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Tetsuo , in Holy shit, no way!

What I think is interesting is that we usually have pretty good scores in term of productivity despite having a lot of holidays and strikes.

If anything it should be a testament to the idea that it’s ok to be against “too much work”. It’s not being lazy, it’s understanding that you work better when you are properly rested.

At least that’s the way I see it. Don’t work more, work better.

Saneless ,

We work with a lot of teams from France and during July, guess what, nothing bad happens. Despite everyone acting like everyday is a crisis, it somehow is never a big deal

The bosses need to chill and realize people enjoying life doesn’t mean everything else falls 8 months behind

iso , in Glad to be here avatar

Didn’t this “redit bad” conversations ended like a month ago 😄

Black_Gulaman , avatar

Yeah I’m blocking accounts that only posts about reddit.

muhyb ,

This one’s a new account though.

JokaJukka OP ,

Well I’ve converted quite recently as I haven’t heard of Lemmy before.

I apologize for bothering you, sir.

iso , avatar

No problem buddy. Most people here started out that way anyway. Welcome to the club 🎉🫡

irmoz ,

In that case, welcome aboard!

SubArcticTundra , avatar

This meme already existed back in June when was the main instance

SeducingCamel ,

My friend switched to the default Reddit app after they killed RiF, he just told me today he’s sick of it and made an account on world so there’s definitely still people trickling over

artvandelay , in 5 parallel universes ahead

The saddest part of this is you probably learned more setting this up than if you had done the homework. You learned how to use ai text, a 3d printer, set it all up, and produce a viable result.

snowraven ,

In my view, this is not sad. It’s just that education needs to incorporate parts of these new technologies into it. Technology is the future if education still wants you to write with a pen on paper then they are being outdated pretty fast.

SomeAmateur ,

Some of them are. My former high school/trade school redesigned their library from half books half computers to one third books one third comouters one third 3D printing, laser etching and poster printing.

There are some programs that focus on those things but it’s free for any student there to use no matter the trade they go there for. I wish I had it when I was there!

LazaroFilm , avatar

Be me in high school. We’re in meth class learning about random numbers and probabilities. The teacher says “in your calculator, random number is likely written rand()”. So I go into the Casio programmable calculator and start coding instead of listening to the lesson. Teacher noticed I’m not looking and calls me out. Threaten a detention and asks what I have been doing. “I made a gambling game” — teacher comes over to see. I had made a rice rolling game. You’d start with $100 and bet on rolls ( you could chose 1 or 2 die or coin toss). Bell rings and all my friends come lining up for me to transfer the program to their calculators with the transfer cable (a micro TRRS cable).

Little did they know there is a “virus” that I’d you land on snake eyes, the program launches an infinite loop, printing pages and page of space characters and the calculator is really slow at typing and print commands can’t be interrupted other than resetting the calculator and loosing all your programs.

kingshrubb , in *patriotic guitar twangles*

Anyone have the numbers of social welfare spending vs corporate welfare spending for a recent year? Say 2020-2022? I can’t find it.

Luccus ,

I’m too lazy to look up the numbers, but I think the premise of this argument is rather weak.

Money spend on social welfare, vastly improves poor people’s lives. When you spend it on corporate welfare, the money tends to go into the pockets of people who are already pretty comfortable.

This is a simplification of a multifaceted issue, but by and large I think this holds a lot more water than just comparing numbers.

Also: There was a pandemic in the time period given, so there might be some selection bias.

BarrelAgedBoredom ,

Means testing is something that wastes a lot of public welfare funds and is usually a tool utilized by those who want to cut programs as an example of welfares inability to work. If we got rid of means testing then corporate welfare would be shown for how truly useless it is. I’m not arguing with you or anything, just adding some more detail to the topic

Cleverdawny OP ,

It depends on what exactly you consider social welfare and corporate welfare. There’s all sorts of ways to split the data.

loom_in_essence ,

Let’s be more specific and find out how much public money was spent on sugarry snacks for fat people, which is his ridiculous complaint. I’ll assume we’re not psychopaths who are generally against a social safety net.

AllonzeeLV , (edited ) in The goal

We keep saying it.

Societies used to do it though.

Even the fucking French have lost the self-respect to break out the guillotines for their emboldened wealth class fucking them over without lube, as they should. The French! Americans started killing their lord’s sycophant troops a quarter millenia ago over taxation. What’s our excuse? Our Facebook and TikTok feeds are worth this class rule and occupation?

Apparently the wealth class found out how to remove the peasantry’s spines without anyone noticing. Pathetic.

OberonSwanson , avatar

The French had cohesion at the time of the revolution, now it’s divided. Each side has a puppet boogeyman, for the right it’s CNN, for the left it’s Fox News. Kill the boogeymen, then it’ll start crumbling down. With the puppets, you stop paying attention to what the other hand is doing and focus on the news agencies. Without the puppets, we eventually realize to get mad enough.

jimmydoreisalefty ,

The people are loyal to a fault to politicians (which they defend and treat like celebrities), they keep voting for the bloods and crips expecting change.

OberonSwanson , avatar

Exactly, the best we can do is avoid idolization of someone whose entire job is to cover our best interests. Yet continually seem to cover their own.

FringeTheory999 OP ,

people are rarely able to harm the person that harmed them, because the power imbalance is what facilitated the harm to begin with. The axe forgets, the tree remembers. Getting through the multiple layers that insulate the upper class from consequences is an uphill battle and it’s fought on many fronts. most of these fronts you’ll never see because the upper class prefers it that way. It’s a long war with many individual engagements. but this is always the goal.

Mirshe ,

Basically this. During the French Revolution or the Coal Wars, it was as simple as “the King/boss lives there, we should go there and threaten to kill him unless he capitulates”. Now it’s not as simple as storming Versailles or taking the boss hostage when he comes into work in the morning - you think a CEO is ever in their actual, physical office without an appointment to require their presence?

FringeTheory999 OP ,

A little over a decade ago I worked for a company that designed and fabricated stonework for buildings. Not just anyone can clad their house in marble, so I wound up interacting with some very wealthy people. I can’t say who, because they’re still just as wealthy and powerful and I’m about to shit all over them. I came away from the experience with much less respect for them afterwards. They essentially have no interaction with ordinary people at all. They don’t do anything for themselves, and they don’t engage with the real world. It’s no wonder they lack empathy and only act in their own self-interest. The real world is an abstract concept to them, I doubt they think about any of us as being real people.

I was raised dirt poor, like food insecure and periodically unhoused poor. The guy I interacted with was literally a billionaire and had always been a billionaire. His staff treats him like a noble lord, and they buffer him from nearly any circumstance that would lead to him experiencing reality. One perk of being a white guy with good diction and vocabulary is that you can hide your low-class upbringing. Put me in some decent clothes and they’ll assume I’m from a similar background and speak more openly. The conversations were disturbing. The things they said about poor people, my people, were horrible. They think about us like animals if they think about us at all. I had to sit there and smile the whole time.

Even before he became a political figure, he could have had the entire LAPD at his house within moments of the first sign of trouble. It’s not like the french revolution. They have a modern army that is well trained to deal with large groups. They’ve had lots of practice. We can’t just roll up on him with a guillotine in the back of our truck and expect to actually prevail.

My experience at that job radicalized me somewhat and drove from me any lingering desire I might once have had to obtain wealth. I do not want to live in that world. I want to unmake that world.

Magusbear ,

I know right? But nowadays people have washing machines, some even got dish washers, they’re able to visit a foreign country every year and suddenly our lives are not too bad. I mean they could be better, but you don’t want to be the type who complains about everything, do you? Nah, some people have it way worse than you, you’ve seen it on the internet and in documentations on the TV. You’re one of the privileged, from a privileged country, you’re not allowed to complain. We Europeans even have “free” healthcare and “unlimited” sick leave! Better keep quiet, else the rich will leave the country and we lose everything!

I’m so tired of this fucking shit.

explodicle ,

Without some idea of what we’re going to build afterwards, we’re going to end up beheading more and more, even innocent people, just like the Reign of Terror. And then we’ll (by default) create another state with the same problems because it’s all most people will imagine.

Fists are for smashing things, spines are for supporting things. What would you want after the guillotine? This isn’t a gotcha, I’m seriously asking which new social order would be more resilient. Do you think Marxism-Leninism worked out well?

Darkenfolk ,

AI controlled dictatorship. Just hook up chatgpt to the nukes and give it some basic human rules. See how quickly people can come together.

MasterBlaster ,

Any revolution that seeks improvement must have a vision and a plan to reach it.

Zardoz , in Pov: you are a Lemmy user

Think I won’t upvote this? I upvoted cans of beans. Have an upvote.

Wage_slave , avatar

But they were lovely cans of beans, I am sure.

It is the duty of every citizen of the internet to carry take part in such actions. The beans aren’t going to upvote themselves.

You’re doing your part.

Would you like to know more?

JoYo , avatar

oh good point. I downvoted the beans so I could downvote anything mentioning reddit.

Halosheep , in LTT, now sponsored by BP

As all this unfolds, I am more drawn towards the opinion that I don’t care that much about the GN call out, because those things can be fixed. I just don’t care that much about tech entertainment being dry as bones to ensure accuracy, but am a lot more concerned about the posts from ex-employee Madison about how she was treated.

Sounds like they have made themselves a bit of a mini Blizzard culture. Crunch and sexism abound.

ikidd , avatar

This just confirmed my opinion of Linus as an utter twat and probable sociopath.

His reactions to things like Project Farm’s review of his overpriced screwdriver, and the constant, blatant submarining of Linux and opensource tells you what kind of person he is. None of the behaviour I’ve seen in this latest installment is surprising. Everything is done to get view numbers up, even monetizing the apology FFS.

But the fanbois gonna fan regardless, and he’ll come away with more money after this than before because of it.

GeekFTW , (edited ) in Your Operating System is Not Supported. Please install Google Smart Home OS to continue. avatar

Dear Youtube,

I've been using you daily since before you were bought by Google. I have watched undoubted millions of youtube videos over the last 17 years.

The mother fucking nanosecond you start blocking me from watching your content because I have an ad blocker is the moment I sit here and just rip every each and every single mother fucking video I want to watch to view entirely offline. Given you've tried and failed for a decade now to stop us from doing that I trust it'll solve both our needs, you won't have me blocking your ads, and I won't need to ever see em. Savvy? Savvy!

With a level of spite indescribable,


Edit: For those whining about my entitlement: QQ more idc.

Edit 2: Ya'll still commenting and downvoting a week later while I haven't thought about any of you at all lmao. Rent free!

madcaesar ,

Don’t wait! We need to all start ripping videos and sharing in torrents. We have to back up all the educational quality videos.

Just like with shows / movies, it’s time to start hoarding because things will only get worse.

GeekFTW , avatar

Oh trust me my 30TB of HDD's and ADHD already got started on the data hoarding front many a year ago. Haven't had a paid subscription to anything since Netflix in 2014 lmao.

some_guy , avatar

30tb doesn’t even cover the movies in my library, let alone TV, YouTube, etc. Get ripping son

GeekFTW , avatar

Soon as I find a sugarmama to buy my broke ass some new HDD's I will 🤣

madcaesar ,

Any tools available for ripping cataloging youtube videos ala sonarr?

hibbfd ,

I'm having a bad, bad, day

It's about time that I get my way

Streaming whatever I see

oh, indescribable me

I’m having a bad, bad, day

If you block my ad blocker that's not okay

Watch, this is so fun to see

oh, indescribable me

imPastaSyndrome ,

I mean… ‘oh no a person who doesn’t watch our ads is going to not watch our ads’

Not sure they’ll care about the ‘loss’’

Nepenthe , avatar

Then they logically wouldn't have cared about the adblock in the first place...? Although I'm intending to go back to doing the same and it's not about whether I make them sad or not. It's a quality of life thing.

imPastaSyndrome ,

I mean they care about adblock because it blocks their ads… They don’t expect people to know beyond just using adblock

Kichae ,

Now it's "a person who doesn't watch our ads isn't using up bandwidth"

Tagger ,

How can you feel this level of entitlement - surely you should just be grateful for the 17 years and millions of videos you have been able to watch for free?!?!

ShittyRedditWasBetter ,

They don’t care. You cost them money.

baggins , avatar

undoubted millions of youtube videos over the last 17 years

4 million would be just over 644 videos watched every single day for each one of those 17 years.

I salute your dedication.

Tagger ,

qq more yourself - you are the one bitching about a company not subsidising your free-loading ass.

SeaTurtle1122 ,

Oh no, YouTube has been losing money on you for 17 years, they’re gonna be so sad.

radioactiveradio , in I’m sorry Miss Jackson

I’m sorry, what am I looking at?

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Four eels, you don't know?

sugarcake ,

It’s a reference to the chorus of Ms. Jackson by OutKast.

idefix ,

Thanks, I can’t say that was a popular song in my country…

geno ,

The song is also 23 years old at this point. :D

RooRLoord420 ,

I don’t like how old this makes me feel…

Lurk99777 ,

Hey shut up man. This came out only a few years ago and there’s nothing you can say that will change my mind.

Also the 90s are definitely NOT over 20 years ago.

dutchkimble ,

Yep, we’re in the new millenium so 1999 was last year

fushuan ,

The 90s were over 30 years ago… :)

Comment105 ,
PipedLinkBot ,

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

asbestos , avatar

It’s funny, doesn’t work 70% of the time either due to traffic or API changes but this bot just adds salt to the wound

StorageB ,

The page always seems to load just fine, but nothing happens when I press the play button. It has never worked for me - am I doing something wrong? (Firefox on Android)

asbestos , avatar

Yup, that’s what I’m talking about

Taika , in Good morning I choose puns.

Damn I would have considered it below average humor if I didn’t know any better…

sarchar ,

Clearly you’re wrong. Just check the text at the bottom of the image, it plainly states the correct level of humor involved here.

MrWafflesNBacon , in Ist Donald Trump ein Sexmonster?

For the people too lazy to translate: It says “Is Donald Trump a sex monster?”

ma11enSDF ,

Did you work it out or use a translator?

MrWafflesNBacon ,

I used a translator, but now that I’m thinking about it you can probably work it out.

utopify_org , avatar

You’re not the brightest candle on the cake, aren’t you?

Designate6361 ,

The very little German i learnt has finally come in handy, knew exactly what it said :P

Now i wanna keep learning German

Rolando ,

The next phrase to learn is: “u/spez ist ein Hurensohn”

Designate6361 ,


baseless_discourse ,

I assume by “sex monster” they don’t mean “monster in bed”?

Tar_alcaran ,

I’m pretty sure he’s a monster everywhere. Just not like that.

Catsrules ,

Oh wow I didn’t know i knew German!

solidsnake2085 , in Delete it. avatar

Why are people still on Twitter? I deleted my account years ago.

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

I just used it to read, but I deleted a few weeks ago, don’t miss it.

AdamHenry ,

I’ve left two popular social apps, one more insidious than the other and admittedly, it was harder than I thought.

pedz ,

Honestly, there’s a nice community of people advocating for a better city in my area, and I enjoy the “circlejerk” of agreeing with them and see their stuff. And want it or not, lots of officials and cities still have accounts there. It’s easy to “Xcrete” about a shitty bike path to your local neighborhood mayor and include the right people to make it a bit more noticeable.

PatFussy ,

Why do people enjoy things i dont enjoy?

BudgetBandit ,

It’s like driving a car:

If you’re slower than me, you’re a retard. If you’re faster than me, you’re a bastard.

VikingHippie ,
PipedLinkBot ,

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

mindbleach ,

Stop reducing things to ‘you just don’t like it.’ God fucking dammit. Reasons matter!

irmoz ,

Yes, I also hate that argument. “You just don’t like it!!” As if there aren’t legitimate reasons to be against it, like it’s some neutral fact of life, reducing any opinion of it to the same level as liking or disliking a song or film.

mindbleach ,

Reality is a team sport, to some people.

irmoz ,

Too true.

Wage_slave , in Doing what I can to encourage growth and help people be seen. avatar

This gives me all sorts of nostalgia for when I first found reddit. That was like twelve years ago.

And it’s fucking awesome. I really have been enjoying this here Lemmy life around pirates and opossums.

SpaceNoodle , (edited )

I’ve got some bad news for you re: pirates

deus ,

If you mean the defederation that’s hardly bad news. The community is still there, you just need another account in another instance to see it.

Valmond ,

Also maybe a pirate community is better off sailing away on the high seas than being in the thick of some lemmy drama?

That said, isn’t it the most subbed community 😁?

Valmond ,

I feel at home here, no hard border in sight and lots of really good persons.

Also I hadn’t seen even a small flame war since like 2018 or something!


CertifiedBlackGuy ,

Flame war, you say?

cracks knuckles

Episodes 1 and 2 were better than 4 and 5.

ElBarto ,

Pffft amateur…

Jar Jar Binks was a great character.

DakRalter , avatar


Damn straight, he was.

Valmond ,

In the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy yes.

jungekatz , in Elon paywalled Tweet Deck.

Not exactly a twitter user , what is tweetdeck?

FoxBJK , avatar

It was a very popular 3rd party Twitter client that Twitter actually bought way back when.

Unforeseen ,

The only thing that made twitter useable. No ads. You put your lists of people into columns, so you only saw exactly what you wanted to see. No algos trying to shove “you may like” stuff down your throat.

I use it for work reasons but I’m not paying for it, I’ll deal without and start digging into what needs can be fulfilled with mastodon. I stopped using it the first time it broke for a week due to elon and I thought it was over then.

Holzkohlen ,

No algo is the big one for me. Don’t have to worry about that with Mastodon. And the advanced interface of Mastodon is also pretty nice.

SilentStorms ,

I’ve never used TweetDeck but there is the Control Panel for Twitter, which makes it usable. It can auto-block all the bluechecks with under a million followers, hide the “For You” tab, block ads, and restore the old Twitter branding.

Unfortunately the main reason I use Twitter is not the platform itself, but the public figures that are on it. Mastodon (mostly) doesn’t have that, though there is a trickle of some coming over.

Unforeseen ,

Yeah same for the content. I use it for economic news primarily and while I’m starting to cultivate it with other means most of it is still on twitter.

Now that I think about it, since I don’t interact on twitter I could make do with cross platform posting bots. Will need to spend some more time digging into mastodon this week.

Saneless ,

I used regular lists on Twitter till I stopped using it a few months ago. No ads, chronological order. It was good

But people I followed, I started seeing only replies from shitstain bluetlickers so I dropped it for good

SulaymanF ,

A desktop Twitter client, meant for power and business users. You could have multiple accounts open at the same time, search for mentions, etc.

Aussiemandeus , in Show me what you got! avatar
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