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Neato , avatar

Brooklyn High School coach Tim McFarland and his players repeatedly used the word “Nazi” as a playcall in a game against Beachwood High School. Beachwood, a Cleveland suburb, is roughly 90% Jewish, according to the latest survey, published in 2011, by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland.

However, several Brooklyn players continued to direct racial slurs at Beachwood players during the game, the statement read.

The statements did not mention disciplinary action toward the players involved.

Suspension and removal from football team for those players and have the team take a loss any time this happens. Seems like a basic response for hate speech, harassment, racism and bullying.

Neato , avatar

You can melt anything. An egg will burn first. Then you will get some type of rendered carbon ash. Which will, eventually, melt and/or vaporize with enough heat.

Neato , avatar

I'm still confused on why anyone is still going inside. All the stores around here are still doing grocery pickup and it's faster for everyone. Going in and having to deal with children running around the aisles, people in the way, stuff in the wrong places, etc. Only a handful of times a year I need to do that now and it's glorious.

Neato , avatar

I shop at Aldi and it costs money. They aren't even employed by the store but by the service.

Neato , avatar

Shame that so many on the picket line are MAGAts.

That's wild. Don't they know unions and organized labor is socialism?! /s

But really I'm surprised there are many Republicans and Trumpers who are unionized. I guess they don't actually care about their supposed principles if their welfare is on the line.

The End of Privacy is a Taylor Swift Fan TikTok Account Armed with Facial Recognition Tech (

A viral TikTok account is doxing ordinary and otherwise anonymous people on the internet using off-the-shelf facial recognition technology, creating content and growing a following by taking advantage of a fundamental new truth: privacy is now essentially dead in public spaces....

Neato , avatar

Yeah and the negligible added convience to unlock your phone without touching it. I guess that justifies it to many.

I've only ever had android phones, mostly the google-brand because they were cheap and no-frills android. It has always struck me as bizarre that people would use their face to unlock their device. I know it's gotten better but that seems way easier to spoof than even fingerprints. I've seen several episodes on TV where this has literally happened so it's not even an unknown fear.

Neato , avatar

They can go after estate but that's it. They can't go after siblings or children or parents.

Neato , avatar

Indeed. It appears he didn't have a lucrative career beforehand. Even if he wasn't in prison and worked for 50 years and had 25% of disposable income garnished (the maximum amount) he'd need $37,000 of disposable income, per month.

I'm not saying those lives are worth less, they are definitely worth more. But this sum was never going to be recouped.

Neato , avatar

just like the concept of time.

Time is absolutely real. Physicists do not debate this with any merit. The book "The Secret" popularized the idea that physicists proved that time didn't exist but that book is cover-to-cover lies and mysticism.

The second law of thermodynamics has time as an integral component. If scientists didn't believe time existed or mattered, I doubt that'd be the case. There's lots and lots and lots of examples of this, that one is just the most poignant.

There's lots of things we don't understand about time, just like there's tons of things we don't understand about dark matter, gravity, and particle physics.

Neato , avatar

Ah, this old chestnut.

So what you're saying is nothing is real because it's all through our perceptions. So you do what? Ignore your senses? Ignore the reality and pretend it is what you want it to be? Curl up and die?

No. You exist through your senses and try to make sense of the world around you through them. All our senses (not yours, clearly) are telling us that time exists. Everything we experience and see is added to the catalogue of knowledge on how the universe works. And everything points to laws that indicate that time exists. We experience it and we see non-human matter experience it.

This is akin to saying gravity doesn't exist or the sun doesn't exist. Cool story, bro. Doesn't change a damn thing about how we live our lives. Can't float. Still need sunscreen. Time moves on.

More schools are adopting 4-day weeks. For parents, the challenge is day 5 (

It’s a Monday in September, but with schools closed, the three children in the Pruente household have nowhere to be. Callahan, 13, contorts herself into a backbend as 7-year-old Hudson fiddles with a balloon and 10-year-old Keegan plays the piano....

Neato , avatar

I've seen articles like this before. The answer on why? Money. School districts are underfunded and can't recruit teachers on a shoestring budget.

Hundreds of school systems around the country have adopted four-day weeks in recent years, mostly in rural and western parts of the U.S. Districts cite cost savings and advantages for teacher recruitment,

She has no interest in paying for the child care option the district is offering for $30 per day. Multiplied by several kids, it adds up.

Straight up just cutting services and charging people a surcharge that their taxes already pay for.

The district offers meals on Mondays, but not at every school. Starting in October, struggling students will be able to attend school on Mondays for extra help.

That just sounds like school with extra steps.

“You have to go back and look, you know, what do parents do during the summertime? What do they do over, you know, spring break or Christmas break?” he said, adding that schools already had weekdays off for occasions such as teacher conferences.

They fucking suffer? They pay for summer camp. Or daycare services which are $$$. Or like me in the 90s, you're a latch-key kid. And you end up seriously lacerating yourself at 9yo because you shouldn't leave kids unsupervised.

The change also provides another day to work on family farms

Child labor is coming back into fashion.

Neato , avatar

What would they do for the hours after school finished normally or if work on weekends?

Afterschool programs, usually. Or latch-key kids which really isn't ideal.

Neato , avatar

And seatbelts. When they get shot, the whole bridge (but not the whole ship? or there'd be dozens of casualties every time) goes flying. But not when the ship spins around in a tactical maneuver. Do the stabilizers just go out with every hit?

How Frasier Is So Rich As A Radio Therapist Finally Explained By Original Show Writer (

Frasier’s wealth in the Frasier series is finally explained by writer and executive producer Joe Keenan. Kelsey Grammer is reprising his most iconic role in the upcoming Frasier reboot on Paramount+, which will mark the character’s fourth act. The new adventure will see him back in Boston — the same city where he was...

Neato , avatar

The real reason is why the characters of Friends also never really had financial hardships. People don't want to (or at least producers didn't think they did) watch a bunch of characters trying to survive in an extremely expensive city. So they all were conveniently rich and/or the audience never had to see any of the hardships.

Neato , avatar

Since if you decline they fire you. Yeah, this doesn't make sense since now they're still out someone for that shift AND out other shifts. But managers aren't logical or reasonable when they pull shit like this: they're vindictive.

Neato , avatar

Their time is more important than your time because they've triple booked all their patients in order to maximize profits. I hope 7min enough to discuss your entire physical health and chronic pain treatment options. If not they'll have to schedule you a follow up because there are other patients waiting! /s

Neato , avatar

And then what? Shootouts when any cop tries to detain you? These torture houses aren't the first stop after arrest. And people aren't going to jump straight to lethal violence at a traffic stop.

Neato , avatar

If that’s what it takes.

Cool. You first.

Neato , avatar

your liberal drivel is irrelevant.

Aaand there it is.

Neato , avatar

stand up for what's right.

By shooting cops? Starting a revolution? Are you doing that? People love to call for violence on the web while sitting at home doing nothing. It's hypocrisy plain and simple.

I'm not saying they shouldn't do that. But every person saying "just go do X" while they themselves are too cowardly to be doing it first is pathetic. I'm not on here saying we should all violently overthrow the police state. Because I'm not out there.

Neato , avatar

This always happens. Internet tough guys. Everyone pushing for revolution and arming themselves. But they never have useful ideas what to do next not nor are they bothering to even protest.

Neato , avatar

OK. Goodluck with that. I don't think it's a sustainable solution right now. But you do you.

California bill to have human drivers ride in autonomous trucks is vetoed by governor (

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom has vetoed a bill to require human drivers on board self-driving trucks, a measure that union leaders and truck drivers said would save hundreds of thousands of jobs in the state.

Neato , avatar

Autonomous cars are the only viable solution in the near to mid term. Human drivers are awful. Building out mass-transit and transport infrastructure is a generations-long process and very politically unpopular. Autonomous vehicles will have issues that can only be ironed out in live testing. Which sucks but that's how all innovations go.

Neato , avatar

What's more practical? Redesigning all of US's cities to work without cars? High-speed cross-country rail? Mass transit in every town?

That's more practical than passing regulations that allow the few companies even attempting automation to test it? This is just a "if it's not perfect don't do it" mentality that stops any attempts at progress.

Neato , avatar

I see you are rebelling against Web 2.0, where you only need 3-4 apps or sites to do everything! Don't be afraid. The old days of dozens of sites is gone and now the oligarchy of megacorps will take care of you with your 2-3 apps. You'll have fewer apps that could go wrong and you'll ever need to keep up with your 1-2 apps! Eventually the FTC will see the error of their ways and your One App will truly simplify your life!

Neato , avatar

Expats are what white people call themselves because they think "immigrants" sounds low class. There is no difference. You mostly see it from American and Western Europeans when they move abroad.

Neato , avatar

So as long as a wheelchair can squeak by a car can park on the sidewalk? Is this true or parking spaces so I can park 6" from your driver side door? What about in front of your driveway? You can get out if you drive on the grass. I'm just making sure I understand your stance on using non-roadways to park.

Neato , avatar

Amazon kinda exists?

Neato , avatar

The regulatory bodies didn’t like ActiBlizzard,

But they did allow it, unfortunately. And MS could simply argue that it already has dominance in the PC space as 96% of PC gamers are Windows users. So owning Steam is just buying 1 out of many stores (here they tout Epic, Amazon, etc).
I mean it's a bad argument but MS made a lot of bad arguments to get their way and they seemingly worked.

Neato , avatar

CoD is dominant fps. It's why they made the concession about it

Neato , avatar

Manage? They just want the money from King and to prevent games from releasing on PlayStation.

Neato , avatar

Why would they do that? CoD is a better investment. This is MS. Not some fan boy.

Neato , avatar

they’re gonna handle so many companies without a good track record of being able to do it. To make the money from King they will need to be able to retain talent and steward its properties properly.

No they don't. As we've already seen, MS doesn't have to do anything in regards to development. Promotion, marketing will get a boost but they can be hands off most of the technical details and still make bank. Bethesda, King and Activision are all quite profitable on their own. Now they simply can't develop for Sony and they get distributed on Game Pass day 1.

Also, exclusionary buy-outs are bad for the market and should not have been allowed. MS buying up huge game competitors and then restricting their choice on which platforms to develop for is clearly anti-competitive behavior.

Neato , avatar

I can't recall the last time I've seen an expiration date.

Neato , avatar

So putting myself into an asshole NIMBY's shoes: I bet a lot of people don't want to admit that they would prefer not to rub shoulders with people who needed foodbanks. And that is likely a major reason why a store wouldn't do this.

Also you'd need to staff it and if the food is free, that's an expense. Also the store space could be used for other merchandise so you're paying for a bigger footprint and to light, heat, cool, and clean it. I've been to some food banks and rarely are they in nice modern buildings.

I agree that it should happen instead of food being wasted. Those are just the reasons it wouldn't happen in a commercial store. I think a better idea would be to strictly regulate what food is allowed to be thrown out vs mandatory donating with huge fines for intentional contamination or waste.

Neato , avatar

When I built my PC last year I decided to just let Edge and Bing go for a bit instead of immediately downloading another browser or changing the search engine. I can count on one hand the number of times I needed to enter in to get a different or better result. And almost every one of those was because I wanted a google maps results and not whatever weird maps MS has.

Neato , avatar

Bing is too good,

You mean that they just don't frontload ads on results?

Neato , avatar

We can spare Huntington. It can be an island. Residents will approve as their property values will increase because now they have a lake as a neighbor instead of West Virginia.

Neato , avatar

To save money, we should skip billionaires.

Neato , avatar

Also cooking takes time. I make dinner every night and even with previously prepped things it's usually 20-30min every evening. If I worked 2 jobs (12-16hr) I wouldn't have the time nor energy, either.

Neato , avatar

So if you've published a game, just keep on keeping on. You can sell that game, maintain an older copy of Unity to update it for bugs, even develop new content for that game with the older version of Unity.

I figured this must have been in here. No professional organization would allow a TOS to pass into publishing that allowed a company to unilaterally change fees.

Alabama band director tased by police for not stopping his students' performance (

What began as a routine band performance of Talkin' Out the Side of Your Neck by Cameo at an Alabama high school football game ended in a troubling confrontation when a police officer tased the marching band director for refusing to stop the music....

Neato , avatar

I don't think that was a lawful order, anyways. And police have absolutely no authority to command citizens for anything but lawful orders.

Neato , avatar

While I understand the sentiment, it is patently false.

In America prisons are designed to be cruel, not to rehabilitate.

This is unconstitutional and illegal, besides. Therefore the governments and the victims are well within their rights to hold the prisons accountable and liable.

Neato , avatar

Uh, Citation Needed.

Equal protection for protected classes in prison isn't relevant when the issue is prisons not properly protecting their inmates.

Neato , avatar

On mobile the stupid site still gives me the popup every time for getting the app. I try not to bother.

Neato , avatar

Only if you all a tu quoque argument to derail you. Unfortunately, most people do because they don't understand why it's a bullshit argument. It's been used in propaganda forever and famously prior to WWII.

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