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HootinNHollerin , in Delta flight diverted after passenger reportedly has 'diarrhea all the way through the airplane' avatar

It was the no poop for 3 days guy, wasn’t it

dystop , avatar

@mizu6079 , was it you?

HootinNHollerin , avatar

Can’t answer as still in wash down

robocall OP , avatar

Some medications can cause constipation. Don’t drink too much milk of magnesia to correct it or else it’ll cause diarrhea.

Godnroc , in Revealed: undercover UK police officer deceived woman into 19-year relationship

Now that is commitment to the bit.

FlowVoid ,

I’m not sure it was a bit.

He wasn’t investigating her. If you are an undercover agent and meet someone new - off duty and unrelated to work - are you allowed to tell them your real name?

If not, if a single person is forced to choose between no intimate relationships and relationships only under a pseudonym, then the latter is the predictable choice.

fred-kowalski ,

I think the ethical choices are not what you laid out. In this case choose between relationship and job. People do it all the time.

FlowVoid ,

Or choose both. You may consider that unethical, but that doesn’t mean it was insincere. People do unethical things all the time with sincere motivations.

ARainyDayInSunnyCA ,

Sincerity is a poor defense of bad behavior.

FlowVoid ,

I’m not necessarily defending it, I’m pointing out that his commitment to her was quite possibly sincere and not a “bit”.

girlfreddy ,

Lying and manipulation are not evidence of commitment to anyone but but his own selfish desires.

To argue the opposite is ingenuine at best.

FlowVoid ,

Being in a relationship with someone for 10+ years and raising a child with that person is strong evidence of commitment. Lying about one’s birth name is not enough to prove otherwise.

Eheran ,

Noooonooonooo, He once did something… Let’s say unwise, so naturally after 17 years it is all a pure lie! Some people really need to go out and touch grass. So disconnected form reality.

esadatari , in Florida Man Charged Over Failed Attempt to Cross Atlantic in Giant ‘Hamster Wheel’

that is a special kind of stupid.

they should have had him sign a waiver saying the coast guard didn’t need to watch out for him, and then send him on his way, godspeed.

trust me, the human gene pool could desperately use it.

Candelestine ,

Might want to find out how strong the genetic component even is, first. You’ve seen dumb kids from smart parents and vice versa, right?

chunkystyles ,

The way people casually espouse eugenics is disturbing. I blame Idiocracy.

legios , avatar

He sounds mentally ill from the sounds of it. I’m sure he’ll get the support he needs now cough

BarrelAgedBoredom ,

I know you’re being facetious but Florida’s mental healthcare system is abhorrently managed and funded. If it’s not the worst in the US we’re easily top 5. Especially for Baker Acts (involuntary admission to a psych facility), which he is. If you so much as blink at a cop or mention you’re depressed in the wrong way to a doctor you get locked up for 72 hours. It’s often traumatic, rarely does anything to help people in distress and leaves you thousands of dollars in the hole at the end of it.

Sjy ,

This isn’t entirely true. More than just cops can place people under a baker act and they need to believe that the person they are placing under a baker act as a result of a mental illness is a threat to themself or others, or the person is incapable of caring for themself. And in the context of “locked up” it doesn’t mean jail and it is not 72 hours, it’s up to 72 hours.

That doesn’t mean cops don’t use it inappropriately but if it is obviously inappropriate once they see a doctor, a doctor can override it. On the opposite end, if it is a valid baker act that is still a threat to themselves or others at the end of that 72 hours, they can be l placed under another one with no limit on how many times they can be placed under a baker act. Tho a cop should never be in the situation to keep someone under multiple baker acts.

The rest of your comment about being traumatic and not helpful, yeah… that sounds accurate.

BarrelAgedBoredom ,

I’m an EMT in Florida. Cops and doctors both baker act people for bullshit reasons all the time. I had a lady that was suffering from a bad migraine, she told the doctor something to the tune of “it hurts so much I want to die”. Obviously being hyperbolic. She got baker acted. I have a thousand stories just like hers. Cops will baker act people for being drunk and they just didn’t feel like processing them at the jail.

I can’t think of a single time a doctor has overridden a BA. If the cop drops them off at the ER, they sit around until a psych facility has a bed open (that alone can take days because they’re often at capacity). If they take them straight to the psych facility, they get punted off to the ER for BS reasons for “medical clearing” which just means the nursing staff didn’t feel like taking on another patient and wants to delay it for as long as they can.

Because inpatient psych is so underfunded and understaffed, it’s far more likely than not the patients will stay the.whole 72 hours than not, and often times it can be longer if they’re “still a threat to themselves/others”. What “no longer a threat” means to you and I isn’t what it means to these facilities. They just pump you full of anxiolitics, antipsychotics, or sedatives and send you on your way in a couple of days with a followup appointment. The case load on the doctor’s at these facilities is so large people essentially have to stay the full time if they’re going to be cleared.

I could go on for days about the myriad of fucked up things that happen to these people who have the misfortune of being baker acted. It helps some people sure. But only in the sense that some of those people wanted to die and they’re so drugged out of their minds that they forgot they were suicidal in the first place. I’m being slightly dramatic but I hesitate to give this system any credit because it’s done far more harm than it ever will help

Sjy ,

Just to be clear I’m agreeing with most of what you’re saying. And on the topic, I’m a Paramedic in Florida. Currently working for a ground agency as an advanced practice paramedic and hold a board certification as a flight paramedic.

From my original comment, yeah sometimes it isn’t used appropriately but you are oversimplifying the process. Now don’t get me wrong the process and system is messed up and has definitely caused harm but your experience isn’t the entire system. Do cops baker act people that are drunk? Yes, It happens but no competent law enforcement officer would baker act someone because they are drunk, they would place them under a marchman act instead. But that’s a different topic that is just as messed up but it’s not the same thing.

Doctors absolutely override them all the time for medical reason, I’ve had patients who were hypoxic in full blown CHF who got baker acted because they were talking nonsense and unable to care for herself. The cops thought it was psych issues, they aren’t medical. I get there and the patient was talking nonsense because her SpO2 was 70%. Same with sepsis and stroke patients.

This also extends to the “medical clearance” you were referring to. Psych facility are not medical facilities, some are both but before going for psych treatment medical causes of whatever lead to the baker act needs to be ruled out.

I am agreeing with most of your other statements, under staffed, under funded, high case loads so yeah people can just get loaded up with meds and sent on their way.

Etterra , in Russia covers nuclear bombers with tyres
  • Tyre is a city in the middle east.
  • Tires are the round black rubber things you drive on.
  • Tired is how I feel when people spell the second like the first.
mind ,


  • Loading...
  • steltek ,

    “Tire” came first, even in the UK.

    Pregnenolone , in Australia's Indigenous Voice referendum faces misinformation linked to COVID influencers

    “covid influencers” is a very current year term.

    Fedizen , in Utah officials sued over failure to save Great Salt Lake: ‘Trying to avert disaster’

    I can’t believe the woke mormon university is once again trying to defame small business agricorps yet again for just hosing down their hogs. /s

    Wogi , in A Huge Threat to the U.S. Budget Has Receded. And No One Is Sure Why.

    Could it have something to do with hundreds of thousands of the sickest boomers dying suddenly a few years ago?

    TransplantedSconie ,

    Covid: “I’m doing my part!” o7

    Alto , avatar

    Considering the change in trend started a decade before that

    ThrowawayPermanente ,

    TFW you don’t even bother to look at the chart, let alone read the article

    ericisshort ,

    Not to mention even bother to read the article’s summary that’s available right here in the comments SMDH

    Wogi ,
    hamster ,

    No, it's spending per person.

    partial_accumen ,

    Future right-wing headline: “COVID vaccinated retirees cost Medicare more money”

    hypelightfly ,

    Looking at the graph, no.

    The change appears to start roughly in 2010. It could possibly be ACA related. During the many attempts to repeat it the CBO estimated doing so would drastically increase medicare spending.

    MicroWave OP , avatar

    No, this trend started over a decade ago. Here are some possible explanations from the article:

    Some of the reductions are easy to explain. Congress changed Medicare policy. The biggest such shift came with the Affordable Care Act in 2010, which reduced Medicare’s payments to hospitals and to health insurers that offered private Medicare Advantage plans. Congress also cut Medicare payments as part of a budget deal in 2011.

    Older Americans appear to be having fewer heart attacks and strokes, the likely result of effective cholesterol and blood pressure medicines that became cheap and widely used in recent years, according to research from Professor Cutler and colleagues. And drug makers and surgeons haven’t developed as many new blockbuster treatments recently — there has been no new Prozac or angioplasty to drive up spending. (Medicare is currently barred by statute from covering the new class of expensive anti-obesity drugs.)

    Parts of the health system appear to have become more efficient, as medical providers have been more cautious about adopting new therapies without much evidence, and more care has shifted outside hospitals into cheaper settings.

    mustardman ,

    Most (all?) insurance plans that charge copays for medications will give heart-related medications for free because of the cost when things like high-blood pressure our not treated.

    This is both great and sad news if true. Great that it’s made a big difference in the quality of later life and sad that it’s largely preventable and yet nothing was done, and that there is still so much to improve with our health care system.

    SaltySalamander , avatar

    Considering that this is a trend that started a decade ago, probably not nearly as much as you seem to think.

    bradorsomething ,

    Maybe Ivermectin not being covered has them all seeking coverage out of Medicare?

    rustyfish , in Australia's Indigenous Voice referendum faces misinformation linked to COVID influencers avatar

    TL:DR Version:

    The same fucks who cried about wearing a mask and who lied their asses off about vaccination and everything concerning the pandemic are loosing their shit in a racist fit that the indigenous people of Australia might get a ADVISORY BODY for lawmakers which is NONBINDING.

    The rest of the article is just the left being way too lackluster on the matter, social media getting flooded by misinformation and some racist fucks who keep lying, because that’s the only thing they can.

    jray4559 , in Utah officials sued over failure to save Great Salt Lake: ‘Trying to avert disaster’ avatar

    Yeah, but who’s going to stop the music of growth? Certainly not any politician that wants to keep being elected.

    The average person doesn’t really care about sustainable living, they just wanna be able to keep their golf courses and SUV’s and everything else wasteful. If the lake dies, they’ll just take water from further north. Thus, nothing will change, and we lose more and more of our limited freshwater.

    lolcatnip ,

    The lake bed will stop it soon enough.

    jray4559 , avatar

    I’d hope for that, but there’s also probably at least a 50/50 chance that Utah strong-arms the federal government into letting them have water from Wyoming and Montana up north. Or, god forbid, they get a Great Lakes pipeline.

    omgarm , in US to cancel Alaska oil, gas leases issued under Trump

    But what about the money! Why won’t anyone think of the money!

    HobbitFoot ,

    Honestly, a lot of those leases weren’t being used.

    ZMonster , avatar

    A few were invested in at the start but everyone quickly realized it was going nowhere. The regulatory agency tried to set up a few things to help but it was always going nowhere. IIRC, two of the organizations that filed were trying to get refunded and were threatening litigation.

    affiliate ,

    i will be keeping the money in my thoughts and prayers

    whataboutshutup , in Airplane crashes during gender reveal party, killing pilot

    Imagine learning in your teens that your gender is a pink-smoking plane crash claiming a pilot.

    Brickhead92 ,

    I remember the good days when things were simple, when you were either an Apache Attack helicopter or you weren’t.

    JustZ , avatar

    Damn I have an Uncle that thinks that joke is still hilarious. Absolute lead-poisoned dumbass.

    Noodle07 ,

    Now if the child end up being trans it would have been for nothing

    whataboutshutup ,

    Transition may be unconventional, involving means of trans-portation and what-nots.

    DaCrazyJamez , in Airplane crashes during gender reveal party, killing pilot

    They dont know what happened? That pilot used a crop dusting plane to do a strafing run, realized he was headed nose first into some palm trees and yanked up on the yoke. He sheered the wing straight off his plane and died for the mistake.

    MooseBoys ,

    Sure that’s what caused the crash, but why did the wing snap? It didn’t look like the plane was in overspeed, and the airframe should be able to sustain any input maneuvers under normal flight conditions.

    ElderWendigo ,

    the airframe should be able to sustain any input maneuvers under normal flight conditions.

    Let me frame it this way for you, my car’s pretty reliable, but at high speeds I know that making a hard turn will end in catastrophe.

    MooseBoys ,

    making a hard turn will end in catastrophe

    Sure, if you end up smashing into a tree. But it’s not like the wheels are going to snap off or the body buckle. If you’re on an empty airfield tarmac, it would be perfectly safe. On some cars there will be a risk of rollover, but designing cars that tip over when extreme input is applied is itself fairly controversial.

    ElderWendigo ,

    Sure, if you end up smashing into a tree. But it’s not like the wheels are going to snap off or the body buckle. If you’re on an empty airfield tarmac, it would be perfectly safe. On some cars there will be a risk of rollover, but designing cars that tip over when extreme input is applied is itself fairly controversial.

    Oh God, please tell me you don’t have a driver’s license if you think any of this bad logic is a reasonable rebuttle.

    Angry_Maple , avatar

    Ok, let’s forget the trees or any scenery for a moment. Let’s say they don’t exist, and that the plane is in an open, and empty area.

    Planes are very finicky things. If the angles aren’t right, it won’t be able to fly. If you look at an airplane wing from the side, they are normally shaped a bit like long tear drops. After gaining it’s initial momentum, the plane is kind of lifted by gliding through the air pressure. Plane wings are shaped that way to make the air move faster over the top of the wing. When the air moves faster, the pressure of that air decreases. So the pressure on the top of the wing is less than the pressure on the bottom of the wing. The difference in pressure creates a force on the wing that lifts the wing of the plane up into the air.

    Airplanes are full of many things that are pretty complex. If we changed airplanes to be able to “roll over” for safety, we would lose that special system that allows the lift to happen.

    Since planes are so finicky, planes with different purposes will usually be built differently. Since they still have to be able to fly, adding one thing may sometimes means removing another thing. Those particular planes were never meant to make those maneuvers, and they weren’t built to handle them. It would be like upgrading a car’s engine block to be turbo-powered, then keeping the same coolant system and expecting it to run fine. You have to respect the equipment and follow guidelines, as they are usually there for a good reason.

    The idea was that everyone would know not to do that (via their pilot licence), and that it would be ok to have specialty planes. The plane was never meant to move that way, and the wings weren’t fortified for those angles.

    knobbysideup ,

    This is a crop duster, not a stunt plane. It’s not designed for that maneuver, so if you try, wings snap off. Iow, not normal flight conditions. Unlike civil engineers, you can’t slap a factor of safety of 10 on an airplane. It won’t fly.

    theyoyomaster ,

    I think you’re underestimating his speed and overestimating the strength of airframes. Most planes can easily get to speeds where inputs can exceed structural limits under normal flight conditions. There is even a V speed for it, Va or maneuvering speed. A quick google suggests that Vne, or “never exceed” for the PA 25 is -35 knots and Va is 104 knots. Now I have never flown one and I haven’t completely verified them but they sound about right. At 104 knots he can over G the airframe. Assuming a standard safety factor of 1.5 and a g limit of 3.8 (basic assumptions but I can’t find actual data for the PA25) and at max weight you can expect severe structural damage with full control inputs at 127 knots. If he wasn’t carrying that much and was lighter that number comes down as well. Finally, there’s the fact that it was a crop duster in Mexico so who knows what the maintenance history and actual condition of that wing spar was. Either way, even if it was in top form hitting 130 knots on a show boating low pass isn’t that crazy.

    JustZ , avatar

    The pilot has probably been beating on the airframe like this for years.

    3ntranced , in Airplane crashes during gender reveal party, killing pilot

    If you look at the ground, an air cannon blasts smoke and confetti right below where the wing snaps upward.

    My guess is there was already upward force on the wing when doing the low pass, and the air cannon burst collided with the airstream.

    The timing is too perfect for it to be unrelated. Fuck your babies gender.

    Plibbert ,

    Idk that air cannons at a different angle. My money is on poor aircraft maintenance coupled with pilot error of pulling up too quickly with too much speed.

    JustZ , avatar

    C’mon. The wings fell off the airplane. Pilot obviously spent years beating the shit out of the airframe and the wingbox finally failed.

    TheJims , in Russia covers nuclear bombers with tyres

    As military super powers do… 🤣

    YeetPics , in Russia covers nuclear bombers with tyres avatar

    Is not tire from car, is special military shield unit. dumb westerners have no clues on our advanced military gearings.

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