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mxcory , in After rebranding, X took @x from its original Twitter owner and offered him merch

They should have offered them @twitter as a replacement.

collegefurtrader ,


TehPers ,


Pons_Aelius , in Netflix Is Reportedly Planning a Price Hike After the Ongoing Hollywood Actors’ Strike Ends | Entertainment News

Why do I get the feeling that Netflix would be raising prices this year even if the writers and actors strikes had never happened.

This stinks of the suits using the strike as something to blame the price rise on.

WarmSoda ,

Exactly. They’re just using the strike as an excuse.

Pons_Aelius ,

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Safeguard ,

Perhaps, and this is very cynical of me, they are thinking, how can we make folks feel bad against the writers and actors?

  1. price hike and people pay for it: They blame the writers and actors for the price hike.
  2. price hike and people do not pay for it and leave, Netflix and people can blame the writers and actors as well. ("see!!! those demands are just not accepted by people!!! ")

It’s the only reason for the price hike I think.

ampersandrew , avatar

The more obvious reason to me is that they've got X subscribers, and they think they can make Y more dollars by raising prices for all of them.

Safeguard ,

I think Netflix would simply see that as a nice extra benefit. But the main reason is to “stick it” to the writers/actors. Without incurring the wrath of customers for the price hike themselves, they will just point their finger…

toothpicks ,

Exactly. Fuck that behavior!

apotheotic , in Anti-China Rhetoric Is Off the Charts in Western Media

International sentiment generally negative about country actively committing genocide.

More at 11.

Jokes aside - yeah? Of course there’s propaganda about China. I would wager its hard to find a big international power that doesn’t have some level of propaganda being spread about it by the other big international powers. But between the propaganda you still find a bunch of real reasons to have negative views toward China’s leadership and actions.

  • Uyghur genocide (ongoing)
  • authoritarian rule with huge censorship of outside media I really don’t need to go on
zephyreks OP ,

The same “genocide” of Muslims that every other Muslim country has approved of? That genocide? The same genocide that includes affirmative action policies against the supposed targets of genocide?

The Arab League has fought wars over less (see: Israel/Palestine).

RosemarySolomon ,

Does…that make all those things okay then?

alyaza , avatar

you’re free to argue the points you have been in the rest of the thread, but genocide denialism is a no-go.

DessertStorms , avatar

Got to wonder if you'd be this lenient with someone denying the holocaust, too?

Barely even a slap on the wrist ("no-go"? Seriously?), not even removed the blatant genocide denial.

So is it that you don't think any genocide denial is really that big a deal and not even worth removing, or is just the deniers of the genocide being perpetrated by the state you ignorantly support, that you're happy to turn a blind eye to and continue platforming?

At least have some fucking integrity and don't pretend to care when you clearly don't, but this reaction? Is genuinely pathetic.

Fuck, I really wish you tankie bootlickers would stop falsely claiming communism and defending genocide and other atrocities committed in its name by authoritarian dictators (also falsely claiming it, to gain the support of wilfully ignorant enablers like yourself), you're really are fucking it up for those of us who actually want to be free.

alyaza , avatar

Barely even a slap on the wrist (“no-go”? Seriously?), not even removed the blatant genocide denial.

you’re posting from kbin–the comment isn’t removed for you because you aren’t on our site and kbin is dogshit for propagating removals.

Rainhall ,

I use Kbin and I see it as “removed by moderator.”

alyaza , avatar

hmm, odd. typically the issue here is how federation from lemmy works with kbin (and vice versa).

DessertStorms , (edited ) avatar

Fair enough, my bad on that, but you're still allowing them a platform when they're clearly spreading pro genocide-committing CCP propaganda.

If this was an article whining that Anti-American Rhetoric Is Off the Charts in Chinese Media, and op was in the comments defending the war in Afghanistan, or immigrant children in cages and women forcibly sterilised, I don't doubt it would have been removed in a flash, and rightfully so. China and America are both oppressive and destructive capitalist superpowers smearing each other to keep us distracted from the handful in each country hoarding all of the resources. The existence of competing propaganda really isn't news.

Bottom line is by not banning op or at least removing this post you're still enabling and even showing support to a literal genocide denier, they're not even trying to hide it. You can't tout yourselves as a platform for socialism and equality while allowing people like OP the space to promote the exact opposite.

alyaza , avatar

If this was an article whining that Anti-American Rhetoric Is Off the Charts in Chinese Media, and op was in the comments defending the war in Afghanistan, or immigrant children in cages and women forcibly sterilised, I don’t doubt it would have been removed in a flash, and rightfully so.

then you’re assuming incorrectly–we give people some latitude to have dumb, incorrect takes that people disagree with or aren’t popular here, and having one of those takes is not unto itself a bannable offense. this is especially and frequently true if it receives a lot of pushback because it provides a record of where the community stands and what the community finds acceptable, which is socially useful information for observers. this is outlined quite extensively in our moderator philosophy and has been pretty much since we took off. in any case, the idea that everything anyone posts here is tacitly endorsed by having been posted and not removed is a goofy standard for any social media website.

DessertStorms , (edited ) avatar

X for doubt (especially since I've seen what kind of content does gets instantly removed/banned around here, and this is definitely not op's first "mistake") E: though if you are being serious about allowing such content, it only makes your stance worse - I thought this instance was meant to be a safe space, but I guess the people impacted by these violent and oppressive acts don't deserve protection if it goes against the, what, equal opportunity genocide denier platform? As a grandchild of holocaust survivors, this is a huge blaring warning alarm telling me to stay away (which I will, don't worry).

Either way, all you've shown here is that you find CCP propaganda acceptable to the point of defending its existence in your space, and while you might not be comfortable admitting it, that's you picking a side.

Thanks for confirming.

bioemerl , user

falsem ,

Can we add bellicose relations with a lot of their neighbors over the expansionist goals they're pushing?

Pons_Aelius , in Spotify spotted prepping a $19.99/mo 'Superpremium' service with lossless audio, AI playlists and more | TechCrunch

I'm really getting tired of every new product announcement having AI tacked on in some way.

Lanthanae , avatar

To be fair, Spotify’s recommendation system is the only algorithmic content feed that I feel actually gets me the kind of stuff I want rather than just exploiting my psyche, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Spotify’s AI integration is likewise the only of it’s kind that has real benefit.

It could also be completely useless, who knows 🤷

Pons_Aelius ,

algorithmic content

That's my point. I am not knocking the feature, just the marketing push now to call an algorithm feed AI.

I doubt there has been any actual change in the feed just the term.

It is buzzword bullshit.

Mac ,

“it’s buzzword bullshit” because it works.

Pons_Aelius ,

The fact we are complaining about it means...

pollen ,

… nothing, because people on the internet complain about everything. Every time. I mean, this service isn’t even out yet, so there hasn’t even been a chance to evaluate their music discovery algorithm.

I understand and relate with the frustration regarding the whole “more streaming services, higher fees” thing that’s still continuing in the industry, though. I mean, $20 a month for just music?! There are competing services that offer lossless audio at a lower price. But yeah—streamflation sucks!

wagesj45 , avatar

If it's a neural network doing it, then that's fine.

entropicdrift , avatar

Even that’s a fairly new standard for calling something AI. Video Game enemy algorithms have always been called AI, for instance, regardless of their underlying technologies. That’s part of why people tend to use ML (Machine Learning) as an alternative term: AI has meant a lot of things over the years and the term is so general that using it to refer to e.g. LLMs (Large Language Models) is just confusing

wagesj45 , avatar

I think we just have to accept that marketing has to dumb down and generalize for the mass market.

entropicdrift , avatar

Well yes, but my point is that “AI” is so broad a term and open to so many interpretations as to mean absolutely nothing about the tech in question.

Max_P , avatar

It is buzzword bullshit.

And a fad, probably. Everyone's trying to capitalize on the wow effect of ChatGPT.

Before AI it was neural network, and before that it was machine learning.

saigot , (edited )

IDK I think it’s pretty cool to have a voice that knows my name and tells me the theme of the next few tracks. I really wish I could give it some more feedback but as it is it’s a small but nice addition sometimes that isn’t possible without the recent AI advancements. I wouldn’t pay more for it though.

jcarax ,

There’s way too much emphasis on a few songs from each artist that seem to make them more money, or are otherwise pushed by the record companies. AI or not, if it gets me deeper tracks in my daily mixes and artist radios, I’ll pay the extra for that and lossless.

CmdrShepard ,

I used to really enjoy the Discover Weekly lists but for the past few years it just pushes what sounds like AI generated music. It’s like a bunch of covers of popular music done by people I’ve never even heard of (who probably cost Spotify less $ per play). I’ve had better luck with stuff like Spot-a-like recommending new/similar music that I actually might like.

SugarApplePie , avatar

There’s a lot of commotion about how so many Jazz tracks that pop up in Spotify playlists come from clearly made up bands with one or two songs, millions of views, and no internet presence anywhere outside of Spotify.

thejml ,

At least we moved on from everything being blockchain I guess. I was over that trend. Wonder how long AI will be a buzzword.

Pons_Aelius ,

Wonder how long AI will be a buzzword.

Until the next one comes along.

entropicdrift , avatar

It’s been a buzzword for like 50 years now, if you count video games/computer chess

CosmoNova ,

As if Spotify wasn‘t bordering bloatware territory already. Just give me a music subscription service without the dozenth of functions I will never use or „recommendations“ that are clearly just paid ads and don‘t fit my taste at all.

jordanlund , in Donald Trump has been indicted in special counsel’s 2020 election interference probe

This seemed to be popular information when I posted it (ahem) “elsewhere”. Thought it might be welcome to have here.

If you’re trying to keep track of where we’re at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 8/1/2023

Washington, D.C. - 4 felonies, January 6th Election Interference
Indictment <- You Are Here

Georgia - Election Interference
Investigation <- You Are Here
2 new grand juries impaneled 7/11/2023.
Indictment - July 11th to September 1st.
(Grand Jury work expected July 31 to Aug. 18)

New York State - 34 felonies, Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024

Florida - 40 felonies, Federal documents charges
Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it’s a civil case and not a crimimal one.

lilmann ,

Thank you for putting this together, very helpful to keep track of everything

Exaggeration207 , in Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis apologize over letters of support for Danny Masterson

I doubt Ashton and Mila apologized because they actually regret writing those letters; this is just damage control because they got caught defending a rapist. Also, Scientology isn’t a religion, it’s a criminal organization, and it ought to be treated as such.

I was disappointed to hear that Kurtwood Smith wrote a letter in support of Masterson too. I really liked him in RoboCop… but I guess there’s a reason why he was so good at acting like a total bastard.

some_guy OP ,

Cult vs Criminal Org. Both can be true.

liv ,

Yeah the largest biological weapon attack on US soil was a cult.

HarkMahlberg , avatar

One of my favorite Down The Rabbit Hole videos. Too bad it's not on Youtube anymore...

liv ,

Sounds good! I learned about it from Wikipedia, which is a bit dry.

HarkMahlberg , avatar

For those looking, the video is about Rajneeshpuram. But you can also find a well-done Netflix documentary on it.

liv ,

Will look out for it!

Synnr ,

Hasn’t Ashton Kutcher essentially stopped acting and dedicated his life to fighting child predation?

Edit: I guess it’s Moore and Kutcher.…

DessertStorms , avatar

So you'd think he'd know better.

FoundTheVegan , (edited ) avatar

Except when defending adult rapists I guess?

"As a role model, Danny has consistently been an excellent one," Kutcher wrote, later writing, "He has always treated people with decency, equality, and generosity."

Not that I want to throw shade at his current work, but this is a pretty big red flag on his credibility towards siding with victims. ESPECIALLY since this is was in relation to defending a Scientologist, a known organzation for SA.

abbadon420 ,

People can have multiple personalities, not as in a mental condition, but as in that you’re a different person at work than who you are at your parent’s. Rapist are also like that. Rapists aten’t rapists 24/7. Sometimes they can be just nice people. That doesn’t make it right, but that does make that you can’t judge someone for not knowing that a coworker or even a friend was a rapist all this time.

Synnr ,

I guess I should RTFA, but it’s definitive he knew that Masterson was a scientologist, and knew about all the scientology stuff?

amotoohno , (edited ) avatar

Well, if republican politicians and catholic priests are any guide, this means Kutcher and Moore are almost certainly prolific child abusers.

EDIT: oh FFS, their org is THORN?!? The same group of wine mommies trying to destroy the internet with that awful and mislabeled “kids online safety act”?

Fuck them AND their parent-pandering bullshit. Scientologists are nasty business.

Conyak ,

Religion and criminal organizations don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Just look at the Catholic Church.

Hirom , in After rebranding, X took @x from its original Twitter owner and offered him merch

“Elon took my handle @x and all I got was this loosy t-shirt”

bedrooms ,

Hwang received an email from the company explaining that his account data would be preserved, and he’d get a new handle. It offered Hwang merchandise, a tour of its offices and a meeting with company management as compensation.


cupcakezealot , avatar

As if punishing him by taking his name was bad, he also got threatened with meeting Elon

catastrophicblues ,

Seriously that would be great lol. At least it would be a funny reference.

SkaveRat , in Forget ‘doomers:’ Warming can be stopped, top climate scientist says

it’s not that doomers are denying that it can be stopped. it’s just that, given the data an behaviour of people&politics, they don’t really see that it will be stopped

CrabAndBroom ,

Yeah that’s my thing too - I have no doubt that scientifically it can be stopped - there’s even a real example with how crazy quickly nature started to recover during the COVID lockdowns - but it would require people to not be selfish, stupid assholes so it’s never gonna happen.

Xin_shill ,

Well tbf, it will happen as the selfish stupid assholes die from climate change with everyone else

kent_eh ,

Of course, that’s a political problem not a scientific one.

Zworf ,

Yes but the outcome is just as bad.

delirious_owl , (edited ) avatar

Doomers are nihilistic assholes. If you dont think the politics will do it, then fill your hands and do direct action to force them.

Cuttlersan ,

Agreed! Giving up is giving in to oligarchs who have profited relentlessly off of our suffering and the defiling of our home. Stand up! It’s better to die on your feet fighting than on your knees, groveling to the rich while they pickpocket your dying corpse.

Climate apocalypse is here for us all. Wanton apathy and inaction leads only to guaranteed failure!

BolexForSoup , avatar

“Doomers” don’t think there is literally no way to stop it. They generally think that the people who can pull the lever will continue not to do so because they’ve resisted it for decades. It’s lack of faith in our collective will and dedication to action, not that there is no course of action that can stop it.

I can’t blame them. I still advocate for change and work towards it, but they’re not the problem. It’s climate change deniers and politicians who refuse to do anything about it.

Blame is being misdirected here as usual. Which contributes to why people are “doomers.”

delirious_owl , avatar

You can pulll the lever. That’s my point. There are more people who want to stop the climate catastrophe than not.

We are many. They are few. Rise.

aniki ,

LOL I can’t even get people to eat LESS meat and ride bikes. You’re utterly delusional.

tocopherol , avatar

But people do that more now than they ever have, many individuals do take steps to help the environment. We don’t need all the masses to rise, just enough dedicated action from a portion can have massive impact.

delirious_owl , avatar

Individual decisions are necessary but nearly negligible. Focus your work on the infrastructure of corporations.

tocopherol , avatar

Definitely, maybe the general cultural shift towards more sustainable practices will help eventually, but when I say ‘dedicated action’ I don’t mean taking shorter showers.

ahornsirup , avatar

One individual action is. Ten thousand are not.

t3rmit3 ,

Ten thousand can also be completely negligible. Protests and marches with far more than 10,000 people happen pretty regularly, and don’t change much.

Now, 10,000 people actively removing the biggest polluters is a different story, but so far at least I can’t even think of one instance of that happening.

delirious_owl , avatar

Direct action doesn’t happen by talking.

saigot ,

ok I got a bike lane put in in my city and bike ridership is up 15%.

I gave my mum a Palak Paneer recipe and now she eats it once a week

My district saw a 10% swing in the last election and surprise elected a green candidate.

I think your the delusional one if you think change isn’t possible. just a few years ago conservatives were hoarding incandescent bulbs.

Rolder ,

There is a world of difference between getting a bike lane installed and getting the world superpowers to collectively stop polluting.

saigot ,

More bike lanes -> more bikers -> more people voting for bike lanes. And then suddenly gm is marketing their fancy overpriced bike to you instead of their car.

BolexForSoup , avatar

Congratulations, these are wonderful achievements. A lot of us are doing what we can. Just because we haven’t done everything you have done doesn’t mean we aren’t trying.

saigot ,

And if your trying then you aren’t a doomer.

BolexForSoup , avatar

If y'all truly think that most “doomers” are literally sitting around waiting to die and that this article is required to “call them out” then you’re just tilting at windmills and not casting blame at the people who are the actual problem.

Revan343 ,

Congratulations; the dent you’ve made is a rounding error. There are 100 companies which cause 71% of carbon emissions, and you aren’t changing how those companies operate without Molotov cocktails

saigot ,

Can’t hold a pitchfork while your stuck inside your hummer.

Revan343 ,

I mean, you could joust, and mowing through the line of horseback cops who are getting ready to attack a protest is probably the most ethical use of a Hummer. It’d need to be an H1 though, with the Humvee frame, the newer ones are just regular truck frames with ugly panelling

prex ,

Where do those 100 companies get their money from? That 15% increase in local bike riders is a 15% reduction of petroleum industry income - if we can get similar results elsewhere.

From little things big things grow.

Gaywallet , avatar

just popping in because this was reported - I would suggest being supportive of others who are trying to accomplish the same kind of things you are rather than calling them “utterly delusional”

stephen01king ,

As opposed to them calling the people who wants to do the same thing as them but feeling hopeless about our chances “nihilistic assholes”. I’m sure that’s a very supportive and productive thing to do.

remington , avatar

This was already addressed by another admin. However, I want it to be perfectly clear that users are expected to be(e) nice when using Beehaw. Thus, you can have a week vacation to think about that.

Zworf ,

But politics is us. This is what democracy is all about.

The problem is the population at large still doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation.

ringwraithfish ,

Which I think bolsters the argument for anti-doomerism (yes, I’m making that a word now).

aniki ,

Yeah, we stopped for a few days for covid and mother earth immediately started to make a comeback while we all collectively decided to develop brain conditions rather than make slight adjustments to our lifestyles.

Gaywallet , avatar

it’s not nice to cast ‘brain conditions’ in a negative light nor to accuse people who are acting in self interest of having any conditions other than not caring about their fellow human!

FaceDeer , avatar

That's the same thing.

AndrasKrigare ,

Those are different things.

4am , in "Wind and solar power pollute the Earth and make life miserable:" DeSantis's Florida Approves Climate-Denial Videos in Schools

Yes, Ron, everyone knows Clean Coal™️ is the one true source of non-pollution.

Is anyone stupid enough to believe this?

Hizeh ,

Yes… People are stupid

0x815 OP ,

No, they aren’t. In 15 or 20 years, however, when people have left their indoctrination camps disguised as schools …

poprocks ,

I used to ride the bus with a lady who grew up in a coal town. We once debated over coal. She said it was so green because there were so many regulations and that wind and solar were horrible for the environment because they were killing birds. So yeah, people are stupid.

Nechesh ,

Glass windows kill birds too when they try to fly through them. How exactly did she think solar power could kill birds or be bad?

Hazzia ,

Well ya see that there sun energy gets so dagnabbed concentrated in those there pannels that the poor li’l baby birds, bein’ much smaller and weaker than a big ol’ coal minin’ macho-man like me, ain’t able to withstand all that there sun energy. Coal tho? Coal stays rite thar in non-energy form ‘till you wanna use it, allowsin’ us to keep the energy levels below bird-killin’ amounts.

Claidheamh ,

PV panels, not really, but concentrated solar can and does kill birds. Not nearly as many as coal, though, lol.

acockworkorange ,

Instant rotisserie chicken!

nxdefiant ,

Belief in Clean Coal would be an improvement for his brain!

He’s currently trying to pave Florida roads with literal radioactive mining waste.

taylus , avatar

It’s fine though, if you say “radioactive” his supporters will insist it must be nuclear.

Baketime ,


persolb ,

My Dad just last night was complaining about wind farms…

Steeve ,

Children in school

floofloof ,

Yep. They’re trying to get their lies in as these children’s first belief on the matter. Anyone pushing a different view (such as the truth) will then have to defeat this belief first. Same thing religions do, because they know their stuff doesn’t stand up to neutral mature scrutiny.

blazera , in Don’t fall into the trap of ‘picking sides’ over Gaza: Hamas’s attacks were unconscionable, razing Gaza to the ground would be abhorrent. In both cases, basic humanity is at stake --- [Opinion] avatar

The big thing is the Hamas attack wasnt the start of all this. It wasnt Israel minding their own business and Hamas invading for the glory of Islam. The warning cries of a humanitarian crisis were going off long before this recent war, from international humanitarian agencies like Unicef. Gaza was being militarily oppressed by Israel, blocking humanitarian aid, international trade, even denying access to their own waters for fishing.

Civilians were dying off already as a result of Israel, and Israel ignored the warnings, the international community ignored the warnings, and then its shocked pikachus all around as a dying people fight back for survival.

leetnewb ,

You can point out back and forth violence going into the 1800s. Nobody has clean hands in this conflict.

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

Yeah, but siding with Israel here is the logical equivalent of siding with Andrew Jackson and supporting the Indian Removal Act as he committed genocide against the native people.

The power imbalance and how Israel has used it is what makes it imperative that Israel be held accountable by the international community.

knokelmaat ,

I’m glad you bring up the power imbalance. The “both sides have been doing horrible stuff” only works if both sides have equal footing, which they clearly do not. This does not negate the crimes commited by Hamas, but extremism doesn’t come from nowhere and Israël has a responsibility in that.

library_napper , avatar

Also disproportionate use of force is a war crime. We see Israel doing this in every war with Palestine since the Nakba.

onkyo ,

Except jews, christians and muslims lived pretty much peacefully together during ottoman rule. The violence worsened when britian controlled palestine and then became a lot worse during the nakba and israeli occupation. It’s not about ‘having clean hands’. It’s about stopping genocide and understanding that occupation and colonialism leads to violent pushback. It always has and always will.

lefaucet ,

I dont know anything about this. We’re they all living in the same neighborhoods or we’re they in different neighborhoods in the same city or like different towns in the same Provence?

Just curious how closely bound their networks were. In my home town folks of different faiths are neighbors and mostly go to the same schools and share a government. There’s not much segregation at all. Sure, there’s racism among all groups, but it gets much weaker and much less frequent with each generation.

Oh yeah and fuck the ole British state. Bunch of tossers meddling all about so they can exploit everyone’s resources. Their emancipated colony, all-grown-up now, isn’t much better.

sqgl ,

Wasn’t the Ottoman period occupation/colonialism too? Not that I am in favour of imperialism but you do raise a fascinating point I wasn’t aware of.

onkyo ,

The Ottomans took control of palestine after a war with the Mamluk empire. Palestine hasn’t been and independent country for much of it’s history. It’s still a form of occupation but if you were muslim, christian or jewish you still had access to certain rights (unless you were a slave). Mostly if you were muslim.

blazera , avatar

Mostly it goes back to the 1940's. There was more history of Zionism beforehand, Jewish settlers gradually coming in to live in the holy land. But after WW2 was the large influx and big push for a Jewish ethnostate. Aaand the people living there already opposed it from the start. And since then it's been very apparent why, because Israel pushes beyond the borders they were already given from Palestinian land, and militarily occupy the Palestinian land they dont yet claim.

sqgl ,

It was Arabs who did not accept those borders. They lost and Israel expanded.

What I have more of a problem with is the settlers in the WB and that seems to be Bibi’s doing without much pushback from USA. Fascists gonna fasche.

library_napper , avatar

They were never given a vote. The UN voted to take away the Palestinians’ land, and the actual people living there weren’t given a single fucking vote in the issue.

sqgl , (edited )

What vote? I wasn’t talking about any election and neither was blazera (who correctly said Jews were given the land).

I was talking about the 6 day war. Great animation showing the history here

library_napper , avatar

The vote to create Israel in 1948

jarfil ,

What vote?


  • 1947 - The resolution was voted on by the UN
  • Arab countries didn’t accept it
  • Civil war between Zionists and non-Zionists
  • 1948 - A day before Britain’s retreat, Israel claims all the land
  • A day later, Arab countries attack Israel in order to "push the Jews into the sea"
  • Israel wins most of the land, except Gaza and Cisjordania

Jews were given the land

Well… kind of, but not really, not exactly that land, and the result wasn’t truly agreed upon by anyone.

the 6 day war

That’s in 1967. Israel wasn’t “given” any land there, it used a provocation by Egypt in order to claim all of it (and have Egypt give thanks for not claiming all of Sinai too… for now).

sqgl ,

Jews were given the land

Well… kind of, but not really, not exactly that land, and the result wasn’t truly agreed upon by anyone.

They were given the land by UN at the start of the partition. I want discussing whether it was just.

the 6 day war

That’s in 1967.

Yep, just as I said.

Israel wasn’t “given” any land there

Didn’t say it was dune in 1967. It was given by UN straight after WW2. I was being as brief as possible.

It seems we agree on everything except the following. Hopefully you can clarify for me please…

1948 - A day before Britain’s retreat, Israel claims all the land

Not explicitly AFAIK. This is my understanding…

Arabs were not OK with the UN partition but Jews were. Jews therefore understood that would mean Arabs would annul the partition as soon as the Brits exited so they declared independence from the day of the exit but I cannot find any borders mentioned. Then the Arabs really did attack.

Do you know of any borders mentioned by Jews then? Did they state “we want to be observed of the Arab partitions?” Certainly that is how it ended up but was that the plan on Independence Day? Wikipedia is vague.

jarfil ,

There is a funny tidbit on the Wikipedia page:

Although Ben-Gurion had told the audience that he was reading from the scroll of independence, he was actually reading from handwritten notes because only the bottom part of the scroll had been finished by artist and calligrapher Otte Wallish by the time of the declaration (he did not complete the entire document until June)


Because there was no time to spare, the Declaration was read from a mimeographed sheet, and the 37 signatories – members of the Provisional Council of State – signed their names to a blank parchment sheet. The official copy of the Declaration was later inscribed by an artist.

As for borders, by following the Declaration of Independence itself:

THE STATE OF ISRAEL is prepared to cooperate with the agencies and representatives of the United Nations in implementing the resolution of the General Assembly of the 29th November, 1947, and will take steps to bring about the economic union of the whole of Eretz-Israel.

The UN resolution called for an economic union of “Israel and Palestine”, which would imply that “Eretz-Israel” was supposed to mean the whole land of the “Mandatory Palestine”.

Prior to that:


The British mandate was over the whole “Mandatory Palestine”… but the declaration talks about the State of Israel being “in Eretz-Israel”, without specifying any explicit borders.

The “spirit” of the text can be interpreted as intended to follow the borders of the UN resolution… maybe.

Since the resolution clearly was not accepted by the Arab states, it would require some further analysis whether that means Israel is supposed to prioritize establishing an economic union of the whole land, or strictly follow the resolution.

sqgl ,

MVP! Thanks.

So it sounds like the UN presumed the states would form a union (like the EU) without caring if the member states wanted it.

Arabs I think were not happy even with the initial borders since Israel were a smaller population but handed a larger land area than Arabs. Maybe some anti-semitism too but that disparity must have stung.

Israel was happy with the allotment and even with the union as long as they were the masters of the union. Islamophobia too perhaps.

Chicken and the egg. Each side had a reason to distrust the other and it has just been spiralling ever since.

Seems like Britain should have stayed on a few more years but were probably too tired after WW2.

I am mainly learning only now. Are you also researching as we go or have you already familiarized yourself with much of the detail? Either way I appreciate having someone who is polite to discuss this with.

jarfil ,

Indeed, the UN expected a sort of conjoined two-state arrangement.

The problem with the Declaration of Independence, is that, not only it was signed before getting written, rising the question of whether should the notes, the speech, or the document crafted after the fact to be considered the “official” one… but also Israel still lacks a proper Constitution; it has a set of Basic Laws, the last one of which got approved in 2018, but it’s expected more should follow, so it can still be seen as a “not fully established” state, making stuff up on the go.

Are you also researching as we go

Some of this stuff I’ve double checked, but most had already looked up before. One thing it would be interesting to know more about, are the nuances in the Hebrew text of the Declaration of Independence… but my knowledge of Hebrew barely goes as far as realizing that the English version is not a word for word translation.

sqgl ,

Maybe by reading multiple translations you can at least narrow down to which the problematic passages are so then you could concentrate on them with a fluent Hebrew speaker.

I know one but it is hard to get him to stop once he gets started and he is right wing (I am left) so I don’t want to listen to his preaching. Nevertheless if you give me a specific question I will ask.

bartolomeo , avatar

There was also a lot of bribery and intimidation involved to get the vote to come out a certain way.

blazera , avatar

Why do i keep hearing it described like losing a game? Zionists invaded, murdered, and exiled palestinians from their land, that should "win" them nothing but opposition from the international community, same as happening with Russias invasion of Ukraine.

sqgl , (edited )

Why do i keep hearing it described like losing a game?

What do you mean by “it”?

I thought we were talking specifically about changes to the borders of what was given to them (irresponsibly?) by the Allies after WW2.

The 6 day war in 1967 was initiated by surrounding Arab countries. Israel won that war and expanded into the Sinai and Gaza (Egypt), Golan Heights (Syria), West Bank and East Jerusalem (Jordan). They didn’t initiate the expansion. They then returned the Sinai to Egypt.

Admittedly after that they did take more without provocation. The chipping away with settlements is happening to this very day.

I just rewatched the above video in order to spell out the details. It is all new to me. Have a look yourself if you are genuinely interested in discussing the conflict. It really is well made and easy to follow (I dunno if there are errors though).

blazera , avatar

Nothing was ever given to them, only taken. They were living there already. They did not consent to being murdered and evicted from where they lived, and predictably they fought against it. That they lost against a much larger, internationally backed army invading their land doesnt exactly persuade me that they should lose their right to living there.

sqgl , (edited )

Nothing was ever given to them, only taken

Who is “them”? I was talking about the land given to Jews by the colonisers: England and France.

The 6 day war had a larger army on the Arab side. I dunno how much financial backing Israel had from USA or how it compared with the backing (if any) by the Arab oil states and I doubt you know or care either.

I am trying to learn here, but you just insist on lazy mud slinging. Blocking you.

blazera , avatar

You and the rest of the world are blocking out the truth, not able to defend the indefensible actions of Israel.

ParsnipWitch ,

It was not Palestine at that time though and Jews always lived in the area.

library_napper , avatar

This issue has nothing to do with Jews. It has to do with Zionism.

Jews have lived there peacefully, yes. They did so without stealing their neighbors land. Its the Zionists that formed Israel and stole ~40% of Palesines land that caused the war.

There have always been Jews opposed to Zionism since the idea was first thought up.

sqgl ,

After the Nazi shit and the reluctance of the West to accept refugees I can understand why.

And look at the rise of cookers who think we live on a flat earth run by a cabal of Jewish shape-shifting lizards from the planet Nibiru. I do not think social progress by humanity is inevitable anymore.

Nazi Germany could really happen again. Just last week in Australia a judge revealed himself to be a Nazi sympathiser……/k6nuov1/

jarfil ,

After the Nazi shit and the reluctance of the West to accept refugees

Zionism starts in the 1800s, well before the Nazi shit. The 1940’s One Million Plan actually got amended after the Holocaust by stirring up a civil war so more Jews from Arab countries would flee in fear of prosecution in order to meet the Zionist numbers, precisely because “too many” Western countries were accepting (or got forced to accept) Holocaust refugees, who were nowhere as many as previously expected (by the Zionists).

Nazi Germany could really happen again

Not exactly. Genocides have been going on all the time, just the countries and ethnicities have been changing. So you could say it’s been happening all along… while the chance of the same exact combination repeating, is quite low.

sqgl ,

Thanks for the background info.

I used to resent that Jews had a special word just for them: “antisemitism”. But now I see it might be warranted because although every migrant group gets racist pushback, it is Jews who are the target of crazy conspiracy theorists. It is Jews who are said to secretly run the world.

I am not joking about the shape-shifting lizards from the planet Nibiru. That is from David Icke who says our world leaders are those lizards.

It is thought that he is using it as a dog-whistle for Nazis (to mean Jews). Certainly there is a disproportionate crossover between Nazis and Icke supporters.

Icke also championed the 5G conspiracies, is an anti-vaxxer and thinks the moon is a hollow spaceship used by aliens to spy on us from. I can’t even…

jarfil ,

I used to resent that Jews had a special word just for them: “antisemitism”

“Antisemitism” is technically a BS word, just like the “Semitism” word it comes from. It was invented in the 1800s by some proto-Nazis, adopted in the 1900s by Nazis after the concept was already debunked, and continued in the 2000s by neo-Nazis. Nothing to be either jealous or proud of.

Jews who are said to secretly run the world

Somewhat ironically, not so secretly, and not a conspiracy.

Since 70CE, all Jews have been required to both read and understand the Torah, while other religions relied on priests “interpreting” the sacred texts for uneducated peasants, leading to Jewish literacy levels of 70% or more in countries with otherwise a 3% or less during the Middle Ages. At the same time, both Christians and Muslims were forbidden from “usury”, or charging interest on loans (Muslim banking still is), but guess who wasn’t: Jews. And who’d guess it, the Diaspora meant there was one or a dozen Jews pretty much in every city. As commerce grew all over the world, merchants used to go to literate Jews, like the ones sitting on the bench (“banca”) in Florence, asking for loans and generally to do what nobody else was either capable or allowed to do, like letting them carry bank notes instead of coffers full of gold, redeemable at other “branches”. Big surprise, some centuries later, you can trace most of the financial world back to Jews, both the concepts and ownership.

Also not a coincidence there have been so many famous Jewish artists, scientists or inventors. Anyone who’s got a problem with that, can thank their own religious ancestry for the cultural suicide.

dog-whistle for Nazis (to mean Jews)

…but of course it’s easier to blame the guys who got it right, while spreading further conspiranoic BS to dig an even deeper hole for one’s own culture. 🤦

sqgl , (edited )

Thanks. Your summary is great copypasta I will be using in future.

I learned all about that from my Jewish friend (who is afraid to let people know. I used to think it was paranoid but after the rise of the cookers and Nazis, I now appreciate his caution).

The only AI I fear is Augmented Idiocy. Covid will subside but the declining language and science literacy and numeracy is just getting worse. Flat earthers are on the increase FFS.

sqgl ,

This bit I disagree with though:

“Antisemitism” is technically a BS word, just like the “Semitism” word it comes from. It was invented in the 1800s by some proto-Nazis, adopted in the 1900s by Nazis after the concept was already debunked, and continued in the 2000s by neo-Nazis.

BS or not the racist extremists, from what you tell us, made up the word Semitism so surely that warrants legitimate pushback with the term Antisemitism?

jarfil ,

Both words were made by the same people, claiming a racial difference between those descending from semitic cultures and those who were not (this was already debunked by the 1920s). “Semitism” was intended as a pejorative, with “Antisemitism” being the idea of “cleansing” the society from the negative influence of “semitism”.

It’s a made up Boogeyman used as an excuse to have something to push back against… and of course you can unite people around those ideas.

As a freakishly recent example, right now I’ve been watching the news on TV here in Spain. There is a problem around choosing a president, with the opposition using every strategy they can to discredit the incumbent.

One of the arguments they just decided to get up in arms about, is the incumbent just revealed agreed to forgive 15B€ of fiscal debt from one of the regions, which the representative of another region was being shown Live heavily criticizing, going on about how it should be all regions negotiating together, yadda yadda… and just then a news ticker goes by, stating that the incumbent has also agreed to forgive another 12B€ to the region of the guy just speaking Live. So much for “negotiating all together”!

Boogeyman created, and debunked Live. Wish I had recorded it. 😄

But wait, there’s more!

Just then, they switched to the speaker for the opposition party, also Live, who started criticizing the incumbent for trying to agree on which days are going to be holidays and which work days, to fit in the voting calendar… news ticker goes by: opposition party, with majority in the Senate, tries to urgently pass a law change to delay the votes so they fall on holidays and the incumbent runs out of time.

Seriously!? Two in the span of less than 10 minutes! 🔔🔔

sqgl ,

Clearly I need to read up more on the Antisemitism. You have inspired me.

Your TV sounds like comedy. Yes it is indeed a shame you didn’t record it. Two in a short period of special but in future even if you could capture don’t individual occurrences it would make for a wonderful compilation. Perhaps they people running the ticker are hoping someone like you will do just that?

sqgl ,

Speaking of dodgy politicians: this ex lawyer-soldier pointed out how Australian military commanders were behaving illegally in Afghanistan and only acting to please politicians who in turn were only concerned with their own popularity (measured by polling).

Nothing he said was untrue, but instead of investigating the war crimes the government is trying to throw him into jail for the rest of his life because, according to them, his whistleblowing compromised national security.

You will recognize the power games from Spain and every other country. This guy is a hero for challenging the system.

blazera , avatar

I dont care that they were ottoman or british ruled, it was palestinians living there, and they opposed zionism from the beginning

Draedron ,

You can go back much much further than the 1800s, back to the start of zionism.

skullgiver , (edited ) avatar


  • Loading...
  • jarfil ,

    Lower Paleolithic is as far as some will go when dating first clashes over that same patch of land, or about 200,000 years ago.

    library_napper , avatar

    There have always been Jews opposed to Zionism since the idea was created. Its almost like stealing someone elsea land is immoral.

    FaulerFuffi ,

    Why doesn’t Egypt open the border?

    bear ,

    Why doesn’t Israel stop doing things that require other countries to intervene

    t3rmit3 ,

    Because Israel will never let them back in if they leave. That is not hypothetical; it happened to thousands of Palestinians during the 6-day war, and their families are still stuck in Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon today.

    TheSanSabaSongbird ,

    It’s also because Hamas has its origins in the Muslim Brotherhood which for obvious reasons means that Egypt is very leery of accepting Palestinians from Gaza.

    I’m not defending their position, just explaining it; Egypt is basically a military dictatorship at this point and the Muslim Brotherhood is enemy number one for them.

    Blackmist ,

    They don’t want them either.

    All the Arab world may be united in it’s hatred of Israel, but that doesn’t mean they like each other…

    livus , avatar

    @Blackmist it's not about "like" it's about realpolitik.

    2 million refugees into Egypt would be like suddenly allowing 6 million refugees into the US. Political suicide for anyone that did it.

    Especially if it meant you were likely going to get a border war with a notoriously land-stealing nation as well.

    blazera , avatar

    Israel occupies that border too

    grte ,

    Why do you think a Levantine Trail of Tears is an acceptable solution rather than ethnic cleansing?

    livus , avatar

    @FaulerFuffi assuming that's a genuine question there are a bunch of reasons and one is they don't want to open themselves up to being attacked by Israel.

    Why Egypt Won't Open The Border To Its Palestinian Neighbours.

    500 people came through recently iirc.

    Akasazh , avatar

    I do agree the Hamas attack wasn’t the start of this. However tactically it was incredibly silly, honestly what did they think would happen?

    They gave Netanyahu, who was finally fumbling at the reigns after almost thirty years aan excuse to execute his wet dreams and all of Israel uniting behind him.

    I see no way how they could have thought the attack would benefit their cause.

    blazera , avatar

    I dont think people are appreciating the context of Gazans dying off. It wasnt a stable situation that was fine to continue as it was going, imagine youre locked in a room with a lunatic with a knife trying to kill you. Youre not likely to beat the lunatic, but youre gonna try, you dont have any other options.

    Waiting didnt work, protests didnt work, pleading with the international community didnt work, they cant leave. Everyone keeps saying they shouldnt have fought back, but what should they have done? Nothing is not available as an option.

    Akasazh , avatar

    I appreciate that and I have equated the current war to the Warsaw ghetto uprising. I’m not an apologist.

    However, as Sun Zu said, you must not interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake. Netanyahu’s might was failing. Israeli youth was rising up against him.

    It’s not like they absolutely needed to do this right now, and they could’ve quite easily understood what the response would be (maybe not the entire extent).

    Tactically it was stupid.

    blazera , avatar

    What authority was netanyahu losing? Or are you just referring to there being some chance of him losing an election? Because Gaza did wait and see for several elections. He was just reelected in 2022. So apparently he's not being voted out.

    Akasazh , avatar

    The meddling with the court system had many Israelis protesting last spring.…/story?id=98148726

    It became apparent to many how corrupt he was and trying to cement his position in anti constitutional measures.

    t3rmit3 ,

    Sure, but it wasn’t saving any Palestinians lives in the process OR the goal. Most Israelis weren’t opposing Netanyahu because they were against the Israeli genocide of Palestinians, they just didn’t like what he was doing to prevent punishment for his corruption. They wanted to replace him, but it would just be with another genocidal guy.

    Akasazh , avatar

    I don’t know. I remember both Rabin and Sharon, who briefly gave some hope in the nineties. It never materialized but it’s hope I must cling to. Just like the Irish managed to put their para military ways aside.

    The sad part of this attack is that that hoe is pushed back even further.

    So call me naive or a fool, but I keep hoping for a new generation that distances itself from the spiral of violence. It’s a feint hope, that got even more so due to this new horrible episode.

    t3rmit3 ,

    Israeli youth was rising up against him.

    “Rising up” insomuch as they were protesting his proposed changes, not in that they were contemplating actually removing him from power, or even trying to oust/disband/etc Likud.

    Akasazh , avatar

    Don’t you think that, however small, some action must take form?

    When I was small there were two conflicts that dividend public opinion and were sure to last centuries, those bring the Israel-Palestine conflict and the Irish one.

    I think that disengaging the murder spiral makes things better. Both the resentment of the Israeli youth against their more and more fascist government was an incredibly worthwhile step.

    Hamas and Likud alle don’t like any two state proposals, that’s why this is happening.

    t3rmit3 ,

    If I came into your house and drove you by force into the garage, I don’t think you’d want a “2-house solution” that allows you to live there, either.

    And no, I don’t think that essentially saying, “why don’t the Palestinians wait around being killed quietly, to see if the youths protesting today will massively change Israel’s trajectory when they get into politics in 20 years?” is a reasonable, measured, or humane stance.

    bartolomeo , avatar
    TheSanSabaSongbird ,

    They did a little more than simply “fight back.” They also engaged in widespread and utterly gratuitous acts of violence and torture in ways that can only have been calculated to trigger an overreaction on the part of Israel. They knew exactly what they were doing and what would happen. They obviously don’t give a fuck about their own people.

    blazera , avatar

    Where you getting torture from?

    Jamil ,

    It all started when Israel showed up on the block and forcibly removed 700000 Palestinians from their homes. There’s no history before that worth discussing as it is archeological records, not history.

    Areas that were once 90% Palestinian, suddenly became 90% Jewish. Those people are still fighting to get their homes back, and Israel is continuing to evict Palestinians daily.

    The first step to a solution is to recognize that Israel’s goals are to ethnically cleanse the area and then work from there.

    such_lettuce7970 , in "Wind and solar power pollute the Earth and make life miserable:" DeSantis's Florida Approves Climate-Denial Videos in Schools avatar

    Damn, America's really fucking dumb.

    IHeartBadCode , avatar
    JDubbleu ,

    Florida* I’m from California and I’ll be damned if I’m lumped in with most of the rest of the US (Oregon and Washington are great though).

    InLikeClint , avatar

    Yeah it gets pretty embarrassing the more east, southeast ya go. SMH

    CeleryFC ,

    Eh, the populated areas of Oregon and Washington are chill. The rural areas are scary.

    Gormadt , avatar

    As someone who grew up in rural Washington on the threshold of populated Washington, yeah shit gets pretty fucked really quick in those rural areas.

    It was a really religious area as well so that really didn’t help. The local religious people have a strong belief in having as many children as possible as soon as possible. The running non-joke (because it’s common) about it is the first kid to turn 16 drives the 3rd van.

    JDubbleu ,

    California is like that too, we’re not special unfortunately

    CeleryFC ,

    Very true!

    Hazzia ,

    Marylander here, and I resent that! Don’t lump us east-coasters in with whatever the fuck is going on down south!

    sparkl_motion ,

    From your PNW neighbor, thanks!

    We’re a great coalition of states, even with the red areas we have to drag kicking and screaming into this century.

    JDubbleu ,

    I truly believe if the US went to shit California, Oregon and Washington would end up as one of the resulting territories. It makes a lot of geopolitical sense.

    gornar ,

    BC joins and we become Cascadia!

    (except I could have sworn it included California originally. It does for me!)

    Heresy_generator , (edited ) in 'Trump Bucks’ promise wealth for MAGA loyalty. Some lose thousands. avatar

    John Amann told NBC News he bought $2,200 worth of Trump Bucks and other items over the past year only to discover they were worthless when he tried to cash them in at his local bank.

    Oh man I want video of him trying to cash them in at a real bank so bad.

    Lenny ,

    “listen sweetheart, we’re in AMERICA right now, yeah? Well these were sent direct from the AMERICAN PRESIDENT, and you’re telling me they’re NO GOOD?”

    FunkyMonk ,

    No, Sir, I said he is NO PRESIDENT, now we good?! Cuz Ima need to see AMERICAN DOLLARS for direct deposit.

    SturgiesYrFase , avatar

    I’m from Vancouver, Canada. Waaaaaay back, the Canadian dollar was up on the American, and the local classic rock dj called a Walmart in Texas to ask if he could buy a bbq with Canadian dollars. The lady on the line’s response was basically this. I think I remember it verbatim, but I could be off a bit:

    Honey, we only take American dollars here…so why don’t you go back to Canadia and exchange your fake money for real ones, come on back and you can get a bbq.

    Banzai51 , avatar

    I don’t know, I think the radio shock jock got what he deserved.

    Neato , avatar

    Yeah. I don't expect to use USD in the middle of nowhere France or Germany when Euros exist. The exchange rate doesn't really matter: the store isn't equipped to take that currency.

    Banzai51 , avatar

    Here in Michigan, we don’t blink about taking Canadian pennies because they are common and banks take them. In Texas, I wouldn’t expect that.

    pbjamm , avatar

    ?!? We dont even have Canadian Pennies in Canada.

    Banzai51 , avatar

    There used to be.

    lazylion_ca ,

    I still have a jar full.

    No idea what to do with them.

    Trainguyrom ,

    I got a Canadian quarter once in the coin return in an old apartment’s laundry machines

    SturgiesYrFase , avatar

    I mean it was a bit, he got what he was hoping for.

    marco , avatar

    Cause you could never exchange CAD in the US … sigh.

    Blackout , avatar

    I'm not surprised at all he tried to cash them. Meanwhile, my auction for a trump shaped turd still has no bidders :(

    FoundTheVegan , avatar

    That’s little comfort to Amann, who is 77 and lives in Houston. “There’s no way to cash out what I have,” he said.

    The fact that this is a scam for the elderly makes it less funny. But very importantly, not unfunny. Get fucked ya old bigot.

    Catoblepas ,

    Jesus, imagine being the teller who had to explain to an adult without an apparent intellectual disability that paper with Trump’s face on it is not legal tender even if they paid thousands of dollars for it.

    blackluster117 , in Italian man crushed to death by thousands of falling cheese wheels avatar

    My condolences to his family, that must have been a horrifying experience and I’m sorry for their loss. Human moment out of the way, I almost thought this was an Onion article. That headline is hysterical.

    erre , avatar

    If we don’t truly die until we’re forgotten by the living, he’s gonna live a long time as the ancestor that passed away at the hands of cheese wheels.

    LucyLastic ,

    That’s a very philosophically positive way of thinking about it!

    teft , avatar

    He’s going to haunt those hallowed cheese halls. Some one bust out the Luigi board.

    blur457 ,

    Luigi board

    Is that the Italian version of a Ouija Board?

    teft , avatar


    WarmSoda ,

    He’ll be reposted for all of eternity

    Chetzemoka ,

    Yeah, I sort of feel like something like this would be a horrifying death process followed by an afterlife of "yeah, ok, that was a pretty funny way to go out."

    You can only hope that the end arrives quickly with something like this.

    zaplachi ,

    Does anyone know if there is a nottheonion community on lemmy?

    15liam20 , (edited )

    I didn’t find a Not the Cheese and Onion community though

    t3rmit3 , (edited ) in Israel-Palestine megathread for the remainder of the weekend

    It’s terrible that Israeli civilians were murdered.

    It’s wonderful that the world is stating such, and showing its support to prevent further murder of innocents.

    It’s terrible that Palestinian civilians were murdered.

    It’s terrible that the world is ignoring this, and turning a blind eye to further murder of innocents.

    awwwyissss ,

    Exactly. If you look at the big picture, Israelis have killed WAY more Palestinians over the years, as well as apartheid and stealing Palestinian land.

    I’m not taking sides, but the one sided coverage gross.

    Lols ,

    taking sides is fine and even right, but that needs to come with recognition and acceptance of that side’s problems

    BluesF ,

    The problem with this conflict in particular is that taking the side of Palestine has become synonymous with taking the side of Hamas, or with simply being antisemitic. It’s essential if you want to express any support for Palestine that you also painstakingly lay out exactly what you support and what you don’t, otherwise… Well, the onion said it best.

    Lols ,

    it hasnt become synonymous, certain people want to make it seem like theyre synonymous

    krellor ,

    I don’t think articulating a concern for any civilians on any side is taken poorly, and I don’t think that the majority of the media has skewed any calls for humanitarian aid and adherance to international warfare rules as anti-semitism. In fact, the new york times has published both investigative and opinion pieces that are very sympathetic to Palestinian civilians, and calling out Israeli disproportionate response.

    I think part of the problem in discussing the issue is that the events of today are inextricably woven into the events of the

    • 1948 founding of Israel by the UN at the end of the British mandate.
    • the invasion of the five armies and the 1949 armistice.
    • the six day war, and the loss of the Sinai peninsula.
    • the eventual recognition of borders by Egypt and Jordan.
    • the results of the shelling of Beirut after the Hezbollah attack in 2006.

    But that is a lot of history, but the back and forth of tragedies, including disproportionate response is driven by these events.

    When most people online seem to confuse the history of Gaza with that of the West Bank, or conflate Hamas and Hezbollah, it is no wonder that discussion breaks down.

    Unfortunately I was in a debate elsewhere on the fediverse where the other person said there is no legitimate response to the Hamas attack for Israel because Israel’s existence is the source of the problem.

    That sounds like the Hezbollah general who yesterday called this a “war of existence” in that either Israel exists or the Arab alliance exists. So how do you reason with that position, and how many people objecting to Israel’s use of force are really all that knowledgeable of the history?

    I also think that people underestimate how you reason with allies. If Biden hadn’t shown solidarity with Israel, then his visit today wouldn’t have resulted in the opening of humanitarian aid. You influence allies by showing solidarity publicly, and having frank conversations on private.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post. Have a great evening!

    acastcandream ,

    It doesn’t matter who killed more. That’s why this never ends. “My tragedy is worse than your tragedy” is never productive. It just serves as an (incorrect) argument for why it’s permissible for one group to keep committing atrocities while the other group has to suffer it and be the first to bury the hatchet. Then the script flips and everyone does it again from their respective positions. It never ends.

    jarfil ,

    It’s terrible that some civilians immigrated to Israel for the sole purpose of becoming settlers and pushing Palestinians out.

    It’s terrible that some civilians immigrated to Gaza for the sole purpose of having as big a family as possible to use their own children and grandchildren as human shields against Israeli settlers.

    It’s terrible that dual-citizenship people on both sides are asking “their” [other] countries to evacuate them, after having spent decades there on purpose.

    It’s terrible that Israel is willing to watch millions of civilians starve… that Egypt doesn’t want to let refugees in… and Hamas doesn’t want to let them out.

    So far, I see nothing wonderful in all of this.

    Fanstar1 , avatar

    Can you substantiate that 2nd point? I haven’t heard it anywhere before.

    jarfil , (edited )

    Source: Spanish TV.

    There has been some uproar this week because there are over 10,000 Spanish citizens in Israel and Gaza, but the government only decided to fleet 2 military planes to evacuate 500 of them. Turns out, they were only evacuating the “tourists and people on business trips”… meaning the rest are not; they’re people who decided to immigrate there. Following that, different reporters got hold of people “left behind”, both in Israel and Gaza.

    One of those people, was a lady who immigrated to Gaza 40 years ago, “to settle right next to the Israeli border”, and now kept repeating how the Spanish consulate is ignoring her request for evacuating her 19-people family, with many children among them.

    It’s estimated that 50% of the population of Gaza are underage, meaning they’re people born in the last 18 years, into a conflict that’s been going for 70 years, from way before this lady decided to immigrate there 40 years ago and contribute to the population growth.

    Source: Internet (various)

    Some statistics about this:

    Both sides are engaged in a long term (100+ years) strategy of trying to out-number each other, with sympathizers of each side migrating there to increase the numbers for the conflict. Since immigration into Gaza and Palestine is more restricted than into Israel, the former have been trying to churn out as many “new residents” (aka kids) as quickly as possible… who are now being used by Hamas as a humanitarian crisis bargaining chip.

    Notice how even with a steady emigration of about half the population of Palestine every year, the total population keeps growing, along with a steady immigration rate of around 200K/year:

    zerfuffle ,

    You do realize that poorer regions have much higher fertility because of much higher child mortality rates and much lower average lifespans, right? Fertility is inversely proportional with wealth and access to healthcare.

    This isn’t unique to Gaza. It’s true in Africa, India, and pre-communist China.

    jarfil ,

    Notice how the sharpest decline in Palestine’s demographic pyramid appears between 14 and 34 years old, or about when people realize what’s going on and decide to GTFO, and how that fits the constantly increasing emigration, while the increasing population —despite higher child mortality, lower lifespans, and extreme emigration— fits the profile of adapting fertility to and ideological parity with Israel’s immigration rates.

    Since you mentioned India:

    Notice the low child mortality with an actual increase towards the age of 22. We could discuss the large younger male surplus, though.

    zerfuffle ,

    I’d recommend you take a look at the demographic pyramids of countries in Africa. Mortality is steepest in the 14-34 range because that’s when most people die.

    jarfil ,

    That’s nonsense. Feel free to investigate the demographics of the World, Africa, Niger, Ukraine, China, or the US, to get a feel for “infant mortality” or “when most people die”.

    zerfuffle ,

    Have you ever looked at the tool you sent?

    Please, do put in Niger and find out (FWIW, your tool is very low granularity and I know there are visualizers that show it at a more fine scale).

    blanketswithsmallpox , in Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis apologize over letters of support for Danny Masterson avatar

    I don't know about you guys, but if a great friend and coworker I knew to be an upstanding person got accused of raping people I didn't know, I'd be with my friend all the way.

    When it comes out they actually did the thing? You condemn what they did.

    This isn't some weird 'gotcha'. This is people who like to scrutinize people who watch the Kardashians essentially doing the same thing on the internet lol.

    Having your trust and integrity betrayed is one of the most human and humbling moments possible. One which anybody who's had more than two friends or a family in their life has ALREADY gone through.

    What a pile of low life tabloid shitmongery.

    Don't be a fucking hypocrite. Do you want people to change their opinions with new information or not?

    Perfide ,

    I mean, their letter wasn’t written after he was accused though, it was written after he was convicted of it. They weren’t merely expressing shock or disbelief, they were trying to provide a character witness to try to reduce his sentence on his RAPE CONVICTION.

    zkikiz ,

    I absolutely hate this situation and I was going to write a whole thing about how we wouldn’t do the same thing if an upstanding husband and father was convicted of murder, except oh yes people literally actually do do the same thing. You’ll literally have letters written like “he made a mistake but he has kids at home please go easy on him” as if actual murder isn’t a pretty big disqualifier.

    I guess we humans have a blind spot to the most common sins versus the mythical perfect criminal who spits on babies and hails satan…

    BeeMe ,

    I still believe in forgiveness when people admit their wrongs and explain their thought process without bullshit. We all make mistakes, sometimes really stupid ones.

    zkikiz ,

    I’m not sure if anyone involved actually admitted their wrongs, it sounds like Ashton is sorry people felt bad not that he did it

    NattyNatty2x4 ,

    Why are you just assuming that this happened?

    iheartneopets ,

    The difference is that most people aren’t in charge of charities meant to help sexual assualt victims.

    storksforlegs , avatar

    Yes, writing a letter to get sentence reduction might be reasonable if it were a non-violent crime. Shoplifting, tax fraud or drugs or something, I dont know. But not rape for effs sake.

    Devi ,

    The couple knew these women. They had these women to their houses. Danny wasn’t raping strangers in dark alleyways, he was raping partners when they said no. Chrissie was with him for 6 years.

    After hearing the evidence. After him being convicted. They both wrote statements saying he was a great guy.

    chinpokomon ,

    In their interactions and personal knowledge, perhaps he was. If you personally don’t know Danny or anyone else involved, your only exposure is what you’ve heard presented and made public. If you personally knew Danny and hadn’t witnessed any of these crimes yourself, you now have a conflicted view of someone who is both your friend and now guilty of 2 counts of sexual assault. While that conviction almost certainly changes your relationship going forward, it doesn’t change how you thought of that individual beforehand.

    Ashton and Mila were asked to write letters of character that described the Danny they knew. It doesn’t change the outcome of the trial, but as with matters that carry different sentencing structures awarded by the judge, a judge will often take letters like this to determine what is appropriate. Is there a chance that the defendant will repeat this offense? What punishment, if any, will be restorative to the victims? How does this punishment affect everyone, including families established years afterwards? Is the defendant the same person today as they were when they committed these crimes?

    These aren’t matters easily decided and therfore it isn’t surprising to see letters of character submitted either as part of the trial or during sentencing. If there is a patten of behavior, then sentencing might be maximum allowed, but if there’s no clear discernable behavior, then sentencing might be light.

    I don’t know all the details that was considered, but based on my knowledge from reports, I think 15 years concurrent would have been appropriate. However, I don’t have all the evidence or material to make an informed decision. I don’t look upon these letters ss reflecting poorly on Ashton or Mila as they were just doing what was asked of them to help give the judge the context necessary to carry out an appropriate sentence. They aren’t guilty of doing anything wrong, more than the lawyers defending a now convicted and sentenced rapist.

    middlemuddle ,

    If I had a friend I knew for decades that was convicted of some awful shit like this, I’d find it pretty easy to just not write a letter about their good character. Maybe I never saw even a hint of the monster that was convicted, but it’d be pretty messed up for me to just ignore the reality of the present and talk about how good they were to me in the past. Attesting to someone’s character has a limit. They could have very easily just kept their mouths shut on this topic not supported a convicted rapist. My hypothetical friend can go deal with the consequences of their own actions themselves while I try to internally come to terms with the fact that my friend betrayed me by lying to my face for so long.

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