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Electric_Druid ,

Yeah, I’ve got one of his toes in my car

Decoy321 ,

You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don’t wanna know about it, believe me. Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock this afternoon… with nail polish.

Psiczar ,

As an atheist I believe Jesus existed, I just don’t think he was the son of god or that he was resurrected.

It would have been far easier to start a religion around a real man with actual followers than if he was a figment of someone’s imagination.

distantsounds ,

I like to picture my Jesus as a desert hippie that people liked and told tall tales of in order to give people living in that harsh environment some hope and meaning.

Bdtrngl ,

I like to think of Jesus with like giant eagles wings and singing lead vocals for lynyrd skynyrd with like an Angel Band, and I’m in the front row, and I’m hammered drunk.

frankPodmore , avatar

This is what He wanted.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

And he has a beard you could have gotten lost in if it hadn’t been wrapped around a tree

800XL ,

IIRC, the religion didn’t get anywhere is Palestine after Jesus supposedly died and it wasn’t until decades later that it picked up in and around Greece thanks to Paul, but no one was around that saw any of the events attributed to Jesus - it was all heresay.

I mean the bible is how many pages and how much of it actually takes place during Jesus’s life? And what is the timespan of the small part that does? Like a year? And the 4 gospels that talk about it are all rehashings of the same stories (more or less) and even contradict each other at times.

That’s a story with a lot of gaps and plot holes to base a belief system around - and that doesn’t even include all the baggage and hate that comes along with it.

People nowadays lose their mind and make death threats to the creators of stories that don’t fix or create new plot holes in canon. And we’re supposed to smile, nod, and happily accept one of the worst constructed stories ever just because some old white men that live the opposite way they tell us to live say so?

Meron35 ,

Religion is the OG fandom war

Flax_vert ,

There aren’t any contradictions between the Gospels

Mjpasta710 ,

I’d argue there are contradictions all over the Bible.

Here’s a list:…/contra2_list.html

Flax_vert ,

Skimmed through some of these, like this which isn’t even a contradiction.

Even here you can see that it even shows a verse where Jesus drinks the vinegar in two gospels yet claim it’s s contradiction because He didn’t receive the wine.

nyctre ,

What about all the other ones? There’s dozens. Including ones where there’s no room for interpretation like with those ones.

Flax_vert ,

Any examples? I’m not going to go through every single one

nyctre ,

One simple one was one apostle saying Jesus told them to go barefoot and with no staff and another saying he told them staff + sandals.

Flax_vert ,

Luke and Matthew were referring to acquiring or buying a staff, Mark was referring to simply going as you are. The emphasis was that Jesus didn’t want them to excessively prepare for the journey, but simply go out with the sandals they were wearing and a walking stick they had on them.

uienia ,

There most definitely is.

Flax_vert ,


SeattleRain ,

The fact that there’s so many different versions of the Bible is one.

Flax_vert ,

Really? You know it wasn’t originally written in English, right?

That’s like saying we cannot be certain about what happens in Harry Potter because it has been translated into 88 different languages 🤦

SeattleRain ,

Except they don’t say different things happened.

Flax_vert ,

And neither do the more accurate translations

JimSamtanko ,


sturlabragason ,

Man I wish people had commented and linked their sources. A bunch of yes and no’s is not really helpful.

HubertManne ,

how do you have sources for no? I mean I guess you can link to wikipedia and point out all the evidence is just some third party writings or such I guess.

jeena , avatar

The thing is that compared to other historical people we kid of have similar evidence. Like we have records of Socrates existing and we have records of some Joshua existing.

The difference is that nobody claims that Socrates was a fantastical god being who defied death, which is a extraordinary claim, we just say he was a very smart guy, we se very smart guys on a daily basis, nothing special with that so we can just believe it and even if we are wrong it has no real life implications.

For the Joshua guy, that's quite a different story. The claims about him are extraordinary and need extraordinary evidence. But we only have normal evidence. If the claims about him were true it would contradict almost everything we think we know about the universe, how it behaves, etc.

So again, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

bionicjoey ,

The difference is that nobody claims that Socrates was a fantastical god being who defied death,

To use a more modern example, pretty much everyone agrees that Grigori Rasputin was a real person who played a crucial role in the court of the last Czar of Russia.

But there are some positively wild and unexplainable stories that have a decent amount of corroborating evidence that they happened. The story about him healing the prince via a phone call sounds like actual magic. However we all know magic isn’t real, there is definitely some kind of logical explanation. But that explanation is lost to time.

So where do historians land on Rasputin? Well, there was definitely a guy called Rasputin. Some of the stories about him are true. Some are probably false or exaggerated. There isn’t even a consensus on what colour the dude’s eyes were. But that doesn’t mean we dispute his existence.

sanguinepar , avatar

It was a shame how he carried on.

clay_pidgin ,

His schlongs is in a jar somewhere. Best that, Jesus!

bionicjoey ,

That was a sea cucumber

clay_pidgin ,

You’re a sea cucumber.

Kevintheharry ,

Thank you, I needed to laugh this morning

clay_pidgin ,

I’m hear four ewe, bay bee!

Krono ,

But that explanation is lost to time.

One translation I read suggested a probable explanation.

Rasputin’s phone advice was the same as many modern quacks: keep the patient away from modern medicine and doctors.

So the hemophiliac prince was no longer given his normal cocktail of drugs, which probably included a new medicine for the time: aspirin.

Stop giving a blood thinner to a hemophiliac and his condition (temporarily) improved. The best explanation for the people at the time was “magic”.

bionicjoey ,

Yeah I’ve heard that one too. It seems plausible. But we’ll never know.

kromem ,

nobody claims that Socrates was a fantastical god being who defied death

Socrates literally claimed that he was a channel for a revelatory holy spirit and that because the spirit would not lead him astray that he was ensured to escape death and have a good afterlife because otherwise it wouldn’t have encouraged him to tell off the proceedings at his trial.

Also, there definitely isn’t any evidence of Joshua in the LBA, or evidence for anything in that book, and a lot of evidence against it.

uienia ,

We have a lot more contemporay primary sources for the existence of Socrates than we have of Jesus (of which the number of contemporary primary sources is 0).

nadiaraven ,

The answers here are absolutely crazy. Go find some credible biblical scholars (ones whose jobs are not dependent on statements of faith) like Bart ehrman and read what they say. My understanding is that most scholars agree that Jesus existed, and even that he was crucified. Don’t trust lemmy, don’t even trust me, go find the experts, read what they say, and decide for yourself.

AmidFuror ,

They've never been able to find Jesus's bones, which is itself strong evidence for the Biblical story that he was resurrected.

HostilePasta ,

Strong Poe’s Law energy with this comment.

AmidFuror ,


StoneGender ,

No, Jesus never existed. He is a fictional character.

rufus , (edited )…/was-jesus-real-historical-evidence

Tl;dr: No.

My opinion: It’s a nice story. And with stories the most important thing is what it teaches us or makes us feel. Not that it’s true. Maybe they took inspiration from several preaching hippies who lived back then and made one story out of that. Exaggerated everything and made stuff up. Probably all of it because the bible was’t even written close to his supposed lifetime. It’d be like you now writing a story about a dude who died in 1870. Without any previous records to get information from. [Edit: The first things have probably been written down like 40-50 years after his death.]

And I mean if Jesus existed, he would certainly disapprove of what people do (and did) in his name.

gedaliyah , avatar

I don’t know that the History Channel is a good representation of academic consensus. It should basically never be relied upon.

person420 ,

The tl;dr of that article isn’t even “no”. It provides both sides of the accounts and references academics that argue both ways.

I read it to make the same argument you did, but ended up considering it a surprisingly well written article.

rufus ,

My summary is oversimplified. I still think it’s the correct answer to OP’s question: is there physical evidence. Because there isn’t anything physical. But there are written records from a bit later, suggesting that somebody with that name must have existed. Glad someone else thinks I picked the correct article. Seems it’s not that easy to find good information. The English speaking internet is filled with low quality efforts to portray the facts in a way they’d like to have them.

I have a few good books though. Back when I was young (and became an atheist,) I used to read a lot about philosophy, the political message of the New Testament. And what life was like in that time.

rufus , (edited )

Agree. But that specific article seems pretty alright. Also talks about the relics and history records for example by Tacitus.

There also is a Wikipedia article which I think is not written that well. And a lot of education material by churches or religious organizations which I did not cite for obvious reasons.

(And the German Wikipedia article about sources for the historicity of Jesus seems very good. But it’s not exactly OP’s question and I don’t know if it helps:…/Außerchristliche_antike_Quelle… )

HAL_9_TRILLION , (edited )

There also is a Wikipedia article which I think is not written that well. And a lot of education material by churches or religious organizations which I did not cite for obvious reasons.

That’s because Christian apologists constantly brigade those articles.

Edit: lol, and downvote lemmy comments I guess

Grimy ,

The only physical proof you can have of a person that lived before photography is a body. So no, Jesus did not have a publically marked grave and we do not have his bones.

That being said, there is a difference between proving something historically and proving it in the court of law. Historical evidence points to Jesus having been a person that lived around that time.

Blackout , avatar

Yes there is, here is his mugshot shortly after he was booked. Looks like he spent the evening turning water into wine.

over_clox ,

It is said that the foreskin of Jesus still exists…

For all I know it could be just an ancient dried up piece of bacon 🤷‍♂️

givesomefucks ,

The only evidence of Jesus, is a few random mentions of someone named Jesus.

And it wasn’t exactly a rare name.

Like, if I found written evidence of a dude named Paul, that doesn’t mean Paul Bunyan was real.

It just means some dude named Paul was real.

All the crazy claims about being a Messiah wasnt until long after he was dead.

frightful_hobgoblin ,

This isn’t really right. The primary texts corroborate more facts than the name: that he was put to death by the Romans for inciting disloyalty.

Varyk ,


harrys_balzac ,

There is no proof outside of the Bible and some other writings. Even those mentions seem to have occurred well after Jesus supposedly lived.

In terms of non-literary proof, there isn’t anything credible.

There’s more evidence that King David existed.

FuglyDuck , avatar

Chances are he was more like a cult leader it wasn’t until a decade or two after his death that things really got into full swing, so chances are the actual Jesus would be quite surprised by everything “he” did.

But there were a lot of Jewish mystics cropping up at the time so it’s not impossible or even implausible for some one vaguely matching the description to have existed.

Psychodelic ,

Good thing back in the day there were probably very few cult leaders…

Does anyone wonder about how the story of Jesus being plagiarized from the Egyptian myth of Horus affects the narrative about the Jesus that supposedly lived and died a century earlier? You know the one that happened to have incredibly important political value for the established leaders of the time?

No? Me either. Praise Horus!

harrys_balzac ,

Exactly. An example from outside the Bible might be Achilles. There was probably a great warrior with that name in the Mycenaean Greek world. Later storytellers probably just added more to make it sound better or the material was from other warriors who were like Achilles.

Some of Jesus’ teachings definitely come from the milieu of the Roman era in Judea and Palestina.

Personally my favorite head canon is that Jesus was, or his parents were, Egyptian born Jews or Coptic converts to Judaism. It’s a reverse Obamas birth certificate. There is so much time spent establishing the lineage and explaining the flight to Egypt.

adespoton ,

You realize that a significant portion of the bible is the collected letters and works that were at the time (that it was assembled) considered credible, right?

There’s a period of around 80 years that’s pretty hard to account for, but unlike the four gospels where there’s little corroborating evidence that tracks back into that 80 year period, the epistolary works are pretty likely to be authentic. They also reference a bunch of other letters that didn’t survive, something that tends to make them more likely authentic than not. And they involve people who were eyewitnesses of a man named Jesus (or Joshua or Yeshua if you prefer) and his younger (step) brothers.

The rest of the statements about him were solidified by 80 years or so after his death, but all the accounts don’t quite line up — which is actually a good argument for them being based on actual events.

So while there may be plenty of room for debate as to how much of the biblical teachings actually originated with a man named Jesus, his actual existence seems more evident than, say, Shakespeare.

JesterIzDead ,

The mental gymnastics is palpable. That things don’t line up is evidence they’re true? And because people believed it at the time it must be credible? Did a guy really live in the belly of a whale for three days simply because some simpletons believed it?

adespoton ,

That’s how epistemological analysis works… if the general structure is the same but everyone pulls different meaning out of an event, something probably happened. If everything lines up exactly, someone probably faked the letters. If there’s totally conflicting stories, the record has been tampered with too much to say anything. If there’s no record, there’s nothing to say one way or another.

JesterIzDead ,

I suppose the burden of proof would have to be that low to believe something so ridiculous

arefx ,

Of course not because it’s a load of hogwash. Go play telephone with a class of 6th graders for 5 minutes and then tell me these stories are accurate. Also the events in most of them are clearly impossible situations.

someacnt_ ,

How is this post downvoted so much? You said how actial historical analysis work!

harrys_balzac ,

Assembled a thousand years after the fact by a group with a vested interest in solidifying the narrative to fit their own.

Hell, the Tanakh didn’t really get put together until well after Christianity appeared and it was a reaction to Christians appropriating Jewish literary culture to establish their own.

It’d be similar to people a thousand years from believing that Christian Gray is literally descended from Edward and Bella.

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