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MargotRobbie , in Who's this fool? Never heard of 'em

Ew. He looks like a person who verbally abuses his pregnant wife.

riodoro1 , in My driver even knows where I want to go without being asked.

Very funny but…

“Personal”? It doesn’t mean that the driver is a person you know.

imgonnatrythis ,

Whoa. Just because they have butt sores and yell at people doesn’t mean it’s ok to dehumanize them! They are persons!

semperverus , avatar

Delamain would like a word

TheAndrewBrown ,

The joke would’ve worked just as well and not been an outright lie if they used “professional driver” or even just “driver”

drewthejedi , in Mugshot shirts are 20% off. Buy now.

I’m not even in the USA. So half the time I’m like “what do I care”???

stebo02 , avatar

Tbh America has quite a high influence in our world so we should care at least a little bit

ToastyMedic ,

Hardly. That’s like me telling you that you should care about the politics of Britain or Australia.

Sure it might be mildly interesting to spectate, but its not like you should care much.

Holzkohlen ,

Only that the USA is an important global player while Australia and Britain, well… they are small fry. I prefer to have a US president who does not call climate change a hoax. Seriously, I can’t understand how someone in their right mind wouldn’t care.

kamenLady ,

I care, because the influence of American politics in other nations politics is undeniable. The shockwaves, caused by Trump’s antics, are perceived around the world. Some countries even had/have Trump likened figures in power. I feel like Maga straight up emboldened right wing parties around the world, to get out of the closet and be more verbatim about their cause.

My main worry is, that it’s something that’s being embraced by a steadily increasing, already big, number of the population, in many countries around the world.

We have a scary political trend here in Germany right now.

Frozengyro ,

Yea, if you think his actions didn’t effect the globe you aren’t paying attention. For example, if he took covid more seriously, other nations would have been more likely to as well. Pulling out of the Paris climate accords has a worldwide effect on climate policy. His close ties with Putin set the stage for the war in Ukraine. That alone has effected everyone from energy and food costs, extra money and military supplies to support Ukraine, to setting precedent in the modern era on invading sovereign nations. I also think him getting elected in the first place gave a voice to and swung the political pendulum hard to the right globally. Had he not won, I don’t think you’d see a new era of Nazis or their ‘acceptance’, you probably wouldn’t have had brexit, and fewer far right groups winning elections.

Samsy OP ,

This weary traveler definitely needs a rest. :)

gens ,

China and India. Nobody cares about indian politics. Lately some south american and african countries as well.

MonkderZweite ,

I prefer to have a US president who does not call climate change a hoax.

Yesyes, and that’s it. Your system is broken anyway. Still don’t want to see 10x the same mugshit of a lunatic.

Well… would be good, if you guys finally started to tax Oil wells and exports.

stebo02 , avatar

Britain or Australia don’t have the means to start a nuclear war.

chatokun ,

I mean, I do care. We share a world, so some interest in other countries is healthy. Now I’m not super invested or anything, but I still care to some extent, on at least basic levels.

drewthejedi ,

Totally agree with @toastymedic. People in my country listen to news about American politics and get really worked up about it.

And I’m left wondering why they stress so much about it cos they can’t change a thing to the matter. They cannot vote!

CADmonkey ,

The US exports a lot of food. Are you sure you don’t eat any?

NamesArrHard ,


ekky43 ,

The US also has a massive export of weapons and violence. If I had to choose a reason to be concerned about US politics, I think it’d be that.

JTheDoc , in Look at this photograph!

“Look at this sociopath”

kamenoko ,

“Every time he speaks it makes me laugh”

Casmael ,

I suppose in some places sociopath does indeed rhyme with laugh 🤔

lorez ,

Maybe some kind of assonance?

JTheDoc ,


My excuse when I can’t rhyme or rap from now on ;)

tracyspcy , in Remember me comrades! avatar

one thing amazes me for sure: there is still bunch of people loudly protecting their masters’ right to exploit and rob them.

And they are doing this while are already living in the world destroyed and robbed by capital, where COVID showed how vulnerable and under-financed our healthcare system is, where due to the global competition and sinking profits of corporations countries are building alliances, and preparing a new big imperialistic war for us, where crisis goes after crisis together with high inflation globally, and where quality of life is sinking monthly.

Lucidlethargy , in Remember me comrades!

I got banned from one of the communities for simply saying I thought both socialism and capitalism won’t work without more nuance and blending.

I always figured the snowflakes were really the far right… But no, it’s both extremes, apparently.

Graylitic ,

It’s more that blending doesn’t actually fix the issues with Capitalism. That’s a take by someone who doesn’t actually know why Socialists are Socialists and Communists and just heard about Social Democrscy.

zbyte64 , avatar

I think people confuse “liberal society” with “liberal capitalism” and think if you have 100% socialism then you don’t even own a toothbrush or something

o_d , avatar

Communism is when no iphonevuvuzellaonehundredbajillion

fernandu00 ,

The extremes of each ideology are surprisingly similar my friend

Lucidlethargy ,

I honestly had no idea before I came to Lemmy.

I actually really enjoy a lot of the facets of socialism and communism… Most people would easily mistake my independent political position as “left”, especially since I strongly oppose the current GOP.

But here in Lemmygrad, I am apparently quite the villain for suggesting some extremist, far-left policies are toxic.

Graylitic ,

What policies?

zefiax ,

The political spectrum is a circle. Extremists might latch on to different BS but personality types of extremists on all ends are essentially the same. Loud hateful aggressive assholes lacking the intelligence to understand nuance.

Graylitic ,

Yea, that’s more of a self-report on your end if you can’t comprehend nuance and think absolute rejection of classist hierarchy and absolute adherence to classist hierarchy are the same positions.

zefiax ,

Perfect example above of not being able to read or understand nuance.

Yea, that’s more of a self-report on your end if you can’t comprehend nuance and think absolute rejection of classist hierarchy and absolute adherence to classist hierarchy** are the same positions**.

Extremists might latch on to different BS but personality types of extremists on all ends are essentially the same.

If you tried actually reading, you would have noticed how I in fact said the exact opposite. I never claimed they were the same, I specifically mentioned they may latch on to different things/positions. What I said instead was that they had the same personality type.

Graylitic ,

I read what you said. The personality types that people with these views hold are completely different. You’re just wrong, that’s all.

zefiax ,

No actually I am most definitely correct. You are either just too biased to accept it or can’t separate viewpoints from personality types and behaviours.

Graylitic ,

Nah, you’re just a centrist who’s too privileged to actually care about politics, and thinks making blanket statements from a high horse makes you look good.

News flash: it makes you look even more privileged and ignorant.

zefiax ,

There we go, perfect example of extremists making discriminatory statements and unable to engage in discussion. I care about politics plenty, I just don’t subscribe to one dimensional propaganda not supported by data.

Protip: attacking everyone who doesn’t share your extremist and hateful views doesn’t really make you look any better or change their mind. But I do get it gives you an outlet to be channel all your hate and blame others when you are just too dumb to understand nuance.

Graylitic ,

There you go, a high horse and pretending people far on both sides must have one dimensional propaganda. That’s an outright fallacy.

Also, I’m not hateful. I’m just calling out another self-important centrist.

Lucidlethargy ,

They took the time to specifically explain to you multiple times that they are in no way saying both sides are the same. You simply aren’t listening.

I have a family member that does this. They refuse to speak ill of Donald Trump. They are extremely right leaning, and they are always making assumptions about others.

Graylitic ,

They are saying the personalities on both sides are the same, which is blatantly false for anyone who has touched grass in their life.

zefiax ,

Just because you can’t differentiate between what a personality type is and what beliefs and positions are doesn’t mean that statement isn’t true. You just seem to conflate political positions with behaviour itself.

Graylitic ,

I absolutely can, that’s a horribly bad-faith interpretation of my point. Personalities among Communists and fascists are completely different, and if you have touched grass you would know that. Unless you’re so privileged you’ve never had to care, of course.

zefiax ,

That is absolutely not a bad faith interpretation but rather a clear reading of what you have said so far. If you cannot see the similarities in communist and fascist methodologies and execution, both historically and looking at the current climate, you are not assessing it objectively. Both communists and fascists have utilized repression, non democratic governance, torture, and killed millions of civilians who have the audacity to challenge their extremist views. Similarly with this discussion thread being a perfect example, both communists and fascists react negatively to any and all criticism and works hard to brigade and shutdown any discussion that might be contrary to their views.

Graylitic ,

Yea, that’s not at all what has happened historically. Democratic, Capitalist countries have killed millions of civilians with the audacity to challenge their extremist views too, does that mean they are as bad as fascism? Fuck no. Equating Communism to fascism is fascist apologia, because historically Communists have not been nearly as bad as fascists.

zefiax ,

I didn’t even say right and left are the same, I specifically mentioned extremists who are a minority on both sides.

zefiax ,

Again you should try learning to read. I never said people on both sides. Most people on either the right or the left aren’t extremist commies or fascists. The extremists minorities on the other hand, one and the same. Intolerant of any other views or criticism. Your comments are a perfect example demonstrating.

Graylitic ,

Most people on the left are Communists. You using Communist as an analog with Fascism is blatant proof that you have in fact not touched grass nor actually engaged with leftists. Most people on the right are liberals.

zefiax ,

I am not sure what kind of strange bubble you live in but that is objectively not true. Most people on the left are most definitely not communists. You either do not understand what the word communist means, or you live in a very strange bubble or country where everyone on the left is described as a communist.

Communism (from Latin communis, ‘common, universal’)[1][2] is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement,[1] whose goal is the creation of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need.

Most people on the left are NOT pushign for common ownership of the means of production and distribution and are most definitely not in support of a centrally planned economy.

This is also the danger of extremist views, they think anyone who does not subscribe to their extremist viewpoint is against them and the enemy when in reality, 90% of the people on the left would not agree with communist ideology which has failed in reality time and again.

Graylitic ,

It doesn’t matter where I live, Communism is the standard for the left in a global scale. Marxism is the foundation of the left, and Communism is the ideology of Marxists. Unless you’re horribly confused and mean to refer to the Overton Window, left and right don’t change based on location.

All in all I think you’re confusing left and right with the Overton Window.

o_d , avatar

Hurrdurr horseshoe theory. Even the wikipedia article on it is critical of this nonsense.

Lucidlethargy ,

It appears the leftists would like you to stop saying unkind things about them. I guess it’s good we’re not in one of their specific communities, eh?

Way to prove the meme right, extremists.

Wogi ,

If you can’t examine real world examples of your philosophy critically, you’ve no business in the debate. Tankies aren’t willing to hear about the flaws apparent in the system any more than your average thin blue bootlicker will.

I say this as someone who makes guillotine “jokes.” Definitely jokes.

Sackbut ,

Socialism is just democracy extended into the workplace. Saying pure socialism won’t work is arguing against democracy.

Aux ,

Socialism is authoritarian. There’s no democracy in socialism.

Sackbut ,

The definition of socialism is workers owning the means of production. That means democracy in the workplace. Worker’s councils. Equal representation. Majoritarian politics.

Aux ,

Workers can own anything they wish under liberal capitalism. But your definition of socialism is actually wrong.

Sackbut ,
Aux ,

You mean that socialism is an authoritarian regime.

Sackbut ,

You should read the other comments below mine where another guy said the same thing.

Graylitic ,

Do you have any actual points or do you just mald online without adding any substance?

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

really, cause last time I checked housing was completely unaffordable to even rent in my country, nevermind buy…/nurses-quitting-as-pay-leaves…

Lucidlethargy ,

I will always argue against pure democracies. People are not invested enough to provide a coherent opinion on 100% of the solutions our societies require for survive and thrive.

A vote over the use of chemicals for water treatment could easily end in their permanent ban. Hell, with the right malicious intent, someone could easily get dihydrogen monoxide banned from crop fields.

A pure democracy is how Idiocracy becomes a reality. Now, a mix, such as a republic electing the careful use of democratic socialism… Sure!

Sackbut ,

That isn’t how it works. It’s like if you’re a part of a cooperatively run business, then you get equal say in workplace practices. There isn’t a ‘boss’ dictating the rules to you.

Player2 , in and the fish asked "what is this water you speak of?"

This implies memes with politics that aren’t political memes

culprit OP , avatar

That Is Correct.

One thing about which fish know exactly nothing is water, since they have no anti-environment which would enable them to perceive the element they live in.

  • Marshall McLuhan, War and Peace in the Global Village
DessertStorms , (edited ) avatar

Had.. had he never observed fish jumping out of water (to catch food or escape becoming it)..?

culprit OP , avatar

He was a media theorist not a biologist.

DessertStorms , avatar

How does that answer my question lol

culprit OP , avatar

It’s a metaphor. Hopefully this helps clarify things.

The version from David Foster Wallace’s “This is Water” commencement speech at Kenyon College:

There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says “Morning, boys. How’s the water?”

And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes “What the hell is water?“

The point of the fish story is merely that the most obvious, important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about.

full speech:

more info

ideologies may function as prepackaged units of interpretation that spread because of basic human motives to understand the world, avoid existential threat, and maintain valued interpersonal relationships. … such motives may lead disproportionately to the adoption of system-justifying worldviews. Psychologists generally agree that personality traits, individual difference variables, needs, and ideological beliefs seem to have something in common.

so in this sense memes are like little atoms of ideology aka “prepackaged units of interpretation that spread because of basic human motives to understand the world”

PipedLinkBot ,

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

Mothra , avatar

Wouldn’t the Bernie Sanders “I’m once again asking for your support” fall into that category? I’ve seen it used for lolz in all sorts of topics that had nothing to do with politics. Same for any other memes featuring political figures

Peruvian_Skies , avatar

That photoshopped meme of Obama putting a medal on himself also fits.

drolex ,

How do you know it’s photoshopped?

I remember Obama granting himself the Hero of the Soviet Union medal and pinning it to himself using a satanic portal. I think. I’m pretty sure. Or so I’ve heard at least.

Peruvian_Skies , avatar

I know it's photoshopped because I was there and Obama was wearing an eyepatch. The image used for the meme shows all four of his eyes.

drolex ,

Ah yes of course, I forgot he was emperor of the pirates for a while, that’s when he got most of his experience as a child-kebab artisan

Noodle07 ,

Or the thanks obama

InfiniteVariables , in Remember me comrades!

Everything that doesn’t conform to my ideology is CIA propaganda.

Fazoo , avatar

The CIA isn’t all that bad. It’s run by raccoons forming a shadow government.

Viatori , avatar

I see this one FAR too often.

hernanca ,

The US controls gigantic parts of the information/entertainment space: movies, music, social networks, YouTube, TV, even their politics is a keyfabey circus for the rest of the world. American propaganda is literally everywhere.

It’s an image of consumption and individualism above even self preservation, so deeply internalized that Americans and perhaps half of the rest of the world don’t notice. Sometimes it feels like the US lost its mind in 9/11 and started hurting itself in confusion but it was never a “smart player” in the world, just a narcissistic bully.

It’s not necessary for the CIA to be involved because it’s literally superliminal and grotesque at this point in time. The US throws its weight all around the world and is brutish and callous with its “use of force”, which means murdering people (and destroying property, oh they love them some property) in case there’s people in this thread that are lost in so many layers of euphemisms and irony.

Americans need to deal with this instead of becoming defensive and recurring to whataboutism. Yes, China and Russia are horrible and murderous in their own ways and at a different scale, but one must not use them to avoid self reflection.

Wage_slave , in What country is this person from? avatar

Dude so big he need a 9mm to get his insulin in.

LEDZeppelin , in What country is this person from?


Sneptaur , avatar

This one’s my favorite.

slaacaa ,


Pinklink , in What kind of science is this?

They could fly and had laser vision and shit, but this is what you are hung up on?

Nakoichi , in Back in my day's. avatar

of course this is the natural progression of reactionary propaganda morphing from “buff grizzled white western ubermensch” to appealing to aggrieved incels that are desperate and lonely and can often never attain the idealized form of their idols. Then you have the ones that have some modicum of conventional attractiveness but they are also such toxic pieces of shit that no woman ever wants to touch them, and it must be the gays and the wokes and the women’s fault.

Poggervania , (edited ) in X Videos avatar

To quote the late John McAfee: “Nobody should have to use XHamster.”

SubArcticTundra , avatar

Just seen this video. I wish Elon was that edgy

jmcs ,

And the lesson there is that if you are planning to sell your company to some greedy cash grabbing incompetent dicks while you go… eccentric, don’t name the company or the product after yourself.

Rodeo ,

That’s always such an ego trip, and the ones to ego trip like that always have bad reputations.

There’s some special irony in a guy being so proud of his name that he plasters it everywhere, all the while oblivious to what his name actually means to people.

SeaJ ,

He needs more meth to be that edgy.

SubArcticTundra , avatar

This is it

NigelFrobisher , in understanding games is a form of systemic analysis

The Inherited Wealth perk is ridiculously broken.

Shad0w , in Love my bugs like I like my ..

Shrimps is bugs

redw04 ,

I wonder if that guy knew his post would explode into a meme

sheogorath ,

Yep, I ate fried grasshopper once and it tasted exactly like shrimp.

MotoAsh ,

Ugh, I cannot tell if this makes me more or less interested, and I love shrimp.

kofe ,

When I think too much about it, eating any meat really does gross me out. I still do but occasionally get tempted to try going vegetarian or something. I’m just too damn lazy

wedeworps ,

Really just gets easier over time, until it’s just a habit

MrBakedBeansOnToast ,

You don’t have to do it religiously. You can eat meat in one occasion, and avoid it in another. Especially these days the meat-supplements are getting pretty good. I would opt for them more often if they weren’t more expensive than real meat.

elephantintheroom , avatar

I myself find all those industrial meat alternatives pretty disgusting, especially considering what stuff they put in it to make it taste and feel like the real thing.

I’d rather mix my faux-meat myself, even while I’m not completely vegetarian, just almost.

MrBakedBeansOnToast ,

Care to share your recipe?

elephantintheroom , avatar

Soy proteine, boiling water, some wheat flour, eggs and whatever spices you like. Makes for great burger patties. Don’t have the exact ratio of ingredients in my head right now, though.

clothes ,

I can relate to this so I’ll just add that aligning my diet with my values was the best decision I’ve ever made. Being able to eat without feeling guilty/confused/complicated was life-changing. I didn’t do it all at once, or torture myself.

And we live at this amazing time when you can be lazy AND get amazing not-morally-horrible food! Typing this as I munch on an entire package of addictive store bought animal-free chocolate chip cookies :P

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