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Why do phone manufacturers use in-display fingerprint readers instead of fingerprint readers on the power button?

I had two Samsung flagship phones, one (S20FE) had an optical fingerprint reader and the other (S22) had an ultrasonic one. Both of them somewhat regularly failed to read my finger, were slower than a fingerprint reader on the power button and are more expensive/complex to build. They won’t work with cheap 3rd party screen...

Imprudent3449 ,

Plus you could use it to drop down the notification window with a gesture. It was handy.

Imprudent3449 ,

He could always show his followers the diaper that he filled up.

Imprudent3449 ,

As a resident in a pretty rural area you might want to avoid moving to rural areas due to increased cancer rates due to pesticide use and poor water conditions. But don’t you worry about our poor corporations that are wrecking shit, our lovely governer passed legislation that prevents people from suing them. though her and the corporations assure us there is nothing to worry about. They pinky sweared and everything.

Imprudent3449 ,

Yes please. Unfortunately, he’s lieing his ass off as usual.

Imprudent3449 ,

Dude won the pillow lottery and could have coasted through the rest of his life all of us could only dream of. But then he had to open his mouth and take it to 11.

Small tip for you folks that somehow make it big selling shit to the public. Whether you’re right or left, best to keep it to yourself publicly. Certainly don’t go all in on an idiot that sprays Cheeto dust all over his face and does who fucking knows what to his hair.

Imprudent3449 ,

The amount of work he is putting into this is really impressive. Being from the US it kind of sucks to see his play out in every country but ours. Is 'merica just a lost cause or is there something else we can do here?

Imprudent3449 ,

Most banks probably are not going to write off many student loans. They can pretty much go after it for life and the loans usually cannot be discharged.

Imprudent3449 ,

I liked my fold 3 but the screen protector was a pain in the ass especially since I live in a rural area. The closest place that could install new ones was 3 hours away. I attempted it twice and they had bubbles both times. A friend just removed her protector and 3 months later she had the black line going down the center of the screen. Foldables just seem a little too fragile to me.

Also was kind of annoying because websites and apps would detect the wider screen and add a column down the side of the screen - featuring ads usually. Kind of a kick in the nuts to spend $1500 for a larger screen just to get more ads.

That said, I kind of miss being able to run split screen with apps. It was handy to keep a messaging app on the right side of the screen while I browsed the web on the other.

Imprudent3449 ,

I use NextDNS and still run across this all the time on my tablet. In cases where it’s an ad that got filtered it usually leaves empty margins down the sides so the content is still limited to 1/3 of the screen. Other times the area is technically not an ad… But is just click bait shit. Other times it’s just random stuff.

I’ve had some luck using Firefox. With UBlock Origin I can sometimes filter the sections out using their content zapper. With the Stylus extension I have had luck finding custom filters for some sites… But that works until that site updates their HTML a bit and then I start getting random weirdness.

Don’t know… It’s just something I notice a lot when browsing the web on my tablet (and on the fold when I had it) and find to be a nuisance.

Imprudent3449 ,

Surprising that Trump would select a peice of shit that shares his views.

Imprudent3449 ,

Sure that was my initial impression too, but I think I am going to sleep on it and maybe take some polls or study the matter more deeply. Can’t be too rash when judging someone for tossing a baby out of a window.

Imprudent3449 ,

What is the sovcit thinking “all rights reserved” means here? Free house or something?

Imprudent3449 ,

Found it

Sorry, my initial Google was coming empty.

Signing with “all rights reserved” or “without recourse”, which they believe makes the signature impotent, a meaningless mark on a piece of paper instead of something legally-binding.

God you just know these dumbasses think they’re so smart.

Imprudent3449 , (edited )

Generally an Unpopular opinion

You’re 100% correct though. Sponsors are exactly (long) ads and I have no personal problem skipping them after paying $17 a month for premium. If a creator has a problem with that they should take it up with Google. I’m paying for ad free, and that’s what I expect.

If sponsorblock breaks I will be reevaluating my premium sub. Not that it will have a meaningful impact on Google or anything, but I’m just fucking sick of ads and am not going to pay to remove them and still get ads delivered to me.

Imprudent3449 ,

Force the creator to flag the sponsor section and then filter it out. Then compensate the creator for the view using the $17 premium subscription.

Imprudent3449 ,

I get what you are saying, but I just can’t get too upset about it in this case for some reason.

Imprudent3449 ,

What a heart warming story about a family and their dog. They should make a movie.

Imprudent3449 ,

Don’t know how I feel about this. I already get sick of the security prompts every three days to manually enter my passcode. If Google starts just deleting them and making me redo them might just fucking go back to the passcode. Hope it’s optional or it at least prompts you before deleting an old one. Not really trusting Google get it right.

Imprudent3449 ,

Checking in from Iowa and I have the option here too when I hit the customize button. I do have to scroll down a bit?

You might try uninstalling and reinstalling. If on android, clear your settings before the uninstall. The mcdee app does tend to be kind of unpredictable.

If that doesn’t work, send an email to them. I actually did email on some problem I had and they responded pretty quick with a temp workaround and fixed it later.

Imprudent3449 ,

Satellite messaging is already available in Android 15 beta

Perhaps in software, but I don’t think there is a current phone that has the hardware to take advantage. For now, this is essentially an Apple only feature. It’s a pretty good bet we are going to see some flagships released with it in the next year though.

Imprudent3449 ,

LLM is AI correct? If my phone is going to do AI at all, I prefer it be done on device for sure. For privacy reasons if nothing else. But it’s not anything I’ve really looked into. I have the S24 and the only AI feature I use is the Circle to search… which I don’t consider to be AI.

Imprudent3449 ,

And? How many android devices can you name that actually support satellite messaging today? When the feature DOES come on the android side, I imagine it is going to probably be flagship devices as well. Seems to be a silly thing to call Apple out for.

Imprudent3449 ,

That’s pretty cool, I assumed they needed additional hardware. Thanks.

Imprudent3449 ,

I had one and it definitely beeped if the light turned yellow and I stopped rather than blowing through a red light. It was a frustrating experience because it would happen even when driving a safe speed. You don’t get dinged unless you have too many of them, but I suspect in a busy city with stop and go traffic it could be tough. I did end up. With the maximum discount though so it didn’t end up being a big deal.

Imprudent3449 ,

Yes. Not like I was slamming on my brakes, but it was a harder brake than normal. It was pretty sensitive imo, but think they are trying to detect people that are driving too closely to the person in front of them.

Imprudent3449 ,

Oh man, I hate trump but it’s pretty obviously a joke.

Imprudent3449 ,

The comment is worded poorly, but it’s not bad advise. Being open source they can take a look at the code as an example, or could take it and fork it to meet what they are looking for.

Google's "Manifest V2" Chrome extension phaseout next month is expected to impact the original uBlock Origin extension, which still uses the V2 framework and has 37 million users (

The new MV3 architecture reflects Google’s avowed desire to make browser extensions more performant, private, and secure. But the internet giant’s attempt to do so has been bitterly contested by makers of privacy-protecting and content-blocking extensions, who have argued that the Chocolate Factory’s new software...

Imprudent3449 ,

Like, Firefox really isn’t noticeably slower than other browsers in the vast majority of situations.

I imagine there is a bigger difference on older phones though. An imperceptable difference could easily become unbearable when the phone is a little outdated. I experience it at work using a slightly older PC on Windows 10.

Imprudent3449 ,

I just logged into mine. It asks for your phone number, but if you hit cancel it will let you in. I can’t believe I remembered my number. Crazy.

Imprudent3449 ,

While this may be concerning from an ewaste standpoint, don’t worry! Samsung has that covered. For anyone that elected to get a new phone instead of replacing a simple part Samsung has had the courage to not include a charging brick which slightly decreases the size of the box. Customers that need a charging brick can aquire one through a separate expensive purchase that comes in another box shipped on a different cargo ship from china. Samsung is super duper into being green.

Imprudent3449 ,

If you have a Samsung phone (and in an approved region) you can do this by downloading good lock and installing the home up module. I have mine set to a vertical list and its so much better.

Imprudent3449 ,

Maybe. In the past they have always been able to rely on their dominance in the PC market. With consumers shifting away from this, I don’t think it’s so straight forward and in other emerging markets like AI they are way behind.

At least they are finally putting actual money into R&D. This article was a really good read. Will be interesting to see how and if Intels investments pay off.

Imprudent3449 ,

Funny you should mention that

Why an engineer would use a “learning algorithm” rather than just use a “never crush something” is beyond me. So poorly designed.

Imprudent3449 ,

If you have a Samsung phone you can try something similar now called secure folder. Search in your options to create. Then you can install apps in there and all the apps and data are sandboxed from the rest of your phone. You can’t access the data from the main phone and apps in the secure folder don’t have access to your main phone.

I have one setup for my banking app and other apps I would prefer to be private. Have to enter a password to get access to that area and it is encrypted when locked. It works real well.

Imprudent3449 ,

Unfortunately, I have both the headphones and the ear buds and I think the cans isolate noise better than the buds. It could be a problem due to a bad fit though. With the buds I could not get a decent fit with the foam tips so ended up getting some tips on Amazon so I lose a little noise isolation there. The size of the buds for the xm5 isn’t the greatest for me either so THAT doesn’t help - I get a little bit of slipping while eating for example. All said, I still think the xm5 does OKAY, but my link buds surpass it due to a better fit.

The bose might have an overall edge imo going by their reputation of having a good and comfortable fit. My brother has a pair and says they fit real well. I just can’t do the bose because the case is too large for me to carry in my pockets (even the newest model is rather large. The last generation was ridiculous - Bose is kind of crazy with their cases).

I would make sure you buy a pair from a store with a good return policy so if the fit does not work well for you you can exchange for something else. Everyone’s ears are different so there is no way to say how it will fit for you till you try them on.

Imprudent3449 ,

I got the xm5 after I lost my 4’s and the differences aren’t that great. The bass seemed better on the 4’s too.

Imprudent3449 ,

The National Federation of Independent Business has opposed mandatory sick leave rules at the state level, arguing that workplaces should have the flexibility to work something out with their employees when they get sick.

What a dishonest statement. They know the burden put on the employee and that a great many of them are forcing themselves to work sick because they don’t really have the option. If employers were flexible with the employees we wouldn’t be in this position.

The group said the cost of paying workers for time off, extra paperwork, and lost productivity burdens small employers.

Oh yes, let’s not treat a person with decency because God forbid there is some extra paperwork to fill out.

Imprudent3449 ,

This is disappointing. Due to Kagi requiring an account and billing I would say transparency should be vitally important for a them since privacy concerns are going to be a large reason a lot of people are looking to switch from Google in the first place. It’s always a concern brought up when search alternatives are discussed in forums and the “just trust me BRO” is going to start to ring kind of hollow if they play little games like this.

Imprudent3449 ,

Not very bright, the tickets have barcodes that need to be scanned to validate whether the ticket is a winner. No chance this would ever work even if the ticket didn’t look like shit.

Senate passes bill renewing key FISA surveillance power moments after it expires (

“The House of Representatives had just passed Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. This legislation would permit the agency, without a warrant, to collect from Google and other US Big Tech companies the communications of Americans talking, e-mailing, or texting with non-Americans outside the country—in...

Imprudent3449 ,

It’s like the 4th amendment has no meaning at all.

Imprudent3449 ,

Lawyer not even necessary in some areas, can just contact department of labor and they will go after them.

Google fires 28 workers for protesting $1.2 billion Israel contract (

“Google issued a stern warning to its employees, with the company’s vice president of global security, Chris Rackow, saying, “If you’re one of the few who are tempted to think we’re going to overlook conduct that violates our policies, think again,” according to an internal memo obtained by CNBC.”

Imprudent3449 ,

Jesus that website needs to die, it’s such a rude and petty way to respond to someone. As if asking what some obscure acronym means on a discussion forum is such an outlandish thing.

Imprudent3449 ,

Well your leaving window ME out of that list which came right after 98SE and is widely considered a turd. I also wouldn’t put 2000 in with them as it was an operating system designed for business use while the other 2 were consumer oriented.

95, 98, 98SE might be a pretty decent stretch though. NT4, 2000, and XP could be a good stretch on the business side. If you ignore NT4’s poor driver support.

Imprudent3449 ,

I am fucking sick of monthly subs… Happily pay for kagi. It’s really great at just getting you the results you need sorted right at the top.

Imprudent3449 ,

Oh the ironing, lol.

Yes, so much ironing going on in that quote.

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