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froh42 ,

Sorry for making fun about your typo, but the thought of a cussion - a cushion that cusses like a sailor every time you sit on it - is too funny.

I've got this idea baking because I saw a guy post that it's been as many year from 1971 to 2024 as it was from 1971 to 1918. How do the global wars compare in the two periods?

It occurs to me that this last 1/2 century or so has been globally pretty peaceful. And I wondered if it might even be one of the MOST peaceful 50 years we’ve had....

froh42 ,

It’s probably also a matter of perspective and where in the world you live.

I feel specifically the last 25 years have been specifically bad with the outbreak of quite a number of wars. Starting with two gulf wars, balkan war, several wars around the russian influence sphere, a lot going on in africa, wars nearly forgotten by the media like Yemen, and ultimately Israel/Gaza…

It 's a shit show, globally right now.

froh42 ,

The footrest is still there in a manual car. The brake pedal is smaller, the clutch in between.

When you brake you hit the clutch with the left foot and brake with the right one on the brake pedal. Unintentionally smashing the wider brake pedal can happen if you switch from a smaller car to one with a very wide brake pedal. (Mercedes have quite wide brake pedals, for example)

It also happened a few times to me over my. life until I got used to put my left foot very close to the seat when driving automatic, so I don’t subconsciously use it. (Just “away” from where I’d have it in a manual car)

It typically happens if you need to do emergency braking anyways and just all the reflexes kick in. In normal situations it never happened to me.

If you owned a magic library people donated to in order to preserve media for eternity but which was going through overpopulation, what criteria would you use to decide which media survived/discarded?

I was reading a recent article about the efforts by people not to ban books. While I think the sentiment is good-natured, as a helper at my local library, this is actually very problematic. People donate to us all the time, as is how libraries work. Sometimes the books are unpopular, unproductive, harmful, or just low tier....

froh42 ,

By the way, random selection is one of the few methods to guarantee a fair and representatative sample.

In case of a library I’d want at least part of the catalog represent media of the times is was created, because science also uses that.

One reason archaelogy in Pompei is valuable is that everyrhing - including pornograhic graffiti and slander was preserved, giving us a different perspective into those times than books by medieval historians.

Of course, I’d also want - in another part of the catalog - books/media by manually selected scientists, artists, historians.

froh42 ,

Fuck, Germany introduced unleaded fuel only in 1984 and still offered leaded fuel for a long time.

It was required because of the introduction of catalytic converters, which would get damaged by lead in the fuel.

When I was at Bundeswehr I was in hospital for some time and got some thorough diagnosis. They asked me if I worked with lead in the past (no), so I seem to have at least some lead levels in my body.

(Can’t think of a I AM NOT CRAZY pun right now)

froh42 ,

Tbh, I have no idea. The whole of Europe was late to this. The first catalytic conveter cars were sold in 1973 in the US and 1985 in Germany.

Switzerland made them obligatory in 1986, Germany made them obligatory only in 1993 - because that was an EU-wide regulation.

The only thing I can imagine is the big political influence car makers have in Germany, but that’s just “what sounds reasonable to me”, no proof.

froh42 ,

As gas stations have enough room for more expensive “ultimate” versions of fuel, I don’t think that’s the reason. You can frequently get two kinds of Diesel and three kinds of Gas at the pump.

O. t. o. h…maybe the whole “premium fuel” hype resulted from stations having additional tanks after leaded fuel was phased out.

froh42 ,

Exactly this thought made made me understand “god is irrelevant” a long time ago and I became an agnosticist.

I really can not understand people who are only “good” because they fear an ultimate judgment, and not be good just because they want to out of their own volition.

In case there are gods, I’ll be judged for who I am, anyways. It doesn’t matter if I play “good child”. If there are no gods, I’m still happier if I’m not an asshole.

How do you store your grounded coffee? (

Hiya, just quickly wondering how people store their coffee? Mine is in a tin box I got second hand, cos I thought it looked nice. Any rules regarding storing grounded coffee? I don’t store much at the time, it’s just if I grind a little too much and what not. I’m assuming the general thumb rule for this is to store it in a...

froh42 ,

Do we also have something like r/dontputyourdickinthat on lemmy?

froh42 ,

5 year old me after it bounces back from my finger I accidentally put there- agaaaain! agaaain!

And the stupidest of all car owners is not smarter than a 5y old kid.

froh42 ,

Don’t you know how to use the three seashells?

Why is there a surge of deodorant products mostly advertised to women in the US?

So I have balls and yeah they’re the first thing on my body to start to smell. I can skip a shower if I’m in a hurry and I don’t smell much. That’s with working a job that’s usually physical. I was a punk kid fucking punk girls when I was younger and we didn’t bathe every day. I didn’t notice much smell then....

froh42 ,

As a guy one thing I notice - there’s a difference in how good I dry my parts after showering. Things feel cleaner during the day if I manage to get all the moisture away but before hiding my best parts in underwear shortly after showering.

I have wondered many times (and here is the place people can answer) - am I the only one who uses the hairdryer on his balls after drying his hair? (When I do, I always have this “thank god nobody sees this” feeling)

froh42 ,

“If you’ve got, at scale, a statistically significant amount of data that shows conclusively that the autonomous car has, let’s say, half the accident rate of a human-driven car, I think that’s difficult to ignore,” Musk said.

That’s a very problematic claim - and it might only be true if you compare completely unassited vehicles to L2 Teslas.

Other brands also have a plethora of L2 features, but they are marketed and designed in a different way. The L2 features are activate but designed in a way to keep the driver engaged in driving.

So L2 features are for better safety, not for a “wow we live in the future” show effect.

For example lane keeping in my car - you don’t notice it when driving, it is just below your level of attention. But when I’m unconcentrated for a moment the car just stays on the lane, even on curving roads. It’s just designed to steer a bit later than I would do. (Also, even before, the wheel turns minimally lighter into the direction to keep the car center of lane, than turning it to the other direction - it’s just below what you notice, however if you don’t concentrate on that effect)

Adaptive speed control is just sold as adaptive speed control - it did notice it uses radar AND the cameras once, as it considers. my lane free as soon the car in front me clears the lane markings with its wheels (when changing lanes)

It feels like the software in my car could do a lot more, but its features are undersold.

The combination of a human driver and the driver assist systems in combination makes driving a lot safer than relying on the human or the machine alone.

In fact the braking assistant has once stopped my car in tight traffic before I could even react, as the guy in front of me suddenly slammed their brakes. If the system had failed and not detected the situation then it would have been my job to react in time. (I did react, but can’t say if I might have been fast enough with reaction times)

What Tesla does with technology is impressive, but I feel the system could be so. much better if they didn’t compromise saftey in the name of marketing and hyperbole.

If Tesla’s Autopilot was designed frim ground up to keep the driver engaged, I believe it would really be the safest car on the road.

I feel they are rather designed to be able to show off “cool stuff”.

froh42 ,

When I was a teenager my dad got a beautiful marble chess board. It was leaning on a wall, and when I picked it up it broke into two halves.

My dad was really sad and angry at me, that board meant quite a deal to him. He always thought I mishandled it, regardless how I said I was careful.

He died last November.

I got sent a few boxes with his belongings, and when I opened one of them I found that chessboard. It is glued with epoxy.

It sits in my apartment now, and I still don’t know if I want to keep it or get rid of it. One one hand it meant a lot to him, on the other hand it is one of the very rare things where I felt treated unfairly.

"Batch cooking" how do you store meal for the second half of the week ?

I don’t do “batch cooking” per se, but often cook something larger on saturday/sunday so I have leftover, either for Monday/thuesday lunch or for when coming back from sport, keeping food 2-3 in the fridge doesn’t worry me (Obviously, I am not gonna keep a tartare so long in the frige, and don’t even cook meat). Things...

froh42 ,

When I batch cook I fill portions of hot food into glass jars with screw lids and keep them in the fridge. (Those glass jars contained yogurt when I bought them, when I need more I buy more yogurt and eat it)

Each jar is 1/2l so a good size for one portion and I only open them when I take them out of the fridge for usage. By filling hot, keeping cool and not opening them (so introducing only few microorganisms) they stay OK for at least a week.

froh42 ,

I enjoy and do A, but need B a week later to recharge.

froh42 ,

I live in Germany, was a teenager in the 80s. We would have been ground zero then, and would be ground zero now.

I’ve already spent all the fear of nuclear war in the 80s. I am just not able to fear nuclear war now, anymore. The fear just dulls after nearly half a century.

The choice is to let a madman bring war to one country after another or to stop it - with the cost that stopping has a miniscule chance of me getting vaporized.

But doing nothing will keep the risk of nuclear war for another 50 years. It has to be stopped now, appeasement never did anything good.

froh42 ,

Yes, and pouring too hot milk into a very badly looking espresso (which is missing crema) from a tea can spluttering it all over the table exactly makes it a crime.

This was all about the show, not the quality.

froh42 ,

Early splatter on the right of the screen, another one at 0:12 at the left and at 0:05 someone else is pulling their cup/plate out of the danger zone.

[OC] Shipwreck of Hephaestus (

We were traveling through Malta in 2018 when I came across this. According to the locals it had crashed up on shore about a month prior. They didn’t know what to do so they tied it off until they could come up with a solution. My personal favorite of the photos I took. The two guys below were exploring the ship. Thought it...

froh42 ,

Original Content

OP did take the photo themselves, it’s not something they found on the web.

froh42 ,

Was hat die Reinigungskraft im Kraftwerk gesagt?

“Schalt jetzt bloß nicht die Turbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…”

froh42 ,

Are they cooked or raw? And did someone put them in paint to color them?

froh42 ,

I know, shitpost.

But: A few years ago the front right spring broke on my Peugeot 307 van, dug itself into the tire and ripped of the tire when I tried to. move the car. (It was parked when it happened)

Two hours before I had driven that van on the Autobahn at its vmax of about 180kph (about 110mph)

Ripping off the front tire would NOT have been a fun situation.

froh42 ,

Groaan, my 17y old sun is currently intentionally growing a mullet.

Can’t the trauma be enough? I already grew up in the 80s.

froh42 , (edited )

Many years, ago, early morning routine. I needed to go to work, so I just just told my then 3 1/2y old daughter she couldn’t go to kindergarden right now, we go a little later.

Stamping her foot, “Nooooooo, I want to go now”

“Ok, if you insist…”

froh42 ,

My neighbor country, the Czech Republic also has very permissive gun control laws - it has a lot less shooting incidents per capita than the US.

So, while gun control is one thing that’s really missing and should be done, there’s more going on - sometimes you read the word “mental health crisis”

Tbh, I also know a lot of dumb motherfuckers, but in the US a larger amount of dumb motherfuckers seem to become homicidal twats.

Saying he’s just a whack-job wanting to kill lotso-people is not enough, why the fuck does this happen so frequently?

floe , to coffee avatar

Anyone around who has experience with magnet valves? I got one here (in a coffee machine) that buzzes loudly when active, is that a sign it's going to bite the dust soon? Any suggestions for fixes, like repeated descaling, or simply giving it a good whack? Or save myself the hassle and just get a replacement part?

/cc @coffee

froh42 ,

The espresso machine I bought off ebay for spare parts (to repair mine) had a buzzing magnet valve. (And the valve did not close)

It turned out the shower sieve was broken and on every cup the machine flushed coffee into the three way valve.

I used coffee machine degreaser and did a lot of backflushing with a “blind sieve” in the portafilter. With the degreaser buzzing slowly got better until it finally stopped and the valve closed correctly again. I never opened or changed the valve.

It was just dirty.

I’m using the machine I bought for spare parts for half a year now (and of course I replaced the shower sieve, which was about 7 euro or so)

(Oh and the machine is a Rancilio Silvia, my old one is 16y old and the spare parts one around 4y or so)

froh42 ,

My over 10 year old chinese bluetooth speaker connects as an audio device when plugged in with the USB cable to a PC.

This seems to be a feature that’s hard to search for, as it wasn’t even announced in the marketing material.

Keep Sonicating to prevent drugs. (

So as a summary of the procedure from what I saw…you go in the tube, they spin a big ass magnet around you, the molecular resonance is captured into an image… somehow they figure out some areas or volumes are more active than others, then they sonicate those volumes. As they sonicate your memories away, they show you images...

froh42 ,

Wtf is this the 2024 version of a lobotomy?

froh42 ,

Ooh wow. Tons of possibilities for sci fi movie scripts. Btw, the downvote wasn’t from me - probably someone found that thoughts scary And them being scary, there I agree. With the downvote no.

froh42 ,

German “umfahren” has entered the chat. Just with different stress it can either mean drive around someone/something or drive someone/something over.

froh42 ,

And as every child here knows, you can just plug it into a pig nose for mobile power. No need for noisy generators, just bring your pig.

froh42 ,

Plugs are for beginners. I once managd to step on a Motorola 68020 processor which embedded its pins intomy foot and drew blood.

froh42 ,

Heh. When my daughter was small, she could say spaghetti, but also added the initial “s” to baguette, making it a “spaguette” .

We’re German, by the way, so we frequently eat both.

froh42 ,

Not specifically for a rock, but that’s “roughly” how physical modeling synthesiers work for instruments.

Also there’s a youtube channel of a guy who builds an engine simulator to reproduce the sounds of 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines by applying fluid dynamic simulation of the gas flows in an engine.

It COULD conceivably be built for rock dropping as well, but I assume that’s not a thing people have yet put effort in.


froh42 ,

Yeah 5000 of them to get the 500 mW a smartphone needs in standby mode. 50000 if you want to power up the phone from stabdby (assuming it just uses 5 Watts)

It is the article that mentioned smart phones which is bullshit. This is a (probably expensive) battery specialized for extremely low power devices which need to run for many years. It will never be something that powers your phone.

The tech is really cool and there’s applications for such a battery - just not phones.

froh42 ,

The place next to the door was unoccupied, the incident (fortunately) also happened while the fasten seatbelts lights were still on.

A couple of mobile phones got sucked out but no human.

froh42 ,

I had to google, maybe some else wants to know: Galileo units is a (non-SI) measure of acceleration.

1 gal = 1 cm/s^2

100 gal = 1 m/s^2

So the 500-something gal from the article is roughly around half the acceleration of gravity we normally feel.

froh42 ,

Boeing Boeing Boeing Boeing…

  • Hey Joe, is this set up for the correct specs for the plug doors?
  • Bert, don’t ask such things, else we’ll be here until night. Just fix those darn bolts with it, then let’s go for a drink.

Alaska flight incident reveals another feature Boeing didn’t inform pilots about - Federal investigators said that Boeing didn’t make pilots aware that when a plane rapidly depressurizes, the cockp... (

Alaska flight incident reveals another feature Boeing didn’t inform pilots about - Federal investigators said that Boeing didn’t make pilots aware that when a plane rapidly depressurizes, the cockp…::undefined

froh42 ,

Just purchase it now and next year the full self flying package will be available. We’re doing it with cameras only.

froh42 ,

Level 3 autonomy is exactly that. Mercedes allows you to do other things than driving in specific situations like specific (!) highways etc.

BMW also has Level 3 on low speeds on specific highways.

This is not autonomy in all situations but only during the day, no rain etc.

For limited situations the car fully takes over and in case of an accident it is legally Mercedes’ or BMW’s responsibility not the driver.

That specific situation is indicated by the lights.

It will not drive autonomously in a city or so or where pedestrians are.

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