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tearsintherain , avatar

Yeah, but it’s something that wasn’t there before so it matters. Current and past gens have fucked it ALL up so these kids are part of something positive. And future lies with them.

tearsintherain , avatar

This is something hopeful, I applaud them 🙏 👏

tearsintherain , avatar

So better not to add it all??

The problem is what and how history is taught and whitewashed and propagandized. Like teaching school children the upside of slavery.

I was looking at the firefox flatpak on flathub. Won't this warning make a non tech-savy user anxious? This might make them think they'll get a virus or something like that. (

Imagine your friend that does not know anything about linux, don’t you think this would make them not install the firefox flatpak and potentially think that linux is unsafe?...

tearsintherain , avatar

Just reminding folks that just because it’s flatpak’d, doesn’t mean it’s sandboxed. But they probably should add some general click here for more info.

tearsintherain , avatar

Greece had been effed since the austerity economics were placed on them due to the great big financial crisis where boys were declared to be too big to fail. Remember only regular working people are allowed to fail.

tearsintherain , avatar

This is truth. Destruction of public education by conservatives, neoliberals and privateers fits nicely with destruction of workers and unions. It’s control of your population, which is funneled through a view of them as simply future workers for the owner class. I dont know why u would want to be a teacher in a country that just doesn’t give a shit. UK is facing similar.

And if u think majority of those not-for-profit charter aren’t founded by people in it for the money, ive got a bridge and can give u a good price……/report-how-a-non-profit-charter-scho…

Its like many wealthy people who seek and do get rich off tax payer money, like elon did with tesla.

What does the world think of India?

I am an Indian and I have noticed that Indians are way too proud of their country for some reason and at the same time lack any civic sense towards it, they are extremely loud and extremely proud. We feel like the world revolves around India and our culture is superior to that of others. Also, a considerable chunk of the...

tearsintherain , avatar

BJP/RSS - right wing fundamentalist zealots have taken over India. It’s gross, it’s dangerous and frightening. It’s what we hope America will not become with Trump and Heritage types.

tearsintherain , avatar

Just about all the products sold on amazon.

He Made a PowerPoint on Mothers Starving in Gaza. Then He Lost His Government Job. (

Alexander Smith’s PowerPoint presentation doesn’t appear designed to court controversy. The slides, focused on declining maternal health in Gaza, cite public health data from the United Nations and World Health Organization. His employer, the U.S. Agency for International Development, had selected him to share it at the...

tearsintherain , avatar

‘A single slide mentioned international humanitarian law in context of the health crisis in Gaza.’

“I wasn’t planning to stand up and yell ‘Israel is committing genocide,’” Smith said. “I was stating the laws.”

Why Is There an AI Hype? | The Luddite (

Companies are training LLMs on all the data that they can find, but this data is not the world, but discourse about the world. The rank-and-file developers at these companies, in their naivete, do not see that distinction…So, as these LLMs become increasingly but asymptotically fluent, tantalizingly close to accuracy but...

tearsintherain , avatar

FF (fuck 'em) whoring themselves for Amazon execs isn’t the main story here. It’s the disgusting exploitation of labor for profits. Organized destruction of unions and workers rights had made this tale an everyday, everywhere occurrence. Long ago there was a time when the news would report about main street and wall street as being more intertwined. Today their well being is in opposite directions. From symbiotic to parasitic.

It seems to prefer coercion as a method to keep people producing rather than inspiring them and earning their best.

Ambush style layoffs remove the feeling of safety, making people desperate to prove they shouldn’t be next. With this approach, Amazon embraces a timelessly blood-curdling rationale: nothing concentrates the mind like a credible threat.

Annual attrition targets for a fixed percentage of people every year create a survival mentality. No one wants to be the slowest gazelle when the lion comes around again, so everyone runs faster. Classic coercion.

tearsintherain , avatar

Students phone usage in schools are problematic. It’s not just in the classroom, but (raises hand) can i go to the bathroom (to use my phone). You can’t lock down their at&t or t-mobile phones. Don’t know how an outright ban would work but it’s worth a shot. Education like democracy is in decline and in peril. Especially public education with the onslaught of charter schools.

tearsintherain , avatar

So they listen for phone traffic, then what? Track down every user throughout the school day and intercept them? I would wager people who respond with IT solutions don’t realize they at times sound like a ‘tech bro’ who believes they have s solution for everything even of they have no experience in education, no experience being an educator and understanding their contexts. It’s no wonder why teachers in general in America are treated so poorly. Even folks who say they support teachers don’t understand how much they have to do and with so many students and little time.

tearsintherain , avatar

So jamming is not a practical solution.

tearsintherain , avatar

Keeping cell phones out of middle schoolers hands during school hours when they are meant to be learning, and contributing to a community is controlling their lives? Wow, it is no wonder people don’t value teachers or education in America.

tearsintherain , avatar

Here we are on lemmy knowing the damage that big tech has done and continues to do. Yet some of us think keeping smartphones out of school children’s hands during school hours is controlling their lives?

We truly don’t value teachers, we don’t understand their contexts or education in general. School, especially public school is where we go to learn just not stuff from a board or a book. It’s where we learn to live in a community. Hopefully a place where we can learn empathy by meeting other humans our age from similar and different walks of life. Where grow and develop, gain and also contribute. Where we have to learn to compromise because we share time and space with many human beings as opposed to say home schooling which is primarily driven by conservative religious folks.

While police and law enforcement keep getting more and more funding and support. Public education keeps getting defunded. Not enough teachers, books or supplies. Do more with less has been the norm for decades. Mirroring capitalism and paving the way for charter school factories where teachers and administrators are burned out even at higher rates.

Control over education is control over your future population. The less fully formed, the less humanist, the less critical thinking, the more centered on simply future workers, the more dystopian the future becomes.

tearsintherain , avatar

Amazon: get 30-day free trial.

Very quietly Amazon: we bill you $14.99 two weeks into your 30-day free trial ;)

tearsintherain , avatar

living in crazy times. like full throttle over a cliff.

tearsintherain , avatar

This is even more concerning when you look at some of the motivations: “The bill was largely spurred by recent protests on university and college campuses across the country, including North Carolina-based schools, against the war in Gaza.”

this is about control, fascism. historically student protests are the canary in the coal mine on a number of issues. powers that be are looking to stamp out any dissent going forward.

tearsintherain , avatar

There is def throwing out meat for the rabid base. Feel like North Carolina is looking to hook up with TX and FL. University of North Carolina to divert $2.3m DEI budget to safety and policing“Some members of the board of trustees, which voted for the divestment, cited students’ recent anti-war demonstrations as a reason for the redesignation of funds to the campus police.”

tearsintherain , avatar

King Abbott, what a poor excuse for a human being.

tearsintherain , avatar

Did Jerry Seinfeld’s wife find these violent counter protesters as well? Glad to see researchers are unmasking them, but will there be any criminal charges… Meanwhile israel is funding canary mission to doxx peaceful protesters in order to control all narrative and maintain influence.

US Army officer resigns over 'unqualified support' for Israel (

He wrote that the justifications for Israel’s war in Gaza became “difficult to defend” and that “whatever the justification you’re either advancing a policy that enables the mass starvation of children, or you’re not.” The post received an outpouring of support with hundreds of likes and comments in just a few...

tearsintherain OP , avatar

Mann himself stated his reasons include being a ‘descendant of European Jews’. I admire his moral conviction. For some people ‘never again’ are life/history/moral lessons learned, rather than mere slogans to be printed on stickers.

All this death and destruction helped along by US tax dollars, and US munitions.

I was not surprised Hillary ‘corporate’ Clinton came out full on pro-death-and-destruction, pointedly criticizing student protesters. It’s decades of failed blank check US foreign policy towards Israel playing out now.

tearsintherain OP , avatar

‘Total outrage’: White House condemns Israeli settlers’ attack on Gaza aid trucks (

Video of the incident on Monday at Tarqumiya checkpoint, west of Hebron in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, showed settlers blocking the trucks and throwing boxes of much-needed supplies on the ground. Photographs from the scene showed piles of damaged aid packages and drifts of rice and flour across the road....

tearsintherain OP , (edited ) avatar

‘Outrage’ aside, the actions of these religious fanatics that ‘settle’ on stolen lands is not at all new or surprising. They can be described as terrorists as much as any other group.

tearsintherain OP , (edited ) avatar

They’ve been destroying and disrupting aid deliveries for some time. Even singing, chanting and dancing to the deed.
What’s a little death by famine, of even babies and children. They are simply doing God’s work. I’m sure God will sort it all out.

tearsintherain OP , (edited ) avatar
tearsintherain OP , avatar

Haaretz 2017 Israeli Settlers Filmed Stealing Olive Harvest of West Bank Palestinian Farmers

tearsintherain , avatar

We need both, Rent Control and more housing. Land-lording has also been invaded by capitalists looking to squeeze humans for every cent and govt needs to stem that tide too. Rent has been soaring in the biggest capitalist zones, US and EU/CA.

Cap rent rises in England and Wales, Labour-commissioned report says

tearsintherain , avatar

Can only be described as psychopathic response disguised as intellectual arguments. There aren’t enough dead babies, women and children that will move this person so long as they’re Palestinian.

tearsintherain , (edited ) avatar

Pretty disgusting. More people should be made aware of these tactics because it will leave a bad taste in anyone’s mouth in an age of privacy concerns and surveillance.

This is authoritarian regime dystopian stuff.

tearsintherain , (edited ) avatar
tearsintherain , avatar

I am not exactly thrilled with Biden but Trump would absolutely be far, far, far, far worse. For America, the world and definitely Palestinians. I have zero doubt about that.

tearsintherain , avatar

Thank you for reminding about the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin.

Not enough people realize the extent and level of religious fanaticism that exists in Israel.

tearsintherain , avatar

Even the roots of Israel are established in violent acts of what can only be described as terrorism. Of course one person’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. Israel is one of the main originators of the car bomb. But you can read more about the Irgung gangs and terrorism committed by Israel’s founders if you choose.

Buda’s wagon was, in essence, the prototype car bomb: the first use of an inconspicuous vehicle, anonymous in almost any urban setting, to transport large quantities of high explosive into precise range of a high-value target. It was not replicated, as far as I have been able to determine, until January 12, 1947 when the Stern Gang drove a truckload of explosives into a British police station in Haifa, Palestine, killing 4 and injuring 140. The Stern Gang (a pro-fascist splinter group led by Avraham Stern that broke away from the right-wing Zionist paramilitary Irgun) would soon use truck and car bombs to kill Palestinians as well: a creative atrocity immediately reciprocated by British deserters fighting on the side of Palestinian nationalists.

tearsintherain , avatar

There decades since Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination and Israel has lurched only further to the right. One of the greatest obstacles to peace has been Israel’s continual land grabs and illegal settlement building. That has pretty much been cemented as nationalist policy. Ben Gvir is a psychopath and his rise is telling of how far Israel has embraced religious fanaticism.

No one, however, offends liberal and centrist Israelis quite like Itamar Ben-Gvir. Ben-Gvir, who entered parliament in 2021, leads a far-right party called Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power. His role model and ideological wellspring has long been Meir Kahane, a Brooklyn rabbi who moved to Israel in 1971 and, during a single term in the Knesset, tested the moral limits of the country. Israeli politicians strive to reconcile Israel’s identities as a Jewish state and a democracy. Kahane argued that “the idea of a democratic Jewish state is nonsense.” In his view, demographic trends would inevitably turn Israel’s non-Jews into a majority, and so the ideal solution was “the immediate transfer of the Arabs.” To Kahane, Arabs were “dogs” who “must sit quietly or get the hell out.” His rhetoric was so virulent that lawmakers from both sides of the aisle used to walk out of the Knesset when he spoke. His party, Kach (Thus), was finally barred from parliament in 1988. Jewish Power is an ideological offshoot of Kach; Ben-Gvir served as a Kach youth leader and has called Kahane a “saint.”

Ben-Gvir, who is forty-six, has been convicted on at least eight charges, including supporting a terrorist organization and incitement to racism, compiling a criminal record so long that, when he appeared before a judge, “we had to change the ink on the printer,” Dvir Kariv, a former official in the Shin Bet intelligence agency, told me. As recently as last October, Netanyahu refused to share a stage with him, or even to be seen with him in photographs. But a series of disappointing elections persuaded Netanyahu to change his mind.

tearsintherain , (edited ) avatar

Just because you say so, over and over and over that these protests are antisemitic, doesn’t make it true.

Bernie Sanders to the Mainstream media: “go to Gaza, and take your camera show us the emaciated children who are dying from malnutrition because of Netanyahu’s policies.”

PREPARED REMARKS: Sanders on the Nationwide Student Protests and the Ongoing Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza

Study reveals "widespread, bipartisan aversion" to neighbors owning AR-15 rifles (

A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that across all political and social groups in the United States, there is a strong preference against living near AR-15 rifle owners and neighbors who store guns outside of locked safes. This surprising consensus suggests that when it comes...

tearsintherain , (edited ) avatar

Except the stats (art and science) don’t mention that in many of the mass shootings, an AR-15 assault rifle was commonly used. Highly lethal, designed to kill as many people as possible in a short amount of time.

My mistake, they do mention it.

tearsintherain , avatar

Nope, it’s the establishment is cool, elon rocks type.

tearsintherain , avatar

Reddit/Stack/AI are the latest examples of an economic system where a few people monetize and get wealthy using the output of the very many.

Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants (

Europeans view immigration with increasing suspicion. Seven out of 10 Europeans believe that their country takes in too many migrants, according to a survey carried out by BVA Xsight for ARTE Europe Weekly, a project led by the French-German TV channel ARTE GEIE and which EL PAÍS has participated in, as part of the countdown to...

tearsintherain , avatar

Scapegoats for decades of failed neoliberal capitalism that’s led to massive inequality. Massive wealth accumulated by slivers of the populations.

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