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Toes ,

Na, the sign says this is Canada

psvrh , avatar

I was going to say.

I mean, there’s a good chance they might wait a while in triage and parking can be expensive, but that’s really about it.

x4740N , avatar

No, because I don’t live in america and the country I’m in does fairly well with healthcare and other social areas

uis ,
PoolloverNathan ,

It does narrow out America, at least.

uis , (edited )

Barely half. Even less then half of America.

EDIT: nope, entire america as original comment says

x4740N , avatar

No, because I don’t live in america

uis ,

Oh, right. Crossing out two continents. Well, that leaves with 4 continents, but one has no countries, so 3 continetns. Eurasia, Africa and Australia. Still almost entire world.

undergroundoverground ,

Lol no, I live in a civilised country that doesn’t do that kind of barbaric shit to people.

I don’t mean to be horrible but you should be mad. Just, not at me because i didn’t do this to you and, if i could, I’d change it in a heartbeat.

You deserve better.

All of you.

twig , (edited )

So this letter board is clearly advertising Canadian blood services. Canada’s healthcare system could use a lot of work, but it is far from the dumpster fire that American healthcare is.

If you want to shitpost about this and assume as Americans do that America is the only place, maybe try to find an image that isn’t so obviously from a country with universal healthcare.

buzz86us ,

Yup in America we donate the blood to hospitals that sell the blood… So why can’t we deduct blood donations for their monetary value on tax forms?

kameecoding ,

In my country you get a day off on top of being paid for your blood donation, I think you get some tax benefits on top of that too.

A_Random_Idiot ,

in America you donate blood for free, and your blood gets sold to the hospitals for 100-400 dollars. then the hospitals charge the patients who receive it even more than that.

m0darn ,

In Canada we donate blood for free, then they sell it to America.

unreasonabro ,

to top up all the dumbasses who get shot down there in actual hell

twig ,

That is true. And Canadian Blood Services is still super homophobic.

m0darn ,

Are they?

Canadian Blood Services (CBS) says it plans to introduce the new behaviour-based questionnaire approach “no later” than Sept. 30. It will apply to both blood and plasma donations, outside of Quebec.

It will mean that when all donors are screened before rolling up their sleeves, they’ll be asked whether they have recently engaged in anal sex in the context of new or multiple sexual partners within the last few months. If they have, they would not be able to donate until they had gone three months without engaging in that activity.

I thought that change (2022) was the end of the discussion.

twig ,

Tragically, no. I thought so too until quite recently. They did improve things but it’s pretty rough

Since a viral load can be reduced to zero through medication, HIV-positive folks can be non contagious. The use of condoms, even if the viral load is not suppressed through medication, seriously reduces the risk of HIV transmission. They don’t ask questions about condom usage. To be clear I’m not suggesting that HIV-positive folks should be donating blood, just that the actual factors for transmission are way more specific than “butt stuff = AIDS” the way that they imply. The result of this is still excluding queer folks end up getting excluded with language that’s less overtly hostile and more implicitly hostile.

The screening doesn’t exclude people based how many partners a person has slept with, or whether they have used protection (both of which are massive risk factors for transmission) and instead basically forbids anyone who engages in anal sex from donating blood.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

They also are prudes about trading cocaine for sex.

m0darn ,

The last time I donated blood (quite recently) I was asked if I had had a new sex partner or more than one sex partner the last 3 months.

I was asked if I had had sex with anyone within the last year that had previously had/ tested positive for hiv/aids.

I was asked if I had taken any hiv/aids preventers.

Is it the follow-up questions to these initial screening questions that are homophobic?

eldavi , (edited )

I don’t know about Canada; but over here you only get those questions if they deem you a high risk group and; depending on your responses; if they think you’re gay and had sex in the last year, you’re not allowed to donate.

It sounds like Canada is only okay w gays donating blood if they’re in a heteronormative couple, which; I’m willing to bet; is as a depressingly tiny minority of gay men like it is in the United States.

Sometimes, the smart prejudice is subtle or hidden in the details so that it’s more palatable to the rest and/or to confuse those who don’t look too closely.

Kostyeah ,

No, because I’m Canadian and our healthcare system actually cares about us. When I donate blood I know that it’s going to a person that needs it and they they won’t be saddled with debt for the rest of their life.

Mongostein ,

Our healthcare system cares about us, but (depending on province) our politicians don’t care about funding it properly.

PolarisFx , avatar

Which province currently cares because I can’t think of any in Eastern Canada

Mongostein ,

I’ve been hearing nothing but good news out of Wab Kinew in Manitoba

jubilationtcornpone ,

Try having O Negative. I mean, I get it. My blood can be given to anyone regardless of their blood type. But the people who do the followup calls need to chill a little bit. Don’t worry, I’m going to donate don’t have to call me every other day to remind me.

Mog_fanatic ,

I’ve lived around and have donated to blood banks in every city I’ve lived in pretty much. The amount of calls I get asking for me to donate is absolutely insane. They don’t stop no matter what I do. I’m getting calls from places in states I haven’t lived in for like a decade.

I’m pretty sure if I ever went missing or got kidnapped at this point, the blood banks would track me down and beg me to donate way before my family or the police.

Woozythebear ,

Maybe don’t give them your phone number?

Mog_fanatic ,

This is what I’ve done since but I was inexperienced and naive the first couple states I lived lol. But they are relentless! Every single time I go they typically ask for email or phone so it’s happened where I’ll remember not to give it for most of the time but will randomly slip one day after donating cause I’m a moron. I’ve also had several places that somehow got my number and I swear I’ve never given it to them. I have no clue how they obtained it. Probably from my email or something. The place I’m currently at I have given a fake number and email so far and it seems to be working but they do ask to send confirmation emails for appointments which causes some issues so I’ve just been going when my wife goes and seeing if I can get in then or just make an appointment in person. I’m sure they’ll pry it out of me at some point 😄

FiniteBanjo ,

I’ve been offered a points card where I can redeem mugs and T-Shirts and I was like “nah I’m good I’m not here for mugs.”

lars ,

O− here too. I’d he super stoked to get those kinds of calls and I’d feel like a hero. I even signed up for the bone marrow registry who I was told reach out to you if you’re a match they need. Crickets. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

unreasonabro ,

no, but i live in a real, civilized place, not the barbarian hinterlands of america

AngryCommieKender ,

The picture is of Canada, strangely enough.

ReCursing , avatar

No because I live in a sane country (well, kinda... but the NHS is still free, and will remain so assuming the tories don't get back in next election)

DannyBoy ,

If it makes you feel better they’re trying to privatise healthcare here in Canada too.

ReCursing , avatar

It does not (without great cost)

GiddyGap ,

Canadian blood services

So, little to no cost.

American blood services

Will suck the blood out of the patient and leave them bankrupt.

SuddenDownpour ,

Are we certain that the people running healthcare institutions in the US aren’t vampires?

GiddyGap ,

Definitely blood suckers.

skoops , avatar

Lol NO. Where I live we actually HELP people who need medical attention for free. Health care is included in our society. You can be in hospital for a month and will only get a bill somewhere between zero and a few hundred euros, and that will only be for some extras that you used during your stay. like cable tv or wifi or extra meals and such things

null ,
Vej ,

Where I live they ask for donations then charge for the blood to the patient. This is why I don’t donate blood.

bhmnscmm , avatar

That’s a terrible reason. You would rather a patient in need not have blood available than be charged for it?

There is definitely price gouging in blood. But it also requires testing, transportation, and storage before it can be used. The money for all that has to come from somewhere (unfortunately in the US it’s usually the patient).

Vej ,

I’m aware. But making the blood also costs calories food, time of donation exct. I get it’s not free on their end, but they are not paying me either. I’m asking for them to return the exact same favor and do it for free for the person who needs it.

Promethiel , avatar

Right. You are righteously protesting. Right on. No joke or bullshit, I applaud conviction.

Of course, the bastards have made it so that the price of mass protest of this kind is the same folks protesting dying more often.

That’s also no joke, or bullshit.

For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction, and if you stare at the abyss too long it stares back at you; same sentiment.

Same way you don’t kid yourself about the goal, never kid yourself about the price and who pays it or you’re no better than who you protest.

I’m sorry if this is news, and it is not your fault; let’s head off that trite response.

But conviction often quantifiably costs blood, and it’s poignant the theme is literal this time which is why I’m taking the chance to blab this much.

A warrior should know the weight of the sword they heft.

bhmnscmm , avatar

But where does the money come from? It sucks that in the US it has to come from the patient, but that’s the world we live in right now. I think it’s worth doing all the good you can with the tools available at the moment. Even if it’s not perfect.

I’m just assuming you’re in the US. Sorry if that’s not the case and your country has a different situation.

Vej ,

The hospitals do make a profit elsewhere. The whole medical industry sucks. Giving a gift then charging the recipient does not sit well for me. I’m not saying don’t donate blood.

Again it costs calories to make the blood, time, recovery, getting there. That’s coming completely from me. I am just asking the same from them.

bhmnscmm , avatar

Fair enough. If that’s the philosophy you want to live by, then who am I to say otherwise.

Personally, I’d rather help people the best I can in the world I live in.

deranger ,

You can’t pay for donations as that encourages risky behavior. People who shouldn’t donate will if they can make money.

Vej ,

I understand that.

lud ,

But where does the money come from?


bhmnscmm , avatar

Don’t get me wrong, I think that’s where the money should come from too. I just meant where else is the money going to come from in the current US healthcare system.

Unfortunately, we don’t live in a country where that’s the case right now. I think it is still a very good thing to donate blood, despite having for-profit/privatized healthcare.

lud ,

Cracking down on for-profit organizations within the healthcare system would probably save an incredible amount of money.

Pika , (edited ) avatar

fully agree, but honestly I think it would be easier to just leave the country then ever actually having that happen, it’s too far against those in power’s ideology, which is land of the free but not for thee/only for me

lud ,

Yeah, maybe. Luckily I don’t live there though.

Aviandelight , avatar

Do you get lab tests done or annual vaccinations? Because many components used in these products are also provided from processing blood donations. Blood donations are never wasted as everything gets used for something in healthcare. Check out the AABB site for more information. Blood donations are a true gift.

Vej ,

I didn’t know that. Can you designate your blood for a given use?

Aviandelight , avatar

I believe the only time it is designed like that is for autologous donations. That is where you donate specifically for yourself ahead of time for a procedure. This is really helpful for people with special blood needs or religious exemptions but it’s not really done too often. The only other case I can think of off the top of my head is that new moms can have cord blood banked for personal future use or donate it to stem cell research.

trxxruraxvr ,

That would probably depend on the country you’re in.

RidderSport ,

They are not paying you? Even in Germany, where the patient doesn’t pay, I get money. Granted it’s “only” 20 Euros, regardless whether it’s blood or plasma, but it’s something. Plus I get to eat breakfast there for free.

Vej ,

That’s awesome. Around here they just do a news campaign asking for blood. To my knowledge they don’t offer any benefits compensation exct. They also sometimes go to corporate centers and ask for people to skip their lunch breaks to donate. It’s really odd to me.

rockstarmode ,

Your point is valid. As a counterpoint, when I donate (6-7 times a year) I get snacks and drinks during the donation, and a $5-10 gift card for a local fast food spot to fuel up later. I’m also very lucky that I can take most of my meetings using a headset, so I don’t have to miss work, and the donation truck is at my office, so there’s no travel time to or from my appointment.

I love when CHLA emails me to say they’ll be downstairs in the coming week. I feel good about donating, and get free In-N-Out 😀

Vej ,

To my knowledge there is no offering here.

rockstarmode ,

I guess I was trying to address the parts of your comment where donations cost calories and time. They certainly aren’t paying me for my blood, but personally I feel like it’s a fair exchange, and I get to feel good about doing someone I’ll probably never meet a potentially life saving favor.

Ilovemyirishtemper ,

I don’t know which country you’re from, but in the US, there is a very good reason they no longer pay people for blood donations. They used to. But, they found that having it be donation based plays on people’s guilt, and they are far more likely to donate when they feel guilty or empathetic or like a hero or whatever emotion gets you up and out to the donation center.

On the other hand, when they pay you for it, people tend to ignore it, because the average person doesn’t really need the money, and since it has become a business transaction, they don’t have to feel guilty about not participating. Donation rates are much higher when the donors aren’t paid. They don’t lack funds; they lack donors, and this was a quick, easy solution to the problem.

havokdj ,



intensely_human ,


Revan343 ,


Draedron ,

No, I’m German

1rre ,

Idk it depends, I got billed close to 1000€ by German healthcare after damaging a ligament despite me having a valid EHIC because “you’re not a German resident so you have to pay”, it took forever dealing with my own healthcare system who refunded me and I assume chased it up with your system, but still they’re a bunch of scammers

ParabolicMotion ,

Donate anyway. It saves a life. The bills can go unpaid for that person, but without your blood donation they could die. Dying is worse than an unpaid medical bill. Some generous billionaire could come along one day and pay off huge medical debts for patients, on a whim. Some billionaire can’t bring your dead body back to life.

Jax ,

Better to live a slave than die?

Weird, we have different perspectives on that.

ParabolicMotion ,

Are you saying that you have so much medical debt that you’re a slave to it? Blood transfusion costs a patient about $250 on average. High rent, rising gasoline prices, and inflation on cost of food makes you a slave. A $250 blood transfusion doesn’t make you a slave, especially when you live in a state that requires you to have health coverage and offers you free state medical insurance if you can’t afford anything else. If you’re going to complain about the high cost of medical care, please complain about MRI costs, without medical insurance, in a state that won’t cover you. I once paid $8000 for an abdominal MRI while out of state. It took me years to pay it off. That, you can complain about, or perhaps the fact that they expected me to return six months later for another one (which I didn’t). You shouldn’t complain about the cost of a blood transfusion that you may never need. Heck, you’re lucky if they have your blood type. I bled out in the hospital in 2012, and no one there had my blood type. There were no pints available for me. They let me lay in a hospital room with a hemoglobin level of 4, waiting for me to regain consciousness. I had to pay the medical bill for using their room to recover! Be mad about that.

Jax ,

No I’m saying debt is a means by which many people are locked into their financial circumstances and never manage to pull themselves out of poverty.

If your entire life is spent working to pay off a life debt - that’s not including paying to eat, drink, sleep under a roof - how is that different from slavery?

Congrats, you got out of yours. Now maybe have a little empathy for those who can’t.

Apeman42 , avatar

Some generous billionaire could come along one day and pay off huge medical debts for patients, on a whim.

Go on then, pull the other one.

ParabolicMotion ,
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