Godric , to technology in Midjourney might ban Biden and Trump images this election season

Fun fact: Midjourney bans images of genocidal dictator Xi Jinping, but not other world leaders.

Tolstoshev ,

They don’t want to get hacked by the Chinese :)

Godric ,

They want to make as much money as they possibly can, so they take all steps to ensure they cannot hurt the feelings of Poo-Bear :)

It’s fucking pathetic to watch a company choose to kowtow to a dictator for the hope of profit

AFC1886VCC ,

Every company does everything possible to maximise profit

businessfish , avatar

and most are pathetic for it

umbrella , avatar

funny how its the us financing genocide, but xi is the real bloodthirsty dictator. us conservatives puzzle me.

SomethingBurger ,

US is financing genocide and China is committing genocide.

umbrella , (edited ) avatar

is it? is there proof?

SomethingBurger ,

Plenty, but you tankies refuse to acknowledge it.

umbrella , avatar

where is it? you fascists just link me western propaganda pieces with wild speculation and pictures of some random inmates.

never actual evidence.

the palestinian genocide on the other hand is happening and being happily financed and encouraged by the us…

davel , avatar

Bell¿ngcat satellite image of an open air prison holding about 2 million people:…/data=

Rinox ,

There’s never enough proof for some people. There are Holocaust deniers ffs

As for China, the proof is in the pudding. Can you go there and openly speak about it? Can anyone just go up to the camps unannounced and check? Or can you only go there when and how the government wants, like the Nazis did when they invited the International red cross to one of their camps and made a little movie about it to show how humane they were, and then at the end of the film they simply sent everyone there to Auschwitz?

isVeryLoud ,

Ok tankie, go back to

umbrella , (edited ) avatar

k, fashy

you stay here and behave while the adults are out

isVeryLoud ,

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

umbrella , avatar

North Dakota Access Pipeline Protests 北达科他州接入管道抗议 Ferguson Riots 弗格森暴动 2017 St. Louis protests2017年圣路易斯抗议活动 Nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll 比基尼环礁的核试验 Unite the Right rally 团结右集会 Charlotte riots 夏洛特暴动 Attack on the Sui-ho Dam 袭击穗河水坝 Milwaukee riots 密尔沃基骚乱 Shooting of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile 奥尔顿·斯特林和菲兰多·卡斯蒂利亚的射击 Occupation of the Malheur NationalWildlife Refuge Malheur国家野生动物保护区的占领 death of Freddie Gray 弗雷迪·格雷的死 Shooting of Michael Brown迈克尔·布朗的拍摄 death of Eric Garner, Oakland California 奥克兰奥克兰市埃里克·加纳(Eric Garner)逝世 Operation Condor 神鹰行动 Occupy WallStreet 占领华尔街 My Lai Massacre 我的大屠杀 St. Petersburg, Florida 佛罗里达州圣彼得堡 Kandahar Massacre 坎大哈屠杀 1992Washington Heights riots 1992年华盛顿高地暴动 No Gun Ri Massacre 无枪杀案 L.A. Rodney King riots 洛杉矶罗德尼·金暴动 1979 Greensboro Massacre 1979年格林斯伯勒大屠杀 Vietnam War 越南战争 Kent State shootings肯特州枪击案 Bombing of Tokyo 轰炸东京 San Francisco Police Department Park Station bombing 旧金山警察局公园站爆炸案 Assassination of MartinLuther King, Jr. 小马丁·路德·金遭暗杀。 Long Hot Summer of 1967 1967年炎热的夏天 Bagram 巴格拉姆 Selma to Montgomery marches 塞尔玛到蒙哥马利游行 Highway of Death 死亡之路 Ax Handle Saturday 星期六斧头 Battle of Evarts 埃瓦茨战役 Battle ofBlair Mountain 布莱尔山战役 McCarthyism 麦卡锡主义 Red Summer 红色夏天 Rock Springs massacre 岩泉大屠杀 Pottawatomie massacre 盆大屠杀 Jeju uprising 济州起义 Colfaxmassacre 科尔法克斯大屠杀 Reading Railroad massacre 阅读铁路大屠杀 Rock Springs massacre 岩泉大屠杀 Bay viewMassacre 湾景大屠杀 Lattimer massacre 拉蒂默大屠杀 Ludlow massacre 拉德洛屠杀 Everett massacre 埃弗里特屠杀Centralia Massacre 中部大屠杀 Ocoee massacre Ocoee大屠杀 Herrin Massacre 赫林大屠杀 Redwood Massacre红木大屠杀 Columbine Mine Massacre 哥伦拜恩矿难 Guantanamo Bay 关塔那摩湾 extraordinary rendition 非凡的演绎 Abu Ghraib torture and prison abuse 阿布格莱布的酷刑和监狱虐待 Henry Kissinger 亨利·基辛格

gapbetweenus , to technology in Midjourney might ban Biden and Trump images this election season

This election cycle will be full with AI generated propaganda. Fun times ahead.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

I hope they start posting nudes of Biden.

gapbetweenus ,

I want a steamey sex tape with both candidates.

PlainSimpleGarak ,

Thanks I hate it.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

Which one bottoming?

CleoTheWizard , avatar

I’ve had family member ask me about AI since I’m younger and I tell them every time that they aren’t ready for it at all. Especially in this years elections, AI will be weaponized immediately. Like in a few months the machines will turn on from countries around the world to generate fake images and mountains of fake articles and videos and sound bites. Basically, the average Facebook user will be flooded with misinformation and fakery to the point of overload.

AI stuff is survival of the believable, not reality. So if you can believe it, even just a little, you will reinforce an AI model on the edge of your disbelief and it is designed to perfect delusion and extremism.

This year will end in tragedy. I guarantee it.

gapbetweenus ,

the average Facebook user will be flooded with misinformation and fakery to the point of overload.

If you put it like this, it does not sound that bad - since that is already the case. /not sure if s or not.

CleoTheWizard , avatar

When I say misinformation and fakery, I mean that this information won’t be the normal type. It’ll be closer to fabrication or lies where the truth is not even partially represented. Same with fakery. It’s the difference between propaganda editing and straight up CGI or photoshop. The propaganda editing is common. Skew the narrative to the point of misinforming. The other type is not currently common. Because making a believable lie vs a parody of the truth takes more time. But AI can and will change that.

For a while now Facebook has been a place of delusion where a different reality exists for people. This will double or triple that disconnect and will likely drive the whole platform into full post-truth but then also delusional truth. I hope I’m wrong but I doubt it.

Imgonnatrythis , to technology in Who makes money when AI reads the internet for us?

This isn’t keeping me up at night. I’m fully confident advertisers will figure out how to ruin this and get their money.

ThePyroPython ,

Like, for example, breaking my ability to back out of this Engadget page on Connect for Lemmy’s default web browser so I had to close the app and reopen it.

kubica , avatar

In browsers you can long press the back button, and it will show the history so you can really jump where you want. Not sure if on Connect you can but maybe is worth a shot.

Louisoix , to technology in Who makes money when AI reads the internet for us?

I know it’s a small and unimportant thing, but it’s still kinda annoying that some authors (editors?) choose a phone with a giant black hole in the middle of a screen to show something on thumbnails.

Dark_Arc , avatar

It’s an iPhone app… And that’s an iPhone screen…? I’m not sure what you want them to do?

kayazere , to technology in Who makes money when AI reads the internet for us?

While I prefer to doing the reading/searching/summarizing myself, rather than have it presented to me, the current website revenue model is so broken with ads, tracking, and other pop ups. The user experience is really horrible.

aheadofthekrauts , to technology in Who makes money when AI reads the internet for us?

Web creators are trying to share their knowledge and get supported while doing so”, tweeted Ben Goodger, a software engineer who helped create both Firefox and Chrome. “I get how this helps users. How does it help creators? Without them there is no web…” After all, if a web browser sucked out all information from web pages without users needing to actually visit them, why would anyone bother making websites in the first place?

Do you remember rss feed aggregators and how they killed the web?

For decades, websites have served ads and pushed people visiting them towards paying for subscriptions. Monetizing traffic is one of the primary ways most creators on the web continue to make a living.

The AI won’t summarize subscribers only articles. In the end content creators have to focus on subscriptions and less on advertisement revenue. Will this mean less content on the web? Yes of course. However, is this really a bad thing? Less clickbait nonenews articles, less copy&paste repetitions etc.

ricecake ,

For a long time, people put things on the Internet because they thought it was interesting or fun to do so. Ad based stuff has been around longer, but there’s no reason we can’t just accept that maybe the Internet doesn’t make as much money for content creators as we all thought.

prex ,

The ad based stuff seem happy to go with click-baity & AI generated content anyway. The people with the purse strings do tend to be stingy. So much genuinely original content gets ripped of, reacted to etc and diluted away. The loss of professional journalism has been a loss to humanity but it’s one that we might just have to accept.

Now I’m sad.

AA5B ,

Wish I could upvote this sentiment multiple times

shiftymccool , to technology in Who makes money when AI reads the internet for us?

Arc Browser is better for USERS. Ad companies are just going to have to figure it out. Sounds like a “them” problem to me

lurker8008 ,

Remember Google attempt at DRM for the Internet? That would in effect block this. This and similar are justifying to companies to support Google Chrome only and use their DRM.

FaceDeer , avatar

I do not remember Google's attempt at DRM for the Internet, which is an indication of how well it went for their attempt.

Krauerking ,

They aren’t done trying yet.

FaceDeer , avatar

I just did a search, and according to the articles I've found Google abandoned the "Web Environment Integrity" API in November and removed their prototype from Chromium.

Krauerking ,

Well except that they are continuing with developing it for their Webview browser which is the web browser based of chrome that’s embedded in basically every app anyways.

Plus Apple has their Web Tokens which are not being fought against which means Google will be desperate to get in on the pie that Apple is getting away with even if it means waiting and coming up with a different name for it.

It’s still coming. Web DRM and person specific tracking is just around the bend once we get exhausted and distracted enough.

FaceDeer , avatar

Then I guess I won't see whatever websites decide to use it (until it's cracked). Oh well.

prex ,

Does that mean you (and me) end up drowning in a pool of 90% AI dead internet comments while everyone who stayed on Reddit or Facebook can talk to their friends in their WEI tracked & profiled walled garden?

Shitty choice.

The only solution I can see it robust moderation tools on a platform like Lemmy.

AI still gets to read everything but at least individuals/communities/instances can be blocked for bad behaviour.

What altertatives do we have right now?

TheRealCharlesEames ,

No offense but I’m not sure you read or understood the main point of the article — there’s not much of an internet for users if there’s no incentive to supply it with content.

CurlyMoustache , avatar

Meh. We did it before the internet turned to shit. It will be OK

AA5B ,

Advertisers are welcome to turn back the clock of enshittification to a time when the internet worked for both publishers and readers. They got greedy and abused the attention of readers, so I have no sympathy. Now this article adds a huge pile of entitlement that we owe them? On top of this excrement

Windex007 , to technology in Who makes money when AI reads the internet for us?

In relatively short order, the majority of web content will be AI generated anyways. People will be mad that other AIs are stealing what their AIs wrote. The technology and business aspirations have accelerated us towards a shittier and shittier web experience for a few decades now. I think we’ll hit some kind of web-shit-singularity within 5 years.


I don’t think I’d be nearly as upset if the ai weren’t copying the click bait headlines, and “word padding like a fifth grader to get to five double spaced pages” writing style.

AA5B , (edited )

Right, this is where ai can shine, actually improve the output from hack “journalists”

Edit: I’ll set the bar even lower: ai can shine by substituting synonyms for “beloved”. It’s aggravating how many articles use that word these days. No one ever “walks over to the nearby train stop”, but apparently “ we “trek to our beloved train stop breathlessly in time to make our beloved 8:05”. Please Google, save us by derating that word for every article not about human relationships

edwardbear ,

It’s much simpler than that. AI is going to continue makingn it worse, until the big tech companies say that they have a solution which will be web2.0 and solves ALL the problems of the legacy net (problems the big tech is causing lol). Then they will have total information control and regulate the net out of the kazoo.

Imagine visiting a website and “oh oh, apparently you haven’t met the daily quota yet, because you used the toilet. unfortunately your access to the web is restricted.”

I’m telling you, AI (which is not even real fucking AI) is being pushed to the forefront because big tech fucking knows what’s to come. And then they’ll snatch control with the pretense being “it’s just to fix AI, we swear wink wink

JackGreenEarth ,

Aren’t we already on web 2.0 and web 3.0 is bitchain?

edwardbear ,

I don’t mean the current versioning of the web.

I mean that https, ipv4 and dns servers will be abandoned altogether and everything will be incorporated, no more NGO’s, no more vpn, no more Tor, and FOSS will be exterminated.

That’s the corporate dream, the cunts.

AA5B ,

Lol, no. “You haven’t met your daily quota so we’re concerned you haven’t been sitting on the toilet today. Click “skip” for immediate same day delivery of all new extra strength brand laxative”

VampyreOfNazareth ,

Then, a new net technology will be created that bypasses ISP and government spy boxes. Many CEO’s will pay politicians to imprison users.

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