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jiujensu , to random avatar

So asked for input on their recent Palestine ep. I think I'm addressing the host mostly.
Israel & Palestine: A Difficult Discussion

I can give input. I will try to be civil but bear in mind I have the same strong emotions you expressed on the podcast, & feel Gaslit Nation, President Biden, and most Democrats - (yeah I'm not even considering Republicans, they'll have a terrible take) are gaslighting Palestinians.

jiujensu OP , avatar

US Rep Rashida Tlaib is about the only one who made a decent statement in the US.

She even uses "cycle of violence" and STILL doesn't f*ck it up like everyone else.
Grieving lives lost. Necessary. Emphasizing shared humanity. Check. Occupation and apartheid are to blame. Facts. And it offers hope or gives actions to take to fix it - 1. End US aid for apartheid government (i would argue defund the Pentagon and US war machine too...) 2. End the occupation and dismantle apartheid system.

jiujensu OP , avatar

There's also a Palestinian contemporary art group on Facebook - look for the Palestinian artists, writers, intellectuals. Find out what's going on before going on and on about support for an occupier.

ameliajeff , to books

The Debt Slaves Of The Student Loan Empire

The book is a nonfiction work that addresses the dysfunction of the student lending system. It draws on the author's personal experience and work as a blogger and uses a range of online articles as source material to support its arguments. The book is grounded in reality but is also polemical in nature, advocating for the restoration of student bankruptcy rights. Overall, this book sheds light on an important issue and offers a compelling case for change.

NathanBurgoine , to random avatar

Looking for someone to read you (part) of a story? Multiple someones?

Tonight (October 12)! Join me for the OUTspoken Reading Series via The Publishing Triangle and Bureau of General Services-Queer Division, where I’ll be reading from my Hi-Lo YA, “Stuck With You” from Lorimer Children & Teens, alongside an amazing list of awesome queer authors!
The awkward teenager dilemma starts at 7:00p EDT, here:

herhandsmyhands , avatar


Via @NathanBurgoine:
"Looking for someone to read you (part) of a story? Multiple someones?

Tonight (October 12)! Join me for the OUTspoken Reading Series via The Publishing Triangle and Bureau of General Services-Queer Division, where I’ll be reading from my Hi-Lo YA, “Stuck With You” from Lorimer Children & Teens, alongside an amazing list of awesome queer authors!"

Starting at 7pm EDT, here:

ameliajeff , to books

African American Experience During World War II

The book provides a historical perspective of the 1.2 million African American service members' experiences on the unit and personal level serving in a segregated U.S. military and for an American society that denied them equal opportunity and basic civil rights. African Americans served in every military branch (Army, Army Air Corps, Navy, and Marine Corps). Besides serving in segregated units, they were assigned menial tasks, provided inferior training and resources, denied opportunities to serve in combat units, and faced racism despite fighting for liberty, justice, and freedom abroad while being denied those platitudes at home. Basically, they battled for liberty and freedom on two fronts. home and abroad.

I wanted to tell a story of service and experience that has not been ignored by American history books, news media, and the entertainment industry. I wanted to tell the story of African Americans fighting on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, on the islands of the Pacific against imperial Japan, and during the desperate days of the Battle of the Bulge. And, how they also had to face and battle the hypocrisy, racist beliefs, and attitudes of a military that operated segregated combat and support forces to deliver on FDR's four freedoms.

projectseahorse , to random avatar

One of our initiatives to "save " is our project - iSeahorse. This October we celebrate it's 10th Anniversary 😃

Read more about it here:

ClaireFromClare , avatar

to the Fediverse @projectseahorse!
I have a sighting for , recorded a while ago... have you seen any of these recently?

@medievodons @histodons - any other favourite historic ?

Harley 4751, f.68r

YetAnotherGeekGuy , avatar

@projectseahorse @medievodons @ClaireFromClare @histodons
I believe there was a modern sighting in Scotland, c 1934

HopelessDemigod , to random avatar

When we hear about the rise of neurodivergent people, children, teens and young adults, we should realize that from the 1940-1990’s we saw an uptake in the use of pesticides, insecticides, tetra ethyl lead in gasoline, tobacco use, and questionable medications that we didn’t fully understand.

Sometimes effects to human health take decades and generations before they fully manifest.

CynAq , avatar


I'll give you another possible "cause" for the "rise of neurodivergent people."

Maybe, thanks to changing times and improving understanding of human rights, the neurotypical majority stopped killing us on sight that much.

Maybe society lets more of us survive into adulthood, who knows?


F off with this neuronormative bullshit, seriously.


sal , avatar

@HopelessDemigod Lead in gasoline started in the 1920s and was phased out in the 1970s. If you are concerned with how different social factors may be affecting @actuallyautistic and other neurodivergent people you need to actually listen to them when they tell you what's happening to them.

WhyNotZoidberg , to random avatar

Baldur's Gate 3 IS a unicorn. No other studio could make it.

Anyone asking why other studios doesn't make games like this misses THE key point: Larian is privately owned. They don't have a publisher like say EA that deliberately sabotage the development process for profit.

mezz , avatar

@WhyNotZoidberg What really grinds me is, that all this corporate meddling doesn't even guarantee that a game will be profitable at all. It's all glorified guessing, done by people who don't actually care about the medium they are making decisions about.

And every time one of their soulless amalgamations of mindless trend chasing fails gloriously, they fail to learn any lesson from it, it's frustrating.

Just let game devs cook, damn it.

fabianschaar , to random German avatar

Ich finde es toll, wie viele Literaturmenschen im unterwegs sind. ist zum Beispiel die Philologin @AndreaStrobl. Vielleicht wollt ihr ihr folgen?

Sascha_Raubal , avatar
musenhain ,

@Sascha_Raubal Super. Danke für diese Liste, die weiterhelfen dürfte. Habe sie zur eigenen Verwendung in Friendica in meinem info-Ordner gespeichert. Noch den Verweis auf dazu, dann müsste man sich ja eigentlich finden können …


ameliajeff , to books

Trump Unleashed: A Satirical Take on the 45th President

In the ever-evolving landscape of American politics, there emerges a book that dares to take a unique and satirical perspective on the 45th President of the United States, Donald J Trump. Aptly titled "Trump Unleashed," this book is a rollercoaster journey through the often eccentric actions and statements of one of the most polarizing figures in contemporary politics.

What sets "Trump Unleashed" apart is its unapologetic use of satire as a lens through which to view the tumultuous political career of DJ Trump. As readers delve into this witty and comical narrative, they are presented with a delightful, tongue-in-cheek commentary on the various facets of Donald Trump's tenure, particularly during his days as the commander-in-chief.

The book takes the reader on a humorous voyage, navigating through the intricate maze of Trump's policies, tweets, speeches, and headline-grabbing moments. With a knowing wink and a dash of irony, "Trump Unleashed" dissects the various episodes that made headlines and raised eyebrows during Trump's presidency. From Twitter tirades to unconventional press briefings, the satirical lens uncovers the comedy hidden within the political landscape.

"Trump Unleashed" invites readers to sit back, relax, and enjoy a satirical journey through the era of Trump's political career. Through witty anecdotes and clever scenarios, it casts a spotlight on the absurd, the outlandish, and the unbelievable moments that unfolded during those turbulent times. It's a satirical take on Trump, a contemporary statesman whose actions and decisions were nothing short of unprecedented.

So, if you're looking for a unique perspective on the political circus that surrounded the 45th President, "Trump Unleashed" is your ticket to a satirical ride filled with humor, jest, and an astute understanding of the absurdity that was the Trump presidency.

polskilumalo , avatar

Let go.

There are more important matters to tend to. And this isn’t one of them American.

Your country is a mess and Joe Biden isn’t fixing what Trump broke. Voting won’t do anything, as you already have a democrat president and majority.

Go out there and organize, get your hands dirty, only you and your friends can fix this mess.

Protest, unionize, strike.

This is what will help you.

Not a shitty book poking fun at a dangerous idiot. But actually stepping up to the dangerous idiots and saying that enough is enough.

Please, you’re better than this.

nirogu , to linux avatar

Problem with WiFi driver in arch linux

Hi everyone

I've been trying to solve a problem with my arch (endeavour) instalation and wanted to know if anyone here can help

Everything is working well, excepting the WiFi connection. It is extremely slow, sometimes disconnecting from the network, and in the task bar, the WiFi icon shows that the signal strength is weak, although the router is in the same room. Switching between r8168 and r8169 as recommended doesnt work. Any ideas?


nirogu OP , avatar

@Rustmilian @linux Yeah, it's close to impossible to find documentation on what to do here. I'm trying to find out how is it that Fedora works well with the same hardware, and even considering changing the card itself, but for the moment at least my connection is much more stable after setting the iwlwifi.conf file
Once again, thank you for your help!

nirogu OP , avatar

@Link @linux Yep, writing from Tusky right now. The fediverse is great :)

schwarze0fm , to random German avatar

Guten Morgen!

Ich habe das Gefühl, hier einiges zu verpassen und möchte einfach gerne (wieder) eine Timeline, die mit klugen, spannenden und interessanten Beiträgen gefüllt ist. Themen sind

Werft mir also bitte und gerne eure Vorschläge für Follows zu 😊.

Ich folge bereits @dorotheegoetze / @LenaOetzel / @dbellingradt usw. aber verstehe die Discovery hier immer noch nicht ganz und bin über eure Tipps sehr froh!

msiemund , avatar

@brembs @stefandumont @tillgrallert @Mareike2405 @schwarze0fm @histodons Uih Danke für den Lesetipp :) Mal schauen, vll komm ich am WE dazu...

msiemund , avatar

@stefandumont @tillgrallert @Mareike2405 @schwarze0fm @histodons Ja, Danke! Deswegen hadere ich auch noch sehr stark mit mir, ob ich auch rüber auf Bluesky will. Zumal meine Interaktionsrate hier mir eigt durchaus zusagt :)

ameliajeff , to books

Elevate Your Life: A Guide to Personal Growth for Teens and Young Adults

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, the quest for personal growth and self-improvement is a journey many embark on. "Elevate Your Life" is more than just a book; it's your personal guide to unlocking the potential within you and taking those crucial first steps towards becoming a better, more empowered version of yourself. Targeted at teens and young adults, this self-improvement handbook is a treasure trove of wisdom, distilled from a wealth of valuable life and business experiences.

The pages of "Elevate Your Life" are filled with lessons that transcend age and are universally applicable. These invaluable life lessons offer a roadmap to developing essential interpersonal skills, increasing your personal value, and nurturing a positive outlook on life. While the book serves as your guide, the journey of transformation is yours to undertake.

By embracing and practicing the lessons found within "Elevate Your Life," you have the opportunity to make a profound impact on your life's trajectory. It's a testament to your willingness to cultivate personal growth and navigate the path to becoming the best version of yourself.

One of the striking aspects of this handbook is its emphasis on action. The words on these pages are not meant to be mere philosophy but practical guidance for daily life. The difference lies in your decision to put these lessons into practice. As you begin to apply them in your interactions and experiences, the positive changes you'll witness in yourself will be undeniable.

Imagine the conversations with friends and family when they start to notice the newfound positivity, confidence, and wisdom radiating from you. "Elevate Your Life" empowers you to be the driver of your personal transformation, steering your life towards success, fulfillment, and happiness.

So, whether you're a teenager on the cusp of adulthood or a young adult navigating the complexities of life, "Elevate Your Life" is your trusted companion on the path to self-improvement. It's a handbook that not only imparts valuable life lessons but also encourages you to take action and elevate your life to new heights. Your journey to a better you begins here.

Nerorero , avatar

Kinda cringe

nomadic ,

I guess the next step is targeting preschoolers with self help.

Greenseer , to random avatar

show and tell for a lesser known Ptolemaic god, Harpokrates, a Hellenic interpretation of the Egyptian god of the newborn sun, Horus, as a child. Usually depicted with finger pressed to his lips and often with roses, he also later became associated with secrets and silence, leading to the concept of 'sub rosa'. Here shown on the reverse of a rare bronze obol struck in 137 to 138 CE under Hadrian, in Alexandria, Egypt, wearing a pharaonic hemhem crown

taoish , avatar

Ha! Love the Marx Brothers, and the Harpo theory makes as much sense as most explanations of AREPO.

If you @medievodon @histodons

Greenseer OP , avatar

@taoish @medievodon @histodons I'm afraid it would be a one-sided process as I have no notes to share. I am aware of it, but that's all. I'd be very interested in reading more tho'. After I cracked that joke about Harpo, I found out that apparently there was a running joke that he was named after Harpocrates, as the mute member of the trio. It wasn't actually true, apparently. He was named for the harp he played

lulu , to random avatar

In other news, I have pretty much convinced myself that I'm probably autistic.

mux2000 , avatar

You two are amazing. Both of you. ❤️❤️❤️

mux2000 , avatar

Also, in addition to all of @Shunra 's suggestions, I highly recommend following @actuallyautistic and . They're very helpful to me.

john1954moi , to random avatar

It goes without saying that what Hamas did was morally abhorrent, but every time you see a tower block in Gaza being destroyed by an Israeli missile on the news you are watching children being killed, injured, or made orphans. 😡

SusanHR , avatar

@Melinda @john1954moi I read a book in the late 70s.I have never been able to find it again. I believe it was written in the 40s. called something like "Night Music" and I think it was written by Lily Palmer?
Anyhow the story took place in Serbia? A young reporter comes on the job. He can't understand why they keep fighting this endless war. He ends up staying with a woman and her child. He becomes emotionally entangled and eventually realizes that they are also involved in fighting. 1/2

SusanHR , (edited ) avatar

@Melinda @john1954moi When they are killed in the fighting he picks up a gun and joins the fight.

Reading that book gave me much better insight. It was brilliantly written. I wish I could find it again. 2/2 @bookstodon

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