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Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

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SnotFlickerman , avatar

People forget the most important bit. The clapback to Semmelweiss from other doctors was “A doctor’s hands are always clean!”

Humans are irrational fucking idiots and we prove it daily. The number of us who are willing to protect our own in-group over things they don’t deserve to be protected over is too damn high.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

We aren’t even capable of caring for one another

It’s the part that drives me the most wild. We’re all stuck on this shitty rock hurtling through space together, literally the bare minimum we could do to make it bearable is to be kind to one another and supportive of one another. We can’t even be fucked with bare minimum.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

Because belief is intrinsic to humanity even if we don’t believe in religion.

I believe in a lot of human concepts, including kindness, altruism, democracy and humanism. They are all still effectively made up human ideas.

I also believe when I sit down that the chair below me really exists but I cannot truly trust my own senses 100% either. So effectively I “believe” what my sensory organs and brain interpretation tell me, but the reality is the brain and its interpretations can be wrong.

Look at the USA, the founders of the nation are often treated with a reverence akin to that of religious figures.

People have all kinds of delusions. People worship all kinds of weird things. Religion is just one of many.

Finally, someone like Ayn Rand shows that a human can have pretty reprehensible and hypocritical beliefs even if they are an atheist. She promoted bullshit “great men” theories of humanity and argued that selfishness could be used for good.

She also died penniless and on government benefits while spending her whole life preaching against things like government benefits.

People are deeply irrational even without religion.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Kids in the beat kids on the street!

Beat Kids!

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Probably because a lot of it is real fucked up, and makes people uncomfortable.

Like female bedbugs not having vaginas and so males have a sharp penis and literally stab the females with it often resulting in death of the female, because it’s literally just an open wound.

Further, male angler fish only exist to find the female, touch her, get stuck to her, and get absorbed by her body until all that’s left is the testes, now absorbed by and part of the female. The female can hold multiple testes of multiple males inside of her and choose to self-impregnate whenever she chooses.

Don’t even get me started on felines and spiny penises so the female can’t escape once the male has entered.

Like a huge amount of animal sex is rape.

Yeah I don’t spend my time reporting it because all it does is remind me how lucky I am to be human and be able to have a consensual, loving relationship with another human.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Okay the idea that animals are somehow just mindless automatons that have zero idea of what is happening… that’s a take all right.

A take that would send people who study animal cognition into a binge drinking session.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

I understand your position and I get what you are going for, but…

I submit to you Ayn Rand.

Atheists can be giant pieces of shit, too.

She used her atheism to argue for the benefit of selfishness and promoted dumbass “great men” theories of humanity. She was not Christian but ascribed to similar belief in the need for bullshit heirarchies with lazy fucking losers stealing the value created by labor sitting at the top.

Like her daddy before communism. Waaah so sad for daddy’s violently fascist supporting little girl.

So I don’t think it would solve as much as you think.

Humans are not rational creatures. We are rationalizing creatures and we can rationalize and justify almost anything to ourselves for any reason, religion isn’t needed for it. Rand and many others are fine examples of it. She rationalized it because she was a rich kid who had her riches taken back by workers and she didn’t like that.

Humans are bullshitters, removing religion won’t change that.

Like does anyone think Donald Trump is seriously, actually religious? Anyone? A guy like him would exist with or without religion.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

Come on, we all know Republicans only make laws for little people. The people in charge are “good” people so they shouldn’t be punished for “minor indiscretions.”

Rules for thee, not for me. In group that laws protect but do not bind, out group that laws bind but do not protect. Etc. etc. etc.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

And Republicans will selectively apply it, yes, exactly my point.

These “gotcha” bills from Democrats really don’t understand that the “hypocrisy” of Republicans are actually expressions of power.

“I have the power to sign this bill into law that should and would totally apply to me, but I’m going to make sure I never face consequences under such a law. I have a team of good-old-boy judges who will stand in the way and accept any and all appeals from me.”

They will never, ever see consequences of such laws. Look at the fucking lawfare every person in the Trump admin has thrown at the wall. It takes fucking decades for any of these chucklefucks to see any comeuppance. Look at Ken Paxton, the AG of Texas, who was under Federal Indictment for nearly a fucking decade and that case collapsed like a flan in a cupboard.

Further, he’s opening the door to allowing Republicans to begin to claim that LGBTQ+ are sex offenders for existing in front of children, giving them carte blanche to start Alan Turing the shit out of the entire LGBTQ+ community.

It’s a dumb game to play and the Democratic senator should be ashamed for playing it.

A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels (

Grocery store prices are changing faster than ever before — literally. This month, Walmart became the latest retailer to announce it’s replacing the price stickers in its aisles with electronic shelf labels. The new labels allow employees to change prices as often as every ten seconds....

SnotFlickerman , avatar

You can just assume it is every US company because it is.

This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

CEOs talk to each other about this kind of shit and plan together.

Just like how “AI” has been shoved into fucking everything by everyone even though it is useless and makes a lot of people upset.

Expect all of them to do it so you don’t have a choice and they all did it to “stay competitive with each other.”

Making sure there isn’t another option is one hundred percent part of industry plans.

Just like how trying to replace fast food workers with automation and touch screens has been in the works since the 80’s at least. The tech is just finally cheap enough is all.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Maybe she found a pube on her can of coke.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

They realize it’s a service issue, they’re trying to corner the market so that they don’t have to care that it’s a service issue.

YouTube pretty much has that market cornered. It would take a lot of capital to start up a viable competitor, especially one that didn’t resort to ads and had some other kind of monetization scheme to support the sites existence and pay for all the storage servers.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Lemmy is generally too small for it, but I liked the small regional subreddits like states, counties, and cities.

I know there is a Lemmy instance focused on Atlanta and Atlanta news but that’s about it.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Holy shit it’s been so long I had completely forgotten about KarmaCourt.

I think the reason we don’t is that Karma/Votes aren’t really tracked the same way over here?

SnotFlickerman , avatar

I used to miss my local city sub more, but the current mods have basically turned it into a reddit version of Nextdoor.

10 years ago it was mostly punks and weirdos on the sub, then all the normies came and even the fucking local sheriff.

The local sheriff finally fucked off after he got called out for trying to hire a murderer from a neighboring jurisdiction.

I feel like if Lemmy could get big enough, we could get back to where the interesting people are all in one place again.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Right, but I thought the thing they were suing each other over was like whether they were Karma farming? It’s been so long I’d honestly have to go look it up to be sure. Memory is foggy.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Well thanks for your service at keeping a regional instance running! It may not be my region, but I’m glad it exists at all!

I hope it eventually becomes a “if you build it, they will come” type situation. It will just take time and growth.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

I dig the heck out of this. I’d sign up.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

The majority of users are surely from the US, and so questions that don’t specify origin but whose answers may be more properly dictated by knowing their origin end up getting answered by the majority US user-base, even though the original person asking the question isn’t from the US.

It’s fair that people from elsewhere shouldn’t always have to specify they’re from elsewhere because the entire internet does not exist just in the USA, the USA just has an outsized influence on the internet. I can see how that frustration could arise and why European-based communities would be helpful. It’s the same issue on reddit, if you’re not on a country-specific-level-sub, the default answers are from US users.

It’s genuinely an issue, and I say this as an American, mostly because I’m guilty of it myself. We absolutely dominate the online discourse and usually default to assuming questions that don’t specify where they are about must be American. It’s a very Amerocentric view of the world and the internet.

+1 for good UK/European communities.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Further, unlike at the outset of reddit, people are now really familiar with how thankless and time-consuming being a moderator is.

I’m not eager to have to manage a bunch of communities. If there’s a community that I wished existed, but I don’t care deeply enough to want to manage it, I’m not going to go out of my way to create it, which leaves the community non-existent. So I think having some ready-made communities from people willing to take on moderation duties is a good thing. Fewer people are willing to make the jump to be a moderator these days, and for good reason.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Tonight at 11, Japanese company centers japanese media in its media showcase.

‘Will I ever retire?’: millennials wonder what’s on the other side of middle age (

Claire*, 42, was always told: “Follow your dreams and the money will follow.” So that’s what she did. At 24, she opened a retail store with a friend in downtown Ottawa, Canada. She’d managed to save enough from a part-time government job during university to start the business without taking out a loan....

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

The next forty years will look like absolute hell and the lack of proper services for the explosive number of diseases in the millennial cohort will directly contribute.

  1. Milliennials by and large don’t have enough money to retire, and they are experiencing in striking numbers high rates of immunodeficiency and cancers. (I was personally diagnosed with cancer at 42. You know, the ultimate answer to life the universe and everything…) This will mean they will need more elder care and sooner… and they won’t really be able to afford it.
  2. No Child Left Behind has properly fucked US education for the foreseeable future, and US education was abysmal before that already. The elderly are going to be being taken care of by adults who may be functionally illiterate and when you’re functionally illiterate, you can become anti-vax even if you got hired as caretaker for the elderly. (Not all will grow up to be functionally illiterate, but if we’re to take teachers at their word, the gap between the struggling kids and the smart kids is wider than ever. As in C students functionally don’t exist, only A students and F students, and the F students are the larger group who are being passed on to higher grades just to hit numbers.)
  3. On top of education being gutted and there being a dangerous future of incapable people being put in these jobs because there’s no one else to do them: The collapse in birth rate because nobody can afford to have fucking kids will also make this problem worse as fewer and fewer workers will be available to take care of more and more elderly and infirm people.
  4. Most of the places that take care of the elderly are being bought up at rapid pace by investment groups, private equity, hedge funds, and the like, and all they do is cut services, make things worse, and cause more suffering and death so they can wring more money out of people suffering at the end of their lives. How many of these businesses will even still exist in 20 years? Many of them are shutting down constantly because the numbers just don’t add up, or because the private equity group that bought it has finished hollowing it out and there’s simply no money left.
  5. Because of all of this, we will see an absolute explosion of homelessness in the elderly.
  6. You can bet your ass fuck-nothing will be done to prevent any of this. Especially if Trump wins in November, then we’re dealing with this process outright accelerating at a breakneck pace.
  7. Oh and just for “fun” we can expect to see a lot more police violence against poverty-striken old people. “STOP RESISTING OLD MAN!”

EDIT: Oh yeah, and that’s not even counting climate change, finite amounts of topsoil left, potential pandemics, and the fact that most of the world doesn’t even have access to clean water. I try to keep an eye on neat, simple engineering projects from poor countries because we may need to rely on similar options soon enough ourselves.

EDIT II: Get involved in Mutual Aid Groups. We all have skills. No one is coming to save us. No government or political party or corporation. We have to save each other, and that will be very difficult to achieve. I forget the writer, but she said something like “No dictator is ever going to bring about the revolution. It will always have to come from the bottom organizing together.” The only thing we can do is help one another. It will not be easy or fair or entirely successful.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

It’s the trouble with attributing it to any specific generation. It’s like people forgot that Gen Xers grew up reading the same dystopian sci-fi that we did that predicted this corporate shithole world. Neuromancer was written in 1984, when I was three years old. People forget that the cynicism of Gen X explicitly came from being such a small generation compared to the Boomers that it was just always a given that they wouldn’t ever have much political influence. Hell, it even affects a lot of Boomers, because this has been going on for a long time.

Gen X gets forgotten, but they were honestly the first to really bear the brunt of this disease that’s eating at all of us, and thus it’s sad that they get forgotten. Cheers mate, and I hope you find that skill and succeed in your goals.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Stop making it a generational battle. That only serves to divide the working class.

That’s difficult when a lot of the news media is owned by *checks notes… the Capital class… and they have vested interest in keeping the conversation about a generational battle.

But yes, 100% agreed. The problem is we’re all commenting on news articles that will never stop presenting it that way.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

Someone else could write news then?

Well exactly, it’s an uphill battle, sadly. I’ve been upset at how weak our media has been since the Bush years, when I was working in local television for an NBC affiliate. I got to see all the behind the scenes of the beginnings of the War on Terror and how much our media purposefully pumped up both the war in Afghanistan and in Iraq and how they helped promote the outright lies of the Bush administration. It was eye opening as a twenty-something to say the least and made me incredibly distrustful of government overreach that was being exhorted by patriotism and nationalism. “Spy and snitch on your fellow Americans to prove how patriotic you are!” It was also part of the beginning of dropping the facade of “racism being over” because holy fuck did brown skinned immigrants all get put in the “dangerous radical Islamist” basket, no matter their real nationality or religion. It deeply colored my view of mainstream media as consistently right-wing, even back then, because of how often they would capitulate to Republican lies to support wars intended to enrich a small elite.

I’ve been wanting to see more independently successful media organizations most of my life, but most of what I have seen is media consolidation, and it’s certainly not like I have the capital to get into the business myself. It’s brutal.

Finally, just as you said, we’re competing with Twitch and TikTok and a lot of these issues really require text documents and references that can be checked more easily than needing to sift through a three-hour-Youtube-video of the issue. The problem is we’ve raised a generation that really doesn’t want to read much at all if it isn’t a subtitle for a video. That’s… distressing. (But not to act like it was much better in my generation, it’s not, it’s part of why we have so many shitty kids: their shitty millennial parents who shove a phone into their hand like Boomers shoved us in front of TVs.)

I wouldn’t even know where to start on how to fix it. I’m with Marshall McLuhan, we’re spitting out new communications mediums before we’ve even really understood the social impacts of the previous mediums. He argued we still didn’t understand writing and we had already jumped headlong into radio and television… Well, look at us now baybeee, shit’s spiraling with the internet, McLuhan. Maybe he’s spinning in his grave to match.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Cause fuck it I can’t save anyone.

You’ve done your best. It’s definitely not personally your job to save anyone anyway. If we can’t figure out how to do it collectively, well, maybe we just suck as a species. Thanks for doing what you could and can and don’t bemoan yourself for your inability to fight a broken system on your own. I don’t expect engineers and scientists and doctors who have been telling us this shit needs to be done for years to have any fucking patience for it anymore. You’ve all done your bit.

Also, thanks because I’ve just been assuming as much has been going on behind the scenes for a long time. I’ve been saying for years the entire nation gave up on any idea of long-term maintenance of anything in the 90’s. We’ve had failing infrastructure grades for bridges all over the country since at least 2010, if not earlier, and fuck-all has been done. I’m not even close to being an engineer, but I’ve helped some friends with some basic construction and I’m just floored at how many corners are cut on so many things in our country. It’s prevalent everywhere, it’s part of why there’s so many data breaches in the tech sector. They don’t want to pay to update old systems to bring them up to compliance. We’ve literally built workarounds in the form of Virtual Machines just so people can run outdated software on modern hardware so insecure outdated software can simply keep being used despite its age. So yeah, feeling vindicated that it’s not all just in my head.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Our dreams of technology didn’t meet with the realities/limits of materials science/engineering except for computing and the internet.

Top 10 Generative AI Models Mimic Russian Disinformation Claims A Third of the Time, Citing Moscow-Created Fake Local News Sites as Authoritative Sources (

NewsGuard audit finds that 32% of the time, leading AI chatbots spread Russian disinformation narratives created by John Mark Dougan, an American fugitive now operating from Moscow, citing his fake local news sites and fabricated claims on YouTube as reliable sources....

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

I don’t know how many times we have to keep saying this:


Even a bullshitter can be correct sometimes, it doesn’t make it suddenly not bullshit. Even when LLMs get it right, they’re still bullshitting.

This isn’t complicated. They don’t think. They have no concept of truth. They just fabricate sentences from previously copied sentences, there is no intention, no thought, no planning, no reflection.

The groups producing these LLMs are just sourcing the entire internet, they don’t care how much of it is lies. There seems to be very little curation going on.

Anyone who expected anything other than this outcome is an idiot who isn’t paying attention.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

If we survived Tipper Gore’s “Explicit Lyrics” warnings on CDs, I think we can survive this.

Everyone wanted the explicit copy, it made it more desirable.

But, as a counterpoint, traditional media is just as bad, if not worse, because it is desperately trying to stay relevant by selling fear.

“If it bleeds it leads” isn’t exactly new. Maybe all media needs these warnings.

WARNING: This media conglomerate is owned by people who have vested interest in profit over truth.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Somewhat. Hugging yes, snuggling no, playful wrestling when certain friends are particularly drunk.

Yes, I do wish it was more socially acceptable

Frodo and Sam should be fucking role models, especially the book versions who were even more deeply close than the films.

I mean, honestly, for fantasy, the entire Lord of the Rings series is replete with strong men expressing emotion in healthy ways to deal with the horrors of what they were facing. They sing deeply loving songs for fallen comrades, notably Boromir even after he makes a grave mistake, already forgiven, while giving him the best of funerals they can (In their song for Boromir, Aragorn even calls Boromir beautiful[^1]). They cry for one another and feel great distress at the suffering of those in their fellowship. They carry each others’ burdens up to Sam literally carrying Frodo up Mount Doom. Anyway, they weren’t unwilling to show physical affection or speak highly of another’s beauty.

[^1]: “His head so proud, his face so fair, his limbs they laid to rest,” In every context of Toklein using the word “fair” in LOTR, it has been taken to mean “beautiful.”

SnotFlickerman , avatar

In 1986, Hillis expressed alarm that society had what he called a “mental barrier” of looking at the year 2000 as the limit of the future. He proposed a project to build a mechanical clock that would last 10,000 years.

I mean, I’d say that describing him as a “bit out of touch” is really underselling how fucking stupid this is in 2024. Does he still think we think the year 2000 is the end of history? Because pretty sure that “mental barrier” has been gone for, I don’t know, 24 years? And nobody probably needs to worry about another such mental barrier for… *checks watch… another 976 years, so there’s more than enough time for some other chucklefuck in the future to come build it instead after we’ve already solved a fuckload more pressing problems, you know, like climate change or taxing billionaires.

I’d call it flat out fucking stupid, a giant waste of resources, and will break down way sooner than he thinks it will. He’s not out of touch, he’s a fucking idiot.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Oh no… Hoping for the best for McKellen, but I understand the severity of this due to his advanced age.

He truly has always seemed like a genuinely good chap and was pretty open about his sexuality when it was still pretty scary to do so, even though he seems to regret not coming out sooner.

So, here’s hoping for, well, whatever good news there can be at this age.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

So in other words… not really free. They’re taking your data as part of the equation and giving it an account to be tied to.

Terminal enshittification.

Democracy Dies in Billionaires’ Hands.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

Have you tried some basic network tests from the device that is connecting to the hotspot?

Since a hotspot is turning your device into a router, simple things like ping or traceroute can start to tell you some basics of if the configuration is correct.

Also check your connected devices default gateway and make sure it matches your wifi hotspots IP as given to your connecting device.

EDIT: I just checked and there are indeed SOME plans from T-Mobile that don’t include support for hotspots. Check your plan to make sure, and then try the workarounds from /u/lukmly013

SnotFlickerman , avatar

I’m also pretty sure they’re allowed to modify old plans, like removing support for hotspots, to try to force people onto new plans. AT&T at least has some boilerplate language that allows them to modify your plans.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Having an angry Fax machine/copier is much, much easier since it’s more helpfully communica—

PC Load Letter? What the fuck does that mean?

SnotFlickerman , avatar

If you want a super secure platform for private communication use Matrix for fucks sake, this is a media aggregator and social network.

Use the appropriate tools for the appropriate use-cases.

Everything on Mastodon gets publicly posted. Like, what even is this?

Security and accessibility are always at odds with each other.

You don’t increase security and safety and also increase accessibility. No, by increasing security, you have decreased accessibility.

Security and accessibility are a balance. If it’s easily accessible, it’s not secure, if it’s secure, it’s not easily accessible.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

Sure, hate capitalism all you want, but it’s the system we live in, and it’s what enables the guy to be a linguist instead of having to hunt and farm and house himself.

This tribe has barely 16,000 people registered as tribal members, total.…/Standing_Rock_Indian_Reservati…

Do you really think the number of books they’re asking for is truly obscene? With barely 16,000 people, it’s not like they have a metric fuckton of kids who are going to need access to these books to learn about their own history.

Is that really going to impact his ability to take care of himself?

This is like those jokers who act like Naomi Klein literally naming her book and making the thesis “This Changes Everything” and that we have to get rid of capitalism and reject it wholesale to prevent total collapse wasn’t out of line for not at the very least also releasing a free, digital copy of the book, if it really “changes everything.” Just like these people, they’re never willing to put their money where their fucking mouth is. She wouldn’t have lost print sales because a free digital copy existed.

Same here, he could just give them DRM’d digital copies of his book (reducing the cost of reproducing them to almost zero) and fuck off already instead of acting like this is going to be a massive impact on his ability to sell the book. What do they want a hundred books? Oh no! Fuck me, what a joke.

Finally, it’s not a single guy, it’s a “non-profit consortium” and if you look into them, Executive Pay makes up 13% of their total budget. Maybe they could just not pay the fucking CEO so much and then maybe they could actually pay their fucking linguist and give away books to Standing Rock kids.

Their revenue is $898K and their operating budget is $931K which to me sounds like a lot of fucking white people who don’t know how to budget for shit.

EDIT: They could also not be spending money on these lawsuits. This is a deliberate choice to spend more money saying “No” than they would have spent saying “Yes.” That is a perfect encapsulation of selfish dumb white people shit. They’d rather spend more money on PR and lawsuits and fucking up other people’s lives than what it costs to do the right thing to begin with.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

If the goal was really to sell educational materials, then yes, those 16,000 people are the vast majority of people who would ever buy intensive Lakota language instruction, and that’s why he’s refusing to sell.

Wow, out and out that it’s 100% okay to sell a marginalized society’s history back to them at a price. What. The. Fuck.

Do you know why there aren’t tons of Native American linguists out there? Because Native Americans are by and large poor marginalized communities. Plus, as a community of only barely 16,000 people, it’s not exactly like they have a massive pool of talent to pull from when it comes to linguists. Most kids probably aren’t growing up hoping to be linguists. Plus, once again, most are god damned dirt poor.

(As an aside, they’re literally trying to take this guys teaching license. Their solution is to say “Fuck them Native American kids, they don’t need teachers!” Yeah, they really “care” about this community.)

But because their own community didn’t have a homegrown linguist it’s okay to sell their history back to them because they’re… the only people who care about that history?? Tacitly admitting that no one else gives a shit, so the Consortium “have to” exploit the only people who care, the very people they learned it all from themselves. The people who were too poor for their own home-grown linguist.

Fuck it, we’re done here, this is some seriously dumb totally exploitative white people shit.

Take this white savior shit and shove it up your fucking ass, civility rules can get fucked because saying that kind of shit isn’t even close to civil. Colonizers are always polite when they’re pointing their gun in your face. Or in this case, their legal systems.

Like we’re literally talking about less than 16,000 people living on a RESERVATION “given to them” by the nation that stole all their fucking land and killed half their tribes people. A nation that has 350 million plus people. They’re the definition of marginalized and exploited.

When a magazine goes out of print and/or out of business, do the original 'master files' for each issue still exist somewhere?

Thinking about the gaming magazines I used to read as a kid in the ‘90s. Some of them have found their way online thanks to preservationist efforts, but most are seemingly gone forever. (I’m talking about the particular magazine I read as a kid, many others have complete or near-complete collections available online in the...

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Further, a lot of that old media tied up in proprietary formats that simply don’t exist anymore.

Fuck, half the equipment I used in local television news broadcasting 20 years ago is all up in smoke. Media from that time is on tapes that probably don’t have easily findable tape decks to play them.

I would suspect its similar happens in print media.

In fact, I know it happens in print media because Adobe PageMaker was big for a long time. I used it to build and format my high schools newspaper when I was in my senior year. I was the layout editor because I was the only one who knew how to halfway use it.

Adobe InDesign was the successor to PageMaker and… for a while… you could convert PageMaker documents to InDesign documents, but they dropped that support years ago.

So you want an old Adobe PageMaker file from the 90’s to recreate lost information from then?

Well you better figure out how to pirate both an old copy of Windows and the final version of Adobe PageMaker just to be able to fucking run it in a virtual machine or something. Adobe is fucking ruthless when it comes to copy protection.

End result: Why would a business hold on to documents it functionally cannot use because the proprietary program or hardware used to “read” it no longer functionally exists? They simply won’t the cost of keep useless documents around is too high.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

Unless you’re vegan, you’re probably already getting more protein than you need.

Protein is needed for building muscles but most meatheads in the USA just eat all the protein and don’t do enough of the exercise.

Only about 24% of people in the US aren’t “overweight” to “obese.”

Literally almost nobody needs this fucking protein because almost fuck-nobody is exercising.…/Obesity_in_the_United_States

For the following statistics, “adult” is defined as age 20 and over. The overweight + obese percentages for the overall US population are higher reaching 39.4% in 1997, 44.5% in 2004, 56.6% in 2007, 63.8% (adults) and 17% (children) in 2008,in 2010 65.7% of American adults and 17% of American children are overweight or obese, and 63% of teenage girls become overweight by age 11. In 2013 the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) found that 57.6% of all American citizens were overweight or obese. The organization estimated that 3/4 of the American population would likely be overweight or obese by 2020. According to research done by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, it is estimated that around 40% of Americans are considered obese, and 18% are considered severely obese as of 2019. Severe obesity is defined as a BMI over 35 in the study. Their projections say that about half of the US population (48.9%) will be considered obese and nearly 1 in 4 (24.2%) will be considered severely obese by 2030.

What many US citizens need is portion control and regular exercise.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

I’m personally not ok with the idea of bandwidth usage jumping tenfold for no discernable benefit.

An extremely reasonable position to take! Because even if the increase in energy usage is negligible locally, when widespread, those small chunks of energy use add up into a much larger chunk of energy use. Especially when including transferring that over an endless number of networks.

I always talk about this in regards to automobiles and manual roll-up/down windows versus automatic windows. Sure, it’s an extremely small amount of energy to use for automatic windows on a car, but when you add up the energy used on every cars automatic windows through the life of each and every car with automatic windows and suddenly it’s no longer a small number. Very wasteful, imho.

SnotFlickerman , (edited ) avatar

My point was that people who are likely obese are busy trying to suck down protein shakes when they probably already have enough protein. Like I said, if you’re in the USA and not explicitly vegan, you probably already get enough protein from your daily diet to build muscle.

When less than 25% of the country is a healthy weight, people don’t need to build muscle, they need to lose weight.

I am fucking fat myself, maybe that’s why I feel so strongly about this. America has a massive obesity problem and it’s tied to our eating habits (especially overly processed foods… like protein shakes) and we’re not going to find out way out of it by buying protein shakes.

The protein supplement industry alone is currently a $6.57 billion industry. Are you really going to tell me the only people buying them are that sliver of people with healthy weights?

If you’re overweight and want to lose weight, you don’t need a protein supplement. Yes, it’s more complicated than calories in/calories out but the reality is and has been 1. portion sizes in USA are out of control, 2. the vast majority of the country have weight issues not muscle issues, and 3. Excess protein doesn’t help you lose weight.

The less than 25% of the country that has a normal weight is not the source of the $6.57 billion dollar market cap of the protein supplement industry.

But sure, it’s not that fatasses are focusing on the wrong fucking things, like protein. The vast majority of Americans like to think they would pump iron but most fucking don’t and the evidence is that over 75% of us are overweight, obese, and morbidly obese.

Gyms would cease to function if all the people who paid for them actually tried to use them.

Finally, the men who suck these down are trying to look like men who suck down tons of steroids. Those results are not achievable with protein and exercise alone, thus making protein a snake oil to cover for steroid abuse. Steroid abuse is real and hiding behind this “you just need more protein” bullshit is a farce. The number of men who claimed to be gaining insane muscles while only “exercising and eating healthy” to only have it come out that they abuse the fuck out of steroids is too damn high.

See: Elon Musk’s distended gut and man-boobs from sucking down steroids but not actually putting in the work of lifting. Joe Rogan’s distended stomach is looking pretty rough these days, too.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Also, CBD honestly needs the same warnings as Grapefruit since it works on the same metabolic pathways and can decrease effectiveness of certain drugs.

…like my cancer drugs.

If your drugs say to avoid grapefruit… You should probably consider skipping CBD as well.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Oi vey tell me about it.

I’ve gotten way more wary about the stuff I put in my body since I got on these cancer drugs.

Increased depression is actually a symptom of my cancer, and I had a lot of hallucinogenic mushroom caps I had stored away for a rainy day, and a friend suggested maybe that would help. Recent studies as well as our own personal experiences spoke to the idea that a good “trip” can help alleviate depression.

But my immediate reaction was… there’s basically been no studies done on the interactions between psilocybin and the drug I am taking. Literally, who the fuck knows what could happen? The reminder that I had them actually lead me to give them away because, fuck me, I’m not risking it.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Thanks for the kind words. Cheers.

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