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Entropius , avatar

LiDAR is essentially radar that uses light instead of sound

Radar doesn’t use sound. It sounds like the author doesn’t know the difference between sonar and radar.

Ganondorf , avatar

This is why comments are so useful. I was already on the fence about viewing a site named futurism and your comment made sure I will avoid it moving forward.


I think that’s a big qualm of mine in terms of the sources allowed here, and I suppose it will take time to weed out the trustworthy from the not.

Deceptichum , avatar

Why does the word futurism put you the fence?

xkforce ,

A lot of articles that either use that buzzword or are published by sites that have that in their name are utter garbage. i.e rediculous predictions, inaccurate headlines/content etc.

anlumo ,

Futurists are people who cosplay as scientists predicting stuff they have no clue about.

30mag ,

It also looks like the author doesn’t know the difference between sonar and radar.

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

Yeah, it uses radio frequencies. RaDAR stands for “Radio Detection And Ranging”. It uses radio waves (usually in the microwave bandwidth) to detect things. Basically, since those radio waves are affected by the Doppler effect, you can have a computer do some math to determine the speed of whatever those waves reflected off of. Because the Doppler effect changes a wave based on how fast an object is moving relative to an observer. So if you’re a stationary observer, you can figure out how fast an object is moving relative to yourself, purely based on how much that moving object changes the waves you’re reflecting off of it.

Slotos ,

Every wave is affected by Doppler effect.

When a car rushes your way, it’s a tiny bit bluer, a little bit hotter, it’s drivers’ phone is operating on a slightly higher frequency and it sounds higher. According to you.

Tristaniopsis ,

Well… also according to most physicists.

randommilkmake ,

Why are you misquoting the article that is not what it says

The real quote

LiDAR is essentially radar that uses light instead of radio waves…

Entropius , avatar

Why are you misquoting the article that is not what it says

Why are you accusing me of something I didn’t do?

From the bottom of the article:

Updated to correct an error in describing how radar works.

I quoted it correctly at the time. They just edited it after I commented.

Th4tGuyII , avatar

“We’re trying to have those conversations with Elon to establish what the sensors would need to do,” Baglino added. “And they were really difficult conversations, because he kept coming back to the fact that people have just two eyes and they can drive the car.”

Yes, and people crash cars all the time Elon...

If you want an autopilot with the failure rate of a human, then you might only need two eyes. If you want an autopilot with a near zero failure rate, you need much better telemetry data

YellowBendyBoy ,

Well we perform pretty well with just two eyes, but the difference is that we are a highly skilled general pattern recognition machine that you just can’t recreate in software yet. A few lines diverging with a bigger and smaller circle under it? Guess that’s a truck going that way. Oh the lines are changing angles? Holy shit the truck is coming into this lane!!

ringwraithfish ,

And people turn their heads, move their eyes across their windshield, change focus to look ahead or closer, look in their mirrors, listen for sounds (emergency vehicles, car honks, etc), are able to do things like look through gaps and other car windows to adjust to partial obstructions.

The fact that he doesn't realize you need a multitude of sensors to do even a little bit of what a human can do tells you all you need to know about Elon's so called brilliance.

HarkMahlberg , avatar

Even the social aspect of driving eludes him. You and another driver come up to a 4 way stop at the same time, crossing paths. They wave you on to be polite. You wave back and go first. How and when does he plan to handle that behavior?

from_the_black_lagoon ,

if it isn’t your turn the car waits, ignores wave, and after a long wait pulls forward very slowly or only if the driver takes over

Paradox , avatar

Or the asocial, where you come up to a stop sign, look right, see a guy coming way too fast to stop in time, and don’t go till after he’s blown through the intersection

Tristaniopsis ,

When BMW comes up with their autopilot, it will handle that situation by ignoring all social cues, or even road rules for that matter and just doing what it likes regardless of anyone else on the road. It will also probably have a little rubber hand permanently giving the middle finger, which can extend and retract from the front of the hood, where the little ornaments used to go.

GamingChairModel ,

Our heads are just loaded with sensory capabilities that are more than just the two eyes. Our proprioception, balance, and mental mapping allows us to move our heads around and take in visual data from almost any direction at a glance, and then internally model that three dimensional space as the universe around us. Meanwhile, our ears can process direction finding for sounds and synthesize that information with our visual processing.

Meanwhile, the tactile feedback of the steering wheel, vibration of the actual car (felt by the body and heard by the ears), give us plenty of sensory information for understanding our speed, acceleration, and the mechanical condition of the car. The squeal of tires, the screech of brakes, and the indicators on our dash are all part of the information we use to understand how we’re driving.

Much of it is trained through experience. But the fact is, I can tell when I have a flat tire or when I’m hydroplaning even if I can’t see the tires. I can feel inclines or declines that affect my speed or lateral movement even when there aren’t easy visual indicators, like at night.

ikidd , avatar

To be fair, 98% of drivers seem to barely be able to hold a straight line and can’t see past the end of their hood, let alone do shoulder checks and be able to hear anything over the stereo turned up to 11. So I’d take my chances with the half-baked autopilot that can at least discern what a red light looks like.

I followed one gentleman for about 10 blocks before he stopped and I could tell him that he was missing the entire tire on the rear left of his car. There were a lot of sparks and metal screeching. Not a clue.

xavier666 ,

Just adding to your point, when F1 drivers were asked to play a racing sim, they could not perform like real life because they said no matter how good the sim is, it doesn’t provide the feedback of a real car.

nova_ad_vitum ,

Anybody else remember the now-removed Tesla blog post from 2016 arguing that FSD will require LIDAR? Idk why they’ (Elon) are so stubborn about it. It can see through fog and darkness . Add that data to their model and they would probably already be near deployment readiness of real FSD.

mosiacmango ,

Automotive lidar costs around $500-1000k to add to a car.

That’s it. That’s the whole reason.

Mouselemming ,

A person approaching on foot or a bicycle from my right side at the coincidentally perfect speed can accidentally stay within both my human eyes’ blind spots (behind the support pillar) as I come to a stop at a 4-way. I have learned I need to crane around a bit before proceeding, or their frightened and angry face will suddenly lurch into view too close for comfort. The robot must be designed to have zero blind spots because humans are ridiculously good at hiding in them. Especially the little humans.

supert ,

And so does a chimpanzee.

100_kg_90_de_belin ,

Is Elin really this dense? People have two eyes and milions of years of evolution behind them.

We tamed massive animals to use them as means of transportation, ffs.

luciferofastora ,

He’s the epitome of Cognitive Bias. He knoes a little, enough to think he knows enough, but not to recognise just how much there actually is to know. His own narcissism¹ and self-image as a genius would never allow him to critically reflect and question whether he might be wrong.

He’s like the type of engineer that will abstract a premise to a concise and calculable model, solve the problem on paper, then assume the rest is implementation details. Except he doesn’t even do the modeling - he takes the layman’s approach to technology and biology where he assumes that it should be doable to replicate what biology does with machines.

Nevermind that biology is still flawed and you’d have to significantly outdo biology for a technology to reach public acceptance.

¹I’m not a psychiatrist nor familiar enough with him to actually diagnose a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but his behaviour lines up with my lay understanding of it, so I’ll use that shorthand. The irony of applying my own lay understanding while criticising his is not lost on me, but I hold that my assessment doesn’t put anyone’s life at risk.

joel_feila , avatar

Yes he is

Knightfox ,

I wish people would talk about this, but Elon really isn’t that smart and he certainly isn’t a genius. I learned a long time ago that smart is relative and really shouldn’t be foisted onto people. Elon has a BA in Physics from a school known for business degrees. He also got a BS in Business, but UPenn and Wharton are known more for how hard it is to get in than how hard the classes are.

The website CollegeVine says UPenn is known as the “Social Ivy” and “UPenn’s admissions is highly-selective, but students applying to the UPenn College of Arts & Science (CAS) will find it less academically competitive than schools like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford (although exceptional academics are still a must).”

By the way, he started college in 1990, transfered to UPenn in 1992, and states he graduated in 1995, but UPenn refutes that saying he graduated in 1997. This is a school where 96% of those who are accepted graduate within 150% of the degree time (4 year degree within 6 years) (…/graduation/).

Musk of course says he completed the courses in 1995, but there was some sort of mixup with an English and History credit that delayed the degree by 2 years.

happyhippo ,

Crap folks, it didn’t work. Gotta think of something more subtle

Snipe_AT , avatar


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  • Blackout , avatar

    ITT: people wishing death on a billionaire.

    I wouldn't worry about it. They kill us all the time in the name of profits.

    Snipe_AT , avatar


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  • TheEntity ,

    Only when it becomes the possibility of his own death.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    If he was trying to reduce the deaths, he would go with LiDAR.

    Illuminostro ,

    Incorrect. Wishing death on one person.

    scarabic ,

    He always springs into action once something affects him personally.

    nostradiel , avatar

    2015… Not relevant today.

    sugartits ,

    Shhhh, we’re busy jerking off to today’s Musk hate article. The ritual must not be interrupted, even if we have to dig out old news.

    markr ,

    As 2023 FSD frequently attempts potentially lethal actions, 2015 FSD must have been spectacularly awful. The headline neglects the fact this was 8 years ago.

    mycroft ,

    He noticed in 2015… How much you wanna bet he trusted it more back then and it almost killed him a bunch.

    zerofk ,

    It’s a feature, not a bug.

    Zacryon ,

    So there is still hope that our machine overlords will make good decisions.

    jcit878 ,

    if I was as rich as Elon, whether it’s my own companies tech or not, I’m having a paid human driver on hand at all times anyway

    HiddenLayer5 ,

    Genuinely surprised he’s actually in his own shitty cars and not a Rolls Royce or something.

    mayonaise_met ,

    Elon Musk has made Tesla part of his personality and is the public face of the company. He’s stupid on many levels, but I don’t think he’s this stupid.

    HiddenLayer5 , (edited )

    I wonder how many of the crazy design “features” in those cars are just for his personal indulgence. Like the Model S plad wheel that looks like the yoke on a 747 and which was completely unnecessary and (from what I’ve heard) less usable than the standard wheel.

    mayonaise_met ,

    They also recently removed the indicator stalks from the facelifted Model 3. For me that would be a reason to get a different car altogether.

    medicsofanarchy , avatar

    “That would be a reason to get a different car.” Sorry - old Airplane joke.

    dustyData ,

    If it looks stupid, it was Elmo’s idea. There are articles about how engineers ran a shadow Cybertruck design since they hated the very concept and everything Musk suggested with a passion.

    Corkyskog ,

    That’s just an option right? From what I understand it normally ships out with a regular steering wheel. (Not defending Musk, just trying to get things straight).

    If so, I wonder if some engineer used Jedi mind tricks and was like “Elon this idea is so cool, we should have people pay extra for it” to avoid the asinine wheel being shipped out standard.

    tim1996 ,

    I mean its a fun “cool” thing if he had build like a 100 of them not take it into production.

    vacuumflower ,

    I mean, dogfooding is a good thing, right?

    nudnyekscentryk , avatar

    Clickbait: this is about 2015

    some_guy ,

    Yeah, some bullshit.

    But, the good news is that his car might keep trying to kill him. We can hope. And I do.

    kumatomic ,

    I remember how much better things were when nobody knew who this jerk was.

    Xel , avatar

    I remember there was a time when you could just hear of his multiple successes and he appeared as a funny genius that was pushing technology to the next level. I was happy drinking that Kool aid.

    Then he started showing his true colors and showed us how wrong we were.

    MrFlamey ,

    The system goes on-online August 4th 2023. Using a virtual city model Tesla Autopilot begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern Time, August 29th. In a panic, Elon tries to revert to manual driving mode.

    Dasnap , avatar

    It was set to protect human lives, so it made the only logical play.

    malloc OP ,

    Just need to sneak in this code

    if (facialMatch(elon)) { haltAndCatchFire(); }

    lustrum ,

    Also I bet he’s more mad it was video’d and publicised.

    Empricorn ,

    I will never advocate violence, but factually the entire country would be better off if that Tesla vehicle had succeeded.

    Astroturfed ,

    Ive had multiple people get so mad at me for comments about how poorly this shit works. I don’t understand how this is the hill so many people want to die on. It doesn’t work.

    FinalRemix ,

    Sunk cost. The price for these “premium” cars is sillyz and the features don’t work. But people wouldn’t pay such a price for unfinished crap, right? Right?! So they justify it to themselves and get defensive.

    Aceticon ,

    Also a lot of people will treat any shitty-shit consumer piece of crap as being part of their “personal identity” (an effect very purposefully created and used in the marketing strategy of lots of brands) and that is much more so for something which is way more expensive than pretty much all consumer gadgets out there and which people most definitelly are seen with (in some ways its almost a cross between a 2nd skin and a home away from home).

    As soon as people treat something as part of their identity, any criticism of it is felt as a criticism of they themselves, which depending on the social environment and maturity of the individual, can be taken as an attack.

    CaptainAniki ,


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  • Corkyskog ,

    Rise? Lifestyle brand marketing has been a part of basically every culture since the dawn of civilization.

    markr ,

    We are trained to this. For decades we both consume ‘brands’ and are ourselves ‘branded’.

    NutWrench , avatar

    This. People need to stop simping for billionaires. It’s embarrassing to watch.

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