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shasta , in Housing is a Human Right, Hording unimaginable sums of Wealth, is not.

I can’t believe so many of you are upvoting a post about murdering homeless people. You monsters!

Allero ,
Aux ,

Still waiting for that to happen…

wewbull ,

Would have been a better joke without the “all”. Then the meaning is ambiguous.

ChemicalPilgrim , in oh no Germany what is u doin

Well, they’ve only killed 1% of Gazans, surely that’s not enough to worry about their intentions!

Amaltheamannen ,

And wounded or mailed many more! Not to mention making large parts of the strip uninhabited and leaving hundreds of thousands without homes.

GenEcon ,

Thats not the definition of a genocide… Germany killed 1 % of the french population in WW2 and its wasn’t a genocide.

A genocide is characterized by the intention to annihilate a people. And while the far right in Israel is voicing support for a genocide, the current offensive is definitely not a genocide. This doesn’t mean that its not against international law or just. But it simply doesnt fit the definition of a genocide – no matter how often you call it that way.

TangledRockets ,

Have you read the articles of the genocide convention?

arymandias ,

That is what he says, it’s time to look into the intentions. And saying that it is just far right fringe figures that are making genocidal statements is a nice way to play with the facts, because the far right is currently in power in Israel. The SA case at the ICJ contains a long segment of quotes from Israeli officials and ministers making genocidal statements on the record.

To add to this, western governments are fully aware that Israel is breaking international law (and proud of it), because they refuse to answer any questions on this topic. For example David Cameron called on Israel to allow for fresh water to enter Gaza, implying that Israel is currently blocking this. Blocking access to drinking water is in violation of international law, when pressed on this Cameron said he was quote “not a lawyer”, and said he could not remember if he has been shown any evidence of violations of international law by Israel (as if that is something you would forget).

The west is showing that a rules based international order only applies for the global south, many people in the west might be too stupid or ignorant to see this but outside of the west this is doing irreparable damage to the credibility of the west.

flamingo_pinyata , in Everything I need is still in in the old settings windows that haven't changed in 23 years

Like why is it so hard for them? The underlying settings database doesn’t have to change, only the UI. Unless it’s all so messed up nobody dares touch it.

KoboldCoterie , avatar

Based on the progress from Win7 to Win8 to Win10 to Win11, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” doesn’t seem to be a prevailing mantra at Microsoft.

ratman150 ,

Wait till you see the enterprise side where you may find a panel that is virtually identical to something from windows 2000

Ottomateeverything ,

What do you mean? You can still open control panel from XP/Vista and basically every option menu still points to the same shit that hasn’t changed since Windows 95. Go open device manager and go to the properties of any device and you get like XP stuff at newest. Event Viewer, Disk Management, and many other high level panels haven’t changed from XP.

90 percent of windows menus are still the same as 2000, even on the consumer side. And they’re not virtually identical, they ARE identical.

SpaceNoodle ,

You misspelled “Windows 3.1”

Ottomateeverything ,

Lol, honestly, that’s probably fair. My memory basically ends at 95 though and I don’t remember any 3.1 menus well enough to make a call on that distinction.

Kbin_space_program ,

Also that win32 is the basis of Windows, and most devs these days don't understand it as it is a pre c++ kinda-sorta-in-the-right-angle Object Oriented language.

SpaceNoodle ,

Win32 is an API, not a language.

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

And it’s way post-C++.

nightwatch_admin ,

It most definitely is not, kernel is still mostly C, other components mostly c++. I wish they would be using something like Rust, that would save me from so many vulnerabilities that I need to fix :(
Edit: oops, you were talking about the api. I was talking about Windows. You can use many languages with the api, of course.

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

I was talking about the fact that Win32 was made a decade after C++.

dessalines ,

Never doing a code rewrite gives you stuff like this: a 15ft long nerve that should only have to travel a few inches

KoboldCoterie , avatar

Sure, but you can refactor code without completely changing or removing functional and widely used features. Especially looking at Win11 vs. Win10, it just feels malicious at this point. “How can we shoehorn in more advertising, AI and telemetrics?”

x4740N , avatar

That nerve looks like a weirdly deformed phallus

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

How do you know it isn’t?

Computerchairgeneral , in Glory to our new overlords!

Seeing MatPat being called the old internet is...something all right. Almost as disorienting as seeing all the "Who?" reactions to the news. I guess it isn't that surprising given how huge Youtube is. I'm sure there are plenty of giant channels I've never heard of. That being said I'm curious to see if any more "old-school" youtubers decide to retire over the next year.

guyrocket , in Cringe avatar

Honestly, this is a lot better / more hopeful than other stories. These people are doing far better than the homeless in tents. In winter.

Like these poor people:

mrchuckles ,

the land is being developed, and crime was getting out of control. and they only had to move three blocks to a different one, supplied by the city. to cite the very article you posted:

There were more than 100 emergency calls for drug use, sex acts, theft, vandalism and unresponsive people in and around the camp. A number of neighboring American Indian nonprofit organizations urged the city to close it.

it’s a little more nuanced than mean people kicking out poor defenseless citizens.

087008001234 ,

I’m not big on people supplying hard drugs, and theft often goes with threat of violence and trauma, but the criminalization of drug addiction, human sexuality when homeless, and whatever “unresponsive people” specifically refers to… yeah, I’m gonna say that there’s a lot less nuance than you might prefer.

mrchuckles ,

theft and vandalism? don’t conflate the issue this isn’t about the cruel treatment of the addicted. it’s about keeping the law abiding citizens safe. empathy has been granted for years, this didn’t happen overnight. coupled with the fact that there were calls for closure from non profit organizations… maybe read the article

guyrocket , avatar

I agree that the situation in the article is complicated and that these homeless people were not exactly saints.

My point above is that these homeless people living in tents in an empty lot in January are worse off than the homeless people in the article that OP references. Those homeless people live in cars in a protected lot which I think is a big improvement from tent life.

mrchuckles ,

tru. at least it’s been a pretty mild winter in mn so far, fingers crossed.

t_berium , in title avatar

Holy Chainsword, blessed be thy Machine Spirit

Chakravanti , in Proof of twerk


Monero won’t broadcast every exchange’s handler’s details: IP address, ID, time & Date, Amount, Target, Totals, etc.

toastal ,

Zcash too if you enable it

Chakravanti ,

Fraud. Zcash is closed source. Also it’s a backdoor backstabbing snitch coin too. Touching that is ignorant.

toastal ,

Willing to be wrong as I mostly observe from afar but the repo is here:

How z-to-z shielded transactions using zero-knowledge proofs snitching?

explodicle ,

Just use Lightning and you’ll have literally the same onion routing as Tor. Monero doesn’t hide your IP address or dates either.

If there’s ever an inflation bug in Monero (like the value overflow incident), it will go undetected.

Chakravanti ,

Doesn’t stop the transaction from being broadcast all details. TOR or not don’t matter. Broadcast of all details is %100 lightning or not. Monero DOES “hide” your details. It may be visible that I access the Monero network if I don’t ride a VPN but it doesn’t matter. No more info about said usage is broadcast.

I can see you used PornHub today too. Should have used a VPN. I know how long you watched each of those videos too. Maybe find a VPN that accepts Monero, not the Snitchcoin.


explodicle ,

We don’t strongly disagree here - we’re both protecting our online privacy by bouncing that traffic around a little, through either a VPN or Tor.

We’re betting our freedom on the assumption that the bad guys won’t compromise each hop. It’s easier for them to compromise PornHub and then my VPN than it is to compromise each LN hop. So Monero won’t make my wanking any safer; the dick police will just go after the weakest link.

The value overflow incident was a bug that allowed some dude to give himself a bazillion bitcoins. It was caught and fixed before he spent any.

Chakravanti ,

I’m betting on the ability to have the masses learn to protect themselves by adapting to FOSS.

In other words. We’re all gonna die. Very fucking soon. Faster than any cracker can break Monero.

Mubelotix , avatar

Just use coinjoin over Tor

Chakravanti ,

Or swap for Monero over Bisq (TOR market). Whatever. Bitcoin is Snitchcoin. Everything is broadcast enough you cannot avoid it. Even your methods aren’t enough.

cashews_best_nut , in Jordanian Petersonian

I really liked Jordan for a while. I even bought his book (12 Rules of Life).

But he seemed to go a bit mental at some point and I lost interest.

Then I read a massive blog post by one of his former colleagues that said he’d always wanted to establish a church and be a preacher. It all kinda fell into place and I realised he’d always been mental.

RQG , avatar

Same. I got his book as an ebook and read it. It offers some decent if simple advice and draws some really weird and false conclusions in other places. But overall it isn’t a bad book and I never felt like he argued on bad faith. But eventually I decided I don’t agree with his views overall.

Later he went a bit weird eating only meat and making weird arguments so idk. But before that I totally understood how he could suck people into the right wing bubble.

stolid_agnostic ,

In my experience and observation, he works best on those who don’t have their own sense of identity because they just picked up whatever mantle was expected of them from society and moved on without a second thought. These people ultimately realize that they and their lives are meaningless and work to fill that void. Someone like Peterson can attempt to fill that empty spot, though ultimately it’ll fail.

Hyperreality ,

That's the thing. From what I've gathered, a lot of what he says is perfectly sensible, often age old philosophical advice. But that's how they get you. It's like Russia Today. They mix the lies with plenty of truth. If they only told lies, they would be far less convincing.

Of course, another thing Peterson does, is use expensive words to make himself sound smarter than he actually is. If you have a related degree or spend a little time on wikipedia, you'll notice he's often talking nonsense. But to the layman, Jordan sounds like he's a great intellectual. I don't think he's deliberately trying to scam his followers, I think he earnestly wants to help them. I'm willing to believe he means well. It's just that he's like a respected doctor who thinks he knows better than his lawyer and ends up getting himself convicted. He may be an expert in his field of expertise, but he clearly isn't outside that field. He often sounds like an overeducated idiot. There are plenty of those in academia, unfortunately.

If anything, I find it a damning indictment of society (and the media), that a run of the mill motivational speaker can become so popular.

stolid_agnostic ,

I feel that the Elon lovers go through similar when he says something that finally pierces the vail.

Omega_Haxors ,

Sadly it’s times like this when you need to look back and ask yourself how such a blatant charlatan can get one over on you, because they never ‘get bad’ but rather were always bad and you just didn’t see it. Sargon taught me to stay the fuck away from Vaush, that cryptofascist. Seeing how easily Sargon, a blatant nazi propagandist was able to get 1 video out of me made sure that people like him wouldn’t even get that.

youngalfred , in 6÷2(1+2)

Typo in article:

If you are however willing to except the possibility that you are wrong.

Except should be ‘accept’.

Not trying to be annoying, but I know people will often find that as a reason to disregard academic arguments.

wischi OP ,

Thank you very much 🫶. No it’s not annoying at all. I’m very grateful not only for the fact that you read the post but also that you took the time to point out issues.

I just fixed it, should be live in a few minutes.

Iamdanno ,

A person not knowing the difference in usage between except and accept sounds like a perfectly reasonable reason to disregard their math skills.

SmartmanApps , avatar

Especially when said person keeps making incorrect statements about Maths and ignores completely what is taught in high school.

SmartmanApps , avatar

academic arguments

The “academic arguments” can be ignored since this is actually high school Maths - it’s taught in Year 7-8.

MotoAsh , in The truth is still out there

They were covering up the news about the ocean srreams possibly dying by 2025. They did it to cover up the news that they’re officially destroying the planet.

technicalogical ,

You do realize the media could run a week straight of news about ocean currents dying and half the population would challenge whether or not we even have or need ocean currents.

YourFavouriteNPC , avatar

Ocean “currents”? I ain’t never seen no goddamn “currents” in the ocean, boy. Have you? They just be sayin’ these things to keep us distracted from how their undloadin’ trucks full of illegals in are country to steal are jobs and sell drugs and live off of welfare!

SuckMyWang OP ,

Yeh we ain’t stupid. How would grapes get sundried if they’re in the ocean anyway?

atx_aquarian , avatar

Dey took are jarbs!!

MotoAsh ,

Are you saying the other half wouldn’t demand action?

This isn’t about what the idiots would do. This is about what leaders would’ve been asked to do if the headlines were about the oceans and not aliens.

Do not do the shady politicians’ job for them and help the distraction work… It was to cover so they could remain lazy.

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

Lol as if the half that cares has gotten their politicians to do anything about it when they actually have control.

MotoAsh ,

Seriously, stop doing their work for them. The point was to keep the job less stressful. Just because they’d ignore everyone doesn’t mean they want to hear all of those calls to action.

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

And my point is that you can shout until your lungs disintegrate and the only thing that really talks is money. Money you ain’t giving them and big oil is.

MotoAsh ,

I agree. My point is putting your lips to their ass to blow raspberries doesn’t help. A lot of people view it as unironic ass kissing.

Gabu ,

Right, great idea - let’s all just give up and jump from the top of a cliff headfirst into rocks. No, wait, what I meant is bad idea. Horrible, horrible idea.

Anticorp ,

Don’t look up!

MeowZedong , avatar

Also Don’t look up how the US military was able to influence that movie! It’s uselessly vague or redacted!

harmsy , in yellow guy

You thought it would be a new yellow guy, but it was I! DIO!!

crackajack , in They aren't, and I'm sick of being told they are

Anyone who worked in both private and public would know both are not more efficient than the other.

Public services are chronically underfunded because of corruption. Private companies perform rabbit in a hat trick by making you guess what undisclosed ingredients they put in your food if they’re not regulated, just so to save cost and make money for themselves!

Patches ,

If these last few years have taught us anything.

They are putting undisclosed ingredients into the food even if they are regulated.

WetBeardHairs ,

Slim Jim - now flavored with microplastics and preserved with forever chemicals

Patches , (edited )

Slim Jim’s were the original forever chemicals. You ever seen one go bad?

Even_Adder , in 80085

Why do those waveforms look so loud?

Honytawk ,

Very excited breathing

Aggravationstation ,

They’re both extended cuts of Horny '98 by Mousse T.

scytale , (edited )

He’s applying the wall of sound technique. Everyone knows women like overcompressed mixes with no dynamics.

Bronco1676 ,

It’s delivered quietly, so that should be okay

Poggervania , in Apple being... Apple! avatar

False, the bag would be severely overengineered and somehow have connectivity with AirTags

TWeaK ,

iPhones are engineered? I thought you had to hold them properly for them to work?

Something something rectangle inside a rectangle with rounded corners.

Ghostalmedia , avatar

Those iPhone 4’s had a milled stainless chassis. They were very much engineered. Just not engineered to make calls.

riotRhino , in When will that bastard die?

In a just universe, Henry Kissinger would be dead. Henry Kissinger is proof that a) God hates us and wants us to suffer or b) There is no god and the universe is a dark and cold indifferent place.

onkyo ,

Considering they gave him the nobel peace prize I have to assume there is someone out there that really hates us.

yesman ,

The Nobel prize is a joke. They gave Europe the prize for going several years without burning down the whole world. They gave it to Obama for being black.

They gave the chemistry prize to a chemical weapons guy, the medicine prize to the guy who invented the lobotomy.

People Magazine’s “sexiest man alive” has more credibility because at least all the winners were good looking.

stoy ,

The Nobel peace prize is a joke…

The others are still usually pretty cool…

Turun ,

Economics is 50/50 too. It’s not in the OG set of prizes and the science is hit and miss as well.

But yeah, physics, chemistry, medicine are all prizes that highlight game changing discoveries.

stoy ,

Economics is just a shit prize, it devalues the rest of the prizes, and should never been allowed to be awarded among the others.

The litterature prize started as a good idea, but these days it has lost a lot of presteige, just looks back at when Bob Dylan was forced to get the prize.

He didn’t want the prize, but the organizers still awarded him the prize, looking like a weirdly obsessive fan club.

itslilith , avatar

There isn’t a Nobel prize for economics, at least not really. The swedish central bank made their own price, to be awarded by the Nobel foundation

pressanykeynow ,

Didn’t they give it to the chemistry guy because he solved world hunger and not because of the weapons? There was an episode about him on Veritasium.

Custoslibera OP ,

Obama got the peace prize as well.

Blowing children up with drones apparently qualifies you.

deft ,

or this is hell

Cranakis ,

A strong argument to your point: Kissinger dies at 100. Frank Zappa, 52. I think there is no god but can’t rule out a.

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