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takeda , in 'WE ARE EVERYWHERE' Videos Show Angry Neo-Nazis Cursing and Screaming Slurs During March in Florida

That clip with Laura Loomer and then saying they don’t support trump reminded me of the South Park episode where KKK were supporting the opposite side, because they knew people wouldn’t associate with them.

theskyisfalling , in Drugs are sold out in the open in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district. Inside the fight to curb it

Leagalise, regulate and educate. It isn’t hard, fucking idiots. The “war” on drugs is the problem causing all this bullshit.

CaptainAniki , in 'WE ARE EVERYWHERE' Videos Show Angry Neo-Nazis Cursing and Screaming Slurs During March in Florida


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  • Boiglenoight ,

    Try that in a large town?🎵

    hactar42 ,

    I remember when they tried going to Philly. They made it like one block before getting chased out of town.

    GONADS125 ,

    Little bitches showed up around my area and would immediately load up into uhaul trucks and flee the second they met resistance.

    brygphilomena ,

    Then they get police protection. It’s super shitty but remember when the ACLU took a case for neo-nazis?

    phoneymouse ,

    This guy bought property in Maine and is trying to set up a paramilitary base there. Locals aren’t having it.

    FlyingSquid , in Drugs are sold out in the open in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district. Inside the fight to curb it avatar

    “We’re looking at around 16,500 fatal doses of pure fentanyl in that small bag. Yes, 16,500 people could potentially die,” Barclay said.

    Police are always liars. Especially about drugs. I am no expert, but I sincerely doubt a single street drug dealer had 16,500 fatal doses of fentanyl on him. What is he doing, mass murdering every drug addict in the Tenderloin?

    You know what would go a long way to solving this problem? Legalizing and regulating drugs and getting free addiction help for those who want it.

    theskyisfalling ,

    Imagine the amount of money saved on “fighting this war” and also made on taxing people making adult decisions on their own consumption that could then be put back into helping people with the real problems and educating people to make the smart choices based on actual facts and not lies spun to support their hate filled narrative.

    Ranvier , (edited )

    They just took 33 grams and divided by 2 mg which is the typical cited lethal dose of fentanyl to get 16,500. When dosed correctly it would kill zero people. But when you’re dealing with such tiny amounts in the microgram range that drug users/dealers can’t reliably weigh and make errors, unknown potency, differences in people’s tolerance, yes it’s quite dangerous and deadly. 100 times more potent than morphine. Would that batch have killed 16,500 people in reality? No likely not. But they did say “at worst” in fairness. So yeah assuming that’s the weight and one hundred percent potent divided into exactly lethal doses given to opiate niave people and perfectly doled out all at once that’s about how many it could kill. Cops also could be lying about weight, or it may be cut with something and not pure. I’m certainly not trying to argue for the war on drugs which I very much disagree with or against your other points, but that’s where that number came from. And it is a very dangerous drug because of its high potency with dosing in microgram ranges and often unknown purity.

    Ajen ,

    No street dealer is carrying around 33g of pure fentanyl, and no one is selling pure fentanyl to junkies. It’s probably been cut/diluted to 1:1000.

    Guntrigger ,

    I do agree that police tend to lie about quantities of drugs confiscated (weighing including the packaging etc.), but a quick google search for fentanyl doses does line up with the OD potential. It is extremely potent in small quantities which is why you see so much fent ODs when a small amount of it is cut in to bulk up other things like heroin.

    800mg is the maximum recommended dose (note: not OD dose), and 16,500 times that is only 13.2g. Therefore 33g probably does technically have the potential to OD 16,500 people who have no tolerance, but it’s a really stupid way of putting it that has no nuance.

    And yeah, the drug war is stupid, legalize everything.

    itsdavetho ,

    Most fentanyl users I’ve met could go through a gram in a day, this is not great journalism lol

    Ajen ,

    The only way anyone could possibly take a gram of “fentanyl” in a day is if it’s extremely dilute, which it would be if it’s being sold on the street. The police’s estimate of 33g being equal to 16,000+ fatal doses is most likely assuming it’s pure fentanyl, and there’s no way the police honestly belive its pure.

    Franzia ,

    The police believe if they breathe it in or touch it they need the emergency room.

    neptune ,

    *walks into a grocery chain’s distribution center

    “there’s enough alcohol right there to kill 450 people”

    counselwolf , in India launches first sun-focused space mission, adding to lunar landing win


    They’re landing on the surface of the sun? /s

    Godric , in “X” Didn’t Pay Severance. Now It’s Facing 2,200 Cases—and Big Fees

    X just might mark the spot for treasure here

    assassinatedbyCIA ,

    X is not gonna give it to ya

    FlyingSquid , in More U.S. school districts are shifting to a 4-day week. Here's why. avatar

    I was worried about the additional per-day time, but the article says it’s only an additional 35 minutes. I think this would only work well if childcare was subsidized on the weekday off (under a certain income threshold if it must be that way). I worry about parents finding a way to make sure someone is keeping an eye on their kids otherwise.

    EmptySlime , in Texas drunk drivers will now have to pay child support if they kill a parent, guardian

    I’m theory I like this idea, make the person that killed the parent and remove that support try to replace it. I just don’t know how well it’s going to work in practice. Like, I don’t know how many drunk drivers have a high enough income that any meaningful amount of child support would be derived from this. Not that a drunk driver being poor or not should get them out of consequences. But like my dad weaseled his child support payments down to $25 a month and it was just ridiculous. It didn’t help at all. But some nice karma on him was that all those years of working under the table to lower his child support meant that when the piece of shit got injured and needed to try to get disability he hadn’t gotten enough work credits in the previous ten years.

    I feel like it would probably be better if the state established a fund that they could use to pay out to those kids that they could fund at least partially with fines brought against drivers convicted of DUI. That way we could guarantee some level of support for the kids that lost parents and still force the drunk drivers to at least partially fund it but a kid won’t get screwed just because the drunk driver that killed their parent particularly happened to be poor.

    Blackmist ,

    I suspect it will just end in a lot of “Well, the guy that killed your dad was poor, so you’re not getting any child support”.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    Not to mention…. Manslaughter. Vehicular homicide with a dui modifier. Not sure about Texas but some places that becomes a felony.

    So most duis that lead to the death of someone else…. Are absolutely going to jail.

    Which is very much not conducive to paying child support.

    ilfi , in One of Louisiana’s only pediatric cardiologists has left the state over anti-LGBTQ legislation

    Why the hell does Louisiana only have one pediatric cardiologist?

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Because it’s a for-profit healthcare system and that’s not where they pay pediatric cardiologists what they feel they’re worth.

    And when you’re a pediatric cardiologist, you pretty much dictate your salary.

    spez , (edited )

    What do you mean? Are public hospitals also for-profit in Louisiana? How can an employee dictate thier salary?

    Edit: also why the fuck am I downvoted? I can’t ask questions?

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    They can dictate their salary because hospitals need them, not the other way around.

    RickRussell_CA , avatar

    They dictate their salary by leaving and finding people who will pay them.

    Pediatric cardiology is a difficult specialty and it turns out that people are willing to spend quite a lot of money when their children have heart problems.

    InputZero ,

    Difficult, with a small supply of doctors and a high demand from patients. What would you pay to save your child’s life?

    vis4valentine , avatar

    The entire US health care system is for profit only.

    TrueStoryBob ,

    I can’t give you a breakdown of the numbers but, some of the public hospitals in the state have been privatized, yes.

    ElectricCattleman ,

    The title says “one of the only…” which I think they mean “one of the few…”

    bobman ,

    It’s not a very good state to live in.

    I’d say it’s the worst.

    Saneless ,

    Smart people don’t want to raise families in states designed to be at the bottom of lists like education, jobs, medicine, and happiness

    But hey, I’m sure the people still living there have owned the libs so many times, it’s all worth it

    dhork ,

    The very end of the article said “Now there are two pediatric cardiologists in the state”, which implies there were three before.

    kent_eh ,

    Maybe for the same reason they now have one fewer?

    Treczoks , in Neo-Nazi groups spew hate outside Disney World and near Orlando, officials say

    They still differentiate between Neo-Nazis and Republicans there?

    echodot ,

    Neo Nazis are prepared to admit it. That’s the difference.

    Gradually_Adjusting , in More U.S. school districts are shifting to a 4-day week. Here's why. avatar

    It’ll be painful for lower income families unless their communities organize childcare co-ops.

    One side benefit may be in making more conversation about a 4-day work week.

    Necromnomicon ,

    Knowing how things always tend to work out. The 4 day work week will be Monday through Thursday and not be helpful at all.

    persolb ,

    Aagrred with this.

    It still surprises me that:

    1. people think students need to be in school so long every year for actual educational reasons
    2. people get offended when you point out that it largely functions as a ‘daycare’ for younger kids
    3. we’ve had both parent working be the norm for decades now… and somehow we still don’t have a school system that addresses that

    I honestly think that the main reason for the male/female become gap is the above. Discrimination exists, but I think it is more an issue of women being more likely to compromise their work life to take care of kids… and therefore being less useful to work… so being paid less for it.

    If we ACTUALLY fix that somehow, we’d be much more inclusive and free society.

    Iteria , avatar

    I just felt like replying.

    1. Children probably need to be in school basically year round, but for less time. They need reinforcement, but can’t focus for long. The whole day could probably work if the 2nd half of the day was unstructured. This is basically how I’ve seen (successful) college students work. They tend to have a 3-4 hour block of classes and then between that they work on stuff at their own pace including studying, getting help, etc. This is how my kid’s grade school works and honestly, I was shocked all the kids score the same as the public school, so apparently no loss. It is a year round school and the kids are in school more days of the year, so I don’t know if it’s technically more or less effective.
    2. Accurate. Anyone who says differently is lying to themselves. Schools are also a monitoring service for abuse and a safe place for kids to escape hope abuse and maybe even report it.
    3. Before we had more grandparents involvement. I have a lot of memories of my grandparents doing things my parents now refuse to do and I have to do. Families with grandparent involvement are just less stressed.

    As for the 4 day thing, I’m interested to see how it works out. In Texas it has resulted in poorer outcomes for children on the whole mostly due to the safe place service schools provide.

    Son_of_dad ,

    The people on the bottom, at the lowest income level will never have the 4 day work week in their lifetime. That’s a middle class dream.

    Ringmasterincestuous , in Drugs are sold out in the open in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district. Inside the fight to curb it

    For a second there I thought they’d sold out of drugs! Phew 😅

    Matriks404 , in 'WE ARE EVERYWHERE' Videos Show Angry Neo-Nazis Cursing and Screaming Slurs During March in Florida

    Are they even educated enough to know that nazis killed americans?

    PotatoKat ,

    2nd largest nazi rally was in the US and the nazis got their ideas for eugenics from the US. Nazis and America have closer relations than you might think

    jhulten ,

    Getty Images editorial collection has some historical news photos of that and other insanity.

    German-American Bund Rally

    doggle ,

    Fascism, and the nazis in particular, have an unfortunately long history in the US. Besides, these morons are probably more concerned about Americans killing Americans in the civil war. Which they’d definitely say was about “state’s rights.”

    sederx , in Texas drunk drivers will now have to pay child support if they kill a parent, guardian

    will it turn into a chinese model where the driver is now looking to run over the kids too?

    phoenixz ,

    There is that risk. However, they would have to stop, get out, get the victims wallet, find out where they live, drive there, and murder all the children.

    I think the risk of that is pretty low, all considering

    PersnickityPenguin ,

    Plus it’s Texas, if they did that they’ll be facing the death penalty.

    protput ,

    Damn. You found the loophole.

    FlyingSquid , in 'WE ARE EVERYWHERE' Videos Show Angry Neo-Nazis Cursing and Screaming Slurs During March in Florida avatar

    Why don’t these idiots ever take in the fact that Hitler was a loser who killed himself?

    WaxedWookie ,

    They’re happy to copy the genocide and goose-stepping, but skip right over that bit.

    If you were real Nazis - actual champions of the white race, you’d do a better job of following Hitler’s example. Finish the job, you fucking posers.

    torni ,
    some_guy ,

    I sure appreciated him saying this back then. It doesn’t feel like enough anymore.

    FordBeeblebrox ,

    The R means a lot of folks are passively watching, if not helping things get worse with no objection

    FordBeeblebrox , (edited )


    *but like a real history book. The confederates and the reich both got smashed to bits for a reason. Read a real history book

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