There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.


@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

forgotmylastusername ,

For some reason I memory holed the first distro I used. There’s only vague recollection. I think it was SUSE or something. When Ubuntu came around I tried Linux again. That’s when I started to get the hang of things.

forgotmylastusername ,

I’m pretty sure Shield happened because the Tegra chips were used in infotainment designs. It wasn’t just because of Switch as oft repeated.

What do you think of the term "short king" as a term that's supposed to champion body positivity for men?

Body positivity is such a strange concept to me. There’s efforts to reclaim words while simultaneously calling them bad if used as an insult. Ideally, people wouldn’t be offended by someone describing their body with common descriptors, but socially there is so much value attributed to certain body types that it’s almost...

forgotmylastusername ,

The internet made a whole lot of things a big deal. Then convinced guys they were the victims. Then filled their heads with extremist ideologies. What a wild past 10-15 years.

forgotmylastusername ,

Isn’t this generally how the big tech firms generate dark profiles on people? Of the people who don’t explicitly exist on their database. Take the intersection of data from family events. The people not in their database of known profiles are also likely family. Do the same for friend events. Take the intersection of those peoples interests. You’ll be knowing a lot about someone who never told you anything about themselves.

You can run but you can’t hide. Crazy times we live in.

forgotmylastusername ,

The internet had a social contract. The reason people put effort into brain dumping good posts is because the internet was a global collaborative knowledge base for everybody.

Of course there were always capitalists who sought to privatize and profit from resources. The source materials were generally part of the big giant digital continuum of knowledge. For the parts that weren’t there we’re anarchists who sought to free that knowledge for anyone who wanted to access it.

AI is bringing about the end of all this as platforms are locking down everything. Old boards and forums had already been shuttering for years as social media was centralizing everything around a few platforms. Now those few platforms are being swallowed up by AI where the collective knowledge of humanity is being put behind paywalls. People no longer want to work directly for the profit of private companies.

Capitalists can only see dollar signs. They care not for the geological epoch scale forces of nature required to form petroleum. All that matters is can it all be sold and how quickly. Nor do they care for environmental damages they cause. In the same way the AI data mining do not care for the digital ecological disaster they are causing.

More over it’s a thought terminating cliche when someone says, “<thing> existed before so why’s it suddenly a problem?”. It seems to be yet another out of the bag of rhetorical tricks that wipes the slate of discourse clean. As if all the arguments against it suddenly need to be explained as if none of it had any validity. Not only that but the OPs are often seemingly disingenuously naive. It provides the OP with a blank slate to continually “just ask questions”. Where every response is “but why?” which forces their interlocutors to keep on elaborating in excruciating detail to the point where they give up trying to explain minutiae. Thus the OP can conclude by default they were correct that it’s not a problem after all because they declare nobody has provided them with answers to their satisfaction.

forgotmylastusername ,

Reddit is inside the walls of enshittification. Reddit kowtows to the techbro narrative. Dissenting voices do appear there as they aren’t a full blown censorship. By and large the reddit userbase has historically been in aligned with big tech.

forgotmylastusername ,

Same shit different era. Always gotta be persecuting somebody.

Also when Silicon Valley copies and steals they get praised as revolutionary innovators.

forgotmylastusername ,

Why does this have to be a two sides thing? Is this underpinned by the culture war bullshit? I can’t tell and I can’t be assed to deep dive into every spat to untangle all the reading between the lines.

I’m surprised they found that there is no evidence that using these platforms is “rewiring” children’s brains. Wasn’t it shown that social media companies base pretty much their entire technical decision making on psychologically conditioning not just children’s brains but everyone who uses it? So the evidence now shows that these are benign after all? Zuckerberg and Dorsey and Huffman never had us trapped in infinite scroll fine tuning the knobs to keep us teetering on the brink? There’s some discrepancy here.

I don’t see what the divide is anyways. Social media is all about things like violence, structural discrimination, sexual abuse, substance abuse. It’s odd the book author is saying these are non-issues. Seems like he is taking a rather shallow view.

Also teenagers have been using the broader definition of social media for decades.

forgotmylastusername ,

No politics was a rule on many forums. One of the many things social media did away with.

forgotmylastusername ,

A spooky thing I noticed at one point I could search a rather vague query and Google was returning results in the programming language I was working with when the query was general enough to have been any language.

forgotmylastusername ,

What has reddit accomplished in over a decade? That place has been nothing more than an escalating demoralization psy-op. It’s given the right another central platform to push their ideologies. It’s had the left preoccupied with petty squabbles.

Maybe reddit closer to 15-20 years ago would have been able to use reddit to stage actual coordinated worker demonstrations in cities around America. Over the past decade or so they’ve been keyboard mashing.

forgotmylastusername ,

A president in jail would be disastrous for the reputation of America as a country. That’s been my theory as to why he will never face any real consequence. It seems like an elephant in the room. One that probably doesn’t even split neatly down partisanship.

forgotmylastusername ,

They already have their own x86 chips. They’re a few generations behind the cutting edge. They’ve been catching up fast which is why the US and EU have been shitting their pants trying to wage cold war. All of a sudden ramping up the China bad narrative out of left field when not long ago they were trying to work with China rather than against them…

Much of the manufacturing difficulty we hear about with western industry is achieving highest yields possible of the most powerful chips to please ravenous shareholders demanding flawless profit gains every quarter. Capitalism problems in other words. It’s much different when your goal is merely to produce computers for government office use. You can still use old computers for the majority of computing needs.

forgotmylastusername ,

The writings been on the all for a long time. Public trackers are as good as dead. People have held on to a cocky attitude that there will always be somebody to take up the mantle but that hasn’t been true in so long. Anti-piracy has been winning by war of attrition.

The interest in bittorrent usage has been on a gradual decline for good decade at least. Try looking for some recent shows these days and you’ll be hard pressed to find many seeders for even popular ones. You’ll still be able to download it eventually but it’s a long way down from the heyday when obscure content was highly available.

These days everyone has streaming subscriptions or is logging in with someones account. The dwindling number of torrenters will download and watch relatively soon after release. Then the torrent dies real quick.

I’m pretty sure to much of the younger generations piracy means getting content from pirate streaming sites more than anything. The decline of PC usage has got to be a big factor too. There just isn’t anymore nerd culture of your PC being your main device much less leaving it running 24/7 with a torrent client. I bet soon enough as gen alpha comes of age, bittorrent will be a forgotten technology of the ancients.

forgotmylastusername ,

I think I’ve comment this before but over the pandemic years I did a little experiment. Every day I bookmarked the obvious content reposting bot accounts on the first few pages of r/all. After a while I checked back on the accounts. The majority of them become cryptocurrency spam bots. A very small percentage spam random things. There was an extremely high success rate of picking out the bot accounts. Pretty much all them were except for maybe a handful.

spez is basically exit scamming with reddit. Whoever is buying the dataset is getting robbed blind. That’s if reddit inc isn’t being upfront behind closed doors. Maybe they are. After all reddit does have well over a decade of mostly organic activity. The recent data has to be absolute trash though.

forgotmylastusername ,

We’re in the middle of a technological cold war.

forgotmylastusername ,

I don’t think this is going to tank like everyone says. Those that hold that opinion are too heavily basing this on personal feelings toward the platform. Reddit isn’t geared toward those individuals anymore. They successfully pivot the platform towards the broad swath of social media users. The market will be pricing reddit based on this. Not whether or not you personally think it’s still a site worth using. The more opinionated geek crowd was never profitable and reddit inc doesn’t care about them.

At this point social media users have grown so weary of their main platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Enough to have mass adopted reddit especially during the pandemic years. Reddit has been capitalizing on that to give people something that seems fresh to them. For all your own years of baggage you personally hold over reddit, the broad market of social media users do not care. They just want their big multi-forum app to entertain them.

The market will not price reddit based on your personal idpol issues with the site. Of which everybody across the spectrum seems to have some sort of stick up their ass. Reddit has survived all those “reddit moments” over the past decades. The platform has actually proven incredibly resilient. The nature of reddit is that it isn’t any common identity anyone can point to really. There is so much representation across the board. Users hate other parts of reddit rather than reddit itself.

The big social platforms have consolidated power over the internet. There’s no competitors. reddit being the forgotten stepchild is having its time in the spotlight right now. The fediverse ecosystem is too raw and too technical for the casual user right now.

The company basically has to keep mods placated to keep on keeping the lights on. They did survive the API protest. I think to them that was actually a litmus test for the IPO. So far we have seen there is no shortage of sycophants lined up. Subreddits are valuable and there has been and will always be those who want to be internet feudal lord.

A lot of people do take issue with reddit but overall the userbase they are selling, that broad social media userbase, they did not care about such issues as the API whatever gabagool. They don’t even know what an aye pee eye is. They just wanted their app to go back to normal. And it did. And reddit resumed operation as normal.

forgotmylastusername ,

FYI: reddit orphans content. In other words your posts/comments are undeletable.

I found instances of such late last year by way of search results. I clicked a username to see more posts by that account. The only content on their profile page was a final deletion message about the API changes.

Their post history was discoverable by using “<username>” on Google. All of their posts/comments still show up under their username instead of the normal [deleted]. Clicking the username takes you to their empty profile page.

So what we know from this now is that reddit has been saving original submissions. Whereas before their claim was that only the last edits are stored. Which is why the deletion scipts became a thing. People took it on good faith that we could delete our posts. At some point they stopped doing that. Or perhaps it was all a lie the whole time. Who knows.

forgotmylastusername ,

I think in theory simple check such as edits to the majority of a profile would be enough to detect it.

forgotmylastusername ,

We forgot for a while because the zeitgeist went back to the geopolitics of “Russia and China bad”.

forgotmylastusername ,

Social media tech bros sell “humanity” the same way cigarette companies sold glamorous lifestyles.

They both use celebrities to portray fashionable a lifestyle. They both know the net negative health effects and ignore it because it’s directly tied to their bottom line. They’re both are at odds with researchers. I’m sure if one were to dig deeper there would be a lot more parallels.

The Facebook whistleblower was huge news in mainstream media. Then they rebranded to Meta and successfully buried the story. The aggressively anti-humanity.

Smoking rots your body. Social media rots your mind.

forgotmylastusername ,

I hadn’t learned enough about how to use it back then.

forgotmylastusername ,

Lost among the “internet sucks now, it used to be better” discourse is that the old internet was heavily moderated. The laissez faire parts of the old internet were known as the seedy corners of the web. Social media and its modern derivatives like lemmy take on that latter philosophy.

It’s no wonder it’s chaos every where. The libertarian tech bros have really impressed their world view on everyone. So the prevailing philosophy is these “digital town squares” should be absolute free speech zones. Except town squares in real life do not work like this anywhere. At least not in most liberal democracies. In real life there is bureaucracy. There are police, fire, ambulances. There is the simple matter of neighborly social contract. You cannot go into a real life town square and do whatever you want. You cannot just up and fight strangers, engage in lewd acts, set up encampments or what have you without permits. In the same way internet requires structure. Counter intuitively it used to have a lot more of it on account of sites being run by a real human being. Not the mega conglomerate investor groups feeding off ad/engagement profits.

Those users unfamiliar with the old internet yet pine for the good old days would have hated it. Power hungry mods is a meme as old as the internet itself. It’s a necessity of the internet. Hardly anybody gets banned for being an asshole anymore. Sometimes (often more like) people need to be forced offline so they can go outside.

forgotmylastusername ,

The tech industry is so massive with so much opportunity abound. It’s not been difficult to work for a company with morals.

There’s also some metadynamics to be noted here. It’s basically impossible to talk about these issues online because so many are tech nerds who sold their soul to big tech a long time ago.

forgotmylastusername ,

Why is reddit regarded so highly this way? It’s always been a second rate board to me. Like yeah there’s some technical discussion there. Even notable names might post there. But it’s the social media version of technical side of the internet. It’s generally full of garbage that requires heavy doses of skepticism as bad info often gets visibility. There is no recourse since the nature of reddit engagement is ephemeral. The proverbial concrete sets shortly after the post/comment is made.

I suppose the state off affairs have deteriorated so far that search engines don’t even index the internet properly anymore. Actual discussion boards and websites are basically darknet these days. Internet indexes for all intents and purposes don’t exist today. Search engines a glorified index links to each others social media platforms. Even then the bulk of results are online shopping spam.

What a mess.

For any topic I actually want to dive into I do not use reddit for anything more than initial discovery. Social media by nature commoditizes content to serve the masses by appealing to the lowest common denominators. The bulk of the content never goes below surface level.

forgotmylastusername , (edited )

The thumbnails were going to AWS in order to serve notifications. Which happened to be full sized screenshots. Videos weren’t uploaded to the cloud.

The key collision could let you stream another accounts video but they had to be using the web interface at the same time as you.

forgotmylastusername ,

You didn’t respond to anything I said but okay.

forgotmylastusername ,

The way I see it Steve Jobs marked a turning point with those Apple events. The corporate platitude bullshit with the “you told us and we listened” jargon. Before technology was mainly hobbyist nerds making stuff out of the love of technology. There was a two way relationship where the developers trusted the users and the users trusted the developers be acting in good faith. Now it’s lifeless and jaded beneath a veneer of forced corporate smiles. Over the years everyone adopted the turtleneck speak in one way or another.

It’s an insult to our intelligence to push anti-patterns. All while expecting us to engage like sheep in the mandatory capitalist pep rally. ‘We made 20% efficiency to your oppressive experience. Now cheer! I said CHEER damn it’.

forgotmylastusername ,

Battlefield Earth. I saw a schlocky sci-fi movie. The internet has since informed me it’s the modern Birth of a Nation or something.

forgotmylastusername ,

I’ve looked at the site but I don’t contribute anymore. I’ve made a few comments telling people to look at another site for answers to their technical questions. Dropping seeds that will branch away from reddit.

The popular sort for Canada increasingly resembles voat. When it was becoming overrun by the far right dog whistles. The signature right wing botted subreddits seem to be a mainstay on the top sorts. That says a lot about how it’s going.

forgotmylastusername ,

There’s only so far to go technologically speaking. Making websites and message boards was a solved problem a long time ago. Search engines were pretty much perfected about a decade ago.

Tech companies stopped being tech companies too. I dunno what they are anymore. The dystopian cyberpunk evil corporations.

Browsing Reddit is like Groundhog Day

I don’t know why I decided to browse a popular sub today, r/books (logged out, I don’t have an account anymore). Maybe I hoped I might learn something. As if! People make the absolute same posts over and over. Today I read a book! I read one page of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and I already know it’s a...

forgotmylastusername ,

It is majority bots. I got the groundhog day feeling too. So a few years ago I started looking at the account that post rather than the posts itself. There’s a simple pattern. The account is registered but lays dormant for a couple months. Then it becomes active and starts reposting top ranked post of all time from subreddits. Their comments are copy pasted out of replies to old posts.

It’s inexplicable why the real human users put up with it though. At some point the zeitgeist stopped having baseline expectation of content quality.

More recently there’s a newer phenomenon where clickbait stories (“My (45M) wife (18F) of 5 years left me everything but the icecube trays AITA”) are posted by brand new accounts. Except all those subreddits don’t allow brand new accounts to post. So it must be the mods are selectively approving them. They are farming outrage with stories (most likely fake) meant to maximize user activity.

forgotmylastusername ,

He’s a university professor. That’s their bread and butter. It’s a skill they learn to prevent undergrads from nodding off during their lectures.

forgotmylastusername ,

China is getting too good at chip manufacturing. That scares imperialists.

forgotmylastusername ,

Didn’t he prove it’s easy to repair? What exactly is the subscription?

There isn’t any “smart” device technology involved. It’s a simple analog design. Off the shelf batteries and a motor. No special tools required. The only problem with the design is a liquid resistant seal.

forgotmylastusername ,

Pay to use. Then they sell your data. Double dipping.

forgotmylastusername ,

I’m not certain their point was the anti echo chamber thing. In other words the phony “free speech” thing that means you have to let bigots ply their rhetoric.

Do I think people can go too far and literally only surround themselves with “yes men” socially?

Reddit has serious problems localized extremum. To detach it from politicization take the 3D printing subreddits for example. For a while they were convinced it’s the second arrival of Jesus. At one point it was said every household would have this appliance. Like a washing machine or refrigerator. You must conform to the talking points. Cryptocurrency is a recent one. There is no talking like normal people in those subreddits without being faced with scripted rhetoric. Real life isn’t like this. In real life people don’t talk like stump speeches.

forgotmylastusername ,

That wasn’t an attempt to be disingenuous. It was to mark a reference point in your text. You’re trying to extrapolate arguments where there may or may not be any. That’s no better than how reddit is.

forgotmylastusername ,

It’s going to be even worse for a while with the writers strike.

forgotmylastusername ,

Nope. Reddit orphans posts and comments from accounts. I don’t know the hows or whys.

Last week I stumbled on a 15 year account who tried to do a full wipe before abandoning reddit. Their last and only comment in their profile is their farewell message. Except when you Google search their username it shows their content is still there. Just not associated to their profile page anymore.

forgotmylastusername ,

I used message boards well into the 2010s. Digg and reddit were a curiosity that I mostly lurked.

I remember I got downvoted on Digg for anecdote about how the climate had been changing over the years in my area. The comments in those types of posts were primarily deniers saying there wasn’t scientific evidence of climate change.

forgotmylastusername ,

I make throwaway accounts. Push code. Disappear forever. Come to find out nobody ever looks at it anyways.

forgotmylastusername ,

Years ago I saw users talking about joining Discords to share how to make subreddits go viral with inflammatory content. I believe the donald era brought a massive paradigm shift to the site. In other words the user base became that which enjoys edgy posting.

I Compiled the Linux Kernel myself for the first time

It’s not really a big deal, but I am currently writing this using a linux kernel I compiled from source, which certainly feels like an accomplishment. The Arch Wiki has made the process fairly easy to follow. I just took the stock Arch Linux configuration without changes for now....

forgotmylastusername ,

Fun times. Always keep a fallback kernel installed. Even if you’re not compiling your own.

I had to learn what chroot is when I borked my own kernel compile and there wasn’t fallback.

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