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HardBassTV , to linux Romanian


Just made da switch from Windows 10 to Linux Mint. How do i get started?

NutWrench , avatar

You’re probably going to be installing and changing a lot of stuff over the next few weeks. Make sure you use TimeShift to make system snapshots. (It works like System Restore in Windows).

You can even restore a system that won’t boot anymore, by booting from a Live usb stick, running TimeShift and choosing a snapshot off your hard drive.

njordomir ,

Bonus points, once you feel comfortable with the software manager learn how to update Mint with the “apt” commands in the terminal. This will make you feel like an elite hacker while simultaneously teaching you a fast way to do a routine task, updating all your software. Make sure to reflect on how long this would have taken on Windows. :D

PNS , to random avatar
chog9 , avatar

@pernia @PNS @Lyx @nikt @mint @nimt @cajax

FAT BABY 🍤🥵🔥ages 07-17
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PayPal - [email protected]
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@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid


Lyx , avatar
ItalianSkeletonGaming , to games avatar

@games What demos did you try today? | DAY 5

Greetings Flamboyant Flamingos (I'm running out of nouns and adjectives starting with F) of the Fediverse, it's the 5th day of the , and for me, unfortunately, the last, weekend duty calls, and I won't be able to give proper time to any other demo, so consider this last batch of impressions as my farewell to you all, until the next time

ItalianSkeletonGaming OP , avatar

@games Wild Bastards

Procedurally generated FPS, from the creators of Void Bastards

The neon/cowboy/scifi setting works, the shooting is way slower paced than I imagined, the unique abilities for the characters are interesting, and the fact that you're constantly chased and need to pick your battles carefully gives a nice tension to the whole.

The demo definitely left me wanting to know more about this project, I'll take a good look at it in the months before its release

555 ,

The fire is spreading to the aristocrats villas!

A) Put the fire out

B) Let those motherfuckers burn

thedonnerd , to random

Good morning. 🥰☕ Happy Friday! 🌼🌺

p , avatar
pernia , avatar
beta , to technology avatar
UnfortunateShort ,

You know, the answer to captions like that is to 99.9%:


*Under laboratory conditions and for a very specific use case / a whole lot of money, once.

The reality is that billions are poured into developing faster computers and change is happening gradually, because low-hanging fruits are gathered even before they are ripe.

JATtho ,

You can’t exceed lightspeed. Current tech is already at 99%

ceo_of_monoeye_dating , to random avatar


@judgedread , the GAYFAG HOMOQUEER

This is a FULL 48 HOUR MATCH lasting the entire weekend!

Introduction to Judge Dread:
"Is self explanatory. Boomer ex-cop, atheist, GOP armchair analyst, and his life revolves around consooming. He spends all day posting "woke Disney is so bad" type essays. Nigga. Who the fuck cares. He once spent 3 days filling the timeline with a series of essays on how he would "fix" the Disneyland Starwars Galaxy's Edge rides. And he thinks he's smart for doing this. Mega cringe!" - @lonestarr

This is the man who inspired the tournament! Yes, CMD looked at Judge Dread and said "I believe that a fair, open, and honest democratic system would call Judge Dread the biggest faggot on fedi," and that is why you are reading this today.

Judge Dread is basically the posterboy for "Gab refugee who cannot and will not assimilate to fedi culture properly." His utterly trash opinions range from "Gab is more important than church history," "I think 'Team A' and 'Team B' are excellent descriptive names for groups of people," and "here is an essay about Disney and why it matters." If you're here, you're probably blocked by him for disagreeing with at least one of these takes.

What has he done to push himself all the way into the final match of the faggot tourney? When he came over to fedi, he brought with him a group of the most obnoxious pieces of shit, started blocking everyone who mildly disagreed with him, and then used his followers to screech at everyone he has any mild disagreement with! Of course, on the anime-loving, Disney-hating, majority-Christian poast, that ended up being a lot of people!

If he'd just up and blocked everyone at once, then he'd be in his own echo chamber and things would be fine. However, that's not what he did: he makes a point of blocking someone new most days, then bragging about being a thin-skinned blockfag. We have the following hellthread most days:

Poastie A:"Why was I blocked by Judge Dread?"
Poastie B:"He's a thin-skinned faggot, you probably just disagreed with him about something."
Gablin A:"YOU are just SAD because you didn't follow the secret JUDGE DREAD RULES OF ENGAGEMENT and are now BLOCKED BY THE WONDERFUL JUDGE DREAD."
Poastie A: :aniwhat:
Gablin B: "LMAO look at this SAD guy COMPLAINING INTENSELY about being BLOCKED."
Gablin C: "HAHA HE ASKED WHY HE WAS BLOCKED. Obviously Dread is free to block whoever he wants and blocking everyone but mods is beyond criticism no matter what."
Other Fedi A: "Wow you dread fans are massive fags."
Other Fedi B: "Lmao what a bunch of thin-skinned losers."
Gablins: Quote Repost the thread 20 times

He's tried to distance himself from this tournament - a wise choice, but not one that's helped him out in the slightest! His opponents so far have been:
-The tournament organizer himself!
-PonyPanda, a man notorious for posting nigger dicks for several hours straight!
-Tomato, another notorious homosexual known for wanting to fuck trannies!

That's right, Judge Dread is gayer than nigger dicks, trannies, and...even OP! Dread's faggotry is so intense that it shatters iron-clad internet rules, what an incredible and unbearable faggot!

Introduction to CSB:
"The punching bag of NAS" - @dj
"he literally likes drawing crude gross man ass." - @leyonhjelm
"I will concede that he may just be bad at drawing" - @leyonhjelm after having been asked to prove the above.
"NAS rules state that it is MANDATORY that at every opportunity...remind CSB that he is a fucktard, faggot, cunt, jew (preferably dirty) or other slur..." - @fuknukl

CSB, what have you done? You were under the radar completely at the start of this tournament, and your repeated insistance to be removed from it and constant threats to block people who vote for you and intense lockfaggotry have propelled you to the finals!

You have managed to show yourself to be a bigger faggot than:
-Every third tranny on the internet
-A groomer tranny who shoves dead possums up their ass to masturbate and hangs out with pedophiles - one whose poor behavior has got them kicked off of 109 instances!
-A beloved rat who was genuinely trying to win as a joke

THAT is what you have been a greater faggot than, despite having every advantage possible to get yourself out of this tournament early! At every single junction, the tournament organizer wanted you to lose: your faggotry has forced his hand each and every time. You rallied up NAS hard enough that they put you past Paulo. You went into the thread and pissed off so many people that your actions caused you to beat Maija. You carried this momentum into the match with Ratposter, who was actively trying to win by posting the gayest things he could think of in the thread. That is right - you are gayer than what someone imagines to be the gayest thing they can post.

Well, this time you're up against the guy that the tournament organizer made the tournament to mock. CSB, winning this would be a major feat of faggotry - and you will have only yourself to blame. Can you please shut the actual fuck up for long enough that CMD can convince people to vote for Dread? Look, NAS is even pulling a punch here: I gave them a shot to write this chunk of this post, and they apparently decided that you're such a giant faggot that they can let someone sympathetic to you write it. Just go away from the internet for a weekend, please.


Lyx , avatar
leyonhjelm , avatar
giotras , to science Italian
vamp07 ,

This has a lot more to do with consumption than with production. Most of these islands are small, and it’s unrealistic for them to have large populations or a heavy tourist industry without desalination plants. Energy needs to become cheap, and honestly, wind farms and solar can help with this.

EatATaco ,

I’m the article they point to a lot of factors as to why this is now becoming an issue: increase urbanization, increased industries, increased tourism.

They do say collecting rainwater is probably part of the solution, but if the other things keep on growing that won’t always be the case.

andrew , to technology avatar
General_Effort ,

Huh. You’d think they need a reliable power supply. Is that what the money is for?

Corkyskog ,

Depends what level of “building”. I have seen land bought, stripped, foundation prep work started, then all the sudden the plug is pulled.

beta , to technology avatar
beta OP , avatar

@technology Oh, for sure, they mention the App Store fees and extensive review process, but in my opinion involving the price of the iPhone and past history of Apple is strange (and seems to make the case weaker).

KairuByte , avatar

Eeeeehhhhhh… you can’t really fault a company for a previously unknown hardware defect going against their stated principles. That’s like faulting the devs of OpenSSH for their principle of security because CVE-2023-38408 existed for years.

Hate on Apple for legitimate things, of which there are many.

nachtbibliothekar , to random German avatar

Lesenswerte Überlegungen und Gedanken von Birgit Böllinger zum heutigen .

Sascha_Raubal , avatar

Die Seite hatte ich nur ganz kurz überflogen. Aber ja, stimmt, da sind SPler nicht angesprochen. Na ja, es hindert uns keiner dran, uns "mit dranzuhängen", oder? Unabhängig sind wir schließlich erst recht.😁
@fiee @Nike_Leonhard @buechermachen

Nike_Leonhard , avatar
exploreyourarchive , to random avatar

This month's archive theme is women . Share your archives and stories on the theme, we would love to see what you come up with.


Athenenoctua , avatar

en train de laver du linge sur des bateaux-lavoirs sur la rive gauche du à . Ces à fond plat portent le nom de plattes.
A l'arrière-plan, l'ancien Saint-Clair et la colline de la .

Vers 1904, carte postale colorisée, Berthaud frères, cote 4FI 3386.

@exploreyourarchive @archivistodon @histodons

Athenenoctua , avatar

On sort les mouchoirs pour ce dernier clin d'oeil au , avec une très belle pour la semaine d' de en 1910.

Copie d'une lithographie de Ch. Tichon imprimée par Emile Pécaud, dont l'originale est conservée au musée de l'air et de l'espace.
Cote 7FI/2136.

@exploreyourarchive @archivistodon @histodons

BigAngBlack , to random avatar
patrickworld , avatar

@BigAngBlack @blackmastodon @BlackMastodon I don’t actually know who this is but I’m gonna check him out

BigAngBlack OP , avatar

A sports personality with very obvious biases and some real bad takes
@blackmastodon @BlackMastodon

andrew , to news avatar

FDA Approves First Medication to Help Reduce Allergic Reactions to Multiple Foods After Accidental Exposure


Fondots ,

From the article

Xolair is intended for repeated use to reduce the risk of allergic reactions and is not approved for the immediate emergency treatment of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.

Epi Pens are for immediate emergency response for allergic reactions, they aren’t preventative in any way.

Epi Pens are basically just a shot of adrenaline, they don’t actually act directly on your immune system at all, it’s basically just sends an override message to your body to forget about whatever else it’s doing and focus on opening up your airways, pumping blood, or whatever else you might need in order to, for example, run from a lion.

Which buys you some time, but you’re still probably going to need some treatment or monitoring once the adrenaline wears off, and you’re probably going to feel like shit afterwards, and epinephrine isn’t without it’s own pretty significant risks and side effects.

Evilcoleslaw ,

Yeah OIT will slowly “train” your immune system to not react to increasing amounts of an allergen. This is literally a monoclonal antibody that binds to free IgE antibodies so that there will be fewer of them around if you’re exposed to an allergen.

It seems much more well suited for its originally approved uses of allergic asthma and nasal polyps (which are caused by recurrent allergic inflammatory processes involved in sinusitis/rhinitis) than it would be for food allergies.

rebekka_m , to random avatar - Alfie Kohn, 2020, on ABA, Applied behavior analysis, basically Skinner's operant conditioning, that STILL is in use for/with people, especially children:

"Suppose you participated in implementing a widely used strategy for dealing with homelessness, only to learn that the most outspoken critics of that intervention were homeless people. Would that not stop you in your tracks?"

Got the blog post via @rabbit_fighter, thanks.

rebekka_m OP , avatar

@samid @actuallyautistic I believe the thing is, the mere act of smiling when you dont feel like it means the same in masking [M] and emotional labor [EL], youre right. But ALL scientific research that is referring to the concept of or containing the term EL has the proposition of an NT person that due to its NT wiring WOULD smile in this interaction with a friend, and just dont feel like to do it job-related [if not in the mood/sympathy]; and that just isnt the case for folk.

rebekka_m OP , avatar

@samid @actuallyautistic By drawing that line I just would like everyone to have in mind that the knowledge concerning EL + the precautions that one might be able to do to NOT feel the burden of EL - doesnt apply to autistics, because masking is a different psychological concept. While writing I just had the thought that masking for ND people maybe could be compared to an NT that always forces themselves to make a "disgusted" face when greeting a friend, instead of a smile.

mememamus , to memes
RmDebArc_5 , avatar

I think it’s probably because they’re from Mastodon, hashtags are more used there

Annoyed_Crabby ,
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