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theshatterstone54 ,

That’s like the picture of a normal dude with Nano, a large Vim dude, a larger buff Emacs dude and an ever larger massive Ed dude.

PotatoesFall ,

eh the emacs folks are just chilling in a corner somewhere. Maybe in the old folks home together with the ed users

escapedgoat ,

Don’t forget the joe user in the corner wearing a trench coat with a bomb strapped to his chest wired to a dead man’s switch.

thingsiplay ,

Ed is like Skynet itself.

pastermil ,

Do people still use ed unironically outside of scripting context?

peto ,

Unironically? Maybe not. But using something ironically is still using it.

RandomLegend , avatar
xeekei ,

Micro, hell yea!

macattack ,

Made the switch as well thanks to the modern key bindings

wesker , avatar

nano gang

NegativeLookBehind , avatar


Lightor ,

They hate’us cause they anus.

thingsiplay ,

The Terminator is not here to kill you, its here to protect you from Emacs (which can change its form to anything).

tetris11 , avatar

Cmon dude, what’s most likely to be Skynet?

  • Vim: Clearly evil, lightning fast. Relies on vimscript for any interactivity and can barely be used outside of the editor.
  • Emacs: the hippie brain child of some of the brightest minds at the MIT AI lab, funded by military contracts. Slow, but uses a near-universal language that can easily escape the bounds of the editor, (and often does (, and holy shit where did those parentheses come from. (Oh no, it’s becoming self-aware… fly you fools!
thingsiplay ,

Vim: Clearly evil, lightning fast. Relies on vimscript for any interactivity and can barely be used outside of the editor.

I don’t know why you want use Vimscript for anything outside of the editor. But if that your issue, then there is Neovim. It uses Lua instead Vimscript, but what is the benefit of using Lua outside of Vim? That changes nothing.

tetris11 , avatar

Lua outside of Vim has huge applications in embedded products. Dude I would kill for Lua. Do you know what we have? Common Lisp. Yeah, it’s great and fancy and all, but try adding that to your CV and applying for an embedded system job.

thingsiplay ,

My point is, then use Lua outside of Vim. What does this have anything to do with the language used in Vim? You can use Vimscript in Vim, and still use Lua outside of Vim. So what’s the problem? It’s not like Lua gets available to you outside of Vim, just because you switch to Neovim. What do I miss here?

tetris11 , avatar

(it was mostly a joke, but) the skills you acquire tinkering your Vim to your needs using vimscript can’t be used elsewhere, whereas Emacs has the (small) advantage that at least most of one’s elisp skills can be translated to common lisp quite easily (with the joke being that common lisp really isn’t that useful, hence my Lua jealousy rant).

cygnus , avatar

It uses Lua instead Vimscript, but what is the benefit of using Lua outside of Vim?

The only other (in fact, the first) place I’ve run into Lua is WoW plugins.

thingsiplay ,

But WoW plugins have nothing to do with Vim. That’s my point. You can use Lua in WoW, while using Vimscript in Vim.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

Nah… vim users fight emacs users, but not nano users. Wrong league. We do not beat little children ;)

skittlebrau ,

Nano is more like fast food. It’s easy and convenient, but it makes you feel a little guilty and dirty afterwards.

sping ,

And yet Emacs users don’t fight vim users. Emacs users decided vim’s interface was pretty cool and added it to Emacs. Somehow people still call it a war though.

kata1yst ,

Bruh 😂 the Emacs user community absolutely constantly shit on Vim users. When they added Vi(m) bindings they literally named it ‘evil mode’, and they constantly make fun of people who use it, and spacemacs, and the latest flavor of (neo)vi(m), and all the extensions necessary to make vim halfway useful as an ide, etc etc etc.

amw3i7dwgoblinlabs , avatar

Evil or the extensible vi layer is super popular and improves the one area that emacs was lacking i prefer the emacs keybinds but have never seen peeps chat shit about it

dysprosium ,

For vim I had to config or install something just to be able to COPY something to use outside vim, how backwards is that? Isn’t this the most standard feature one can expect to work as default?

thingsiplay , (edited )


  • Loading...
  • gnutrino ,

    Once again proving that the easiest way to work out how to do something in vim is to post something along the lines of “vim sucks because it can’t do x” online :)

    flying_gel ,

    You mean you couldn’t copy some text from vim and paste it into another application? if yes, what did you have to install/configure for that? I’ve never had any issues copy paste from/to vim, console/GUI windows/Unix.

    Chewt ,

    it actually does work by default, you just probably missed how to do it in the help pages in vim. For those curious, the system clipboard is its own named register in vim (:help registers to learn more) and can be accessed with either “* or “+ depending on your how your system is configured.

    To copy a line: ”*yy or ”+yy

    To paste a line: ”*p or ”+p

    737 ,

    stop using vim, if you want a non modal editor use vim -y

    rhys ,

    Uh, just trying non-modal vim for the first time and… how do I quit it? I can’t :q.

    Boxscape , avatar

    Uh, just trying non-modal vim for the first time and… how do I quit it? I can’t :q.

    MyNameIsRichard , avatar

    I’ve never tried modal vim because I’ve only just heard about it. The next thing I’d try is restarting the computer. Or Ctrl + Q whichever’s easier.

    tetris11 , avatar

    Ctrl-q and then if it asks to save, type “no, fuck you”

    FMT99 ,
    mariusafa ,

    Vscode is malware

    sunbunman ,

    VScodium is FOSS though

    fluxion ,


    gigachad ,

    Integrated Mevelopment Environment. You should have known this

    jaybone ,

    I’m a meveloper

    gigachad ,

    MevOps Engineer

    jaybone ,

    My mate mevops

    ObsidianZed ,

    tips fedora M’eveloper

    socsa ,

    The M stands for beefcake

    jmcs ,

    Easy is relative. What are you trying to do? Replace a value in an yaml file? Then nano is easier. Trying to refactor a business critical perl/brainfuck polyglot script in production? Then you probably want to use vim (or emacs if you are one of those people)

    grysbok , avatar

    Walk someone else through editing a config file on the command-line over screenshare? Nano. Omg nano is your friend.

    Dasnap , avatar

    I started on Unix systems using Vim, so I find Nano to be the confusing editor. A Vim install is one of the first things I do on a new server.

    brokenlcd ,

    Ed users entered the chat

    bizdelnick ,

    Vim (or emacs, or any other advanced text editor) is much easier to use than nano when you need to do something more complex than type couple of lines.

    tetris11 , avatar

    (…once you learn the bindings)

    Jean_le_Flambeur ,

    Better? Maybe!

    More efficient? Surley!

    But easier?! Hell no! Easy means you can use it without a lot of training or studying. It is self explanatory. And there is no way on earth that vim is easier than nano. I don’t need to know anything to use nano I need to check docs for hours before I can even start using vim

    bizdelnick ,

    It is easier after you learn basics. Learning is not easy, but usage is.

    Jean_le_Flambeur ,

    Well okay by that logic playing Beethoven in piano is super easy

    GammaGames ,

    A handful of shortcuts isn’t that hard

    Fox ,

    Right, it’s remembering them and using them efficiently that’s hard. It’s amusing watching coworkers try to flex in vim and then struggle at the most basic tasks.

    socsa ,

    This makes it seem like jerking off to MILF porn is hard because there is a learning curve

    leisesprecher ,

    And how often does that happen in the real world?

    VIM may have been a very useful tool 20 or 30 years ago, but today it’s nothing else but a tool for one’s sense of superiority. It’s the vinyl of editors.

    If you have to type that much code in a terminal, your infrastructure is outdated. Simple as that.

    bizdelnick ,

    Every day in my case, except holidays.

    leisesprecher ,

    …so your infrastructure is outdated.

    timbuck2themoon ,

    Yes it’s so outdated that mostly every IDE offers usage with its keybindings.

    Chewt ,

    You seem to believe that people only use the terminal if they HAVE to. I doubt anybody these days HAS to type any amount of code in the terminal, but choose to anyway. Like probably anyone else I have access to modern tools and infrastructure, but I choose to do work in the terminal because I’m more productive there. I use (neo)vim because I like it more than any other text editor I’ve used, and have no problem writing code and debugging in the terminal.

    leisesprecher ,

    You’re using the terminal, because you’re used to it. It is not the better tool, it’s simply what you happen to know already.

    People who argue with productivity because of some key bindings live in the world of the 80s. You don’t just sit there and type code 12h a day, that’s not how modern software development works.

    And all those blockheads down voting me are caught up in their weird superiority complex. They are the powerful superhackers, and don’t understand that we are just highly qualified plumbers.

    Chewt ,

    I’m actually fairly young and wasn’t around in the 80s. I graduated college with a CS degree in the past 5 years, where I was exposed to many different tools and software. What did I come out of that experience with? I like the terminal more than any IDE I had to use in any class.

    Now in the real world, we don’t always get to use our favorite tools for every task, obviously. I do need to use other, more enterprise, software from time to time for work. But whenever possible I go to the terminal because I’m faster there, and I can quickly automate things.

    I’m not saying the terminal is the best tool for every job, I’m just saying it is the best for ME. Notice I’m also not putting down other tools here. It seems to me like you might be the one with a superiority complex.

    leisesprecher ,

    No, I’d argue you simply didn’t want to invest in the other tools.

    Think about it, you probably spent hours on customizing and automating vim, and then say you’re faster in that. Well, that’s called a habit.

    IDE are objectively more powerful and since you can actually see options and navigate quickly, you don’t need to memorize every obscure feature.

    All the terminal editor enthusiasts are actively holding us back, because they insist everything outside vim is garbage for enterprise and kiddies.

    If your tool of choice is actively hostile to new users for no reason other than “that’s how it’s always been, and thus it’s better”, well then you’re digging a moat to automate your gatekeeping.

    Theharpyeagle ,

    I actually use VIM bindings in PyCharm, slightly cursed but actually works really well and meshes fairly nicely with the other IDE shortcuts. Being able to use it in any terminal is a nice bonus.

    havocpants ,

    VIM may have been a very useful tool 20 or 30 years ago, but today it’s nothing else but a tool for one’s sense of superiority. It’s the vinyl of editors.

    So, because you don’t understand something, it’s outdated?

    If you have to type that much code in a terminal, your infrastructure is outdated. Simple as that.

    Ok, I can see you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    leisesprecher ,

    I understand it very well. And that’s exactly why I’m writing this.

    Ok, I can see you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Then say, grandmaster delusion, what purpose does vim serve, where it is actually the best tool? Writing code? Hardly, it’s way too limited and requires a ton of upfront investment and headspace. Writing config files? Hardly, because if you write these by hand, you’re living in the 90s, that’s what Ansible, Terraform etc are for.

    You just don’t want to admit, that vim is nothing more than a habit. Muscle memory.

    m4m4m4m4 ,

    The problem I had with nano is that, for the time being, it was supposed to be easy to use. With that in account I always get lost when saving a file and closing the thing because one’s used to doing something else with Ctrl+O and Ctrl+X.

    Whereas with Vim (and Neovim for a little while, and now with Vis) I knew it had a steep learning curve from the start so I always had it in mind. And all the funny stories about quitting vim.

    tetris11 , (edited ) avatar

    they’ve changed those bindings now, Ctrl+S, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V, and Ctrl+C all do what you think they do

    m4m4m4m4 ,

    Great, now the next time I’ll use nano I surely will forget about this and get frustrated when trying to save a file with Ctrl+O

    tetris11 , avatar

    you still can, but I think Ubuntu and other prepacked distros will switch soon to the better bindings

    socsa ,

    Great so now I will mangle all my merge commits depending on which version the host is using.

    lemmyvore ,

    I’m thinking Ctrl+C quits and Ctrl+S is scroll lock is that correct?

    tetris11 , avatar
    • nano

      • Ctrl-Q search backwards
      • Ctrl-S and Ctrl-X is save file
      • Ctrl-V is scroll down
      • Ctrl-C is cancel or info
    • nano --modernbindings

      • Ctrl-Q quits
      • Ctrl-S is save file
      • Ctrl-X is cut
      • Ctrl-C is copy
      • Ctrl-V is paste
    psycho_driver ,

    I mean quitting vim isn’t hard you just reset the computer.

    grysbok , avatar

    The problem with using nano for years is that I now try using nano shortcuts in other programs. Random new windows opening is confusing, until you figure out Ctrl+o isn’t save in that program. Then it’s just annoying because you still have your inappropriate muscle memory.

    MouseKeyboard ,

    gedit supremacy


    isn’t there a separate instance for memes?

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