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JTheDoc ,

The coal industry emits magnitudes more unvetted radiation than any nuclear power plant will in it’s whole lifetime; as in, radiation is undetectable around a modern nuclear plant.

Plus coal and oil extraction has it’s own problems with radiation. Nuclear produces stable, storable waste that if handled and buried correctly will never become an ecological issue.

They’re built to a modern standard where it’s practically foolproof. Fukushima held up to an enormous earthquake followed by several tsunamis; that’s despite the poor operation of the plant.

The damage we would have to cause to compromise and get rid of any nuclear reliance is far more immediate and concerning.

Nuclear isn’t actually as complicated nor unpredictable as you’d think. They’ve solved ways to avoid melt downs such as the fuels being improved, the amount they process at one time, their cooling and the redundancies. The physical design of a modern station takes into account the worst situations that any given amount of fuel can give in a meltdown such as deep wells that are situated under a reactor to melt into. You won’t likely ever see in our lifetimes a station reaching critical meltdown and it not be because a government or private company cut corners.

Scientists are doing this work, they know what they know and they know what they’re doing, it’s not really for everyone to politically involve ourselves with when no one ever does any valid research or basic knowledge of science without fear mongering.

JTheDoc , (edited )

Generally when a fact is established it does become the “standard counterpoints” people use.

You personally said “Nuclear waste is scary” - that’s why I said people fearmonger. If you’re informed you’d actually understand it’s a very safe form of waste

Also you said it wasn’t due to poor operation, but then state an example of a plant being poorly operated. If those were obvious and established problems that they already should have been able to account for, then someone dicked it up. Nuclear is only dangerous when it’s irresponsibly used. We already have accounted for the mayor pitfalls. It’s not worth saying it’s dangerous, bad for the environment, or scary in terms of waste.

Nuclear energy isn’t some half theory or some risky experiment, it’s pretty well established and understood at this point.

I also said people in general shouldn’t be so politically involved when they’re not informed, I actually said that because I shared and hoped you would be able to agree on that. I wasn’t demeaning you.

JTheDoc ,

The never ending cascade of problems Brexit still drags us slowly through.

JTheDoc ,

And when it arrives, I’ll smash it with a hammer!!

JTheDoc ,

“Your skills and qualities tell us you may be over qualified for the position. We would like to offer you a role in management instead.”

JTheDoc ,

I haven’t drunk alcohol in over a year, last time I got drunk was maybe almost a decade ago…

I’m sure that’ll convince someone? Though it makes it sound like I used to be one too lol.

JTheDoc ,

You’d think a metal detector would be mandatory in all MRI departments before you enter?

JTheDoc ,

They must be dishonored in the most honourable way.

JTheDoc ,

And then another shrubbery, only slightly higher so you get a two layer effect with a little path running down the middle.

JTheDoc ,


JTheDoc ,

Please check out this KSP community:

They’ve got some lovely members who wish to share and contribute, however I feel I’ve let the community down by not helping post as much as I should have recently. It’s a shame to see such great people share, knowing it’s such a small community seeing it right now.

They’re real MVPs

Please give the community a hand and just share a random craft or screenshot you may still have; even a favourite video! No pressure, just help it with a bit of traction so it becomes more self sufficient.

Shout out to ilovecheese & obsidian & moeggz on there! :)

JTheDoc ,

There’s me thinking I had stuffed up my pFsense config. It had me duped into thinking I was responsible!

JTheDoc ,

The amount of times I’ve told clients to change their SIM or not take their work phone abroad only to be ignored like usual, and get called on their return saying “what the hell!?” We notified them, but just like all MSPs (managed service providers) CEOs or important members will just ignore us or criticise our advice. Now he wants to blame his family who shouldn’t even have access as you mentioned. If it’s his mistake, he allowed it to happen with warning, and he gave this to a family member unsecured, surely he should be held entirely accountable?

Nope. Politicians breaking all the rules we would get sacked for in an instant at work, or even arrested.

Great standards for us lowly law abiding poor folk. An 11k phone bill would kill me; I guess my taxes will pay for his mistake then. I’m so confused how he doesn’t feel like he needs to pay that? I can’t figure out how in the fucking world what I’d need to say or do or think to avoid being responsible for that?

It’s surely simple for him to figure out. Goes to show how warped morals are being protected here.

JTheDoc ,

Decided to play KSP again after months of ignoring it. (Due to performance)

Managed to strip some unnecessary mods and parts of my ship.

Now it only just crashes once or twice a day.

JTheDoc , (edited )

Same, so I gain my minimum sustenance to work for my overlord employer and pay my “well invested” taxes to the government who grants me this quality of life. How could my landlord live if I’m greedy and eat too frequently or varied.

Sorry to hear, I do sympathise. I hope things get better for us. I’m still figuring out how to pay my new 30% rent increase this month after five previous rises this year already…

JTheDoc ,

Passing all those skills down to his Son-in-law.

Rishi Sunak.

Could we use AI to update 4:3 media to 16:9?

I’ve been re-watching star trek voyager recently, and I’ve heard when filming, they didn’t clear the wide angle of filming equipment, so it’s not as simple as just going back to the original film. With the advancement of AI, is it only a matter of time until older programs like this are released with more updated...

JTheDoc , (edited )

They were shot on negative 35mm film, and edited on tape in that aspect ratio.

Only some odd scenes and shots were captured on tape, but it was mostly film. They won’t need to upscale any live scenes, but they would have to work on rendering all the digital effects and blue screen shots for example. As it was only ever edited on tape, it’s unlikely that the digital effects could be ever rendered or upscaled, it would probably need to be entirely reworked from scratch.

Very daunting task. Although, they did it for TNG. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: Someone pointed out the obvious in a reply. Yes, of course they will need to be scanned for a better resolution scan. I already pointed out it’s on film, and even mentioned why it’s not just that simple. (Hence the digital effects needing to be redone).

JTheDoc ,

I’ve been enlightened.

JTheDoc ,

Only watched that episode again yesterday, I did enjoy it. It was pretty cute that they both felt no shame for it naturally happening. But I feel they lost an opportunity to make something more happen as a consequence of travelling such speeds. Could have been a little cooler! :)

I’ve just watched Tuvix and it hurts to ignore how they produced two individuals with their memory intact and from DNA that surely is incomplete. I have to suspend my beliefs of course, it is a show I want to enjoy.

Though, I was very stoned and tired and probably missed someone’s psuedo science star trek explanation.

JTheDoc ,

It was indeed that, I’m guessing the missing mass of both of them must have been stored in the buffer. :)

Really good acting for Tuvix, must have been hard to only have one season as reference for the actor to mimic and merge both their behaviours and personalities.

JTheDoc ,

Go to Wilko, see what tat they still have left over from closing down.

It being good value at a huge discount is still not guaranteed.

JTheDoc , (edited )

Parasite Eve 2.

But not the horrible attempts they made with the later additions (that hardly followed the canon of the story or style anyway).

JTheDoc ,

Good choice.

JTheDoc ,

Lower water activity reduces bacteria.

Not sure about flavour/texture however.

JTheDoc ,

When someone downplays food poisoning in a school, and they’re hardly informed, you get this. Here’s your prime example of why COVID was worse than it would have been.

“It’s only a cold”


JTheDoc , (edited )

Being in the UK no one believed me when I was concerned at school after hearing about 9/11. My grandad was in there, and it took us a whole day to get a hold of him to find out if he got out in time… 9 year old me hearing on the radio coming back from swimming after a trip at school that the Twin Towers got hit, I remember turning thinking I misheard it to ask my teacher left to me in the coach “My grandad works in there”.

Her eyes opened wide. I got collected early from school by my crying mother early. Then I understood and got worried. No one at my school helped calm me, thankfully I must have looked so clueless and confused anyway. I was an odd kid so no one probably cared or noticed.

Odd day. Don’t really need to explain much else.

So in answer to the comments on here saying kids don’t remember, of course they do! We didn’t just start consciousness and wake up at age 10 or whatever.

You’re definitely right, it can affect second-hand, even if the child didn’t directly understand.

JTheDoc ,

They are sadly.

The man she gave a jobby to also happens to own a pro LGBT club too despite her cries in public about it…

JTheDoc ,

Good on you man. It’s critical to work somewhere that respects people for their skills and work ethic. Not arbitrary expectations.

Similar situation myself.

Some places will understand. Many don’t. I’ll be either brutally honest in a interview or I’ll set those boundaries.

JTheDoc , (edited )

I guess I’ll be boiling the whole lake then… Don’t wanna get amoebas up my bum.

Edit: Bit weird several people need to correct this joke when it’s explained only above how they entered the brain. My comment indicates I wouldn’t be putting my head under water because of it.


JTheDoc ,

I wasn’t being too serious :)

JTheDoc ,

People seem pretty keen and impressed with themselves telling me! xD At least you got it was a joke.

JTheDoc ,

If I’m walking in a lake waist high to avoid brain amoebas, you’ll get the joke.

JTheDoc ,

Amateur Radio, Data Hoarding, Pc Gaming, and my car.

JTheDoc ,

“There’s been a rumor that – you know, a very nice rumor – that you go outside in the sun or you have heat and it does have an effect on other viruses,”

“I’m going to speak to the medical doctors to see if there’s any way that you can apply light and heat to cure, you know, if you could.”

JTheDoc ,

That’s the thing, we all have to compromise. I don’t support it either, but if something unethical happens, and people still want to keep supporting it, we have to at least convince them to use the “best version” of said thing so it’s at least as humane as we can make it possibly be. I’m shocked we still continue to use these complicated and ancient methods of execution that have questionable reliability or ethics when it comes to suffering.

It’d be interesting to see how it would be used for AS for sure!

JTheDoc , (edited )

I think I was partially addicted after having used it routinely out of boredom and free time for over a decade…

But once RIF and the other 3rd party apps got strangled out, and RES went into a state of no longer being updated, I couldn’t power use Reddit anymore. So once those were uninstalled and removed, I had given myself no choice. Out of principle I couldn’t support them and how they treated their mods or communities, nor could I use the site in their epically stupid vanilla default way, I had to just quit.

Cold turkey since.

Will admit, I have to search online for technical help, and a lot of discussion did and still does happen on Reddit, so I’ll still occasionally have to use the site for reference. But no interacting with it at all.

I still feel the twitches and urges to use it from so many years of habit, and it’s difficult, but I’ve managed to do it.

Shame there’s not as many people so inclined to use Reddit just a little less, doesn’t even need to be cold turkey; it WOULD make a difference. But there’s nothing wrong with using it, and you shouldn’t be judged for it either. It’s fine to be anti Reddit, but not anti user… in most cases ha ha! I’m pro voice and choice! ;D

I’m trying to use this as an alternative, and out of necessity as content does run thin sometimes on Lemmy I do end up using it less than I did with Reddit. But that’s healthy for me personally.

There’s less pressure and competitiveness on here for me, so I try to post better quality comments/content than I may have used to on Reddit. When Lemmy isn’t down or breaking my comment/post submissions I’ll have a better time engaging with the site, I don’t find myself rushing to comment before 400 irrelevant (sometimes one word) comments wash it away and bury it like on Reddit. I don’t find myself writing half a comment, and then deciding to quit half way as much.

Plus, people engage with posts and see them much longer than on Reddit, usually after a single day their posts would be entirely dead; guess it’s mostly due to less users at this point though.

JTheDoc ,

I had a good few years running until you did that, mate…

JTheDoc ,

Waiter stares at you waiting for you to return the tablet the entire time you all decide to order

JTheDoc ,

“Look at this sociopath”

JTheDoc ,


My excuse when I can’t rhyme or rap from now on ;)

JTheDoc , (edited )

I think a good third of what I have typed or posted so far on Lemmy has never succeeded as submitting them would cause it to stop responding and never compete. Refreshing will bring the page back up and allow me comment, but it’ll not work most the time.

Their downtime has been pretty severe… growing pains, I get it, but it’s not just that.

After several attempts at retyping it all, then trying to copy and paste to try to post again just got to me a bit. It’s taking a lot out of me as I’m personally struggling in life to try to communicate with people, with it being flakey all the time, it’s feels like when you have to repeat yourself, then just give up.

It’s a shame because I wanted to post in me communities, but I couldn’t. I keep seeing “View reply” on my comments, but they frequently never load or just vanish. I do wonder if they’re broken/incomplete replies.

JTheDoc ,

You are definitely right that it’s not that common an occurrence on the other instances. But yes, I should have clarified these issues are with

JTheDoc , (edited )


“And a message from our sponsor! Just kidding…

DBrand did offer though. :D

You can watch our progress transparently… on floatplane”

Is all I loosely heard from it. Shame his newly appointed CEO has to deal with this, I feel like he should have been the only one in the video. It would have put extra value and emphasis on his message, and cut out all the blame passing and job title responsibilities; they could have dealt with all the other stuff separately. They shouldn’t need to put their staff out there to dry like that (even if they’re management), the issue is blatantly deeper rooted.

If they’re trying to address their accuracy, management processes, or talk about video content burnout that influence their staff and viewers, it should have been short and sweet. They should have posted an update video to show us the progress. Not make promises and jokes and put half of it behind a paywall.

They wrote and uploaded their apology so quickly, they didn’t even let the fallout settle before more controversy came inevitably to light. Now they need to eventually address that in a video too seeing as there’s an investigation. Though it would have been hard to comment on year old incidences without an investigation to be fair.

I was told that when making apologies don’t use too many if at all any reasons… Justifying your action with excuses means you felt there was an exception. They shouldn’t have gone into specifics and just said “God damn we really ballsed that one up”.

JTheDoc ,

True, hopefully they’ve put thermal grease on it…

Preferably butter.

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