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HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

Earth’s just gotta drink more if its stream is weak. I mean that’s what I do

Slovene ,

We should also pour cranberry juice into the ocean.

LemmyKnowsBest ,

OMG does our jet stream pass through a UTI too??

WoahWoah ,

I would tell this asshole to shut his stupid mouth, but my teeth froze together. I’ve got one finger left still working. Help me…

And also, it’s usually way colder than this here, and while it’s frigid, I’m fine. Happy even. I live in one of the parts that is supposed to be cold, and this is a nice regression to normal.

Tristaniopsis ,

Ahem…. Shouldn’t that be ‘fewer’ ice?


Jumi ,

Don’t worry, the Earth will heal >!once we’re gone!<

trackcharlie ,

You can’t use logic with these people, they’ll try to burn you for being a witch.

LWD , (edited )


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  • CADmonkey ,

    I thought that was called sealioning?

    I’m afraid I don’t have a wall of links to support my argument.

    SoupBrick ,

    Y’all ready to be gouged for survival items until money becomes irrelevant?

    P.S. ‘A Capitalist Apocalypse’ would be a fun title for a political comedy song.

    ComradePorkRoll ,

    I’ll start writing that play. We won’t even have to splurge on the stage as the wasteland will provide a natural setting.

    meyotch ,

    Tell us about the before-times again!

    6buck6satan6 ,

    Too many people do not understand the difference between weather and climate.

    Sagifurius ,

    And often, the people who laugh at “boomers” saying shit like “What global warming?” in weather events like this, don’t acknowledge or comprehend they’re doing the same damn thing, from the opposite perspective.

    BigDiction ,


    I was trying to look up why less polar ice causes shifts in the jet stream and this article cites an active debate around our understanding on this.

    The tweet does not really address that point, and makes the cause and effect sound definitive.

    wreckedcarzz , avatar

    What, are you saying a website called X where I can easily share both amateur porn, shitpost, and fight with other keyboard warriors isn’t a solid source for factual information? smh what are you talking about

    Next you’re going to tell me that drinking diesel fuel is bad for my longevity or something.

    ThousandLevel , avatar

    Send this to the top, folks

    SwingingTheLamp ,

    The Xcretion says that less ice “is consistent with” a weaker jet stream, which does not imply a casual relationship. If A causes B and Y, then B is consistent with Y; or, more accurately, we can produce a useful model of the system that includes both less ice and a weaker jet stream, and have it be internally consistent.

    pendulum_ , avatar

    Which is the flaw of social media science these past few years. Theories evolve as new data is presented and new hypotheses are formed. The average twitter denizen won’t have that, no sir, and will with glee smack you with an outdated textbook with equal zeal as a Bible basher.


    Iampossiblyatwork ,…/understanding-arctic-polar-vortex

    As of 2021 the science was not settled on the ice loss as a cause or an affect. This article goes into both theories.

    Krauerking ,

    Interesting. I would love to work on that kind of data model, as there is an interesting thing to point out with the movement of the polar vortex:
    It dips further south to follow along land mass.

    I wonder if the wind currents have an easier time maintaining speed along flat surfaces or if the water being warmer causes pockets of higher pressure further north than usual pushing the vortex to be more unstable looking.

    It feels like it makes sense that the current would be much more stable along a surface that is more consistent and thus loss of ice smoothing the surface would cause it to wobble but inertia still remains the same meaning it needs to push down elsewhere where there is less resistance.

    So I would lean towards ice loss as a cause of changing polar vortex stability but I kinda gave up that ability to do anything about this or study such things a while ago.

    MajorHavoc ,

    That’s a bit like the investigation into whether lethal bear attacks are because of their teeth or their claws - probably really interesting, but not critical to the question of avoiding the bear.

    Iampossiblyatwork ,

    This made me laugh.

    Kusimulkku ,

    But a fair point when someone says it’s due to one as part of their argument

    Slovene ,

    I was led to believe it’s both. Global warming causes ice loss which contributes to global warming which causes more ice loss which contributes to global warming which causes more ice loss …

    obinice , avatar

    Great, but what is the “Great Plains” and how is it affecting me?

    CaptDust ,

    In the United States, the Great Plains is the large stretch of land east of the Rockies, it contains parts of 10 states: Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming , Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico. It also extends up into Canada.

    betheydocrime ,

    The “Great Plains” is where a lot of your food comes from, and humans must eat food in order to survive

    prettybunnys ,

    And the southern US is where a lot of our produce comes from in the winter BUT now that they are losing the consistency of the jet stream maintaining milder temperatures they are seeing crop failure due to hard freezes they otherwise wouldn’t even have to contemplate worrying about.

    Peter1986C , avatar

    We do not even know whether @obinice is from the US.

    For those wanting to know, this Wikipedia article explains what area the name refers to.

    betheydocrime ,

    Fair enough, I definitely need to work on not centering America in my view of the world, and a quick check of their comment history shows they’re from the UK

    JustinAngel ,

    I’m a climate idiot. Does this somehow relate to ice ages, I wonder?

    kinther , avatar

    Ice ages typically happen due to very low insolation or the ability of solar energy to reach the surface of our planet. Insolation is a term often used when describing how much energy a solar panel can create.

    Right now we have a big problem with too many greenhouse gases, which exacerbate the insolation we already have. It is heating our oceans rapidly, thus causing the break up of ice sheets in the Arctic and Antarctica. At some point the oceans won’t be able to absorb the heat we are receiving and air temperatures will begin to rise as well. Equilibrium. Hence Venus by Tuesday.

    match , avatar

    (like how ice keeps your drink from heating up)

    BeigeAgenda , avatar

    Narrator: … Thus solving the problem once and for all.

    Suzie: But–

    Narrator: Once and for all!

    Everythingispenguins ,

    So maybeish, so there is the possibility that warming of the oceans will cause the large ocean currents to slow/stop. This will reduce the amount of mixing of ocean water. Causing greater salinity and temperature gradients in the oceans relative to latitude. Making the Arctic ocean colder and the tropical ocean warmer. This colder Arctic ocean would lead to lower Arctic temperatures and an increase in ice, increasing the albedo of earth. The higher albedo would reflect more sunlight cooling the planet into an ice age.

    Having said all that it is important to note, first if this happens it will be on geologic time scales. So the planet will still get a lot hotter first. Second it is just a hypothesis, we don’t know what is going to happen on a longer scale because this period of warming is unprecedented in earth’s history. Yes it has been hotter and had higher CO2 levels, but not anywhere the speed of chance we have had in the last 100years. So using past trends to predict the current change will be vague at best.

    TLDR: it is still going to get a lot hotter before any chance of getting colder.

    Tlaloc_Temporal ,

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but this warm ocean leading to cold poles is one of the suspected mechanisms that cause repeated glacial/interglacial periods in ice ages, right?

    Everythingispenguins ,

    That is my understanding, though I don’t know the details of the process off the top of my head.

    psud ,

    We are in an ice age, you can tell because there is an ice cap at both poles.

    We are in an interglacial period, which if we fixed carbon pollution today would still continue for tens of thousands of years beyond it’s expected end

    There used to be a theory that this sort of weather reinforces the northern ice and glaciers and could start glaciation, but that’s not supported by modern models

    Doombot1 ,

    The solution to global warming, then, is clearly to just set up a massive ring of fans all pointed in the same direction in a ring around the North Pole, to keep the jet stream going

    Revan343 ,

    Not the worst geoengineering idea.

    Not a good idea, but I’ve heard worse

    Doombot1 ,
    Doombot1 ,
    anton ,

    That is the worst geoengeniering idea.

    jballs , avatar

    Outer space is a lot higher up than Niagara Falls,^[citation ^needed]


    Schadrach ,

    Isn’t that literally just a thinly veiled Futurama reference? Like, there was an episode where planet Express was sent out to fetch ice from Haley’s comet to dump in the ocean to combat global warming which fails and they end up just pushing the earth farther away from the sun to cool things down?

    swab148 , avatar

    It’s mentioned in the article.

    SpermHowitzer ,

    Whoa whoa whoa, hold up: it’s NOT foreigners?!?

    A_Random_Idiot ,

    This will also fix the wind turbines using up the all the wind!

    theUnlikely ,

    Finally a solution! Now what to do about the turbines murdering whales?

    NotMyOldRedditName ,

    We should point those fans at the wind turbines so we can at least gather the power from fans! Why waste it!

    m3t00 , avatar
    Slovene ,


    FlyingSquid , avatar
    JimVanDeventer ,

    I am in love with the elegance of this idea that would not work even a little bit. Occam, eat your heart out.

    snekerpimp ,

    For being so smart, we are so dumb

    themeatbridge ,

    It’s not just that we’re stupid. We’re also selfish.

    PunnyName ,

    Many are proud of their stupidity.

    Viking_Hippie ,

    And their selfishness.

    UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

    Huge difference between raw intellectual capacity and exercised utility.

    You can have a 10 gallon bucket, but it’ll only carry that much water if you fill it.

    Kingofthezyx ,

    We think we are smart enough to get away with it.

    Gigan , avatar

    Weather is too hot? It’s because of global warming.

    Weather too cold? Also global warming.

    I’m not denying global warming or climate change, I’m just playing Devil’s advocate to show how a climate denier might view this.

    It just looks dumb when they claim that any/all evidence proves their point. Maybe it’s just cold because it’s January? December was very mild where I live and it’s supposed to be unusually warm next week. I suppose that also proves global warming?

    oehm ,

    Thats why it’s been called climate change for decades now and not global warming.

    Gigan , avatar

    I agree, but the tweet in the OP said warming

    DeadPand ,

    Global warming and climate change are the same thing, not understanding that is not an excuse for ignorant arguing

    Render ,

    Is warming not a change in climate?

    SwingingTheLamp ,

    As a natural pedant, I have to point out that that’s not quite true. Decades ago, people talked about global warming (due to the greenhouse effect) because we feared that it would lead to major climate change.

    Then, it led to major climate change. Now we talk about that. Global warming is still a thing, it’s just the effects have upstaged it as a topic.

    SzethFriendOfNimi ,

    That’s why people moved away from global warming and use climate change.

    Yes, overall the earth is warming but that destabilization affects the climate making summers hotter, winters colder, storms stronger etc.

    Gigan , avatar

    I agree, but the tweet in the OP said warming

    themeatbridge ,

    The planet is warming overall. This causes climate change as the polar ice melts. It means more extremes in temperatures and localized colder temperatures, and OP explained why. OP wasn’t wrong, and you’re being deliberately obtuse.

    wreckedcarzz , avatar

    smh they should have moved to global cooling, then we wouldn’t be in this situation. Next time you are upset about the temperature just know that there were rows of homes just waiting there, but nooooo you had to be equal and give climate change a try. See how that worked out don’tcha?

    PrinceWith999Enemies ,

    If this is you playing Devil’s Advocate, then I have to voice my concern that the Devil has retained a lawyer that makes Trump’s attorneys look competent by comparison.

    IndiBrony , avatar

    Charlotte Richards was a good lawyer!

    spoilerAnd I wholeheartedly love anyone who gets that ❤️

    A_Random_Idiot ,

    weather is a heat engine, more heat in the air makes weather more extreme and powerful. Colds colder amd further south. hots hotter and further north, etc

    just like nitrous in a car engine makes it more extreme and powerful

    Its not a hard concept to grab if you dont have a cultish politically motivated “NUH UH” mindset to anything you hear that didnt come from the 3 lying fucking conmen you listen to ( general you, not you specific)

    crapwittyname ,

    The problem with that position is that it’s anti-scientific. If someone is scientifically illiterate then their opinion doesn’t count anymore than my opinion on the supremacy of reading Tolstoy in the original Russian. I can’t read Russian so it doesn’t matter what I say. If, however, the majority of bilingual Russian/English speakers tell me that the best way to enjoy War and Peace is to learn Russian, I will believe them, even if I don’t bother taking the time to learn that language.

    Sticky ,

    You’re getting downvoted to oblivion, but I do see and agree with your point: “Branding matters”

    A significant portion of the population will not rub two brain cells together to understand the “warming -> change” connection, as reasonable as it is. Same thing with the “defund the police” slogan. Yes, when you understand the concept you can see the meaning, but for those that don’t bother to understand the concept, the “brand name” is the beginning and the end of thought applied. When the “brand name” is easily attackable, the idea is dead so far as they’re concerned.

    As frustrating as it is, persuasive arguments need to also appeal to those who are persuaded by quips and jokes as well as those who are persuaded by logic and reason. Unfortunately “Global Warming”, the “old brand” is still sticking around, and still able to be joked away by many people, hence the reason for the image post in the first place.

    Mango ,

    Don’t poke the echo chamber too hard. The mods might ban you for reasonable discussion.

    TimewornTraveler ,

    not an echo chamber, you’re just a couple of dipshits. you really think the jury is still out on this one? go to grill

    Mango ,

    You’re making my point for me thanks.

    PunnyName , (edited )

    Why play devil’s advocate? Why advocate for the devil in the first place?

    Instead of trying to mask any ignorance or opinions of your own, simply share your actual opinion, and don’t try to think or speak for others, please.

    Krauerking ,

    Yeah, still way to many people being contrarious just to help push a side they dont even believe in for the reason of… They think it’s annoying that other people care?
    Truly a great use of time. /s

    Truly, it might just be that they believe what they pretend to not and just want someone to confirm they are wrong because otherwise it’s such not a worthwhile position to hold unless we are all getting paid to think about it.

    Perfide ,

    Weather is too hot? It’s because of global warming.

    Weather too cold? Also global warming.

    Literally yes. It’s not our fault if people are too stupid to realize weather =! climate, are too skeptical to trust the science. Regardless of whether people believe it, it’s literally the facts of the matter that global warming is the cause of these extreme weather events.

    I’m really confused what your point is. Climate change deniers looking at objective facts and rejecting them because they can’t comprehend a warmer climate could cause colder weather means they are fucking stupid, not that the facts are wrong. We don’t need to play advocate for dumbassery

    Maybe it’s just cold because it’s January?

    January had been super mild near me, average lows in the 30s with actual average being like 50, up until this past week when the cold front came in from the north and literally overnight temps dropped to the negatives. I was closely monitoring weather radars this week, I literally watched the cold front coming in… and look at that, the cold front has finally mostly passed over me and it’s once again in the comparatively balmy 30s, and supposed to be even warmer next week. Huh, guess it’s not just because it’s January, who knew?

    The whole winter has been super mild actually, besides literally this weeks cold front it’s been warmer on average than it would’ve been in early Autumn here 15ish years ago. We used to frequently get the first blizzard of the year in October, now it takes an abnormal cold front coming down from the literal arctic to even get a blizzard at all, in January! That’s fucking alarming.

    psud ,

    The reason it goes both ways is the heat puts more energy in the weather. My country is getting rain like it was a la Niña year, in an el niño year. Air currents move and America gets snow

    The climate is changing. That affects weather. Weather is chaotic, small influences can have large effects. Climate change is a large influence.

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