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r00ty Admin , in Why are we stuck with bash programming language in the shell?
r00ty avatar

I think you just need to use the right tool for the job.

Personally bash scripts are fine for any basic comparison operations or just running stuff together like a windows batch file. Maybe checking result codes, searching for processes, selectively killing etc.

Beyond that, but where I expect it to be still a convenience/automation script I use perl (which is where probably most people would now use python, but I'm old). It can still be run from command line, it can access databases, can be OO if you want it to (but generally if I am going that far I move to a faster language) and in general for moderately complex automation I use perl.

If it gets complicated (250+ lines as a general rule) or needs speed, then I'd move onto a proper programming language because now it has become a project.

But, that's just me.

atzanteol , in Goldilocks distro?

Great question. Right up there with “what’s the best movie” or “which meal should I order”. Maybe you want to ask which editor is the best too?

OsrsNeedsF2P , in BSD Vs. Linux

One thing no one mentioned is the license. I won’t touch BSD because if any BSD system gets good enough, a big corpo can fork it, get slightly ahead, and then never give back.

Source: MacOS

JustAnOrdinaryCreep , in BSD Vs. Linux

I use OpenBSD as my daily driver on the desktop.

In my opinion Linux over the years got too caught up in politics and involved with big corporations having influence on certain non-trivial decisions.

But I also think the BSDs are better actual Operating Systems in contrast to Linux being only the kernel of which different projects make use of to provide their final products to the end user, its way more fractured.

ColdWater , (edited ) in Juno Tab 3 Linux Tablet Launches at $699 with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - 9to5Linux avatar

“Celeron N100” for 700$? That’s absurd, you can get a Raspberry pi tablet for way less and if you want x86 thare are cheaper alternatives, maybe they’re just a small team and assemble everything by hand that might explain the high price but 700$ is a little high

gramgan , in Goldilocks distro?

NixOS. Declarative system management is just so unbelievably simple and reliable that I couldn’t ever see myself going back to a traditional Linux system.

solrize , in Juno Tab 3 Linux Tablet Launches at $699 with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - 9to5Linux

This seems terrible. You can get a nice laptop for a lot less, including some that you can configure as a tablet, e.g. Lenovo Yoga.

scratchandgame , in BSD Vs. Linux

OpenBSD is the easiest to use.

matcha_addict , in BSD Vs. Linux

I’ve heard BSD people criticize Linux ecosystem as “fractured”, and this discourages me from BSD. I see Linux ecosystem as one that grants you choice, and I love that. This criticism gives me the impression that BSD takes that away, that where will be one standard way to do many things. Maybe I am wrong or misunderstood.

Olgratin_Magmatoe , in Juno Tab 3 Linux Tablet Launches at $699 with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - 9to5Linux

I wouldn’t mind having a linux tablet. But not at $700

wuphysics87 , in BSD Vs. Linux

Linux is grown. BSD is engineered

carzian , in Juno Tab 3 Linux Tablet Launches at $699 with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - 9to5Linux

Man that’s a hard sell when the starlite is going for $627

$70 cheaper with better specs is a no brainer

lps ,

That’s the linux tax again…w a free OS no less 🤦‍♂️

gramgan ,

Anyone using this? How is it?

mesamunefire , in Goldilocks distro?

Popos for me. It’s my daily driver.

richardisaguy , in Juno Tab 3 Linux Tablet Launches at $699 with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - 9to5Linux avatar

$700 for a celeron, it would be a bit nicer if it was at least an i3

4vr , in What Linux distro surprised you the most?

Pop OS has worked out well for me even better than Ubuntu & Fedora.

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