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Madison_rogue , avatar

A friend of mine has Long Covid. Prior to catching it in 2020 she was in great physical shape and an avid hiker of the Scottish Munros. Now she has issues finding an activity that doesn't leave her winded, or extremely fatigued.

Long Covid is real, not something made up because a person was all ready in poor health prior to catching the virus.

Reddit revenue rises 20% ahead of IPO, but it isn’t profitable yet (

REDDIT posted a more than 20 per cent rise in revenue in 2023 versus the year before, sources familiar with the situation said, as it prepares for one of the United States’ most anticipated potential initial public offerings (IPOs).

Madison_rogue , avatar

IPOs are typically a cash grab. Stock is offered for purchase at a price, and usually there’s a bump in price. The first investors will sell for a profit at peak price, and then it will drop to whatever value the market decides. And that could be higher or lower than the initial price per share.

Madison_rogue , avatar

That's Jesse Plemons. I don't see Video Game Highschool on his list of acting credits in IMDB.

You might be thinking of Bryan Forrest.

Madison_rogue , avatar

That's alright. When I first saw the episode USS Calilister I thought he was Matt Damon.

Plemons is actually married to Kirsten Dunst. He's got quite a lot of acting credits under his belt. Friday Night Lights, Varsity Blues, and most recently Killers of the Flower Moon with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Madison_rogue , avatar

I bet it has traction control which is great in wet conditions, and light snow. Get over 5" of snow and traction control is worthless if you start to get stuck.

So apparently after a quick search, I found that the truck does indeed have traction control, and it's buried somewhere in a submenu of it's touch screen controls. So I bet more than likely stuff like this is happening because the controls are not easily found and readily available to turn off when you need it.

Hell on my Jetta it's on the panel by the emergency brake. Easy to find and turn off.

Madison_rogue , avatar

Yes but they must fill their containers at a drinking water source…

Maybe it’s a language thing I’m not understanding.

I assume the article means that only 56% of the population have access to modernized drinking water sources (i.e. properly treated fresh water). More than likely SEED (Veolia) has been only concerned with profit, therefore neglecting to extend infrastructure outside urban areas.

Madison_rogue , avatar

Ultimately, the only thing that may stand is the fact that the board of regents didn't give him due process in handing down the decision. The announcement was made that the board was firing one of the Chancellors literally a couple hours before handing down the decision. There was no hearing by the board.

Madison_rogue , avatar

Former President Redacted
Former President Redacted


Madison_rogue , avatar

And after Huffman reportedly warned employees to "be mindful of wearing Reddit gear in public," due to potential backlash in June, maybe a new look was necessary.

Oh fuck off already. That was all Huffman.

Madison_rogue , avatar

Sony didn't have both versions readily available in the Playstation Store. While I did eventually purchase the DLC (which is the deluxe version, not a typical DLC), I'll be damned that Sony didn't make it easy to find the OG version in the store.

And I put that on Sony, not the game publisher. Regardless, BG3 has been a breath of fresh air to gaming this year. About time a studio put out a full game without divvying it up into expansions and DLCs.

Madison_rogue , avatar

I wish you would comment. Contributors in the sub aren't following the rules very well. I contributed pretty often, however I've slacked off since the beginning of October. The Israel/Palestine conflict has really taken over my feed (as well as some Trek and Star Wars memes). Yet with the Middle East news it's been difficult posting for some reason. My activity has been diminished severely.

Madison_rogue , avatar

In a letter sent to Uruguay's Minister of Education Pablo Da Silveira, a spokesperson for Spotify said: "If the proposed reform became law in its current form, Spotify's business in Uruguay could become unfeasible, to the detriment of Uruguayan music and its fans," claiming that the amendment would force it to "pay twice" the amount of royalties.

Spotify currently pays out at 70%. Doubling royalties would cause them to pay out more than they make in subscription and ad revenue. This is why they're shutting down.

Madison_rogue , avatar

Or Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner.

One of the most influential science fiction monologues was ad libbed, and it's so much better than the original script.

Original script:

"I've seen things... seen things you little people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion bright as magnesium... I rode on the back decks of a blinker and watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments... they'll be gone."

Hauer's monologue:

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die."

Madison_rogue , avatar

Keep on building that strawman; it is a mighty one.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

My wife and I have just recently started to use Discogs, so we were unaware of the new fees and some of the problems associated with ordering. My wife has bought several LPs from the site, and hasn't had an issue, while I've only ordered one LP (also with no issue).

We have the luxury of having a few record stores in town with fairly large vinyl selections. The electronic record store I frequent also uses Discogs, however I haven't talked to the owner to see how these fees have impacted his experience as a seller. I'll have to remember to talk to him about it next time I'm visiting his store.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

It is not difficult to make copies of vinyl records. All you need is an audio output from a receiver, a computer, and recording software (such as GarageBand or Logic Pro).

You'd be surprised how easy and relatively cheap it is to rip vinyl to MP3.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

I haven't experienced this. Typically, a new LP pressing costs about twice as much as a CD. There are some that are more expensive (I currently have an LP worth about $160 in my collection to my surprise), yet they are rarer pressings. I've bought most of my vinyl new (mint condition), and by and large those records usually cost $20-$30.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

That’s why I usually record to AIFF or WAV since it’s lossless

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

I haven't worked with FLAC since the hardware I own utilizes AIFF & WAV raw recording file formats. Exporting I typically use MP3 with a sample rate of 128Kbps/44.1KHz. I haven't tried FLAC yet. I might try to do that next opportunity to see if the file sizes are comparable (there's a size limit when I upload DJ mixes to Mixcloud).

'They're just meat': Russia deploys punishment battalions in echo of Stalin (

Drunk recruits, insubordinate soldiers and convicts are among hundreds of military and civilian offenders pressed into Russian penal units known as "Storm-Z" squads and sent to the frontlines in Ukraine this year. Few live to tell their tale.

Madison_rogue , (edited ) avatar

The learning model is artificial, vs a human that is sentient. If a human learns from a piece of work, that’s fine if they emulate styles in their own work. However, sample that work, and the original artist is due compensation. This was a huge deal in the late 80s with electronic music sampling earlier musical works, and there are several cases of copyright that back original owners’ claim of royalties due to them.

The lawsuits allege that the models used copyrighted work to learn. If that is so, writers are due compensation for their copyrighted work.

This isn’t litigation against the technology. It’s litigation around what a machine can freely use in its learning model. Had ChatGPT, Meta, etc., used works in the public domain this wouldn’t be an issue. Yet it looks as if they did not.


And before someone mentions that the books may have been bought and then used in the model, it may not matter. The Birthday Song is a perfect example of copyright that caused several restaurant chains to use other tunes up until the copyright was overturned in 2016. Every time the AI uses the copied work in its’ output it may be subject to copyright.

Madison_rogue , avatar

Here’s current guidance from US Congress regarding AI copyright infringement.

Page 3 includes guidance on fair use.

Madison_rogue , avatar
Madison_rogue , avatar

Except the AI owner does. It's like sampling music for a remix or integrating that sample into a new work. Yes, you do not need to negotiate with Sarah Silverman if you are handed a book by a friend. However if you use material from that book in a work it needs to be cited. If you create an IP based off that work, Sarah Silverman deserves compensation because you used material from her work.

No different with AI. If the AI used intellectual property from an author in its learning algorithm, than if that intellectual property is used in the AI's output the original author is due compensation under certain circumstances.

EU launches first phase of world's first carbon border tariff (

BRUSSELS, Oct 1 (Reuters) - The European Union launched on Sunday the first phase of the world's first system to impose CO2 emissions tariffs on imported steel, cement and other goods as it tries to stop more polluting foreign products from undermining its green transition.

Apple blames iOS 17 bugs and apps like Instagram for making iPhone 15s run hot (

Apple has acknowledged user complaints that iPhone 15 and 15 Pro phones are overheating, reports Forbes, but said that contrary to speculation, it has nothing to do with the phone’s hardware design. Forbes noted an update to Instagram has already rolled out with version 302, released September 27th, to address some of the...

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

I had a 6, and that bending thing was entirely blown out of proportion. I had no problems keeping it in my back pocket, yet YMMV.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

Glad you enjoyed it! I found it pretty fascinating!

Behold the world’s oldest sandals, buried in a “bat cave” over 6,000 years ago (

In the 19th century, miners in southern Spain unearthed a prehistoric burial site in a cave containing some 22 pairs of ancient sandals woven out of esparto (a type of grass). The latest radiocarbon dating revealed that those sandals could be 6,200 years old—centuries older than similar footwear found elsewhere around the...

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

Fun fact...

Cleopatra the VII's era, which was in 49 BCE is closer to our time than the estimated construction of the pyramids in 2500 BCE.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

That's what the headline says.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

I don't know. I only post what I find on my news feed, which happens to be Reuters, UPI, and AP. I didn't see it anywhere else.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

Ukraine's done this with store bought drones, plastic explosives, and some knowledge of frequency communication to get past Russian jammers. AP published an article on Ukraine's drone operation rather recently.

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