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Wrrzag , avatar

Yeah, and he went away not because they voted him out but thanks to Soviet weapons.

interdimensionalmeme ,

They did some rapes too !

volodya_ilich ,

As did everyone. There’s no study showing that the amount of rapes per soldier by the soviets is higher than that of other nations.

el_bhm ,

Oh fuuuuck of. There are books based on actual KGB archives that were opened up. Rape of Berlin is well described. There are books about the actual bordelos attached to armies. Western armies. Soviet officers had army wives. Apparently they still do.

There are countless accounts of people prefering Nazi soldiers to soviets. It is THE reason central and easter Europe hates russia.

No data on rapes my ass. But pleeenty of data that soviets single handedly saved the world from Nazis.

Get a grasp.

volodya_ilich ,

Wow, so the released KGB archives show the tapes. I wonder what would happen if the Americans or the English did that too!

Hatred of Russians by eastern Europeans is due to 30+ years of anti-communist propaganda. The fact that poles hate the USSR which liberated more than the very Nazis who genocided millions of them, shows this. And it wasn’t the case 40 years ago.

Polls in France after WW2 showed 70%+ of people saying it was the USSR who saved them from Nazism. Nowadays, it’s 70% Americans. That’s what Hollywood and propaganda do.

el_bhm ,

Yup, propaganda. Sure.

volodya_ilich ,
interdimensionalmeme ,

I also only rape within the average of my demographic

volodya_ilich ,

What’s your point? Every rape is to be condemned and prosecuted. What isn’t fair is making up claims about the amount of rapes by a certain demographic and not backing that up with extensive evidence. That exactly what racist people do against immigrants, and that’s what Nazis did against soviets.

interdimensionalmeme ,

Prosecuted ? Yes, war, famously rule-of-law kind of situation…

volodya_ilich ,

My point is it should be

ssj2marx ,

We do know however that the Red Army had the most investigations of and prosecutions of rapists, so it’s a bit of a “Swedish rape crisis” problem where they look worse on paper than other countries simply because their record keeping of the crime in question is better.

el_bhm , (edited )

Oh, boy. Good that soviets took such good care of recording rapes. Unlike bad western nazies. White washing soviet rapes with statistics.

There is also one more reason. soviets had no bordelos for the regular army. Only officers had army wives. It is a known fact. So what would regular grunts would do is rape anything they find.

But probably western propaganda. Because in communism, everyone is equal, and everything belongs to everyone.

Like in current day russia.

el_bhm ,

I will let you know that you constantly excuse and support ultracapitalist nazi regimes. That makes you a nazi.

volodya_ilich ,

Tell me one I’m defending

calcopiritus ,

And only stole most of east Germany’s infrastructure.

ssj2marx ,

East Germany paid war reparations to the Soviets while rebuilding itself into an industrial powerhouse - the people who “stole most of East Germany’s infrastructure” were the West German capitalists after reunification, when the whole region was forcibly de-industrialized and left a shadow of its former self that still hasn’t fully recovered over thirty years later.

calcopiritus ,


ssj2marx ,

I read Stasi State or Socialist Paradise some years ago, I recommend it for anyone interested in a history of East Germany that isn’t written by West German propagandists.

SomethingBurger ,

And American weapons. Let’s not pretend that the USSR fought alone.

uis ,

And Brittish weapons

callouscomic ,

and my axe!

uis ,

And Fremch razor

el_bhm ,

Land Lease is just a western conspiracy!

Raab ,

It’s Lend-Lease…

Nyoka ,

Probably more accurate to say American trucks and raw materials, but yes.

ssj2marx ,

They did do 80% of the fighting, though. So lets not give America too much credit.

match , avatar

They did 80% of the dying, the current Ukraine war should be evidence that Russia’s force multiplier is fractional

WldFyre ,

Who allied up with the Nazis to invade Poland?

daniskarma ,

Soviets were the only ones who truly supported the Spanish democracy against the fascist. Every other country, including Poland, turned their back to us while the Luffwaffle was bombing our citizens.

pantyhosewimp ,

For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemmingway is set during this period. Just a side note.

Heartwotalk ,

Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell would also be a good read for someone looking favorably on the Soviets during the Spanish Civil War.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Wasn’t Orwell a British spy under Churchill and a professional anti-communist agitator?

lugal ,

He was radicalized against the Soviets because they did not support the socialist revolution led by anarchosyndicalists. Instead Stalin supported the liberals because he said it wasn’t time for revolution yet which is BS since Barcelona and big parts of Catalonia did well under anarchists. An anarchist revolution would undermine the “ends justify the means” and “there is no other way to socialism than ours” rhetoric of the bolsheviks.

TLDR He was an anti-Soviet agitator but from the left

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

He was radicalized against the Soviets because they did not support the socialist revolution

Was this before or after he served as a British intelligence officer in colonial-era Burma?

lugal , (edited )

It was after. That also radicalized him towards class solidarity and socialism. He empathized with the suppressed indigenous peoples there and in the next step with the suppressed in his own country. He went to meet them and live with them as documented in his book The Road to Wigan Pier. Then, as a vaguely socialist, he went to Spain as documented in Homage to Catalonia. I read both books btw

PugJesus ,

Soviets were the only ones who truly supported the Spanish democracy against the fascist.

Curious that their backstabbing the Spanish republicans was instrumental in losing the Spanish Civil War for the republican side. Strange kind of support.

daniskarma ,

What kind of propaganda are you reading in which sending weapons, planes and officers (while all the other countries did NOTHING) is backstabbing.

Spain democracy lost because the allied powers did not care about us the same way the cared about Poland.

PugJesus ,

You’re on Divide By Zero, you should be fucking familiar with how they fucked the anarchists and the Trots, and that most of their ‘aid’ was purchased, not given.

daniskarma ,

I’m friends with everyone leftist, even if they hate each other. I can feel comfortable among anarchist, tankies, socdems, new age leftists, reformist, etc. Because I know what our common objective is and I just can’t care about the subtle differences. So I know the anarchist side of the story as well as I know the tankie side.

Being myself an active member of the social movement in my country and actually having watched modern day anarchist working with modern day communists I can say without any doubts that no version is true. Probably both starting arguing about stupid shit, and actual personal problems disguised as political problems, when they should had focused on the real enemy. But anyway I’m thankful for ALL who fought against fascism in Spain, anarchist, communist, republicans… I thank the international brigades, I thank orwell and I thank the soviets and stalinist. They all put their lives on line to stop fascism.

I just despise such an unproductive and harmful division of the left for shit that just does not matter when the true enemy is so big. And sometimes I just see a lust for internal division and eternal losing in such behavior. I don’t know how some leftists have energy left to hate each other after they should had used that energy to fight the true enemy, capitalism and fascism. And I say this for any anarchist who hates tankies and any tankie who hates anarchists. You are not enemies, the enemy is in other direction.

PugJesus ,

Because I know what our common objective is and I just can’t care about the subtle differences.

Even when those ‘subtle differences’ result in being backstabbed and sold out and the entire cause being lost against a fascist enemy, great. Subtle little differences, like “We need to purge the anarchists and Trots” should be met with “We need complete and total cooperation with the people who want to purge us 😊”

The true meaning of a united front, huh?

daniskarma , (edited )

As I said I have actually worked a lot in environments with a diverse leftist spectrum.

And in my experience backstabbing usually goes both ways and is a result of the previous hate (and a lot of the time because personal non political issues) not the other way around.

And yes. The only wins I’ve seen is when there have been total cooperation. Division is always the prelude of defeat.

And be ensure that I would be saying exactly the same words to any tankie who talks about “purging any leftist” no matter what their ridiculous arguments are for such a premise. I’ve heard it all and it is often just as untrue.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

IBM and Standard Oil

suction ,

Imagine thinking the Russian cowards were the main factor in Hitler’s loss 😂😂😂

kickeriekuh ,

The first NSDAP government came into being in 1930, in Thuringia. It toppled a left-wing government with a broad alliance of liberals, conservatives and right-wing extremists. Today, a center-left government is still in power in Thuringia, but in a tolerated minority government that is dependent on the votes of the other parties. In a few months, it will most likely be voted out by another one. The liberal, conservative and far-right parties are already using their majority to jointly push through laws against the government. An extreme right-wing party will probably become the strongest force and as such will be able to do a lot of damage, even without government participation.

There are already areas where only right-wing candidates are running and right-wing conservatives are the most left-wing option.

Perhaps history will repeat itself this year.

AFC1886VCC ,

Since this is posted on a shitpost community, I’ll just assume it’s not supposed to be taken seriously.

sunzu ,

Likely testing waters to see if it would land.

We already had trump and biden, and country has been in structural decline since at least 2008.

It doesn't matter who is the next president since there is zero indication current policy will be adjusted in any meaningful way to to provide any relief for working people.

Beatings will continue until morale improves.

Income tax sunset from trump corpo tax cuts coupled with inflation really pinching people this year. But fake news and our dear leaders can't figure why z peasants are bitching since inflation is "down"

GiddyGap ,

there is zero indication current policy will be adjusted in any meaningful way to to provide any relief for working people.

Just a reminder that Biden has been working overtime to provide student debt relief the entire time he’s been in office. Republicans have been working overtime to block it.

Student debt shouldn’t even exist. We need more education, not less.

sunzu ,

Good for 100k people... Thanks daddy

For the remainder: beatings will continue until morale improves.

nomous ,

Where are you getting 100k? 8 million so far, close to 45 have debt.

sunzu ,

what program are walking here about?

sunzu ,

4 downvotws but nobody can name it huh

ealoe ,

Student debt relief without a reduction in prices is just funneling money to colleges with extra steps. It is an important step, Biden should be doing it, but it needs to be accompanied by serious consumer protections and price controls applied to colleges.

GiddyGap ,

Sure, college education should just be a part of the regular public education system like it is in Europe. More education is a boon for the individual, society, and the economy.

ealoe ,

That would be good, private colleges could still exist but they’d have to compete with free college so the prices would have to come down and the value come up, a win for the consumer either way. It would be expensive but an important investment in our future.

Facebones ,

Which is not an adjustment in policy in any meaningful way.

If regulation was being drawn up to control pricing of higher education, then we could talk.

Krauerking ,

Using existing means to cancel fraudulent loans for non accredited schools that went under or people who were already supposed to have their loans forgiven by standing law but hadn’t because people like literally Joe Biden have given the keys to the kingdom to the business that want to make money more and have been going unpunished for screwing over the general populace.

They aren’t real actually helpful policies it’s minor enforcement of things that he and others of the major parties have ignored being broken for the bank accounts of their donors.

ssj2marx ,

Biden has been working overtime to provide student debt relief the entire time he’s been in office

Biden could sign an executive order right now forgiving all government-backed student loans. He doesn’t need to work overtime on this, he could literally hand-write it and sign it in like five minutes.

GiddyGap ,

I believe he actually did a blanket forgiveness, and the conservative majority of the Supreme Court struck it down.

ASDraptor ,

The problem with the left everywhere is they don’t have the balls to actually take action. They all talk about tolerance and how dialogue should make people change and be the politicians language. No. Certain things shouldn’t be tolerated. Fascism and nazism are two of those. Democracy is above anything else. If a subject is trying to undermine democracy or the institutions protecting it, they should be considered a national threat and dealt with accordingly. The problem is that the left is afraid of being seen as “authoritarian” so when a fascist comes and openly says they want to fuck democracy until it becomes a dictatorship, leftists just say “hey now, let’s sit down and talk”. No, my dude, we don’t “sit down and talk” with a fascist. We punch them in the face and tell them “fuck you, if you want to be a dictator, you’re a threat for our country and will be dealt with as a terrorist”. 80 years ago, we argued with Nazis by shooting them. We forgot and now we’re having them in our governments again.

lseif ,

dont conflate liberals with leftists

chumbalumber ,

Yeah – has the commenter above seen literally any civil war ever? It’s the leftists that show up

volodya_ilich ,

The problem with the left everywhere is they don’t have the balls to actually take action

Wait, I thought the problem is that the communists are oppressive tankies. What’s the conclusion then, the left goes too far or it doesn’t go far enough?

They all talk about tolerance and how dialogue should make people change and be the politicians language. No. Certain things shouldn’t be tolerated. Fascism and nazism are two of those

Please tell me, which ideology do the famous and vilified “antifa”, the ones who actually go and punch Nazis, espouse? Are they lukewarm Dems, are they republicans? Or are they actual leftists, both anarchists and communists?

The problem is that the left is afraid of being seen as “authoritarian” so when a fascist comes and openly says they want to fuck democracy until it becomes a dictatorship, leftists just say “hey now, let’s sit down and talk”.

This is true in some cases, not in others. You can argue this is true for Salvador Allende in Chile, you can maybe even argue for pre-spanish civil war Second Republic, but you can’t argue this about Maoists or Marxist-Leninists. Those are as far to the left as it gets, isn’t it?

Maybe the problem isn’t with “the left not being active enough”, but with democrats in the US and socialdemocrats in Europe co-opting the left thanks to the power of mass media? Maybe the problem is the century of anti-communist propaganda that we’ve suffered?

CitizenKong ,

Also, Hitler had to declare a state if emergency to gain the absolute power the Supreme Court has just handed to the US president.

Suffice it to say, something lile this is impossible now in Germany. The justices of our highest court, the Bindesverfassungsgericht, can only hold the job for 12 years and can be no older than 68. They are also always equally voted in by two different branches of the government and need a two thirds majority for any decision.

Our democracy isn’t without faults, but this is probably our strongest bulwark against another descent into facsism.

v4ld1z , avatar

Let’s hope it holds up against the AFD

iarigby ,

it looks like it isn’t holding up? How are they allowed to still campaign?

ZILtoid1991 ,

They’re concealing their true nature, and get a bunch of naïve moderates to clean their image. Jobbik did it in Hungary first, it even lead to the radicals splitting out the party under Mi Hazánk Mozgalom (Our Homeland Movement - technically a satellite party and the “bad cops” of Fidesz), and the moderates rebranding as more boring conservatives. Fidesz learned this tactic, and used it to make Trianon Revisionism seem like a “common cause”. Gamergate also did it the first round, the second round was just a literal reaction against any kind of inclusivity. The republicans are also doing it of course: Their average voter isn’t as evil as it seems, they’re just the naïve loyal voters, who think even if things go bad, they can just be removed from legislation. Which is true, but it will be hard if democracy is dismantled like in Hungary, and even then you can’t unlegislate ruined lives, the dead from their graves, the lost years people had to endure because of bad laws and no worker’s protections.

CitizenKong ,

Because the Verfassungsschutz sucks, but that’s not the fault of the Bundesverfassungsgericht.

And they repeatedly declared laws of the government unconstitutional, not matter which parties were in the coalition at the moment.

ZILtoid1991 ,

I think Trump will declare a state of emergency as soon as people will riot against his unjust laws. Project 2025 has something about deploying the military against the population to force through deeply unpopular laws.

RecluseRamble , (edited )

That’s just a bit over 3 legislative periods. Hardly enough for anything significant to happen.

Edit: Just two hours passed and Poe’s Law struck again.

Agent641 ,

How long until Coles Law?

(I am very hungry)

hakunawazo ,

Accompanied by J Law*?

*Either him or her, I don’t mind both.

CableMonster ,

Are we really going with the trump is hitler thing again?

pyre ,

no, he himself is doing that.

CableMonster ,

Please tell me exact things he has done that have been like hitler? I need direct examples of things he has actually done directly.

pyre ,


i don’t have time for bad faith bullshit but here’s a list that doesn’t even get into his hitler-like tendencies but noting only direct invocations of hitler:…/donald-trump-hitler-nazi-references…

CableMonster ,

Holy conspiracy theory dude… “In a picture trump tweeted, if you turn it sideways and raise the light levels you will see a ghost image of hitler in the picture behind his head!”

pyre ,

yeah dude, none of it is intended, just whoopsie daisy, accidentally nazi’d again… yeah it wasn’t convincing for pewdiepie, not gonna be convincing with the actual fascist who says he wants to be a dictator.

CableMonster ,

When you see someone on the right claiming a thing that sounds crazy, that is literally you with that website you linked. Its so weird that stuff works on you guys.

pyre ,

as i said I don’t have time for bad faith bullshit. come back when you get one comment with positive karma.

CableMonster ,

So you have time to get into conspiracy theories but not respond to someone with a different opinion… Sounds great!

dudinax ,

He’s more of a Gaddafi, but you won’t like that much either.

Countries that go for these types of guys never end up doing well, but the fans never seem to notice.

volodya_ilich ,

Trump is a Gaddafi? Trump wants to nationalize the main sources of wealth of the country, to redirect the profits towards the majority of the population, towards education and healthcare and infrastructure? Trump is a weird form of socialist who believes in something analogous in America to the Pana-Africanism and Pan-Arabism that Gaddafi promoted?

What the hell is that comparison?

dudinax ,

They’re both conniving, self-serving authoritarian dummies. It’s true that Gaddafi had some virtues and Donny doesn’t seem to have any.

chemicalwonka , (edited ) avatar

There is no escape because Bourgeois representative “democracy” is a lie

jayemar ,

So weird to think that that all went down in 14 years. 2010 doesn’t seem that long ago.

sunzu ,

The proper marker is 2008... It has been going down hill and fast.

Boomers created this paradise for us.

Krauerking ,

Yeah… I mean… bad decisions to “fix” the country post crash followed by the absolutely nauseating problematic laws and decisions since, like citizens united and eased FTC regulations.

And all that before I was even close to being able to vote.
But here we have the boomers and silent generation demanding they know best and will never die and their kids in Gen X just sitting back and trying to make their money at the expense of generations after claiming they “feel sorry” for us without even lifting a finger to help…

Honestly fuck a few generations even though it doesn’t help against the real issue of the rich but there was a lot of adults in the room ignoring it because they still felt comfortable well past the signs.

sunzu ,

Boomers sold out their kids and country for macmansions and 401ks (most of them did not even get either) by providing political cover for the regime looting the country and fucking the working people.

It is a really disgusting set up the more you learn the mechanics, just getting fucked at every turn.

The fuckening is systemic and premeditated.

Krauerking ,

They just needed a little bit more. One more sweet hit of that cash before they will get out of the way. And it’s not like they are doing anything young people wouldn’t do and they will live long enough to get their win eventually. /S

Man the lead levels in their corpses are probably gonna poison the soil for generations (I’m hoping it was lead and not just societal selfishness)

sunzu ,

It think the lead theory is a cope...

Hard to admit to yourself that entire society is like this on purpose lol

FiniteBanjo ,

If they’re trying to convince Republicans to vote against Trump then they’ve chosen the wrong argument.

ori ,

They probably want non voters to vote.

LostAndSmelly ,

Imagine having a political opponent you consider equal to Hitler and choosing Joe Biden as the candidate you run against him.

doingthestuff ,

And after the debate you have to wonder who you’re really voting for. I don’t believe he’s really calling the shots. If it’s Obama or something okay, but let’s be honest.

UFODivebomb ,

Idiotic conspiracy theories like this is troll shit.

I don’t believe you are not an idiot. Let’s be honest.

doingthestuff ,

You really think he’s in control? He looks like he can’t control his bowels.

RedSeries ,

The only one who can’t control their bowels is diaper don.

sunzu ,


Lost_Faith ,

“Real men wear diapers” - seen at tRump rallies

UFODivebomb ,

We have actual multiple audio captures of Trump shitting his pants:…/to_what_extent_did_trump_literally_c…

That’s just one of many!…/vi-AA1lVd3y

doingthestuff ,

I’m not a fan of Trump, and many very mentally sharp people have issues with bodily functions - that’s often part of life and I apologize for using it as a slur.

I still think Biden is looking unfit to be one of the top world leaders for the next 4 1/2 years.

FlyingSquid , avatar

And after the debate you have to wonder who you’re really voting for.

The one who doesn’t pledge to be a dictator.

suction ,

Next you’ll be telling us about “big Mike”, right, Chuddy?

nemith ,

Any look at Germany now….

PhlubbaDubba ,

Currently still dealing with Nazis organizing into a major political party.

Samsy ,

Shitshow again, and extremely dangerous. Three eastern states are voting this year and the new Nazis are all on top in the polls.

Historical fact: Thüringen was the first state voting for the Nazis, 100 years ago. And they consider to do it again.

Belastend ,

tf do you mean?

Isa , avatar

The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. — Plato

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Just ask my slaves. Gods, I love slavery. - Plato

c0smokram3r ,

I took a nap earlier and woke up wondering what year it was 😵‍💫

someguy3 ,

If they survived that is.

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