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BigAngBlack , to random avatar

Billy Porter Unapologetically Announces His Return To Mainstream Pop With Upcoming "Black Mona Lisa" Album

> has never been one to shy away from being himself. In a recent interview, he said he's returning to mainstream pop

BigAngBlack OP , avatar
fulanigirl , avatar

@BigAngBlack @blackmastodon @BlackMastodon My mom would have liked that 😊

hlseward , to random avatar

I try to be very positive and cheerful about my profession: teaching. It's a fluffing tough job and you have to see the best in it - every lesson, every day, every student. And it can be the most rewarding and important job a person could do. But, my goodness, today was a challenge. When your leaders don't seem to care about their staff and are actively making it more difficult for you, you just get worn down. But. Tomorrow is a new day. Always. @edutooters

michaelcymro , avatar

@edutooters @hlseward
I’m not a teacher but close family members have been, so I offer this:

On particularly bad days when you’re sure you can't possibly cope, it can sometimes help to remind yourself that your track record for getting through bad days so far is 100%.

EVDHmn , avatar

@michaelcymro @edutooters @hlseward
I added this message, to actually my actually autistic group and book group for relevancy of book by Fred Roger’s.
The message may seem ableist to some in my group, but at the end of the day, “We are in all this together”. ♾️❤️

renwillis , to random avatar

Super excited to start my next game... Sea of Stars!

Anyone here play it?


Qyriad , avatar

@renwillis yes! It is a beautifully heartfelt game that I loved to death (and god bless it for bringing back action commands). After you beat it, I highly recommend going through enough of the post game to get the true ending. It is very worth it!

It's now my go-to rec for anyone who wants to get into JRPGs and the like but has trouble playing older games like Chrono Trigger

bookworm ,

@Qyriad got crystal project?

elonjet , to random avatar

Landed near Shannon, County Clare, IE. Apx. flt. time 5 h 19 min.

elonjet OP , avatar

2,601 mile (2,260 NM) flight from TLV to SNN

~ 2,674 gallons (10,124 liters).
~ 17,924 lbs (8,130 kg) of jet fuel used.
~ $14,977 cost of fuel.
~ 28 tons of CO2 emissions.

Betterifyouneil , avatar


This was to see how much cock elon could suck and walk back some antisemitic remarks.

A racist and his pr stunts.

jiujensu , to random avatar

The story of one woman who Israel calls terrorist and prisoner. This is not the exception, it's the norm. She was released in the hostage deal. She was moving furniture, her car malfunctioned, caught fire. Instead of helping her get medical care, Israeli soldiers watched her burn, accused her of terrorism & arrested, interrogated & tortured her.

@palestine @israel

jiujensu OP , avatar

@palestine @israel

Book mentioned in this story is:

I've just ordered it - but it seems an important book to learn about a massive injustice. Israelis are taken as hostage for a few weeks & ppl are rightly upset. BUT when Palestinians are accused of terrorism for waving a flag, for being a 12 year old boy, for saying on social media they mourn for gaza, or a car breaking down - suffer torture in Israeli jail - fingers cut off - those people SAY NOTHING.

jhavok , avatar

@jiujensu @palestine @israel @bookstodon Who remembers when IDF goons were breaking the hands of children? Did they ever stop that practice?

Nornennetz , to random German avatar
Nike_Leonhard , avatar

Kurze Antwort: Nein.
Lange Antwort: Nein, sonst müsste ich viel dickere Bücher mit viel Sex, mindestens ebensoviel Gewalt und klaren schwarz-weiß-/gut-böse-Strukturen schreiben. Stattdessen schreibe ich lieber die Geschichten, die ich selber lesen möchte.

Nornennetz OP , avatar

@Nike_Leonhard @buechermachen Ich lasse mich ja immer wieder zu dem Glauben verleiten, es handle sich um ein Klischee, weil Sex/(unnötige) Gewalt/Gut-Böse alles ist, wofür sich die Menschen meines Umfeldes nicht interessieren. Wenn ich mir dann allerdings die Nachfrage, besonders das Angebot im Netz anschaue, ernüchtert mich das stets aufs Neue.

RPBook , to random avatar

I've been asked for book recommendations about mercenaries in during the . It's not something I know about. Do any of you have recommendations?

JochenLingelba1 , avatar

@RPBook @militaryhistory No recommendations unfortunately, but an interesting question. You can have a look for the references in the wikipedia article on the infamous German mercenary Siegfried Müller
Maybe someone knows more via @africanstudies or @histodons

RPBook OP , avatar
thestorygraph , to random avatar

Today we're launching a new way to read books with your friends! 💙📚

thestorygraph OP , avatar

Video attached for those not on Tiktok!



ajlewis2 , avatar

@thestorygraph @bookstodon

This sounds wonderful! Thanks for posting it on Mastodon. And lovely to see and hear you, Mr. Storygraph

whatshisays , to random avatar

Liking the heat from this one 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

jpm , avatar

@whatshisays this is very @potatochipwatch adjacent

kofanchen , avatar

@jpm @whatshisays @potatochipwatch
Or the none spicy version from an old faithful brand

MirrorAyako , to random avatar

11/23: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

For all you diehards out there, AST is still running on Thanksgiving day!

TOS (8ET): Charlie X
TNG (9ET): Attached
DS9 (10ET): Q-less
VOY (11ET): Unity
ENT (midnight): Cease Fire

petertrek1 , avatar


Hi Ayako, I'm not sure I can join tonight but wanted to wish you and everyone a Happy Thanksgiving holiday!

MirrorAyako OP , avatar


Thank you Peter! I am unlikely to make it either but everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving! @allstartrek

estelle , to random avatar

"As conflation and confusion abound after 7 October, we need clear thinking about antisemitism"
David Feldman, director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism,
Brendan McGeever, senior lecturer at the Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism.

estelle OP , avatar

Colonial Convergence

Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, who teaches at the University of , , explained the paradox: “One can detest Jews and love Israelis, because Israelis somehow are not Jews. Israelis are colonial fighters and settlers, just like Afrikaners. They are tough and resilient. They know how to dominate. Jews are different. They are, among other qualities, gentle, non-physical, often passive, intellectual. So one can go on disliking Jews while admiring the Israelis.”

Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, "The Israeli Connection. Who Israel Arms and Why", Pantheon Books, New York, 1987; cited by Alain Gresh: @israel

estelle OP , avatar

"The Campaign Against Antisemitism was formed in 2014, after a previous Israeli bombardment of Gaza. Its explicit founding purpose was to counter the antisemitism that arises in Britain when Israel pummels Palestinians and, implicitly, to defend Israel’s right to pummel. Chief executive Gideon Falter is also vice chairman of the Jewish National Fund UK, which is reported to have provided funding to the CAA in the past. The JNF enjoys charitable status and its existence predates the Balfour Declaration. For over a century, it has bought up land in historic Palestine, helped plan the Nakba, furthered exclusive Jewish settlement and transformed colonised land into parks and forests to erase what had been before."

On respectability politics and : @history @histodons

kjschmid , to random avatar

I just deleted my ResearchGate account, because 👇

(Never used ResearchGate anyway, so no loss for me)

gpollara , avatar

@kjschmid ResearchGate has always confused me. Genuine potential to be a unifying, public repository for everyone's academic track record, and yet somehow, it always feels half baked, and almost predatory in its data harvesting. Everyone's on it and yet no one talks about it. Weird. @academicchatter

bensb , avatar

@gpollara @kjschmid @academicchatter yeah, similar here. I think the business case for an "academic LinkedIn" was never very strong, so they are increasingly pivoting towards publication, trying to position themselves somewhere between scihub, biorxiv and the journals. I'm not sure they've really found the sweet spot yet, and this collaboration with MDPI doesn't bode well...

nadege , to random French avatar

Time to leave ResearchGate ! Predatory publisher MDPI gives privileges by RG through new agreement 🤑🤮

kraweel65 , avatar

@nadege @academicchatter
😂 Scientists are not leaving a right-fringe, antisemitic social, anti-social network named after the Alphabet's butt sequence - and you request us to leave the beloved scientists version of Facebook for no reason?

nadege OP , avatar

@kraweel65 @academicchatter 😂😂 I left twix so probably I don't realize how many still cling to it. Anyway, it isn't a request. Time to leave is the title. It does not say who. It's perhaps just about me. Like, if my post started with Back to the future, it wouldn't be a request for you to time travel (But you may if you want)

quoque , to random avatar
paninid , avatar
vincent , avatar

@paninid @quoque @histodons I'm in this video, and I'm okay with that.

oatmeal , to random avatar

West Bank settlers are exploiting the “propitious moment” created by the war that started to expel thousands of Palestinians from their homes and lands. They are terrorizing them through various means in order to drive them from their villages. Far from everyone’s eyes, the West Bank is changing almost irreversibly.

If you can’t afford a subscription install bypass paywall for to read the full article


oatmeal OP , avatar

"As horrific as the massacre was, it does not absolve Israel of its past crimes against the Palestinians, does not justify the ethnic cleansing Israel is currently carrying out in both the Strip and the West Bank."

"When the very mention of context itself is considered anti-Semitic, then pretext takes its place. The massacre serves as a pretext for ethnic cleansing in the Strip and West Bank and an excuse to muzzle and intimidate the Palestinian citizens of Israel."

It's not always easy to take Professor Ilan Pappé for his word when it comes to vigorous historical research, but his commentary is always interesting, and in this case also reflexive.


The holy rage: the plight of the Israeli left

My heart goes out to Jewish-Israeli leftists these days. They vent their distress on the pages of daily newspaper, while directing their anger at the global left, or at least the Western left. They are in a reality I found myself in some 15 years ago: ostracized and alienated from Jewish society for my “betrayal” of it on the one hand, yet on the other hand, not accepted as a credible partner by Palestinian society, whose national movement I supported as a researcher and political activist. Luckily that stage of my life is behind me.

When you don't belong to any group of reference, you are in a societal and intellectual limbo. This is exactly the distress of the Israeli left. The massacre carried out by on October 7 exposed the difference between it and the global left. The global left is an organic part of the solidarity movement with the Palestinian liberation movement.

This liberation movement is no longer as institutionalized as it was, and is much more fragmented and weakened compared to its heyday in the 1970s. But it remains robust and its solidarity movement remains as well. The concepts and language of the solidarity movement have always been different from those of the Israeli left. This movement has not supported the two-state solution idea for years, and has long defined as a settler colonial movement and Israel as an state.

The sins of this movement, as they appear in the righteous indignation articles of writers like Eva Illouz,, Ofri Ilany, Haim Levinson and many others, are mainly twofold: comparing to colonialism, and mentioning the historical context of the massacre carried out by Hamas.

But the global left does not talk about Israel as part of global colonialism, but as part of settler colonialism. It is worth recalling, even for a moment, what characterizes settler colonial movements. These are movements of European refugees, who sought refuge and shelter from a Europe that did not want them and even persecuted them. They arrived in countries inhabited by native populations, who the new settlers saw as a fundamental obstacle to their dream of building a new Europe of their own.

Destruction of the local population or its expulsion were a precondition for the success of this new settlement. This is the story of the founding of the United States, Canada and Australia. The Zionist movement was also such a movement, and like the other movements relied on an empire to gain a foothold in a foreign land, found religious justification for settlement, and engaged in the search for ways to get rid of both the empire that assisted it and the native majority population.

Indeed, this is the perception of the global left. It includes defining Israel as an apartheid state, and was not born on October 7. It does not prevent condemnation of Hamas' actions, but it certainly provides a much more convincing explanation for this terrible event than defining Hamas as a bloodthirsty organization that seeks to kill for the sake of killing.

Israel reacted with rage to the mass killing in the Gaza Strip, yet the Israeli left still expected the global left to be outraged along with it and relate to the horrors of that Shabbat outside any context. This is the global left's second sin, and this is the sin of the secretary general: mentioning the context.

The Israeli left demands focus on the event as pure evil without context. Mentioning the context does not justify it but explains it, and above all offers a different explanation than that adhered to by Israeli politicians, pundits and journalists. In vain, the Israeli left will ask people of conscience worldwide to focus on the horrors of October 7, and therefore forget about the horrors of the occupation and siege prior to October 7 and those of the days after October 7.

The global left has always focused in the past - both in its historical perception and moral viewpoint - on contexts that gave birth to difficult actions of those who rebelled against Western oppression. Therefore, those who supported the abolitionist movement did not see the terrible massacre of whites led by Nat Turner in 1831, an event that harmed the struggle to abolish slavery, as an uncontextualized evil. Those who supported the Algerian liberation movement did not demand constant condemnation of the terrible massacre carried out by the rebels in July 1962 of white settlers in the city of Oran as if it had no historical context of over a hundred years of French abuse and oppression of the Algerian people.

These contexts explain the event, they do not justify it. They certainly clarify for us why the chorus of the Israeli left is shocked by what it defines as an insufficient response from the global left, and why its prominent spokespeople accuse the global left of anti-Semitism and immorality. As horrific as the massacre was, it does not absolve Israel of its past crimes against the Palestinians, does not justify the ethnic cleansing Israel is currently carrying out in both the Strip and the West Bank.

Moreover, and perhaps most importantly. As terrifying and horrible as it is, this is not a constitutive event: Israel will remain a settler colonial state, with features of an apartheid regime, Palestinian resistance will continue, global civil society will continue to support it, and Israel will rely solely on the support of Western elites. This is a clear recipe for continued bloodshed, with no winners, only losers, a reality in which calling for a ceasefire, which could lead to the return of the kidnapped, is considered treason, and the continuation of fighting and abandoning the kidnapped to their fate is preferred.

When the very mention of context itself is considered anti-Semitic, then pretext takes its place. The massacre serves as a pretext for ethnic cleansing in the Strip and West Bank and an excuse to muzzle and intimidate the Palestinian citizens of Israel. It also serves as a pretext for the United States to return its army to the region, from which it was expelled in disgrace after the failed attempt to impose democracy by force. It serves as a pretext for Western governments to severely undermine freedom of expression and opinion in the name of fighting terror.

Moral compass and awareness of contexts exposes the pretexts and their disaster-laden results, and above all focuses on what matters now: recognizing again that Palestinians and Israelis have only two options: mutual destruction or living together.

Professor Ilan Pappé, at the Centre for Palestine Studies, University of Exeter, is the author of "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine."




oatmeal OP , avatar

It's not always easy to take Professor Ilan Pappé for his word when it comes to vigorous historical research, but his commentary is always interesting, and in this case also self-reflective.


The holy rage: the plight of the Israeli left

My heart goes out to Jewish-Israeli leftists these days. They vent their distress on the pages of daily newspaper, while directing their anger at the global left, or at least the Western left. They are in a reality I found myself in some 15 years ago: ostracized and alienated from Jewish society for my “betrayal” of it on the one hand, yet on the other hand, not accepted as a credible partner by Palestinian society, whose national movement I supported as a researcher and political activist. Luckily that stage of my life is behind me.

When you don't belong to any group of reference, you are in a societal and intellectual limbo. This is exactly the distress of the Israeli left. The massacre carried out by on October 7 exposed the difference between it and the global left. The global left is an organic part of the solidarity movement with the Palestinian liberation movement.

This liberation movement is no longer as institutionalized as it was, and is much more fragmented and weakened compared to its heyday in the 1970s. But it remains robust and its solidarity movement remains as well. The concepts and language of the solidarity movement have always been different from those of the Israeli left. This movement has not supported the two-state solution idea for years, and has long defined as a settler colonial movement and Israel as an state.

The sins of this movement, as they appear in the righteous indignation articles of writers like Eva Illouz,, Ofri Ilany, Haim Levinson and many others, are mainly twofold: comparing to colonialism, and mentioning the historical context of the massacre carried out by Hamas.

But the global left does not talk about Israel as part of global colonialism, but as part of settler colonialism. It is worth recalling, even for a moment, what characterizes settler colonial movements. These are movements of European refugees, who sought refuge and shelter from a Europe that did not want them and even persecuted them. They arrived in countries inhabited by native populations, who the new settlers saw as a fundamental obstacle to their dream of building a new Europe of their own.

Destruction of the local population or its expulsion were a precondition for the success of this new settlement. This is the story of the founding of the United States, Canada and Australia. The Zionist movement was also such a movement, and like the other movements relied on an empire to gain a foothold in a foreign land, found religious justification for settlement, and engaged in the search for ways to get rid of both the empire that assisted it and the native majority population.

Indeed, this is the perception of the global left. It includes defining Israel as an apartheid state, and was not born on October 7. It does not prevent condemnation of Hamas' actions, but it certainly provides a much more convincing explanation for this terrible event than defining Hamas as a bloodthirsty organization that seeks to kill for the sake of killing.

Israel reacted with rage to the mass killing in the Gaza Strip, yet the Israeli left still expected the global left to be outraged along with it and relate to the horrors of that Shabbat outside any context. This is the global left's second sin, and this is the sin of the secretary general: mentioning the context.

The Israeli left demands focus on the event as pure evil without context. Mentioning the context does not justify it but explains it, and above all offers a different explanation than that adhered to by Israeli politicians, pundits and journalists. In vain, the Israeli left will ask people of conscience worldwide to focus on the horrors of October 7, and therefore forget about the horrors of the occupation and siege prior to October 7 and those of the days after October 7.

The global left has always focused in the past - both in its historical perception and moral viewpoint - on contexts that gave birth to difficult actions of those who rebelled against Western oppression. Therefore, those who supported the abolitionist movement did not see the terrible massacre of whites led by Nat Turner in 1831, an event that harmed the struggle to abolish slavery, as an uncontextualized evil. Those who supported the Algerian liberation movement did not demand constant condemnation of the terrible massacre carried out by the rebels in July 1962 of white settlers in the city of Oran as if it had no historical context of over a hundred years of French abuse and oppression of the Algerian people.

These contexts explain the event, they do not justify it. They certainly clarify for us why the chorus of the Israeli left is shocked by what it defines as an insufficient response from the global left, and why its prominent spokespeople accuse the global left of anti-Semitism and immorality. As horrific as the massacre was, it does not absolve Israel of its past crimes against the Palestinians, does not justify the ethnic cleansing Israel is currently carrying out in both the Strip and the West Bank.

Moreover, and perhaps most importantly. As terrifying and horrible as it is, this is not a constitutive event: Israel will remain a settler colonial state, with features of an apartheid regime, Palestinian resistance will continue, global civil society will continue to support it, and Israel will rely solely on the support of Western elites. This is a clear recipe for continued bloodshed, with no winners, only losers, a reality in which calling for a ceasefire, which could lead to the return of the kidnapped, is considered treason, and the continuation of fighting and abandoning the kidnapped to their fate is preferred.

When the very mention of context itself is considered anti-Semitic, then pretext takes its place. The massacre serves as a pretext for ethnic cleansing in the Strip and West Bank and an excuse to muzzle and intimidate the Palestinian citizens of Israel. It also serves as a pretext for the United States to return its army to the region, from which it was expelled in disgrace after the failed attempt to impose democracy by force. It serves as a pretext for Western governments to severely undermine freedom of expression and opinion in the name of fighting terror.

Moral compass and awareness of contexts exposes the pretexts and their disaster-laden results, and above all focuses on what matters now: recognizing again that Palestinians and Israelis have only two options: mutual destruction or living together.

Professor Ilan Pappé, at the Centre for Palestine Studies, University of Exeter, is the author of "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine."




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