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Sailing7 , in Be the change you want to see!

I want you all to hear about this actually good website:

Type in the software that you want to replace.

Then toggle filters for your OS and if you want Properitery (paid or freemium) or FOSS.

Whole thing is based on community votings.

You can also vote down and describe with text a feedback, why a listed software doesnt really make a alternative to your software.

Or why it is a good alternative.

Sorry for bad formatting. I am writing this on mobile.

xusontha OP ,

Nah, this is great! I had seen a little bit of it before but hadn’t ever investigated, I will do so now!

Flughoernchen , in I'm ahead of the curve

Or maybe they were creeped out because you said things way too mature

ivanafterall , avatar

They're definitely not mutually exclusive.

Aurenkin ,

You know I was thinking, there really is no objective meaning to life. Everyone kind of chooses something they think is important to them but really, it doesn’t matter. It seems like all human endeavour is ultimately pointless in the timescale of the universe anyway but I just keep going because I’m not sure what else to do, not because it matters in any real sense.

For fucks sake Timmy, fine, you can have an extra scoop of ice cream just stop trying to give everyone an existential crisis.

UsernameIsTooLon ,

Yea but I got shows to finish and rollercoasters to ride still so life ain’t all that depressing.

Aurenkin ,

This is the way

kittenbridgeasteroid ,

Exactly. It has a lot to do with how your parents treat you as a child. I was always treated like a small adult, so I never had an issue getting along with adults (my mother has her masters in childhood development, so I’m assuming she knew what she was doing). If your parents treat you like a dumb kid, then that’s how you expect adults to interact with you.

bjoern_tantau , in This is why my cat hates me avatar

If the cat wakes me with snuggles and bullshit, I’m allowed to do the same to her.

HiddenLayer5 , in Listen here, kulak...

For those interested, Dessalines’ “what would be X like under communism” is a helpful aggregated of discussions regarding this:…

Cleverdawny OP ,

Hey! Literal communist propaganda. Honestly, the better thing to do instead of this is just ask someone over 50 who lives or lived in Eastern Europe.

MisterScruffy ,
Cleverdawny OP ,

It’s unsurprising that many Russians look back fondly to the time when they had imperial domination over more than a dozen foreign countries, looting them for resources and using them as military puppets.

MisterScruffy ,

You said:

ask someone over 50 who lives or lived in Eastern Europe.

Are you backing down on that statement now or are you saying that Russia isn’t in Eastern Europe?

Cleverdawny OP ,

Russia is sometimes included in that, I wasn’t. My apologies for being unclear. Russia is the former imperial center of the Soviet Empire, so they benefited dramatically from the labor and resources of their colonies. They also never adopted the kind of modern democratic capitalism which was a competing ideology to communism during the Cold War, instead adopting a form of fascism, so I thought it was obvious to anyone that when making the comparison between capitalism and communism in Eastern Europe, a good faith participant in a discussion would look at Bulgaria, Poland, East Germany, etc.

MisterScruffy ,

Silly of me the think that someone who lived in Russia during the USSR would know what it’s like to live under communism

Cleverdawny OP ,

When you’re contrasting communism and capitalism, it’s strange to do it by asking someone in a fascist kleptocracy whether they miss being at the heart of a massive empire

Russia is about the only former communist nation which is worse off now, excepting perhaps Ukraine - blame Russia for that, too - and it’s because they’re Russia, not because they’re ex communists.

OurToothbrush , (edited )

Non-russians especially in Central Asia voted to not dissolve the USSR at a much higher rate than Russians in 1991, so claiming it was a Russian empire is a bit nonsensical.

Check out the sources on this Wikipedia article


Cleverdawny OP ,

Mm hmm.

MisterScruffy ,
HiddenLayer5 , (edited )

“Did people in the USSR hate their governments?” -…

“Did the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries have functioning democracies?” -…

It’s also interesting how people who’s 50, who would have been around 18 when the USSR collapsed or their country seceeded and would have spent their entire adulthood and potentially a part of their teenhood bearing the shockwaves rocking every part of their country under the newly established capitalism (their supposed liberation and salvation and who their new governments claimed would fix literally everything and make them not miserable anymore) that nearly destroyed plenty of Eastern European countries, are overwhelmingly against the USSR, but the trend goes to far more favorable of the USSR the older you get. I’m sure it’s just nostalgia though, the oldest people are just behind on the times and their opinions don’t count.

Edit: I fixed a miscalculation I made regarding how old people were when the USSR collapsed. My bad.

kmkz_ninja ,

Would Chinese people tell you they hate their government? Is Chinese authoritarianism a good thing just because the people within China don’t complain?

HiddenLayer5 , (edited )

Most don’t, supported by a Harvard study of all things, not the CPC or Chinese media:…/long-term-survey-reveals-chine…

Harvard even discusses their methods of gathering honest information from locals and how they try to ensure people aren’t lying because they’re afraid of retribution. Surely the most famous and prestigious university in the US would have thought of that.

zbyte64 , avatar

Damn good read. Thanks

huge_clock ,

The economically left in Russia are also socially conservative (unlike in most western countries).

Cleverdawny OP ,

If capitalism destroyed Eastern Europe, it’s news to Eastern Europe

rjs001 , avatar

Do you think your silly comments serve a purpose besides to make you appear foolish?

Cleverdawny OP ,

Cope and seethe, tankie fascist

rjs001 , avatar

Tankie fascist? Are we just fully using words we don’t what they mean now?

Cleverdawny OP ,

I just like short circuiting auth scumbags who worship dictators. Tankies and fascists are two sides of the same coin, after all.

rjs001 , avatar

I think the only one who is short circuiting is yourself. You make no sense and sprout nonsense

Cleverdawny OP ,

Lmao ok tankie

rjs001 , avatar

As I said, go back to your Fox News. You use the term tankie unironically so if you think that any normal person cares what you have to say, I mean, I don’t think I even have a response to that

Cleverdawny OP ,

LMAO I don’t watch Fox News, tankie trash

rjs001 , avatar

You clearly do as you have fallen for their propaganda

OurToothbrush ,

0 days since I’ve had to trot out this article from a mainstream Jewish holocaust scholar on why equating communists and fascists is holocaust trivialization.

Cleverdawny OP ,

“Everything I don’t like is holocaust denial: a dishonest child’s guide to political slander”

Stalin also committed genocide, and he killed even more of his own people than Hitler did. He was also Hitler’s ally until he was betrayed by that ally. Tankies and fascists are two rotten peas in the same pod.

o_d , avatar

Stalin did none of that. Perhaps try reading a fucking book. Stalin signed a treaty with Hitler, just like all the countries in Western Europe. The difference is that Stalin first tried to get the Western European countries to ally against Hitler. They refused of course, because they love their fascism. Equating Stalin to Hitler is very fascist behavior.

OurToothbrush ,

Are you calling a mainstream Jewish holocaust scholar a dishonest child doing political slander?

Cleverdawny OP ,

If he’s saying that criticism of the USSR is holocaust denial, that is the camp he’s placing himself into.

OurToothbrush ,

He isn’t saying that though, he is saying equating communists and fascists holocaust trivialization.

Equating and criticizing aren’t the same thing. You’re equating.

Cleverdawny OP ,

So he’s minimizing the Holodomor, and all the other forced relocations and summary executions of undesirables under Stalin and other Soviet despots.

OurToothbrush ,

You’re literally doing the nazi propaganda he is talking about.

Cleverdawny OP ,

“refusal to minimize genocide is Nazi propaganda”

Stalin murdered even more people than Hitler. History equates them. I just recognize that reality. If you seriously think that’s holocaust denial then you’re a fucking joke.

OurToothbrush , (edited )

Stalin murdered even more people than Hitler.

That’s certainly a new one, where’d you get that statistic from, stormfront?

Cleverdawny OP ,

Stalin’s regime is estimated to have killed ca 20 million civilians during his time in power. Hitler, it’s around 12 million or so.

You can argue the figures because if you go by official government records it only comes to about eight million, but even if you believe the USSR about their own atrocities and not contemporary estimates, they’re still in the same ballpark as Hitler’s regime.

OurToothbrush ,

Where did you get those numbers from? Because over 26 million people died from the nazi invasion so the 12 million number is immediately false.

Cleverdawny OP ,

Civilian casualties, kiddo. And remember, Stalin helped Hitler start WW2, and was his ally at the start of the war, so, he doesn’t get a pass on military deaths during the war. It’s not like the USSR gets a pass like countries like France do.

OurToothbrush ,

Well soviet civilian casualties were something like 17 million people on their own, and 11 million people were killed in concentration camps, so…

And remember, Stalin helped Hitler start WW2

You do realize that the USSR signed a pact after the British and French rebuffed them and had already signed appeasement pacts with Germany right? (Including allowing them to size czech territory, which gave Germany much needed personnel, industry, and a fleet of really good early war tanks) And after they invaded Poland they dedicated resources to moving minorities out of the way of a nazi invasion they knew would come?

It’s not like the USSR gets a pass like countries like France do.

France literally signed pacts with nazis and did even worse appeasement than the Soviets did.

Cleverdawny OP ,

Yes. I am aware that Stalin tried to get Allied approval to invade and annex Poland or turn it into a puppet state and was rebuffed. That was his whole goal - conquering Poland.

OurToothbrush ,

Okay, so you aren’t aware of the USSRs attempts to create an alliance to stop nazi Germany, got it.

That was his whole goal - conquering Poland.

Do you get your political knowledge from the history Channel or from Prager U? Or a little bit of both?

Cleverdawny OP ,

No, no, you’re totally right, I bet the guy who jointly invaded Poland with the Nazis as their military ally wanted to station Soviet imperial troops on the Western border of Poland out of charity and not his thirst for conquest

FluffyPotato ,

The USSR collapsed in 1991 so you would be 18 then if you’re 50 now. It very much depends on where in the USSR you were, the countries resisting their imperialism got the worse of it. In the baltics most older folks lost family or friends to the occupation so their views on it aren’t actually favourable, especially if they remember the time before occupation.

Gerula , (edited )

Here there is a cesspit of inexperienced communists. That means you are dreaming of something written in books or explained by other dreamers but haven’t yourself experience the “superior” lifestyle of the “new man”.

I haven’t read all the links in detail but at least the statistics concerning my country are total bullshit. They aren’t faked but the results are misrepresented in a more perverse and I dare to say “comunist way” (meaning the same practices that dominated my country and society for 45 years).

L.E.: it seems my comment hit a sensitive spot. Thank you!

pastermil ,

Tell that to Ukraine and Kazakstan!

krey , in TTFN ta ta for now, mutha fuckers

that looks insanely dangerous.

Thcgrasscity OP , avatar

Don’t be ridikkerous!

Skanky ,

Try flipping it around and inserting it from the other end

Wutchilli ,

Yeah. Not flexible, to long, no base before you impaled yourself, pointy, probably used standing…

Cyberwitch_7493 , avatar

Idk, does this count as a flared base? I wouldn’t trust it, but I’m no expert.

irmoz , in Anti-socialism propaganda be like

Lol, “socialism is when capitalism” strikes again

BurgerPunk , avatar

Every accusation a confession. Anti-communist propaganda is projection all the way down

drbluefall ,

Always gotta remember:

Ask a socialist why they hate capitalism and they’ll give you a dozen reasons.

Ask a capitalist why they hate socialism and they’ll describe capitalism.

LEDZeppelin , in Tech News online right now

Mass media controlled by a handful of billionaires is simping for social media controlled by a handful of billionaires. Color me shocked.

These media giants will never let fediverse become big

zcd ,

Federated social media is extremely dangerous for them

psud ,

If the fediverse is good, it will persist.

TacoButtPlug , in You have 1 wish... avatar

This is basically what I run for a living and it’s definitely not glamorous.

eslaf ,

Employers get what they demand, what they deserve. Anyway excel works as a database until around 1 million entries…

xpinchx ,

Once you get to a million just start a new one and create a “master” spreadsheet that uses power query to append them all. Problem solved ;)

Don’t tell anyone but I actually do this.

Confused_Emus ,

I work as a network tech for a globally spanning ISP specializing in fiber services, handling major maintenances that are service effecting for business and government customers (SLAs are in effect). These maintenances are planned and tracked through various excel sheets - housed either in a shared network drive (so yeah, we may run into issues where multiple people are trying to edit the same doc at once), or excel tables in a SharePoint.

Prior to the merger of companies I recently went through, we had actual database systems to track this stuff that worked just fine. And now we’re relying on the same shit a grad student would use to track their doctorate progress. It’ll work until it doesn’t. Looking forward to the shit-show if it gets me overtime.

over_clox , in I need answers

No no, everyone knows you’re supposed to put a mirror behind it, duh.

9point6 ,

Funnily enough this may actually have a positive impact

People used to create tinfoil, tin can or wok based reflectors for WiFi to guide the omnidirectional signal into becoming a directional one.

I think the reflective part of some mirrors is essentially tin foil, so it probably would have a mild boosting effect in the direction of the mirror

Edit: in fact if OP’s fan has a rounded metal cage on it, you could take the front half off and you’ve basically got a WokFi setup there, with added danger

agitatedpotato ,

A wire in a Pringles can makes for a fabulous directional can-tenna

Sheeple , avatar

Also if it’s close enough, the metal of the fan itself serves as a pretty decent antennae. You can accomplish the same by taping a fork to the box!

It’s the silliest little lifehack yet wrapping a wire around a fork, then wrapping the other end around the router works so well

TimeSquirrel , avatar

Modern wifi APs have beamforming algorithms. No reflector required.

9point6 ,

I’ve heard about this but not had loads of time to read into how it works and how effective the algorithms are. Do you happen to know about it in depth? I’ve wondered for a while how much efficiency is actually improved by the beamforming and what the limitations are

Like I’ve read about cantennas that fire 802.11g over several hundred meters, which in my understanding is obviously is out of reach for regular WiFi antenna even with beamforming algorithms (or is it? I actually don’t know)

Bytemeister ,

Read up on Yagi antennas.

Essentially you are stacking waves. If you have an array of trasmitters, you can have them send a constructive signal or a destructive signal as a signal “wave” passes them. Using this property, you can change the shape of the wave propagation. Think of it like throwing a stone in a pond, and then throwing in a second or third stone at the exact right moment to combine the ripples, creating a stronger wave in a particular direction depending on when and where you throw the stones.

Natanael ,

We use it for talking to distant satellites, but then we also combine arrays of large directional dish antennas with beam shaping algorithms

9point6 ,

Man, I’ve always wondered how yagi antennas actually managed to produce a directional beam vs something like a dipole. Your comment has really made it click for me, honestly big thanks! Very clear 5-9

Bytemeister ,

Yep. Now imagine each element on the yagi antenna is its own antenna that can be triggered by a controller, instead of just being one big “dumb” antenna. Now by timing the “firing” of each antenna you can create a directional beam in pretty much any direction.

kbotc ,

Yep, and the fan moving in back almost certainly will fuck up beamforming as reflections are fairly important to get the beam to do object avoidance and if your reflective surface is angled and moving quickly…

over_clox ,

You’re not wrong. Matter of fact, you’re absolutely right!

Back around 2011, I used a pie pan and USB WiFi dongle to snag the neighbor’s WiFi. My pie pan contraption basically tripled the signal strength, and I never had a single dropout. 👍

umbrella , avatar

i have used a long tin can, similar to a pringles can before to steal a neighbour wifi back in the day. this is legit

Bene7rddso ,

The reflective part of mirrors is silver, but yes

joseandres42 ,

But how does the mirror knows what’s behind the paper?!

Four_lights77 , in Why must we be done this way?

School will never be as interesting as a phone. Your teacher will never be as entertaining as an influencer. Your textbooks will never be as entertaining as your feed. What families and teenagers have to understand is that education is a choice. If you want to learn, you’ll probably have to put your phone down for long periods of time to actively listen and learn. It’s difficult. It tires you out. It’ll frustrate you. But you will eventually learn.

Then again - when I look at home prices and inflation, I understand young people’s feelings of futility.

Good luck young people. I’m really rooting for you to figure this out.

Waltzy ,

As a former young person that came from poverty and is finally buying a house in a high cost of living area, go read “so good they can’t ignore you” it might help with the figuring out!

Numuruzero ,

I don’t think it’s just a feeling of futility - it’s true phones can be distracting and offer more potential entertainment, and it’s true learning can sometimes be a slog. At the same time, learning can be fun and engaging, and phones can offer access to a wealth of information (of highly varying quality, admittedly).

Concentrating too hard on mere academic success as gauged by metrics like school grades is undoubtedly discouraging for a student who only goes to school if they are told they must.

trailing9 ,

When I look at home prices I know that school never has been good. People don’t understand what they have to do to drive down prices.

Why can’t Tiktok be used to find the best courses? There is no need for teachers to teach when Tiktok can do it better. Let teachers become mentors.

usernamesaredifficul ,

Tiktok cannot do it better. Tiktok is an app designed to hold attention. If you are more engaged by cat videos than geometry tiktok will not try and show you geometry

trailing9 ,

The Tiktok algorithm can be limited to educational videos. Of course this requires cooperation from Tiktok or the introduction of a new app.

usernamesaredifficul ,

that would just be a new app and why would tiktok cooperate with that. There isn’t as much money in that area and even if there was an educational app kids would go on tiktok instead of it

user224 , avatar

Your teacher will never be as entertaining as an influencer.

Those influencers are entertaining?

redempt ,

people learn things all the time despite phones existing. the issue is not solely being more entertaining. people need to find their learning meaningful and aligned with their own interests and goals. students don’t, and so they go on their phones. go to a college classroom and you’ll see people more engaged on average. still far from perfect, and that system is broken in many ways too, but people are at least studying something they chose and are presumably interested in.

“I’m really rooting for you to figure this out” rings hollow. we all need to be part of the solution. gen Z feels like it’s carrying the expectation of fixing literally every societal problem right now and it sucks.

walter_wiggles , in Please discuss.

It’s two sandwiches…topologically speaking.

If you take the traditional idea of a sandwich and draw a loop around the plane where the surfaces come together you get a mathematical sandwich.

Since the bagel abomination has two such areas and you can draw non-intersecting loops around each, it follows that there are indeed two sandwiches present.

agressivelyPassive ,

That depends on your definition of a sandwichable surface. If crust can be buttered as well and is considered equal to cut surfaces (which, coming from a rye bread country, is certainly the case with these fluffy things), then this is simply a sandwich without filling in the middle. This might also be achieved by suboptimal spreading on a single surface.

octoperson ,

I’m pretty sure it counts as a sandwich as defined by the ham sandwich theorem. The only part that might be debatable is that the filling is not a single connected volume, but that doesn’t seem to be required by the proof.

jayrhacker , in damnit ted avatar
dan1101 , in Please discuss.

It is a sandwich because the toppings are sandwiched between bread. But it’s not a good sandwich.

JazzAlien ,

Now, they wouldn’t be toppings in this configuration, would they?

Num10ck ,


ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar


robot_dog_with_gun ,

if it’s a sandwich it’s not “toppings” anyway.

theodewere , in He is a broken man avatar

shit she's like something out of a 19th Century short story.. i imagine them living in a little cottage away from neighbors, so he's alone with her.. and the babies..

Simulation6 , in Shame 🔔

It’s like they are saying ‘I know I should feel ashamed for believing in this silliness, but I don’t’.

StenSaksTapir ,

I’m pretty sure it’s a reference to molesting kids.

“Yeah I know what the church did and it doesn’t bother me in the least. If those kids didn’t want to be molested, they shouldn’t have been near priests.”

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